I’ve lived in Sandy Hook/Newtown almost half my life. If you’ve read this blog, you know just how deep an affection I hold for my town. It’s breathtaking; even twenty years later, it’s beauty moves me. We’d originally moved to Connecticut for business, and could’ve lived anywhere. Coming to Newtown, with its picturesque scenery, structures bursting with character, and majestic flagpole anchoring our Main Street, we knew Newtown was where we wanted to settle. My beloved town’s the only home my child’s ever known, where everyone knows everyone else. Businesses call patrons by first names; you can’t go to the store without seeing someone you know. Our community’s very active. It’s the perfect place to raise a family, a storybook setting. Calling Newtown “close-knit” falls short…the community’s more than that; it’s a big family. When evil descended upon us, he swooped right into our town’s very heartbeat…one of our beloved schools.
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So sorry for the loss of you sweet kitty, Muffin. Our furry friends are such a blessing.
Here’s to taming those March "lions"! And a very happy birthday to you!
Thank you, Lori! Happy Spring! – Nicole
Im stoppin by from the Ozarks this morning!
Good Morning!
Loved your post, it brightened this cloudy start to our morning.
We too have old pets, a 17 yr. old dog and cat that are happy and healthy
but we know their days are numbered with us.
We are waiting patiently for spring here, some days are sunny and bright,
and then here comes winter again. This week we will get some ice, sleet
and snow on the first day of spring!
Got a huge tin bowl of seed packets staring at me this morning, shoveled
80 gallons of chicken manure for our raised beds, with hopes of spring’s
arrival at any time now!
Love and hugs from the Ozarks! Diana
Good morning, Diana, and thank you for brightening MY day with your comment! Yes, we too got an icy start to spring. Today is sunny but yesterday was a small snowfall with the consistency of a snow cone. I can’t wait for warmer days so I can get in the yard!
Hugs to you and those wonderful furbabies! -Nicole
Take five minutes for sitting down with a cup of chamomile tea and put your feet up. Then close your eyes, smile while you sip, and have an "attitude of gratitude." Be thankful for what you’ve accomplished and create a plan for a calm future even if it’s just for 24 hours. A suggestion for the tooth fairy: next time you’re at the bank, pick up some gold dollar coins and put them aside for those pleasant emergencies that pop up. I got 50 cents for my baby teeth, by the way.
Great idea, Adrienne! My daughter has to be running out of baby teeth soon…
Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Hi Nicole,
I agree with you, March is very busy indeed! My daughter is stage crew for the school play and has been putting in 11 hour days for the past week. It makes for very long days and nights full of stress and homework done much too late!
I will be fighting a 3 hour time difference tomorrow as I head off to glamp with CJ and Robin. You will be there in "JAM" and Spirit! I will be sure and have a glass of birthday wine for you too! I promise!
Hi Laurie!
Yes, I wish it would have worked for us all to meet in person…next time, for sure! Have a great time, and enjoy that jam. Big birthday hugs to you, too, my friend! – Farmgirl hugs! -Nicole
I’m so sorry about your cat’s passing. What a beautiful kitty she was! My cat Zachary died last year at age 18 and just like you said so well even though we were on borrowed time it still was a devastating shock to me to lose someone I’d spent almost 2 decades of my life with. They are so hard to lose.
I enjoy your column- Happy Spring!
I’m sorry to hear about your Zachary. We now are left with just one pet from out original "herd", our kitty, Badger. He is about twenty now. He is happy to have Mittens as a buddy, who is now about ten months old. He’s outlived all his other "girls". We miss them all. They are our kids who never grow up.
Thank you for reading and commenting. Happy Spring to you, too! Hugs! -Nicole
I am so sorry you lost your kitty. When I lived in Ct. I had a cat that looked JUST like your Muffin, and her name was…………Muffin! No kidding! She moved to Va, with my family in the late eighties. They sure can leave a hole in your heart. I hope things warm up for you and life calms down-we are really looking forward to spring here.
Meredith – what a coincidence! Our kitty was always petite, so we would coo at her and call her our "Wee Muff-Puff". Silly, but she loved the attention.
It’s been a really long winter this year. Our first snowfall was in late October (other times, we are wearing shorts at Halloween), and last March at this time it was so unusually warm, the trees all bloomed and there were no apples left by October. I am ready for Spring now, too. Hugs, Nicole
I’m 70 yrs…back in the "old" days the tooth fairy slipped a quarter under my pillow! All this sharing about the Tooth Fairy reminded me that when my Mom cleaned out my Dad’s bureau after his passing, she discovered a gallon size plastic bag filled with all of his six kids’ teeth. I always wondered what TF did with all those teeth!!! What a surprise! He was such a dear Dad to all of us. BTW what does the TF at your house do with her findings?
I have heard a rumor that she keeps them hidden away, that tooth fairies use the teeth if they need "more magic in fairyland". Or so I am told.
Thanks for commenting and sharing your cute story with us! – Hugs, Nicole
I am sorry to hear of your kitty Muffin dying. We love our pets so much,and their death affects every member of the family because they are part of our family. I love your blog! Happy Spring Nicole!
Thank you, Michele. Our pets are part of our family, and it leaves a hole when one goes. But I wouldn’t trade any of it for all the love and joy they bring us.
Thank you for reading and commenting, it means a lot. -Nicole
There’s a sock fairy somewhere who’s well-supplied with socks. Glad to know she visits your house, too!
Nancy from Live a Savory Life
I think you are right, Nancy! -Nicole
Good morning. I laughed and laughed oh shades oh memories past when our girls were young. Thank goodness for spring because we know sunny days and green grass are on the way. That 1 hr change always messes me up too. Keep us posted on the garden.
Sending farm girl hugs
Will do, Merrilyn! I think that one hour change gets harder to adjust to the older I get! Pretty soon, by the time I am adjusted, it will be time to fall them back again, hee hee. Hugs back at ya, Nicole
So sorry dear about your baby kitty Muffin,I have a Muffin but it is a dog she is sweet too…Like you said they are borrowed love to make us happy .And I am in Florida the sunshine state..reason in letting you know the last part…my Garden is partially in. Tomatoes,onions,Beans,Cucks and Corn.Working on flowers next ,the food was important lol.So good luck everyone reading this with their gardens!Enjoy!
Hi Georgette! And thank you for commenting! Your garden sounds lovely! I’m chomping at the bit to get outside and plant, I tell ya. My seedlings have sprouted but it is still pretty cold. It is supposed to warm up by next week to the sixties…keep your fingers crossed for me! Give your Muffin a hug from me, and enjoy that Florida weather! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Yeah that’s what I’m talking about –nice work!