“There’s no place like home.” Dorothy stated those iconic words more than 70 years ago, and I think one of the best places to be in summer is New England. It’s hard to believe, but summer 2013’s winding down; the start of a new school year is right ‘round the corner. The question directed at me frequently was “What camps is your daughter signed up for?”, followed by surprised looks when I answer, “None”. As a really grateful SAHM in a not-so-great economy, the budget for fun can be limited. But my daughter’s not sitting around bored, or plugged into a mobile device all day. We’ve been as busy as bees! Join me, the Suburban Farmgirl, as I share my recipe for a blissful “stay-cation”.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
~ Mark TwainDebbie Bosworth
is a certified farmgirl at heart. She’s happily married to her beach bum Yankee husband of 20 years. She went from career gal to being a creative homeschooling mom for two of her biggest blessings and hasn’t looked back since. Debbie left her lifelong home in the high desert of Northern Nevada 10 years ago and washed up on the shore of America’s hometown, Plymouth, MA, where she and her family are now firmly planted. They spend part of each summer in a tiny, off–grid beach cottage named “The Sea Horse.”
“I found a piece of my farmgirl heart when I discovered MaryJanesFarm. Suddenly, everything I loved just made more sense! I enjoy unwinding at the beach, writing, gardening, and turning yard-sale furniture into ‘Painted Ladies’ I’m passionate about living a creative life and encouraging others to ‘make each day their masterpiece.’”
Column contents © Deb Bosworth. All rights reserved.
Being a farmgirl is not
about where you live,
but how you live.Rebekah Teal
is a “MaryJane Farmgirl” who lives in a large metropolitan area. She is a lawyer who has worked in both criminal defense and prosecution. She has been a judge, a business woman and a stay-at-home mom. In addition to her law degree, she has a Masters of Theological Studies.
“Mustering up the courage to do the things you dream about,” she says, “is the essence of being a MaryJane Farmgirl.” Learning to live more organically and closer to nature is Rebekah’s current pursuit. She finds strength and encouragement through MaryJane’s writings, life, and products. And MaryJane’s Farmgirl Connection provides her a wealth of knowledge from true-blue farmgirls.
Column contents © Rebekah Teal. All rights reserved.
Keep close to Nature’s heart … and break clear away once in awhile to climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods, to wash your spirit clean.
~ John MuirCathi Belcher
an old-fashioned farmgirl with a pioneer spirit, lives in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. As a “lifelong learner” in the “Live-Free-or-Die” state, she fiercely values self-reliance, independence, freedom, and fresh mountain air. Married to her childhood sweetheart of 40+ years (a few of them “uphill climbs”), she’s had plenty of time to reinvent herself. From museum curator, restaurant owner, homeschool mom/conference speaker, to post-and-beam house builder and entrepreneur, she’s also a multi-media artist, with an obsession for off-grid living and alternative housing. Cathi owns and operates a 32-room mountain lodge. Her specialty has evolved to include “hermit hospitality” at her rustic cabin in the mountains, where she offers weekend workshops of special interest to women.
“Mountains speak to my soul, and farming is an important part of my heritage. I want to pass on my love of these things to others through my writing. Living in the mountains has its own particular challenges, but I delight in turning them into opportunities from which we can all learn and grow.”
Column contents © Cathi Belcher. All rights reserved.
Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
~ Anthony J. D’AngeloDori Troutman
Dori Troutman is the daughter of second generation cattle ranchers in New Mexico. She grew up working and playing on the ranch that her grandparents homesteaded in 1928. That ranch, with the old adobe home, is still in the family today. Dori and her husband always yearned for a ranch of their own. That dream came true when they retired to the beautiful green rolling hills of Tennessee. Truly a cattleman’s paradise!
Dori loves all things farmgirl and actually has known no other life but that. She loves to cook, craft, garden, and help with any and all things on their cattle farm.
Column contents © Dori Troutman. All rights reserved.
Shery Jespersen
Previous Ranch Farmgirl,
Oct 2009 – Nov 2013Wyoming cattle rancher and outpost writer (rider), shares the “view from her saddle.” Shery is a leather and lace cowgirl-farmgirl who’s been horse-crazy all of her life. Her other interests include “junktiques,” arts and crafts, glamping, collecting antique china, and cultivating mirth.
Mary Murray
describes herself as a goat charmer, chicken whisperer, bee maven, and farmers’ market baker renovating an 1864 farmhouse on an Ohio farm. With a degree in Design, Mary says small-town auctions and country road barn sales "always make my heart skip a beat thinking about what I could create or design out of what I’ve seen.”
Rooted in the countryside, she likes simple things and old ways … gardening, preserving the harvest, cooking, baking, and all things home. While you might find her selling baked goods from the farm’s milkhouse, teaching herself to play the fiddle, or sprucing up a vintage camper named Maizy, you will always find her in an apron!
Mary says, “I’m happiest with the simple country pleasures … an old farmhouse, too many animals, a crackling fire, books to read, and the sound of laughter … these make life just perfect.”
Column contents © Mary Murray. All rights reserved.
is a condition
of the heart.Alexandra Wilson
is a budding rural farmgirl living in Palmer, the agricultural seat of Alaska. Alex is a graduate student at Alaska Pacific University pursuing an M.S. in Outdoor and Environmental Education. She lives and works on the university’s 700 acre environmental education center, Spring Creek Farm. When Alex has time outside of school, she loves to rock climb, repurpose found objects, cross-country ski on the hay fields, travel, practice yoga, and cook with new-fangled ingredients.
Alex grew up near the Twin Cities and went to college in Madison, Wisconsin—both places where perfectly painted barns and rolling green farmland are just a short drive away. After college, she taught at a rural middle school in South Korea where she biked past verdant rice paddies and old women selling home-grown produce from sidewalk stoops. She was introduced to MaryJanesFarm after returning, and found in it what she’d been searching for—a group of incredible women living their lives in ways that benefit their families, their communities, and the greater environment. What an amazing group of farmgirls to be a part of!
Column contents © Alexandra Wilson. All rights reserved.
Libbie Zenger
Previous Rural Farmgirl,
June 2010 – Jan 2012Libbie’s a small town farmgirl who lives in the high-desert Sevier Valley of Central Utah on a 140-year-old farm with her husband and two darling little farmboys—as well as 30 ewes; 60 new little lambs; a handful of rams; a lovely milk cow, Evelynn; an old horse, Doc; two dogs; a bunch o’ chickens; and two kitties.
René Groom
Previous Rural Farmgirl,
April 2009 – May 2010René lives in Washington state’s wine country. She grew up in the dry-land wheat fields of E. Washington, where learning to drive the family truck and tractors, and “snipe hunting,” were rites of passage. She has dirt under her nails and in her veins. In true farmgirl fashion, there is no place on Earth she would rather be than on the farm.
Farmgirl spirit can take root anywhere—dirt or no dirt.
Nicole Christensen
Suburban Farmgirl Nicole Christensen calls herself a “vintage enthusiast”. Born and raised in Texas, she has lived most of her life in the picturesque New England suburbs of Connecticut, just a stone’s throw from New York State. An Advanced Master Gardener, she has gardened since childhood, in several states and across numerous planting zones. In addition, she teaches knitting classes, loves to preserve, and raises backyard chickens.
Married over thirty years to her Danish-born sweetheart, Nicole has worked in various fields, been a world-traveler, an entrepreneur and a homemaker, but considers being mom to her now-adult daughter her greatest accomplishment. Loving all things creative, Nicole considers her life’s motto to be “Bloom where you are planted”.
Column contents © Nicole Christensen. All rights reserved.
Paula Spencer
Previous Suburban Farmgirl,
October 2009 – October 2010Paula is a mom of four and a journalist who’s partial to writing about common sense and women’s interests. She’s lived in five great farm states (Michigan, Iowa, New York, Tennessee, and now North Carolina), though never on a farm. She’s nevertheless inordinately fond of heirloom tomatoes, fine stitching, early mornings, and making pies. And sock monkeys.
Your stay-cation sounds wonderful and from the pictures, it looks as though your summer has been full of fun AND learning. I believe it’s essential for kids to have downtime. It’s the way imaginations are born. It makes me sad when I see how disconnected some of us have become due to all the technology and "stuff" around us. We’re forgetting how to communicate. You and your daughter, on the other hand, are able to see all the beauty around you and ENJOY IT.
Rebecca, thank you. I’m glad you liked the pictures. They were all so fun to take. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Being a stay at home nowdays is a true blessing, it is hard to afford, but well worth it all!
We home schooled our two kids for 8 yrs, they were the poorest years of our lives, but the best too.
Living in a 100 yr. old farmhouse surrounded by ducks, geese, chickens, milking goats was so much fun, we had stay at home vacations every year, life was a vacation!!
Now all grown up with kids of their own, they still speak of the batches of kittens they watched come into this world, bottle feeding baby goats, and growing huge gardens to share with the community, making new friends at the same time!
You are to be commended, you are blessed to have this special time with your daughter, you will both cherish and remember these days all your lives.
Hugs from Noel, Missouri, Diana
Diana, Your farmhouse living sounds like Heaven to me! What a wonderful childhood you gave your children. I would have home schooled if my daughter had not been an only child. I regret that I sent her to preschool as a tot. I had said I wouldn’t, but really felt peer pressure from other moms to do so. She wasn’t gone that long but she did not learn anything more than what I was doing already. Summers and weekends are "our" time, though! Farmgirl hugs, Nicole
I love it. The photos are great. I think you have spent quality time with your daughter. And, in a less stressful manner. My daughter and I enjoy going to a local park and it’s a mini vacation. We are already in our second week of band camp, but last night had to be outside taking photos of the full moon. Sunday we had a picnic with another neighbor and her daughter and enjoyed playing "Clue" and "Life" out on the porch until it was too dark to see.
Mary, We were taking pics of the moon last night, too! Wasn’t it HUGE? It was so beautiful. It really looked like a face, reminded me of the old forties cartoons with the animated moon. Sounds like you had a great night…I forgot about the game "Clue". We don’t have that one, but I’ll have to get it. I played it as a child, too. Nothing like the real board games. Computer games are not the same, at all. How much fun it sounded like you had last evening. Enjoy. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
As a member of the ‘older’ generation, I think that it is important for kids to have downtime and to learn how to amuse themselves without technology. My husband and I just got home from a camping trip. There were many children riding their bikes, swimming, and hiking. In the evenings the families would collect around their campfires and lanterns and read books and play games. It was so refreshing to see the children physically and mentally stimulated!
My mother always told me that she was sad when we went back to school in the fall, simply because we bonded more and did activities as a family all summer…
Good job at building more family memories!
Hi Jan! I am already sad at thinking about school starting. We try to do downtime during the year after school as much as we can. Bike rides, walk the dog, go ice skating…but from fourth grade on there is so much homework each night. It’s really hard but we do our best. My dd gets "stressed" when she doesn’t get to get outside, even if it’s just a small time. And it saddens me to see how schools have chipped away at recess, or taken it away altogether! Thanks for commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Thank YOU!!! for all of the above. Never can a parent be more than you are to your daughter and to the country in general. I think the more we have like you the more the next generation will be loving, caring people and will help stop the wrong doing. Again thank YOU and your husband. God Bless
Joan, thank you for your comment. It’s not easy going against the "norm". It’s not easy to do, and there are sacrifices. My husband is a blessing, and I thank God he’s on the same page with me with raising our dd. Farmgirl hugs, and blessings back to you, Nicole
Sharing thoughts. My son and daughter are now single adults in their 30’s and late 20’s but we always had "down time" at our home growing up and now as adults they do the same thing. They went on camping vacations by themselves to Utah, Wyoming, and So. Dakota this summer for 1 to 3 weeks. Son 3 and daughter 1. They hiked, fished, read, and just sat around and enjoyed the quiet life then spent down time unpacking when the got back to their homes. Teaching them as children to go outside, sit on the deck or steps and listen to the birds sing was one the most important lessons I feel I ever taught them because they are comfortable with their own thoughts and lives and do not need constant stimulation and attention from others to this day.
I totally feel everyone needs "downtime" to just do what they want to do with or without anyone else around them. Sounds to me like you have had a fantastic summer and learned a lot about yourselves and entertaining yourself without outside influences.
Sounds like you did a great job raising your babies! Downtime is important. It’s so easy to feel "burned out", and by getting "unplugged" and unscheduled once and awhile, I think we all become more productive in the end, no matter what we do. It’s something society is losing, I fear. Multi-tasking is one thing, but it can go too far, I think. Thanks for commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Nicole, I am laughing I spent the day at the beach yesterday and stopped for Lucas at the farm on the way home. Spent my time at Moss Labyrinth and then taking many photos of bees on flowers and dragonflies.
I love the terrariums and now I am inspired to try it on my own since I missed the group event.
I loved stay vacations, this summer has been pretty much one big stay vacation for me. I wouldn’t trade it.
Your garden looks great, wish I could say the same for mine. Live and Learn, I will try again net year.
Barb, We all missed you so much at our farmgirl get-together. Audrey missed Emily, too! Sounds like you all had a nice summer. Hope to see you all soon. Much love, Nicole
Nicole, you’re doing a great job! I agree 100%, kids need downtime, need to learn to entertain themselves, learn to be open to all experiences.
Thanks, Mary Ann. When I was a kid, I was outside playing from sun up to sun down. Sometimes it was with my neighbor, a little boy who lived next door. Other times, it was by myself if he couldn’t play. I never felt "lonely", and very rarely watched TV. Some of my happiest childhood memories are of going to the park with my mom and grandma, or my mom and I playing softball in the back yard together. When video games came out, my parents didn’t forbid it, but they certainly did limit it. I am grateful. Farmgirl hugs, Nicole
I’m so glad you’re having a lovely summer-into-fall staycation and yes, my brother, sister and I had plenty of downtime when we grew up. There were chores and homework, but after everything necessary was done, we were on our own until dark. If we were away from the house and yard, someone knew where we were. We were free to do what we wished with whomever in the neighborhood. Sure, there was Little League, soccer, Pop Warner and other scheduled events but we never felt stressed to cram more into the day.
I miss the Lorikeets! There was an exhibit at the San Francisco Zoo and we loved to feed them inside the open air compound. I had to remember not to wear button earrings or the beautiful little critters would try to eat them. I’m glad they’re in your area of the country to enjoy.
Hi Adrienne! Aren’t the Lorikeets the neatest? We really enjoyed that exhibit. It was really a treat. I admit, I hadn’t ever heard of that type of bird before. They are so beautiful and colorful. Farmgirl hugs, Nicole
Hi Nicole,
Yes, kids need downtime! For me, summers were always reading, being outdoors and playing at the lake. There wasn’t pressure to conform like there is today. Even when my children were small and I worked, I would be sure to plan activities as a family that didn’t cost much, if anything, but we were all together. It showed that family is forever and it doesn’t cost a lot to discover wonderful things.
PS The picture of Audrey, the book and the kitty is priceless!
Hi Maureen, You are so right. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to spend time together as a family. If anything good has come out of a difficult economy, it’s that families have become more creative in finding things to do together.
Isn’t that cat a hoot? She will sit like that with Audrey as long as Audrey wants. I swear Mittens does not know that she is a cat. She really does think she is a baby. We lucked out with her. She is such a sweetie. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Hi Nicole! You really touched on some good food for thought today my dear! As a homeschool mom I am always thrilled when I hear that a family makes time to be together in unscheduled classes or activities. It gives us room to grow together and learn about each other and the world at the same time. Your summer sounds like the perfect summer! I agree, New England is a lovely place to be in the summer…So much to see and do if you choose, and plenty to do on a less hurried scale as well. I see you have the same butterflies we did this summer. I have zinnias galore but no painted ladies yet..I think the weather has affected the migration of certain butterflies this year. I’ve only spotted a few Swallowtails in my butterfly garden this year but the ones that did visit were very large and so beautiful. I actually saved ones life! I went out to look at my flowers and I found one stuck inside a daylilly blossom that had melted to the butterflies wings so it couldn’t get out. I thought it would be neat to look at it upclose and assumed it had perished by the way it was crammed inside the flower but when I peeled the flower petals away the wings began to move. With a little tug I released the butterfly from the center of the flower and it took off… a little wobbly at first and on damaged wing but I like to think I saved it even if just for the rest of the summer! As for family things… we have spent a lot of time talking and laughing with our teens at home and at the beach. As well as playing taxi to various outings they wanted to get in over the summer with friends.
Don’t let people frighten you about the teen years. Yes they are turbulent, for some kids more than others, but if you can drop anchor as a parent and let the storms swirl around you and not get caught up in it along with your child when the winds quiet down, ( and they go back to being human) you will fall in love with them all over again and they you!
Loved your post today! It hit home in the best of ways!
Love, your BEACH BLOGGIN sis Deb
Hi Deb! Love the story of the butterfly. We are missing the Monarchs this year. I heard there were fewer due to the storms, and we have only seen one or two all summer. Lots of hummingbirds, hummingbird moths, and alot of butterflies, especially spotted skippers, and tiger swallowtails, though.
I love that you homeschool your teens and I love the way you seem so close to your daughter, even in the "teen" years. I think if you set a good foundation from the start, like you’ve done, you stay close and it is less turbulent than it could be.
As for New England, your area is another on my list to visit someday! Glad you had a great summer. I love your posts about the beach!
Farmgirl hugs,
Nicole, I so agree with Rebecca. As a society we are so busy embracing the newest technology that we are forgetting we need people just as much as the new progressions we are making. We need to disengage ourselves from the bright lights of technology so that we can enjoy all the mother nature has to offer, embrace our families and friends, and sometimes just be still in order that we can hear our own thoughts and harness all of those creative energies that we are born to explore.
Kimberley, Well said! Thank you for commenting! -Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Thanks for sharing the photos and your post and all the neat things you’ve been doing! Wonderful!
I do believe that kids need down time! They need play time and, hopefully, time where they are encouraged to create, read, or whatever they really want to do at the moment. Yes, they need structure and their share of responsibilities as is appropriate for their age. But I’m a believer in encouraging creativity and exploration. Kids need to be given opportunity to think, reason and make decisions for themselves as well.
A nap can be a good thing, too!
Enjoy the rest of your summer!!!
Hi CJ! I agree whole-heartedly! We have given Audrey chores which she must do, as well, like make her own bed, feed her pets, and put away her own laundry. She also has to practice her violin. She is active in Girl Scouts and 4H. But she knows kids who never get any free playtime, never get to decide what they would like to do. They are shuffled from one lesson, one sport, one activity to another to another. They are exhausted. Their parents are exhausted.
And yes, a nap can be a good thing! Big hugs to you, my friend. Been thinking about you! Farmgirl hugs, Nicole
One summer day when my son was about 8, he was laying under a tree out in our field on our 10 acre farm. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "Watching the leaves move in the wind." This is a boy, who by today’s standards would have been classified with ADHD. I always had my children spend as much time outside playing and working as was possible. Now, as adults, they plan camping and backpacking trips for recreation.
Janet, I really believe that being outside like you did with your children is just so important. We expect our kids to sit still all day, restrict their playtime and eliminate recess. Then so many end up with weight issues, or burned out by the time they hit middle school. I have to say I was disappointed to see my town’s push to all day kindergarten now. My daughter still needed naps at that age, and when she didn’t get to rest, our evenings were torture.
Sounds like your kids had a great childhood, and were very blessed to live on a ten acre farm. Thank you for sharing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Nicole, the pictures are beautiful and of course I agree with you on free time from hectic schedules and technology for children.
I never had heard of a lorikeet and they are beautiful! What fun you and Audrey had this summer and nice aquarium.
Audrey looks so sweet lying down with Mittens and the kitty’s eyes are something else! Good blog and you really have some nice comments from others.
Love you,
Thanks Mom! And thanks for being a great mom and inspiration to me. My happiest memories as a child are of being outside playing until dusk, and being home with you. Love you, Nicole
Nicole, the pictures are beautiful and of course I agree with you on free time from hectic schedules and technology for children.
I never had heard of a lorikeet and they are beautiful! What fun you and Audrey had this summer and nice aquarium.
Audrey looks so sweet lying down with Mittens and the kitty’s eyes are something else! Good blog and you really have some nice comments from others.
Love you,
Thanks Mom! And thanks for being a great mom and inspiration to me. My happiest memories as a child are of being outside playing until dusk, and being home with you. Love you, Nicole
Nicole, I so agree with your post. I am a mother of five – 4 boys and 1 girl. We homeschooled for 10 years before I had to go to work. We live in Michigan and when we bought our home we had to make a choice. Do we have more property and no basement or get a basement and have no property. My husband and I both love the outdoors and so it really became a no brainier. More property! So with that my kids were always outside. We gave them one area of the yard to dig and dig they did. We had trees for climbing, swing to play on, gardens, raspberry bushes, basketball, and in the winter an ice rink. Some people thought we were crazy to not have a basement but we knew how we wanted our kids to grow up. Outside :). We limited their tv and didn’t have any game systems until they were much older. For their birthdays I would rent a game system for 24 hours and let them play until their hearts content, then I would return it. My children are now ages 15 to 23 and its always fun to listen to them talk about the things they used to do. You’ve made a great choice to spend this time with your daughter. The time really does go fast.
Melena, thank you for sharing! I love your idea of renting a game system and then returning it. We do allow Audrey to play video games at times, but she is very, very limited on the time. And with email and cell games, I am like "Big Brother"…always watching. I wouldn’t have let her have a cell at all yet, but after last year, I changed my mind after a school bus fender bender where no one know why our bus was an hour late, and then of course December 14th. I trust my daughter, but am also Mama Bear! Thank you for sharing. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole