Who’s My Pretty Baby?

Hello Farmgirls!

As promised, the newest addition to the Wilder clan has arrived…and it’s another new Farmgirl!  We couldn’t be happier to introduce little miss Fern Ruth Wilder, born at home at 6:37 a.m. on Tuesday, April 3.  She was very content in my belly and apparently didn’t want to come earthside until the “last minute” (I was 18 hours away from timing out of midwifery care because of some arbitrary rules in Alaska regarding out-of-hospital births).  While I believe babies almost always come when they are ready and we should generally wait for them–I was so ready to meet the newest member of our family (and so were so many other people, of course!).


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  1. Marlene Capelle says:

    congrats. very beautiful.

  2. Oh Alex!!!! I’ve been thinking about you so much. I LOVE your birth story. So happy that sweet little Fern arrived (finally) and that you didn’t have to go to the hospital! That is such an amazing accomplishment after such a hard labor and delivery. And oh she’s precious. And Ava and Opal are growing up so beautifully! I love these pictures of them adoring their sweet baby sissy! Loads of love to you, farmgirl friend!



  3. Ramona Puckett says:

    Congratulations! What a beautiful baby girl and your other girls!

  4. Laura R. says:

    Hi Alex, Congratulations on your safe and successful birth !! What a great story. We all treasure our birth stories, yet yours seems to hold extra warmth and depth. What a great loving, strong, and brave way to enter the world! And to welcome the newest member of your wonderful family. Best wishes for continued happiness !!

  5. Lisa Strange says:

    She is so beautiful! Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations! What a sweet story. (Probably not so sweet as you were going through labor, but the reward is worth it.) Happiness to you all.

  7. Bonnie Ellis says:

    Wow! A lot of pain and waiting but sure worth it! The picture of the three girls is priceless! Congratulations.

  8. Linda says:

    Congratulations! And good work!

  9. Joy says:

    Loved it all! So happy for you and your fam! Just beautiful ! I love all girls! Congratulations !!!!

  10. Lynn Blagden says:

    Congratulations on your newest addition to your wonderful family!
    Almost 40 years ago I had a home birth experience with my second son, who, unlike Fern, came very fast. My husband and I had been at a midwife birth class session (on C sections, no less.) We drove home and I started with strong contractions (think I was in transition.) My water broke and we had to call the midwives to come from 20-30 miles away. I delivered my second son standing up with my husband catching the baby. When the midwives came, my husband cut the cord and I was shocked to hear he weighed 10 lbs, 10 oz., about 3 lbs. more than my first.
    Wishing you all the best and thank you for sharing your birth experience.

  11. Denise says:

    Congratulations Alex and Evan. So excited to meet Fern. Was a tough labouring time fir you all. So glad you’re all well and taking time out to really rest and enjoy your family.
    Big hugs from Australia

  12. Sandi King says:

    Oh, wow! Both my boys were born within 8 hours of first labor pains. I feel for you! What a wonderful gorgeous trio of girls you have, and such an amazing husband, too. Congratulations and best of everything for all of you. An adventure for sure.

  13. Marilyn says:

    Congratulations to all. Welcome to the world Fern Ruth. God Bless.

  14. maureen bruner says:

    Beautiful. Blessings to all of you!

  15. Joan says:

    Congratulations!! Another beautiful girl, she is blessed to have 2 fantastic ‘big’ sisters. God bless you all.

  16. Pamela deMarrais says:

    You are an amazingly strong woman. I’m so glad that you got to have Fern at home! Congratulations!

  17. Judy from Maine says:

    God bless you and your beautiful family.

  18. Linda Clayton says:

    So happy for you all, God bless.

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Who's My Pretty Baby?

Hello Farmgirls!

As promised, the newest addition to the Wilder clan has arrived…and it’s another new Farmgirl!  We couldn’t be happier to introduce little miss Fern Ruth Wilder, born at home at 6:37 a.m. on Tuesday, April 3.  She was very content in my belly and apparently didn’t want to come earthside until the “last minute” (I was 18 hours away from timing out of midwifery care because of some arbitrary rules in Alaska regarding out-of-hospital births).  While I believe babies almost always come when they are ready and we should generally wait for them–I was so ready to meet the newest member of our family (and so were so many other people, of course!).


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  1. Marlene Capelle says:

    congrats. very beautiful.

  2. Oh Alex!!!! I’ve been thinking about you so much. I LOVE your birth story. So happy that sweet little Fern arrived (finally) and that you didn’t have to go to the hospital! That is such an amazing accomplishment after such a hard labor and delivery. And oh she’s precious. And Ava and Opal are growing up so beautifully! I love these pictures of them adoring their sweet baby sissy! Loads of love to you, farmgirl friend!



  3. Ramona Puckett says:

    Congratulations! What a beautiful baby girl and your other girls!

  4. Laura R. says:

    Hi Alex, Congratulations on your safe and successful birth !! What a great story. We all treasure our birth stories, yet yours seems to hold extra warmth and depth. What a great loving, strong, and brave way to enter the world! And to welcome the newest member of your wonderful family. Best wishes for continued happiness !!

  5. Lisa Strange says:

    She is so beautiful! Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations! What a sweet story. (Probably not so sweet as you were going through labor, but the reward is worth it.) Happiness to you all.

  7. Bonnie Ellis says:

    Wow! A lot of pain and waiting but sure worth it! The picture of the three girls is priceless! Congratulations.

  8. Linda says:

    Congratulations! And good work!

  9. Joy says:

    Loved it all! So happy for you and your fam! Just beautiful ! I love all girls! Congratulations !!!!

  10. Lynn Blagden says:

    Congratulations on your newest addition to your wonderful family!
    Almost 40 years ago I had a home birth experience with my second son, who, unlike Fern, came very fast. My husband and I had been at a midwife birth class session (on C sections, no less.) We drove home and I started with strong contractions (think I was in transition.) My water broke and we had to call the midwives to come from 20-30 miles away. I delivered my second son standing up with my husband catching the baby. When the midwives came, my husband cut the cord and I was shocked to hear he weighed 10 lbs, 10 oz., about 3 lbs. more than my first.
    Wishing you all the best and thank you for sharing your birth experience.

  11. Denise says:

    Congratulations Alex and Evan. So excited to meet Fern. Was a tough labouring time fir you all. So glad you’re all well and taking time out to really rest and enjoy your family.
    Big hugs from Australia

  12. Sandi King says:

    Oh, wow! Both my boys were born within 8 hours of first labor pains. I feel for you! What a wonderful gorgeous trio of girls you have, and such an amazing husband, too. Congratulations and best of everything for all of you. An adventure for sure.

  13. Marilyn says:

    Congratulations to all. Welcome to the world Fern Ruth. God Bless.

  14. maureen bruner says:

    Beautiful. Blessings to all of you!

  15. Joan says:

    Congratulations!! Another beautiful girl, she is blessed to have 2 fantastic ‘big’ sisters. God bless you all.

  16. Pamela deMarrais says:

    You are an amazingly strong woman. I’m so glad that you got to have Fern at home! Congratulations!

  17. Judy from Maine says:

    God bless you and your beautiful family.

  18. Linda Clayton says:

    So happy for you all, God bless.

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Baby Wilder Blessingway

Happy spring to one and all!  Today felt very springlike up here in Alaska. The snow that has piled up over the past few weeks was soft and slushy, eaves and gutters dripped with snow melt, wooded areas were alive with calling birds and there was a palpable energy “springing” forth from all of the places and people I visited with today.

My midwife came by today and delivered a few things for the upcoming birth of Baby Wilder #3 who should be here within the next few days or weeks!  We are now playing the waiting game.  I’ve had some significant contractions, but nothing even close to consistent…just my body training for the real deal.  It is pretty amazing what the female body does to keep the human race chugging along!

My big decorated belly.  Baby Wilder is still cooking away!

My big decorated belly. Baby Wilder is still cooking away!

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  1. Nicki says:

    I love this idea! Blessings to you and your family as your welcome your new baby!

  2. Ramona Puckett says:

    What a great idea! You have some good friends and they are such a blessing to you and your family. Congratulations on the new baby and I will look forward to your next post!

  3. Mary B says:

    What a wonderful idea. I hope you and baby Wilder have an uneventful delivery. Look forward to next chapter and pictures.

  4. Carol says:

    Alex … What a fabulous idea to gather friends for some much needed help and girl time. I love it. All the best to you as this pregnancy comes to a close. I can’t wait to meet the new babe! Good Luck, Carol

  5. Laura R. says:

    What a fantastic idea! I know you adopted it from another culture but you gave it your own individual touch. What a great way to support and nurture an expecting mom. I think it is better than any baby shower I have been to. Wouldn’t it be nice if you started a new trend. I like it!
    I can’t wait to see your new babe. Blessings to you and your family.

  6. Deb Bosworth says:

    Hi Alex!

    What a great idea. We gals know how to help each other out when asked and given direction. You are learning while your babes are young so good for you and all of your girlfriends for pulling together and creating time to work, play and create some good vibes for baby # 3… Can’t wait to meet the new addition!
    Wishing you a quick and UN-complicated delivery. Doesn’t hurt to put that out there!

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All Wind Comes to an End

Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind. ~Bruce Lee

Whew! What a month!  The second half of January and first half of February have been a doozy for the Wilders.  We (well…I) have been sick for the last three weeks.  Ugh.  It is finally passing and I’ve been going out into the non-grocery store and healthcare appointments world.  I am fairly certain we had one of the influenzas tear through our home (fevers, body aches, general delirium, inability to move for more than ten minutes, loss of appetite, nose and chest crud, etc.); and I’ve had a lingering, exhausting cough that has been driving me bonkers! I’ve had the cough for going on three weeks, but it is much improved and doesn’t leave me exhausted by noon anymore.  Ava estimated that it would be over in six days.  I have a feeling her intuitive diagnosis is very close to reality!  There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Sick mama means lots of pajama days and books for the girls.

Sick mama means lots of pajama days and books for the girls.

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  1. Susabelle says:

    My mother grew up in Kansas, and there were stories she heard and has re-told of women going “crazy” on the prairie due to the wind. There were stories of women who killed their families after being left to fend against it with their children while the man-folk were gone. I don’t know how true those stories are, but I am definitely affected by wind. Not the winds from a little thunderstorm, but ongoing, terrible winds. In Colorado, we get those, mostly in winter, and usually before a big storm. This past weekend we had wind, but it was warm (in the 60’s) so I had clothes on the line. Every time I looked out at them, they were blowing up so high they were parallel to the ground. I didn’t lose any of the clothes, and they dried quickly! 🙂

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Ha! I love that image. I was hoping to find stories from the Dust Bowl or other similar times in the Great Plains, but didn’t come across any. Admittedly, I didn’t look too long :). The winds definitely made me and my friends feel crazy!

  2. Marilyn says:

    Happy to hear that you are feeling better. Those winds are awful. Spring is not far off. We did have some snow the other day here in New York. I am planning the flowers to purchase and cleaning out the front of left over leaves. My sister spotted a Hyacinth popping up in a pot we had left. The Lily is starting to sprout again. One neighbor’s crocus has poked its head out already. Also planning to seed the front yard. The grass is brown right now. Enjoy planning your garden. That picture of Ava and Opal is so cute.

  3. Joan says:

    I live where, ‘if it isn’t, tied, nailed, welded down or VERY HEAVY!’ placing it in your yard is not advisable, a lot of the time. I still try. And yes this too shall pass. Hope y’all get well real soon. Best wishes for up coming event. God bless.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Joan! We are all feeling much better–the crud hit us a few weeks ago and my cough is the last remnants of it. I like the quote!

  4. Joy says:

    Great blog! You always give us something to think about! Here in rural New York it has been really cold . Then a few days of above freezing temps gives us the light that , yes, Spring is coming !

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      It is coming! The longer days remind me of that every morning when I wake up, and it isn’t pitch black anymore. However, right now we are in the middle of a snow storm. I love how much spring teases us with sunshine, ephemeral flowers and late snow storms.

  5. Monica says:

    What a lovely article. I had visions of all that wind. Living in the midwest we deal with that quite a bit, mostly in the winter. I’ve had the crud also, but this too shall pass….along with the coughing…ugh. Today, we are receiving freezing rain so I’m using my egg shells from my hens to start my seedlings…..whoo hoo. It doesn’t take much to make me happy. In reference to the prairie ladies suffering more from the wind….I have a dear elderly friend who shared with me that her grandmother committed suicide because she couldn’t take the wind anymore…therefore leaving her mother and siblings as orphans because I believe the father had died prior to that…this would have been in Kansas. I know when the wind howls here it can be deafening and some what annoying but we keep plugging on. I wonder if I put earplugs in if that would block it out…lol. I pray for healing from the crud for you and a healthy pregnancy and warmer sunny days are coming.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      What a good freezing rain day activity. I haven’t even ordered seeds yet…hopefully I’ll get at least a few things seeded before it’s too late! It is nice to get hands in soil even if it is within the confines of a house or garage. What a tragic story about your friend’s grandmother. I can see how persistent wind combined with drought could drive an already grieving, overwhelmed, under-supported person to the edge. What a loss.

      Luckily we have bid adieu to the crud and are looking forward to enjoying some spring snow before it melts (or blows away!). Thanks for your well wishes!

  6. Susan a says:

    You should stock up on some herbs.,,,astragulus is for anything viral, bactetia and fungus relief, .it fight those . Echinacea is great to fight tooth infections or blood infections. Both echinacea and astragulus and garlic together will fight cancers, flu and influenza. Milkthistle will speed up most recovery because it clean the liver out; everything goes thru the liver. I got thru that nasty flu bug by taking those and drinking lemon water ( squeeze two lemons and add 8 ounces of water to it).

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Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Happy New Year, Farmgirl sisters!  If you haven’t noticed, it’s been a cold January for nearly every corner of the United States at some point this month.  My family and I have been in Minnesota and North Dakota for the past two weeks and have seen temperatures as low as -30–and that was without the wind chill!  Where we live in Alaska has been surprisingly warm, with some days registering nearly eighty degrees warmer than spots in the Midwest.

Leaving balmy Alaska for the frigid lower 48. That doesn't sound right!

Leaving balmy Alaska for the frigid lower 48. That doesn’t sound right!

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  1. Joan says:

    We’re in Colorado, not enough snow yet but the COLD has been too much BUT our cold is nothing compared to what y’all experienced. Your time sounded like fun, love those times with family. The girls art work is very nice. And congrats on the soon to be new addition, stay well. God bless.

  2. Dori Troutman says:

    Hi Alex!

    Looks like you’ve been having a wonderful time “outside” Alaska!

    I can’t believe you got to make the Aebleskiver’s!!!!! I want to make some SO BADLY. I bet they tasted amazing. Were they hard to make? I just need to buy a pan and get going!

    And so excited that you are expecting again!!! Yay for babies!!!


    Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Dori! I was pretty giddy when my mom showed me the pan. They were not difficult, but they are pretty time sensitive. They seem like something that you have to make by themselves–no multi-tasking with making bacon and coffee and brainstorming dinner at the same time! Luckily, you can make them ahead of time and they heat up really well in a toaster oven or are still tasty at room temperature. I also attribute using lots of butter in each well to ensure that flipping was easy (and the results nice and buttery). They were SO good!

  3. Kerrie H says:

    Hi Alex- Enjoyed your latest post espcially since I live in Lake County, CA just about 10 miles from Red Hills Rd! Our county is covered in beautiful vineyards. Congratulations on baby 3. God’s blessings to your family.

  4. Carol O says:

    Appreciate your sharing these moments. We live in Massachusetts and love New England. Beautiful family.

  5. Joy says:

    I love the forced seclusion . Except for going out to feed and water the chickens twice a day, I’ve been baking bread and crock potting soups and knitting up a storm . I’ve learned how to make socks! Once a weeks we girls meet at a library one town away and for two hours and have a blast! Sounds like your doing all the right things with the kids and having fun doing it this winter. I even love knitting while listening to audio books on my iPad. Love your blogs , oh and congratulations on the new addition to the family ! Maybe a boy this time?

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Maybe! We are keeping it a surprise like the other two. We know it will be a human baby :). You knit socks!? How cool. I can barely knit a scarf, haha! Knitting is the perfect winter activity, I’m hoping when the kids are a little older we can all take lessons from grandma. Take care!

  6. Amanda says:

    Congrats on baby #3 on the way!!! I’m glad you all had some well deserved time with your families. However, we sympathize with you regarding the temperatures-especially my daughters! We had wind chills of 20 below and I’ve never heard my girls whine as much as they did when it came to doing milking/barn chores. On a side note, they never got chores done so quickly before, either-gave them extra time to draw pictures on the frosty windows! There’s nothing like a 40 degree heifer barn to warm you up when it’s super cold outside! They would spend the rest of milking bundled up in the parlor, cats on their laps, reading books. Like your family, my youngest is reading the Little House series and loving it! Oldest is rereading The Hunger Games. Enjoy your balmy Alaska weather and God Bless!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Oh, I love the image of your girls reading with their cats in the parlor. Milking cows in frigid temperatures is very nice, I remember it fondly and hope to do it again sometime soon. Farm chores in the cold are definitely more of a “chore” but you are right–the cold definitely encourages quick work. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Diane Van Horn says:

    I love the winters here in Wisconsin and I was amazed that we were colder than Alaska for a couple of weeks. Congratulations on baby number three!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you! Wisconsin winters are beautiful. I lived in Madison for five years, so I got a good dose of it. I miss being able to make HUGE snow balls! We don’t get good snowball snow very often in AK. Hope you’re enjoying the more playable temps 🙂

  8. Krista says:

    Congratulations on your pregnancy! How exciting! I am currently pregnant with my 3rd and I’m due in April as well. I actually don’t feel prepared at all this time around. This baby is a girl and my other 2 are boys. I feel like I have no idea how to raise a girl, but I’m super excited to meet her! Your adventures to the Midwest look like so much fun, despite those cold temperatures. We are suppose to finally get a good snow storm this weekend and I’m really looking forward to it. We will finally be able to take the boys out and play in the snow. In the meantime we have spent many hours cuddling on the couch and reading books. Good luck with the remainder of your pregnancy!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you, Krista–Good luck to you, too! I have a feeling you’ll do just great with a baby girl. I hope you get some snow and some great play time in it!

  9. Marilyn says:

    Thank You for sharing your visits. Ava and Opal are getting so big. They are beautiful. I love the photo of Opal reading to her stuffed animals. Congratulations on Baby#3. God Bless.

  10. Sandi says:

    Congratulations Alex on baby # 3. Going from Alaska to a much colder Midwest must seem amazing to you and your girls. Pictures of them in the snow with those bright red cheeks are wonderful memory making days. I am glad you all had so much fun and were able to visit with your families. The food you talk about reminds me of small pancakes I make for myself topped with real butter and sometimes syrup. Yum! Guess I’ll go make some now. Spring is just around the corner as some here like to remind us.

  11. Susan Lazarou says:

    Always enjoy your ramblings…wish I was able to tolerate the cold…give me a hot belly stove day is an any time kind of day to read a good book…got two completed and working on a third..God’s puzzle Solved by Art Mokarow…great reading always comforts my soul..

  12. Pamela deMarrais says:

    I love your posts! You are such a wonderful mom, and I’m excited to know that you are adding a new baby to your precious family!

  13. Susabelle says:

    I am in Colorado. Now that it is February, apparently Winter is having her say. I do love winter…it’s my “down time,” but that really means I’m just busy doing things indoors instead of out. Many of my weekends have been about creating inventory for the craft shows I’ll do this year. That time is very relaxing for me, even when a project isn’t going so great. I don’t watch television/netflix, so that won’t occupy my time. I’ve done an awful lot of sewing, and have a full bin of new inventory in bright, cheerful colors, ready to be on display at the first fair of the year in April. I love winter. It is the only time I actually sleep long nights, instead of very short ones.

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Baby, It's Cold Outside

Happy New Year, Farmgirl sisters!  If you haven’t noticed, it’s been a cold January for nearly every corner of the United States at some point this month.  My family and I have been in Minnesota and North Dakota for the past two weeks and have seen temperatures as low as -30–and that was without the wind chill!  Where we live in Alaska has been surprisingly warm, with some days registering nearly eighty degrees warmer than spots in the Midwest.

Leaving balmy Alaska for the frigid lower 48. That doesn't sound right!

Leaving balmy Alaska for the frigid lower 48. That doesn’t sound right!

Continue reading

  1. Joan says:

    We’re in Colorado, not enough snow yet but the COLD has been too much BUT our cold is nothing compared to what y’all experienced. Your time sounded like fun, love those times with family. The girls art work is very nice. And congrats on the soon to be new addition, stay well. God bless.

  2. Dori Troutman says:

    Hi Alex!

    Looks like you’ve been having a wonderful time “outside” Alaska!

    I can’t believe you got to make the Aebleskiver’s!!!!! I want to make some SO BADLY. I bet they tasted amazing. Were they hard to make? I just need to buy a pan and get going!

    And so excited that you are expecting again!!! Yay for babies!!!


    Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Dori! I was pretty giddy when my mom showed me the pan. They were not difficult, but they are pretty time sensitive. They seem like something that you have to make by themselves–no multi-tasking with making bacon and coffee and brainstorming dinner at the same time! Luckily, you can make them ahead of time and they heat up really well in a toaster oven or are still tasty at room temperature. I also attribute using lots of butter in each well to ensure that flipping was easy (and the results nice and buttery). They were SO good!

  3. Kerrie H says:

    Hi Alex- Enjoyed your latest post espcially since I live in Lake County, CA just about 10 miles from Red Hills Rd! Our county is covered in beautiful vineyards. Congratulations on baby 3. God’s blessings to your family.

  4. Carol O says:

    Appreciate your sharing these moments. We live in Massachusetts and love New England. Beautiful family.

  5. Joy says:

    I love the forced seclusion . Except for going out to feed and water the chickens twice a day, I’ve been baking bread and crock potting soups and knitting up a storm . I’ve learned how to make socks! Once a weeks we girls meet at a library one town away and for two hours and have a blast! Sounds like your doing all the right things with the kids and having fun doing it this winter. I even love knitting while listening to audio books on my iPad. Love your blogs , oh and congratulations on the new addition to the family ! Maybe a boy this time?

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Maybe! We are keeping it a surprise like the other two. We know it will be a human baby :). You knit socks!? How cool. I can barely knit a scarf, haha! Knitting is the perfect winter activity, I’m hoping when the kids are a little older we can all take lessons from grandma. Take care!

  6. Amanda says:

    Congrats on baby #3 on the way!!! I’m glad you all had some well deserved time with your families. However, we sympathize with you regarding the temperatures-especially my daughters! We had wind chills of 20 below and I’ve never heard my girls whine as much as they did when it came to doing milking/barn chores. On a side note, they never got chores done so quickly before, either-gave them extra time to draw pictures on the frosty windows! There’s nothing like a 40 degree heifer barn to warm you up when it’s super cold outside! They would spend the rest of milking bundled up in the parlor, cats on their laps, reading books. Like your family, my youngest is reading the Little House series and loving it! Oldest is rereading The Hunger Games. Enjoy your balmy Alaska weather and God Bless!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Oh, I love the image of your girls reading with their cats in the parlor. Milking cows in frigid temperatures is very nice, I remember it fondly and hope to do it again sometime soon. Farm chores in the cold are definitely more of a “chore” but you are right–the cold definitely encourages quick work. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Diane Van Horn says:

    I love the winters here in Wisconsin and I was amazed that we were colder than Alaska for a couple of weeks. Congratulations on baby number three!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you! Wisconsin winters are beautiful. I lived in Madison for five years, so I got a good dose of it. I miss being able to make HUGE snow balls! We don’t get good snowball snow very often in AK. Hope you’re enjoying the more playable temps 🙂

  8. Krista says:

    Congratulations on your pregnancy! How exciting! I am currently pregnant with my 3rd and I’m due in April as well. I actually don’t feel prepared at all this time around. This baby is a girl and my other 2 are boys. I feel like I have no idea how to raise a girl, but I’m super excited to meet her! Your adventures to the Midwest look like so much fun, despite those cold temperatures. We are suppose to finally get a good snow storm this weekend and I’m really looking forward to it. We will finally be able to take the boys out and play in the snow. In the meantime we have spent many hours cuddling on the couch and reading books. Good luck with the remainder of your pregnancy!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you, Krista–Good luck to you, too! I have a feeling you’ll do just great with a baby girl. I hope you get some snow and some great play time in it!

  9. Marilyn says:

    Thank You for sharing your visits. Ava and Opal are getting so big. They are beautiful. I love the photo of Opal reading to her stuffed animals. Congratulations on Baby#3. God Bless.

  10. Sandi says:

    Congratulations Alex on baby # 3. Going from Alaska to a much colder Midwest must seem amazing to you and your girls. Pictures of them in the snow with those bright red cheeks are wonderful memory making days. I am glad you all had so much fun and were able to visit with your families. The food you talk about reminds me of small pancakes I make for myself topped with real butter and sometimes syrup. Yum! Guess I’ll go make some now. Spring is just around the corner as some here like to remind us.

  11. Susan Lazarou says:

    Always enjoy your ramblings…wish I was able to tolerate the cold…give me a hot belly stove day is an any time kind of day to read a good book…got two completed and working on a third..God’s puzzle Solved by Art Mokarow…great reading always comforts my soul..

  12. Pamela deMarrais says:

    I love your posts! You are such a wonderful mom, and I’m excited to know that you are adding a new baby to your precious family!

  13. Susabelle says:

    I am in Colorado. Now that it is February, apparently Winter is having her say. I do love winter…it’s my “down time,” but that really means I’m just busy doing things indoors instead of out. Many of my weekends have been about creating inventory for the craft shows I’ll do this year. That time is very relaxing for me, even when a project isn’t going so great. I don’t watch television/netflix, so that won’t occupy my time. I’ve done an awful lot of sewing, and have a full bin of new inventory in bright, cheerful colors, ready to be on display at the first fair of the year in April. I love winter. It is the only time I actually sleep long nights, instead of very short ones.

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For the Birds

What better way to figure out how to get through writer’s block than to write about it, right?  It has to get something flowing…

Turn on weird ethereal music (Radiohead’s 2016 release)

Watch birds at feeders outside windows for a bit.

Make some tea.

I spend quite a bit of time mentally preparing my writings, generally just thinking about a topic and how I want to narrow it down and connect it to other happenings in life or lore.  Often, while doing something, I’ll note to myself that it would be a good topic to put into writing. I intended to write this blog post about winter birds and bird feeders (after making bird feeders with the girls), spending time close to nature, and solstice preparations (both physical and mental!).  However, now that I’m sitting down to write, I can’t find the words.  My mind is locked into holiday preparations.

Nature-inspired additions to Opal's gingerbread house: Snails and a mushroom.

Nature-inspired additions to Opal’s gingerbread house: Snails and a mushrooms (Opal assisted).

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  1. Dori Troutman says:

    Hi Alex,

    Oh I was so happy to read that you suffer from the same sort of writers block that I suffer from! 🙂 Sometimes the words just don’t want to come!

    I’ve been to Alaska once in the wintertime and I will admit it was very unsettling for me! It might’ve gotten light for a few hours each day but honestly I don’t remember that it did. It seemed like it was dark all day! 🙂 I’m a sunshine person so I really struggled with it.

    MaryJane’s cast iron book is AMAZING!!! I’m on the lookout for the Aebleskiver pan too… but was it my imagination or do those look really hard to make??? I’ve got to try for no other reason than to prove to myself I can do it! And for the fact that they look oh so yummy!

    Happy Holidays to you and yours Alex!

    – Dori –

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      The Aebleskiver definitely look tricky, but worth the challenge if successful! My husband has a lot of Danish in him so he has some fond memories of Aebleskiver. I think the pan would make some great Brazilian Pao bread (a tapioca bread that I usually make in a mini muffin tin, but I’d like to move away from the non-stick bakeware). Hope your holidays are merry and bright!

  2. Joan says:

    I think you do wonderfully! I also know the ‘funk’, had it right after I got over bronchitis but, I have a special place to go to and a special One to pray to and by golly it works. I will go to that place for you. Yes those little girls are way cute!! Take care and God bless. As my grandchildren say——- love ya Nana

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks Joan! Those special places and inspirations are so important to keep close. Hope your holidays are joyous! Blessings to you as well 🙂

  3. Jennifer says:

    Happy Yule! Blessings to you and yours!

  4. Joy says:

    That was a delight to read. I put tiny white lights around the house in winter that makes things more fun. I leave them up all year. We put on timer and at night while watching Netflix it is cozy. The girls could make a bird journal and keep track of what comes to the feeder . Have a Merry Christmas and I think I better look into that cook book. I use my skillet all the time. Sometimes three times a day!

  5. Krista says:

    I agree. This time of year can definitely put you in a funk and I think having small children running around makes you tired in general, which doesn’t help with the lack of motivation. This is exactly how I have felt this last week. What really throws me off is not having snow. We just barely got some snow yesterday. It wasn’t much, but it’s sticking so far. But without snow it makes the holidays not feel right so I hope the little we got will stay. I received the new Cast Iron book as well and I am super excited to dive right in and try the recipes! They are all very drool worthy! Have a wonderful Christmas and great New Year!

  6. Marilyn says:

    I loved this post. We enjoy watching the birds,too. We have several Cardinals come in our back yard. Once in a while a Woodpecker comes on our nut tree. Wishing you and yours a Blessed Christmas and a Happy,Healthy 2018.
    Marilyn and family

  7. maureen bruner says:

    Thanks for the lovely trip to AK. It is a beautiful place, to visit! I must admit that I told my husband “Next wife next life, just send money” when he applied for jobs there. I am a sunshine person, so CO suits me much better in the long winter months. I don’t think I could have survived the long dark periods. Staying busy with your little ones is such a blessing. I am an avid wildlife watcher and I think we’re going to try those pinecone treats and see who visits our house!

    Many blessings and much joy!


  8. Sandi King says:

    Alex, I think I would sleep all the time without sunshine to brighten the day. Today is rainy and turning much colder as I sit here with you, reading your blog. The rain is more like tiny ice crystals when it lands on you, and we are expecting snow later on. I too, am getting away from the non-stick cookware. I got a Lodge cast iron griddle for a Christmas present which I will use from now on. I was baking rolls and accidentally left my teflon coated griddle and a small teflon coated fry pan in the oven and it ruined the coating and surface of the pans so I threw them out. We are going to try a small copper fry pan as soon as I find one. We have about 5 cast iron fry pans in different sizes.I use the smaller size to bake cornbread in. Our electric fry pan is also a teflon type coating and I don’t like it at all so don’t use it much. It was a gift. I like feeding the birds in the winter and have coated pine cones with the peanut butter and seed filling many years. I also make a suet type and put that in onion net bags and hang them up on the bird feeder poles. Birds love it all. I agree that the girls should start writing a journal on birds that come to the feeders; and take pictures if possible and date the entries so years later they will have this record to read. It will be interesting no doubt. Until next year then.

  9. Susan a says:

    Im going to try that recipe…saved it…,for next years Christmas gifts. Thanks for the share. Susana

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Sparkling Like a Million Little Suns

There isn’t much I love more in the world than brand new snow.  After falling asleep in a world that is largely brown and barren it is such a treat to wake up to a glittering, sparkling snowfall–reflecting a million little sunrises back at us.  “Isn’t it beautiful?!” I gasp and ask my children.  This time of year can be a gift with the first few snowfalls often melting between each event.

The girls admiring the morning snow fall.

The girls admiring the morning snow fall.

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  1. Laura R. says:

    Hi ! Your girls are so sweet, nature-loving, fun-loving cuties !!! I live in the Northeast and have not had any snowfall as yet, and even my first killing frost came in November. Snow does bring extra work, but I always was happier in the winter with a ground cover of snow. And thanks to your insight, I am looking forward to the magic of winter snow. Whenever it comes !!! Happy Thanksgiving !

  2. I’ve been making homemade marshmallows thus last month. They are divine!! Can’t wait to try your hot chocolate 🙂

  3. Peggy Smith says:

    Thanks for sharing your snow and stories. I also love snow but live in Southwest Missouri.
    We rarely see even snow flakes. I truly miss it being from Northern ILL.
    I read christmas books and watch Christmas movies to enjoy snow.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. MS Barb says:

    I LOVE the snow! (don’t care for icy roads though!) Thank you for sharing your healthy hot cocoa recipe! (Have you read the ingredients on the boxes of the commercial hot cocoa? scary!) THANKS again!

  5. Angela F Hajzak says:

    Thank you for sharing your snow stories. I have always loved snow and sometimes I feel that I am the only one who has appreciation for it. You made my day!

  6. Marilyn says:

    Your girls look so happy playing in the snow. Wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  7. Joan says:

    Super fun posting! God Bless

  8. Marilyn Berger says:

    What a beautiful homage to Winter! In Mt.Shasta, California , the mountain is covered with snow and we are waiting to it to fall below 5,000 feet on this warm and windy Thanksgiving morning.
    An hour a day in outside activity is a great idea!
    Thank you much for sharing your receipents! I’ll use it as a reward in reverse: go outside for an hour and then I can have cocoa!
    Old Edgewood Farm

  9. Sandi King says:

    Today is Thanksgiving Day no snow! sunshine! 56 degrees! Air is on cool side, sort of brisk. Maybe by Christmas we will get snow, some anyway. I don’t expect we will get very much again this year. We may have really cold temps tho. It has been in the low 20’s at night here in Kentucky. Anyway, love your snow, your children are adorable. My home state of New York has gotten snow already according to my family there. Lucky guys! Waiting to see a snowman on your next blog. Love that idea—– of making a snowman!

  10. Krista says:

    I am another snow lover and you said it perfectly. There is just something about when it snows that’s so peaceful and perfect. I have been snowboarding in the past when it’s snowing and I love sitting at the top of the mountain and just listen to it snow. It’s crazy but you can really hear snow falling and it’s so calming. We haven’t had any snow yet and I’m actually upset about it. After eating our Thanksgiving dinner last night, we went outside to play. Let me just say, we have never been warm enough to go out and play with out jackets after Thanksgiving. I have also been keeping my windows open because it’s still so warm. It’s throwing my holidays off. I’m ready for the snow! Enjoy it for me!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Ah! that sounds so odd–to go outside after a Thanksgiving meal without jackets. The sound of snow falling is a magical sound, in a way. I hope your snow comes soon!

  11. Susabelle says:

    We have had snow five times, but we also have had 70-degree days. Winter is confusing this year (I am in northern Colorado plains just along the Rockies). I’m ready for real winter. Winter is when I read, catch up on sit-down tasks. I run run run the rest of the year, and until winter truly arrives, I will keep running. Spent a week in the midwest with family and brought back a cooler full of frozen venison…spent the day after I got back making loads of meatballs and meatloaves to put in the freezer for later. It was 77 degrees when I did it, which explains the run-run-run! Winter needs to get here already!! I’m tired!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      I hear you Susabelle! I think it’s in our true nature to keep going while the sun shines. Venison meatballs and meatloaves sound so yummy! I hope real winter comes your way soon.

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Cycles, Man. *Snap Snap*

Hello Farmgirl Friends,

Autumn is taking its last breaths up here in the Alaskan north.  The last three mornings have revealed frost on all surfaces–a frost that persists during the day if it never sees the sun.  Trees are bare, birds are fattening up and quarreling at the feeder; sleeping in is becoming easier and easier as the sun rises later and later, day after day.


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  1. Laurel Pries says:

    Love your posts and pictures from a Great Great Grandma in Washington state…..Happy Fall!!

  2. MS Barb says:

    I really enjoyed reading your blog! Thank you for sharing beautiful pictures along w/ a well written article! What will you do w/ all of your cabbage? Do you make freezer coleslaw? soups? Thanks again!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Barb! I probably won’t take much of the cabbage. I’ve never utilized cabbage much in my cooking, but I’ll use it for some slaw or soups or stir fry. It would be great to make saurkraut some day…but I’d need to dedicate myself to actually eating it! I’m terrible at eating fermented foods regularly.

  3. Krista says:

    That’s a lot of carrots and they sure look amazing and delicious! Something went wrong with my carrots this year and they didn’t make it. Luckily, my father-in-law shared some of his with us. I love the feeling of fall in the air and watching all the leaves change. But I am not quite ready for snow yet. Hopefully you have some snow by the next time we hear from you. Happy birthday to your sweet Moki.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Krista! It is A LOT of carrots! If you were closer I’d know just where to point you for some carrots :). Our cool early summer and warmer later season left us with a late first harvest of them and subsequently too much after everything else was done! There is ample snow in the mountains so hopefully we can go play in it this coming weekend.

  4. Janice atkinson says:

    Love your posts. Made me chilly. It is 75 today in the Northern Shenandoah Valley, Va. but I am outside to the yard work. I will think of you and frosty days while I work in this strangely warm weather.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks! It was an abnormally warm fall here, as well. It just started to really get chilly this last week. It actually snowed the other day…it wouldn’t even count as a dusting, but it was exciting!

  5. Joan says:

    Love your posting and my goodness your pictures make want to make a visit! Thanks for sharing in such a wonderful way. God bless.

  6. Marilyn says:

    Enjoyed this latest post. You have beautiful scenery to admire. Lovely place.

  7. Amanda says:

    The walks you take there look strangely like the trails my family and I walk- but we live in PA!! I admit I love the smell of the fall air,too. Such beautiful produce! We had a wet summer here with many storms dumping at least 2 or 3 inches of rain at a time so we had many problems in our garden… and fields… and barns… so I’ll just admire your bounty! Here’s my favorite poem for fall and the end of the gardening season: I loved my garden, so here is my sad ballad:I nurtured it for months and ate it in one salad.-by Arnold Zarett

  8. Joy Pascarella says:

    Here in New York near the Great Lakes we are hanging on to summer a bit too long. But it won’t be long before the frost sticks to the ground except where the sun finds it and melts the grass. I love your poem also. I always read your blogs, keep up the good work.

  9. Sandi King says:

    Happy Belated birthday Moki; Love his picture, beautiful dog. Alex, winter is coming, but slowly – we have some cool days now colder nights but still not the cold we used to have at this time of year. Weeds are dying YEA! Soon will dig up bulbs and transplant to new beds in new yard. May be able to move before Thanksgiving – Hope so! Or at least soon after. Love the poems, all of them. Used to write a few myself. Yes, snow for your next post. Loved the pictures too. Until next time,

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September Time Warp

Hello again Farmgirl Friends!

I hope this finds you well and cozy as autumn starts to creep across the northern hemisphere.  We are well on our way to more wintery days up here in AK.  Last week the leaves turned their bright yellows and oranges, while this week they are decidedly more brown.  On a walk the other day with the girls, Ava kept exclaiming, “I don’t like these ugly plants!  Why is everything dying? Why is it brown?  I do not enjoy these ugly plants!!” She was very adamant about her distaste for the senescing leaves…Alas, the nature lover in me could not convince her that this was meant to be–that the plants and trees are getting ready to sleep for the winter.  She was stuck on the aesthetics!

From a hike a few weeks ago.  She wanted to know what it fells like to be a mushroom.

From a hike a few weeks ago. She wanted to know what it fells like to be a mushroom.

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  1. Krista says:

    I feel the same way. August and September have just flown by. I figured it was because I had so much going on with multiple deadlines but I guess the changing weather and daylight probably play a big role. Every day I kept telling myself that I needed to take my little guys 9 month picture. Well…I finally took the picture last night and he turns 10 months tomorrow. That’s how time has been escaping me. I’m hoping by the first of October I’ll be back on track. I loved seeing all your pictures and adventures. Looks like your family made some wonderful memories. Your girls are growing up so quickly. Thank goodness we have cameras to document all those times.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Krista! I love your story about the nine month pics. It’s interesting how these seemingly simple tasks are the ones that keep getting pushed back. It probably takes all of ten minutes to accomplish somethings, but often ten minutes is very difficult thing to come by–especially when everyone/everything is cooperating. I’m looking forward to October, too! And yes, thank goodness for cameras. Our mom-brains can only retain so much. Hope your schedule calms down soon!

  2. Ramona Puckett says:

    Beautiful family and beautiful pictures!

  3. Susabelle says:

    My day job keeps me busy from mid-August to mid-October, so the whole thing always goes by in a blur. Here in Colorado, our “golden sunshine” has been because of smoke from wildfires, and while we’ve had some cool days, we’ve also had a whole peck of 90+, so it’s hard to think about fall. But my garden is pretty ready – the squash and pumpkins are dying back, the roses are on their last bloom, and the beans have given up production. I will still have tomatoes, and eggplant, and the flowers are glorious. But we need rain. 🙂

    I love fall, and the coming winter. It really does mean I get to slow down. At least, after November is over!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      I love that the plants know it’s time to rest even if the weather isn’t feeling like it should be fall yet. I hope the fires die back soon. There have been so many natural disasters this summer…I also hope your schedule calms down a bit!! Thanks for checking in 🙂

  4. bonnie ellis says:

    I love the vignettes of your adorable family. Those girls are getting a wonderful education in life and nature. You are lucky for the new technology of cell phone cameras. When my kids were little, we just took the pictures and had to wait for them to be developed. No chance to see them right away and e-mail them to grandparents.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you, Bonnie! I think if we had to develop film I’d end up with rolls developed long after they were taken (perhaps even years!), which would be a nice surprise in some ways…

  5. Joan says:

    Great blog!! We too are mostly autumn! sunny days too. The Aspens are beautiful. Take care. God bless.

  6. Marilyn says:

    Ava and Opal are having so much fun. They are two beautiful girls.

  7. Joy Pascarella says:

    Great blog! I felt the excitement and joy in it. It is good to look back to remind us that life it really good.

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