Snow Daze

Okay, I know, I know–I’m a little obsessed.  It is time for my yearly ode to snow.  I just love it so much that I can’t help myself.  In reality, it is so much on my mind over the last few weeks that I can’t think of much else to write about!  It all starts with or comes back to snow.  Living the rural life with a fair amount of land, not too many indoor options for kids, and a lot of driveway means that a lot of snow results in a lot of work and play!

Fern enjoys the good stuff.

Fern enjoys the good stuff.

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  1. Charlene Littlewood says:

    Hi there from nsw Australia ,
    I’m glad you finally got your snow we have had extreme hot weather here 40’c +.
    The bushfires that we had were really terrible
    You have snow and we are getting some green back on our trees,isn’t Mother Nature wonderful ,we are so blessed cheers again for a lovely story and photos
    Down under farmgirl

  2. Marlene C says:

    We’ve been having snow lately (Colorado), mostly in the mountains but there’s still some on the ground in the city. But all this means we can’t get to our cabin for another couple of months so, blah.

  3. Bonnie Ellis says:

    Having lived in Minnesota for 77 years, I share your love of snow. It’s fun to see your children learning to enjoy it too.Happy winter!

  4. Gay Carolyn says:

    I am so jealous. I love Snow but so far this winter here in Maryland hardly any.
    I tell my nephew in Minnesota to send me some, but it must melt before it arrives.
    Love your Blog.

  5. Marilyn says:

    WOW! What a lot of snow. Here in Mew York our Winter has been mostly mild with little or no snow. I love the Winter but not the snow. Glad your power was not off too long. Enjoy your snow days and daze.

  6. Linda Stiglich says:

    I always enjoyed power outages when I could dust off the hurricane lamps and break out candles and “rough it” for a while. I would fill the washer for flushing water as the bathtub was not reliable. Seldom had to use it. Now kids are gone and it seems power seldom goes out. Kudos to power companies, but I miss it!

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Happy New Year and New Decade Farmgirl Friends!

Our snow family greeting the new year and new decade!

Our snow family greeting the new year and new decade!

It’s been a big time for change and newness around here as we get settled into our new (to us) house, new routines and new part of town.  I’ve been asked approximately 4.3 million times how we are liking our new house, if we are all moved in, etc. etc.  My usual reply is–yes! It’s great and yes all of our stuff is in the house.  Note: I did not say we are all moved in :).  It’s proving to be difficult to “move in” with all of this newness happening with young kids around.  I’m generally okay with this and try to find the humor in it…but there are times of darkness and turmoil! (like when I decided to collect and organize ALL OF OUR SHOES).

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  1. Beth says:

    Alex—what a beautiful family! I don’t know where you all are but I have family in Nikiski (SW AK). I’m a LOT older than you but your words resonate even at my age (70). Don’t let that discourage you, hon LOL. Enjoy your times, knowing that you’re making so many wonderful memories. Love from OR, Beth

  2. Pamela says:

    Alex, Great insights and thoughts! You are definitely on the right track, and it will pay off for your family and also for society. I understand that some people have to work out of necessity. However, when materialism is the goal, everybody suffers. With my oldest, I had to work as a single parent. When I remarried, I chose to be a stay at home mom working very minimal hours. Yup, we had to give up some stuff but I do not regret that decision! As an older and hopefully wiser Farmgirl (turning 70 this month-OMG!), I applaud your wisdom and choices at your age!!! Pamela

  3. Breahna says:

    You could have written my life for the last three years. Except I opted for the other route (more due to available work than choice) and am working full time, outside the house. I love my job but miss my mom time and wish I’d have done more/better with it, but I think that’s just part of mom’ing.

  4. Laura Burke says:

    This is so beautifully written! I find myself at the other end of motherhood as my children are almost grown and mostly gone. I still struggle with feeling unmotivated and value-less. I have also found working ‘away’ for a small portion of my day has made a world of difference in how I feel about myself and it has renewed my love for my own little world. I’m going to keep the word balance in my mind and close to my heart.
    Happy 2020 to you and yours. ♥

  5. Marilyn says:

    Good luck in your new home. The snow family is adorable. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OPAL. Hope she had a good one. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AVA. Wishing Opal and Ava a year of happiness and blessings.

  6. Sharon says:

    Take it one day at a time. Each day find at least one thing that made you happy. Laugh much, love lots and be true to yourself. Have a good week. My kids and grandchildren are busy living their lives. I remember thinking when our kids were small how I never seem to have a minute. I thought retiring and having them living on their own would be wonderful. I am proud of who they are and I know all the memories made were the best of life.

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Happy Holidays, Farmgirls!

Hope you are all doing well during this busy and cheerful season. We’ve had an eventful few weeks up here in the North. It started with a girls’ trip that Ava and I took to Seattle to visit Ava’s cousin and have some sister-free fun!

On the plane, ready for take off!

On the plane, ready for take off!

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  1. Carol says:

    I hate to hear of your wreck, but thankful that you and the girls are fine. I am also glad that the vehicle can be fixed as well. I am happy to hear you have a new home, but sorry that you are so far from family.

  2. Laurel Pries says:

    I so enjoy your posts and read it as soon as it comes. Wishing you and your little family a wonderful, happy, and healthy New Year!

  3. Karen Pennebaker says:

    It’s wonderful that you can spend Christmas in your new home! Enjoy it! I am sure it is hard to be away from family but modern technology makes communication so much easier than it was when long distance calls cost a fortune and there was no internet!! Merry Christmas from West Virginia!

  4. Bonnie Ellis says:

    You have had quite the season. So glad you are ok and everyone is well! I live in your home state of Minnesota so we have snow for Christmas too. Happy Holidays and may your new year be calm.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you for the calm wishes, Bonnie! Please say hi to Minnesota and the snow for us. Since we took that picture the temperature warmed up to the forties for almost a week and it hasn’t snowed again since the temperatures dropped back down…no snow in the forecast either. However, we’ve had some pretty good frost, so it might be a whitish Christmas around here!

  5. Kathy says:

    So fun to read your blog. We, too, celebrated with friends lots of holidays, birthdays, etc. in Cordova, Alaska with our little girl for quite a few years. I really have missed the huge bonds of friendship there. (We now live outside and am blessed to have family nearby.). The memories you are stockpiling now will be treasured by your girls forever! Merry Christmas! Love your new house!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Kathy! I’ve never been to Cordova but I know some really amazing people from there. What memories you must have from those years!

  6. Sandi King says:

    Alex, what an exciting time you and the girls have had. So many wonderful friends and places you have gone and a new home too. So happy for you and your family. Glad no one was hurt in the accident but ice is so hard to drive on anywhere. And getting sick with some mysterious ailment to boot after celebrating; I wonder what it was, and happy you all survived it and watching Christmas movies is always fun too. I would say as a memory it will be considered an exciting and eventful few weeks for you all. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year and God Bless You All.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you, Sandi! You are right–it will all be pretty fun as memories :). Happy to have this platform to record it all. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  7. Marlene Capelle says:

    Congratulation on your new house. What a marvelous Christmas present for you all. Hope you’re all well by now and safe and warm. Happy holidays.

  8. Marilyn says:

    Thank God you and the girls are fine. Sorry about the car. Hope you are all feeling better. Happy Belated Birthday. Wishing you and yours a Blessed and Merry Christmas. Have a Happy and Healthy 2020.
    Marilyn and family

  9. Susan says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah.

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Where’s the Snow?

Hey Hey Farmgirl sisters,

How are you all doing?  I’m having one of those uninspired (or perhaps unmotivated?) snaps in life, a writer’s block if you will.  If I recall this is normal for me during this time of the year, during the break between harvest season and celebration season. There’s a stagnancy in the air.  As strange as it sounds, I believe it’s good to be uninspired sometimes. For me it’s a feeling of contentment in that there is nothing that needs to be bettered, accomplished, pursued or created.  I can just go about with the daily rhythms of life and the demands of various responsibilities without daydreaming about what I could be doing or feeling down on myself for not accomplishing all of the things.

Although dinners have been a bit boring. Sorry, family.

Perhaps my last bits of inspiration were spent up making Halloween costumes.  It was a warm Halloween up here!

Perhaps my last bits of inspiration were spent up making Halloween costumes. It was a warm Halloween up here! We had a spider, bee and honey pot (and Ninjago friend).

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  1. Debbie says:

    I absolutely love this blog. I’m turning 63 and really enjoy how real this is. Brings back so many memories ❤️. Raised on a farm in South Dakota and 8 siblings. Thank you so much for such an enjoyable read.


  2. Donna says:

    I would gladly send you our share of snow here in Pennsylvania..but none here yet either..not in my neck of the woods.

  3. Marilyn says:

    Our weather in New York has been mild and windy. We had a few snow flakes one day. If you were not at the window at the time, you missed the snow flakes. You girls are beautiful.

  4. Sandi King says:

    Alex, I miss the snow here in KY too. We had a day of snowing but it didn’t last and it warmed up again enough to melt and then cold temperatures were back but no snow. I am so much happier to have snow if I have to put up with cold temperatures. I have always loved the seasons of Fall and Winter and Spring, but Summer was always to hot for me, except one year in this area it was too cold to go swimming in the summer. Don’t know what happened to make it a cool summer, but it was different and nice I thought. I always like a distinctive 4 seasons a year, a very clear demarcation line between them and the plants and animals that go with each season. I hope you and I finally get our snow; I bought snow boots for the occasion. I love the way it blankets the ground and covers all the bad areas and makes everything look so pretty and clean, white and sparkling and the bare tree limbs with their icy coating blinking in the sunshine makes for such a beautiful Christmacy scene, a perfect Christmas card. Many happy snow days to us both.

  5. Deni Payne says:

    So nice to see that some other people love snow like me!

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Where's the Snow?

Hey Hey Farmgirl sisters,

How are you all doing?  I’m having one of those uninspired (or perhaps unmotivated?) snaps in life, a writer’s block if you will.  If I recall this is normal for me during this time of the year, during the break between harvest season and celebration season. There’s a stagnancy in the air.  As strange as it sounds, I believe it’s good to be uninspired sometimes. For me it’s a feeling of contentment in that there is nothing that needs to be bettered, accomplished, pursued or created.  I can just go about with the daily rhythms of life and the demands of various responsibilities without daydreaming about what I could be doing or feeling down on myself for not accomplishing all of the things.

Although dinners have been a bit boring. Sorry, family.

Perhaps my last bits of inspiration were spent up making Halloween costumes.  It was a warm Halloween up here!

Perhaps my last bits of inspiration were spent up making Halloween costumes. It was a warm Halloween up here! We had a spider, bee and honey pot (and Ninjago friend).

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  1. Debbie says:

    I absolutely love this blog. I’m turning 63 and really enjoy how real this is. Brings back so many memories ❤️. Raised on a farm in South Dakota and 8 siblings. Thank you so much for such an enjoyable read.


  2. Donna says:

    I would gladly send you our share of snow here in Pennsylvania..but none here yet either..not in my neck of the woods.

  3. Marilyn says:

    Our weather in New York has been mild and windy. We had a few snow flakes one day. If you were not at the window at the time, you missed the snow flakes. You girls are beautiful.

  4. Sandi King says:

    Alex, I miss the snow here in KY too. We had a day of snowing but it didn’t last and it warmed up again enough to melt and then cold temperatures were back but no snow. I am so much happier to have snow if I have to put up with cold temperatures. I have always loved the seasons of Fall and Winter and Spring, but Summer was always to hot for me, except one year in this area it was too cold to go swimming in the summer. Don’t know what happened to make it a cool summer, but it was different and nice I thought. I always like a distinctive 4 seasons a year, a very clear demarcation line between them and the plants and animals that go with each season. I hope you and I finally get our snow; I bought snow boots for the occasion. I love the way it blankets the ground and covers all the bad areas and makes everything look so pretty and clean, white and sparkling and the bare tree limbs with their icy coating blinking in the sunshine makes for such a beautiful Christmacy scene, a perfect Christmas card. Many happy snow days to us both.

  5. Deni Payne says:

    So nice to see that some other people love snow like me!

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A Tale of Three Cities

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

Just kidding, it was just regular times—most of them great! We just finished up a two week trip to Minnesota to attend the wedding of my little brother. It turns out he isn’t so little anymore, and I couldn’t be happier for him and his new wife. It was a beautiful wedding on a lovely Wisconsin farm.  The weather didn’t cooperate but it helped prove that their love conquers all! After six years of getting to watch them grow in love and life, their marriage is sure to be a great one.

The adorable couple during the reception.  What an amazing building!

The adorable couple during the reception. What an amazing farm building!

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  1. Pamela says:

    Coming from an Urban Planning & Environmental Science background, I really appreciated your perspective and this blog. Your insights are so true even for Kansas and my home
    state of Massachusetts. Thanks for taking the time from your busy schedule to write.
    Greetings from rural Kansas.

  2. bonnie ellis says:

    Hello from Minneapolis. Give me a shout when you are in town some time. It would be fun to meet. I have lived in this city for many years and I really don’t like the growth either. My roots are rural and I would love to be back. I also HATE the traffic but it comes with growth too. On the up side, everyone who lives here is 5 minutes from a lovely lake and we have a fabulous system of parks.

  3. Marilyn says:

    Congratulations to your brother and his bride. Have a spooktacular Halloween

  4. Laura R. says:

    Hi Alex,

    I find your observations interesting, because I too grew up in a small town surrounded by bigger cities but mostly when my parents moved here in 1950 it was farmland. Most of the apple orchards are now being sold for development and as I still live here, I can feel the difference as times goes by and rural becomes less rural more suburban. I find myself preferring the back roads always over the main highways and I too cannot stand traffic. Another issue lately is the increase of property taxes in our small town. Most people who lived here their whole lives can no longer afford the taxes on their homes! Our little rural community is becoming a bedroom community for NYC ! Because of this, I find myself wanting to move farther afield so to speak. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and don’t hold it against me that I am now rooting for the Yankees in the playoffs. Lol.

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Hello Farmgirls!

Summer is trying to come to an end here in Alaska, but the weather isn’t cooperating. I’m finding some conflicting feelings come with the unexpectedly warm and dry days.  We’ve enjoyed so much outside play with very little prep. The ability to get three kids outside without warm layers or rain gear is amazing!  It’s too dry for mosquitoes to hatch.  The lawn is growing super slowly so not as much upkeep on that front. Heat loving Alaskans have had a great time this summer.

Opal on a not-so-smoky  day berry picking in the mountains.

Opal on a not-so-smoky day berry picking in the mountains.

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  1. Patricia Baker says:

    Love your blog.

  2. Char Rathman says:

    Here to in Northwestern Wisconsin, the garden I have been growing for the last umpteen years has flourished more than normal…my first planting of broccoli went straight to seed, the second which I planted later grew huge heads. We have had an overabundance of rain, more bad storms than usual, and flowers both wild and domestic that have bloomed with exquisite color…having had a garden most of my life (76 Years) first in Illinois and now here at the homestead in Wisconsin I find this year has been extraordinary in wildlife, woodlands and fields. and climate change has had a dramatic effect and we are going to have to find a way to deal with these changing effects.

  3. Lori Fresina says:

    my eggplant just started producing which is strange. flowers galore but no produce until now. its been a strange summer for our garden in Louisiana

  4. Sandi King says:

    Hi Alex. Yes you have a bountiful year this year. I believe wholeheartedly in what God does and I believe he has a way of taking the bad things (to us it seems bad) and making them into good things for all, because we don’t see the future as he does and we don’t see the big picture as he does and it is his creation and I don’t think he will destroy it again without being able to make it beautiful again. I think fires are a way of getting rid of some of the bad things that are happening maybe undetected by us but he knows. Faith in the goodness of God and his Will be done on earth. No matter what we have to endure, we do survive as a people. Some will be lost as that is a given fact but we know there is another life after this one to look forward to. God blesses us with so much and we are thankful for all that he does. Enjoy this year and be prepared for what may come next year. I didn’t have very good tomatoes this year and my friends also said they were not having a good crop of them either. So we do what we can when we can and hope for the best or better soon. God bless you and your family. I do so enjoy your blog.

  5. Marilyn says:

    Hope you receive some more rain. Our weather here in New York has gotten a little cooler. We did have a hot summer. There were many 90 degree temperatures. Looking forward to some cool,clear Fall weather.

  6. Pamela says:

    Years ago I believed the Scientists who were bringing out their theories of climate change. They had significant proof
    and yet so many people thought they were too radical!
    I cannot believe that today even with all the growing evidence, some people refuse to even consider the pos-
    ability! FEAR and avoidance is what must drive them.

    Rural Central Kansas has experienced way more rain &
    flooding and lots of humidity. So different than our typical
    hot, dry summers. Sadly, the weeds have grown prolifically
    and I’ve battled them all summer. However, I have a pink
    geranium that is magnificent-the largest I have ever grown!!
    Love your blog. Keep up the good work.

  7. Jennifer says:

    Here in Georgia, it has been in the 90s every afternoon for . . . months. Since June. We haven’t had rain in weeks, either. According to the Farmers’ Almanac, no rain this week coming. Bowhunting season has started, but because of the complete lack of cold, the deer aren’t moving. Our fresh food comes from a farm about half-an-hour north of us and they are having to reseed the carrots and spinach because of the heat. Lots of tomatoes, though! Long after tomatoes would be done here. I am still drying and canning, just in case. It’s an odd juxtaposition – the leaves are falling off the trees, but we’re still in shorts and tank tops.

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When I Dip, You Dip, We Dipnet

There I was, standing chest deep in the ocean, wearing children’s waders and getting beaten by huge waves that poured over and into the neoprene legs and booties.

There I was a week later, several hundred miles away from the previous spot, slip sliding through mud, again wearing children’s waders, trying futilely to rinse the silty, thick muck from my arms and clothing

There I was 36 hours later squatting on a muddy grassy lump (again in children’s waders), feeling my thighs burn while cigarette smoke from a woman nearby wafts into my nose.


Now, here I am, at home, with a sore body but also with a freezer full of beautiful Alaskan sockeye salmon fillets and another 12 fish to process. I caught all of them in a freaking net! How cool is that?

Claiming to be a fisherwoman would be a loooooong stretch for me. I grew up lake fishing once in awhile in Minnesota. Truthfully, it was always a bit boring to me. I’d end up reading or writing poetry in the boat, tired of watching my little white and red bobber that never seemed to bob. Plus, I didn’t like to eat fish! Even through college and young adulthood, I had plenty of friends that liked to fish but I never got into it. Again, I would go along to be on the water in beautiful areas, but I’d always have a book and a journal. I was fishing for thoughts or something, right?

There is something poetic about this fish carcass...sorry if you don't agree!

There is something poetic about this fish carcass…sorry if you don’t agree!

Since moving to Alaska, I’ve gone fishing a handful of times—the first time going on a halibut charter with my dad. It was thrilling and beautiful and rejuvenating! After that trip I thought to myself, I could be a person who fishes. All I needed was a forty five foot yacht, a handsome deckhand to bait hooks, maintain equipment and clean fish, and a captain to drive said boat. Not too much to ask?

A paid charter can bring you to some beautiful places, like this 5 a.m. spot on the Gulkana River.

A paid charter can bring you to some beautiful places, like this 5 a.m. spot on the Gulkana River.

Earlier this summer my dad visited and we went on another fishing trip—this time to hook king salmon on the Gulkana River, a tributary of the Copper River, where world class salmon are caught and shared with the world! I hadn’t used a rod and reel in a LONG time, but luckily we again had a guide who had really nice fishing poles and taught us how to use them. My dad got a 25 pound beautiful king pretty early on in the trip, so that was encouraging; however as the day progressed I was convinced that I wouldn’t catch a thing. I did lose one fish, but in the end I didn’t get one. There were a couple hours in there where I reverted into my old “fishing” habits, saying to myself I wish I had a pen and paper to write poems….I wish I had a book to read all the while furiously casting and reeling in line after line after line after line. My thoughts were turning toward this is the most expensive sunburn I’ve ever gotten…Why in the world do people fish for fun?….I’d rather be doing anything else with my time right now. The negative thoughts faded very quickly after eating some food, but the longing for writing or reading stuck. In the end, it was a lovely day on a lovely river and a great adventure with my dad. Plus, we had king salmon for dinner!

My pops with his king!

My pops with his king!

Again, after the salmon trip, I thought, I could be a fisherwoman. Our guide gave us really good pointers about the behaviors of salmon and other fish. Now I was intrigued! Maybe my grandpa and others shared their fish behavior knowledge with me as a kid and I just didn’t care; but I bet we just went out fishing and didn’t really talk about the why’s and what’s of fish habitat. As a dirt worshipping nature lover, this is what I found hooked me on the idea that fishing is, in fact, not just for suckers. Maybe I could give this fishing thing a try.

But, first I just wanted to get a lot of fish.

This is a lot of fish for me :)

This is a lot of fish for me 🙂

Let’s take a step back here—it’s been awhile since I’ve written! One of the reasons I’ve missed posts is just a general sense of overwhelm in our day to day right now. It was a rough first half of this year with loss and not getting jobs that I’ve really wanted because I’m not willing to work full time. I’m not working on the farm this year because I couldn’t justify childcare and getting work done with them in tow is incredibly stressful and inefficient (it would be different if it was my own operation) and just the general exhaustion of having three young kids is enough. I was starting to feel pretty worthless. I know, I know I’m doing the world’s most important job or whatever, but that doesn’t hold a lot of clout when your down and out and live in a time and place where money is king and worth is often calculated by your salary. My logical brain knows that what I’m doing is important, it is finite, it is magical in many ways; and I am so SO lucky to be able to stay home with kids. So, I’ve tried to focus on ways that I can provide for my family outside of endless dishes and piles of laundry (and also beyond the fairly consumptive activities to enrich childhood!).

How I love these days with my babies.

How I love these days with my babies.

We planted a fine little container garden with tomatoes, zucchini, sweet peppers, kale, cucumbers, potatoes, strawberries, herbs and a few other yummy things. I intended to also get out some peas, carrots and other greens; but it didn’t happen, and that’s okay. The are all doing quite well!  This was all great, but I wanted to get some protein into our rotation, and livestock isn’t an option with our current rental situation.  So, I turned to the sea!

Dipnetting is a method of catching fish without a rod and reel. You literally just put a net in the water, wait for a fish to get caught in it, drag it on shore, dispatch the fish and continue! My friend, Amanda, is my adventure buddy. Earlier this summer we went on a thirteen mile adventure run, crossing hip deep frigid rivers and bushwhacking through miles of unkempt trail. It was awesome! Last week we ventured four hours south to the mouth of the Kenai River. We got our tent set up at 2 a.m. and woke up at 6:30 to stand in the beating waves with other Alaskans. It is a fascinating cultural experience! A bunch of people standing in nearly arctic waters, staring out at the water, side by side, cheering other dip netters on as they flip and drag their huge five foot nets on the end of 10-20 foot poles to shore. It was my first time and I felt that familiar you aren’t going to catch anything pull on my brain as everyone around me dragged in fish after fish. One of the guys next to us pulled in at least six fish before I got my first one.

Our fish camp in Kenai.  Didn't get to sleep much in that tent, but it was cozy!

Our fish camp in Kenai. Didn’t get to sleep much in that tent, but it was cozy!

But my first one came! And then another and then four more. Not too shabby for a first timer, I think (for perspective the guy next to us who obviously knew what he was doing got 35 fish in the time it took two of us to get 11!) . The fish were pretty big, 10-12 pounds and beautiful silver with bright red flesh. Dispatching them isn’t pretty or easy, but I got the hang of it. I always say thank you and sorry to the fish before I whack them….Other people who heard me must have thought untoward things, I did hear whispers of “mumble mumble soft these days mumble mumble.” Ha! If being reverent and grateful for your food makes you soft, I’ll take it. We could only fish one tide before we had to head back north, but now we know what to expect for next year.

Fish Creek mud.  We got 24 fish between us in an hour!

Fish Creek mud. We got 24 fish between us in an hour!

This week I’ve been fishing on Fish Creek which is about 45 minutes from my house. It only opens to dip netting when a 35,000 fish escapement is projected. This year it was only open for five days. One morning I went and caught eleven fish in an hour and last night I went and caught two fish in three hours. The best part of last night was watching a guy next to me lose fish after fish after fish. He lost several after he had them landed and they squirmed back into the water! Amazing. He finally caught a fish that didn’t get away and it was the smallest salmon I’ve ever seen (it might have been a trout?). Really hilarious to watch, probably not great to be him. It is a variable life, this life as an outdoors-person (which I wouldn’t consider myself…yet)!

Fishing can be a family affair.  Thanks, Opal!

Fishing can be a family affair. Thanks, Opal!

So, we’ve gotten nineteen fish, mostly sockeye (also called red) salmon. That’s probably plenty for our family, but I’d love to get more for parties and gifts. Alaskans are allowed to get 25 fish for head of household and then 10 more for each additional member in their household. Sooooo, that means we could get 46 more fish…which seems excessive and definitely impossible with our time and resources. However, I’ll go one more time next week at the mouth of Kasilof river. Hopefully we’ll get a couple more to round out our catch.

I'm getting better at processing the fishies.  I will use as much of the fish as I can and bury the carcasses under trees or the bottom f the compost pile.  So many good nutrients in there!

I’m getting better at processing the fishies. I will use as much of the fish as I can and bury the carcasses under trees or the bottom of the compost pile. So many good nutrients in there!

I’m looking forward to all of the yummy dinners, fish tacos and ceviches in our future. I’m equally excited to learn about smoking and canning. My friend also gave me a super easy method to make lox. Gotta love lox and bagel, smoked salmon, salmon dip…mmmmm.

And now it’s time to gather berries!  Gotta love what nature provides.

Until next time Farmgirl friends, Take it easy!

Sending Peace and love from Alaska,

Alex, the Rural Farmgirl

  1. Bonnie Ellis says:

    A Minnesotan here and a fisherperson. But I have never been net fishing like that. You did great! Salmon is so worth it to catch. Thank you for sharing your great stories and pictures and stories. Bonnie

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Bonnie! Good to know there are Farmgirl Fisherpeople in good ol’ Minnesota! Yum Yum walleye :).

  2. Marilyn says:

    Looks like a good time was had by all.

  3. Cindy Stoll says:

    Thank you Alex for sharing your life experiences. I so enjoy reading about your life and family goings on. Amazingly different and yet the same from mine in central IL on our row crop and cattle farm. Your beautiful children are growing and learning to become independent, compassionate, self sufficient people. Such important life skills you are teaching (modeling) for your girls. The wonder of nature is unending and learning the why of things also is interesting to me. Keep up the wonderful and seemingly endless tasks of life you graciously share with others, that we do not feel alone. Hugs to you Alex, Cindy

  4. Marlene Capelle says:

    We have salmon at least twice a week but I’ve only had fresh caught once. My kingdom for a repeat of that.Tell, half my kingdom. The other half for walleye. You caught some fabulous fish. I bet you have some great recipes.

  5. Laura R. says:

    Sure am amply impressed by your adventures and your catches that provide for your family’s food pantry! My dad was a trout fisherman in the Catskills of NY. I can tell you I didn’t appreciate it much then, as I would now. Keep on fishing!

  6. Jennifer says:

    I think it’s lovely that you thanked the fish for their sacrifice. It’s important to be grateful!

  7. Pamela says:

    What a great and healthy life you are living and modeling for your girls. Fishing is a great way to provide delicious food. As for missing out on full time jobs, Don’t waste a thought
    on it. There is plenty of time for that, and you are giving your children the best start in
    life. That is a huge payoff, better than the largest salary!

    When I was visiting my oldest son, I had the chance to watch him, a friend and my youngest son Dip net fish on the Kenai. Awesome experience and such a wonderful
    cultural Alaskan scene. Mom kept the dog entertained. This Kansas girl has been
    treated to Kenai and Copper River salmon…. Best Birthday/Mother’s Day gifts ever!
    Love your pictures. Thanks for taking the time to write. You inspire us toward living and
    enjoying a health life. Pamela Frey

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Hello Farmgirls!

Thank you for your patience since my last post. The main reason I missed it was because my amazing, kind, wise and witty grandfather passed away.  It wasn’t a surprise, but it was shocking to face a world without his presence.  I wrote a post about him that never officially made it up, but you can see it in my chain of posts if you want to know more about the OG Alex!

Since then, I’ve grieved a lot, worked a bit, adventured with kids and most recently reveled in the lovely goodies mother nature has already offered up for our taking.  We are only a few weeks into no-snow weather, but the foraging has been plentiful and pretty easy!

Springtime and the living's getting easier.  Time for sun hats and no snowsuits at the playground!

Springtime and the living’s getting easier. Time for sun hats and no snowsuits at the playground!

Continue reading

  1. Theresa says:

    God bless, wonderful post

  2. Lisa says:

    So very enjoyed your article. I found some stinging nettles in my strawberry patch and
    have enjoyed eating fresh from the yard dandelion leaves.

  3. Marjorie A Klein says:

    I learned to eat dandelion greens when I lived in Greece. They are an incredible prebiotic, so full of life-giving nutrients and yet folks spray them with weed killer! I cut off the leaves and pop them into my big salad. I haven’t tried the flowers but I will. I love the way they brighten up the look of my yard with their cheery yellow blooms.
    Funny how if you call something a weed, people automatically hate it.

  4. Marilyn says:

    What an enjoyable post. Your girls are beautiful.

  5. Swan says:

    Lovely. I have been weeding grass to plant some new herbs. Now I want to pick a patch with dandelion and try those muffins.

  6. Rhonda Cavaliere says:

    I recently researched the dandelion for our herb club. Wow was I ever surprised at it’s benefits. I made myself some dandelion salve it is amazing. Thanks for sharing. I’m adding the recipe to my presentation folder.

  7. Margaret Hofknecht says:

    I haven’t ever eaten a dandelion but I do enjoy seeing their bright yellow heads swaying slightly in the wind over the grass below. I know folks see them as nuisance plants but I don’t. I still remember picking a dandelion after it has gone to seed. Wishes! Waiting for me to take a deep breath and blow…..scattering all my wishes.

  8. Amanda says:

    Hi there! Your post made me hungry! It’s way past dandelion season here in PA. We enjoy the leaves (before they have flower buds) as a salad with hot bacon dressing. Hmm, I think the dressing kinda takes away from the health benefits. But it sure is tasty! Enjoy your wild edibles!

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Wooden Nickels

Farmgirl Friends,

It is with a heavy heart that I write this blog post.  It has been a few weeks, now, but my dear grandfather passed on March 25.  I’ve been wanting to commemorate him somehow, but the emotions were so raw that I couldn’t get out anything very meaningful or coherent.  I am grateful that I have this outlet to urge me to pull it together and create a (hopefully satisfactory) memorial piece for him.

It is surprising to me how deeply I have felt his loss.  We knew he was dying.  It wasn’t surprising when I got notice from my mother that he had passed, but it was shocking. I’m going to get real with you here…my grief was and is palpable.  When I was alone I felt like a widowed Italian–sobbing, wailing with tears flowing, lying prostrate with my hands clasped above my head.  Every beautiful day (and EVERY day was beautiful from the time he died until the day of his funeral) brought me to tears thinking about how he would never see another beautiful day.

Fortunately, my family and I got to visit with him just ten days before his death. Although he was very old and deteriorating fairly quickly from heart, kidney and liver failure, my grandfather was very present.  His eyesight was nearly perfect, and as my mother says, “he could hear a fly fart from twenty paces.”  He was a witty, intelligent and kind man.  Alex Andrew Griffin will be greatly missed.

In the last year since Fern was born (she turned one the day before his funeral), I’ve had several instances where I imagined my grandfather being born to his sixteen year old mother.  My great grandmother Marie had an inarguably terrible life.  By the time she was 14 both of her parents had died (her father an alcoholic) and most of her siblings had died in a house fire. She married my great grandfather (at 15, I think!) and had my grandpa. A few years later she lost a son just one day after he was born and shortly after that my great grandfather succumbed to cancer.  She was a twenty year old widow with a four year old son and hardly any family to support her. Then the great depression happened.  Despite these hardships, I can imagine my little newborn grandpa squirming in my great grandmother’s exhausted arms while she gazed at him with more love than she thought possible.  I imagine her rational brain (she was a reserved, almost stern woman) at odds with her hormonal mom brain, and it is beautiful.  My grandfather entered this world on June 15, 1924 and cried the cry of a newborn that began his Northwoods life.

He and his mother moved into an apartment next door to my great, great, great aunt (my great grandmother’s aunt) in Duluth, Minnesota.  At this point, my grandpa was going by “Jimmy” and he didn’t even know his birth name was Alex!  My grandpa was a great story teller, and his earliest stories are from this apartment.  His story telling was superb, and i can’t do it justice but I remember them so well…Almost every day he and his mom would go next door to have tea and a biscuit for breakfast.  The last visit I had with my grandpa we shared some tea and cookies.  He loved Irish Breakfast tea with sugar so that’s what we had while he shared memories with me.  He said I made excellent tea and I took it as a high compliment!

In Duluth, my grandpa remembers selling five cent newspapers on the sidewalk for some guy.  He was about 5.  He knew how to give change for a quarter, but many people would tell him to keep the change.  Being an innocent little kid (and adorable! of course they let him keep the change!) he would hand over all of the newspaper money to the guy and get a quarter for his work.  The man would also give him cigarettes–and he would smoke them! at five!  Can you imagine this little Irish boy wearing knickers and a flat cap, slinging newspapers and smoking a cigarette?! I can and it’s amazing.

You know how people are super concerned with kids and screen time these days?  How we’ve come to rely on televisions as substitute babysitters?  Apparently that’s nothing new. My great grandma would give a nickel to my grandpa (at five, still), and send him across the street to the nickelodeon.  He would watch little films all morning–Rin Tin Tin is the only one I can remember him mentioning.  He remarked that it was probably a cheap babysitter for his mom.  Another time his mother had made pies and put them atop the china cabinet (I think his father was alive at this point) and grandpa climbed up their to get one and he fell through the top! He couldn’t remember what happened after that–did he get some pie?

After his mother remarried they moved to Crosby, MN–a small town on the iron range situated on Serpent Lake.  He remembered fishing for northern pike there as a seven year old.  A lot of Finnish people lived in Crosby, and he traded stamps with an elderly Finnish woman neighbor who spoke no English.  Up until the last time i saw him he would do little Finnish foot games on babies…”Doller, maller, sculpien, scruplen, tiddle tiddle tiddle tiddle.” By the way–we aren’t Finnish at all!

As a school boy in Crosby grandpa went to school wearing knickers on his first day.  Coming from the big city of Duluth, his mother dressed him up for school.  All of the other kids were wearing jeans and, embarrassed, he refused to wear knickers ever again.  Come to think of it, I rarely saw my grandpa wear anything but jeans.

He lived in this small town during the depression, and the city allowed the residents to live there tax-free and mortgage-free as long as they kept their homes in good order.  Cows lived in the alleys and chickens, too, they belonged to specific families but everyone fed them and got some of the goodies.  It sounded like a nice little community, albeit very poor.  His mother and step father ended up having one more son and four daughters in the following years.

As a teen, Grandpa Jim (we always called him by his nickname) worked for a New Deal work program to build an ice rink and other local spots for his town.  He made something like $17 per week.  Later, he moved back to Duluth to work…I can’t remember exactly what he did…but he made $40 per week and had to spend most of his money on room and board, so he returned to Crosby to work in the iron ore mines.  While working there he froze his feet and got one of his legs terribly crushed.  This is also when he was diagnosed with asthma and got some terrible illness that took almost two years to recover from.  These health problems culminated in him not being eligible to join the army–something that he wanted to do so badly, but I’m happy he didn’t have to fight in WWII.

He later met my grandmother, became the county assessor and moved out to Perry Lake, Minnesota where my maternal grandmother grew up.  Her parents sold 70 something acres to them and they built a house on the lake.  It is the house my grandfather stayed in until just a few months before his death.  He was a great outdoorsman–hunting deer, grouse, squirrel, ducks and geese and fishing year round in the lake.  Even just a month or so before he died he talked about getting out on one more bird hunt.  He taught my brothers the secrets of deer hunting, and I remember fishing with him as a kid, often getting bored and turning to reading and writing poetry while floating on the water.

My grandpa also golfed two or three times per day in his retirement!  He got a few holes-in-one over the years and made great friends with golfing buddies and personnel.  We met a man at his funeral that had golfed with my grandfather for forty years!

He flew on a plane once–from Brainerd to Hinckley MN, probably an hour or so long flight on a small plane.  It was so terrifying that he never flew again! While Ireland called him, there was no way he was going to get there unless he could take a boat.  Besides that, he was a major homebody–traveling to Montana, Canada and Michigan were about as far as he would venture from Minnesota, and he wouldn’t even do that for more than a couple of days.

In his last months, I asked my grandfather what the highlight of his life was–what would he call the “good ol’ days.”  He gave a very him answer–one influenced by the Depression and his love of the outdoors.  I imagined he would talk about his three lovely daughters growing up and having a nice job and house or something but this is what came out: “Ooooh, I’d say 1965 to 1980.  There were plenty of deer and grouse and fish and I could eat all that I wanted!” he followed that up with lamenting that he couldn’t eat all of the good food that was offered in his assisted living facility.

As a kid, my grandpa was always there.  We would stay at my great grandparents house quite a bit throughout the year and we would walk the “old road” (it used to be the highway, but it is now a wide grassy path) to his house or paddle boat to his dock.  He always had ice cream for us.  I remember him walking in the woods with his fly switch–a branch with fly tape spun around it, and doing tick checks after romping outside. He taught my brothers how to deer hunt and he taught me how to shoot a .22.  We caught lots of fish with him and we played lots of Pictionary with him.

I wish I had told my grandfather just how much he meant to me and our family.  He left behind seven grandkids (plus my brother who died 16 years ago) and seven great grandkids.  We are spread throughout the US and all embody different parts of him–his love of nature, his fiscal responsibility, his love of golf, his wit and sense of humor, his reclusiveness, his love of home, his lightheartedness…

It’s hard to believe he is gone, it is hard to accept that he will never be here again.  It’s shocking to experience how real the grief is even when he died an almost perfect and expected death–it is the purest grief I’ve felt…the grief that only relates to loss, not also the circumstances related to the loss.

Here’s to you, Grandpa Jim.  We love you and miss you so.


  1. Patricia Baker says:

    A wonderful tribute. I love your blog. I think you may have some of your grandfather’s talent to tell a story.

  2. Marlene Capelle says:

    God speed Grandpa Jim.

  3. Mary Rauch says:

    I felt warmed by the love that exuded from your memories of Grandpa Jim. I looked on the internet to see what was included in his obituary. I saw one of MY family-associated names (RAUSCH), and it always makes me wonder if there is somewhere back there an association. As far back as I looked in my own family searches it took me mainly to the state of Maryland. ….doesn’t matter to you. Anyway, I really enjoyed what you wrote about Grandpa Jim and appreciated your advice about sitting with your relatives and asking them to share memories and family history with you….good job.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Oh, Yes, Rausch is a big name in our family! I am not closely related as Rausch was my grandfathar’s step father, but all of my half-great aunts and uncle are Rausches! I think I have family from Virginia or something, which is close-ish to Maryland? Genealogy is fun! Thank you for your kind words

  4. Bonnie B says:

    What a wonderful remembrance of your grandpa’s life! Those are great memories you can pass down to your girls. I’m so glad you took the time to write them down and share them with us. Thanks Alex!

  5. Pamela Frey says:

    Tears are the body’s way of cleansing our pain so keep them coming. Also, in my grief journey I learned “Tears are love for those we lost.” Just imagine people that no one shed tears for….how incredibly sad! Whether a death is unexpected or after a long life,
    It is still a tremendous loss. Have had a difficult time in the past 6 years with the totally
    unexpected deaths of my best friend-my husband and the next year my younger brother.
    The following years took my wonderful 92 year old Dad and the next year my loving Mom.
    Both were children of the Depression, and I am so grateful for the precious time and love
    I shared with all of them. Boy, have I shed a lot of tears!! At first, when my husband died, I thought the numbness and sadness would be there forever. Life does become beautiful again and you are left with joyful memories of your loved ones.

    Sounds like your Grandpa was a wonderful man and you will miss him. I am so sorry for your loss. However, you are facing your grief journey in very positive ways. You sound
    like a strong and caring mother and your Grandfather was blessed to have such a loving
    granddaughter. Thanks for sharing your wonderful memories. You have made him come
    alive for us.

    How awesome that you live in Palmer. My oldest son worked at Sheep Mt Lodge about
    ten years ago. We visited Palmer and stayed there on vacation with our youngest son.
    Actually saw the top of Denali and camped in the Park. ALASKA is so beautiful. Have
    been back twice since then and even spent Christmas 2018 in Anchorage with my son.
    Best time ever for a transplanted Massachusetts girl who has become a Kansas FarmGirl
    over the last 26 years.

    Keep up your writing. It is really interesting and from the heart. Enjoy your beautiful
    little girls. Remember when you are sad that you have both loved ones and FarmGirl
    Friends that will walk this journey with you. You are not alone. That is one of the best
    parts of love and care. Will be thinking of you. Tomorrow will be a beautiful day!!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Wow, thanks for your kind and introspective words. They mean a lot to me, and I’m sure will to others as well. Yes, tears are precious. One of my favorite quotes/ideas is: Salt heals all wounds, weather it be through sweat, tears or the sea. If you’re ever back in AK, let me know 🙂

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