Cliff Jumping

Adrenaline, it’s what allows us to accomplish great feats and achieve natural highs.  It also encourages our bodies to fight or flight in the face of danger.  It makes us feel alive!  Some people are adrenaline junkies…I am not one of them.  Sure, a little excitement is great.  I like the challenge of a black diamond while skiing or the occasional surge of energy when scared by something silly.  I’ve even sky-dived and cliff jumped just for the experience.  However, I am not one to go out chasing that rush of hormones.

Me cliff jumping in Grand Teton National Park several years ago.  Evan made the cool picture!

Me cliff jumping in Grand Teton National Park several years ago. Evan made the cool picture!

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  1. Diane Van Horn says:

    I agree with you whole heartedly. If we eat meat, we should raise it humanely and butcher it ourselves. It used to be part of everyday life.

  2. Susabelle says:

    Consciousness is important, and understanding that there is a circle of life, and that when we eat meat (I am an omnivore), that was once a living creature, is important. Respect is important. I hope the backlash from your post isn’t too awful, because you don’t deserve that. Kudos to you for sharing your story.

  3. This was a very timely and intetesting post for me, as tou are just a few steps further along the path I am walking.

    I agree that anyone who eats meat should be willing and able… but not sure I can bring myself…

  4. Jeri-Lyn Walsh says:

    Although I had to skip over some parts of the story, (I’m a chicken), the parts I did read convinced me that I could never do this. I am thankful for the organic meats at my grocery store, and know I’d be a vegetarian if I had to do the butchering. I appreciate your story and give you a lot of credit.

  5. Joan Hendrix says:

    Thank you for sharing your story! I have tried to imagine myself processing a chicken, especially since I now have 4 pullets for the purpose of getting fresh eggs! I don’t think I could do it myself but I applaud your efforts and conquering this challenge. You are a strong woman! I fully agree with your philosophy about raising animals for meat and I am thankful for those who raise and process them humanely. It’s the least we can do for these creatures.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Joan! I miss my laying hens, I hope you enjoy them! I don’t know if I’ll be raising meat birds in the future, but I think this experience gives me an extra bit of gratitude for the animal proteins I enjoy. I am so thankful for those that do this so we can eat, too!

  6. Meredith Williams says:

    Hi Alex! I appreciate your post. I purchased 12 chickens raised and processed by one of our 4H kids and I know they were raised and cared for humanely. I have been surprised at how I feel proud of what is in my freezer , both for the terrific accomplishment of our 4H friend in doing such a good job from start to finish, and for the high quality product I will be able to use to feed my family this winter. I will try to always buy chicken this way in the future! Thank you for your honesty in sharing your feelings, I don’t think I could do it myself but sure do appreciate those who can, and I certainly appreciate the chickens for their gift. I hope you are feeling better overall and are able to get moved in your new home quickly so that you can enjoy this beautiful time of year!

  7. Kathy Butler-Bebout says:

    Thank you for this post. It helps me understand how folks struggle with life and death. It also helps me (as Alexandra said) to appreciate the folks who help to get it done for me. Processing meat was and is a family affair in our household. The people who have to do the killing (usually my husband and sons, me sometimes) have a sense of duty and also of the blessing they provide for the rest of the family. Our well being was preserved by the death of a chicken or a rabbit or a pig or a lamb countless times. It has given everyone a deep respect and a humane consideration for the animal itself, and a thankfulness for God’s provision (which is established on sacrifice).

  8. Kathy Butler-Bebout says:

    Oh, and a big woo-hooo!!! for the cliff-jumping experience! I’m sooo not an adrenaline junkie myself, but that still looks fun!! Looks like a nice time-out from the adrenaline draining rural farmgirl routine! 🙂

  9. Absolutely beautiful post, Alex.

    So glad you are okay – especially glad you didn’t have Ava to worry about while you were worrying about yourself.

    Things happen in the blink of a second don’t they? So very scary.

    Big hugs…

    – Dori –

    P.S. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that cliff jumping picture!!!

  10. Deb Bosworth says:

    You are a brave girl, Alex. From one farmgirl sister to another, I’m proud of you! I agree that there is nothing wrong with killing the meat we eat and that eating meat that has been raised with healthy ingredients and treated kindly is a good path to be on. I had the opportunity to eat two of our roo’s after my husband took them to a local processing place to meet their maker. He brought them home and they stayed in the freezer for two years before I finally tossed them out. I was CHICKEN! Then I thought, well maybe I will get some birds just for meat, but that hasn’t happened yet either. I don’t judge, I just haven’t put myself in a position to tick that box, just yet! I’m so relieved you weren’t hurt in the accident but still it’s an adrenaline rush to lose your car that way. Leaves ya feeling a bit wonky for a few days afterwards. Congrats on the upcoming move too. I’ve so enjoyed your sharing your yurt life experiences but I know you will make an adventure out of any place you live. Adrenaline or not. Farmgirl Hugs,
    Deb ( Beach Farmgirl )
    You go girl…!

  11. susan brant says:

    I am always involved in some way during our fall butchers. To just think “thank-you” for the meal you will provide for our family helps mentally. Sounds like you did what you needed to do. To know the source of your food is a wonderful thing you provide for your family. We raise our own beef, pork, & poultry, & a milk cow for our family in a small hobby farmer’s 5 acre plot. I enjoy your blog a lot, Mary Jane’s are the only one’s I read, to busy enjoying the farm- life. It is very real & satisfying, and when the animals are alive i enjoy them on a personal level. Even organic & free-range farms don’t always raise in the most humane ways. Keep up the good writing.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks for taking the time from farm life to write, Susan! I appreciate it. I hope one day to have a farm like yours–with meat and milk and eggs that we know and love. You are right–a lot of the organic and free range from the grocery store isn’t all that great, and we can’t really know what’s going on on those big farms. Hope you are well on your five acres of making it happen the right way!!

  12. Candy C. says:

    Very good post! As a society, we have become too far removed from where our food comes from. I would like to have a friend like Melisse to teach me how to humanely process chickens. That is the only meat I can’t source from local farmers. Kudos to you for “jumping off the cliff!”
    Glad the car accident wasn’t any worse and that you are okay!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Candy! Melisse was a very patient and understanding teacher. I’m so happy she could be there to hold my hand through the process.

  13. Joy Pascarella says:

    I loved your post. It was real life and you told us how you felt. I can not kill either, but was so glad you showed us how you feel and deal with it the best you can. I know homesteading is not all perfect veggies and meat in the freezer without the tragic and hard work that go into it.I cried inside knowing how you felt with your first killed chicken. I tried like that once too. I just could not do it. Once my grandpa did the dirty work, I plucked, dressed and canned. But taking life was just too hard. Thank you for such a good read.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you, Joy. It is a difficult thing to accomplish, but I’m happy with myself for doing it. Glad you enjoyed the read!

  14. Kim says:

    Thank you for sharing Alex. I’m striving to accomplish raising and butchering my own chickens someday. I’ve often doubted myself as to completing the butchering task. You are inspiring. It’s gratifying to have accomplished something you didn’t think you could do. All the best to you.

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