Be Who You Are and Be That Well

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
A Farmgirl friend and I were discussing loss of friendships. I haven’t lost a lot of them; as a matter of fact, I can count only one. I am not talking about the kind of friendships that just fall away, or those whose purpose has played out according to the old adage that people come into our lives for “a reason, a season or a lifetime.”

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  1. rene says:

    I wrote this post in response to an email I received from a farmgirl who was just going through the early stages of this kind of hurt. My heart broke all over again for her as I remembered the pain associated with the insanity of this kind of loss. SO here’s to you (you know who you are), may it be as a reminder of better days to come.

  2. Boy, did I need to read this today! I’m grieving what seems like the loss of a friendship and I’m very sad because I don’t know what else to do about it.

  3. Shirley says:

    Thank you…

  4. Linda says:

    We just had a dear friend and neighbor die suddenly. For my husband especially, that was a too-early and unnatural end to a 20+ year relationship. My Dh retird 2 1/2 years ago, and our friend, just this past Jan. They had plans together, my Dh feels lost without him. Not to mention this guy’s poor family. One future joy for them, grandbaby number 5 is due this Fall.
    I know this may not be what you meant when you posed the question, but this is where we are this week.
    Thanks for listening,

    Linda~ I would suspect wrapping your head and heart around any loss would have some similar hurdles to get over. I am so sad for your and your hubby’s loss~ true heart friends can’t be replaced just taken with us on our continued journey.

  5. Gary says:

    Very well spoken/written Rene’…
    These losses are dificult to form thoughts about, and even more difficult to write about, because there is literally nothing to write about. It’s like trying to write about a fall… yes it happened, but sometimes there is no clear reason why.
    In all of Life’s Journey, I find that five people have turned out to be True Friends… can be asked anything, and will respond as well as their resources allow, listen, and have proven the capacity to accept, understand, overlook, forgive, and ask right back with no "balance sheet" implied. Family is not included, as they are… well… Family.
    Five… in a Lifetime… I am Blessed.
    GodSpeed to Y’all…!
    in Tampa

  6. lisa tillisch says:

    I have always loved that old saying, "to thine own self be true" . If you know you have always done the right thing, you can sleep at night. You never know what anguish or secrets people hide from you, only to put a wedge in a relationship later. I am not saying to be selfish, just that accountability can be a tough mirror.

  7. Lisa Z says:

    Thank you so much for that. Those are healing words for me. It’s been several years now, but I’m still grieving over a friendship I never thought would end. I could really relate to your story!

  8. Gail says:

    Ditto, feeling like I’ve just lost a friend that I’ve only begun to know. It truly saddens me and makes me ask "what happened?". Your article reminded me of a saying I wrote on an art project in 8th grade that has stayed with me my whole life. It says "I am what I am and not what others want me to be". It’s all I can do.

  9. lynne says:

    This has happened with a family member to me and the " not knowing what I did " has been driving me crazy. Thank you
    for this article- it has helped me put it in perspective.

  10. Debbie says:

    Rene, once again you have put into words what many of us have experienced but could not define. Thank you for being so willing to share your heart with us. "I am who I am and that is who I want to be, if I were you then I wouldn’t be me".

  11. Reba says:

    I have been blessed with such a good friend, that my own daughter will call her even when she is down or has a question. That is a testimony to how true this friendship is. She will answer my daughter honestly and will keep her confidence if asked. That makes me respect her even more. I could not ask for anyone better to give advice or just listen to me or my daughter. I have however experienced hurt from a friend before and never want to experience it again.

  12. sallie says:

    Your words are so true. I recently went through this very thing. The hurt was so bad because I had truly poured my heart into this friend and her family. I still love her and her family but know that it will never be the same again. Thank you for expressin this process so well.

  13. Grace~katmom says:

    Thank you so very much,,,I recently put my foot in my mouth and in doing so may have hurt a very dear lady….something I would never have done if my mouth had not been in gear.
    I think I need to heed your advice and send her an apology, long over due.
    Thank you so very much for getting my brain in the right direction.
    hugz to you,

    Gracie~ You know I love you with ever fiber of my being~ as does most people that get to know you up close and personal… You will, as always, make it right…

  14. dot says:

    This one hit way to close to home for me to objectively respond to. The hurt is and confusion over the loss is way too hard to put into words. I am still trying to figure out…what I said, did or didn’t do and if this division could have been avoided…apparently not is all I can come up with. Moving on…being true to myself and being the best that I can.

    I promise you, I can hear it in your words, I have been there. A friend to me when I was in this stage.. "you can’t wrap your head around insanity, so dont try". It didnt help me then as little did back then. Give it time~ one day you will wake up and discover how rich your life is inspite of the loss and how many people "get you".

  15. jill says:

    Boy, I thought I was the only one who had this experience. I had a friend all through high school, through marriage and children and then one spring decided she was done being my friend. We had a disagreement, yes we did, but over all that time we spend together she had decided she was done. What hurt the most is she went to other "friends" and told them and talked about it before she even actually talked to me. She new this would hurt me because I am a private person and believe in solving conflict rather than feeding off it. I don’t like gossip either. It did take a long time and still stings every once in awhile. But, like you I have accepted ME. This is ME and this is the way I am. If I can’t fit into her mold then we don’t need each other. I am much happier with myself since I have discovered ME. I still see her and when I do we make plans to get together but that never seems to pan out. But, maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Thanks for the post. It makes me feel "normal"!

    Jill~  Well I have never been accused of being "normal", but at least you arent alone LOL

  16. Catherine says:

    I love that quote, thank you!
    Catherine 🙂

  17. Diane says:

    Has this ever hit home with me. I lost contact with all my friends from high school due to constant moving. In February, I noticed a classmate on As this is the 40th year after graduation, I sent an email to her. We were the last graduating class of a small Catholic High School in Cleveland. There were only 95 of us. I asked if she knew of anyone was planning a 40th reunion. Well . . .through her efforts, it’s going to happen. The response has been great. I may not be able to attend due to health reasons, but I have renewed friendships that I thought were forever lost. I’ve also learned a lot about myself, how much I’ve changed over the years, and that my adventures in life are quite unique. Most ask, "What are you doing in Idaho?" My answer is complex but it boils down to loving a simpler life and being out of the race called "rat". All it took was an email. I dance!!

  18. Terri says:

    The tears are rolling down my face. The "break-up" was ten years ago for me and still hurts. Thank you for putting into words the pain that I didn’t feel I could acknowledge.

    Sorry the pain is still there…just goes to show how deeply you are capable of loving…

  19. Rene,
    Wow, I had to realize this recently, not just with friends, but with acquaintances or people at church or other walks of life. "I am Me, who God made ME, I’m sorry if that doesn’t live up to your expectations." is what I have to tell myself so often.
    I have a BEST friend. But to describe her, I tell people she is my sister. I choose sister because we have so many areas that we are different, but we are still friends because we respect each other’s differences and we have been through so much together and still love each other. We were roommates in college, were in each others weddings, attending the births of each other’s childrens, and my children call her Aunt Peggy and I’m Aunt Carol. To me, that is is the best friendship anyone can have.

  20. Ann says:

    I have a friend who has not spoken with her daughter in more then five years. Not to see the grandchildren for that length of time breaks my heart…so very sad…

  21. Linda says:

    Thanks for the support.
    I’ve been reading your posts, and I’m thinking about what I’ve learned as people have come and gone in my life. I agree that all we can do is be the best us we know how to, live in such a way you can sleep at night, face God. And the rest we have to let go. We can’t control another. I’ve seen people make what I think are strange and tragic decision in their relationships, and it seems they felt entitled or were self-protective in some way. No matter, it never made sense, and their was pain in the wake. They are the ones who lose the most.
    My own story involves my dad. He seemed to like me less and less as I got older. I tried to get him to like me, it just never happened. We had never had words, so there was not an event I could point to. Our relationship just started downhill and never recovered. I really don’t know what happened. He died over 20 years ago, and it was never resolved. It took me a long time to realize and say it was his loss, and take the blame off me. You know that prayer
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can’t change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. that works for me.

    Thanks Linda~

    The loss of a parent either through death of through choice is a painful event for sure. I have had to remind myself, that "people cannot give, what they dont have". Often times we want people to give us what we need ~ knowing full well they don’t have it to give…and that is sad for them.

  22. Ahrisha says:

    Hello Everyone,
    I find it interesting that all of your responses are from gals who have been gilted. I come from the other side of the fence. There were 2 times when I had to break off a relationship with a friend. It was not a decision that came easy but I have to say that the relationships were literally making me ill. Like I have seen a bad marriage do and the woman contracts a horrible disease.

    If either of these gals had come to me and asked what happened I would have, as gently as I could, shared with them what was happening. They must have been asking themselves all the questions your commenters have and more Yet, they had not the courage to come to me and ask what happened. Obviously they really didn’t want to know. The fear of learning that we are not perfect in our friends eyes is real. What does this say about the friendship? If I thought my friend could have heard me I would have choosen to speak to her about the issue. She was in a place of talking, not listening. Maybe your questions need to be targeted directly at the person. Ask for answers. Ask your friend to help you to understand. Even if it does not mend the relationship it will help you to see yourself in a new light.

    Usually we cannot see the things that we do that drive others away. We are just too close to see clearly. As to the comment, I am who I am like it or lump it, as we used to say. I believe there is something within us that calls us to be the best we can be. If I knew I was acting in an unhealthy way toward someone it would benefit me to attempt to change this. I can only change if I can see what it is I am doing.
    I have found that in my two circumstances both gals were unaware of these character traits but everyone around them was feeling the brunt of them. Some of us just had a longer fuse then others and I could tollerate it no more. I love myself to much to be treated in this way. It took me years to love myself and I am now at a place where I need to honor that love.

  23. Kimberly D says:

    Thank you this has helped, I like that saying. Two of my best friends since grade school stopped talking to me in 2006, we graduated from school in 1984 that is how long we have been friends. Even with my moving around the state to other states and back. To this day I do not know what happened. It was Labor day weekend and we all said see each other Monday. Monday came around and one friend didn’t show up, we called and called and called, stopped by her place no answer. Me and one friend kept in contact all through the rest of that year into the holidays. January 2007 came along and both of my friends went a way for a weekend. And after that I lost contact with both of them. I called the one friend, lets call her "Lara" by phone most of that year, but only by phone, could never get out of her what happened, why wasn’t we will call this friend "Debra", she talking to me, what did I do? She wouldn’t say. Finally Lara stopped talking to me. A year ago I ran into Debra, and she had this surpise look on her face, and I just cooly said to her, "hi, how you doing?, I see you are driving a different car now", and asked if she still worked at the same place. She answered me, didn’t ask me one question about how I was doing, got into her car and left. We all use to go to the same laundry mat, they both stopped going to it. Lara use to have bbq’s were she invited both of us to, she don’t invite me. Debra even has moved, and her own sister don’t know were she moved to. Another friend we all have in common since 2006 has her one brother die, and her dad die and had heart attack and neither one would go to the funerals or know about her having a heart attack. They have not just stoped being friends with me, but with her and Debra hasn’t seen her sister since 2006, and they both lived in the same town, well use to, like I said Debra moved.
    I think it bothers me more is Lara, she knows what happened and sided with Debra, and I am still in the dark in what happened. But once again thank you for that saying, it does really help.

  24. Sherrie Smalling says:

    This post came at a very appropriate time for me, and it brought tears to my eyes to see how many others knew exactly how I was feeling. The horrible hurt and feelings of betrayal and "how in the world could they?"

    It doesn’t matter if it’s someone you’ve loved like a sister for nearly 40 years, or if it’s your only daughter, it rips your heart out slowly and shows you the wound daily. It’s all confusing,especially when you don’t know what you did/didn’t do, or when you know you did the right thing and paid the ultimate price. I think of these people daily, and in the case of my daughter, much more often. Oh, I have hopes that someday it will all be "fixed", that they’ll see, that we will be close once more…someday. In the meantime I will continue to love and miss and wish.

    None of us have so many true friends that we can afford to throw away even one of them. And those of us who have been wounded must try to keep an open heart toward those who have wounded us. Not open to being hurt again, but open in the sense of treating them the way we would want to be treated.

    Thank you for such a wonderful "open window" on a painful experience. I’ll keep reading.

  25. lilwing says:

    Thank you. This brought tears to my eyes. I had a friendship like that. In fact, I met her when I was 15. I am almost 30 now, and a couple of years ago, it was heart breaking. It was just like that. But this helped tremendously… you won’t realize how many people you helped with that little healing salve. It’s very hard to get over. In fact, I may never quite get over it…well, maybe I will, but that did some help. Thanks so much, Rene.

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Darn It Anyway

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
Darn — to mend (a garment, for example) by weaving thread or yarn across a gap or hole.

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  1. Rene,
    A friend who’s never wanted for anything recently called and asked how much she should be spending on groceries. With the bottoming out of the construction field last year, her husband had not had work for some time.
    I grew up watching my mom stretch the pennies and told my daughter, "I will never complain again. I think it is much easier living a life of ‘making do’ than it is having to learn how out of necessity."
    My husband is currently out of work. I’m a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom. I thank God he has taught us that it’s not how much money you make, it’s what you do with what you have.
    One more line…before you go out and buy something ask yourself, "What do I have in my hand?" meaning what can I use that will suit the purpose.



    You and many others of us have had to really re-think our priorities. I am thankful that we as "farmgirls" have taken the time to really grasp this attitude of "making do" or do without. I hope too that we always are willing to give a hand out to help someone with a hand up. These times that we are in will define and refine all of us, one way of another..

    Best of wishes to your hubby as he searches for ways to keep the family finances coming in. I believe in abundance, but often times it just takes a more creative thinking then some are conditioned for. Please keep me updated on your progress. You can always email me at

  2. Gary says:

    What a wonderful follow-up to your Bloggie about the Amish Rene’… They waste nothing.
    In these difficult economic times, we all are looking for ways to be creative and get the most out of what we have. I looked over my "usual" expenses, and actually found $100 in excess purchases of media services, as I had been paying for capacity I have never used.
    I recall my Granny, who had a 80+ acre "corn and baccer" farm, and she had to run the "House" on the milk and egg money. That Lady probably forgot more about how to re-purpose things than I will ever learn. I always loved her quilts, and all of them were made from the scraps of many worn-out garments.
    Some young people today are plesantly suprising… I was recently at a Friend’s home, and we needed a funnel in the kitchen. I offered to run to the store and get one, and a teenager said: "No worries.", and proceded to pour her soda into a glass and cut the top off the plastic bottle. Turning it upside down she proclaimed:
    "Wala… funnel…!"
    GodSpeed to Y’all…!
    in Tampa

  3. Reba says:

    My daughter graduated from college in 2003, then went to Poland to teach. Many of the people in the areas that she lived were still familiar with the "communist" rule and lived on basic necessities. She learned while at home to be frugal (living on a budget, staying debt-free, etc), but she really learned even more "thankfulness" from these people. It has been amazing and wonderful to see her growth. She doesn’t consider the latest fads and fashions. She decides if something is a necessity, functional, and has quality. My Mom was the same, and always creative. I have returned to my roots through my daughter.

    We take so much for granted dont we? Blessings to your daughter, few young people would take such a courageous route.

  4. Janet Samborski says:

    Thank you for your blog. My Granny raised a family during the depression and continued to live her life frugally when she "didn’t have to." She was a wonderful example for her children, grandchildren, and everyone who knew her. I learned so much from her. I was pleased the other day when I stopped to see my daughter. She’s a 30 year old single mom and struggling to make ends meet. She met me at the door and was excited to show me the project she was working on. She was melting down old candles that were no longer useful and making new candles to give as gifts. It makes me pause and remember that taking time and effort to reuse and repurpose not only makes a better planet, and saves me money, it makes me feel good too!
    From Missouri,

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Sticks and Stones Can Break Your Bones But WORDS???

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]

My post last week on letter-writing seemed to hit a nerve. I was thrilled to see that so many felt the same way about such an important topic. Thank you for that.
As I was thinking about all the posts I received, I was reminded of a girlfriend retreat last year. One of the gals brought a cute box for each of us and a pile of adjectives she had taken the time to write out…words like witty, beautiful, funny, loyal, kindhearted, approachable, and selfless. The list goes on.

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  1. Postitive words are affirming and can change an outlook or an insight. Brilliant (couldn’t resist!)post! I enjoy writing notes to friends and try to do it often, even sending a handmade card to show them they are thought of with warmth.
    Thanks for your words today!

  2. Linda says:

    Since I was present at the weekend, I can attest to the power of the personal descriptive words given to me. It was very heartwarming and edifying to have imparted such empowerment through these words. I think I felt a little taller and definately a little more weighty having been "added" to. The sting of a slander imbeds in the heart and head, and it takes an act of God (literally) to remove them. Thanks for the reminder, Rene, to choose our words and actions carefully. Sow no more weed seeds, and feed our loved ones and acquaintenances more fertilizer – of the love kind! Thanks for being such a thoughtful, selfless and giving sister. We love and appreciate you tons – more than all words can convey!!!

  3. cynthia says:

    I’m always amazed at how others perceive us. Since HS when my sister told me that my siblings called me "Queenie" behind my back. I was shocked and hurt. I was introverted, shy, not Aloof…why would they think that?
    Over the years I have tried to be more open, more connected to people to be a friend, and recognize the positive in everyone. I try to be open to those that may be left out, because they are shy and possibly not "look at me" people. I have found new friends through my local Farmgirls Chapter, and love every single one, because they are my sisters. I’ll try to remember this for our Holiday Party. It will be so much more meaningful than a $10 gift.


    I think there will always be those that can’t or won’t see us for who we are. I am not sure if that is there issue or ours. I run into every now and again too. It is perplexing. I have come to believe that I can just be the best I know to be and let the rest be.  We are blessed to have so many amazing farmgirls sisters arent we? I would choose words from the heart over a $10 gift any day 🙂

  4. Timi says:

    I think sometimes we spend so much time beating ourselves up about our short comings that we forget that we all have good qualities. It’s always nice to hear it from someone else. I have had moments when someone said something nice about me and I was in shock. REALLY? I was so shocked because I had been beating myself up for so long.
    Since that day, I have always tried to compliment, say something nice, or just be kind to everyone. It ment so much to me that day that I bet it has the same effect on someone else. Spread Nice!

  5. Grace Snodgrass says:

    I too love the hand-written word. Over the years, as my three sons grew, I wrote them love letters and love notes. Some letters were written because I felt they needed an extra boost of love, some because they passed an important mile stone. How fun it was to see them steal away to some private, quiet spot to see what I had written, what memories I would retell of their youth that I treasured. I do this for friends too, especially when life has been difficult or hard. I write love letters telling them how much their friendship means to me and IN DETAIL I describe what I love about them or why they are one of my personal heros or what lessons in life they may have taught me. The usual response is that it took their breath away because they had no idea that they could be viewed in such a way. The fact that I could recall something from when they were twenty or thirty for example, that I remembered their triumphs or was enchanted by some action of theirs THAT they had totally forgotten about, served to remind them of how special and capable they still are.
    My mother wrote all her children love letters when she knew she was dying, to be opened after her death. She always told us she loved us, but oh .. how dear to be able to read her words over and over again. Best gift I have ever received!

  6. Tammy says:

    I am also a firm believer that words have amazing power. It was interesting when I studied the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto in his book "Messages from Water. If you are curious to see what words can do to the human form take a look at that book. We all have the power to effect others. Words and thoughts are things…make them good ones! Today I received a hand written note from my Great Aunt who is 87 and it was a gift as precious as gold! Thanks for reminding us to write!

  7. Jean Daggett says:

    I would like to forward this to a friend that I have not spoken to in two months all because of some words spoken in the negative. She so very negative and I don’t know why. She has a lot of good quality she could think about. If I forward this to her she might take it the wrong way. What do you think?

    Hi Jean,

    Hope you received my email. How are things with your friend?

  8. Laura D says:

    Proverbs 18:21 (NIV) ’nuff said.


    I think that is the "death and life is in the tongue, verse"  correct? Good one!

  9. Sandy Hoover says:

    I remember a sermon of my favorite pastor’s from quite a while back, in which he told a story of a man who went around gossiping unkind words about another person in their town. After a while, the man felt bad, so he finally went to his priest and confessed what he did. For his penance, the priest told the man to take dried leaves and place them on the front stoop of each doorway in the town. After he was done placing the last of the leaves at the last house, the man was to go back to the very first house and begin collecting all of the leaves from each of the houses, and bring them to his priest in a bag to show the priest he had done his penance. But, when the man went back to the first house, all of the leaves had blown away! It was the same at each house he went back to: all of the leaves were gone! He went to his priest and told him what happened, and apologized to him that he could not get the leaves back. His priest said to him, "You see my son, these leaves are like cruel and thoughtlessly spoken words. Once said, you are not able to retrieve them. Only an apology to the person you have injured can give you true relief, and God will know you are truly sorry… God always forgives those who asks."

    My husband and I have taught our children that what they do always has an affect on others, in some way or other. And what they say has an affect on others as well; not only the words, but how those words are spoken. I was taught this from a very young age, and have always been reflective prior to speaking, most especially when talking about sensitive topics, or to a sensitive individual.

    For this, I was recently rewarded (to my astonishment!), when someone who worked for me told me that I had changed the way she lives her life (and that her husband was so grateful for this as well)… she said she had observed how I contemplate what I say prior to speaking, and she has put this into practice and found herself much more peaceful and harmonious with others. This truly humbled me…

    So, yes, words are powerful tools! And they can be amazing! And we should use them for wonderful purposes…

    God Bless,

  10. Gary says:

    You are so right Rene’…!
    Words have great power, and Moses said it best when he wrote:
    "In the Beginning was The Word."
    Words are the cornerstone of civilization, and in cultures beset by strife, it is not suprising to see a rise in slang, and poor communication between people. Well chosen words, beautifully written can open minds, evoke feelings and open doors, which armies cannot breach.
    Brilliant Bloggie…!
    GodSpeed to Y’all…!
    in Tampa

  11. Rene’, You really struck a chord with several of us—loved all of your comments. There
    still is nothing better than a letter from my mom in the mailbox. As she ages, I am thinking I should start saving them. One more thing about "words". I love making pins for
    my friends and coworkers–usually for Valentine’s Day. Last year I used magnetic words from the refrigerator poetry kits mounted on colored cardstock with a gluegunned pin on the back and let each pick one from a huge collection of words. It was so interesting to see who picked each one–depending on their personality or mood that day. Lots of jokes were abound with each trying to pick some for others too. The way we see ourselves is usually so different from the way others do. Bonnie

  12. Carrie says:


    Excellent post! What a fantastic activity for a ladies retreat…something I think that each and every woman I know could benefit from!!! We just need to build each other up SO much!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this with us-

  13. Mariellan says:

    Thank you for reminding me today about the power of words. One of our beloved ministers always said, "You may be the only smile a person has today." I think that applies well to what you wrote about the words we have for others today.


  14. Debbie says:

    Wonderful blog! I used to tell my daughter the best way to make friends was to "be a friend". I love words, in song, letters, or even conversation. But, most of all God’s Word. I think that He has inspired you in your writing as well. I enjoy your blogs so much and have gained much in reading them. You are "brilliant"! And beautiful too! Keep on with your words!

  15. LisaLu says:

    What perfect timing…I am having trouble in my place of business right now. Two of my employees went at it during a group meeting. Harsh words, hurt feelings, misdirected anger. I asked them to work it out between themselves (this didn’t happen), I asked for them to apologize, one refused, and the tension is quietly building. I think I will post words, thoughts, positive encouragement in the lunch room, maybe the walls will come down. I am very concerned about the moral of the others, as well as the possibility of asking someone that has been with me for 8 years to please leave.
    If you have any word suggestions, words with hope, please pass them on…..
    Thank you for the inspiration, this is just what these two need!

    LisaLu~ Sorry that you are having to deal with this.. Sometimes I swear there is a dark hole that just sucks us in, and sanity flies out the window. Mutual respect in the work place is a must . It almost always come down to "someone" not feeling honored. As a boss you may need to "up your game" and give to each of them what they aren’t giving to one another….Build them up to each other, pointing out their unique attributes that they each bring to the company~ I use to work as a office manager, I have to tell you, I don’t miss it.  Here is my word list for you:
  16. suzy says:

    Great story Rene’, This one reminded me of a few years back when I was working with some really great people,who I really loved but wasn’t always sure how they felt about me. On my birthday everyone wrote a note and placed it in a tin teacup with a lid. I unwrapped each one and the sweetest things were written.Also, at the same place at the end of the season , one girl who I had worked closely with ,gave me a card that blew me away.She expressed how much she enjoyed working with me and what an amazing and talented person I was. I have always been lacking in self confidence, so you can imagine how important those words were to me.Anytime I feel blue , I reread those notes and they sooth my heart.I try to make a point to compliment people and find something good in everyone.If you look close enough it is there.Sometimes a small act of kindness makes a big impact on someone’s life. Love to all, Suzy (Texas)

  17. LisaLu says:

    Thank you for your understanding. You hit it right on the mark! I’ll get to work on this right away! Thanks again sister!

  18. Brenda says:

    This was a wonderful blog and wish I had read it earlier this week as the Sunday School lesson I taught this week was from James 3. James talked about the power of our tongues. There were so many wonderful examples that I could have used. God’s wisdom in the use of our words is very important and more and more I see how important it is to "Think first, Speak last".

  19. Monicarose says:

    What a great idea for a farmgirl meet up! Thanks for the powerful blog and idea for our monthly meetup project..We’ll do that project in Oct. Thank you! Thank You!

  20. Toni Myers says:

    STICKS & STONES CAN BREAK YOUR BONES, BUT NAMES CAN NEVER HURT ME………was ‘one’ of my Mother’s favorite quotes, BUT HOW UNTRUE IT WAS & IS !!!
    I received a ‘lot’ of NEGATIVE words when I was a child from unkind school mates, & even my mother at times, but I THANK GOD, HE taught me ‘my SELF WORTH’ is in HIM, AND WHO I AM AS HIS CHILD.
    But i also know, what Scripture says about KIND words to others, & that to ‘have a friend, we must be one’, HOW TRUE.

    GOD has given me all the self confidence I didn’t have as a child, and has used my life to reach out to others, which has GREATLY BLESSED ME !!! LOVE, ‘GOD’S KIND’ of Love, and FRIENDSHIP ARE 2 OF HIS BEST GIFTS to us.
    Thank you Renee, for your ‘brilliant’ ‘BLOG site’ !!!
    toni ;o)

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The Road Less Traveled

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
On a recent trip to Wisconsin I saw one of the most amazing scenes. It was one of those things where I longed to reach for the camera but I knew that out of respect for those involved I just couldn’t do it.

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  1. Betty-Ann says:

    It is a truly fortunate thing to have come across the Amish funeral. These experiences are a gift. A small glimpse into a different life indeed a reverent glimpse. These things always make me feel as though my eyes have been opened again and I feel better for it. Seeing that others live differently and well in their own way with conviction and dedication something I sometimes lack.

  2. Betty J. says:

    Rene, isn’t WI beautiful. I love the green-ness right up to the edge of the road. I love the myriad of hosta plants that are planted around houses. I love the farm barns and back roads that lead to everywhere. My BF lives in LaCrosse and we have been up and down some of those roads. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. Those buggies on the road are a sight, except when you unexpectedly come upon one at the crest of a hill. Sometimes those horses pulling the rigs look downright tired!

  3. Thank you for such lovely thoughts, maybe if we could see thru a child’s heart and eyes or better yet the Lord’s heart and eyes we would have a peace and knowing that all is well with whom love. God Bless Kristen
    P.S. I am very happy for you to spend the time to see the world around.

  4. Pam deMarrais says:

    Oh Rene’….your observation of the floral arrangements gives such a great analogy to the way we present ourselves to the world…either as obvious individualists, or as humble conformists in the case of the Amish. Once again, you have shown your gift for looking at daily situations very poetically.
    Oh, and the tub scene….fantastic!

  5. Joni-Bee says:

    when we went to Lancaster PA with a Amish tour service, we were fortunate to see all the "buggies" gathered at a home for Sunday Services, we also went to a working Amish farm where things were run by a generator, no phones, or mirrors. We also went to an Amish country restaurant where seven sweets and seven sours were offered. Their Chicken Corn Chowder was very tasty . We went to a Amish store where there were quilts, wooden kitchenware, jams, jellies etc. They had a farmers market also. We saw the scene from "The Witness", and the phone booth. This was one of the most memorable trips we have taken, I would not hesitate to go back again.

  6. Gary says:

    Good Bloggie Rene’…
    That’s sooo cool… I use Organic Farm’s dairy products, and plan to order their powdered milk for my
    "Emergency Food Bin".
    I’m glad you got a opportunity to see the Amish…
    We have Amish here in the Sarasota area, and back Home in Tennessee we have Mennonites, a similar sect. As I mentioned in a previous comment, I had the Privilege of going to a Mennonite Home, and it left a profound impression with me, as to their sincerety, devotion to simple living, and forthright manner.
    You are correct Rene’… it is wrong to photograph them, just as it is an insult to photograph a traditional Native American.
    The World is a better place with them in it.
    Thank You, and…
    GodSpeed to Y’all…!

    I agree Gary~ thanks always for your kind words for my "bloggie" it doesnt go un-noticed!

  7. Sarah says:

    Dear Rene: The Amish are so full of grace and caring. I had the privilege of living amongst them for several years in Pennsylvania many years ago. I tried to imagine what that funeral scene was like–I know you will never forget it, ever. I learned some wonderful things from them about cooking, housekeeping, gardening, crafts/sewing, faith, and living.
    I loved the photo of you and Linda in the old cast iron tub. I have 3 of them tucked away in my back yard, mostly out of sight. They came from some old houses we owned years ago. I’d love to do something creative with them in my garden. Does anyone have any good ideas for what to do with them outside? Thanks and I am enjoying your blog–I am new to it.

    MaryJane has her tubs set up with propane heaters for outside bathing~ there is nothing better… You can check in her outpost book for directions~  I love it~

  8. Rene,
    Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us. I truly enjoyed this story. I have always been captivated by the Amish way of life too. Their humbleness & devotion to their faith & living the simplistic & practical way of life. Your analogy of the floral arrangements is great. I love it…
    You have a wonderful gift, Thank you of sharing it with us.

  9. Betty Jane says:

    Rene: I have lived all over Texas. Many times I have lived near the Amish. I admired them from afar. They seem to be such gentle people. I would imagine they NEVER disagree or have children that are stubborn. How uncomplicated their lives must be without television, cell phones, computers, vehicles that are unreliable at times. We take so much for granted in our lives. My husband and I often feel we were born 100 years too late. Today, with the economy as it is and our future cloudy, we should all return to a simpler life, be grateful for what we have and learn to do without. The Amish have survived hundreds of years, we can’t we?

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The Art of Letter Writing

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
Of all the skills of “days gone by,” I think the lost art of letter writing has to be the hardest to see go. I remember being a young girl, spraying the paper with my favorite perfume and signing it with Xs and Os. And I remember how special I felt when a letter came in the mail, how I would run up to my room and tear it open, anticipating a note just for my eyes.

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  1. Carrie says:

    Hey Rene-

    Totally agree with you! It is part of the reason I don’t email all that much because I am a diehard letter writer! I write them to my kids, to my long distance friends, and to anyone on my heart. I don’t write as much as I did when I was young, but I still make time for it. I think that "penpals" are still the bestest!

    I have hung on to letters between girlfriends and me since highschool. I love to open them up and read them over and go back in time with the words…such a pleasure!

    One of my old highschool friends still writes to me regularly, so we enjoy our long distant (she is in TX, me in NY)relationship in the same way we always have even though we both have email. It is just something very special to both of us.


  2. Nicole Campbell says:

    I always hand write a little note in all my Christmas cards. I hate those "form" letters people are putting in their Christmas cards these days. Seems so unpersonalized.I enjoyed reading your thoughts and it inspired me to also write some overdue letters. Thanks!

  3. Jamie says:

    I too wrote letters to my son when he was an infant and put them in envelopes for him to open somwday when he is older. When I send cards for birthdays or other occasions I take the time to write in the card rather than just signing it. I also send a letter about every month or so to my husbands grandma who lives very far away in another state, I hope it brightens her day to receive the letters in the mail. While I love and will not give up emails, I try to incorporate hand written letters into my correspondence on a regular basis. I too love receiving hand written letters in the mail and still am thrilled each time.

  4. Gary says:

    You are singing my song here Rene’…
    I also MISS cursive writing, and rue my own neglect of it. I volunteer at the Library, and spotted a book (Caligraphy for Kids), so I checked it out, and that got me started reclaiming my writing skills.
    I hate to admit it, but I sit and write just like I did in 1st Grade: AAAAAAA aaaaaaa BBBBBBB bbbbbbb etc…
    Oh Dear Lord it is even more boring now than it was then, but I am gradually getting it back.
    Now when I write a Birthday or Christmas card, I get a call and the question:
    "Where did you learn to write like that?"
    Where else… Mrs. Kimbrough’s 1st Grade Class of course.
    GodSpeed to Y’all…!
    in Tampa

    I hope the age old writing on the PeeChee never goes out of style… I practiced and practiced and practiced writing my name on that old thing….Still isnt perfect, but I love the practice…..

  5. guinnevere says:

    I have 2 daughters that i keep personal journals for. I write different things in each of their journals whether i am writing about how proud i am of something they have done or sympathizing with broken hearts. These are journals they will get when I pass on. I write about my childhood in these journals-about funny things i did, how their grandmother danced like a ballerina while listening to classical music. It is a hodge-podge of insight into things we might not ever bring up. This is my letter writing to my girls. Perhaps they will have wanted to know or hear these things in person but time and distance often make this difficult. This way it is in Hard Copy and they can read it over and over again in my handwriting.


    What a precious, precious gift second only to you being present in their lives I am sure….What blessings they will be.

  6. LaRue Miller says:

    I personally write to friends and to family members. My parents really get mad if I do not write at least every month. They are in their late seventies, so do not have a computer. My siblings do not have computers either and are scattered about. My brother living officially in Alaska and currently physically in Canada as his son is playing hockey there so I write tgo his Alaskan address. I love to write them all plus as I said assorted friends. I feel letter writing is a lost art. And now I hear 700 post offices are closing down, so this should tell us something. I hope my children are saving my letters, but who knows what they are doing.

  7. Donna says:

    I sat back and sighed after reading your thoughts on letter writing…..I SO agree!!
    What I wouldn’t give to find a handwritten letter from one of my late grandparents or a long lost relative!
    How I cherish the deeply moving letters my late husband wrote to me…
    And I can’t tell you how meaningful my 4 year old Grandson’s hand written name and mine, "Granny" are when he hands me that piece of paper.
    I am convinced that just about everyone loves to get a handwritten note….written especially written for them….
    let’s not stop!
    Thanks again for shaing your thoughts!


    Beautifully written Donna…. Takes us all back, doesnt it?

  8. Dot Abrams says:

    The art of lettering writing…funny this should be your blog topic today…last summer when my 23yr.old daughter left her job in the city, to slow down and reflect and plan her future…she apprenticed on an organic farm in Kentucky. Working with her hands, nurturing something was the what she felt would give her insight. When she pulled out of the drive, we knew cell phone reception was weak where she was going…so we made a pack to hand write letters. NO EMAILS…ONE PHONE CALL A MONTH…that was our deal. Inside our letters, we tucked feathers, sand from creek beds, a pressed flower…treasures we shared with one another. Those things along with the thoughts and happenings of the week drew us closer in spirit. She has returned home…started her own organic farm and occasionally I will find a hand written note with a treasure on top, on the buffet, kitchen table, bathroom or nightstand.
    The art of letter writing will be practiced here for as long as I live…and I feel sure my daughter will keep it in practice also. It has been a blessing to us.


    How precious. I can see it, feel it, taste it. Maybe we should committ to it once a year.. A detox of sorts.. were we shut it all down and pick up a pen and some beautiful stationary, take walks on the beach or country roads and let our hands write what our hearts feel.. what a world THAT would be… thanks for blessing my day with your memory… Love the thought of your daughters farm. Keep me posted.

  9. Nancy Chaney says:

    Thank you, Rene, for the reminder that people are still connected by emotions, sometimes expressed through loopy penmanship, a spritz of perfume or pretty stationery. Like you, I miss finding something other than bills or junk mail in the mailbox, although it’s still nice place to strike up a conversation with neighbors! The death of handwritten letters is a sad reminder that my mom and mother-in-law are both gone now. The handwritten letters they sent me through the years are treasured all the more, but your blog is a timely reminder that they are not the exclusive domain of generations past.

    Hey Nancy,

    I refuse to beleive that it is "dead".. rather more… needs a little shot of Vitamin B………….LOL, Let’s bring it back… shall we..

  10. bonnie ellis says:

    I love those days also. Letters kept in a precious hair ribbon from my grandma or husband of 47 years. I love old lace, hankies, buttons, pictures; all of it. Thanks for saying it Rene. If you send me my address, I’ll be glad to write you a letter. Thanks

    I would love letters: I’ll even write back!!!

    Rene’ Groom/RuralFarmGirl

    C/O MaryJanesFarm

    1000 Wild Iris Lane

    Moscow, Idaho. 83843

  11. Kaaminii says:

    I love letters, and I agree it’s a sad thing to see them go! I still write my best friend in N. Idaho as she doesn’t have running water, let alone internet!

    It’s such a joy to see her handwriting on the envelope when I take the mail from the box on my way in the house after work. Almost makes those darn bills less painful!

  12. Missy says:

    My husband and I still write love letters to each other…and they are my most prized and cherished item I will ever own. I like to use my old ink pen and yes, we have an old fashioned iron mailbox that we leave them to each other in!

  13. Ruthann Wilkens says:

    I would LOVE to hear from other farm girls. I would like to see pictures of your farm and your critters.
    Ruthann Wilkens
    15034 St. Marys Rd.
    Brookville In.
    Hope to hear from you girls.

  14. Eileen says:

    all I can say is what ever happen to penmanship class in school. That was the first calss after the start of the day in the little one school room in Orchard nebraska. Those were the best days of school, and all that you could learn and kids have forgot all of the time they have in school now.

  15. Sara says:

    I love writing letter and collecting stationary and notepaper. I am old enough to remember when part of your personal household stuff was great writing paper, notecards, etc. I am lucky because my daughter is currently living overseas so I still enjoy the weekly newsy family letter that I mail off to her.

  16. I made the greatest friends when I was young, through letter writing. Pen pals from Sri Lanka and friends whose families moved out of town. And, I just recently connected with a friend who I met as a Pen Pal (through Big Blue Marble) who saved my letters from junior high because they encouraged her later to become a Christian. You never know the impact handwritten letters have on a person. When I got more involved in photography, I began making my own cards (using my photos on the front) and writing more notes. I think it’s only a lost art if we stop the creation! Let’s not buckle under the e-pressure!

  17. Teri says:

    I, too, write letters. Every Friday morning I write to my three granddaughters. Yes, they all live in the same house but still they get their "own" letter. My daughter has told me that they wear the letters out, opening them, unfolding and then putting them back into the envelope. She and her husband read them aloud again and again. Soon the middle one will be able to read for herself. The oldest informed me one day that she could read cursive, that was a big day for me. She went from being Lizzie to Liz this year, another step. I find them in the toy box, under the bed and being used as a bookmark (a trick she learned from me) but I know they are well read and keeping in contact with them is the most important part.
    I also keep in contact with my best friend from high school in our annual letter. We email and talk on the phone but the letter in her Christmas card means so much to me, I hope we never stop.
    I never get over the thrill of opening the mailbox to find actual handwriting, then to hurry up the driveway to read my letter. Have a wonderful afternoon.

  18. Annie says:

    YES! Some of my most cherished items are cards from my grandparents who are no longer living. I, too, make an effort to send personalized, hand-made cards for birthdays and Christmas. I find it rude of friends to send "automated" Christmas cards. I often wonder how genuine of a friend they are, or if I’m merely a number as in "how many Facebook friends I have." My closest friends and I will surprise the other with a card or letter, especially when they are having a difficult time. It’s like a hug and kiss send through the mail seeing our own, true, unique signature.

  19. Gracie says:

    God moves in mysterious ways……our youngest adopted son has been out of touch with the family for many months and we have determined as a family to try to reach him through letters. Your timely typing on the subject of letter writing spurs me on to write to him and others. Thanks!!! I’m so glad I surfed my way to Mary Jane’s site not long ago. I feel blessed by the community sharing, reminding me of my rich, rural, roots, and the importance of nurturing relationships I believe my loving Creator enables me to have.

  20. Pat says:

    Hi Rene

    I use to have beautiful penmanship but I’ve seen it deteriorate over the years as I’m writing less long hand and typing more. I’m making more of an effort to write letters and cards to family and friends and journal by hand in order to keep in practice.

    Did you know that many states school curriculum’s are not even teaching cursive penmanship anymore? Many children only learn how to print and keyboarding has replaced cursive as the priority in most schools.

    Let’s hope the art of penmanship is not lost entirely in the next generation!

    Thanks, Pat

    Boy Pat I am with you~ there is something so unique about someones own handwritting that needs to not get lost in the name of progress….

  21. Karissa says:

    I still get excited to pick out stationary that represents my mood or season and to grab my favorite pen (usually a colored gel)to send off a note to friends and family. We live in such a microwave society though that if they haven’t heard from me (via email or phone) I get a call…arghhh! I do have a pen pal from Australia that I’ve written to since 4th grade (I’m now 50+). I have always encouraged (ok insisted) that my children send hand-written thank yous for gifts that they receive. I have sent b-day & wedding gifts and not received any form of acknowledgment that the gift was received. Frustrating! I hope that mothers and/or teachers would continue to promote this tradition as well. Great ideas in the comments.

  22. Denise says:

    Wow!!!I’m impressed and very pleased to see so many people willing to help maintain what is thought to be a dying art.As I mentioned a few blogs ago I make an effort to write once a week.The anticipation of waiting for a reply is also part of the reward.

    Feel free to email me your snail mail.. I will see what I can do 🙂

  23. Debbe says:

    Oh I so enjoyed reading your blog about writing letters! When I made scrapbooks for both my sons, their main request was "please,Mum, do it in your handwriting!", and also, my youngest son was married this year and for their engagement present, he asked for a binder of my favourite recipes, again, all in my own handwriting please Mum?!!

    I was very pleased also, when at the wedding, my former husband came up to me and said" What is it with you Debbe? Everyone I meet from our old life is always saying" oh I just got a letter from Debbe, or "Oh I just got a postcard from Debbe, or a birthday card or whatever"…so he said to me " what the heck is it with you, do you keep in touch with EVERYBODY??!!"…and I quietly said "yes, if they are my friends, then they are my friends, whether I have moved a thousand miles away or not"….he also said ( while we were married) "when you die Debbe, there are going to be so many people coming up to me and saying ‘oh Debbe always sent the nicest littel notes and letters…"

    So, in my mind, that is a lovely thing to be known for, a lovely thing to be remembered for…I cherish letters and notes. Whenever my fiancee and I are apart for a night, we always leave a little note tucked in the others suitcase or under their pillow…just a few lines to say that we love and care for each other, that we will be thinking of the other one while we are away….I was touched to put away some of his laundry the other day( he normally does it) and I found PILES of my little notes tucked into his underwear drawer that I had written to him….

    I love nice stationery, and spritzing my nice Irish perfume over the pages, using peacock blue ink in my pen, tucking in little articles or a recipe or a pressed flower or a photo and sending it off to my former mother-in-law ( a lovely, lovely woman), or to a friend who has lost her job, or just to say ‘hey, I am thinking of you"…long may letters live and thrive!!

    I adore emails and my computer but I would die without my little box of nice cards and pretty stickers and such…it only takes a few moments and it means so much!!

    Thanks for this lovely blog…

    Warm wishes from northern Ontario, Canada

  24. Laura says:

    When I saw you were from the wheat field of eastern WA. it took me back to the few summers I got to visit grandparents that lived on the Lemon ranch between Garfield and Steptoe. My Grandmother and her 4 daughters were letter writers to the extreme.One daughter lived in Michigan, one in Illinois, one in Idaho and one in WA. Very seldom did a week go by that our mailbox did not have a fat letter full of pictures, letters (some being passed along to each sister) or news articles from the paper. I felt I knew most everything about my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins because of those weekly letters. I know my skills at such good and constant communication are sorely lacking. Keep up the good work. I hope handwriting skills so not become a lost art. I will practice being more careful. Laura


  25. ladylocust says:

    I am so glad to see that I am not the only outcast of email society. I love to write and rcv. letters. If you enjoy writing letters, I strongly recommend using a dipping fountain pen. It forces one to slow down when writing, just what we all need to do once in a while. Also, the words look so much more sincere in "real" ink. Give it a whirl ~ enjoy!

  26. Antoinette 'Toni' Myers says:

    Hi Renee,
    I am ‘so pleased’ to see the article on letter writing.
    I am a letter writer, with the LOOPY kind of writing !! ;o)
    I love to send personal notes, with ‘stamping’ & ‘stickers’, etc., I’ll have to start putting ‘perfume’ on them, I forgot about that.
    I enjoy ’email’ personal notes, but really ‘enjoy’ sending and receiving a ‘real handwritten’ note !!
    Yes, I too remember ‘handwriting class’ in grade school ;o)
    Thank you Rene for your ministry, as part of Mary Jane’s Farm !!

  27. Jessi Cowell says:

    I think you are right, that most people have stopped exchanging letters. I exchange letters with my Granny who is 88 and with a family friend who turned 99 last Friday. These Ladies don’t have computers and hearing on the phone is sometimes a challeng, so letters are good. I’ve tried to get my neice and nephew to start as well, but they seem to be too busy to sit down and do it.
    I wish more people wrote, it’s always exciting to get a letter in the mail and seems more personal than email.

  28. S. Hoover says:

    Dear Rene,

    I can only agree that letter writing is certainly becoming a lost art – and an art form it certainly is! Writing was one of my favorite subjects in school, so writing letters was always very simple for me, and my style has always been very conversational, and definitely from the heart.

    I recently lost my job from a company that I was extremely loyal to for 23 years. They were implementing an "Expense Management Plan" and those involved in the implementation were "hard core". However, I had worked with so many wonderful people for all of those 23 years, that only heartfelt letters of gratitude, and expressions of my feelings for them in the written word would do. These letters came from the heart, and I know how much they were appreciated. The man who hired me 23 years ago wrote back to me, and told me how my words made him cry… I don’t think that an electronic communication would have evoked those emotions quite the same way.

    Shortly after losing my job, my husband and I celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary. Each thank you card was written personally, with heartfelt sentiments. You simply cannot imagine how many people let us know how much those cards meant to them!

    So, I say right along with you: People, keep on writing! It really means so much to those who receive your cards and letters! It can change a persons day, their outlook, and maybe even their life!

    Thank you Rene, for bringing up a subject that truly needs attention in this fast-paced life we live in.

    S. Hoover

  29. Diane says:

    Oh, how I miss writing letters. Email stinks but a modern day necessity. I bought my Gram stationary for Christmas every year as she was a great letter writer – not only with U.S. friends and family, but overseas too. I had penpals for years. I also miss Christmas/Holiday cards. I remember them hanging from huge ribbons on our fireplace mantel and across the archway between our livingroom and diningroom. One year, we received over 100 cards. Mom and my Gram would cut them into hexagons, crochet trim around two cards glued together – sometimes with plastic to protect the cards, and then sewing the pieces together to make baskets. And perfumed stationary – heady scents. My handwriting isn’t all that great, but I’d love to bring back exchanging letters instead of emails – although I cherish them too. Thanks so much Rene for wriggling my memories!!!

  30. Cheryl says:

    Lost art of letter writing…I have refused to "blog" although I have emailed and thought it a great timesaver! I have written my daughter letters forever…as a baby I did it monthly so that she could go back and read about her life…they are stashed in her baby book…I didn’t refer to it as journalling…just a letter…now I write her a letter on her birthday…I have suggested that she do the same for her daughter. My grand daughter is about to turn three and I am sure that she will find a letter addressed to her dated August 26th from her grandmother….I’m with you the lost art of writing letters…sad…but along with the fountain pen I plan on it being a part of my legacy.

  31. Cheryl says:


    Just like you, I used to send all of my letters with a fragrant of my most favorite perfume as a personnel touch. Every morning, my Mother-In-Law would write letters to her relatives and friends with so much joy and looking forward to opening the mailbox to see a reply. She would get so many responses which made her day a happy one. Now, her mailbox is empty. No one sends letters anymore. Thanks for the memories of keeping in touch with treasured letters.

  32. Patricia says:

    While I too miss "hard copy" letters and rue the loss of my penmanship, I would like to extol a few of the virtues of email and phone conversations, lest we lose sight of them.
    Letters and postcards used to cost less than 15 cents to send. Now sending cards and letters is very expensive, especially at Christmas. I wouldn’t want cost to interfere with sending my love and best wishes to friends.
    Cards and letters are costly to the environment. Not just in terms of trees but also the energy resources used to move them from one place to another.

    So my comment really has to do with finding the right balance between the "old ways" and the new to support meaningful lives with care for the planet.

  33. Cindy says:

    My mother-in-law and I were just commenting on the "lost art" of letter writing. I still like to pick out pretty stationary and write a friend that I haven’t seen in a while and "surprise" her with an actual handwritten letter. Nothing can compare with a personalized letter written just for you. It means that the person sending it actually took the time to pick out which paper to use and write with their very best handwriting their own personalized thoughts. Reading this blog, I say there’s still plenty of us around to keep this art alive!

  34. Michele says:

    Dear Rene’,
    Loved this blog about letter writing. I have started exchanging letters with some of the girls at the MJF website. We have so much fun catching up with each other about our lives, dreams and everyday "stuff". It is so comforting to carry around a letter in an apron pocket and reread it throughout the day.
    I would like to get a "round robin" letter started. One person writes the first entry and sends it to the next person who adds their letter and sends it on. It keeps going until it comes backe to person #1 who reads all of the letters and adds her bit, and so on…..
    Lots of fun, too!

    I think that many of the Maryjanesfarmgirls are "keepers of the art" where it comes to letter writing, ( and a million other lost arts). I have certainly been on the receiving end of some. I find that I am a  renegade of sorts and I rarely do anything that I "Outta"… spending more time in the world of "wanna". I tend to be too spontaneous to be a part of an organized effort as it refers to letter writing… However, I am thrilled that there are those that are. I admire and respect you all that can send letters as a discipline.. maybe some day I will be mature enough to do that 🙂  .. when I grow up that is 🙂  thanks Michele the world needs more writers like you….

    You can see what Michele is referring to my going to and then clicking on the "chat with other farmgirls" once registered just search for Letter Writing in the search on the top right of your screen~~ Michele represents so many of the amazing farmgirls out there….

  35. Laurie Munc says:

    I too love letters! We have some from my husbands family, written in the 1800’s. The ones that really get me are the condolence letters, They are sooo morbid, i.e. "the chair he will no longer sit in, the hall he will no longer walk down …. Can’t imagine getting a letter like that. But the old letters are so great to have.

  36. Margie says:

    Hi Rene,
    I agree with you, letter writing is a lost art. I am not very wordy, but I still like to write to my friends. I enjoy making cards and using my own sentiments in them. Your blog is very interesting and I enjoy reading it. MaryJanesFarm is one of my favorite places to visit. I am a farm girl at heart, only don’t like the work. Libraies are my haunt, not only working there but visiting them when in other cities. Keep up the good work.

  37. suzy says:

    Hey Rene’, I too have always been a letter writer. My husband and friends have received letters from me when we have had a misunderstanding or I felt they needed encouragement. My letters are never unkind. I’m just better at writing how I feel instead of saying it. It has become sort of a joke among those who know me. "Oh, you have received one of Suzy’s letters",with a chuckle. I also write cards and letters to our oldest daughter in California, she also sends beautiful cards that have been selected with much thought. I remember reading a quote saying they hope technology never excedes humanity.( Not sure exactly how it went , but you get the idea)I agree 100 %. Love to all, Suzy ( Texas)

  38. Kathy Eckholt says:

    Hi I love wrting letters, I write to one sister each and every week I haven’t missed a week in almost five years, and I have a friend who is behind bars, and i feel that all I can really do for her is write, so I do, each week, and have recently reconnected with a childhood friend and try to write to her a couple of times a month, my handwriting isn’t so great, but i know how I feel when I receive a letter, so hopefully they feel the same way.

  39. O'Dell says:

    I’ve always enjoyed writing…most of my friends dont write back any longer, since the internet. I have written poetry,however, by hand since I took a literature class 10 yrs ago. Days when I enjoy the outdoors the most, the words come to me. I worked at a retirement home at that time, and would read my poetry to the folks at the home, after lunch. They seemed to really enjoy it, as did the owners, my bosses. These poems I will leave to my children & grandbabies someday. I also have a large collection of old letters from siblings & friends….even a few from my gram written in the 1970’s before she passed away in 1978. The letters from my siblings tell of their new babies born in the 70’s….and they now have babies of their own…I think letter writing is not "dead", but just slowing down ….I am also writing a novel….hopefully to publish sometime.

  40. marmee says:

    i love the fact you addressed this topic…some think it not important but in fact it is a lost art. if you check my blog profile it is listed as one of my favourtie things…handwritten letters. my darling hubby has blessed me over the years with so many wonderful handwritten notes, cards, poems and secrets. i love when i receive them…they mean something special forever.
    i could recommend a book i try to give to young girls in my life.
    "the art of the handwritten note" by margaret shepard

  41. I have been talking about this very subject with my husband!
    I would love to get a "snail mail" from any of you!
    Linda Koetitz
    PO Box 164
    Paradise, UT

  42. Judy says:

    In answer to Cindy’s comment on 8/7 regarding the cost of postage and energy resources, a letter currently costs 44 cents and post cards are 28 cents – not exactly going to break the bank. As for environmental costs, how much energy is being used to keep all the computers, monitors and printers going, not to mention in the manufacture of them?

    Just some other thoughts for the balance she suggests. I think we can write all the letters we want without feeling guilty about the environment. A great number of emails are printed anyway. Thus no savings in paper and ink even.

    So use your personal writing tool (hand) and spark your own creativity (a font of your making) by sending a one and only original letter. Now that is special!

  43. M.E. says:

    I am so pleased that there are so many whom still enjoy a hearfelt written lett. I send out letters every week. I do not get many written replies. But I use this a a ministry to women in my life. Thank you for all of your comments.

  44. Patricia says:

    I love this entry… I am 21 years old and I write letter to two of my girlfriends. One lives in Philadelphia Pennsylvannia which we haven’t seen each other since I was 12 and have talked on the phone 2 times. The other one lives outside of Hot Springs, Arkansas and we met when we were 17 at a Journalism Camp in Virginia. I reside in the great state of West Virginia. I truly love to write in journals, write letters the old fashioned way (including an ink well with a feather pen) and I love to write Children’s stories and poetry. I also collect stationary. I truly love to open up the mailbox or come home to a letter addressed for me waiting at my place setting at the dinning room table. For me recieving a personalized "snail-mail" letter is like recieving a Christmas gift. I like to also think that I am keeping a little bit of history and a dying art alive.

  45. TefeCaftger says:

    Very Interesting!
    Thank You!

  46. TefeCaftger says:

    Very Interesting!
    Thank You!

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Going Through the Motions

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
What is it about the nature of being human that allows us to check out mentally? You know what I mean, that way that we can walk through life, just going through the motions, looking alive but not really being alive. When did we buy into the belief system that we aren’t co-creators or writers of our own stories?

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  1. Kathy says:

    Help I want off the wheel. I think that is might happen sooner than I wanted but I am dealing with that and it is okay. Thanks Rene for your insight. I want to be like my cat Tom. "You want me to do what?" He has learned the word "No"
    Thank Rene

  2. Barb Knopp says:

    I read the blog to Ellie and Miss Muppet….they concur.
    Life is certainly on the go since Ellie arrived. Miss Muppet wonders from time to time if Ellie’s purpose was friendship or a weight watcher exercise program.
    Love you

  3. Sherrie says:

    Boy have I been there-& tho I get off the wheel,I somehow find myself back on it! I’m doing my best to get off & stay off the darn thing,because I feel as tho I’ve wasted a few years here & there. Sleepwalking thru life is no way to live-and I think it’s a cue that we need to change how we’re living our lives. Take up a hobby,start hanging out with a different bunch,explore where you live for neat things to do.

  4. Gary says:

    Excellent Bloggie Rene’…!
    I LOVE that photo of the Kitten and Bunnie…!
    Animals have a quality we mostly lack: Presence… to give complete attention to the moment at hand. They have memories and wishes just like us, but they do not allow their mind to dwell there.
    Real fear of a clear and present danger is healthy response, however most of our fears are neither clear nor present.
    Corrie Ten Boom once said:
    "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow;
    it empties today of its strength."
    How very True.
    GodSpeed to Y’all…!
    in Tampa

    Gary~ I love that Corrie Ten Boom Quaote.. thanks for reminding me of it…..

  5. Denise says:

    By all means, we should all get off that main highway of life. After all it was engineered by total strangers and if you feel the need for a breath of fresh air get on that back road and take it all in.

  6. Sharon says:

    Corrie Ten Boom was right on!

    Mark Twain, at the end of his life admitted,"I’ve spent most of my life worrying about things that have never happened."

    Boy I hear that.

  7. Peg says:

    I very much enjoyed your insights. Several years ago when I turned 50, if found myself in the midst of a not-uncommon time of reevaluation. "Going through the motions" would no longer be acceptable to me. I’ve gone back to school, am working on my degree at 61 and find that there is quite a marvelous life going on outside the wheel. I’m happy to be part of it and encourage other readers to take the leap and see what awaits them.

    Thanks Peg, Sometime we just need to see that "the waters are fine" before jumping off…

  8. Lisa says:

    I think it is ok to say get off the wheel…to be honest in life and have life be honest with you…but that is not always the way it is.
    Seems often if I look about there are people who are just plain dishonest. One person I worked with told me they (the company we worked for) wanted the patients to stay in need as it is hard to find patients. Another company had me (and the other nurses) working outside our licences. I did as my conscience told me to do. All well and good…I lost both jobs…I have my self-respect..but I have no job!!! And I have bills to pay, chikens, cats, a dog and family to feed.
    I think people learn to go through life with a blind bridle on (rat wheel) because if you do not you face the sort of things I have gone through…if you do not look perhaps you do not see…feel…and can keep a job…and pay the bills. It seems to be 6 of one 1/2 a dozen of the other…things are tough…and getting off the wheel makes them tougher…I keep praying…it seems the only thing to do. Peace be with you, Lisa

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Step Into My Time Machine…

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
Have you ever wondered if you were born during the “right time” in history? Certainly I know that I was, but there are moments when I can’t help but to think I would have loved the Wild West.

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  1. Aunt Jenny says:

    Yep..the old west. For sure that is the time I would pick. I would love that era. I feel like most days I could give up modern conveniences easily…well, after my knee surgery and recovery time is over..haha. Really though, that has always been my dream too…and I agree with what you said about the Victorian Era…I don’t think I would do as well then..but the wild west..yep..thats the ticket!


    Kindred spirits… there is just enough "rebel" in me that the women of the west seem to fit. Sorry about the knee surgery..

  2. Carol Alexander says:

    I’m new to your blog (blogging, period, actually) and love it. I’m reading the diary of a young girl who ventured into the bush of Papau New Guinea to translate the Bible for them. She is a five hour hike from the nearest airstrip. Reading this has been stirring up the same types of feelings in me, too. Yes, I live in the country (family would say the ‘boonies’). Five miles from town, though, seems too crowded most days. May we all take the time to connect with God’s creation, rest and meditate on a regular basis.

  3. Carrie says:

    Hey Rene!! I am sitting here at my computer with the pouring rain outside and dreaming about my delicious days in Washington and Idaho! We have yet to have summer here in my portion of New York. However, I have been sleeping in my little TagALong and pretending that I am in the woods camping! Sick, huh??

    I am glad that you get to enjoy summer on your side of this big country!


    PS–You mention granges…I never knew much about them, but went to private school in an old grange building! It was really cool. And the last couple of years I noticed that there are some active granges who put displays in our county fair. I guess they are not all gone!

    Carrie~ Summer has sure hit here, reaching about 104 for the last week or so. I do uderstand that in some parts of the country Granges are still active. Wish it were true here.

  4. Gary says:

    Good Bloggie Rene’…
    I think we all yearn in some way for a "simpler" time, however my Mom was always quick to point out that "simple" is a relative notion. The days of yesteryear were simpler in many ways, but without all the "conveniences" you mention, those times had their own complexity, usually involving good old fashioned elbow grease.
    I like to think of the days of my Mom’s youth, when there was passenger train service, and you could ride from our farm community to the city for 10 cents. The most appealing thing about times gone by to me is the one thing which is glaringly missing in our own times: Good Manners.
    GodSpeed to Y’all…!
    in Tampa

  5. Nicole says:

    And what about Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman?! Love that show (we recently watched the entire series on DVD)!


    Loved her….. GOOD CALL!

  6. Denise says:

    No west for me,but,I would have been happy in New England in that era.Although I love my computer access I don’t do the facebook thing or twitter.I have a phone for emergencies which my friends got me after I broke down in a snowstorm.However I can write a mean letter and I make a practice of doing so at least once a week.Sometimes it’s just a thank you note but people sure do love getting them.Stepping back from the present and taking a look at where you’re at should be something we all do.Love your blog ,always look forward to it.


    Thanks. Letter writing! I too love it.

  7. Amanda Baker says:


  8. Patricia says:

    I can appreciate your view of the "old west" from mini-vacations. I have these fantasies sometimes too. I believe that we are wistful about it because escaping to the woods is a relief from the stresses in our lives…and we can take our many dirty clothes home to the washing machine even if we hang them to dry. We don’t have to make our own soap, always wash in cold water until our skin cracks, and wear clothes for many days because we only have 2 dresses, one for every day and one for good. The authentic "simple life" was not so simple and definitely not easy. It was very very hard work and we pick and choose which parts to incorporate into our very rich and easy lives in the 21st century (to which most of us return).

    You are so right for sure… It always looks more "romatic" then it was. Althought, I do make my own soap..

  9. katmom~Grace says:

    Oh Rene’,
    so aptly put…"Where nature has a front row seat"….
    luv it!

  10. Ann says:

    Ah the "old" days..
    I am not that old but I have had six childrens. Milked the cow and made my own butter. Kept the garden and did all the canning. Raised chickens for eggs and meat and did the butchering at home with our own hands. Raised hogs for meat for the table. Sewed the childrens clothes and didn’t have two nickels to rub together. Hard work. Love it…yah wouldn’t trade it. But the "rose colored" glasses don’t show people the "real" side to it. It is hard work. But no other way to raise a family.
    Love the blog.

  11. Debbie says:

    Love this one Rene! Yes, I too sometimes think I would have liked being alive in another time period.. I do love the Victorian age and even had a Victorian Theme Wedding with the horse and buggy to boot! My hubby loves to try and convince me that I would not have enjoyed the lack of cleanliness and all that dust flying up from under the buggies wheels as we rolled along the countryside,but I am determined to keep my romantic notions about times gone by and even pine for them when I feel the need! We too are blessed to have a " get away from it all" kind of place. Ours is near the sea! Our very small and efficiant ( under 500sq feet) summer cottage is a three season solar powered little slice of heaven where we go to shed the " trappings of modern technolgy" each summer for a few weeks…Gradually our cell phones have become part of our summer scene due to aging parents and kids being more independent but everyone else and everything else MUST WAIT for us to return from vacation… REMEMBER THOSE? Vacations??? You have the right idea about " disconnecting" at certain times of day or night… I think that is about the healthiest thing I have heard on how to live well in these modern times since the invention of the world wide web!

  12. citygirl Bj says:

    The early 1900’s would be the time for me, in the country. My grandmother was alive during that time and I actually have a written history by one of my aunts from that time. It was a hard time but the women in my family are full of vinegar and were the"if I can’t get it done I’ll do it myself". I am that kind of woman. My daughter and I joke about us both being from the wrong time period, she’s 30’s and 40’s girl. Only thing is if I had been born in that time instead of this time I would not be alive, having had a kidney infection at age 4 and going in to acute renal failure I would have died. But I enjoy much of that period in my mind and some physically. I do hang most of my clothes, have even washed them by hand( had the blisters too) I garden, have a spinning wheel, can card wool and make yarn, knit and crochet as well as sew,quilt and embroider all of which my grandmothers both did. I have chickens and hope to some day have a small farm and have a cow to milk and make my butter and cheese. I have made my own bread and jam and have tried my hand at canning. The things I don’t know I can ask my cousin who was born before me and enjoyed a country life with our grandma that I wasn’t able to being so young. My cousin is all I have, none of my siblings share my countryness and can’t remember what mom and grandma used to do. I’m an odd duck here and sure feel it most days, but thank God that there are birds, flowers, horses and chickens close by to get that country feeling. When I think about that time and the clothes they wore and the heat we have I wonder how they survived. Most of us strip off as much as possible, they wore layers and layers of clothes. I have several historical books that show pictures of women farming in those days all had those long dark dresses or skirt on. I’de like to take a ride on a wagon train sometime in authentic clothes and see what its like. Anyone ever do that?

  13. ladylocust says:

    My first blog. Pretty exciting for a hick like me. I adore your references and the romantic side of the picture; however, I am way too practical and see the hardships that accompanied the picturesque views. I grew up on a ranch and recall taking turns waking up every two hours to tredge through the snow and check the stock. (At this point, don’t sniff or your nostrils will stick together.) I was once awaken by my mother saying, "Here, get this lamb in the oven. I have to go back out." Stress management included mucking out the barn. Work was measured by wheelbarrow loads. But as you say physical labor is great therapy by comparison to mental exhaustion. I think the main difference is the reward. With physical labor, there is an obvious reward whether it is a clean barn or a live lamb bouncing around in the cold April sunshine. I always say, "When I die, feed me to the coyotes. It’s one less calf they’ll eat." What I do before I die is more important. I now live in the mountains with my two kiddos, and yes I do have to deal with power outages in the winter and bears consolidating my fruit into neat little piles, but I wouldn’t trade it off. I love where I am. The mountain air is good for the soal.
    Kudos – I so appreciate your blog and perspective.

  14. Wanda says:

    My husband is always saying he wants to get away to a cabin in the woods. I think he would miss his electronics way more than he does, but a cabin in the woods, what a get away that would make, especially if it was in the mountains and by a lake.

  15. suzy says:

    I love this one Rene’, My hero as a child was Annie Oakley. I thought she was so cool.I always loved horses and owned two growing up. I remember fantasizing I was living back in the western days.Now days I spend alot of time thinking how I’ll put another garden in here or there. I also have a favorite spot to kick back on my porch and watch the sun rise. On the other side of the house, on the deck ,I can watch the sun set. Does it get any better than that ? I have to say that secluded cabin does sound great, too.
    My friend and I were talking the other day about how we think it is important to teach our chldren and grand childen how to grow their own food and how to preserve it. Bless my little grandaughter’s heart , she got so upset when her brother told her hamburger meat came from cows. She did not want to believe it.I distracted her by taking her to the garden where she tasted a fresh raw pea and all was forgotten.Living in the country can be hard work now days , but I know it was alot rougher back then. Still, it would be fun to go back in time for a day.( as long as I wasn’t put on scrub board duty) Love to all, Suzy (Texas)

  16. Sharon says:

    Living in rural Canada for 25 years….and having lots of baby lambs running around my kitchen when it was too cold outside…..nothing like it. A great life.

  17. Jamie says:

    I’m new to your blog and love it already, a women after my own heart. Sometimes I feel displaced between the modern world I use on an increasing basis and the simpler times I enjoyed growing up in rural southern Illinois. I didn’t have a cabin in the mountains but instead our family’s retreat was a cabin on Kentucky lake. Originally it didn’t have the conveniences of air conditioning or even indoor plumbing at one point. My Aunt Kathy would make fritters for breakfast, at night we’d roast marshmellows over the camp fire from twigs forged in the woods and then would go to sleep, one room for the adults and one for the kids. At times there would be a good ten to fifteen of us cousins bunked high and low in the cabin. Some of my best childhood memories are from there. Years later, I’ve learned how to find that place in my heart everyday, where I can go there when I need to. Sometimes it is through the magic of a good book, sometimes a movie will remind me, other times my mind will just find it’s own way. Today however your blog brought me back there. Thanks! It’s fun to find out who you are between the best of all times.

  18. Martha Cook says:

    Hi, I am a Lecturer, an officer of a State Grange – and have been involved with the organization called Grange since 1994. We are very interested in seeing Granges continue on, and even begin again or anew, in some of those buildings some of you have seen. Would be happy to answer questions about Grange for anyone. Martha

    Great to meet you Martha,

    Thanks for the offer to help us understand more about how we can revitalize the granges in our own areas… feel free to email me at

  19. Gale says:

    I love MaryJanes Farm magazine and the entire concept of connecting with the feel of the earth and elements around us no matter where we live. Even though I am a "Urban Girl" I am a farmgirl in my heart! I have been reading the blogs about being in another era. So often I have felt the pull of the early days of our countries development. Such as the wagons trains traveling across country. They needed to use every bit of there skills and energy to make it though each day. Even though it was very hard they still knew how to enjoy the world around them. I try every day to touch the earth and enjoy the beauty of the world around me. Thanks for helping me feel good about where I am.

  20. Bill Bartmann says:

    Cool site, love the info.

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Hey, Babe What's YOUR Sign?

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
Recently my friend Sarah Sumerlin and I were driving down the back roads between Washington and Oregon snapping pictures. Sarah’s a brilliant photographer and I love to take pictures to remind myself of stories I want to share. It was a perfect time of the day, and we were finding all kinds of things that “spoke” to us. Then out of nowhere, there it was…a sign!

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  1. I have always loved funny signs & I think this one of yours is about the best ever! One that I loved growing up here by the ocean, was in Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA. For the longest time it said "Surfboard Upholstery shop" – Well, it really was two shops a surfboard shop and an upholstery shop but the sign was unclear and amusing…So, I always looked out at the surf for chintz padded boards hanging ten! Another sign I loved in Valley Center, Ca says "Fresh Eggs Shoe Repair". Gosh, I didn’t know eggs had feet! let alone needed their shoes repaired…

  2. Gary says:

    Funny Bloggie Rene’…
    On the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee, there is a Mennonite Community, and they sell some of their farm products. As you drive down the road, you will see handmade signs with the names of items on them, like: "Honey" "Muffins and Bread" "Saddles and Belts" and various crops.
    I had a girlfriend, Lisa, who loved to go there to shop, and I remember standing with her in a Lady’s kitchen, while our goods were being wrapped, and her daughters, with 18th Century dresses and bonnets, were sitting around a table, making a quilt.
    I noticed one of the young girls poke another and whisper something and they giggled. The Mom stopped and said: "There’ll be none of that. I apologize for my daughter making fun of your dungarees young Lady." Lisa was stunned when she realized that these girls thought she looked odd.
    Ahhh… *Signs* of the times ‘eh…
    GodSpeed to Y’all…!
    in Tampa

  3. Catherine says:

    There were a couple of signs in our "neighborhood" that I really wish I had snapped a photo of. One said "turn hear". And the other, a sign for the church where my husband was associate pastor for a time…..EVE Worship 6 pm. I think that may have been part of the issues with the church 😉 LOL!
    Your posts are always a day brightener, thank you!
    Catherine…..who really doesn’t wish that some people came equipped with their own sign…it would make life so much simpler! 🙂

    Catherine~ Your "eve worship" cracks me up~

  4. Lori Jeske says:

    Every year, we have a "discussion" on where signs should be place. I have a completely different idea of where signs should be place but he’s gracious enough to drive around and pound stakes and staple signs to fence posts, so I have to keep a tight lip!! The sign that drew the most comments and chuckles from fellow gardeners far and wide, was the "Dirt Cheap Plant Sale".

  5. Michele says:

    There is the cutest sign on the side of the road in Oregon, Ohio. Has a chicken painted on it and says "Cackleberries for sale" Eggs, get it?
    It is so cute I am going to embroider it on a tea towel.

  6. Shirley says:

    What memories this brings back! I grew up in East Texas and every Sunday we took the ‘long’ 30 minute ride to Grandma’s house for dinner. There was a building on a corner where we turned and I thought for about 12 years that it said ‘wedding shop’. I couldn’t understand why someone would want to get married in such a old, dirty looking place.
    Finally one day the light bulb came on and I realized it actually read…’welding shop’! I still cannot pass that corner without smiling.

  7. jessica says:

    In Washington state we came across a roadside stand that had a sign with an eagle on it, he didn’t look so good, underneath it said Ill Eagle Fireworks….Illegal fireworks, get it? I’m still kicking myself for not taking a picture!

  8. Eva says:

    I spent part of my childhood in Arkansas and one of the back road turns to get to my home was right across from a cemetary. The unusual part of this "intersection" was that the road right next to the cemetary just ended…It, of course, had a sign stating "Dead End" located not ten feet away from the nearest headstone.

    hahah.. now that is County planning 🙂

  9. Tammie says:

    I love not only signs, but sayings as well.
    My favorite sign that I saw on a Church said "I wish I was half the man my dog thinks I am."
    My favorite saying, (sorry, I have no idea who wrote it) says:
    "I know you think you understand what you thought I said, but I’m not so sure that what you heard is what I meant."

  10. Dale says:

    A number of years ago a real estate sign showed for sale "2 bdrm, 1 bath orange tree"! I’ve got a picture of it somewhere too! Orange trees down here in Florida don’t get real tall, so that’s gotta be a mighty small home!

  11. KerrLynne30 says:

    I took my first personal loans when I was 20 and that helped me very much. However, I need the commercial loan as well.

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Rural and Raw

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
I have looked into “the raw diet” for awhile now. Well, actually since 1994, when I was recovering after being diagnosed with lupus. Back then, a friend had introduced me to “blue-green” algae and its health benefits. She also introduced me to some really amazing people in the world of holistic health, which up to that point I had never even heard of. I was a very typical American who ate the Standard American Diet (known in the holistic world as SAD), never considering that what I ate and becoming ill had any link whatsoever.

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  1. LillySue says:

    Wow~ We sure are kindred spirits…..My wake-up call was hypothyroid disease with a side dish of breast and cervical biopsy! No Cancer as of yet and I want to keep it that way! At age 46 next month, I have mulled the Holistic Dr. School for several years myself. If only I had known about the subject in my 20s. But then again, if I live to be 97 like my great granny, I am just getting started! I too would like to be mainly raw. I tend to do the "Cave Man" diet of fruits, veggies, nuts and a small amount of meat. You are actually not supposed to eat grains or dairy but I am not that dedicated…YET! I have read that man did not start to eat farmed grains till the last thousand years and our bodies are not made to digest the protiens very well…..especially wheat. (Is hubby still in the wheat biz?) While doing my own research, I discovered that people who eliminate wheat from their diets have less arthritis discomfort which I have found to be VERY true for me. Giving up most breads etc…was hard, but once you are several months into going without it, it is not such a big deal. It sure makes a difference in your waistline!! I do still love me some oatmeal and eat a lot of nuts. I sure wish everyone would have the "Ah Ha" moment we have had when discovering this way of eating! I would love to have you pop over to my blog and on the bottom of the left side bar in the post subjects I have a lot of the info I have shared in the past including my Lemon/Master cleanse experience. I wish you well on your path!!

  2. Becky says:


    I am so happy for you. I have struggled with my weight for so long and I use it as a shield and excuse also. That is great that you have found a way out. I would love to follow your progress.



    I will keep you updated as much as possible. The girls in my MaryJanesFarm Chapter are "exploring raw" as well. Our adventure is at . I am discovering that any little shift towards including more "RAW" has such great benefits. Best of luck to you.. Jump on in.. the water is "fine"…

  3. Connie says:

    What an exciting post. My SIL had breast cancer 11/2 years ago and opted for a 100% raw diet instead of chemo. She is doing amazing. I know she did a TONNE of research before coming to her conclusion. She still sought her Dr’s advice and council, but ultimately it was her choice.

    Thank you for a great post. It’s time I too revisit a more raw diet.

    Boy Connie~ My thoughts are with your sister ~ I personally beleive in "intergrative" medicine with a team of professionals. I had a brillliant Dr and a compounding pharmasist who helped me peel back the meds…. I also had the holistic experts…. The key, I believe, is to be 100% engaged in your own health and then using whatever makes the most sense to you in your bodies healing.  I am forever grateful for the teachers that continually show up for me to learn from. R

  4. Judy Eastwood says:

    Your blogs just seem to come along at the right time! After reading this and your raw food blog, I realized that, yes, we have an Ann Wigmore inspired center right here in my town! Their next program just happens to be during my vacation in August. I am going to try this!

    I tried going raw a while back, but didn’t find it satisfying. Now there is so much more in the way of average people doing it and so many more easy recipes. Being 56, I have a few health issues – nothing earth shattering. But in order to live the rest of my life to the fullest it would be good to explore all my options.

    One thing that has stopped me is the "anti-raw food" movement – voicing the drawbacks of totally raw. Well, I feel it’s up to me to decide what I need to do, and to try it and see if it’s for me.

    Thank you for your thoughts, Rene!

  5. Tracy says:

    This could not have come at a better time. I have just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia after living with pain, fatigue, and many other symptoms since approximately 2007. I want to treat it through diet and exercise, leaving the pharmacy out of the equation as much as possible. I have in the past explored an Ayurvedic approach to eating to help with stress migraines. While I felt great, it was very hard to find many of the foods recommended which limited the foods I should eat to a handful. I live in a small, predominately rural area. It is hard to get some of the more uncommon things found in Ayurveda, which is an ancient healing system from India. Anyway, raw veggies I can get. So I have started researching the type of foods that would be best for FMS. Reading your testimony was very helpful. It is good to hear how the raw foods diet can help even if it is not followed 100%! Thank you!

  6. Gary says:

    Good for you Rene’…!
    You are finding your own way to a feeling of fulfillment in Life, with a good focus on natural healing and nutrituion, and we all share the need to find what works in our own Life.
    Our culture is conditioned to believe that additives make foods better and drugs are the answer to all Life’s problems, physical and mental. The corporations that make food additives also make or are associated with the manufacture of drugs, so they make us sick at the grocery and pretend to heal us from "our" illness… now that’s Sick.
    We also live in a culture that is so obcessed with credentials that it cannot recognize value and quality, and I actually don’t think Hippocrates could get a license here… in fact I don’t think he could get admitted to a school in the profession he founded.
    You’re not on the "right" track, because all the "tracks" lead nowhere these days, however you have found a well worn path to a better Life… sooo…
    GodSpeed to us all in our trek off the tracks…
    in Tampa

  7. Doreen Baros says:

    Hello friend, I’ve been reading your blogs for some time and enjoy them. Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. But today with your blog you mentioned some things that hit home.

    "It is like “weeding out” an old, dysfunctional friend—hard to do, yet I know that it will make room for more positive things, which of course includes better health."

    That is a great sentence. There is so much there to deal with and I’m right there with you with my own dysfunctional friends. Keep up the good thoughts


  8. Shirley says:

    This is so interesting, just three days ago I was diagnosed with Lupus and my first thought was I don’t want to be pumped full of medicines and then more on top of that for the side-effects of the other medicines, I am also tired of being tired, I will definitely be checking out the raw diet. Thank you for coming to my e-mail!!!!

    Certainly check into ALL your options and get a great team of professionals around which should include a Holistic Nutritionist. Oh the fatigue…. I can remember it well and I know that there is no way to describe it. Best wishes and keep me updated….

  9. Elaine says:

    I’d like to comment on a product which has been helpful to me. I had been on medication for hypertension (high blood pressure), and also had elevated cholesterol. While at a health food co-op, purchased ‘Nattokinase’, NOW brand. I was familiar with Natto, which is a fermented soy product popular in Japan. After taking one capsule per day, in one week my blood pressure had dropped so much, the Nurse Practitioner at the Women’s Wellness Clinic told me to stop the blood pressure medication. A lab test taken a month after starting the product showed my Cholesterol level had dropped 30 points.
    A younger friend of mine has hypertension; she walks, exercises and eats a healthy diet. After introducing her to Nattokinase, which she has been taking for a month now, she has also experienced a significant decrease in blood pressure, and able to decrease medication, hoping to discontinue it soon.
    Elaine, RN

  10. nameSharron says:

    I would like to know more about this Raw Diet. I have had breast cancer and have been battling Iron deficientcy. I feel exhausted many times throughout the day. Please tell me where I can find more information about this diet.


    So sorry to hear of your battle. I have a couple books listed on  I really love and anything by Jordan Rubin.

    Hope this helps!

  11. kathy says:

    Way to go girlfriend. The more we can stay away from medical doctors and search out alternative methods of healing ourselves the better we will all be. About 4 months ago I happened across Kevin Trudeau’s book Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About at our local thrift store. What an eye opener his book was. I won’t go into detail about it but I recommend this book to anyone searching on alternative healing or just wanting to eat right. You can find his book on for quite a reasonable price. If you do a search on the internet you will find a lot of negative about him and how he has been in jail and sued. Please don’t let this stop you from reading this book as you will understand why he has been jailed and sued. He recommends you read from page 1 through the rest of the book and not skip around. Please let me know if you read this book and what you think. Thanks

    I have read this book and  countless others. I really recommend that people read as much as they can about ways to be more informed on taking control of our own health. It is a learning curve for sure, but we are worth it.

  12. Carol says:

    I could not believe that I was reading this. I have been grappling with my health for several decades. I have uncontrollable high blood pressure, so much so, that both numbers have been 3 digits. I had what the doctors believed was lupus, but could not get positive lab tests at the time. That was all I needed. I knew all those years ago, that it was time to take responsibility for my own health. It was then that I became aware of Dr. John McDougall and his vegan lifestyle. At the time I thought it was difficult, not because of the meat, but because of butter and coffee, etc. Now, I am trying to do 51% raw. My daughter is doing from 95-100% raw. Her meals are utterly delicious. I am on the lazy side and do not usually do a lot of planning, which is essential. However, I have found some sources on the internet which has really made a difference. There is a video on that can be watched from start to finish for free. One can also purchase the DVD. I liked the video so much that I did purchase it, and have been passing it around.
    I love finding like souls. I find it empowering.

  13. Nancy Peer says:

    I was just reading all the comments and am so excited that more and more people are finding ways to be in control of their own health. Raw has the enzymes to heal what is wrong with you. I just have to say eat as much raw as you can-the sicker you are the more raw you should be. You CAN all heal yourself.

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I Love Summer…

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
I just do! I love driving with the radio blaring, windows rolled down, feeling like there isn’t a care in the world. I am the “best me” in the summer. Although I don’t particularly like the heat, I love the rhythm of summer…the backyard barbecues with friends, the farmer’s market, and spending time

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  1. Suzy says:

    Another great story Rene’, I love how your writings put pictures in my head , you don’t need photos. I have always loved music that does the same. (also a big Michael McDonald fan from way back). We were finally able last fall to build a 50 by 30 foot barn. It has become the favorite spot for all our family and friends get togethers this summer. Even when it rains it’s fun to be in. We hosted a family reunion this summer and many wrote thank you notes saying how our place was a little piece of heaven.We cooked out, and I agree food just tastes better outdoors.Keep those great stories coming. Love to all, Suzy (Texas)

  2. David says:

    Dog days of summer. Ah how those memories flood back. Summers were the greatest especially since there was no school and the swimming pools were open. Friends and I would ride our bicycles hundreds of miles in the summer just for fun. Any wooded area was open game for exploring, playing hide and seek, playing war, or just hanging out telling scary stories. Oh, yes and I can’t forget the couple months spent on my Uncle’s farm each year helping with hay baling, stealing eggs from those broody old hens, chopping chuckle burrs out of the corn by walking the rows or getting to visit the auction barn where livestock were bought and sold.

    The absolute best part of summer was those days when Grandpa would take me Carp fishing. Sitting on the bank with him was the best. Like you, Rene’, sitting under the shade tree enjoying the warmth of the day, dreaming about all the wonderful things of life, waiting in anticipation of the tinkling bell indicating that a fish was on the line just made life so enjoyable. I don’t know that we ever caught that many fish, but just being in nature, listening to the moving water sounds, chirping birds, and rustling tree leaves meant to me everything in my world was as it should be. There’s just nothing like a good day spent in nature to calm the spirit.

    I have experienced many endings of one season of life and beginnings of another. I have found that each can be filled with joy and memory building events. I enjoy each day for what it is as there will never be another like it.

    Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams. ~ Ashley Smith

  3. Elaine says:

    Ah Summer! Here in the ‘Great White North’ summer is like a beacon that draws us all into the outdoors just as soon as the snowbanks thaw,and keeps us out there well after the first frost.I agree, food is so much better when it is picked fresh and eaten outdoors.There is nothing that elevates the lowly hot dog like cooking it outside over an open fire, and if the onions are from the garden and the relish is home-made from last years’ garden, so much the better!
    I know I intend to enjoy every sparkling moment of summer,I know you will too.

  4. Gary says:

    Good Bloggie Rene…!
    Y’all have many warm Memories of Summer breezes with laughter and Joy in the air together, and that’s what makes those Memories so Special… "Togather".
    My Family had a section of the yard, between the Garden and the field, where we set up a Croquet Court, with lights for night play too, and we had sooo much fun togather and with Friends. The Teams of two, Red Team, Blue, Black, Yellow, Green, and White… the lawn chairs… the grill… the picnic table and benches… kids playing badmitton and horseshoes… and meee turning the crank (until it got hard and required a grown man) on the Ice Cream churn, with my trusty sidekick Trix, who was eager to lap up/gobble up "extras".
    There was something in the air… Laughter (the "music" of Joy), and like Y’all, not a care in the world.
    Thanks for yet another walk down Memory Lane Rene’, and…
    GodSpeed to Y’all…!
    in Tampa

  5. Kimberly D says:

    Summer is my favorite season also. I love to bbq, do that more than cooking in the house in the summer time. And sitting outside and reading and listening to all the chatter of the birds.

  6. Jacque says:

    Summers at the Jersey shore….nothing like it…we now live less than a mile from the beach and able to ride our bikes to the beach. Swimming in a beautiful salt water pool. love it!
    No chlorine!!!

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