Fresh Eats

Farmgirls–I have a new favorite food. And–lucky you! I am going to let you in on this rare discovery.  I haven’t found a new go-to food for quite a while, so it has been fun to add something new into our rotating food repertoire.

No, it isn't cotton candy. We went to the Winter Show Rodeo in North Dakota, though!

No, it isn’t cotton candy. We went to the Winter Show Rodeo in North Dakota, though!

It has only taken me several decades to discover just how delicious this mouth watering creation can be. It is a juicy, savory, and unpretentious all-in-one meal. They can be creative, complex or simple; and–perhaps most notable of all–they are quintessentially American.

Are you teetering on the edge of your seat? What could this amazing food possibly be?

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  1. Carol says:

    We raise our own beef and I must say that there is nothing better than a homemade cheese burger. I prefer Colby Jack cheese with a small amount of mustard and a slice of onion on mine. Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Amanda says:

    I’m so glad you decided to try a food again that you didn’t like as a child. Good lesson for your kiddos! Funny how our taste changes over time. It took me over 20 years to like green beans, although it helped that my husband grew them in our garden instead of buying a can from the store. And, tomatoes are a work in progress. Our family just finished our yearly butchering of beef and pigs. What was the first thing I made? Burgers!!! We mix worcestershire, hot sauce, cream and salt and pepper into the meat. Also, we had caribou burgers once after my father in law came home from a hunting trip. Yummy! Love your posts and happy spring to you!

  3. Barbara Love says:

    I use my own ground lamb with ground wild elk, lots of minced garlic, chopped reishi mushrooms, a handful of organic rolled oats, a ‘glug’ each of organic italian dressing and org ketchup, sometimes a local egg, seasoned with a grind of pepper, smoked sea salt. I make a batch of patties at a time and freeze them. Truly a great burger, whether grilled or pan fried…as you say, don’t overcook!

  4. Krissel says:

    Hey! You make my day! As a new subscriber and Alaskan moved South I relish in your blog! Try Turkey Red right there in the P! Keep updating as you thaw out and melting snow has your boots getting wet!

  5. Joy says:

    It’s so funny you happen to mention the best burgers ! We discovered two places in our area of New York . I’m talking the New York with hills and farm land as far as the eyes can see. There is a bar call TommyBoys. The best burger ever, lettuce tomato thin slice of red onion and mayo. Cheese too. I save the tooth picks from our burgers! Like notches in a fun. Lol. Another place in the city of Rochester is a place call The Beer Park. Made to look like an old diner with lots of beer taps. Just one light for me but their burger is just wonderful ! Same ingredients and tastes mouth watering. That sounds like fun having a book club at a bar with great food.

  6. Marilyn says:

    Happy that you found a go to food. Enjoy your burgers and books. Your girls are beautiful.

  7. Elizabeth Granger says:

    I made an awesome burger at home with grass fed beef on whole grain bun with very little
    condiments and maybe a few organic carrot sticks and yes katsup.!

  8. Pauline says:

    I personally use 80/20 ground chuck beef, salt, pepper fried in cast iron pan, topping with yellow american cheese! Nothing better! Although here in Roanoke, Va there’s a joint called Jack Brown’s. They use 100% wagyu beef. They are out of this world!

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Who are you?

‘Who are you?’ said the Caterpillar.

This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, ‘I — I hardly know, sir, just at present — at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.’

~Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

I am writing this under the light of the Super Snow Moon–the biggest full moon of 2019.  It is much like the sun this time of year–able to illuminate that which isn’t often seen or hasn’t been noticed in a long time (hello window sills! You need to be dusted).  It also has a slightly stronger effect on things like the tide.  If any of you have seeds sown for transplants (or maybe crops already in the ground if you are in the south or southern hemisphere), you may see a little bump in foliage growth during the few days before the full moon and root growth afterward.  I’m going to keep a jar of water on one of those dusty window sills tonight to get charged by the moon!  Not sure what I’ll do with it…most likely uses: I will drink it, Opal will drink it and then spill it, Fern will spill it, I will water houseplants with it.  All worthy causes.

Often, quotes from other people or places get the gist of a feeling just right.  This is from a fence at a playground on Kauai

Often, quotes from other people or places get the gist of a feeling just right. This is from a fence at a playground on Kauai

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  1. Krissel says:

    Enjoying your posts! The full moon and changes in the weather make me feel like spring is coming! Glad you were afforded a good vacation and will be ready for break-up and new growth! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Amanda says:

    Beautifully said. I needed this. Thank you!

  3. Sandi King says:

    Alex, your post reminded me about the way I was feeling during that time of the full moon. I was moody, angry, easily upset over the slightest thing; not something I should confess to, but it is nice to know why I was acting like that. It seems like things were just going wrong for some reason. I am so glad it is over now and maybe I will pay more attention the next time it happens and not let it pull me so far apart from the way I usually am. I like to laugh and have a good time, and I usually see the sides of every situation and can reason away any anger I may start to feel over something. Thanks for posting about this.

  4. Laura R. says:

    Good stuff! Identity is another timely subject for me; finding true emotional security within, not from others or things, and identifying with a deeper source of self. These things I have been pondering. Thanks for your take on this!

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Rocks and Pine Cones

Happy New Year Farmgirl sisters!

I hope this finds you all well and enjoying these days of growing sunshine.  I just read Dori and Nicole’s posts from the last two weeks and they are so inspiring.  Their outlooks, commitment and encouragement are infectious.

I might not be quite as inspiring, but I feel like my story might help those of you who maybe haven’t acted on your inspirations and motivations.  I stand here in solidarity with you.  Plans are easy, execution of plans is hard. We are not in this alone, sisters!

Sisters! Sun! Snow!

Sisters! Sun! Snow!

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  1. Gail Pederson says:

    I started to embroider this poem when I was pregnant with Evan. It never got finished❤️ Happy birthday sweet Opal! Love, Grandma Gail

    Babies Don’t Keep

    Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,
    Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
    Hang out the washing, make up the bed,
    Sew on a button and butter the bread.

    Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
    She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.

    Oh, I’ve grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,
    Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye loo.
    Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
    Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo

    The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew
    And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo
    But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo
    Look! Aren’t his eyes the most wonderful hue?
    Lullabye, rockaby lullabye loo.

    The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
    But children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
    So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
    I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.

    Author: Ruth Hulburt Hamilton

  2. Marlene Capelle says:

    Happy blog-iversary. I have followed you the whole time. Love that poem.

  3. Emily says:

    Kentucky home has same …. um,…. I’ll call them qualities and stuff rather than junk. Good to know another mother/English major/farm girl shares much the same world.

  4. MJ says:

    I laughed out loud reading this episode of your blog – loved it! I’ve also been following you the past seven years – it was the same year my husband and I moved into our little old farm on 4 acres. We, however are at the grandparenting stage, but as we moved from the home where we raised our kids, I finally said a fond farewell to many items, (including some “get organized” books), good riddance to many more, and actually hauled along some of our favorite rocks. We have now added more. I also brought along bark from a beloved birch that fell years ago, bits of driftwood treasures picked from the debris along the shores of Lake Michigan, and despite having returned a collection of pine cones to the forest floor, I now have a fresh and growing collection from the white pines and spruces around our place. I could go on. Maybe it’s got something to do with being a girl of the Great Lakes…forever enchanted by the world around me, I surround myself with priceless jewels from nature, finding nooks and crannies to stash them in our house. Whatever the fetish is, I share your enthusiasm for rocks and pinecones. Thanks for a smile on this COLD Michigan afternoon!

  5. Amanda says:

    Yup! We got the case of the piles, too! Mostly laundry, but have the occasional rock, pressed four leaf clover, feather, of butterfly wing(from already dead, not live!) piles have caught my eye a few times. While my girls haven’t tried to bring in anything big (yet), and they’ve managed to keep their tiny object piles out of my sight, but I still know they’re around somewhere… And, like any other farm family, we track in who knows what onto our floors! So, I’m in a constant state of tidy up! I’ll share a sneaky trick with you! If I see someone coming who I know is a clean freak, I answer the door holding my broom. Instead of criticism, she gives me a hug of understanding from her past farming days! Happy Birthday Opal! and Happy Blog-iversary Alex!

  6. Lise Wichert says:

    It is hard to minimalize when I am a collector at heart. I do not have the wonderful help from precious little ones carrying in nature’s gifts. I am the guilty one toting them home and not wanting to part with the perfect piece of bark, or acorn, or branch that would complete an art project? I call them the “what if’s.” “What if” I can’t find another ideal pine cone? It has happened before! I do not have the plethora of mason jars but I have fabric that I am constantly fighting the mounded stacks that accumulate quickly. Scraps from left over projects that I hate to turn loose of, the “what if” pieces. I love sharing “what if’s.” Thankfully. I have a friend that is honing her crafting skills and has been eager to recieve the stacks. Somehow that has made it easier to part with my “what if’s.” Good luck fighting the minimizing battle.
    P.S. Loved the picture of the clothes, it made me smile! I had a folding chair, sometimes the couch, that was seldom empty when my children were still home.

  7. Marilyn says:

    Happy Birthday to Opal. May she have a year of happiness and blessings.

  8. Rosalyn Schultze says:

    I, too, am a collector of rocks, pine cones, shells, leaves, etc. Rocks may be painted with words, funny faces, designs or painted to look like animals or houses. One can also ‘wrap’ rocks with handwoven bands of string, yarn or leather. One can also crochet covers for rocks. Rocks make wonderful paperweights or decorative elements in a home. ‘Pine’ cones make wonderful wreaths, fairy homes, Christmas decorations, etc. I could go on and on… I think it is a wonderful gift you are giving your children by allowing them to use their imaginations and creativity while making things from natural resources.

  9. Cat Livingston says:

    After being married for 45 years, my husband and I began the incredible tackling of our storage room. 45 years plus of accumulated stuff! We bought special heavy duty shelving, totes, and organized it all. It took us 3 days. It was amazing the memories, old papers, things we didn’t even know we had. We got rid of all those old receipts, and tons of other paraphanalia that we didn’t need. Our children will thank us someday! It is so nice to be able to finally find the things we need. What a great feeling to get it all organized. Now, on to tackle our closet!!!!

  10. Gail, I’ve always loved that poem! Alexandra, so well spoken! . I was at a stage in life when we didn’t have little ones around and yet I kept finding random rocks on my living room floor?! One day I discovered Lilly, our pug, was collecting them and bringing them inside. My solution to that one was when she’d bring a new one in I’d add it to the line up on the deck railing. Made me laugh every time I walked by.

  11. Pauline Gladstone says:

    Dear Miss Alex! First, don’t be so hard on yourself. Everything you said about is accurate. Especially the “energy sucking” part. Sometimes life is more about clearing a path than it is about moving a mountain. Clearing anything involves tackling one thing at a time. It’s similar to weeding the garden. We are constantly working at removal while other forces are constantly working on regeneration!!! Piles are a force of nature, they have a mind of their own. Better yet, a firce of nature fuels by everyone who lives in the house!

    I love the picture of your outside clothes. My abandoned, deserted, lost, wandering, forsaken, lost sock pile is that big! We have on occassion taken to wearing mismatched socks out of a desire to have on a pair of sock. A colourful expression of companionship with just one of our piles.

    Rocks and all things nature that small children live (& love) to collect. My daughter loved to collect rocks. I still wonder why rocks? Having travelled to far parts of the world, I’d find myself home, unpacking to find a bounty of rocky treasures. After finding a pile big enough to start building a small wall, I needed to come up with a better, get them neater, storage plan. (I am hopeful my pictures will attach to my comments.) I found two huge pretty glass containers, one is actually a crystal vase, the othere an enclosed candle holder. I filled one with rocks, the other with things from the water. Something unique happened. Once the items were put on display and I struck up conversation about the items, my daughter slowed down her pace of collecting to accommodate the space left in the container. Recommendation, find sturdy, cool glass containers to contain and limit the pile size. Fill and enjoy for years to come!

    Here’s to longer and warmer days (it’s -32C here today.) Be well my friend and pair down that huge outside clothing pile. Put on all the clothes, at the same time, see just how many you can wear at one time. Make sure they are all your favourites from the pile. When you can’t out on anymore, donate the rest! I promise you’ll have a good time doing it and a great selection of working outside clothes.


  12. Sue says:

    Keeping tidy is hard! And what brings you joy may not be other people’s joy. 30 books? I am with you 300 is a much more reasonable number. Rocks,well most of them are in a pile on the back porch imitating a Gaelic cairn sort of. The large ones also make great bookends. I have learned over the years that what really matters is family and friends. As the as the above poem states, “babies don’t keep”. As an empty nester now the memories of messy houses are not important, they have faded into non importance. But the memories that were created with family and friends shine. Enjoy the chaos, as it goes away, kids grow, people move on. House work can wait.

  13. Denise says:

    I read a book that has really helped me it is, “Decluttering at the speed of Life” and it spoke to me so well. I read something that said “I” don’t have to find a home for what I don’t want either. for a while I was trying to see if my friends or family wanted my “things” and then after reading that, I can now feel free to donate it without finding it a home. but if you get a chance check out that book by Dana K. White. Good Luck!

  14. Sandi says:

    Alex, I thought when I was getting ready to move I would be able to get rid of a lot of stuff and have a clean clutter free new home. Hah! It didn’t happen. I did get rid of a lot of clothes, two huge bags full donated to the county free store, and I cleaned out a few dishes I didn’t need, (that was hard for me as I love dishes, kitchen things) and a few things got stored in the garage for yard sale weather, but I still have so much that I didn’t declutter, like my binders of genealogy and family history classes, things my mother left me like loads of albums of pictures of a lot of people I don’t know along with those I do know. I do have a lot of them on my computer, but I don’t trust technology to not fail and lose everything so I keep originals. I noticed as technology keeps improving on itself that things you have on computers that are becoming obsolete may not transfer well to a new updated model. Also a lot of software will not work on newer computers and I have gotten rid of a lot of software because it doesn’t run on newer operating systems. I also bought a lot of new stuff for the new house but I can’t seem to let go of the old stuff either unless it’s worn out, then it becomes rags or craft maybe’s. But I love my home even if it is a bit cluttered still and I am sure someday I will declutter more, hopefully, maybe, oh, I don’t know. I love reading your blog and Happy blogiversary of 7 years. Until next time.

  15. Janet Kynerd says:

    Only my husband and I live here, so I am happy to learn about the Different Places Hippo. We certainly have one hiding in this house. Hope Opal enjoyed her birthday. Who knows, you might build a house with all those rocks someday. Well, at least some fairy houses. Always enjoy your blog and hearing about your lovely girls.

  16. Joy says:

    You’ve got that right! We all have collections that make us happy . I have books, yarn, fabric, canning jars, feathers from my chickens, cups and dishes with chickens on them, tiny figurines from red rose tea boxes , iron frying pans, boxes are crayons,some unused, table clothes , linens , some antiques, just to name a few! I’m lucky enough to have an extra bed room to store all the fabric, and yarns, table clothes and linens. Feathers I put in flower decorations and make wreaths out of them. Iron frying pans hang on my wall behind the wood burning stove ,you can use a lot of your collection by using heavy rocks to make book ends,sticks put in a canning jar filled with stones, will make a great place to display the dried mosses or hanging Easter egg display for the girls to make. I think of this as our own little museums ! Your imbracing nature ! It’s all wonderful .

  17. Laura R. says:

    Hi Alex,

    This is a timely subject, as awareness of clearing clutter is at an all-time high. Worldwide, or just in my world? I have 2 boys, now 22 and 24 and i have been spending last couple years working through 20 years of accumulations. I have kept A LOT in the name of sentimentality. Symbols of my boy’s childhoods are rampant in the piles of bins of Stuff that I own. As my children leave the nest and start their own lives, I am hopeful that some of this stuff will move on with them, however, I have learned they are not interested in most things I thought were so precious to me. I am learning how their childhoods live on in my heart and not in all this stuff ! Anyway, as Evan’s mom’s poem illustrates, what is important is the living, the playing, the loving of our children. The mess is secondary, yet because of your awareness, perhaps you can start the clearing/organizing/recycling process earlier than I did. Seeing your happy, joyful, creative children, I would say you have your priorities straight.

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Hey Farmg—wait, did you feel that?!

No?  It was an aftershock.

An aftershock to a pretty big earthquake we had in Alaska a few weeks ago.  You might have heard about it on the news? 7.0 with the epicenter about forty miles from here

To put it mildly: it was terrifying and awful and discombobulating.  After lots of reading and discussing and studying, I can imagine being in a bigger one and I hope it is something you or I or anyone never has to experience. We are finally feeling pretty recovered after a few days of adrenaline hangovers, a week of high stress and another week of trying to return to normalcy.  I questioned a few times if the lingering anxiety would ever fade, but with time and less frequent aftershocks it has subsided.

A birthday walk in the snowy woods to find our tree took a lot of the edge off of the 'quake anxiety.

A birthday walk in the snowy woods to find our tree took a lot of the edge off of the ‘quake anxiety.

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  1. Laurel Pries says:

    Thank you for taking us through your Quake experience! It was such a good read. I love the stories and pictures of your sweet family! Thank you for sharing and may you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy (and safe) New Year!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you, Laurel! I’m glad I have this outlet to write it down or I would have waited to long for it to be raw. Merry Christmas to you and yours, too

  2. Becky Bartlett says:

    Alex, you write so descriptively. I am so sorry you had to use your talent on this topic. True to your form, you made me feel as though I was there with you.

    I am so thankful you all are recovering well. We love you guys.

  3. Cat livingston says:

    Living in Kansas you would think there wouldn’t be any earthquakes here. They started happening after all the fracking going on. Such a weird experience to go through and granted they aren’t anything like you went through, but very disturbing, none the less. Thanks for sharing your experience. Do you think you could share some of that beautiful snow for Christmas? Sending love to you and your sweet family.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Yeah, Fracking induced earthquakes are very worrisome. Seemed earthquakes were the only thing we could say weren’t exacerbated by human activity–we were proven wrong! I want to keep all the snow for us! Just kidding, I’ll tell tell our snow fairy you are wishing for some. Happy holidays! Hope your Christmas is white and fluffy!

  4. bonnie Ellis says:

    Wow! Sure glad you are all right. My home in Minnesota doesn’t seem so safe now. Have a blessed holiday!

  5. Debbie says:

    Natural disasters are the worse! Unpredictable. I’ve never been in a major earthquake but have been in a tornado. Sounds like you handled it well and you have beautiful children! God bless you! Debbie

  6. Terri Goggin says:

    Hi, I live here in Southern California and we also had an earthquake today, Thursday, December 20, probably in response to yours, at about 12:22 pm. If you haven’t already, check out Sue Henry’s award winning books set in Alaska, beginning with “Murder on the Iditarod Trail” then also the one I finished yesterday called “Degrees of Separation” which is about an earthquake, and a murder. Creepy timing. Glad all is okay up there except for the mess.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks for the recommendations! My father gave me a few of her books, but I have yet to read them. Hope your quake was okay!

  7. Carol says:

    I wondered if we would get a recount of this magnificent quake by someone that lived through it. How scary that must have been? I remember having felt one in my lifetime. I did not realize that Alaska was so prone to them.
    Another interesting item, I just finished reading a book that was placed in Palmer, Alaska. How exciting to know that I have a blog friend there.

  8. Judy from Maine says:

    Wow, great post, you really shared the feeling of your experience. Here in Maine we get very few earthquakes and if we do they are teeny tiny, but I have experienced two in the 16 years that I have lived here. The first was very early in the morning, it woke us up, but we really didn’t understand what was happening, thought it was a big log truck passing by at a higher than necessary speed. When we got up, we saw that part of our rock wall had fallen and the news confirmed the quake. The second time was just after dinner. I was sitting in my studio when I heard this horribley loud sound, this time it sounded like a train, except there are no trains in the vinicity of my house, next everything just started to tremble, not really shake and not really move, just this unsettleling feeling that everything was trembling. It was over in just a few seconds. My husband came into my studio and we looked at each other with a did a bomb drop somewhere look. Checked the internet to find out it was an earthquake, epicenter many many miles south of us. While it was short and nothing happened other than some crooked pictures, it was very unsettling. I can imagine your fear for your beautiful babies, but it sounds like you did everything right. ( except maybe, for the commendable , but slightly misplaced responsibility you felt to check your neighbors property)
    Thank you so much for sharing your experience.
    I wish you the Merriest of Christmas and a Happy, Healthy (and non shaky) New Year.

  9. Linda says:

    Wow! So glad you’re all safe. That’s something I’ve never experienced nor is it on my bucket list! Quite an adventure for you. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Amanda says:

    So glad you and your family are alright!!! You are a wonderful mother in how you responded to protecting your kiddos! And you have such great neighbors and friends! It’s so great to hear about people helping each other out! We had a tiny earthquake here in the mid-atlantic a few years ago- sooo not like yours! It was a big deal to many but since I live near a military training facility I’m used to the ground shaking and lots of rumbling when they practice live artillery fire. My ceiling fans wobble pretty bad when they fly helicopters overhead, too. So when our earthquake happened, people were calling me all scared, and I was like, huh? what’d I miss?!?! Wishing you all a safe and stress-free Christmas!!!

  11. Sandi King says:

    Alex, so glad you all are safe. I also didn’t realize Alaska was so prone to earthquakes. I have felt a few in the mid-west, but none as big as the one you described. I also felt one in Arizona when I was a child playing in the Colorado river. You are a great teller of stories and I enjoyed this post immensely. Thanks for posting it as soon after as you did. We always think of others during a disaster and try to help, it’s a natural thing to do and sometimes we forget about the more important things, but I am glad your children didn’t suffer any bad effects from it. Keep safe and keep writing.

  12. Meg Coccia says:

    Just so glad you’re ok! Another reason why your family wants you back in the lower 48, away from earthquake zones!! Your writing is so enjoyable to read I’m glad I came across this!
    Love ya!
    Aunt Egg

  13. Marilyn says:

    Thank You for this up date on the earthquake. Thank God you and the girls are safe. Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and Blessed, earthquake free 2019.

  14. Krissel says:

    As a displaced Alaska girl with family still living in the State I as a new”old farm girl” feel like this made the whole joining worth while! My son and his are in Anchorage and the stress is wearing on them! I truly feel better after reading your post! You are talented, kind, a good neighbor, and a wonderful Mother! Never doubt always know that!

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Thankful for Sisterhood

There’s something special about the bond between sisters…

I wouldn’t really know because I grew up with all brothers, but I’ve heard and observed that biological sisters can have profound connections.  While I don’t have a sister sister, I do consider myself lucky to have a sizable group of friends that I love just as I love my siblings. These friends are men and women–although mostly women–and are parts of separate and overlapping groups. Some are local and some live great distances away.  Some are parents, some are not. The one thing they all have in common is that they are totally awesome!


Yes, the rare man can be a part of a sisterhood!

A few weeks ago I went on a truly amazing vacation down to San Diego, California. It was so far from my current reality that it took several days to get back to reality upon my return. I went down for six (SIX!) days–solo!–to relax, rejuvenate and reconnect with five of my close friends. Four of them are friends from college and one joined from Alaska.  We stayed in a mid-century mod home up on a hill with a private pool in the backyard and a very glamorous, Mad Men kind of vibe.

The Backyard

The Backyard

The most amazing part about this vacation? It was largely organized by Evan!! I think it’s fairly new phenomenon, but some women have started getting gifts from their significant others for having babies.  They are (kind of disturbingly…) called “push presents.”  The gifts are often pieces of jewelry–usually fancy and expensive.  I am not one to wear much fancy or expensive jewelry as they don’t play well with my lifestyle.  So, in an effort to show his gratitude for all that I do–physically, emotionally and otherwise, Evan got me this trip!  It was practically all planned by the time I found out about it a couple months before we left.  While I really enjoy planning and organizing vacations, I have to admit it was great to have the big parts already nailed down. Furthermore, it’s heartache-ingly beautiful to dwell upon how much Evan loves me and cares for my sanity :).

Rock climbing outside for the first time in a few years.

Rock climbing outside for the first time in a few years.

How do people live where it is always perfect?

How do people live where it is always perfect?

The vacation was relaxing, fun and rejuvenating.  The activities we did were great–rock climbing, went to a funk concert, farmers market (so many beautiful items!), zip lining, wine tasting at a vineyard, yoga and of course hanging at the beach and eating yummy yummy tacos. One of the things I keep reflecting on was how nice it was to be able to just walk outside…any time of the day or night.  It was always a perfect temperature outside and there weren’t any mosquitoes.  I had to pump while I was there because Fernie is still so little, and I could take my little portable pump out to the pool at 6:30 a.m. and pump OUTSIDE! We drank mimosas in the pool and had a bonfire on the beach while still wearing swimsuits.  These are all pretty huge things for me coming from places with pretty extreme weather and tons of mosquitoes.


Coffee and lazy breakfast outside every day.

Coffee and lazy breakfast outside every day.

The best thing about this trip was reconnecting with friends.  It’s kind of a cliche, but it is really easy to lose yourself when you become a parent.  While “mother” is now a part of my identity, there is a purer me that exists somewhere under the labels.  She can be kind of hard to find sometimes.  I also LOVE talking about my kids, as most parents do, but it was a treat to hang out with people and barely talk about my kids!  We spoke a lot about our psyches, our evolving personalities and beliefs, our failures and our goals, our love lives, our side projects and new hobbies.  We hollered our deepest desires at the roaring ocean and we read each others’ fortunes.  I was going to title this post, “Sisterhood of the Rose” as it was a card that was often drawn during our card reading sessions.  Rose was a theme of the trip–I brought rosewater to share, another friend brought rose incense, rose quartz made a few appearances, roses were in bloom and there was a rose balloon marking the spot where our yoga class was.  I did some research into the Sisterhood of the Rose and it’s pretty interesting stuff–with roots in Atlantis and ancient Egypt, but I don’t think I could have done it justice in this post!

Rocks and oracles and spiritual things, oh my!

Rocks and oracles and spiritual things, oh my!

Watching the sunset from a vineyard in the country.  That is Rosemary creeping over that ridge.  The herbs grow into monsters in San Diego!  It is incredible.

Watching the sunset from a vineyard in the country. That is Rosemary creeping over that ridge. Herbs grow into monsters in San Diego! Huge lavender plants, sprawling rosemary and luscious sage as landscaping!

We drank champagne on the beach and lost our cork to this gull.

We drank champagne on the beach and lost our cork to this gull.

Oh, and we laughed so hard! So, so hard!  One of my friends claimed that she almost vomited from laughing so hard.  I noted at one point that these were my healer friends–a medical doctor, a women’s reproductive health rights activist, a public health worker, a therapist and an ayurveda and yoga practitioner.  I have to say that I did leave this trip feeling healed–from what I’m not sure, but I’ve felt pretty grounded and centered since coming home to reality!

Good bye, Mission Beach!

Good bye, Mission Beach!

It was so good.  All of it.  It was equally as sweet to return home to my lovely little family and my sweet baby whose weight I missed in my arms so badly! What a great trip. I’m a fortunate woman and oh so grateful.

I hope this finds your Thanksgiving preparations going well.  I’m thankful for all of you!

Sending peace and love from Alaska,

Until next time,

Alex, the Rural Farmgirl


  1. Linda Scoggins says:

    I so enjoyed this. Sounds so fun. I’m 60. Widowed almost 5 years ago. I have 3 sisters. We have so much fun when we get together. I’m so thankful I’ve started spending more time with them the last few years. Thanks so much for sharing your awesome vacation.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Oh, I would LOVE to have biological sisters, although my brothers are amazing, of course. I always wanted a sister, just one more girl in the family would have been perfect (at least in my mind). I bet you have a blast! Thanks for sharing with us and Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Victoria Hall says:

    Hi Alex. Thank you, thank you for reminding me of what an awesome place I happen to live. I live in Temecula, which is surrounded by lovely wineries. Sometimes I get tired of the nice weather…is that possible? It can be so boring. I lament at all the people and traffic and high taxes and more than once have stated, “we gotta get out of here!” You, my dear, brought me back to earth. Yes, I am fortunate to call this place home…30 minutes to our mountains and 30 minutes to the beach. Not too shabby. Yesterday my daughter and I took my mom for a birthday lunch at one of the wineries. She’s 88. The venue was lovely, food delicious, the wine wonderful. Thank you for reminding me of all these blessings. Guilty of taking them for granted. eeeek.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      You’re welcome! It really is a slice of paradise down there. The winery we went to was near you, close to Paloma Mountain, I think? We just came across it en route to zip lining and decided to stop on our way home. I love the seasons, so I wholly understand getting bored with perfect–sometimes it feels good to be reminded of what we are capable of! But sometimes it feels really, really good to just be. I don’t think it’s terrible to take things for granted from time to time, especially if you’re aware of it. Just shows you are a fortunate person. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Sandi King says:

    Happy after Thanksgiving, Alex. I don’t have biological sisters either, but I have sisters-in-law who are just as sisterly as any sister can be. I wouldn’t trade them for anything. I do have a brother. So glad you got to relax in San Diego, CA. I used to live in Arizona and California at different times of my life and both were pretty warm and sunny most of the time. I love Kentucky now even with it’s different weather patterns and my birth state is New York and I read it has had the most of 5 worst Thanksgiving storms in history. I think 1950 was the worst for accumulation of snow on Thanksgiving in NYS. Glad you enjoyed your time away and so glad you are back home now.

  4. Denise Ross says:

    Wow, your man is a special one. How lovely for you, so glad you felt rejuvenated from your trip. There’s nothing like spending some time with good friends/sisters, so soul restoring. Happy thanksgiving

  5. ann says:

    I wanted to leave a comment on Christmas RAGs, but sadly could find no facility to do so. Maybe this will count. This particular post, and the actual doing of getting a RAG, will help me so much focus on what is important and meaningful to me and to those I hold dear…vs. performing for the world around me that which I often think is “expected”. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your thoughts in such a beautiful and meaningful way. Life at our home will be different during this Holy Season, and for that, I am thankful.


  6. Susan says:

    I have one sister alive and we love spending time together. We don’t get to spend much time together as we live in different states. We do talk on the phone a lot.

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Sprouts on Sprouts on Sprouts (Brussels, that is)

Hello Farmgirl Friends!

‘Tis post harvest season up here in Alaska, although we have yet to experience any real damaging overnight frosts.  It’s been an incredibly warm and balmy fall for this neck of the woods.  While Mother Nature is allowing for a longer than anticipated season, we just really didn’t have anything left to harvest.

Warm Blissful days on the farm!

Warm Blissful days on the farm!

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  1. Marilyn says:

    I love the Fall season and all the months. October is great because usually the air is clearer and crisper. The leaves start to turn into the beautiful colors. Also Halloween is right around the corner. I enjoy the nice decorations,no creepy ones. Thank you for the recipes. Your girls are beautiful. God Bless.

  2. Cynthia says:

    I enjoy your posts…..feel like I am right there with you…..u are living the dream with that beautiful family Best wishes always….

  3. MS Barb says:

    Can you dehydrate Brussels sprouts? I just bought a dehydrator this year, for the apples from my daughter’s back yard tree, but haven’t tried it yet…
    Can you pickle Brussels sprouts?
    Thanks for an interesting article! 🙂

  4. Ellen Vukovic says:

    This could be adapted for frozen sprouts

    Brussels Sprouts Gratin
    45 minutes to prepare serves 6

    • 1 1/2 pounds brussels sprouts, halved
    • 8 oz. bacon, cooked and crumbled
    • 1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, grated
    • 1/2 cup fontina cheese, grated, optional
    • 3/4 cup heavy cream
    • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
    • 1 egg
    • 1 sprig rosemary, minced
    • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
    • 1 teaspoon onion powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes, optional
    • Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste

    1. Preheat oven to 400º F.
    2. Toss brussel sprouts in olive oil and season generously with salt and pepper. Place them in a large baking dish and roast for 15-20 minutes, or until semi-softened.
    3. In a large bowl, whisk together egg, heavy cream, rosemary, garlic powder, onion powder and red pepper flakes (if using), then stir in cheeses.
    4. Remove brussel sprouts from oven and add 3/4 bacon to the baking dish. Pour cheese mixture over the top and stir everything together, then top with remaining bacon.
    5. Reduce oven temperature to 350º, return baking dish to oven and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until cheese is bubbly and just set.
    6. Remove from oven and let cool 5 minutes before serving.

  5. Laura R. says:

    Your farm girls have a blessed life !! And I love brussels sprouts. My latest favorite is smashed sprouts. I soften them by boiling, and smash them flat on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with olive oil and salt, and top with grated cheese. And bake them to yumminess… Enjoy all those sprouts of yours :)))

  6. Sandi King says:

    Alex, thank you for the recipes on brussels sprouts – I have never ate any but I am willing to try them now since you gave recipes on how to cook them. They do sound delicious – hope they really are. I need more greens in my diet. I love cooked cabbage and you mention they may smell like that when cooking so I am willing to try them. I don’t care for cauliflower and I have tried it – it’s not about the taste but the crumbling which gets under my dentures. Maybe if I mashed them like potatoes they would be better eating. LOL. I have seen that on TV. I think a lot of food that is fresh is better tasting and yet we have to buy what our stores provide which I am sure is not always so fresh as so much comes from long distances. Thanks for blogging and sharing your life with us. It is always entertaining reading and I look forward to them. Have a good day.

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Farming with Kids

I am guilty of having been the best parent before having children of my own.  My kids were going to be the hippest kids around.  They would become the most environmentally-conscious-vegetable-eating-adventurous little bodhisattvas around, for sure.  I definitely knew how to curate kids to embody these traits!

I mean...this could be an album cover!

I mean…this could be an album cover!

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  1. Laurel Pries says:

    Love your blog and many blessings ro your sweet family!

  2. Ashley K says:

    We are hoping to move to a rural 40+ acres in NE washington in 2-3 years. I also have 3 girls. Who are currently 8, 7, & 4. It is so inspiring to see you out with 3 so young! Makes me feel like I’ll be able to get a lot done with my older helpers!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Ashley! It is really amazing to see what the older farm kids I know can accomplish, and how quickly they learn. Sometimes the only thing in their way is strength and the ability to operate heavy machinery 🙂

  3. Laura R. says:

    Oh, wow, those pix are treasures. I especially love the fashionistas, the dirt eating, and the album cover. What a story they tell ! (along with your insightful words) :))))))

  4. Amanda says:

    You hit the nail on the head! It’s challenging to farm with kids! It’s also super fun, entertaining and fascinating… who knew it’s sooo much fun to cut hornworms in half? It’s a wonderful thing to see things through their eyes, even if I have to stop what I’m doing for the umpteeth time! My girls are old enough now that they do a lot of chores on their own. The best part is seeing them take pride in a job well done. The worst part is when they scheme together and rush through cleaning the barn to go do who knows what. I did tell them to work together, right? I’ll have to be more specific on the “work” part- (future advice for you!) I find myself saying to them, ” I can’t stand it when you act like your mother!” My girls just smile at that and all is well. Many blessings to you and many fun-filled “work” days with your little ones!!!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Amanda! I’ll have to use that mother line :). They will get a kick out of it, and Ava is already at the point where she will say things like, “but mom, that’s what you do…” ha! Guilty as charged. Hope your fall is great and your daughters scheme to muck like they’ve never mucked before!

  5. maureen bruner says:

    The dirt pictures really made me smile! So much to explore and learn. I remember when my very fastidious friend put her son in a sandbox for the first time. He was appalled, to say the least! I grew up playing in a garden and so did my kids. We’re all better for it. Big hugs from Colorado!

  6. Mickie Griffin says:

    Fun blog post! Love the photo of Fernie eating dirt and pea-henge and potato-henge!
    Mommie Dearest

  7. Marilyn says:

    Thank You for sharing this post. The girls are getting so big. They are beautiful. God Bless.

  8. Randee says:

    So enjoyable reading about your adventures with your children and I had some chuckles. You are a patient lady even if you don’t think so. They are blessed to have you as their Mom.

  9. Laurel Pries says:

    Love your “littles” reports…as a Great great grandma I can so relate, and remember trying to pick berries with my kids and grandkids. All too soon they will grow up and those fun times will be no more. So just enjoy while you have them and make wonderful memories. Best wishes with your little “farmers”!!

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Come Again Another Day

“I’d much rather work outside in the rain than inside during nice weather!”

I found myself exclaiming/reminding myself of this several times over the past couple of weeks.  It has been downright SOGGY up here in the northlands.  One of my friends recorded more than six inches of rain on her small farm between Sunday and Wednesday of last week, and we had plenty of rain on both sides of that window, as well.

Opal finds great joy in taking sips of water from the large brassica leaves.

Opal finds great joy in slurping water from the large brassica leaves.

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  1. Nicole Christensen says:

    Oh Alex, you’re little ones are precious. I remember spending rainy days with my dd when she was little – a new pair of cute rubber rain boots each year was a must! This year, though, we are all sick of the rain here in New England, too, as it is the most humid rainy summer ever! Think fall…Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole (Suburban Farmgirl)

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Gotta love those adorable rain boots! I’ve heard that New England has been pretty soggy, too. Crisp fall is just around the corner 🙂

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The Case of the Missing Calf

Hey Farmgirl Friends!

It’s been a busy and eventful month up here in Alaska.  The farming season is in full swing.  It’s the time of year when pretty much everything that can happen on the farm is happening (or at least supposed to be…).  We are transplanting seedlings, seeding greens and roots, harvesting, sowing a few more trays of starts, pulling spent crops, amending new rows, irrigating, putting up and taking down row cover, pruning, suckering, weeding (Oh, the weeds…), fearing the ever growing slug population, moving chickens around in their tractors, opening and closing all of the structures, going to market, running the farm stand and divvying out CSA shares. Phew!

You look radishing!

You look radishing!

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  1. Sandi says:

    Wonderful that the calf returned on its own. Most do according to my mother-in-law who raised calves most of her life. She was a farmer for many years and taught me how to milk a cow and how to wean a calf from its mother. Even named a calf I helped to wean, after me. Guess you will be glad for a rest when harvest is over or will you still have lots to do until winter time? Pray you do get some rest as it sounds very hectic for quite a while. Maybe next year I can get into a garden. We are still waiting for our home to get finished and get moved in. Does take a long time to get it all done. Bless the day and your farm and all who tred there.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you Sandi! We have learned that calves usually come back, too. We should just think of them like fawns :). Hope the home renovations go quickly and smoothly!

  2. Bessie says:

    Wow! I’m exhausted from reading your entry. Sounds like a wonderful place and Fern is a sweetheart!

  3. Marilyn says:

    Glad that the calf is safe. I love that photo of Fern laying in the garden.

  4. Amanda says:

    I’m super happy the calf came back! It’s funny how your life in Alaska very closely resembles mine in Pennsylvania. We’ve been busy weeding, unloading straw wagons, weeding, and, just like you, we were searching for a missing calf- and her mom! One of our dry cows managed to sneak out to pasture with the rest of the herd. But she didn’t come back. The biggest problem was that she was due to calve any day! Of course, when we finally found her, it was obvious she calved! Now we had to find her baby, too. Luckily we got them both back to the barn(and out of the woods, past the creek and up the steep hill-how did she get there?!) before dark. Now it’s back to weeding…

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Our lives do sound very parallel right now! I hope the weeds are staying at bay and your cows are staying home!

  5. Laura R. says:

    Hi Alex, your life sure keeps you hopping! I like the title of your story; it felt kind of like a Nancy Drew mystery :))) And the suspense! I am glad baby calf found its way home to mama. And that your newborn can’t run; she looks much happier sitting with you reading or hanging with the chickweed. And I love that Ava is developing her ninja skills ! Such a fun read, and you look radishing too !!

    • Laura R. says:

      Hi Alex, your life sure keeps you hopping! I like the title of your story; it felt kind of like a Nancy Drew mystery :))) And the suspense! I am glad baby calf found its way home to mama. And that your newborn can’t run; she looks much happier sitting with you reading or hanging with the chickweed. And I love that Ava is developing her ninja skills ! Such a fun read, and you look radishing too !!

      • Alexandra Wilson says:

        Thanks, Laura! I am in Minnesota at my mom’s house, and we used to read Nancy Drew together when I was a kid. Maybe that’s what inspired the title :)? I am SO happy newborn humans can’t run. The other two are enough to chase around, for now. Hope this finds you well!

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Stationary Sun

In prepping for this post, I looked up the etymology of the word “Solstice.”  It breaks down to two Latin root words–sol: “sun” and “stice” or –stit: stationary, stopped.  This is an apt description of solstice, especially in Alaska. The sun is stuck in the sky!

Rising high under the midnight sun (well...8:30 p.m. sun!)

Soaring high under the midnight sun (well…8:30 p.m. sun!)

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  1. Susabelle says:

    The biggest problem of needing recharging is feeling guilty about canceling plans. But sometimes, that’s what you need to do. Give it the 2-2-2 rule. Will this matter in two hours, two days, two weeks? Or for bigger things, will this matter in two weeks, two months, two years? Give things the priority and weight they require, and you will be happier.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks for the tip, Susabelle! I’ll have to keep that in my back pocket during these busy years of motherhood. I hope you are great!

  2. Jennifer Chappell says:

    I know just what you mean! The weeks leading up to Midsummer seem to build in their intensity and, by the time the Wheel turns to Midsummer, I’m just an emotional mess. But, as soon as it passes and we start turning towards the harvest, I feel like I can breathe again. That’s when summer feels joyous!

  3. Marilyn says:

    Thank You for this interesting update. The girls are beautiful. Sorry about your dog.

  4. Joan says:

    God bless you all! Great post!

  5. Laura R. says:

    As someone who feels as you do, about down time at home, I am happy you found your balance. And being with your sweet family, I’m sure, is a great curative. Keep taking care of yourself first, so you can care for others !!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Laura. I am happy I can find it, too! And yes, we have some truly precious, curative moments together. There is a lot of wisdom packed into those little people.

  6. I loved this post Alex. And wow can I relate. I recently read an article about what it means to be an “Introverted Extrovert” and it described me to a Tee! 🙂

    Your girls are so darling and growing up so fast. That little Fern though… what a darling baby. I know I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again; I love your girls names. So sweet.

    Happy Farming!

    Dori, Ranch Farmgirl

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you, Dori!

      They are pretty darling, aren’t they? It’s pretty cool to see them learn and grow every day.

      Happy farming and beautifying to you, too!

  7. Missy Whaley says:

    Balance in our lives when raising small children is the key to inner peace that allows us to succeed in one of the most purposeful contributions to our world. Raising our children mindfully with imprinting a deep connection with the natural world grows them with a deep appreciation for what supports their aliveness. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Sandi says:

    First so sorry for your losing a loved pet. Muskeg was a beauty. We also buried a loved pet that belonged to my sister-in-law this last week. She had gotten run over by a speeding vehicle, and we buried her in our yard as we own this land and my sister-in-law rented.
    Secondly, your children are adorable. I also loved all those flowers Ava is in the middle of. I also am an introvert and I understand how we need our alone time to re-energize. I don’t know about living with a solstice; months of daylight and/or months of darkness. It would take some getting used to. I enjoyed this post and all those pictures you posted. I hope the rest of the summer is a wonderful time for you and your family.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you, Sandi! Luckily the solstice times seem to pass pretty quickly and then we’re back to a balance of night and day (but that seems to pass quickly, too!). Hope you are great!

  9. maureen bruner says:

    I have given myself permission “to not”. It is ok to not_________.(fill in the blank!). When some one is really pressuring me to do something that infringes on my time, I tell them “I will pray on that and get back to you”. It stops the hard sell in its tracks! If you don’t take care of yourself, you aren’t any good to anyone else and family always comes first. Enjoy your family.

    Many Blessings.


    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Maureen! That is a good and wise tactic–providing time to decide. I recently heard this gem, “Saying yes to one thing means saying no to something else.” It’s so true! Also truth–family comes first. Thank you!

  10. Deb Bosworth says:

    Hi Alex!
    Such a wonderful post! I can relate to your feeling like you want to hide out and just enjoy quiet moments of solitude with your family. It’s hard to find that balance sometimes. When we were homeschooling we could have been out doing something every single day. There were always great offerings within our community for learning with groups, classes and play dates. We participated in a lot of different events etc… But our favorite times together were cuddled up in our pj’s listening to books on tape ( back in the day that was a thing ). We’re all still like that but now we listen to podcasts or binge watch something on Netflix… LOL
    I could just feel time standing still for you on your weekend at home. I’m so sorry for the loss of your farm dog. It’s never easy to lose a furry family member. Farmgirl Hugs!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you, Deb! I am pretty involved with the homeschool community here and those are some of the busiest kids I know! People who doubt that homeschooling allows for proper socialization are very mistaken :). The girls and I like to listen to kid focused podcasts and stories, too! It’s such a nice way to wind down together.

      Muskeg was an old man for his size–twelve years! He had a wonderful life on the farm and in the mountains but he will be missed. Thanks for the checkin!

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