"It's Okay": Advice From a 2.5 Year Old

I just wrapped up an after dinner family photo session hosted by the one and only Toddler Farmgirl Ava.  She has a sudden interest in photography, I think it has something to do with her other Babysitter Farmgirl friends who just started Instagram accounts.  Anyway…she was pretending that a clothes hanger was her camera.  She wanted us to give ourselves bunny ears and make funny faces.  We obliged and she snapped away some “pictures.”  It was really great, innocent fun!

Funny face photos on a nature hike!

Funny face photos on a nature hike!

I then asked if she had any other color cameras, maybe a green one?  She replied that all of her other cameras “had clothes hanging on them.”  Hilarious!  The imagination can have its limits, apparently.

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  1. Carol says:

    I like that mindset. There are days that when I hear the news I am thankful that I am in my little spot in the country and feel at peace knowing that my kids are safe.

  2. Krista says:

    That is some great advice. I needed to be reminded that it really is okay. I have been stressing quite a bit lately and with everything that is going on it’s okay to let go. Our lives can get really busy and crazy, so it’s nice to take a day and enjoy the simple things in life. Thanks for the reminder.
    Your veggies look absolutely beautiful and your daughter is super cute helping out!

  3. Megan says:

    I loved the article. I am a mama of two little boys 3 years and 11 months. I can definitely relate to it. 🙂

  4. Laura R. says:

    Hi Alex!

    That was an excellent post! Not only because you recorded some of those precious memories of your children’s lives (I wish I had written down some of my treasures from out of the mouths of my babes.), but also your message was inspired. Optimistic, with solution driven ideas, and also gratitude awareness. It’s OK, I love it !!

  5. Janis says:

    Hi Alex, What a treat to read your blog – you have a earth centered gfamily – I am working hard to educate my community re the importance of community gardens to bring everyone together- keeping my fingers crossed in South Carolina

  6. Marilyn says:

    Thank you for sharing this post. Ava is a bright child. Ava and Opal are beautiful. I love hearing about your daughters. God Bless them and keep them safe and happy.

  7. Becky Bartlett says:

    I am so jealous of your household with toddlers. Watching them grow and learn is so thrilling and remarkable.

    On the other hand, my dear, I am so happy that you recognize and are taking advantage of their efforts.

  8. Dori Troutman says:

    Hi Alex,

    I loved seeing the pictures of your girls. That darling little Farmgirl Ava is growing up too fast. And look at Opal sitting up in the garden. What sweet girls!

    Glad you are having such a wonderful summer. Do you ever look forward to winter-time or does it just come way too quickly?


    – Dori –

  9. Kay Ruh says:

    Thank you, Alex. I agree that our responsibility to help make things better begins by being conscious of the energy we put into our very own spheres.

  10. Susabelle says:

    Oh, those little naked toddler feet on gravel! And we adults can’t even step barefoot on a stick! 🙂 Ava has it right. It’s okay!

  11. Denise Ross says:

    Love the “it’s okay”. So true. I really loved this post. Seeing life from a child’s perspective is very enriching and brings back life to it’s simplest things that are important to our lives. Glad you’re okay too. Have a very happy week. Til next time take care.

  12. Joan says:

    So nice to read your blog!!! lifted me up – wasn’t really down but your family sure brings joy to my life. God bless.

  13. LaRoyce says:

    Nice…thank you.

  14. Meredith Williams says:

    My daughter is getting ready to start her senior year of high school. My new mantra after reading your post is “it’s okay!” . I am a stressed- out mess over her leaving our safe farm and going out into this crazy world. I will remind myself that it’s okay! Enjoy your girls and this time in their lives, it will go so fast you won’t believe it.❤️

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      It is okay! I don’t know about having grown up children, but I imagine a calm, confident mama makes for a calm confident kid throughout life. I bet her farm upbringing will shine through as she explores her adulthood! Thanks for checking in

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“It’s Okay”: Advice From a 2.5 Year Old

I just wrapped up an after dinner family photo session hosted by the one and only Toddler Farmgirl Ava.  She has a sudden interest in photography, I think it has something to do with her other Babysitter Farmgirl friends who just started Instagram accounts.  Anyway…she was pretending that a clothes hanger was her camera.  She wanted us to give ourselves bunny ears and make funny faces.  We obliged and she snapped away some “pictures.”  It was really great, innocent fun!

Funny face photos on a nature hike!

Funny face photos on a nature hike!

I then asked if she had any other color cameras, maybe a green one?  She replied that all of her other cameras “had clothes hanging on them.”  Hilarious!  The imagination can have its limits, apparently.

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  1. Carol says:

    I like that mindset. There are days that when I hear the news I am thankful that I am in my little spot in the country and feel at peace knowing that my kids are safe.

  2. Krista says:

    That is some great advice. I needed to be reminded that it really is okay. I have been stressing quite a bit lately and with everything that is going on it’s okay to let go. Our lives can get really busy and crazy, so it’s nice to take a day and enjoy the simple things in life. Thanks for the reminder.
    Your veggies look absolutely beautiful and your daughter is super cute helping out!

  3. Megan says:

    I loved the article. I am a mama of two little boys 3 years and 11 months. I can definitely relate to it. 🙂

  4. Laura R. says:

    Hi Alex!

    That was an excellent post! Not only because you recorded some of those precious memories of your children’s lives (I wish I had written down some of my treasures from out of the mouths of my babes.), but also your message was inspired. Optimistic, with solution driven ideas, and also gratitude awareness. It’s OK, I love it !!

  5. Janis says:

    Hi Alex, What a treat to read your blog – you have a earth centered gfamily – I am working hard to educate my community re the importance of community gardens to bring everyone together- keeping my fingers crossed in South Carolina

  6. Marilyn says:

    Thank you for sharing this post. Ava is a bright child. Ava and Opal are beautiful. I love hearing about your daughters. God Bless them and keep them safe and happy.

  7. Becky Bartlett says:

    I am so jealous of your household with toddlers. Watching them grow and learn is so thrilling and remarkable.

    On the other hand, my dear, I am so happy that you recognize and are taking advantage of their efforts.

  8. Dori Troutman says:

    Hi Alex,

    I loved seeing the pictures of your girls. That darling little Farmgirl Ava is growing up too fast. And look at Opal sitting up in the garden. What sweet girls!

    Glad you are having such a wonderful summer. Do you ever look forward to winter-time or does it just come way too quickly?


    – Dori –

  9. Kay Ruh says:

    Thank you, Alex. I agree that our responsibility to help make things better begins by being conscious of the energy we put into our very own spheres.

  10. Susabelle says:

    Oh, those little naked toddler feet on gravel! And we adults can’t even step barefoot on a stick! 🙂 Ava has it right. It’s okay!

  11. Denise Ross says:

    Love the “it’s okay”. So true. I really loved this post. Seeing life from a child’s perspective is very enriching and brings back life to it’s simplest things that are important to our lives. Glad you’re okay too. Have a very happy week. Til next time take care.

  12. Joan says:

    So nice to read your blog!!! lifted me up – wasn’t really down but your family sure brings joy to my life. God bless.

  13. LaRoyce says:

    Nice…thank you.

  14. Meredith Williams says:

    My daughter is getting ready to start her senior year of high school. My new mantra after reading your post is “it’s okay!” . I am a stressed- out mess over her leaving our safe farm and going out into this crazy world. I will remind myself that it’s okay! Enjoy your girls and this time in their lives, it will go so fast you won’t believe it.❤️

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      It is okay! I don’t know about having grown up children, but I imagine a calm, confident mama makes for a calm confident kid throughout life. I bet her farm upbringing will shine through as she explores her adulthood! Thanks for checking in

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When Life Gives You Lemons

Hey there Farmgirls!  First off–Happy Solstice!  I hope you are navigating this powerful time of the year with as much grace and focus as you can muster. This one has been a doozy with the full moon and solstice happening at the same time.  I’ve been hearing of troubles and woes from almost every corner of life.  As for me, I’m just kind of frantic and unfocused (So many unfinished projects and tasks!), but I already feel my body anticipating and getting ready for the slow relaxation that comes as summer progresses.

This girl has been enjoying the long days of solstice time!

This girl has been enjoying the long days of solstice time!

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  1. bonnie ellis says:

    Your children are adorable! Keep up the good work Alex. and yes, it is the garden of weedin”. Hi from Minnesota, where it is much hotter ( 90s).

  2. Karen Pennebaker says:

    Chickweed is my nemesis and I’m in West Virginia! However, my chickens watch as I pull it knowing the buckets of weeds will be their salad.

  3. Marilyn says:

    Love the pictures. I am also a hot weather wimp, 60 degrees is warm enough for me.Your daughters are adorable. Have a safe and healthy summer and try to stay cool!

  4. Dori Troutman says:

    Oh Alex, those sweet little farm girls of yours! 🙂 Precious little girls. And wow…. how can Opal be big enough to be sitting there in the garden already? Happy Summer with your long days! xoxo

    – Dori –

  5. Krista says:

    I would definitely struggle with long days of sunlight. Hopefully your tricks are helping you with extended day light and the warm weather. Your tea mixtures are giving me inspiration to mix my own for the heat of the summer. We have been in the high 90s for awhile now. Stay cool and enjoy your summer with your cute family.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Just seeing this reply now, sorry! Hope you are staying cool as it seems like everyone is feeling the heat!

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Country Girl in the City

Hello Farmgirls!

I hope this finds you well as we all continue to dive deeper into the green of spring and heat of summer.  I am in the second half of a whirlwind visit to the Midwest with my family and have been enjoying watching the bright new greens transform into their slightly more permanent, deeper hues.  The trip started with beautiful blossoms on the apple, cherry, plum and lilac trees and is finishing with some of the most lusciously green and huge-leaved maples and oaks I’ve seen in a very long time!  When we get back to Alaska, we’ll get to experience it all again.  How lucky are we?

Country road, take me home...(driveway to my mom's farm in MN)

Country road, take me home…(driveway to my mom’s farm in MN)

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  1. Krista says:

    Thank you for sharing some nice pictures of spring and the great outdoors! Hopefully you will be able to continue finding ways to be outside and get back to your inner country. I bet it will be a lot of fun checking out all the parks. I wish we had that many parks here. I have been enjoying the outdoors myself. Twice a day I go out to check on my garden, to water some plants, and push my son in his swing. I can see a difference in both of us just getting out of these concrete walls. Amazing how that works!

  2. Dori Troutman says:

    Hi Alex! As always, I loved reading everything! And those darling little girls of yours. Sigh. (Because I have two little grand-daughters I think I am naturally partial to two little sisters!)

    I was excited to see the picture of Ava bird watching… I’ve been to that exact spot!!! My husband’s family lives on the hill there overlooking the inlet so we would bike that boardwalk and birdwatch. I really need a trip back to Alaska! 🙂

    And Opal in her little overalls? So precious and wow she is growing!

    I was sad about the Yurt. I miss your Yurt days!

    Big hugs to you; happy you are enjoying your trip “outside”.

    – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

  3. Cheryl says:

    I am a country girl stuck in the city also but I find ways to keep the country in my life ..I read blogs and country magazines ( I love Mary Jane’s farm ). I plant something every spring even tho I have to plant in pots..I look for good old country recipes like vinigar pie. I take drives in the country…one time I just HAD to see a cow so I loaded up my boys and we drove out to the country to find a pasture full of cows…I got to pet one..that was good therapy for a city girl missing the country life.

  4. Joan says:

    I am living – not on a farm BUT I try to make my yard a farmish setting, the neighbors love it. We have rules for the front so they all are surprised when they open the gate, does make me feel good. It’s getting harder as I get more into my 70’s and the arthritis settles more into my titanium re-enforced spine but on I go and thank God for every inch of the rural feel. Your girls are so precious!!! God bless.

  5. I always enjoy reading what you’re up to. In answer to your question, whenever I’m in a place with a lot of concrete like NYC, I go to great lengths to stay where there is at least one window I can open–hard to find actually. I love an open window because often there’s a breeze that will move the curtains ever so slightly, or perhaps a bird that will sing. It connects me somehow to home and instantly comforts me.

  6. Marilyn says:

    Thanks for the lovely pictures.

  7. Very Cool Pics!

    Farmgirl Hugs,

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…And We're Back!

It’s been awhile Farmgirl sisters…Time for some catch up, let’s get to it:

It was the best of times.  It was the worst of times.  That pretty much sums up parenthood, right?  I’ve come up with another summation: childcare and coffee.  That’s what my days have been made of for the last couple of months (and laundry…piles and piles of it! Thank you washing machine!).  Like many aspects of parenting, just as we are getting used to this phase it shifts as we emerge out of Opal’s newborn days.

She's getting to be a big girl!  #MNrepresent

She’s getting to be a big girl! #MNrepresent

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  1. Carol Slater says:

    As a grandparent that stays home with my granddaughter, let me tell you that I understand what you are going through. I find that the winter has been hard as we have stayed in so much although it really was an easy winter. I am thankful for the summer like weather we are having and I am looking forward to getting some outside time now with the baby. The blessings are worth the effort and disappointments, but remember that you are what is important to them. Teach them to do the things you like as they grow. One day you will have friends that are interested in the same things that you are.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks for the encouragement! For the most part, parenthood is awesome. My kids are pretty cool and we all do fun things together. I’ve already been dreaming of visiting them in exotic places to go on fun hikes and adventures…but it will get here faster than I realize!

  2. deb says:

    My daughter’s second son is now 1 yoa and it’s been a tough year. She’s exhausted all the time. I live too far away to be there all the time to help. I still remember (following the birth of my second 34 years ago-ahem) how difficult it was to fill the coffeemaker with grounds and water just to get it ready to brew in the am! You know you’ll get through it and it’ll get easier, but it’s still tough. Feeling for you – hang in there!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      The struggle is real! haha. Coffee….we are out of coffee this morning. It’s a sad day. Luckily we are going to do some farm work today (skinning high tunnels, woohooooo), so that makes everyone happy!

  3. Deb Bosworth says:

    Welcome back, Alex. You ( and your little angels) were missed. My time flies. Reading your post really took me back to my days at home with our kids. Some days my hubby would come home to find them in the tub at 4:30 in the afternoon. My way of trying to force an early dinner and bedtime. It never worked, but it gave us all something calming to focus on before the 5:00 o clock melt down happened. You are doing a fabulous job. As far as that whole feminist thing goes. It’s simple. You are a human being. You live in America. You can make any choice you want to make for yourself and your family. Period. Tap into your intuition. You’ll need that a heck of a lot more as a wife, and mom, whether you’re working inside or outside of the home. When you’re raising two young children there’s not enough energy at the end of the day to be battling yourself about what you “should” be doing. Save yourself the trouble and let what doesn’t fit right now go and make room for what is. That includes the messes, matted hair, no sleep and all. You got this girl!!! Sending hugs from the beach!

  4. Krista says:

    I couldn’t agree more! My little man is 4 months and I have been experiencing exactly the same thing. I love staying home with him and watching him grow as well as teach him what I want him to learn but after some time I feel like I’m going crazy and getting cabin fever. I have begun to plan some play dates….mainly for me!!! It’s amazing all the emotions you can experience with children but in the end you realize it’s such a blessing. Thanks for sharing and helping me feel better knowing I’m not the only one!

  5. Denise Ross says:

    The days are tough and a juggle when your kiddos are young and you’re straying to get things done. But in the end being kind to yourself, acknowledging your planned day will not go to plan and learning to laugh and allowing yourself to cry when it all gets too much doing it all and being it all helps. They do grow up quickly. Parenthood is a crazy adventure filled ride no matter their ages, the challenges just change.
    Feeling you here, big hugs from Australia xo

  6. Susabelle says:

    Have missed your posts and had a niggling worry in the back of my head about you as a week would go by and there wouldn’t be a new post. Glad you are okay, just figuring out how to adjust to the new “normal.” And I agree with you, being “just enough” is not really enough. We don’t need to grow by leaps and bounds, and being able to feel some satisfaction at normal is great, but we really do need to be expanding. Our minds, our bodies, our goals. Hang in there, it DOES get better, although the next two years will be a lot about being pulled in too many directions and not reaching as many goals as you would like.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Hi Susabelle–sorry to cause worry! I was just really bad at keeping track of anything for a little while there. We’ve also changed our blogging schedule a bit. You have done a nice expansion of what I mean with those “enough” sentiments, thank you! Funnily enough (ha!), yesterday I drove for a good ten miles behind someone who’s license plate read URENUF. Coincidence?

  7. Susan T says:

    As one who has raised her children while working, I envy your time taking care of your littles. I, personally, wish I had stayed at home with ours, playing, doing wonderful art projects and other things with the children instead of allowing someone else to fill their days. We told ourselves at the time I must work, but I think the young Moms today have it right, do without a bit to mold your children into the humans you wish them to be. Enjoy this time Alex. It passes way to fast and you’ll look back and remember all the frustrating and even lonely times with such love.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Yes, I know I would not enjoy working away from the girls. We are lucky that I can stay home, and I’m very happy to do it. Just like with any job, there are some frustrations and some adjustment period :). I already look back on the “hard” times from just a few months ago as more comical than anything! Thanks for your words.

  8. Candace Segar says:

    Dear Alex,

    This was one of the most beautiful and inspiring posts that I have ever read. Thank you so much for sharing all of your thoughts and feelings and pictures. It made me think about a lot of things in life. You have a wonderful way of putting everything into perspective! Candy

  9. Bonnie ellis says:

    Having been a stay at home mom for two active boys, I’m tired with you. But life’s experience tells me it too shall pass. Each stage is so short (even though it seems like years). You WILL look back on it and wonder how it went by so fast. Cherish your children at each stage. You are where you are supposed to be doing what you are supposed to be doing. You are great parents. There will be time for you. God bless.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Bonnie. I’ve already realized where the phrase “The days are long but the years are short” comes from. The weeks are flying by!

  10. Marilyn says:

    Thanks for this post and update. I love reading about Ava and Opal, they are beautiful and adorable.

  11. Pam says:

    I just found your blog. When I saw the word Alaska, I just had to learn more about you. My husband and I live in the lower 48 but we were just in Eagle River staying at a B&B while we waited for our newest grandchild to be born at the Wasilla Midwifery. So I was excited to learn that you are familiar with the area and most likely delivered at the same midwifery. I look forward to following your blog.

  12. Joan says:

    Yes it is a bit trying to be IT!!! but your beautiful girls are an outward showing of your love. Be sure to love you too. Ok so life isn’t what it used to be but the time will come that being out in the garden again will make it all worth while —- oh my goodness am I talking to myself? Today, a young man that helps me in my yard/flower gardens each Spring called to see if Sunday would be a good day to come — had to say ‘don’t think so’ still have drifts – so guess I was telling myself — ‘the sun will come out — someday’. Do take care. God bless.

  13. Susannah says:

    Love this! You really spoke the truth here of what it’s like to be a SAHM. I have a 2 yo and a 14 yo who is homeschooled. Much love to you and your babies!
    P.s. You did it right having them close together in age. They will be each other’s playmates soon enough.

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…And We’re Back!

It’s been awhile Farmgirl sisters…Time for some catch up, let’s get to it:

It was the best of times.  It was the worst of times.  That pretty much sums up parenthood, right?  I’ve come up with another summation: childcare and coffee.  That’s what my days have been made of for the last couple of months (and laundry…piles and piles of it! Thank you washing machine!).  Like many aspects of parenting, just as we are getting used to this phase it shifts as we emerge out of Opal’s newborn days.

She's getting to be a big girl!  #MNrepresent

She’s getting to be a big girl! #MNrepresent

Continue reading

  1. Carol Slater says:

    As a grandparent that stays home with my granddaughter, let me tell you that I understand what you are going through. I find that the winter has been hard as we have stayed in so much although it really was an easy winter. I am thankful for the summer like weather we are having and I am looking forward to getting some outside time now with the baby. The blessings are worth the effort and disappointments, but remember that you are what is important to them. Teach them to do the things you like as they grow. One day you will have friends that are interested in the same things that you are.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks for the encouragement! For the most part, parenthood is awesome. My kids are pretty cool and we all do fun things together. I’ve already been dreaming of visiting them in exotic places to go on fun hikes and adventures…but it will get here faster than I realize!

  2. deb says:

    My daughter’s second son is now 1 yoa and it’s been a tough year. She’s exhausted all the time. I live too far away to be there all the time to help. I still remember (following the birth of my second 34 years ago-ahem) how difficult it was to fill the coffeemaker with grounds and water just to get it ready to brew in the am! You know you’ll get through it and it’ll get easier, but it’s still tough. Feeling for you – hang in there!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      The struggle is real! haha. Coffee….we are out of coffee this morning. It’s a sad day. Luckily we are going to do some farm work today (skinning high tunnels, woohooooo), so that makes everyone happy!

  3. Deb Bosworth says:

    Welcome back, Alex. You ( and your little angels) were missed. My time flies. Reading your post really took me back to my days at home with our kids. Some days my hubby would come home to find them in the tub at 4:30 in the afternoon. My way of trying to force an early dinner and bedtime. It never worked, but it gave us all something calming to focus on before the 5:00 o clock melt down happened. You are doing a fabulous job. As far as that whole feminist thing goes. It’s simple. You are a human being. You live in America. You can make any choice you want to make for yourself and your family. Period. Tap into your intuition. You’ll need that a heck of a lot more as a wife, and mom, whether you’re working inside or outside of the home. When you’re raising two young children there’s not enough energy at the end of the day to be battling yourself about what you “should” be doing. Save yourself the trouble and let what doesn’t fit right now go and make room for what is. That includes the messes, matted hair, no sleep and all. You got this girl!!! Sending hugs from the beach!

  4. Krista says:

    I couldn’t agree more! My little man is 4 months and I have been experiencing exactly the same thing. I love staying home with him and watching him grow as well as teach him what I want him to learn but after some time I feel like I’m going crazy and getting cabin fever. I have begun to plan some play dates….mainly for me!!! It’s amazing all the emotions you can experience with children but in the end you realize it’s such a blessing. Thanks for sharing and helping me feel better knowing I’m not the only one!

  5. Denise Ross says:

    The days are tough and a juggle when your kiddos are young and you’re straying to get things done. But in the end being kind to yourself, acknowledging your planned day will not go to plan and learning to laugh and allowing yourself to cry when it all gets too much doing it all and being it all helps. They do grow up quickly. Parenthood is a crazy adventure filled ride no matter their ages, the challenges just change.
    Feeling you here, big hugs from Australia xo

  6. Susabelle says:

    Have missed your posts and had a niggling worry in the back of my head about you as a week would go by and there wouldn’t be a new post. Glad you are okay, just figuring out how to adjust to the new “normal.” And I agree with you, being “just enough” is not really enough. We don’t need to grow by leaps and bounds, and being able to feel some satisfaction at normal is great, but we really do need to be expanding. Our minds, our bodies, our goals. Hang in there, it DOES get better, although the next two years will be a lot about being pulled in too many directions and not reaching as many goals as you would like.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Hi Susabelle–sorry to cause worry! I was just really bad at keeping track of anything for a little while there. We’ve also changed our blogging schedule a bit. You have done a nice expansion of what I mean with those “enough” sentiments, thank you! Funnily enough (ha!), yesterday I drove for a good ten miles behind someone who’s license plate read URENUF. Coincidence?

  7. Susan T says:

    As one who has raised her children while working, I envy your time taking care of your littles. I, personally, wish I had stayed at home with ours, playing, doing wonderful art projects and other things with the children instead of allowing someone else to fill their days. We told ourselves at the time I must work, but I think the young Moms today have it right, do without a bit to mold your children into the humans you wish them to be. Enjoy this time Alex. It passes way to fast and you’ll look back and remember all the frustrating and even lonely times with such love.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Yes, I know I would not enjoy working away from the girls. We are lucky that I can stay home, and I’m very happy to do it. Just like with any job, there are some frustrations and some adjustment period :). I already look back on the “hard” times from just a few months ago as more comical than anything! Thanks for your words.

  8. Candace Segar says:

    Dear Alex,

    This was one of the most beautiful and inspiring posts that I have ever read. Thank you so much for sharing all of your thoughts and feelings and pictures. It made me think about a lot of things in life. You have a wonderful way of putting everything into perspective! Candy

  9. Bonnie ellis says:

    Having been a stay at home mom for two active boys, I’m tired with you. But life’s experience tells me it too shall pass. Each stage is so short (even though it seems like years). You WILL look back on it and wonder how it went by so fast. Cherish your children at each stage. You are where you are supposed to be doing what you are supposed to be doing. You are great parents. There will be time for you. God bless.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Bonnie. I’ve already realized where the phrase “The days are long but the years are short” comes from. The weeks are flying by!

  10. Marilyn says:

    Thanks for this post and update. I love reading about Ava and Opal, they are beautiful and adorable.

  11. Pam says:

    I just found your blog. When I saw the word Alaska, I just had to learn more about you. My husband and I live in the lower 48 but we were just in Eagle River staying at a B&B while we waited for our newest grandchild to be born at the Wasilla Midwifery. So I was excited to learn that you are familiar with the area and most likely delivered at the same midwifery. I look forward to following your blog.

  12. Joan says:

    Yes it is a bit trying to be IT!!! but your beautiful girls are an outward showing of your love. Be sure to love you too. Ok so life isn’t what it used to be but the time will come that being out in the garden again will make it all worth while —- oh my goodness am I talking to myself? Today, a young man that helps me in my yard/flower gardens each Spring called to see if Sunday would be a good day to come — had to say ‘don’t think so’ still have drifts – so guess I was telling myself — ‘the sun will come out — someday’. Do take care. God bless.

  13. Susannah says:

    Love this! You really spoke the truth here of what it’s like to be a SAHM. I have a 2 yo and a 14 yo who is homeschooled. Much love to you and your babies!
    P.s. You did it right having them close together in age. They will be each other’s playmates soon enough.

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{sorry for the delay, friends!  Technical difficulties on my end…}

Perhaps, like me, you thought that bone broth was SO 2014.  Well, apparently it was, but it continues to be uber cool garnering adoration from the New York Times, trendy diet fads and new best selling books.  It isn’t really a new thing though—folks have been making bone broth since prehistoric times.

Bone, fish (in a blue jar) and turkey broth

Bone, fish (in a blue jar) and turkey broth

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  1. Krista says:

    Your blog was very informative for me today. I have never made broth before and had no idea what it took to make them. It’s very interesting how beneficial broth can be for your body. Not only can broth fight illnesses but it can prevent them and help provide many nutrients people lack. I wish I would have known about the benefits it has after delivering a baby. I will remember that for my next one. Thank you for sharing your tips and tricks so I can attempt to make my first broth.

    P.s. Mommy brain is legit. To bad we don’t have a broth to prevent that!

  2. Deedee mcdonald says:

    Bone broth is the best, I just make batches and vacuume freeze in plastic bags.
    Your babies are beautiful !!

  3. Joy Pascarella says:

    Yep, I am going to have to try this. Thanks for the easy directions. I love reading your posts. Always pulls me away from my worries and puts me right by your side while you do your stuff. Busy mom that you are, you always find time to write about something interesting. Thank you.

  4. Susabelle says:

    I make broths but can never make enough to meet all our needs. There is a local grocery that caters to the large Hispanic population in my town, and I can buy frozen bags of “chicken paws” to make broth. Yes, they are labeled “chicken paws.” Makes me laugh every time I see it!

  5. Deborah says:

    I love home made broth. When I make the beef broth I bake the bones before hand. I look for ones that have the marrow still in place. I place foil on a cookie sheet for easy clean-up. Then I season the bones with salt & pepper. Place the bones on the foil lined pan and bake in a 400 degree oven for 1-2 hours. Check them frequently so they don’t burn. Baking the bones first gives the broth a richer flavor. I place them directly into a pot of water so they are covered, and simmer away. Sometimes, I even add a bit of red wine to the broth for an even richer flavor. Enjoy! a great winter soup.

  6. Jan Jones says:

    I’ve never paid attention to benefits of broth until now. Thank you for sharing your experience with this. I think I need to start making some!

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Hand, Heart, Hook and Yarn

Hello Farmgirls, I hope this find you all well and settling into 2016 with kindness to yourselves and celebration of your accomplishments!  I am proud to say that I have taken up an activity that I didn’t even know I wanted to learn.


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  1. Dori Troutman says:

    Good morning Alex!


    Oh my goodness, those little girls are so beautiful. Nothing like a precious new baby and sweet little “big” sister to make life complete.

    I learned the basics of knitting a number of years ago and just never could seem to enjoy it. The counting really got to me! 🙂 Last year I determined to learn to crochet. I basically kind of taught myself (YouTube is the best!) and designed my own dishcloth. (I wrote a post about it here: http://www.farmgirlbloggers.com/8165). So now, I use only my 100% cotton crocheted dish cloths because I love them so much. I have made hundreds I’m pretty, sure as they make the best quick gifts… a few of them tied up with string is a big hit! 🙂 My pattern is attached in that blog post above, you’ll have to try them. But beware. They are super, super addicting! So fun and simple to make.

    I’m so glad your Mom is still there. I was hoping! I got to stay with my daughter for six weeks when her first was born. That is some of the best memories of my life. Luckily when she had her second we had moved here to the South, so I’ve seen that little munchkin almost every day of her life (and she’s four)!

    Bug hugs… so glad you’re doing well!

    – Dori –

    P.S. I love the jelly fish. I must buy that book!

  2. What a fun project to crochet the jellyfish! I learned to crochet from my grandmother. She taught me the basics, then I jumped into many self-taught projects through the years. I look back and have to laugh at all of the odd crochet gifts I gave my mother when I first began. I particularly remember a “vest” that crossed over and really looked more like guerrilla warfare ammo belts. Mercy. She was always gracious with me. :^)

    Your daughters are precious!

    We’ve had more than our usual share of earthquakes in Oklahoma in the last year. I think that with tornadoes, we should be exempt from earthquakes.

  3. Denise Ross says:

    Your girls are gorgeous, Alex. I love your cute sea creatures you’ve crocheted. I’m sure all the kiddos that got them as party favours would’ve loved them. I haven’t crocheted in years but your inspiring me to give a go again. I’m also a very slow knitter, as In I take years to finish anything and not very good at it either, but I do try from time to time. I so love that knitting circles are coming back again – slowing down, connecting and creating all at the same time – definitely a plus in fast paced world. Scary about the earthquake! So glad you guys are all okay. Take care and enjoy the savouring in life 🙂

  4. Heidi says:

    I have, after 30 years of saying “I’m not creative”, decided that this is just simply untrue! So I am forming an Art and Soul community for folks to get together and create together. Through your blog, I give thanks to you for another affirmation, Alex, that this is such a worthy thing to be doing. I love your jelly fish, and hope the kid’lins all loved them!

    Dori, I will be taking your pattern to the first meeting, and hope there is someone there that I can call upon to help if I need it.

  5. Rebecca says:

    I love the jellyfish. I learned to knit and crochet the basics when I was 10 or so, but never really did much with it until lately. I prefer crochet; it seems to require less concentration, at least for me. I enjoy knitting too, but always end up holding my left hand knitting needle awkwardly. Real knitters would probably cringe if they saw me. I did knit a very pretty (if I do say so myself) Georgia afghan after finding the pattern in a book I was reading. It took me a few tries to get it started, but once I did, it was a very fun project.

    Your daughters are precious.

  6. Marilyn Collins says:

    I did learn to knit in Junior High School. I do intend to learn crochet.. Enjoyed the article. Your girls are beautiful.

  7. Marilyn Collins says:

    I did learn to knit in Junior High School. I do intend to learn crochet.. Enjoyed the article. Your girls are beautiful.

  8. Alex Darc says:

    Ahh, now you have to join Ravelry.com for all the fun patterns and community. I taught myself to knit right after my daughter was born, and have loved being able to make my kid’s toys and clothes. My daughter loved it so much she learned to spin. Now if we could only get our own sheep…

  9. Krista says:

    Oh my heavens! Your baby’s cheeks are adorable. How precious.
    I am actually learning how to crochet right now. I am working on getting my beginner level crochet merit badge. There is something so relaxing and enjoyable about crocheting. I haven’t completed a project yet but I am hoping to here shortly. I want to make some different things as well. Those jelly fish of yours are so cute and would be a cute toy for my little boy. Thank you for inspiring me to branch out and crochet something other than scarfs, washcloths and blankets! Enjoy your new hobby.

  10. Diane says:

    You are going to Love, Love, Love your new crafts of either Crocheting or Knitting. I too love crocheting more and have just basic skills for knitting. This year I have taken on a Prayer Shawl Ministry at my church in Fishkill, New York. I hope to have a lot of ladies in my church and community come to sit and create beautiful shawls that we can share with ours to bring them Hope, Strength, Happiness or just a HUG! Which I think of shawls to be if you make them big enough. Maybe you might consider this as a project sometime. Your daughters are beautiful and all the best of luck with the new addition. Now get back to that yarn and hook and start creating! It is truly a relaxing hobby. I will have to look up that pattern for the jellyfish – it came out great! See you are inspiring me!
    Enjoy your new hobby! Diane

  11. Deb Obermeier (DebO) says:

    I have a granddaughter that knits and crochets anything she puts her mind to without using patterns. In October 2010 on a visit to see her, she suggested we write a book. Pencil and paper and quiet spot, the concept of my now PUBLISHED book came to be. A SIMPLE STITCH, A COMMON THREAD is the story of small town living, a yarn shop owner with a knitting grout, her great-grandparents old homestead still in tact, and an uplifting chain of events that happen throughout the fall into the holidays. The blog subject and conversation made me think of all of you, as I wish I actually had a shop named A SIMPLE STITCH,

  12. Elizabeth Landin says:

    Your jellyfish look great! If you’re interested in more crocheting in your area, look up Ididachain Crochet Guild (I think we are on facebook). We meet in alternate months in Wasilla and Anchorage.

  13. Susabelle says:

    I have crocheted preactically all of my life. My most recent obsession is making enormous chunky rugs out of old sheets torn into strips. I even wrote a blog post about it with pictures and instructions! http://momilies.susabelle.com/?p=809

  14. April says:

    I’ve never taken to knitting, but I LOVE to crochet! I think I like having my hands more involved with the yarn; knitting feels more remote, transferring stitches from stick to stick. ;-p I don’t have the issues of even tension with crochet that I do knitting either. And what’s up with those knitting patterns that call for four or more needles going at one time?? LOL! I need simple. ;-p So glad you didn’t sustain injury or damage from that quake!

  15. Karen Pennebaker says:

    I “made” my grandmother teach me to knit when I was 9 because I had a part in a school play where I was supposed to sit in a rocking chair and knit…so she gave me a skein of horrid yellow yarn, a set of wood knitting needles and I knit and unraveled that skein of yarn all through play practice and the “real thing”. My teacher said “you didn’t have to know how to knit. You could have pretended.” My reply was “Oh, yes I did have to learn”…but I never made anything more exotic than hats and scarves…later, when my oldest son was a baby, I had a neighbor who made fabulous crocheted things. She taught me to crochet. And still, I’ve only made hats and scarves and rugs and little bags, other than the year I used fabric and made “Soft pottery” bowls…for some reason or other! (I love experimenting with “stuff”…) – My oldest granddaughter can crochet. I taught her when she was little. She now makes all sorts of things, including granny square blankets for her GOATS. (She is 25 and owns a herd of dairy goats). She has made a lot of fingerless gloves and scarf sets and sold them, too. Yarn is just FUN to play with. Lately, I’ve been using up all sorts of odd yarn weaving little bags (think cell phones!) on a frame loom I made from a set of canvas stretchers and a LOT of little brads!
    Keep on playing! And teach your girls how to play with yarn, too!!

  16. Karen Pennebaker says:

    Well, I typed in a whole paragraph, hit “post comment” and it told me I already sent a comment and deleted me. My grandmother taught me to knit and a neighbor taught me to crochet. Usually, when I asked grandmother how to do things, she said “you can read, look it up” but I was only 9 when I told her I needed to know how to knit. I never have really liked knitting but crocheting is fun. So is weaving. Yarn is addictive!! Teach your girls how to knit and crochet, too. They’ll have fun, as well.

  17. Sandy Zboinski says:

    My grandmother tried to teach me how to crochet but I am very left handed and she is not. 🙂 I decided to take lessons when I was diagnosed with RA as I thought it would be good therapy for my hands and heart. My first project was a prayer shawl for my sister-in-law who was going through chemo. I have been told that I knit left handed and backwards but it works for me and I love it. Yes yarn like fabric can be a bit addictive and I love the getting together to knit up with friends. I hope to learn crochet someday.

    Glad you are okay from the earthquake and blessings on your beautiful family.

    Sandy in Nevada

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Six More Times

4:00 p.m., Jan. 3: “I could do this six more times!” I exclaim to Evan, with that glimmer in my eye that only comes with huge waves of the love hormone–oxytocin.  The three of us are snuggled into a big comfortable bed, in a spacious, calming, green, woodland themed room, the lights low, while the midwives quietly clean up the area.  I am hearkening back to when Ava was born and one of the first things I announced was, “I could do this seven more times!”


A minutes old little babe! Is there anything more incredible than a whole new person?!?!

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  1. deb says:


  2. Deb Bosworth says:

    Congratulations Wilder family! Well done! It’s all just so precious and beautiful.
    Enjoy these tiny minutes…They are golden.
    Much Love,
    Deb ( the beach farmgirl)

  3. Nanette Boots says:

    Congratulations on a job well done! She is beautiful.

  4. Joan says:

    Praise God for the new life! She is beautiful and Ava is going to be the perfect big sister. Congratulations to your family of 4. God bless.

  5. Diana Henretty says:

    Beautiful birth and beautiful family, what a precious story

  6. Denise Ross says:

    Wow, congratulations Alex and Evan. So very excited to see and read of Opal’s safe arrival. I’m so excited and happy for you guys. She is adorable and I love all the photos you’ve posted here capturing the moments well. Be kind to yourself 🙂

  7. Susabelle says:

    Congratulations. She looks lovely and healthy, and so do you!

  8. Cindy says:

    Congratulations! Aww, what a sweet little baby girl. I’ve been waiting for an update. The four of you make a beautiful family. As the mom of one son who is 32, treasure the moments, enjoy the time with your girls, get out the rocking chair, read to them, have fun with just ordinary moments. No matter how much you cherish that time, when you hit a certain age, you just wish you could do it just for one more day, hour, or minute once again. Thank God for memories! Much love and happiness to all of you.

  9. Rebecca says:

    Congratulations. You have a beautiful family.

  10. Maureen says:

    Congratulations to all of you. Beautiful! Many Blessings!

  11. Rowena Philbeck says:

    Congratulations!! What a beautiful experience that you sent us thru. You did a wonderful job. I have had 3 but never at home. My first one was in 45 min and the second was in 30 min. My doctor said I was a good laborer…I guess!! Of course they were both 2 weeks late and when they were ready they shot out..LOL. My last boy was induced as they were worried since I lived so far out that it would be born in the car. Bad mistake as that was my 7 hr labor but it was great. Beautiful pictures and thanks for telling and showing us your wonderful birthing experience and enjoy your new bundle of joy!!

  12. denise says:

    Congratulations! she is adorable!

  13. Cindy says:

    Beautiful family ,! Congratulations!

  14. Bonnie ellis says:

    So excited for all of you. A beautiful family. So glad grandma was there too. God bless all of you!

  15. Laura R. says:

    That was such a beautiful documentation of quite important, blessed moments of your lives! Congratulations on living life well and feeling the sacredness of creating a family. And thanks for sharing it !

  16. Diana Nelson says:

    Congratulations to your beautiful family & thanks for sharing your joy. It sure it an amazing experience.

  17. Marilyn Collins says:

    Congratulations and blessings to the entire family.

  18. Bonnie B says:

    Oh Alex! congratulations. And thank you for sharing a very personal event with us. What a wonderful family you have. As the mother of two grown “girls” I know you will enjoy the journey as they grow. Savor the time.
    Best wishes to you and Evan

  19. Deedee mcdonald says:

    Congratulations!! She’s beautiful !

  20. Krista says:

    Congratulations to you and your family! I am so happy for you guys! Enjoy every moment of it. It’s such a precious time! She is adorable.

  21. Lynette says:

    Congratulations to the Wilder Family an the blessing of you new daughter Opal.

  22. Becky says:

    Awesome blog. Congratulations on your sweet baby. Enjoy!

  23. Molly says:

    I love your birth story Alex! You are so amazing!! Congratulations to you and the whole family. Opal is an awfully adorable name.

  24. Joy Pascarella says:

    Congratulations! What a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing! I loved it.

  25. Diane Van Horn says:

    What a wonderful experience and absolutely precious baby girl. Love her name. Bless you and your beautiful family.

  26. Alex,
    Congratulations! Beautiful baby, beautiful blog, breathtaking photos. Nothing sweeter.
    Farmgirl Hugs,
    Nicole (Suburban Farmgirl)

  27. Colette Aguirre says:

    How beautiful! Thank you for sharing your story! Love this family!

  28. Judy Mac says:

    Thank you for sharing these most personal moments in such a beautiful way. You have a beautiful family and seem to be living a good and true life. Oh, and by the sound it I think you could do it six more times.

  29. Carol says:

    Congratulations on the new baby girl. She is absolutely adorable!

  30. Dori Troutman says:

    Oh Alex,

    These pictures and your birth story are so beautiful. I had to read it a few times through the week! I hope you are doing well and that you get to “keep” your Momma there awhile to help you out!

    I love Opal’s name. And it goes beautiful with Ava. And speaking of which… you will LOVE having two girls! My daughter has two little girls and they are so sweet to each other. Truly they are best friends.

    Congratulations! Can’t wait to see her grow!

    Tight hugs – Dori –

  31. Susan says:

    Well, i was pretty sure it was going to be a boy! Congratulations!

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The Waiting Game

 I’m a jumble of emotions right now.

Anticipation. Excitement. Frustration. Joy. Anger. Discouragement. Happiness. They are all mixed together, surfacing one after the other, pretty much uncontrollably.  Yay hormones.

A cozy Christmas Evening as a family of three.

A cozy Christmas Evening as a family of three.

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  1. Barbara says:

    What a wonderful and hopeful post you have written. It has given me positives to think about as the new year comes sliding in. I have enjoyed your posts all year long and look forward to them in 2016. Blessings on your and your family and may you all be happy, healthy and loved in the New Year.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Barbara! I can’t wait to write more in the coming year. It’s hard to believe that 2016 is TOMORROW! Whoa!

  2. Dori Troutman says:

    Oh Alex. I loved this post so much. Do you know that it made me cry? Your writing does that to me sometimes… gets me right in the heart strings. I too was late with my babies. And luckily I had a doctor that did not insist on induction as I really did want to have them naturally. My daughter was exactly 16 days late and yes… I wish NO ONE had known my due date. It was miserable every time the phone rang. I finally started answering it like this: “No baby, no labor, no contractions”! 🙂 I’m glad you are the kind of girl that has the courage to just hang in there! That precious little one will be happy and yes, chubby and healthy! The best kind! The warmest hugs to you my Farmgirl friend!

    – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

    P.S. And thank you for those profound words – exactly what I’ve been thinking myself. “Love ourselves for how we are in some way, not for how we think we should be”. xoxo

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Oh, Dori! Thank you for writing this. I’m still at home…no baby, no labor, continuous unproductive contractions. I know I will at least be able to go two weeks “over” without pressure to induce, so that’s a relief. And I know I don’t have to say yes to anything I don’t want to! I’m considering handing my phone and Facebook privileges over to my mom and Evan because it’s all driving me bonkers! I’m sorry I made you cry, but also flattered. Thank you for your words of encouragement and solidarity!! You have lots to love about YOU!

  3. Lynn Lind says:

    Have you noticed there’s no tinsel anywhere? Did the gov’t outlaw tinsel for some weird reason — like, babies can eat it and it makes them sick? That’s basically what happened to D-con…

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Ummmm….I don’t know? I’ve seen some tinsel, we have a cheesy tinsel garland and I heard a fluff story on NPR about tinsel crafts like purses and bracelets on Etsy. I haven’t seen the old school loose tinsel for a long time, though. Growing up we had some that was my great grandma’s and we would save it year after year. I wonder if it’s still around?

      • Lynn Lind says:

        P.S. — Love your Charlie Brown Christmas tree! AND a story about my mom… She wouldn’t tell anyone she was pregnant because that meant a little less time she had to put with all the pregnancy jokes, remarks and comments everywhere she went!!! So she started dreading the moment she conceived… which in my case was 10 days after they got married… which just added to the comments, remarks and …. speculations back in 1950!!! Hang in there!

  4. The baby will come when the baby is fully cooked. 🙂 I was always overdue, and I think it’s pretty common. But the waiting is hard. So very hard!

  5. Joan says:

    Love your post!!! pic’s and the thought that we all need to care about ourselves – JUST THE WAY WE ARE!!! We each have great qualities so why dwell on the bad – only perceived qualities. Now if the little one has not made an appearance – try to enjoy the time – I’ve been there and I know that that is very hard to do but you can do it. God bless.

  6. Judy Coleman says:

    Hello Alex,
    I so loved the part of your post about lifting ourselves up this new year and really celebrating the great things we already are and things we have!! Crafty hands, feet that carry us through the woods, the ability and desire to work in gardens in all weather!! Excellent thoughts coming out of your hormone induced state!! 🙂 Can’t wait to hear about that baby ….all in good time…no pressure!!!
    Judy from upstate NY

  7. Meredith Williams says:

    Alexandra, my new year resolution is to live each day without worrying about tomorrow. Our daughter is 16, and she will be going off to college in two years! We are at the opposite end of parenting a child as you are, and my advice to you is to cherish each day with your children, no matter what, because you will get from where you are, to where we are, in a flash! Honestly, it goes by so fast, one day you will look up and realize how much time has passed and it will literally shock you. So ENJOY those babies! Much love and best wishes for a healthy delivery!

  8. Deb Bosworth says:

    Howdy Alex,

    I can relate to your feelings of impatience. I was over-due with our daughter ( she was our second) and I didn’t expect that because our first( our son) was two weeks early. As I read your post I remember being curt with my co-workers who would call me daily at home after I went on maternity leave weeks before my due date. They forgave me of-course and your loved ones will too. I love what you said about being ” good” with who we are and not setting ourselves up for trying to make huge changes then feeling like failure when we don’t accomplish everything we said we would in the face of a new year. I just want to stay in the flow of the river of my life. I like where it’s taking me these days! 😉 Can’t wait to meet your new little one… Next time, for sure!

    Hugs and huge blessings for a quick and safe birth!

    Deb ( Beach Farmgirl )

  9. Phyllis Parrish says:

    I enjoyed your post very much. I’m new here, but couldn’t not reply. I agree with your thoughts for a more forgiving voice for ourselves. I wish you and your’ s a safe and Happy New Year. I pray for a safe delivery for both you and baby.

  10. Marilyn Collins says:

    Wishing you and yours a Happy,Healthy New Year full of blessings. Look forward to your next post and hopefully the baby will have arrived. Take care and wishing you all the best in 2016. Ava is adorable. I love your Charlie brown tree!
    Marilyn and family

  11. Carol says:

    I enjoyed this post and I hope that you have a newborn that you are enjoying.

  12. Denise Ross says:

    Wonderful uplifting post, Alex. Loving the focus you put on loving the you/me not as we think we should be, but as we are now. Love it! I’ve written this out so I will remover these words. Hoping all goes well for you and your bubs birth. Merry Christmas and happy new year. May you and your family be deeply blessed in 2016
    Hugs from Australia

  13. Pingback: Momma Cow… Where Is Your Calf? | Farmgirl Bloggers

  14. Susana says:

    You scared me when I read you were going to put on skates….while pregnant! Girl are you crazy? What if you fell…golly i hope you didnt!

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