Farmgirl Roadtrip: Head With Me to "The Big E"!

In New England, autumn is a gift Mother Nature bestows upon us before winter’s chill. Late September through early October typically brings beautiful weather…cool but not too cold, warm enough to enjoy the outdoors without much more than long-sleeves and jeans. Pumpkins decorate porches, colorful mums burst with rich color, and the leaves start to change. There’s local fall festivals, hayrides, corn mazes, and apple picking. It’s also time to catch the last of the county fairs. From Maine to New York (and beyond), there’s much excitement about “The Big E Fair” at the Eastern States Exposition… the “grand-daddy” of fairs, a true New England tradition! Over one million folks head to this fall extravaganza each season. This year, we got to see what the buzz is all about!

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  1. susan says:

    Living in Georgia, I’ve never been to the Big E Fair. Heck, we hardly have fairs in Georgia any longer, but next year three of my friends and I are planning to head up the East Coast and we may just put the Big E Fair on our list of things to see. Thank you for the pictures and the descriptions.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Susan! I think you would certainly enjoy this fair! If you go, plan on spending a full day there, and wear comfy shoes! The day we went was overcast, but there is so much indoors too, that even if the day I planned to go rained, I’d still attend. Have fun on your trip to the East Coast. Sounds like a fun time with your friends. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Dori Troutman says:

    Nicole, this looks like so much fun. I would love to have seen the quilts and crafts. What a fun day. Thanks for sharing! -Dori (the Ranch Farmgirl) –

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Dori! It was a very fun day, and the quilts and crafts were so breathtaking! It’s on my “bucket list” to enter something sometime in one of these fairs! There’s quite a few around us. It’s nice to see fairs like this because you see all ages and generations have a fun – and “unplugged – time! Farmgirl hugs, Nicole

  3. Mel H says:

    Looks like BIG fun! At the moment Texas is in the middle of our State Fair of Texas! It’s the best place to have the greatest time of your life! Most of all……..Big Tex over sees all the excitement. I am sure you are familiar with Big Tex since you are an original Texan. He has a great new look since he was burned due to fire last year And he is even 8 feet taller!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Mel! Oh yes, I remember the State Fair of Texas, and of course, Big Tex! It was awful to see he had caught fire. Glad to know he is bigger and better than ever! When my daughter was little, she had two books about the State Fair of Texas and Big Tex. My father got them for her, autographed, written and illustrated by a lady he knew from the “Dallas Market”, before he retired. The books were some of her favorite stories, and I’ve put them away for when she has little ones someday. I always promised her we’d see Big Tex in person, though we never got to while she was still little. Maybe someday we will go, and I also want to take her to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. CR LAGROUE says:

    I enjoyed seeing yall’s trip to the Big E. It reminded me of some of the fairs I went to years ago.

  5. Andrea A says:

    Loved the BIG E! It reminded me of the times my grandmother used to take me to the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) in Toronto! Good times.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      The weather this trip was perfect, too…not too hot, not too cold. It was a great day! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Donna cyr says:

    I was born and raised in Massachusetts so every year it was a treat to be able to go to the Big E on the first or second day it opened kids would be let out of school just for this event, It has not changed much over the years and my favorite place is storritown village 1700 buildings the church and the school house. Back in the day they gave out all kinds of free stuff not made out of plastic. you would be able to fill a bag full of goodies. My family is still in Mass and I try to arrange to go up in September and work my time around the Big E LOVE LOVE LOVE The Big E Started going in 1962
    I now live in Tennessee and love your blogs thank you. This post got me very excited as it has been a few years since if been up to the Big E . /

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Donna, Thank you for such a nice comment! I am so glad you liked this post. I did not get to see the Storritown Village! Thank you…it’s now on my list for next year, for sure! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. Beverly Battaglia says:

    These are great pictures, Nicole. When I lived in the Dallas area, before you were born, we took your brother, Russell, to some small fairs, but never went to the Big State Fair.
    Your flannel shirt has such beautiful bright colors and loved to see the little pigs and the Mustang. Great story. Love, Mother

  8. Denise says:

    Sounds a wonderful place.

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