A Merry Month of May

09B869CE-B95A-47DF-81C0-9BB38EB60A6FWelcome back, Readers! It is hard to believe, but the month of May is almost over! I hope you have had a good month since our last visit. From a road trip to foraging, to redoing my sewing room and more,  it’s been a “merry” month!

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  1. Zoe Siperly says:

    I’ve missed the bloggers newsletters and this makes me want to get back into the life of life with MaryJaneFarm. I have subscribed for well over 10 years and had my own Glamper “Fiona” 10 years ago. I was able to be empowered with several gals and check off something on my bucket list. Do to health issues I sold Fiona to another gal in our original glamers group here in Wisconsin, she lives!!
    I was also blessed to meet MaryJane and her daughter during that time. She is more than you can imagine and is a great inspiration to us Glampers and glamper want-a-bees!!
    Thank you for sharing your memories to us women!!
    Zoe Siperly

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Zoe, thank you for this nice comment. I am so sorry to hear that you have experienced health issues, and hope that you are doing better. I love that even though you sold your Glamper, you keep up with her, and that she is still glamping!

      I agree with everything you said about our beloved MaryJane! She is an amazing inspiration to us all. I am glad you enjoyed the post. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Susana says:

    Love the photos. Nice swallowtail butterflies…and a praying mantis. We seen them very seldom. Almost stepped on a praying mantis two years ago. And it was huge. I thought it was a stuck at first. You have ai lovely greenery and flowers. And what kind of bird was that. It looked like one that was under my awning. I see hummingbirds nest with four eggs you go the next day and they are hone. I think the dam snakes eats them I wish I knew how to keep the snakes away as the hummingbird puts their best in bushes and it’s so easy for the snakes to get at them. I wish I knew how to protect the birds . I know when a snake us around as the birds will fly back and forth and won’t land even on a house. They told me if a powder but it doesn’t work. If any one knows how to keep snakes out if my garden I’d appreciate it.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Susana, thank you! The insect you refer to is actually not a praying mantis (state insect of Connecticut), but a zoom in on a tinier creature, a green assassin (Zelus luridus) bug. They are great beneficials, but you don’t want a bite from them, as it stings worse than anything! As far as hummingbirds go, their nests can be raided by all sorts of predators, including spiders, lizards, other birds, and bats. The best thing you can do is to leave their nests, as they build them where they are camouflaged. Removing snakes from your area will cause your rodent population to explode, and you don’t want that!

      Hope you have a wonderful start to summer, and that you will visit me again, next time! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Terri says:

    I really enjoyed this post and all the beautiful pictures from the New England area! When you live in Arizona you don’t see all the lush, green colors like the eastern part of the US. I was fortunate to visit the New England area a few times years ago and would love to go back! Until then, I look forward to your posts!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Terri, thank you so much! I have been to Arizona, as friends of ours live there. It has its own charm, too! I loved seeing all the cacti. Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Grace Brown says:

    Oh Nicole, where do I begin?? Luv the Lilacs,, Luv your sewing buddies, Your Trailer, your Apron,,,, and your Blogg…

    Happy Spring my friend…

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Grace! Awwww, thank you so much sweet farmgirl friend! Wishing you a Happy Spring and start to summer! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Donna Kozak says:

    Love your blogs – always so beautiful…now I have to go out to my garden and do some watering so I can enjoy beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables (but first I need some ice cream !)

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Donna, thank you so very much! Enjoy your garden (and ice cream – it’s always a good time for ice cream)! Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a good Memorial Day weekend! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Marilyn says:

    Hi Nicole What a nice Mother’s day gift from your daughter. The machine is lovely. The apron is so cute. Your garden is doing nicely. The Lilacs are gorgeous. We have our annual Lily Of The Valleys blooming,the pansy is striving as are the azalea bushes,. We just purchased four Geraniums. They are hearty and do not mind the heat. Our red roses have bloomed. The white ones have buds but no flowers yet. We did have to buy a lawn mower, The old one did. Fortunately, we have great neighbor and they have mowed our lawn until we get the new set up. Nicole enjoy your garden an new sewing machine. Have a safe Memorial day.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Dear Joan, Marion, and Marilyn, send some of that nice heat! It is still not warm enough for “summer” yet. I heard the heat is on its way though! It is still cold here at night and in the morning, warmer during the day. My roses have not bloomed yet. Sounds like you have nice neighbors…priceless. Have a nice Memorial Day! Farmgirl Hugs to you all, Nicole

  7. Tammy L Thomson says:

    Hi Nicole, can I move in with you? Ha ha! Your home and your part of Connecticut look and sound so wonderful! Though I know it all takes a lot of work. Something tells me that you have boundless energy. You are an inspiration with your upbeat attitude and clever tips and crafts….speaking of which, what do you find works best for a deer deter.? Have you tried pure essential Peppermint oil diluted in water? I have been using that after not wanting to deal with the stinky Liquid Fence.

    And thank you so much for taking the time to take all of the photos and write your blog to share with us 🙂


    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Tammy, thank you so much for this nice comment I love the idea of pepperment oil in water. I will have to try that. The deer are very persistent here, lol! We also use an organic oil with pepperment oil in it for our yard – keeps the ticks and fleas away! Thanks for the tip. Have a great weekend! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  8. Sheila LaPoint says:

    Nicole, I do love your blog. I too live in New England and it is nice to read about this area. I am in Vermont and have always wanted to visit Mystic CT you have just encouraged me, I will have to see how long of a drive it would be. Do you get those biting black flies we get here springtime in Vermont? if so what do you do about them, I swear bug spray is my perfume of choice this time of year, LOL. Keep up you great blog & pictures.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sheila, thank you so much! This was such a nice comment! I love Vermont…I have been a few times. We do get the awful, biting flies, but it seems they show up here a bit later in the summer. I have two things I swear by – citronella plants on my patios (keeps biting mosquitos away and the plant is pretty), and the other is an old trick I learned growing up in Texas, that the barbeque companies would do: hang up clear plastic bags filled with water, tied at the top. I have one hanging on my back patio/porch, one inside the chicken coop, and a couple on the fence in the garden. I swear it works. The idea behind it is that it confuses the flies’ eyesight, so they avoid the area. Have a wonderful summer, and thank you for commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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Finding Joy in A New England Spring


Hi Farmgirl Friends! This time of the year in New England, things get busier than ever. There are festivals, restaurants put their patio tables out, kids play outdoor sports, things are bustling all around, and each day brings new blooms. There’s a lot of joy to be found in a New England spring, something I have lately needed a big dose of! 

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  1. Sharon says:

    So thankful for your joy-filled words! It truly is the little day to day moments that provide a burst of happiness & continuous contentment.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sharon, thank you. I do think that the saying is true, happiness is a choice. Have a wonderful spring, and thank you for commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Lori Fresina says:

    Wonderful blog! Sorry about you bb. It sounds like your daughter is doing well and that’s makes a mom and all moms happy! Happy day!!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Lori, thank you ever so much. Yes, I am so very proud of my daughter and all that she has accomplished. She is my heart! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Denise says:

    Thank you for sharing your springtime with us! Love this post Nicole.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Denise, thank you so much. I am glad you enjoyed the post. I hope you are having a wonderful start to the spring season. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Marge Turner says:

    My heart goes out to you having to say good bye to your little Pip.Our pets bring us so much joy! I love your posts and the photos are beautiful. We have had an unusual winter/spring with weather and health issues in our family. My tulips may not bloom as they’ve had so much snow on them as they tried to push through! I think the garlic will survive. God is so good to us we are reminded by sweet spring ‘firsts’ that hope abounds! Thank you for these reminders.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Dear sweet Marge, I am so sorry to hear that you have also had a less-than-perfect spring. I hope things become sunnier in the coming months. Sending warm thoughts and big hugs to you! Much love, Nicole

  5. Jacqueline says:

    What a wonderful Spring article. I am so sorry for your loss. Our pets are so ingrained in our family structure that the loss is truly a difficult time. We grieve to the level we love!
    I live in PA, but I have always thought I would end up in New England. I adore and love everything about Maine and Vermont and well all of New England. Cape Cod, Providence Town, Bar Harbor, Salem, Portland, Freeport are just a few must sees on our trips.
    I envision a time when I will have a fruit orchard that I may grow my own and make my own jams, fruit syrups, pies, frozen fruits, etc. Sending out positive energy that your peach seedlings will bear amazing fruit 🙂 Warm Blessings, Jacqueline

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Jacqueline, thank you so much. I love what you said – “We grieve to the level we love”. So true! You did not mention where in PA that you live, but we used to live in PA, too. I always found everyone so nice there. Maine and Vermont are two of my favorite states, as well, but Connecticut has so much beauty, too. And Rhode Island, another favorite spot. Thanks so much for dropping by! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Hi Nicole☀️
    Happy Springtime. You are truly an inspiration and I enjoy reading your blog. I would very much like to see a yard full of dandelions among the manicured yards in the neighborhood. My backyard hen flock would love dandelions also. Blessings to you and yours!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Karen, thank you for the nice comment. I am so glad you enjoyed the blog. We do not put any kind of weed killers on our lawn because we have well water, dogs, and chickens! I don’t mind the dandelions – they actually sell dandelion greens in Whole Foods! When I see that, I just shake my head. Happy spring wishes to you and your flock! Thanks for dropping by! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. Dorothy says:

    Thank you for your posts. For sharing you sorry and your joys and the wonderful pictures so we can enjoy what is happening in your part of the world.

  8. Grace Brown says:

    Dear Nicole… Hugs for your loss,, Sweet Pip…
    I agree,, the pain is tearing at our hearts, but we would/will gladly open our hearts again to the pain, to have the love of a sweet devoted fur & paws child as well as loved ones..

    Hugz-n-squisches always

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Dear sweet katmom, thank yoiu. So true. I am so happy to have my two big doggies and little one to make me giggle again. They are so sweet. I appreciate the nice card you sent. I also have the embroidered face you sent of Pip. It is on my sewing table now to make a special pillow. It looks just like him. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  9. Marilyn says:

    Hi Nicole, Sorry for your loss of Pip. He was a cutie! Spring has sprung in New York. We cleaned up some of the back yard,but there is a lot more to do. The front has blossomed. The forsythia bushes are starting to lose their yellow. Our azalea bushes have bloomed. We wanted to mow our front yard,unfortunately the mower died. We have bought a new one. In the meantime a neighbor used his mower to cut our grass. Our pansies are not too good. One is striving nicely. Hope to get out next week and do some more cleaning up. We had a lot of leftover leaves from Autumn. Have a good week end and enjoy your gardening.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi dear Joan, Marion, and Marilyn, thank you for your kind words about Pip. Sounds like you are on your way to a busy spring, too. We had a lot of leftover leaves from Autumn, as well, remnants of some of the crazy storms and wind we had in winter. Pansies have had issues the last few years, but so far, mine are doing okay. I am happy to see the carrots peeking up this week. Next, pototoes will go in the ground. I can’t wait for summer and a full garden! Happy spring to you all. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  10. Judy says:

    Hi Nicole,
    I am so sorry for your loss of Pip. I know that horrible emptiness our amazing friends leave. I agree with you while the loss is so hard, the gifts our fur babies give us make the loss bareable. Finding joy is the key, as you point out and joy is what our fur babies teach us. Thank you for your joy filled post.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Judy, thank you so much. I agree, and I would not trade one moment I had with that little dog. My furbabies are such a happy part of the family. I hope you are having a wonderful spring. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  11. Ruth Farmer says:

    So sad to hear about your loss. It’s so difficult to lose one of our fur babies. Thank you for the lovely pictures and looking forward to your next reading. Greetings from Colorado! Ruth

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Ruth, thank you so much. I am betting that Colorado springs are beautiful, too. I have never been there, but it looks so pretty in every photo I have ever seen. Thank you for dropping by! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  12. Tammy L Thomson says:

    Hi Nicole, First of all, I’d like to say how sorry I am for the loss of your dear little Pip. It is one of life’s hardest things, to lose a pet who has become part of the family….I am glad to hear that you are being inspired by the beauty and business of Spring. Your photos are beautiful. Thank you so much for taking the time to take and share those, And to be so gracious as to lift the rest of us up with your positivity despite the pain. You are an inspiration. 🙂 Blessings, Tammy

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Tammy, thank you ever so much. Your comment means so much to me. I hope you are having a lovely spring! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  13. Deb says:


    I am sorry to hear about your dear Pip. Our pets are always a special part of our lives.
    I enjoyed the spring photos and the reminder that warmer and more colorful days are coming. I can’t wait to see my hummingbirds at my feeders.

    Blessings to you and your family

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Debbie, thank you so much. I will never forget the many special moments we had with our little chihuahua.

      It is raining today, but that means more blooms when the rains stop! I can’t wait for hummingbirds, either. They are not here yet, but soon! They love my bee balm and we enjoy having breakfast at the kitchen table and watching them eat from the feeder outside the window. So sweet!

      Happy spring to you and yours! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  14. Denise says:

    I’m so sorry about your sweet Kip. They are worth the joy! Your blog post does bring me joy too. Thank you for that joy even with a sad part to share with us. Loved his pictures over the years.

  15. Mary Murray says:

    Nicole, I’m so sorry to hear the sad news…the animals we have in our homes & hearts are such a part of our family. There’s a trust and a bond there like no other…I know how hard it is. After we lost Annie years ago, I never wanted another indoor dog…we had outdoor ones, and I loved them, but there was a distance that made it a bit easier when they passed. Now Bailey, another rescue, is so sweet she’s indoors most of the time, head on my lap or curled up as closely as possible. I’d forgotten how sweet that bond is. I hope the beauty of spring is helping to lift your spirits a little. Mary

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Mary, thank you ever so much. I totally understand how you feel about your “Annie”. I have been so grateful that I have my other rescued pups…they have been so sweet and they have been grieving, too. Spring is here finally, and the “busy” it brings has been such a help. I miss my little boy pup so much, and almost everyday, still, one month after, I find something that was his, or reminds me of him, and it stings, but I am okay. Pets are one of the best blessings ever! Thank you for reading and for your sweet comment. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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Moving Through March


Here we are in March, “officially” spring. “In like a lion, out like a lamb” is the old saying. That especially holds true in New England. Here in Connecticut, our first real taste of snow was just recently. It was one of the warmest winters on record here, with very little true snowy weather. It always gets stormy and cold around St. Patrick’s Day, however. No matter where you live, March is a good time to “spring clean” and “spruce up” indoors and out. Once the nicer late spring weather arrives, it’s outside that I will be! Still, the “lull” of  March is something I enjoy as I “tinker” about. Join me as I share a few  “Suburban Farmgirl” tips!

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  1. Kiki says:

    Thank you for your March post! I am from Connecticut and currently live on Long Island. I love your outdoor photos! Also, you might like Dr. Sheffield’s certified natural toothpastes. They are vintage!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Kiki, happy Spring! Thanks for “dropping by” and for the tip! I will check it out. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole


    Love your blog!! First time reading it. Enjoyed all of your March cleaning tips for inside and out.
    Looking forward to April’s. God is good all the time!! May your Easter Celebration include Him.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Deborah, and welcome to the Suburban Farmgirl Blog! Thank you so much, and I hope you will visit me again! Have a wonderful Easter! Thank you for commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Kathy Marx says:

    Lots of great ideas! Thanks so much!

  4. Karen says:

    Greetings from New Hampshire,

    One of my favorite ways to start the day is with a cup of coffee and one of your posts.
    As a fellow New Englander I completely relate to this one(as well as your others).
    Enjoy the the rest of March and Happy Easter to you too.
    Looking forward to next months post.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hello Karen! Thank you so much! Hasn’t it been a nice winter? Hopefully spring continues with lovely weather. Yesterday I was in the garden. In the shade, there are a few piles of snow still waiting to thaw, but in the sunnier area of the yard I saw leaves “move” – then I realized it was not leaves I was seeing. Several Mourning Cloak butterflies had hatched and were drying their wings in the sun. Now I know spring is on the way to us, for sure! Happy Easter, and thank you again for “dropping by” for coffee! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Kimberley Schnitker says:

    First time I have taken a moment to read your blog. Loved it. Love the tips and the style of your delivery. Awesome job. My time is always so limited, but I will be sure not to miss future blogs. It was a nice way to spend a few moments with a “friend”.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Kimberley, Thank you so very much and welcome! Glad to have you join me here. I hope you have a lovely start to spring, and will “visit” again! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Denise says:

    I can’t wait to really get out in my backyard & do some cleaning up. We had a drastic temp drop about a month ago & everyone is watching all bushes & trees to see if they will make it or not.
    Once again, I so enjoy reading your posts!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Denise, I hear ya! I was outside a little bit yesterday. I know all about those drastic temp drops. We have had that in previous years. The best you can do with your plants and trees is to wait it out. Hope you did not get too much damage! Happy start to spring, and I will “see” you next month! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. Aileen Haynes says:

    Hi! Always like reading your blogs! Keep up the good work!

  8. Julie says:

    Love your great tips and beautiful photos…
    The garbage can “hack” is genius!!!
    Look forward every month to your uplifting blog.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Julie, thank you so much! My trick worked like a charm, nothing is worse than coming home with garbage all over. Hope you have a nice start to spring! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  9. Marilyn says:

    Thank You for the tips. That coyote is big!. Be careful.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Marilyn, thank you! Isn’t that a big coyote? So healthy looking and beautiful, I just don’t want to see it around when I am out with my pups! We have been very careful when going outside. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  10. Cathy Gordon-Hallman says:

    Our weather here in North Carolina has been so unpredictable but I am excited its getting warmer. Only problem there’s more to be done and only one of me! Flowers have multiplied and I have got to sell some much to my dismay. Too I need to start getting my garden ready. I love those fresh veggies!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Oh Cathy, I hear ya! I feel like that sometimes, so much to do, so little time and only one of me! But once all the chores are done, it is so nice to sit back and look at how great all the hard work makes things look. I have started my indoor seeds and can’t wait to have a full garden. Happy spring! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  11. CJ Armstrong says:

    Loved your post Nicole. It has been quite the winter for us with LOTS of snow. We have been in extreme drought for the past few years so it’s great to see the moisture. It’s more like it was when I was growing up here.
    We just hope that spring runoff isn’t too rapid, causing flooding. It will be great to see our lakes fill up again.
    Take care . . . have a great spring!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Dear Friend! Thank you, CJ, I am glad you enjoyed this month’s blog. I have seen all the snow you have had this year. Glad you are getting the moisture…are you all officially out of the drought? We were in a bad one for awhile, too. It seems that Mother Nature always catches up, eventually. Always good to hear from you. Big Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  12. Ruth Farmer says:

    Springtime in Colorado is also unpredictable. One never knows what the weather will bring. I’m looking forward to warmer days and working outside. I’ve been hiking a bit this spring too.Thanks for your blog.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Ruth, I bet it is so pretty where you are. I have yet to make it to Colorado…someday! It has been all over the place with our weather this week – sun, hail, snow flurries, rain…I am dreaming of being in my garden on a warm day. SOON! Hang in there! Enjoy your hiking trips, and thanks for leaving a comment! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  13. Corina Moser says:

    Salutations from Ottawa, Illinois! I will be buying Bar Keepers Friend for sure. I have been spring cleaning since March 1st.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hello Corina from Illinois! Thank you for joining me here! I use the Barkeepers Friend on vintage metal, too. It is a great, classic powder, and I am glad they advertised it for oven doors. I am so happy how sparkling they look! Happy cleaning and Happy Spring! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  14. Tammy L Thomson says:

    Thank you Nicole! I agree that your blogs are always fun, uplifting and include great tips and finds! And, yes; I remember Wild Kingdom 🙂 Ha ha. Happy Spring to you….

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Tammy, thank. You so very much! It means a lot to me to hear that you like my blog. I really appreciate when readers reach out and say things like that. Happy Spring! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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End of Winter Pick-Me-Ups


Hello readers! I can’t believe we are already almost through February. Maybe it’s because in the Northeast, we have not had our usual share of snow, and have been teased with spring-like weather, despite having gone through a weekend at the beginning of February with record-breaking, arctic lows and wind chills that only a polar bear would feel comfortable in. February is that month, once Valentine’s Day passes, that feels “in between” with everything. That’s why I appreciate winter “Pick Me Ups” – little things – from “treats” to recipes, new or fun finds that make the end of winter a bit more enjoyable.

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  1. Tammy L Thomson says:

    Hello Nicole,
    Thank you for taking the time to share a fun newsy letter and some great finds! I always enjoy your uplifting notes 🙂 I am considering trying the hand salve with a milk base. I have found those to be some of the best–Archipelago has a line of body care products with milk protein added, and these are wonderful too. Your waldorf salad sounds delicious. Now I will have my eye out for those Honey Bee apples. As for Winter fading….we are in the midst of a BIG snowstorm/blizzard in central Wisconsin. I actually like Winter and snow (yes; an oddball), so I am content with it. Not so much when it lasts into April though! Take care and keep writing fun blogs!!! 😉 Tammy

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Tammy! Thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoyed the post. We are getting some cold weather this weekend, too. No “big” snow – yet. Of course, we always get snow around St.Patty’s Day! I saw your snow – stay warm and cozy! Thanks again for the nice comment! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Kathy says:

    Such a good positive outlook! It is a ‘weird’ time of year!

  3. Julie says:

    Thank you so much for your information on Starting garden seeds.
    I enjoyed reading about the Sugar Bee Apple and can’t wait to try the Waldorf Salad!
    I’ve found a great apple recently that sounds similar to your apple called Envy apple.
    Your blogs are always uplifting and happy. Can’t wait for Spring…

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Julie, thank you! I found those apples by accident, and am sure glad I tried them! They are so tasty and sweet! I will look for the Envy apples, too. Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Marilyn says:

    Thank You for the recipe. It is amazing the mild winter here in the East.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Marilyn, glad you are experiencing a mild winter. For the most part, we are, too, but I am ready for some sunshine and gardening! Can’t wait! Hope you enjoy my recipe! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Gayle Baskin says:

    Thanks for great tips…loved your salad w/honey bee recipe…and knitted soap dress”.
    Great ideas…thanks for sharing

  6. Jobi Herrera says:

    Thanks for sharing your article.
    Looking forward to your waldorf salad.
    Spring is just around the corner 🙂

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Jobi, thank you! Let me know what you think of my salad. I hope you like it. Thinking spring! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. Denise says:

    Love your bright cherry letter! We are having heavy rains. To be honest I’d prefer it was snow. Didn’t get much this year. Thanks for the great ideas.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Denise! Thank you! Yes, we did not get much snow this year. We had a bit at Christmas, but it did not last long, and a few storms since. The most we received was pretty recent. However, I am ready for some spring warmth, myself. Have a great start to your spring. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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Storing Vintage


Hi everyone! I hope your January is off to a great start! It’s good to be back behind the keyboard! 

My 2023 has started off super busy, and it already feels like the year is moving at warp speed. I’m hoping this year will be as good as 2022 was for our little family. 

We marked several great milestones last year, attended a wedding, had visitors from Texas, a terrific summer, a beautiful fall, and had a wonderful, stress-free holiday. I know this year won’t be as exciting as last, but I want to start it off on the right foot. I leave my holiday decor up until New Year’s, but after New Year’s, it all has to come down! I want to start my year off uncluttered and organized! I’m often asked, “How do you store it all?” Especially when it comes to vintage, very carefully! 

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  1. Carol Slater says:

    I love these ideas and that little girl figurine for Valentine’s Day is beautiful.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Carol, thank you! Isn’t she cute? She is from the 1940’s, and is actually a vase. I was lucky to find her – I got her for a song! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Denise says:

    Where do you buy your acid free products? I have a collection of old post cards from one of my grandmothers.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Denise, I like the archival acid-free clear postcard pouches. You can buy them on Amazon. Just make sure it is archival, acid free. Always good to hear from you, dear farmgirl! Happy New Year! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Helen Rice says:

    First time reading this blog and I enjoyed it
    I’m always keeping leftover containers, never know when they will come in handy

    So paper products should be stored in acid free sheets? Are they easy to find?

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Helen, Welcome! I am glad you enjoyed the post. If you are storing vintage ephemera such as post cards, you really should be using archival products. You can buy acid free archival pouches for post cards, archival paper, and acid free tissue paper for a pretty good price on Amazon. Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. CJ Armstrong says:

    Love seeing all your decorations! I also love vintage and have several vintage decorations myself. I have, over the past few years, been giving away many of my Christmas things as I just need to scale down from what I used to do.
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful year in 2023.
    Hugs and Love to you!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi CJ, Dear Farmgirl! So good to hear from you. I hope you are staying warm with all of that snow! We have not had much this year at all, but winter is just getting started here so we will see. Thanks for reading and commenting. Wishing you and your beautiful family a Happy 2023! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Shirley Melges says:

    Thanks for so many storage tips…I lack in the labeling department and can see how much easier it would be as the next season approaches. I don’t always put everything out each year and it would better simplify in my search for specific items. Recyclable containers are great. I use plastic, 2 liter bottles with the tops cut off for my larger bottle brush trees…no fun when they get crushed or tangled.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Shirley, thank you for reading and commenting, and oh my! Your tip for storing bottle brush trees is GENIUS! I have quite a few of them. They are one of my favorite things to decorate with – even new ones are full of charm. I love your tip, and will do that from now on. Thank you!!! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Marilyn says:

    Thank you for the tips concerning packing up any vintage. The Valentine Dresden lady is beautiful. We have the house decorated for Valentines Day.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Joan, Marion and Marilyn! Happy New Year! Don’t you love Valentine decorations? It makes the bleakest part of winter here cheery. Glad you enjoyed the post…always great to hear from you! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. Suzanne Tyte says:

    I too, love the little Valentine figurine. She was quite the find. Don’t know if you get citrus fruit shipped to you, but I re-use those boxes for many of my decorations since the trays and padding make safe spaces for ornaments and the boxes themselves are sturdy. I always know they are Christmas because of the oranges on the boxes!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Suzanne, thank you! And another great idea for storing! Thank you for sharing your tip! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  8. Grace Brown says:

    Nicole,, I am such a ding-dong.. I kept typing in the “WC Captcha, and it coming back as invalid.. then I realized,, I needed to read and do what it said! LOL!
    Hope my 1st attempt posted… fingers and eyes crossed… heeheehee!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      LOL, Grace. I know, captchas can be a pain. But your comments went through. And you are JUST THE CUTEST! Luv ya, Farmgirl Friend! ~Nicole

  9. Grace Brown says:

    Ok, my comment didn’t go through, so here is another try… lol!

    “Nicole, I agree with you,, using old fast food containers, and coolie tins are great for storing those sweet ornaments.. I also use the ‘gift bags’ for soft items like table cloths,towels etc..
    I use to take photos of the items packed in the plastic bins, and taped it to the top of the bin, but last year I sorted through a lot of stuff that i no longer needed (went to donation or passed onto family) and have not updated my photos,, Hmmm, mighyt be a good summer project…
    Happy January sayeth the Kat…”

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hello My Dear Farmgirl Friend! I am glad your comment has gone through. I apologize, but the captcha had to happen as we were getting too much spam. Anyway, love your idea of using gift bags to store things, as well! And taping pics of what’s in the bins to the outside- brilliant! I will try that next year. I have done that with my shoe boxes before. Great idea for the big bins. Stay warm! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  10. Cat Ransom says:

    I’m new to your site and can’t wait to see and hear more… We’re neighbors, I’m west of you between Chewelah and Colville, living offgrid in a 12×32 Hickory Shed… Looking forward to learning more ideas from you…

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Cat, and welcome. I had to look up your area…I believe you are in Idaho, where our dear MaryJane lives. We farmgirl bloggers are all in different states. I am in New England. Your area sounds wonderful! Welcome to all things MaryJanesFarm. Hope you will visit again soon! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  11. Karen Schmitt says:

    Wonderful ideas and helpful hints!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Karen, thank you so much! I have packed and unpacked Christmas at this house for over 25 years now, so I feel like a pro at it, LOL! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  12. Terri says:

    Hi Nicole, I have never commented before but I just love reading the blogs from Mary Janes Farm magazine. I really enjoyed this blog and love your Valentine girl so wanted to comment on it.
    Terri Sansoucy in AZ

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Terri, A Big Farmgirl Welcome to you! Thank you for visiting, and I am honored to receive your first comment! I am so glad you enjoyed the blog, and I hope you will visit again. I see you are in Arizona – I love it there. Friends of ours moved there many years ago, and I loved visiting. Hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day! Thank you for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  13. Ann Bailey says:

    I didn’t put up a tree this year because I was nostalgic for the old bubble and snow cone lights. But I did display all my lovely vintage blown ornaments in large glass terrariums. So it’s nice to read your entry and see I’m not alone in loving vintage ornaments, they’re ever so much more classier than modern day baubles.
    P.S. packing vintage in Florida is super duper ever so tricky, plastic wrapping is really bad in our humidity, so I wrap mine in paper napkins and left-over tissue paper.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Ann, your collection sounds awesome! I also have a few 1940s blown glass ornaments that I display in bowls as opposed to on the tree.

      I hear ya about Florida. I grew up in high-humidity, high-heat Texas. When I moved to New England thirty years ago, we really did not get that kind of weather, but now, our summers are very Florida-like for several weeks. That’s when we use our dehumidifier and/or air conditioner. Vintage pieces need temperature-controlled, humidity controlled conditions, so kudos to you on keeping your collection in good shape! Keep it up! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  14. Isabelle says:

    I also use the clear plastic boxes from salad greens for storage of small items. I use a hair dryer to loosen glue then peel off label or put another label over the original. Thanks for the storage tips.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Isabelle, thank you for sharing a great, clever tip! What a good idea; some of those labels are really hard to remove. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  15. Roberta says:

    Nichole, you are sooo inspiring! Just love your 1940 – 50s collection! Keep it going!
    Happy Valentine’s Day

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Roberta, thank you ever so much! Happy Valentine’s Day! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  16. Mary Murray says:

    Nicole, such terrific advice & ideas for keeping holiday decorations safely stored until next Christmas. It made me smile to know that you tuck away decorations in plain sight (sort of!) too…I keep Santas in an old copper boiler that’s sitting by a window and glass bulbs and garland are in a trunk in the dining room. I even leave a couple of small Santas out on shelves to try and remind me to keep a spirit of Christmas year ’round. I’m guessing you decorate your vintage camper, too…I’ve always wanted to do that! Thanks again, always fun to see you’ve posted, and we appreciate you taking the time…I know how busy the days can be. Mary

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Mary! I love this – you have some great storage in plain sight ideas, too. Just like you, I do have a few little pieces that are in a curio year round. 😉

      Thank you so much for the nice comment! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  17. Janice says:

    Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed your organizational skills! Loved all the vintage decorations and advice on storing. Thank you, again.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Janice, thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoyed the post. I like to keep things organized…it is a task that always feels so rewarding, and keeping things organized saves time in the long run! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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Steadfast Christmas Traditions


Hi All! Wishing you the happiest of holidays! I hope you are finding your “happy”, wherever you are, with whatever it is that makes your heart filled with joy.

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  1. Merry Christmas, to you and your family, have a wonderful holiday.

  2. Lisa says:

    Merry Christmas to you. I love reading your blog. We are almost neighbors.. as I live a couple of small towns over from you.

    I agree with you about loving the old traditions. They say “nothing stays the same”, but that is not true in my house!!

    Thank you for keeping the memories alive.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Lisa, Thank you so much! Nice to “meet” you, “Neighbor”! I think we are lucky to live in New England, don’t you? There is so much “classic Christmas” here. When we went to our town’s tree lighting last weekend, it was like being in a real “Hallmark movie”, and everything looks like a Currier and Ives illustration when it is the holidays. Thanks for stopping by the blog. Merry Christmas to you! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Colleen says:

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, from the great Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
    Our ground is white, the north winds are blowing off of Lake Superior, and we are counting our blessings, as well, that we can finally relax a bit with loved ones again.
    May we all begin the New Year, healthy, happy and helping each other.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Colleen, thank you! Merry Christmas! Sounds lovely at your home. We got snow for the first time last night, and I am LOVING it! I love snow (not ice). Right now, everything looks like a “marshmallow world”. Enjoy your holidays! Happy New Year and Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Nancy Ruth Haberman1 says:

    I was sooo glad to see your story about your friend Judi and her tatting hobby. Its been years(50)since I watched a coworker work on a tatting article. I only worked with her 2vyears and had forgotten about the tatting craft. The wreath pin is absolutely beautiful and would feel priviledged to receive one. Thank you for that lovely article!!! It rought back many happy memories. Marry Christmas and have a very happy New Year!!!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Nancy Ruth, isn’t tatting a sort of “forgotten” art? I love that Judi brings it back, with her wonderful modern twist on it. Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Deb says:

    Merry Christmas Nicole to you and your family.

    You have such cute decorations.

    I always dream of living in a Hallmark town and enjoying the decorations, scenery, and music of the season. I have small santa decorations from the 1950’s that I put on a fake tree in my kitchen. It reminds me of childhood and simpler times.

    I always smile when I look for our cat, Fifi. She is sleeping under our artificial tree in the living room. Maybe she is dreaming of a hallmark movie set too.

    Take care

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Deb, It sounds so wonderful and cozy at your home with your kitchen 1950’s tree, and Fifi under the larger one. Sounds like you are doing a good job of creating Christmas magic. Enjoy your holidays! Thank you for reading and commenting! Big Farmgirl Hugs to you and yours, Nicole

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My Friend, “The Mad Tatter”, and a Giveaway!


Don’t you just love beautiful, handmade items? Something that I have always loved about “all things MaryJanesFarm” is  the devotion to sewing, knitting, embroidery, and other homesteading “arts”. I myself am an expert knitter, and have taught classes for over a decade. I love keeping the art of knitting alive. My dear friend, Judi, is an expert of another art, bringing her “modern “spin” on an “old world” craft. Let me introduce you to my friend, the “Mad Tatter”!

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  1. Joan Piercy says:

    Nicole, Judi’s tatting is just beautiful! Thank you for sharing it with us. And she sounds like a wonderful friend to have and so do you! Love your blogs. jmp

  2. Lori Fresina says:

    Tatting is beautiful. We have a quilt member who does this also. She does strawberries for door prizes for our meetings. They are so beautiful framed as my friend did hers but what Judy has done to recycle touch my heart because I love recycling old items in my sewing.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Lori, what a great idea – to frame tatted pieces! Sounds like some talented members in your quilt guild! Judi certainly has made some amazing pieces using recycled materials. She has a great eye! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Bonnie McKee says:

    My mother in law used to tat, before she lost her vision. What a beautiful, delicate craft! ❤️

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Bonnie, I am sorry to hear your Mother in Law lost her vision. I hope you have some of her pieces she made! You hit the nail on the head – it is a delicate craft, what a great way to describe! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Carol Slater says:

    I love that wreath pin. All of her work is amazing!

  5. Laurel Anne Pries says:

    I sooo love the beautiful art of tatting!! I think I will “give it a go”, at least a try….. lovely post Nicole. I look forward to it each month….keep up the good work!! Laurel

  6. Thanks for blessing us with the eye candy of Judy’s Tatting. Just beautiful photos & story!
    ~ Binky, Petaluma, Ca

  7. Sabrena Orr says:

    Such beauty in tiny stitches! I am in awe of those that can tat and would love to learn some day. My mom has my great-grandmom’s shuttles…I REALLY need to learn this beautiful art. Very talented lady your beautiful friend is!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sabrena,
      I am in awe of Judi’s handiwork, as well. She makes such beautiful things and makes it look effortless, though I know it is not! You definitely should learn to tat – especially if your great grandmother was a tatter! What a great heirloom your family has. Thank you for reading and commenting! Good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  8. Denise says:

    I love the art of tatting. I have many items that my grandmother made and I have her tatting shuttle to use as well!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Denise,
      How wonderful that you have your grandmoter’s shuttle and pieces she made! What a wonderful heirloom! I hope you display her shuttle! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  9. Karen Martell says:

    Such beautiful and delicate works of art! I would love to learn one day!! 🙂

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Karen, thank you…isn’t it an amazing talent? I am so in awe every time I watch my friend tatt. Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  10. Hello Nicolle, enjoyed reading and seeing Judi’s tatting talent. My mother taught me to tatt when I was a young girl growing up no our Northern Minnesota farm. I am almost 83 years old and I still tatt today, but my tatting has changed in that I combine it with watercolors and make (what people say) are absolutely beautiful greeting cards and bookmarks. I would love to send you and Judi one of each if you let me know where to send them. I also watercolor bookmarks for kids to encourage them to pick up a book and read rather than using technology. These do not have tatting. I am a Minnesotan, but in Florida for the winter, but guess what……my tatting is with me…………Anne

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Anne, I love that you tatt and take it with you! Your work sounds so beautiful and I love that you are encouraging children to read instead of use the tech. Wonderful!

      I would be honored to receive a tatted piece. Please watch for my email (it will come from my personal email), and please email me your address as I would like to send you something I have made, too. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  11. Colleen says:

    Nicole, I love your blogs and I’m so happy you introduced us to Judi. Her pin cushions are amazing!! The tatting on the top is the icing on the cake.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Colleen! Thank you ever so much! I just realized reading your comment that Judi’s adorable pin cushions resemble little cupcakes! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  12. Gail Telecky says:

    Tatting is certainly an art and these pieces are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Gail, right? Such an artisan skill! I am glad you enjoyed the blog. Good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  13. Love this blog on tatting. So pretty. My grandmother and great aunts also tatted. I think it’s almost a lost art. You are fortunate to have a wonderful talented friend.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Marlene! Isn’t she amazing? She is so creative and has such a good vision with the pieces she creates. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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Making Memories and Marking Milestones


Happy AUTUMN, dear readers! What an exciting start to fall it has been here at our house! The last month has been one of the most exciting for our family in some time! Grab a cup of pumpkin spice tea, and celebrate with me, decorate for fall, and meet our newest (furry) little family member!

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  1. Judith Smith-Coleman says:

    Such a fun post. Congratulations to your daughter and that new fur baby is just precious!!❤

  2. Lori Fresina says:

    Wonderful blog

  3. Denise says:

    Happy anniversary! We celebrated our 40th at beginning of the year. Such a beautiful time of year. Autumn is my favorite and October my favorite month!
    Congratulations to your daughter. I have never heard of an organic hair salon. Interesting.
    Your photos are so beautiful. Enjoy your day!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Denise, thank you, and Happy 40th anniversary to you!!I hope you got to do something special!
      We are very proud of our daughter, thank you so much for the wishes. The salon she works at only uses organic-based products, whichI think is really great! I’m glad you enjoyed the post – that makes me happy. Enjoy the fall! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Renee says:


    Thank you for sharing the part of the country that you love and your family with us! The Gidget is adorable! Wish she was in my yard. Trooper I’d too cute for words!


    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Renee, thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed the post. Now that the weather is cooler, we really enjoy Gidget! I hope to one day attend one of the Halloween camper rallies. Enjoy the fall! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Marti Wynne says:

    How exciting. Fall is my fav time of year. I have a birthday October 27. But a trip this Friday for 9 days in Ohio to have a sisters week with my two sisters. We are going to an Animal Sanctuary for pieroghis and farm fun one day, Witches Night Out shopping spree another day and Amish Country for the day. And many other surprises and treasures the rest of the visit
    Farm girl

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Happy Happy Birthday! Enjoy your trip – it sounds so wonderful! I have a cousin in Ohio; looks so pretty there. Have a fun, happy fall! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. I really enjoyed your post today. Fall is my favorite season of the year, for many of the reasons you mentioned. Here in Indiana we have the Covered Bridge Festival which highlights many small towns with (you guessed it) covered bridges, old mills, etc. Vendors stack up on the town streets to sell hand-made goods and celebrate the season.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Diane,thank you! I bet where you are is just beautiful, too! I have yet to make it to the midwest but it is on my list. The Covered Bridge Festival sounds wonderful! Enjoy the fall! Thank you for reading and leaving me a comment! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. Marilyn says:

    What a great September you had. Your new dog is cute. Wishing you and your husband many more years of happiness and blessings. Happy Belated birthday to your husband, Congratulations to your daughter.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Dear Joan, Marion and Marilyn, thank you ever so much! I hope you all have a very Happy Fall! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  8. Sandy says:

    Lovely post! October is my favorite month! On Oct 30 hubby and I are celebrating our 51st anniversary! Our twin daughters turn 43 this Friday. Hubby and I met in October. I love the colors of fall as well. Congratulations on your wedding anniversay.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sandy, thank you so much! And CONGRATULATIONS on your anniversary! Wow! 51 years – so awesome. And a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your twins! October is such a nice month. Enjoy all the fun and fall colors! Thank you for sharing with me today. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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End of Summer Joys


There’s a breeze blowing softly through the trees as I sit outside on my back porch and write. It’s 82 degrees, but we have a reprieve, for the first time in weeks, in the relentless humidity that often occurs in the late summer in New England. There’s a change in the air, signaling the coming change in the seasons. I am a bit wistful to see this season go, as it has been one of the best summers my family has had in years, especially since the start of the Pandemic. Still, there are so many joys to be found in the transition of this time of year. 

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  1. Debbie Fischer says:

    Reading all about your dolls Nicole and how you bring them back to life with TLC was great!
    You made it so interesting, I will never look at a well loved doll the same again.
    Thank you so much.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Debbie, thank you! It was an ‘accidental’ hobby, but I enjoy it so very much. Keeps them out of the landfill, too! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Julie says:

    Thank you for your uplifting blog about Summer. It seemed short this year, but we are still SO grateful to be out and about this summer…
    Loved seeing pictures of your adventures .
    Enjoyed seeing the different Vendors you came across. Would like to try, the different types of mushrooms you described…

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Julie, thank you! It did really seem like a short summer here, too, but I think it was because it was such a good one. It is cooler this morning, and I am already seeing less birds.

      The farmers market is such fun! I think I read that it goes on until November, too. I am hooked on those mushrooms! So tasty! Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Rosie Brock says:

    Thank you – love the sentiments

  4. Deb says:

    Hi Nicole,

    Thanks for the yummy recipe, article and lovely pictures.

    I always plant dahlias, lantana, fuchia, etc to attract the hummingbirds to my backyard. I am always delighted to have them at my feeders and flowers. So tiny and what a miracle.

    I will miss the fresh veggies and fruits that summer brings, but I am looking forward to pumpkins, cider, and my favorite meal-Thanksgiving dinner.

    Enjoy the rest of summer

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Debbie, your flower garden sounds wonderful! You are so right – they are amazing little miracles! I love the things you mentioned about fall – and Halloween! And Thanksgiving is so delicious! Enjoy your summer and your autumn! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Marilyn says:

    Glad you had a nice Summer. We visited Mystic Seaport many years ago. We are waiting for the cool,crisp Autumn weather. Enjoy Fall.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Joan, Marion and Marilyn, that is so neat that you visited Mystic Seaport! It is one of my favorite places in Connecticut. It is still warm here during the day, but the evenings are cooler, not yet crisp, though! Soon! Enjoy your fall, and thanks for stopping by the blog! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. We seem to be ahead of you in moving into Fall here on Vancouver Island. Our maple leaves are already changing colour and I am winding down my garden. I still have tomatoes coming as well as squash and pumpkins. I must say I enjoy the cooler nights as I am able to sleep much better and am looking forward to fully enjoying Fall, my favourite season.

    Thanks for sharing your recipe. I will have to give it a try.

    Farmgirl hugs,
    Jill 🙂

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Jill, another few weeks, and our maple trees will be beautiful colors. I, too, enjoy the cooler nights; I can’t sleep when I am too warm. It’s not quite cool enough at night yet to turn off the a/c. I have been putting out some fall touches. I have put out mums and corn stalks, and pumpkins. It is a beautiful season ahead. Thanks for reading and commenting! Enjoy your Fall season. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. Marti Wynne says:

    Thanks for sharing. I love the black squirrel. I love this change of season as it unfolds. I live in Georgia and the humidity has not left but cooler mornings have begun. Ahhhh
    Every day is a treasure

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Marti, isn’t that little squirrel just the cutest!? He makes me happy every time I see him pop into the yard. My mom is in Georgia, too. 🙂 Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  8. Anita edmonds says:

    Nicely done. You sound busy but in a relaxed balanced way. Unstressed. I did many of those things in my younger days.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Anita, thank you. I try to unwind as much as I can over the summer because the rest of the year does get a bit scheduled, and it is so easy to feel overwhelmed in the fall and winter months. We also see so little sunshine in winter that we try to savor every bit of summer. Thank you for dropping by the blog and leaving a comment! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  9. Denise says:

    Lovely post! Though summer is not my favorite season, I do enjoy longer daylight. We have started to have cooler mornings. We still have a few hot days coming but those won’t be many. Fall is my favorite time of year. I have already changed out my decor but will wait for cooler days before getting my mums to put out. Just adore those lovely colors. Our Sedum is already bloomed here. It is so pretty and draws lots of bees and tiny butterflies. Enjoy these last beautiful days of summer time!☀️

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Denise, all my fall decor is now up, and we are getting cooler evenings and mornings like you. The blooms are starting to fade, and the leaves are now starting to show fall color. The sedum is in full color, and so pretty! Soon the late fall will bring much colder weather, and the holidays will be here before we know it. Summer went so fast! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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Never Too Old for Dolls


I was born a collector! Since I was a child, I have loved collecting this and that, and some of what I loved as a child spilled over into adulthood. I also like to keep busy in my downtime, and love doing things that require detail, even activities that others might find tedious. I also always enjoy bringing old things back to “life” – making aged and worn items beautiful again, without completely re-doing the item, keeping things as original as possible. That’s how I stumbled on a hobby that has become a passion. 

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  1. Denise says:

    My big sister had a Patti PayPal like one in your first picture with the short hair. She wore a purple dress. I was never looked to touch her. I know she had her still after she was married but I don’t know where she ended up after sister passed away 8 1/2 years ago. I had a doll with molded hair and some years ago I found an identical one at an antique store. She has one eye kind cloudy or something now. It is lighter blue than the other one. If you have any ideas on how to fix that I would appreciate any help. I received all my mom’s porcelain dolls when she passed away.
    I don’t know how many doll collector’s are still around these days.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Denise, I am so sorry to hear you lost your sister. I can help you with your doll’s eyes. I will email you so you can send me a photo, because it depends on what kind of eyes they are.

      There are actually a lot of doll collectors still. I am a member of two very large Facebook groups online, and I have sent in my application to join a local doll collectors’ club. Doll shows are also very popular and there are some very, very serious collectors out there!

      I will email you soon.
      Farmgirl Hugs,

  2. Celia says:

    What a lovely trip down memory lane. I had a walker doll in the fifties. I never knew what she was. If I was going to collect anytime would be dolls. Thank you for sharing.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Celia, thank you! Collecting dolls is such a fun hobby. Let me know if you get started. Find them in thrift shops, tag sales and online. Happy hunting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Marge says:

    I loved seeing your restored dolls! I still have my dolls from 50s/60s and I have a Ginny doll with her red trunk-she needs a real make-overbut I have some of her clothes. If you would like to have her I’d be happy to send her to you.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Marge, thank you for writing! I love Ginny dolls. A dear friend just gave me her Ginny! You are so sweet to offer, but how about I help you spruce your Ginny up? I will email you so we can talk privately. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Colleen Hampton says:

    Thanks for the memories! I have a Kissy doll! I got her for Christmas when I was 5 years old (so 1962). It was the only thing I asked Santa for that year because she was in commercials on TV. My Kissy still kisses (the last I tried, anyway!), but her looks could use some TLC. She wears a dress that my sister sewed for my daughter when she was a newborn. Kissy’s original dress wasn’t in good condition anymore, but it’s around here somewhere. Like you, I still love dolls!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Colleen, How sweet that you have your Kissy Doll and that she wears your daughter’s dress. I love doing that with dolls in my collection. Kissy is such a cutie – one of my favorites! Thank you for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. I only kept one doll from my childhood- “Penny Brite”. She has a crazy hairdo now (bed head). My first doll memory is my Betty. I must have been 4 or 5 and my mother made us matching dresses. Thank you for your wonderful doll story.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Roseann, I am so glad you enjoyed this post. Penny Brite is such a cute doll! I love that your mom made you matching dresses. My daughter and her American Girl doll had matching dresses when she was little. So adorable! Thank you for sharing your sweet memories! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Julie Lee says:

    How do you get the matted hair back to good condition? I would love to fix my old dolls’ hair.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Julie, it really depends on what time of doll (different dolls have different types of hair), what kind of style they have, and how old the doll is. Do you have one or multiple dolls that have matted hair. Do you know the type and age? Let me know. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. Karen Schmitt says:

    I absolutely loved this! I wish I knew how to do the restoration of dolls! Wow!! Great job.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Karen, thank you so so much! I learned through instinct, research, and from others. I enjoy the restoration and “spa day” care of dolls so much, I am wanting to be a doll hospital on the side. So many have gone away; I feel it is a lost art. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  8. Judi says:

    I enjoyed your article. I collect vintage pictures, boxes and pitcher/creamers.
    I understand the love of items that have stood the test of time.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Judi, sounds like you have a nice variety of collections! There are so many neat pitchers and creamers out there, I bet that is a fun thing to collect and display. I have a few, mostly milk glass ones. Don’t you love old things and wonder what stories they could tell? Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  9. Terry says:

    Hi Nicole, I’m a 76 year old doll lover (baby) I also have a patty play doll which my grand daughter cut her hair so I got her wig which serves the purpose. I also have many other dolls which I change their outfits accordingly. When I was a child I always would take care of my babies pretending to feed them and get them ready for bedtime.There was a little laspe when I married and had 4 real babies but now that I’m retired I have all the time in the world lol to again take care of my dolls

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Terry, I love your comment! Oh dear – your Patti got a “Mommy Cut”, but that’s okay. The wigs look so cute on them, too. Some day I hope to be a grandma and will share my doll collection. I am imagining tea parties…! Enjoy your Patti and dolls, (and grandgirl). Thanks for commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  10. Judith says:

    I still have my lady doll I received for Christmas in 1952 and a suitcase full of clothes.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Judith, I love that! That makes her extra special since you had her as a child. The lady dolls are one of my most favorites. I think mine is just so elegant. I bet as a child they were lots of fun to play with because they are a great size – not too big, not too small. Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  11. Patti Dmytras says:

    Hi Nicole, I was so interested in your post today. I am a doll lover also, but when our family moved from Chicago, my mom gave away most of my dolls. I kept my Barbie’s and my mom’s friend had a doll room filled with dolls from all Eras. She gave me 2 dolls that are made of the celluloid plastic. I still have one. The other one fell apart when I was a girl and mom threw it out. How did you learn how to restore old dolls? I picked up a bigger celluloid doll from a resale shop, but the rubber bands are all stretched out, and I don’t know how to restring or restore except to make new clothes. I have put together kit dolls that look like German china head dolls, and I have purchased hand made Porcelain dolls from resale shops that senior citizens have made in the past at the senior citizen center. I have all my dolls propped on a daybed in my sewing room. Lately, I found an American Girl doll at a resale shop, so I plan on making a new outfit for her and adding her to my collection. I’m glad I am not the only one who still likes dolls. Thanks for all your wonderful pictures. The restoration work you do is wonderful. I wish that I would have someone like you near me to get help from. Thanks for your wonderful doll story. I learned so much about your different dolls. Patti D from Janesville, Wisconsin

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Patti, thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed the post. I hear ya, I lost most of my dolls (and my beloved doll house my daddy had made me) in a move, and my mom threw out the rest, because back then, my dolls had been all played with and loved and no one thought about preservation or restoration back then.

      I learned to restore old dolls from research, instinct, and from other doll restorers. I feel like restoration is an art. For your big celluloid doll, there are restring kits and supplies online. Your sewing room sounds like mine – part doll room, too!

      Which American Girl doll did you find? My daughter has hers from her childhood. I used to surprise her and fix them up and redress and pose them as a surprise when she would get home from school. My favorite they made is “Molly”.

      If you have any other questions, or need help with your dolls, let me know. I can email you. I love that there are other adult collectors out there! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  12. Beth Wilson says:

    I had a Patty Playpal, Chatty Cathy, Kissie, Barbie, Ken and Skipper, but my favorite was my Thumbelina. I hope you can add one to your beautiful collection.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Beth, sounds like you had a memorable childhood! I have not yet found a Thumbelina or Chatty Cathy yet. Both adorable dolls, that would be great to add. I would also love to find the Skipper like the one I had as a child. I remember the day I got her. My daddy took me to lunch at an old fashioned luncheonette (maybe Woolworth’s), as my mom was at a Mother’s Club luncheon. It was raining cats and dogs but we were having fun, as we did not get much time together, and not much one on one time. He then took me to the five and dime, and bought me a Skipper to go with my Barbie. It was a special day. Don’t you just love the memories dolls create for us? Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  13. Marilyn says:

    Hi Nicole , What an enjoyable post. My twin sister and I are doll collectors. We have our original Ginny dolls. We have Shirley Temple dolls and many American Girl dolls plus many other ones. Thank you for sharing your love of dolls.
    Marilyn and her twin Marion

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Marilyn and Marion! It always good to hear from you! I love that you are also doll collectors! Ginny dolls are one of my favorites; I had one as a child, too. She is one of the best dolls ever! Sounds like you all have a great collection. Thank you for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  14. Donna says:

    Hi Nicole. I still have my Dancerina doll and talking Matty Mattel. I had a wood core doll but our Texas humidity did it in. I enjoyed seeing your dolls. Thank you for the happy memories.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Donna, I remember both of those dolls! I did not have them, but remember playing with Dancerina at a friend’s house. She is an especially sweet doll. Do you remember the commercials on television? I do.

      This summer here has been really humid for a few weeks, and I have been worried about my dolls, as well. Have moved them and placed fans and dehumidifiers to keep the humidity at bay. It really does damage the wood and composition dolls. Thanks for reading and commmenting! Stay cool down there in my home state! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  15. Kathy Blue says:

    Love this post, I am enjoying a second wave in my life of doll love. I am retired and active with garden, home, rural life and now dolls. I am sewing for them and enjoying every minute. I would like to re-hab a wellie wisher’s hair for a friend, but would love your advice on how to do the wild hair correctly. My granddaughter is 15 and out of doll love for right now, but I will man the ship until she comes to port with them again. Thanks for sharing, Kathy

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Kathy, love your comment! Sounds like we have a lot of common interests. For your Wellie Wisher, do not immerse her head. Washing a doll’s hair risks getting water behind the eyes, which can damage them, so try not to wash the hair. I would start with a spray bottle of water with a bit of conditioner (a few drops), and starting from the tips, mist the hair and comb it out. American Girl makes a great wire brush for doll’s hair. If you do not have one, a comb is okay. You do not want to comb too hard so that you do not pull hair out of the roots. Sometimes, I do this process several times, allowing the hair to dry between comb outs. Some dolls have hair that responds well to fabric softener, but if you read that anywhere, do not do that on American Girl (and Wellie Wishers are a type of AG doll), because it can damage American Girl doll hair. If you have any other questions, please comment again and I will email you directly. 🙂

      Don’t worry – your granddaughter will come back around with dolls. My daughter is now twenty, and she loves them again, too.

      Farmgirl Hugs,

  16. Marlene Capelle says:

    I had a Betsy Wetsy doll, but I let her sit in her “pee” too long and it melted her butt.
    I had another doll as tall as me till my brothers dropped her from the top bunk bed and broke her head. I had a Jenny doll that I swore I would keep forever. She had a wardrobe and a suitcase and loved to travel. I left her somewhere. I hope whoever found her loved her as much as I did. Your post was fabulous. Thanks

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Marlene, I always love hearing from you! Oh my goodness, your doll stories! My heart breaks for you! I had a beloved teddy bear with my dolls, that was my favorite. My mom had gotten him on a special day, and I had picked him out. He went EVERYWHERE with me. Well, we went on a family vacation and on the way, we stopped at a Burger King in Columbus, Texas. My mom told me to leave him in the car (a station wagon), because I might get him greasy or dirty. I remember strapping him into the seatbelt in the backseat to wait for me. When we came back to the car, someone had broken into the car, left our luggage and things like that, but STOLE my teddy bear! We looked everywhere, and my parents even called the restuarant later to see if it had been found, but he was long gone. I cried and cried. (I was about five or six at the time). I always hoped he was loved as much as I had loved him! Sorry you lost all your childhood pals! Still, I am glad you enjoyed the post. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  17. Jacqueline Ferri says:


    Great work on the dolls! You certainly have a talent for this hobby. The dolls look brand new! Enjoyed the photos and story!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Jackie, thank you so much! You will have to come by sometime so I can show you the dolls in person and we can catch up! Glad you enjoyed the blog! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  18. Melody Dare says:

    In the 1980’s I got the Pleasant Company catalog in my mail. I fell in love with the historical dolls and the beautiful and functional way they were made. My daughter enjoyed the book and dolls as Pleasant Roland added more dolls. In the early 2000, American girl was sold to Mattel. It didn’t take long for the historical dolls to be eliminated and the beautiful quality items once made in Germany, Italy and the US to be relegated to China. And the history of ‘American Girl’ became a plastic and cheap, yet very expensive must have ‘doll’. The Bitty Baby dolls gone, too. Have you noticed there aren’t many baby dolls for our children now? I Have. Most of my collection is passed on. But I too enjoyed my doll playing collecting well into my senior years. My favorite baby Doll was Horsemans Thirsty baby’ Thank you for sharing a beautiful joy.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Melody, I hear you! I loved American Girl Dolls and before my daughter was even born was on the mail list. She got her first AG doll from her grandma when she was seven. We were lucky to get to go to the AG store in NYC several times when she was little, and took her and a friend for a small birthday party there. We loved it, and it was a dreamy experience for all. I did notice they have changed a lot. Recently, I also was looking for shoes for a vintage doll I was restoring, and went to Michael’s. When my daughter was little, they had a whole doll aisle with accessories that fit the AG dolls. The aisle is gone! No dolls or accessories. We also were at a model train store that has been in business for decades. They recently downsized. The store always had whole “worlds” of trains going, like a museum. The salesman told us how he had recently had kids from a field trip come through. This bored little boy said, “Why do we need these? I can do it all on my phone on an app!” So sad! Kids are missing out, and I believe imaginative play is really important. I am so glad my daughter still had dolls as a child. I wouldn’t trade those years of tea parties and dress up for anything!

      I am familiar with Horseman’s Thirsty Baby. I do not have one myself, but they are very, very cute! Enjoy your dolls! Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  19. Denise says:

    I loved your article! I have several of my dolls from childhood. You do beautiful work with them! Thank you for sharing, it was so fun to read about each one.

  20. Ginny Scott says:

    I have a Ginny doll. My daughters and granddaughter are not interested.
    I also had a Tiny Tears.
    Enjoyed your post!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Ginny, I love Ginny dolls. I have a blonde and a brunette that a friend gave me and they are just the cutest! I remember mine from childhood – she was a “Sasson” version in the 70’s and 80’s. Vogue had given them the rights. I don’t see many of them. I am also currently working on fixing up a Ginny for a fellow farmgirl. They spanned generations. Maybe someday little girls will love them again. It seems, sadly, that dolls for children are not as popular right now as “electronics”. Hopefully that will change. Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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