Much Ado And Merry Too

December is a month of strong contrasts. The coldness of winter and early evening darkness are no longer ahead of us. Winter is here. Preparations for Christmas are in full swing now. For those who enjoy it, the busyness is full of light and warmth … traditions remembered, long-time family recipes , making handmade goodies for gifts and decor. It can feel like there is way too much to fit into one month. But, I don’t think I’d change a thing … would you?
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  1. Paula Spencer says:

    Love it! Thanks and merry Christmas!!

  2. Peggy says:

    Are you ever on top of it!! A lovely, lovely post. My first thing is to bring out my holiday dinnerware set — the Lenox bird set — and it stays out until Valentine’s Day!

  3. Terry says:

    Merriest Christmas Shery! Enjoy each and every moment from the soft sound of the cattle, to the twinkling of lights and ornaments, to the incredibly scrumptious bite of fudge. The Blessed Savior delights in the fullness of your life!

  4. Maura says:

    What a wonderful post! I can only imagine how wonderful Christmas is living on a ranch. We moved to our small farm a year and a half ago and I’m loving every minute of it and although we don’t have a lot of animals …it’s starting to feel more and more like a farm should. Thank you for sharing your tree search photo’s and your decorations…your trees are beautiful. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    Maura 🙂

  5. Colleen Gotori says:

    Here in southern California on the high desert we have Juniper bushes, not trees – they grow huge and round, but not much taller than 7 feet and I love the blue berries and the green of the spikey leaves. I enjoy your blog so much – we grew up on a ranch and then my kids and my husband and I had horses for years. Sure miss ’em. Your pictures are gorgeous and I am grateful for your references, in this very commercial, and sometimes uninterested world, to the reason for Christmas, the King of Kings. Merry Christmas!

  6. Grace~katmom says:

    Oh Shery,
    The first thing I do to start off the Season,,,, is Music,,,I pull out a "gazillion" CD’s of Christmas Music…I am forever buying new ones and yet they all have the same songs…but I am a pushover for Christmas music.

    I luv your decorated faux fruit idea, and I see ‘plastic’ fruit at the Thrifts all the time,,,hmmm, I think I will have to pick some up, glitter, decorate & display,,,thanx for a great idea.

    Last but not least, from our little ‘ranchette’ to yours,
    Blessings to you & yours for a truly meaningful Christmas.

  7. Debra Brown says:

    You just gave me a great idea. Thank you a lot. Merry Christmas

  8. Raynita says:

    Thanks for sharing your joy and love for this most blessed Christmas season. Have a beautiful Christmas at your lovely home with your very blessed family and friends. I plan on doing the same here at my lodge:)

  9. Debbie says:

    Merry Christmas Shery!

    I LOVE so many things about this post…Where to start?
    Juniper trees… We have them on our property out west in the high desert of Northern Nevada… The blue birds love to build nests in them. I can smell those berries just thinking about it! I can also remember crunching along in the snow on a bright sunny afternoon surrounded by the smell of those tree’s and fresh wide-open space and air. Winter in the high desert is SWEET and quite a contrast to the beauty of more traditional Christmas scenes here in New England.
    We are kindred spirits when it comes to themed trees… I ADORE looking at them but I don’t have the heart to trade in my tried and true decorations (or the new ones we give each other every year as a family tradition) for A themed one.

    I love love love your natural table centerpieces for your farmgirl gathering… It’s so true that those things that please us gals are often lost on our men ( dears that they are)… That’s why our gal pal friendship’s mean so much! CHRISTmas magic is in the air and if we could all just be a little more open to it year round, we would be MUCH better for it!

    Wishing you the best of all this season has to bring.
    Beach Blessings from Americas hometown…

  10. Denise Sexton says:

    I just love reading about your life in WY! Merry Christmas!

  11. Teri says:

    Once again, Shery, you have captured the true spirit of Christmas. I love your Juniper tree and wish we had them here. I look forward to your blog and stop what I am doing to read it the minute it’s printed.
    Thank you and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours

  12. Helen Stoskus says:

    This was great. I love seeing all the old ornaments and the decorations. Took me back to my childhood days. Now I share these with my grandchildren.Merry Christmas to all.
    Thank you for sharing your holidays with us

  13. Mandy Horr says:

    I LOVE your post!! SO pretty and such great ideas as well. And YAY!! Wyoming!! My home! 🙂

  14. meredith williams says:

    You should know that in this busiest of seasons, your post was the one I HAD to read – its always the best. God Bless you and your’s this Christmas! Farmgirl hugs from Virginia!

  15. mellee says:

    I so love reading your posts. I have never been any further west than west virginia, and reading about your life and where you live is always refreshing. I hope you have a very merry Christmas.

    farmgirl #2143

  16. Mary Ann says:

    Shery, Love this blog post. LOVE it as always. And I am crazy ga-ga over that white Christmas tree at Beth’s. I secretly lust for a white tree. Your flow blue plates are beautiful too!

    Love that you used those junipers. I have been considering doing the tumble weed tree for a long time. Blew it this year, as the snow came before I could gather them. But next year!

  17. Rusty McHale says:

    What a great post. You are a wonderful writer and I enjoy reading each and every one of your stories. And your pictures are terrific. I only wish I lived closer so I could get to know you personally and share your love of antiques and horses. Have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.


  18. Hi Shery, Just read your blog about your Christmas. Loved it. So many times we don’t stop and think about the reason for the season and its sad. I am making some homemade Christmas presents. I love it and my galpals love to sit around on a day we pick for lunch too. we will exchange our little gifts as well. Have a Very Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy New Year, Hugs, Farmsister #1020 Juanita

  19. Cheri says:

    Agree – much ado- I love that a lot is expected of me – but i don’t expect it of others. The kids LOVE that I love the spirit of the season – but I am coming to really look forward to our church’s GIVING Tree delivery – where I load up not only the suburban, but also our 2 horse trailers full of gifts for 35 families. The high school youth group prays with the families and paints the kids faces. That is the truest meaning – the sharing of the REASON for the SEASON … and the giving. But, I did string lights along 400 ft of pasture fence – it is great. Have used 4 rolls of paper to wrap, 18 pounds of butter and 20 pounds of flour for baking and I will be cleaning as well – thanks for a great post.

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