The Snake Dance

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
It seems that time has not been sitting around waiting for me to catch up with it this spring. Never has it been more evident that time is not respectful of people; it tends to just keep on pushing through, regardless of whether we are mindful of it.

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  1. Debbie says:

    You go girl! Sounds like spring has finally sprung! You have some fun things to look forward to! I think we’ve all felt like you do at times. Over commited and over done but in the end, happy! Life is for the living!

  2. brenda says:

    I seem to be buried this spring also. Started too many projects, agreed to some fun new classes and get together with new friends. Just receive 15 little chicks in the mail. You can see them on my blog, A lot of gardening to do also. I would love one the old campers it would be loads of fun. I’m in Michigan, what is your trip for? A little chilly here right now hoping for the warm up soon!

  3. And thank you so much for organizing this wonderful weekend. I am so looking forward to it.
    It’s a vicious cycle, we get a few extra early weeks of Spring and what do we do, fill them to the hilt!! Ha! We sure get a lot accomplished but like you said we are scheduling summer already! lol Keep on truckin!

  4. Whew! I am exshausted,,, and I am only reading your sweet comments! lol!
    OK Girlie,,,are you ready for us? Cuz Prosser….here we come!
    Wagons HO!
    Se ya tomorrow! Wahoo & Yipee ki ya!

  5. carol Branum says:

    Rene,Wow,wish I could come,and I thought I was busy!I would love to met you and all of your friends.good luck,blessed be,carol Branum

  6. Cindy says:

    Your life surely is blessed with the family and friends that you have around you.

    Spring?? Who said that it was spring? It is snowing here today. Someday it will get to our part of the woods.

  7. Paula says:

    Sounds like a wonderful week end with you and your friends. Would love to be there.
    I will wave as I pass by, I’m going to Walla Walla.
    Reading what you write brings back so many memories growing up in the Walla Walla area.
    Hope to meet you one of these days.

  8. Denise says:

    Wish I could be closer to all that activity.Things are busy at work.Fields are being ready for planting but the fun stuff doesn’t happen till the fall.Have a great time for me.

  9. Heather Hansen says:

    I was imagining all these fun things you were describing. I like the idea of forming a human snake down the middle of the street. What fun and what special memories you had as a young girl. Now you will help create new memories for so many people 🙂 🙂 That’s wonderful. I love the photos too 🙂

  10. Gary says:

    You have some Fun times planned Rene’…
    Good for You…!
    It’s always a good feeling to see Traditions, like your "Snake Dance" live on ‘eh…
    GodSpeed to Y’all…!
    in Tampa

  11. Debbie says:

    Rene’, I know the feeling! You do it with such grace and forebearance that we would never know how truly busy you are except for the fact that we get to reap the fruits of your labors! As for me it has been busy too, but, I wouldn’t have missed the fun of "doin up the barn" and all the suppers together planning for the world. Can’t hardly wait for the weekend. Yee Haw!

  12. Valynne says:

    Oh, Rene I want a vintage trailer, I really do. My Dad had an Airstream when I was very young & I have been enchanted ever since…am still trying to convince Paul on this one : ) Hope you are keeping up with it all; at least it’s good, fun stuff!
    PS I’m hoping for a before and after post on your vintage trailer…are you going to paint it on the outside like the ones in the MJF magazine?!?

  13. Rebecca says:

    Wow, you keep busy! It’s wonderful to read, as busy as one gets, the enjoyment and laughter along the way even when, "all in a days work". Enjoyed poppin in and reading your blog!!


  14. KimberlyD says:

    I will repeat what everyone has said..Wow, you are busy! When and where are you going to be at in Michigan? I live in the what we Michiganders call the "thumb" of Michigan and would love to meet up with you if you have time, which after reading this you don’t have much of it…LOL!

  15. Samy says:

    Love the Coop and want one!!!! Still in the city, but soon to hightail it. I had baerrd rock in my backyard in the suburb here and I board a horse a little ways away. That’s a start. WMAO to be able to afford it someday (soon!)

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