For Goodness Snakes!


Have you ever surprised yourself by changing your mind on something you didn’t like, or perhaps even feared? That is just what has happened in our house! 

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  1. Joanne says:

    In 1969 I was given a boa constrictor “Rosie” to nurse back to health from a mouth infection. I used to take the snake to school as an instant lesson plan in case the teacher did not leave me any class work. The added benefit was that the children all stayed quiet and in their seats as the snake rode around the room on my shoulder or arm.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Joanne, what a great story! Thank you so much for sharing! I can just see you with Rosie in tow, and the kids eyes all wide with wonder. Love that! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Judy From Maine says:

    I too, am afraid of snakes. I must say you and Hubbie were very brave to allow snakes into your home, but a good lesson learned. Thanks for making snakes a little less scary.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Judy, thank you! I was hoping to make them a little less scary! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Bonnie Ellis says:

    Nicole, I really enjoyed your article on snakes. In Minnesota we only have one poisonous snake and it is hidden in the bluffs along the river. But snakes are beautiful. Thanks for writing.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Bonnie, thank you! It is pretty much the same here – the rattler we have here in Connecticut is mainly found along the rocky parts. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Denise says:

    You are still braver than me but I love hearing about your newest pets! Enjoy!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Thank you, Denise! I still can’t believe how much we have come to love our pets. Right now, I am no longer fearful of coming across a snake while out in the yard and garden; recently we have bears roaming our neighborhood. Love to see them but NOT up close! Thank you for reading and joining me here at the blog! Have a happy fall! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. I grew up with an almost psychotic fear of snakes, inherited from my mother. As an adult, when I had a run-in with snakes, I would have a full-blown panic attack. You can imagine how that interfered with my new-found love of garden when I was in my 50’s. Anyway, I finally decided that it was going to either be my garden or the snakes, so I went to an outdoor spring festival where someone was demonstrating a large snake and letting people touch it. I swallowed my fear and ran my hand over it, letting it slither on me. It wasn’t cold and slimy, it was warm and smooth, like a nice leather belt. While I still do not like snakes and give them their space if I run across one, I no longer run in fear. Live and let live!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Barbara, I love this! Many, many people share the fear of snakes. I love that you were brave, and did not let your fear of snakes keep you from doing something you enjoy, like gardening! I was surprised the first time I touched a snake at how it felt warm and smooth, too. Snakes keep the rodent population in check, so everything keeps balance. Thanks for sharing today, and happy gardening! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Ann says:

    You did not mentioned how big they get?

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Ann, typically, male snakes are small than females, so male ball pythons get to about two to four feet long, while females can be in the three to five feet length catagory. They are “fatter” snakes, with more girth around than corn snakes. Corn snakes can grow a max of two to five feet, but are much more “slender” than the ball python varieties. Thank you for asking! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. That was a beautiful tribute that made me smile. Thanks.

  8. Ellen Andersen says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I’ve always loved snakes and I disheartens me so when so many folks have a morbid fear of a creature so beneficial but they never try to learn about that creature…. I have a cornsnake like Noodle above. Slinky is going on 19 years old now.

    I have two resident black snakes in my garage. They take an egg from the hens once in a while which is fine by me and they keep the garage free of mice. A mutually beneficial relationship!

    Your daughter is a champ!


    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Ellen, thank you so much! My daughter is not as outgoing as I tend to be (I can strike up a conversation with anyone, lol), but I love that she uses her pet snakes as a conversation starter. If someone is afraid of snakes, she will talk to them about her pets and how beneficial the snakes in the wild are.

      We are both very excited to hear that your Slinky is nineteen! That is wonderful! We used to have a very large black or rat snake in our garage once, too, but I think it found its way out. I have not seen any skins in awhile.

      Thank you so much for visiting the blog and saying hello! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  9. Sandi King says:

    Nicole, what a wonderful story. I am so glad you and your husband grew accustomed to snakes and are no longer so afraid of them. My son and daughter-in-law have owned snakes for years and have had many different kinds and sizes and ages. They also have dogs and cats and hens and roosters. My daughter-in-law makes pets out of most of them – one rooster flies up on her shoulder when she goes inside the pen. She is amazing with animals. I always made pets out of my hens when I was younger – I also had a calf, cats, dogs, and birds in my menagerie. But never a snake as my dad and mom wouldn’t have allowed it. But my brothers and I would go into the woods and look under rocks to find red and blue racers – so much fun. Love reading your blogs.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sandi, thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed the post. Your son and daughter-in-law sound liuke my kind of people! We, too, have a gentle rooster and consider our hens pets. 🙂

      Thank you for sharing your memories! I love that you have always had a “menagerie”, too! I also looked up blue racer snakes. We do not have them here in Connecticut, but we do have a close and very important relative, the black racer. 🙂

      Thanks for reading and commenting. I always love hearing from you! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  10. Barbara Collins says:

    Loved your story, Nicole! Many years ago, when my children were young, I owned a nursery in Mississippi. We had water moccasins that occasionally would wrap their long bodies around a tall plant in a pot. We irrigated everyday, so they must have enjoyed the added moisture. I would hear one of my employees holler “Snake” and I would come running with a shovel to chop it’s head off. I know it sounds cruel but they are very poisonous and it was the only way to get rid of them. We also had little garter snakes that my kids played with. I remember my daughter playing with two of them one day, tying their tails in knots, draping them over her ears. She let them go at the end of the day. I bet those little snakes were so happy to be on their way!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Barbara, thank you…I am so glad that you enjoyed the blog! Cute story about your daughter! Now, water moccasins are a VERYnscary snake if they are where they can bite! At my dad’s place he had in the hill country, we once had a rattle snake hiding in the kitchen under the oven! THAT was scary! I was always taught when up there never to put my feet in my shoes unless I checked inside them first, and we also always turned the sheets back before climbing into bed, just to be sure. We also had scorpions up there. We don’t really have things like that here in Connecticut, thankfully! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  11. Juie says:

    Loved the story about your “sweet” snakes.
    It makes me want one…They seem interesting,
    I’m sure you can get REALLY attached to them.
    They probably DO, get a bad rap…
    Thank you for enlightening us…

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Julie, thank you! Yes, they do get a bad rap, and pet ones are so easy to get attached to. They can really make great pets, and even recognize their owners/handlers. Now, Pi actually climbs up to be held when we open the tank and grab the snake hook! He loves attention. Just like any animal, they learn trust from being treated gently. I surprised myself by how attached I am to ours! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  12. Beverly Battaglia says:

    Very interesting and surprising how they can be good pets.

  13. Marie says:

    Farm girl Nicole,
    Thank you so much for sharing your awesome story. My grandsons have had snakes over the years. They LOVE them! Me, not so much when they are out and about the house at times.
    Farm Girl hugs, Marie

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Marie, what a wonderful grandma you are to have your grandsons bring their snakes over! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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