New Years Lobster Boil


Dear Sisters,

Happy, Happy New Year! I hope you had a warm and wonderful holiday season with your nearest and dearest. We rung in the New Year with a tasty Lobster Boil with fresh catch from our local lobsterman! Come on in for a visit to Salty Lou’s and meet the Salty Chicks too!

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  1. Adrienne says:

    Well, I had to fast on Tuesday afternoon with no water after 6 am on New Year’s Eve. But the surgery went well and I’m cancer-free to celebrate 2015. When I was able to eat again, I had a bowl of steel-cut oats with chopped dates. Yum! Dinner was Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower soup I had made after Thanksgiving. Recovery will take a little while. However, I am so happy for you and remember the baby shrimp pan roast at John Ascuaga’s Nugget I had every year on my birthday. It was yummy and your dinner looks wonderful. Happy New Year!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Dear Adrienne,
      I’m so happy ( and relieved ) to hear your surgery was successful and that you are cancer free. What a blessing to start the new year with. We used to LOVE The Oyster Bar at John Ascuaga’s Nugget in Sparks, NV. Is that where you had the baby shrimp pan roast? Your mention of the Nugget sure brought back some fond memories. The food there was so good! A Happy AND Healthy new year to you Adrienne! Sending extra healing wishes from the East! xo Deb

      • Adrienne says:

        Yes, the Oyster Bar was always my birthday dinner choice. John had some terrific seafood flown in for us to enjoy. Thanks for the good wishes!

        • Deb Bosworth says:

          I thought it might be the Oyster Bar! We loved it too… We used to have seafood flown in from Legal Seafood! It was yummy! Thanks for stirring those memories…:)

  2. susana says:

    I’ll take the scallops without Bacon, you can have the Lobster….and your smart to have gingerbread with your lobster as the lobsters are quite “fatty” diet, ginger will block the absorption of fats. Lovely pictures.,,, remind me of pictures I have seen of my cousin and grandfather with their lobster business-souvenir shop . Iive the buoy on the fence! And boy was that a HUGE lobster!
    As fir our New Years….we always try to stay aware to see he all drop, but I get so tired of waiting….I fall asleep! The News. Years day….we spend time watching the parade on TV and football or visit with family. And try to eat up all the left overs n the refrigerator so we can Cosman the refrigerator fir a good fresh year. We put away any holiday decorations and start scoring cleaning…. it keeps us from depression bring inside in the winter. And I start. Planning next years garden….start ordering seeds and whatever, preparing for February plantings of seeds….indoors. happy farming preparation! Have a Happy New Year! Stay healthy, stay safe!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Howdy, Susana! Happy New Year! I used to think Lobster was fatty meal as well until our Lobsterman shared his info sheet with us. I was surprised to learn that it’s the butter dippin’ not the lobster itself that adds calories to the meal. Any who! That little known fact didn’t stop us from dipping and enjoying our buttery lobster. I’m with you on the garden planning for next year. My seed catalogs are starting to come in! Blessings to you and yours for a wonderful and prosperous 2015! xo Deb

  3. bonnie ellis says:

    Lucky you! lobster is one of my favorite meals but in Minnesota we don’t get it very often. No wonder your handsome hubby couldn’t wait to dig in. We didn’t eat Chinese but had chicken kiev, wild rice and left-over dinner rolls. Finished off the end of the old year with peppermint ice cream. We went to be early too. Happy New Year to all.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Peppermint ice cream! Yum! Happy New Year, Bonnie! Thanks for sharing your day with us…Blessings for a most wonderful 2015! xo Deb

  4. Karen(old cowgirl) Montoya says:

    Hi Deb,
    Happy New Year to you and yours. That lobster looks so good. Unfortunetly, I can not have any sort of fish both fresh water and sea or hard or soft shell. I became allergic to it gradually. One thing at a time. It started when I was in my 40’s and by the time I was 50 I could not eat any of all that that I grew up with. I live in Oregon and when I was young my family (lived in eastern Oregon) would go to the Coast and stay a few days with my Uncle then on to Depoe Bay for Dad to go out on the boat to fish. I got sea sick so could not go. My Mother and I would shop and then have a nice lunch while waiting for Dad. I just loved all that was caught. Even the fish from some of the lakes around out area that we lived was wonderful. Oh the memories. Yum!
    Now all it can be is a memory.
    Love, hugs, and best wishes,

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Karen, Thank you! What delicious memories you have of your younger days on the coast of Oregon. I’m sorry to hear you have become allergic to sea food though. I learned to fish in mountain lakes and rivers out west and I remember eating pan fried trout and catfish on our family camping trips. Of course, my mom always had plenty of hamburgers and hotdogs for backup just in case the fishing didn’t pan out. Great memories for sure.
      Warm wishes for a delightful 2015! xo Deb

  5. annette hall says:

    We live in Eagle, ID, but next door in Meredian, ID there is a seafood restaurant that serves lobster mac n’ cheese. Big hunks of lobster (I figure is a tail cut up- not little shredded stuff) & bacon bits. I never look at the menu, just order that. To die for!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      That sounds like some good comfort food, Annette! I might have to try adding Lobster to our homemade mac n cheese recipe! Happy New Year! xo Deb

  6. Your dinner sounds wonderful. Nothing like shopping for fresh caught seafood. We make an annual trip to the Oregon coast. For us, the treat is dungeness crab. We buy it fresh caught and cooked. And, the fresh shrimp. Happy 2015!

  7. Karen Sanford says:

    Loved reading of the fresh seafood dinner, I am so jealous. I would love to live at the beach only my dream is the Florida beaches where the weather is warm always! For New Years Day meal being in TN and all our southern traditions, we had to have Turnip Greens, with Hog Jawl (bacon) and black eyed peas with Cornbread on the side. we also watched the Rose Parade a tradition at my house from my childhood. Thanks for inviting us in to read how other parts of the country celebrate. Love your blog and all the Farm Girl blogs!

  8. Sandi says:

    I live right across the bay from you Sister, and have never heard of eating Chinese for New Year’s! So glad you didn’t adopt what you heard! Everything you served is correct in our house. Happy New Year from Williamsburg, where my sweetie has treated us to a trip through the Colonial Capital and all the fabulous natural decorations.

  9. Happy New Year Deb! This was such an awesome blog post – your pictures had my mouth watering. Oh I would love to come to Massachusetts and each Lobstoer! I cannot even imagine how awesome it must taste! Funny that the tradition there is to eat Chinese on New Years Eve. Here in the South it is black eyed peas, turnip greens, etc.! I still miss the tradition in New Mexico of a big steaming bowl of Pasole and tamales! 🙂 It is pretty awesome how every area of the United States has their own traditions. But, if it were me I’d do like you and stick with the fresh seafood tradition! Oh that lobster looks good! 🙂 But I just plain love fresh seafood. It can’t be beat can it? Hope your New Year is starting out just right. Hugs – Dori –

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Right back atch Dori! I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. My southwestern part of the family celebrates with black eyed peas and I remember eating them growing up as well. My dad was a Texan!And I agree with you… nothing beats fresh sea food except for a delicious home grown steak! Yum! Blessings and hugs, Deb

  10. Mary says:

    Awesome read

  11. kim says:

    I love this post. Awesome photos and fun too. Those Salty Chicks, really got me going – how fun is that. I love lobster, wish I could have it more often. Happy New Year!

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