It's Harvest Time!!!

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, June 2010 – January 2012]

It’s garlic harvest time here in Elsinore! Over the past few weeks, our garlic patch has “ripened” from a patch of healthy deep green garlic plants to a patch of yellowing, drying drooping plants ready for harvest. Aside from hay and some grain, garlic is the largest crop we grow here on the farm (unless you call lambs a “crop!”), and it is always such a suspense-filled time when we dig and pull the first few garlic bulbs from the ground. Are they fully mature? Did they escape damage from pests? Are the bulbs pleasantly big and plump? Are their papery skins intact? This year the answer to all of these is a resounding “YES!”
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  1. Hollie says:

    Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm about garlic! We have a small garden and have planted garlic for our own family’s consumption. Someday {soon} we hope to own more acres and farm for a living. Hearing your story encourages me and will propel us on in our dream. . .

    Enjoy your farmily!

  2. Kate says:

    I so look forward to reading your blogs each week. And was so glad to hear that in Utah it went from winter to summer so quickly! Here in Texas, we can usually count on a good week or two of Spring, then the heat arrives! This summer has been one of the better ones as we have not had the severe droughts that usually occur. And I love to see your pictures and your boys always helping. Keep the news from your farm coming!

  3. Tammy says:

    Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed this post so much. I am just beginning to get into gardening. I have been researching so that come next spring I can have my own little space. Loved the photo of the little one helping bake cake.

    blessings on your week

  4. Cathy K says:

    I enjoyed your post once again. Here in the Salt Lake Valley it was the same. Cool to hot. My garden has not fared well at all this year. Besides the late start, we’ve had sprinkler issues and DH is recovering from back surgery. But the good news is that our apricot tree is bearing enough fruit to feed a third world country! Canning and freezing (and eating and sharing) apricots like mad…. And on the farm where I work, our corn is coming along very nicely!

    Your photos are great and I love that your farm is a farmily effort!! Hugs, Cathy

  5. My hubby and I tried growing garlic this year! Oh joy! Rapture! It is oh so gratifying to dig up those pungent bulbs! Our dream is to farm it full time, hopefully we can make it true next year, but until then, I shall live vicariously through you! We did start our own tomatoes and peppers from seed–100 maters and 150+ peppers as well as the other usual suspects(corn,beans,pumpkins, squash, taters, onions). Everything is so lush here in northern NY, I am just praying the weather continues as it has been. We’ve had unusually hot temps and occasional soaking rains, so there has been no need to water. I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it will continue, because so far, so good.
    I love your posts. Thanks for helping to keep the dream alive!

    the mitten lady

  6. Denise says:

    Sounds like a busy week for you and the farmily.I love hearing the younger generation (you) describe life on the farm.Keep up the good work.Your enthusiasm is a great asset.Oh!This year,we were told geraniums would keep mosquitoes away. I placed 3 pots at the edge of my picnic table. No bites yet but,our weather has been upside-down this year so I’m not sure if the flowers are responsiblebut they do look pretty.

  7. Debbie says:

    What a great post! I loved every word…. especially, the one you misspelled…
    FARMILY~ its’ perfect!

    Thanks for sharing your inspiration for growing garlic…I was right there with you in the big red barn!

    Have fun on the Farm!
    Look forward to your next farmily adventure!

  8. Hi I also like the new word Farmily. It is great and keep it up, love the story about Garlic and have wanted to start some myself, just never have. I live in town and have a garden about 15×15. But we grow a good amount of vegetables, foe the two of us. I will try some garlic this year. Thanks keep up the good work. Juanita Massey

  9. Shery says:

    I know precious little about garlic in the garden. Do you have a cool cellar to store it in? How long does it keep…or do you can it? What a great experience to go to Pay Dirt school. I hope to go to MJF henquarters someday :o)

  10. Melissa says:

    I love your story. I had planned on planting garlic this fall and now I’m extra excited! I have been a MaryJane fan for a few years and now I just joined the sisterhood. We have been growing our own little "farmette". Chickens are my "crop" and we are hoping to get a few goats too. Until; you post again…

  11. Maria says:

    Love this, lots of work but beautiful outcome. For Cathy K. who’s blog I looked at, the porcelain piece is a spoon holder, it shoud have some spoons inside also made of porcelain. I believe they were used for tea. I have one just like it, only mine has painted roses and its beautiful. Thanks Maria

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The Good… The Bad… The Ugly – and The Fun!

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, June 2010 – January 2012]

It’s the main summer holiday in our valley – the Fourth of July. Now, we in Utah have Pioneer Day on July 24th, but that’s another story for another day. “The fourth,” as it’s known around here, is full of all things fun and wild, and at our farm it’s no exception. We had a bit of everything – the good, the bad, the ugly, the fun, the hospital, the racetrack… Pour a glass of something cold (green tea with mango is my current fave), have a seat and join my world – who knows? Maybe you’ll find a bit of your world here, too!

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  1. Shari says:

    It sounds like a lot fun to me…hope the toe is ok and would have loved to be at the races I love horses….I am disabled now and on oxygen so I love to read about others who can go to all te places I miss. Thank you so much for sharing

  2. Nancy says:

    Great article …what a great and generous weekend!

    love the basil, mozzerella and basil idea!

    it’s great to hear there are folks who are still in the homes their ancestors built. I hear you on channeling the ladies.

    While, unfortunately, our family farm was sold several years ago (upstate NY), I did spend time in the house and yes, the grandmothers, grandfathers and others "spoke" to me. Not to mention every plank, every window, every stone was a reminder of their lives and the contribution they have made to my life.

    To sit in furntiutre they crafted, in the house they built, to read their diaries, you know a special meaning of the word HOME.


  3. Suzy says:

    After reading this (and after hearing about all the festivities in "Aunt Jenny’s town!) my family as decided that when I meet with the Chamber of Commerce director this week to talk about some writing I’m todo for them, that we’re going to suggest that NEXT YEAR we MUST have some sort of Fourth of July festivities in our county and town! We have a BIG Veteran’s Day Parade and BIG BIG BIG Chrstmas Parade but we NEED NEED NEED this in the summer, both to show our respect and love of and independence in this land AND to give our folks more of a spirit of community! Thank you for this wonderful blog!!!

  4. Jean Thompson says:

    Back in Cub Scout Days one of the Mom’s had the boys make
    Som’mores with chocolate chip cookies– yummy they worked great.. and you didn’t have to buy candy bars..which in this Hot weather we are having here in Northeastern Ohio would melt.

  5. Pam deMarrais says:

    Libbie, you are a captivating writer! I was hooked after the vision of the kids flying out of the cars, and I tasted the s’mores, winced over the tale of your finger, and felt the rumble of the horses racing past.
    You had lots of events during your celebration of this great country, but the most blessed part is your description of "all of us" honoring our flag.
    Thanks for allowing us to be a part of your 4th of July.

  6. Karen Holderman says:

    I so enjoyed reading your aritcle. I am a suburban farm girl, but related to living in your family’s home. I spent so many summers in my gradparents home. They are with me in spirit always. By the way, have you read Cynthia Rylant’s story, The Relatives Are Coming? It is a children’s book about family get togethers. You would like it. Keep on sharing!

  7. Nancy J says:

    Hello Fellow Farmgirls,

    Sounds like alot of us had a great "4th" week-end…My family(some of us)met at my yougest son’s new home..we grilled hambergers, hot dogs and chicken…No one was hurt, thank God…he had bought a small atv and all the kids took rides on it around his back field…What a wonderful time making memeories…next time gonna remember those s’more!!!! I forgot until it was too late…gives us something to look forward to share!!!! Take care!!!

  8. Heidi says:

    What a wonderful description!! I can so relate to the kids exploding out of cars! I have 3 daughters, Ella is 7, Zoe is 5 and baby Merren is 1. It’s like a zoo around here with gut wretching belly laughs, crying, arguing and hugs. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

    Thanks for a fantastic romp through your 4th of July weekend. You made me smile.

  9. Dianne says:

    Libbie: I loved hearing of your 4th of July weekend. Evellyn is BIG and beautiful. Having a dream cow is a dream come true. I hope you and your hubby are both healing. As for the Mozzarella. Do you have a recipe to share or to suggest. I made a creamy cheese with herbs from Mary Jane’s magazine. It was fun. Have a great summer out there. My dream is to have a small farm someday. Maybe then I too can have a dream cow. Hugs Dianne

  10. Tammy says:

    Libbie, thanks for sharing your 4th with us. It sounds like a fun weekend well without the emergency part. HOpe your finger and little one’s toe heals fast. I love horse races. I met my hubby at the horse races. WE decided when I picked out the winning horse of the race we were good match for each other. Have a blessed weekend ahead.

  11. bonnie ellis says:

    Libbie: What a fantastic time you provided for everyone. You must live on a big farm. Your telling makes me wish everyone could have an adventure at least once in their life. Thanks for sharing! Bonnie

  12. We love going camping and are planning a trip down to southern IL to go camping with my sister and I can’t wait for breakfast over a campfire. I know what I’ll be making! Thanks so much for that little tidbit.
    It has been years since I had a s’mores and I can barely remember how to make them a little refresher course would be lovely as we have a big fire pit out in our back forty and we often set up one or two of the tents and have some good old campfire fun with the kids. They’ve been begging for s’mores so help this old farm girl out and refresh my memory as I don’t want to disappoint my grandkids.
    Love your blog, by the by.

  13. kay says:

    Talking about smores……my daughter-in-law made them this 4th with Reeses peanut butter cups instead of Hershey bars…..yummo

  14. Tammie says:

    Good morning Libbie,

    I really enjoyed reading about your fourth of July weekend. It sounds like you had a wonderful get together stock full of love, family and friends. Thank you for sharing Emilie’s quote, I am inspired to post it at my desk…"I dwell in possibility." Gotta love it!
    Your campfire recipies sound yummy, especially, you called it bread sticks but my mind developed it into cinnamon buns on a stick, mmmmmm yummy. Just have a mixture of powder sugar and water stired in to a creamy paste to dip it in hot off the fire to give it a nice glaze and I would be in seventh heaven…till I looked at the scale again of course but hey, once a year right?
    I love reading all of the farm girl posts (and miss Rene, hope she is enjoying her new job) but at the same time feel like I’ve made a new friend reading your posts. You coined it just right when you said "I feel sort of like we’re all sitting down together chatting, and I love it." For some reason I feel the same.
    I love reading the responses you get as well. This is a wonderful virtual community that comes together through MaryJane’s farmgirls and their blogs. It is so refreshing to have a place to come and read something that always makes you feel good everytime your read it.

  15. Debbie says:

    Hey Libbie!
    What a 4th of July celebration you had on the farm! Sounds as if you had a wonderful time… The kind that you’re ready to be over, but happy you crammed in everything you did! Great memories for the youngters too!

    Thanks for taking us along for the ride!

  16. wendy says:

    I found you through the magazine Mary Jane Farms which someone else introduced me to. (funny how these things…connections…happen)
    Anyway, I am kinda "into" reading ranching, farming, country type ladies now as I have recently been transplanted to a quarter section with a new hubby in alberta, canada. We have 4 horses, a dog….are retired and I am learning to become a "country girl"
    I moved here by the way from West Jordan Utah…..I miss the hot Utah days
    fun to read your blogs

  17. Bonnie Jobe says:

    What a great 4th celebration! Glad your finger is better…kinda scary. And hay no less!

    We make smores with a layer of peanut butter on the cracker which is similar to the peanut butter cup. I’m trying the peanut butter cup next time…less to haul to the campfire!

    I love to blog also – never did journal much so thinking about what might be interesting to share, taking a picture and then spending some time writing…its easy to see that you like to blog also.

  18. Erica says:

    I’m so so happy that I found your blog! What a great way to hear about what’s going on at your farm, Lib! I love that picture of you and Evelynn. I can’t wait to get back and pet her some more (it was my first time petting a cow, and believe me, Jack had to hear about it for almost the entire drive back home!). He thought that the next time we’re there you might even let me help milk her?! I would love to try sometime. Anyway, it looks like you always host a wonderful time, and you always have in my experience. Sunday was so much fun – a beautiful place and wonderful people. Thank you for everything. I’m looking forward to continuing to read about the goings-on at the farm – happy blogging!

  19. Aunt Jenny says:

    It was so fun to hear about your 4th of July..sounds like so so so much fun!!! Rural Utah is awesome in the summer time isn’t it?? I can’t beleive how close we are and yet we can’t manage to get together more often.
    Evelyn is just so grown up and beautiful like her mother!! I am so so happy that you have my "grandcow"..haha.
    Take are doing an awesome job with the blog..I LOVE reading it and feeling like I catch up with you each time. Have a great week!!

  20. Sue says:

    Every 4th of July our small town holds the "biggest small town parade." Several hours before the parade the streets are lined with families from miles around and further. We boast 500 friendly people on the town sign but there are probably several thousand on parade day. Of course, this year the parade was on July 5th since the fourth fell on a Sunday. We are located in the largest Amish settlement in the world and rarely hold public events on Sundays as the Amish would not attend. The parade is always opened in silence as the color guard leads out with the flags. Everyone stands as the flags and veterans go by. Following the flags are the fire trucks from all of the volunteer stations in two counties. Supporting the fire department is taken very seriously in all of the small communities aound here. No matter who is in the parade, everyone throws lots of candy and the children are ready with their bags. Its a better haul than Halloween. The parade route comes right past our house so our yard is always full of friends and family. After the parade everyone stays to eat. Its all great fun.

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Weeds, Weeds and More Weeds

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, June 2010 – January 2012]
Weeds. We’ve all got ’em. Around the farm, the month of June is spent dealing with them – either pulling and tossing them into the compost pile, pulling them and letting them lie where they fall for mulch or, for the especially ugly ones, throwing them away. But wait – there’s one more option – and I’m willing to bet you can find it in your very own yard. Oh – and did I mention that they can be found indoors, too?

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  1. Karla says:

    How true! Just do a small section & all of a sudden you are finished! We have had so much rain it has been hard to even get out a do a small section. We use grass clippings between the rows in the garden to keep down the bulk of the weeds. Then it is just right in the row where you have to weed. It makes it easier for me!

  2. Denise says:

    Bindweed is the bane of our lives. We live in the foothills outside of Colorado Springs, and that rotten bindweed has taken hold throughout our property. Pulling does no good, of course, and we really don’t want to poison it as we want to keep things organic. I’d LOVE to hear any suggestions regarding that pesky weed.

  3. Terrye Lenzini says:

    I’ve just finally finished "weeding" my craft/computer/sewing room. You can see from it’s multi-purpose that in a very small actual bedroom area that I might have a problem. With over 10 years of accumulating scrapbook items alone, not to mention anything else I had a big task ahead of me. I even rearranged pictures and other wall art so that I now feel like it’s a new fresh room without spending a cent. It took me about 4 days but will last a good long time and will be much easier to find things and it’s a much more enjoyable room.

  4. traceyg says:

    Hi Libbie! What a great post! I had never thought of indoor weeding before but it’s so true! I also didn’t realize that there was a badge for "Getting it Together" … that will be my goal. I’m off to weed my living and dining rooms, they’ve become overgrown. Thank you for the inspiration! XOXO

  5. Molly says:

    Perfect timing for this subject in my life! We just moved into our new home, complete with weeds in front that need to be yanked up. Weeds have been on my mind the past few days, and yes, all I have done is THINK about getting out there, but that’s a start, right?! You inspired me to go pluck some weeds today, thank you 🙂

  6. Susie says:

    I, also like to water the night before I weed or I wait till after a rain. I weed a little some where everyday when I am gathering herbs/veggies and then get some help from someone about once every 2 weeks or so. I do the beds and my helper stays in walk ways. The rains here have lighten up as have the mosquitoes, so I am a happy weeder. Thanks for the article!

  7. Bambi says:

    Your blog couldn’t have come at a better time! I was feeling overwhelmed with all my weeds, 4 acres of market garden with no end in sight. I am still waiting for my husband to "fix" the cultivator for our tractor, however, weeds don’t wait, they just keep on growing. Interestingly enough, I actually do harvest Lambs Quarters and sell them at our local farmers market. Now, on to weeding inside – never thought of cleaning house that way. Love your blog, keep it coming.

  8. Hi Libbie, I love your Blog and I like the way you started off your weeding project. So many times I look at the big picture, if you know what I mean and it becomes over whelming. Like my sewing room, I have accumulated so much stuff and then I inherited my Mothers and I have quite a few things and I guess I’ll never live long enough to do all that I want to do, I really need to weed that room. you gave me a wonderful Idea. Thanks for all you do and It helps to read you message. Farm Sister 1020 Juanita

  9. This year I have both my two year old and six year old helping with the weeding – they are actually asking to help.
    I actually really enjoy it too.
    Warm wishes, Tonya

  10. Reba says:

    You are so right about weeding what you can "today." I started in March and worked room by room until May, even in the attic. It has been so much easier to clean house. It leaves more time for vacation, etc. As for the garden, it’s 100+ degrees with 100+ humidity here, so a little at a time has to be done. But no matter how hot, it clears the mind and helps release the concerns in life to work in the garden. Just simplicity and back to nature helps me! I guess I am a little Pollyanna-ish too. Thanks for a great blog.

  11. KimberlyD says:

    I have been told not to put weeds in your compost for they will grow where you use your compost. I never thought of eating lambs quaters, do sound good, might just try it myself.

  12. Debbie says:

    What a timely post for our household! Weeding is good for the soul inside or out no doubt about it! Last week, I participated in a blog party called Where Bloggers Create. ( maybe some of you heard about it ?) I had been daydreaming about using a portion of our unfinished basement for our daughter for several years. And somehow, the more I planned and dreamed the more packed that space became with this and that and things that really needed to be WEEDED OUT in the worst way. ( meanwhile we’ve been using the dining room table for our art projects ) I decided at the last minute to participate in the party giving myself only 4 solid days to finish the space to the point that I would feel inspired enough to share it with 4 or 5 hundred other bloggers right away. The rules were, you had to do a post about your space on a specific day. A studio show and tell of sorts. It’s been a week and I was just thinking today about how much I got done this week and how good it felt. My little piddly have too’s got checked off quickly, my mind felt clearer, my heart and spirit are lighter, and I feel like I can tackle things again with a happier heart, not an overwhelmed one… Lots of folks perform better under pressure. I guess I’ve become one of them! I agree that the weeding doesn’t have to be a big job, even little tasks like clearing the junk drawer or tidying the cleanser closet do wonders for making a farmgirl on top of the world again!
    Thanks for a great post!

  13. Martha Cook says:

    Liked this blog – esp. about the "indoor weeding". (This may be a bit off track but wanted to let Juanita Massey know that "" has a lot of Massey & Massay family history/photos – I also come from the Massey/ay group. I love that site because so many people are getting in touch with offspring of their ancestors.) Lambs-quarters are very nutritional. Dandelion leaves are also good, very packed with calcium, but rather bitter. Sheep sorrel is another very good herb, has a surprising taste, like the sharpness of a Sweetart, but not sweet. This herb is one of the main 4 herbs in the compound "Essaic", used to fight cancer.

  14. carolj says:


    I was really inspired by your three H’s: hard work, heart work, and handwork. May I use those headings to categorize the activities of my day?

    Weeding is non-stop here in Georgia. Here’s a tip I learned from my mom. When there isn’t time to do a proper job and you see a few seed heads forming on dandelions and thistles, just lop off the heads. At least the seed won’t spread before you have time to grab a hoe and dig out the roots.

    I’m looking forward to reading more from you.


  15. Nikki says:

    I just love your blog so much! Great ideas in this one! Keep up the good work – can’t wait for your next entry!

  16. Jan says:

    Wo. I can’t believe how that simple idea of "weeding" has taken root! Yesterday my husband said, "Hey! What happened to your desk!?" Without thinking, I said, "I weeded it!"
    Of course, the drawers are still overgrown, but….at least the top looks great! I keep catching myself stepping into the room just to look at it! Amazing that such a little thing makes me feel so accomplished, and like maybe I DO still have a little control in my very busy life! A little weeding at a time every day! My new favorite developing habit! Yay!

  17. Catherine says:

    Great post, Libbie!
    Bindweed is the most abundant thing growing at our spot in the community garden. The more I pull up, the more sprouts elsewhere. Very frustrating.

    I love other weeds, especially those wild edibles. Here is a great website for learning about edible wild plants:

    I’m working on some indoor weeding myself, tackling those spots that are most annoying to me … just like that bindweed!

    Catherine 🙂

  18. bullsbaby says:

    Thanks for the …..inspiration! I am in a weeding MOOOOOOD!!!! ha ha! I have weeded out my office for the coming school year, I have weeded out several places in my home and all my "courtyard garden" in between the cobblestones. I don’t mind weeds too much outside, it keeps the dirt down, the dust from flyin’ and its green! ( not much of that around here) weeds and weeding is a part of life…. shoulda had my name…."weeder"" hahha!Thanks for all the ideas!!!!

  19. estelle says:

    The best way to work out how to get rid of a weed is to try to grow it. put it in a pot and use all your gardening skill to grow the best weed possible. when you have worked out what it needs to grow well you will know what will hurt it most. The bane of our lives is butter cup and i followed this method and discovered it loves potash and hates sulpher and coppersulphate so i added both to our annual fert programme and bingo lovely grass no buttercup. maybe bind weed has a simple dislike as well. you can also try testing soil samples from the places it grows best and the places it wont grow to find the element you need. you could also research the things that eat it bugs ainimals etc maybe all you need is an mongoos or a herd of green shield beetles ;0 lol

  20. Linda says:

    bindweed. we have several small patches of it here on our organic farm. Horrible stuff. When I make my tea in the morning I take the excess boiling water and pour it on the patch near my mudroom door. The patch that is out in the garden area next to one of our fields of hay we covered with a heavy black plastic which we will leave in place at least this summer. I just want to see if we can fry it out. I don’t have much hope except for a temporary fix for either spot. I’ve read that the only way to get rid of bindweed is… move 🙁


  21. Denise says:

    Sorry to say the weed situation is no better in N.E.Best I can do is attack on a daily basis.Our worst weed seems to be false rhubarb not sure about the bindweed.Roots go down about 3-4 feet and they are a @#%# to get rid of.

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Howdy, There!

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, June 2010 – January 2012]
Hi, there, old farmgirl friends and new! Since this is my first blog post, I thought I’d introduce you to a few of the fixtures on the farm – the things that I love and see daily (at least!). There will be more as we go, of course, but here’s a little introduction to who I am, and where and how I live…

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  1. Genevieve says:

    Welcome, Libbie!

    I can’t wait to read more…


  2. Mary Rauch says:

    It is great to meet you Libbie Zenger of central Utah! The reason I bother to pop over here and read is because the ones that answer seem to be "real" people-just the kind I like! I’m an original West Virginia farmgirl, imported into Ohio and turned career girl, now retired and still looking for a patch of dirt to plant things (veggie and flowers).

  3. PAT says:

    Hi Libby thank you for sharing your farmgirl information. I am Farm Girl # 227.
    Although not a farmer I live in Rural Virginia.
    Looking forward to your blog. Pat

  4. Hi,
    Loved to see a different view of Utah, than my own from SLC’s westside "barrio" area. Thank you for the lovely "view" of you and yours. I am a farm girl stuck in the city, trying to live "country" the best I can. Nice to meet you!

  5. julie jo says:

    Hi Libbie,
    julie jo here 30 years old, living the farm dreams here on the northern tip of California in Fort Dick, where the giant redwoods meet the ocean and so does the Smith River. Anyhow, I’m looking forward to hearing more of your farm into the future, as I bet we share lot’s in common, and love to hear how others "get er done".
    Evelynn looks a lot like our last milk cow "CoCo" we got her from friends who said she just didn’t match their herd so we got her out of the big open grazing fields and slowly started to work with her so we were both comfortable milking. However this was our very first milk cow and we were learning a ton while doing, and of course we made mistakes, and in the end we gave her back to the open country as we were given an already "tame" gentle and sweet milk cow by the name Bessie, you can see her on our web site listed above. She recently freshened, gave birth to "Lucy aka. Mi Mi" and I am loving the cream in my morning coffee and home made cheeses, and our pigs are also loving the milk too. I am waiting for the rain to stop and the sun to heat up our temps and then it will be home made ice cream time too.
    Anyhow, again look forward for more to come,
    in the mean time, be well.

  6. CJ Armstrong says:

    Welcome Libbie! It’s nice to meet you and hear all about your farm and family. I look forward to reading the topics you will be writing about. It’s gonna be fun!!!
    God Bless you!
    CJ . . aka "ceejay48"

  7. JoEllen says:

    Welcome Libbie! I know you will meet a lot of new friends on your blog — sounds like you are one busy lady! I don’t live on a farm, and didn’t grow up on one, but oh I wish I would have! My parents had one of those clotheslines in their back yard when I was young and I remember her hanging up the wash with the wind whipping around her. I even liked hanging them up and I was a youngster! My brother and I especially liked making up running games centered on these two poles. What good memories! Of course the wonderful smell of the clean air is priceless. Have a great day!

  8. Gary says:

    Welcome to the Bloggie Libbie…!
    I’m happy to see the Rural Bloggie will continue, and look forward to your Posts.
    GodSpeed to Y’all…!
    in Tampa

  9. Peggy Beck says:

    Hello and I just want to say I am in love with your lifestyle so far. It’s a dream I have had and still have. Your blog has lifted my spirit and I look forward to seeing your next post and living the life through you.

  10. Julie Wemken says:

    It’s great to meet you Libbie! I enjoyed what you shared about your farmlife and I can’t wait to hear more! Looking forward to more of your blogs! Blessings!

  11. HI Libby…I’m very happy to meet you. My name is Heather 🙂 I really enjoyed learning about your family and your home 🙂 I would love to live in an old farmhouse someday.
    The laundry line…I live in an apartment complex and we’re not allowed to have them. HOWEVER, I work around that by hanging my cltohes on a portable clothes rack and placing that right in front of my sliding door..that’s okay as long as inside 🙂 🙂 🙂 In the summertime, I love to take advantage of the natural sunlight/heat to dry my clothes 🙂

    I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts 🙂 Have a great weekend.

    Greetings from Oregon, Heather 🙂

  12. tammy says:

    Greetings from NEbraska. So nice to meet you and look forward to getting to know you more and more. always nice to meet a fellow farm sister.

  13. meredith says:

    Welcome! You have arrived on my computer in our old stone house which has been in the family since the mid 1700’s- my daughter is generation #8! The history here is amazing- I know you understand! We raise Hereford cattle, have 6 chickens, 7 horses and three donkeys. Life is wonderful as a farmgirl! Cant wait to read more from you- your boys sound fantastic, and Evelynn too! Welcome to the family of MaryJanes Farm! -Meredith

  14. Wow! I feel like I already know you (and our cow Evelyn!) through our mutual friend, Aunt Jenny!!!

    I’m "suzy in ‘bama" but Aunt Jenny is probably the best friend I’ve ever had although states and physical miles separate us!!!

    It is so exciting to see you here with your precious little boys and I’ll be looking forward to more of your writings here!!!

    I’m a writer too, having "retired" from more than 30 years as an investigative/crime reporter and now write only argricultural and homesteading articles! So it’s SO NICE to read about you and all you’re doing there on your beautiful farm in Utah!

    I’ll be looking forward to the emails notifying me that more of your blogs are coming my way!!!

  15. Darlene says:

    Hello Libbie!
    So great to read about your farm and your life. I just read my husband the bit about your boys going out to play "sticks and rocks". He laughed because our kids used to do things like that all the time. You’re right, there isn’t much better than mud, sticks, rocks and water! 🙂 I look forward to reading your posts in the future. Would love to hear more about your life with Evelynn. I would love to have a milk cow like I did when growing up!
    Take care!

  16. MissC says:

    Welcome, Libbie! What a lovely post. Your photos are really nice – I look forward to more of them! I especially admire the one of your meditative best friend, the clothesline. I can almost smell the fresh air on the clean laundry as it blows in a slight breeze. With those two beautiful boys and summer’s muddy chores, I can imagine those four lines have stories to tell through you! May your musings on this blog flow as easily as a wispy cloud in a Utah sunset.. warm wishes, MissC

  17. Debbie says:

    I’m sending out a big farmgirl welcome Libbie!

    Thanks for sharing a little of your Rural life with us! All of your critters are adorable… INCLUDING those two little farmboy’s of yours!


  18. KimberlyD says:

    Welcome, glad to meet you, my name is Kim. I lived in Utah for a few years in the early 2000’s. I am now living in Michigan it the rual are we call "the thumb" of Michigan. I live out in the country and enjoy it.

  19. Kathy says:

    I so enjoyed reading your blog, what a wonderful family & life!!

  20. Cathy K says:

    Welcome aboard! I love seeing another Utah farmgirl here. I work on a farm – Wheeler Farm (a working historical farm) in Salt Lake County. Although I’m only a bookkeeper (and former kids’ summer camp counselor) I love everything about the farm – my "home away from home" that is one short block away. We have cows (a wonderful Jersey and several Holsteins), lambs, pigs, horses, chickens, ducks & geese, turkeys, goats and donkeys. There’s always alot of work here for all of us, and our farmgirls muck stalls, drive tractors, exercise the horses, haul hay, hoe the gardens, etc! At home I garden, embroider, sew, cook and…. well, just the usual stuff. 🙂 BTW, do you make cheese from Evelynn’s milk? Look forward to reading more from you! Hugs, Cathy in Murray, UT

  21. Skye says:

    Nice meeting you and look forward to your inviting blog postings in the future…I’m on my way now to check out your farm…Very much enjoyed reading this article, thank you!!

  22. Donna n Sunny Florida says:

    Hello Libbie, Looking forward to seeing pics…enjoyed your article…Have a Great Day!

  23. Rene' Groom says:

    Hi Libby.. welcome to the "Rural Farmgirl Club"… you’ll find, that there are many of us. I enjoyed so much "meeting" your "Crew".. thanks for taking the time to introduce us all to all those you love…I look forward to reading more. Welcome!!!

  24. Mary Anne says:

    Dear Libbie, Welcome aboard! Read your story about your home and felt so happy that you are living there! "this is the place" really can have a deep meaning when we finally get there. Look forward to your postings!

  25. Welcome, Libbie! So glad to meet you…lookin’ forward to learning more with you!

  26. Lorene Hopkins says:

    I really loved reading about your Farm, and your Boys. I remember my days on the Farm, where I grew up, you brought back so many memories for me. I would love to move back to the Farm, but alas, things didn’t turn out that way. I have enjoyed reading and living it again through your writings.
    Thank You.

  27. Jean Beaird says:

    I enjoyed reading your blog about your family, farm house, animals and even hanging the wash. I grew up on a farm in Iowa, and then we moved to AZ when I was 13. My sisters and I would always find something to do outside like your boys. We would make our own games and would build forts out in the grove of trees. We burned our own garbage and had a special place to put tin cans, etc. When I wanted to be by myself, I could always go out and take walks in the cornfield and find peace and quiet from my 3 sisters. My dad had a herd of cows(don’t remember how many but LOTS) that he milked by himself every morning but my sisters and I were his hired hands in the evenings, either throwing hay down to the cows or washing the cows teats and putting on the milking machines, emptying them into the cans and rolling them to the tank room. Dad would have to dump them since the cans were too heavy. I learned to drive a John Deere tractor at age 12. I would never give up the special memories of growing up on a farm.I could go on but then I’d have my own blog. Till you post again….

  28. Aunt Jenny says:

    Oh Libbie!! How fun to see YOU here. I am so excited that even though you are only an hour away I will be able to keep up with you and those cute boys better!! And Evelyn has grown up to be just lovely! I sure hope Mona’s calf this year will be just as sweet. (still waiting)
    I got an email from my dear friend Suzy in Alabama telling me that you were the new rural farmgirl fun!!!
    HOpe to be able to see you in person sometime soon…I miss you!!! Have a wonderful weekend..isn’t this summer weather (finally) great?????
    love, Jenny

  29. Carrie Meerwarth says:

    Welcome, Libbie! Thanks for introducing us to yourself, your kiddos, and the lovely Evelynn! Looking forward to meeting all the members of your farm 🙂

    I feel the same way about my clothesline…just love summertime and hanging out my laundry. Is there anything better than crawling into bed at the end of a long day, onto sheets that smell like spring air?? Ahhhh!

    Till later-
    Carrie M

  30. Marylyn says:

    Libbie, Wow, a rural farm girl…with chickens, milk cow, and two great little boys. My boys are grown now. I love living on my family owned farm and I love ‘Mary Jane’…I am glad to see a ‘rural farmgirl’ blog….good luck…can’t wait to read more!

  31. Jess says:

    i’m so excited to read your blog!! i know what you mean about the toys…..mud is soooo much better!! I love my clothesline also. we don’t live out in the country yet, but are working towards it…..and i can’t wait! can’t wait for your next blog!

  32. Marti Bee says:

    Welcome, Miss Libbie. I’m looking forward to hearing your tales and observations. I’m already in love with your beautiful cow.

  33. Tara says:

    hello there from Florida! It is very nice to meet you and I look forward to reading about you and your family. Your boys are adorable and I guess I’m partial to children of that age becuase I have a 7 and a 3 year old; both girls. Your comment about the whites made me laugh because I too LOVE to hang whites on the line and just stand back and look at them. There is something so satisfying to see that bright white set against a backdrop of nature. Very relaxing indeed. You can let your mind relax and wander but still keep your hands busy… add in the background sounds of my girls laughing and playing hide and seek through the clothes and it is Heaven!

  34. JoAnn says:

    What a wonderful life, having a farm. Every time I get close to getting goats, my work schedule pulls me back. Someday soon, I hope.

  35. What a fun way to meet you Libby! I adore how your farmhouse has been passed down through The WOMEN in your family and that you have the opportunity to live there now!
    I adore your clothesline with whites and tons of clothespins.

    Your farm your children are growing up on and playing with rocks if fabulous. Let them play outside with boys toys and their imagination FOREVER! I hope we get to meet Maybeline and see your wavey glass door soon.

    Smiles, Cyndi

  36. G’day Libbie!

    I’m so looking forward to hearing more about the farmgirl life in your little corner of the world. Welcome, welcome!

    Shery J ~ the MJF ranchy farmgirl

  37. carollynn says:

    Hi Libbie,I love your Blog.It is so down to earth and fun.We live on a small farm.We love it.Your sons are so cute.I have a 5 yr old grandson and I want to teach him all about animals and outdoors.
    Take care Carol

  38. Kim Withrow says:

    Hello Libbie, I enjoyed your story. I can’t wait to hear more. I’d love to have a milk cow someday. I envey you, still having your family farm. I think it is neat to say you have your great great grandfather’s home he built. There is just something special I think, about that. Have a great day:) p.s. I love to hang out clothes also!

  39. Amy Kingery says:

    I am so pleased to meet you vicariously through this site. I have recently moved from Southern California to a small town, Powhatan, Virginia. My children are grown ups now, so my new found rural experience is mostly just my husband and myself. We so wanted to get away from the crowds and all. I just love it here…except for the CLAY soil! Too bad I don’t have those beautiful little farm boys to play with my clay.

  40. Marie says:

    Welcome! I’m looking forward to your posts.

  41. Ardell Hofer says:

    Hello Libbie,
    It is great to meet you and I’m looking forward to learning more about you, your family, and the farm. We have a few things in common because I too have a Jersey cow named Buttercup due to calve in August. I also have 2 boys and a wire clothes line that sees alot of use. Your farmhouse must be out of this world and with it being family it is a treasure.
    Fellow farmgirl
    Ardell Hofer

  42. Sandra Ange says:

    Hey, FarmGirl! I already feel a connection to you…My Great Grandfathers name is William Arthur Respess and I have a dear Aunt Jenny too! Love reading about your little boys…I have 2 sons and a daughter. My "little" boys are now 33 and 31, daughter is 29. I miss those years terribly! We had such fun farming and sadly, had to give it up in 1985. Terrble years for farmers. So, happily, I get to read about yours. Carry on, FarmGirl. 🙂

  43. Nora in CT says:

    So glad to meet you! I’m not a farm girl (yet?), but love knowing there are many of you still living and loving this way of life. I look forward to getting to know you better. Your family is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  44. Vicki says:

    Hi Libbie,
    Really glad to meet you! Loved meeting you, your boys, and your beautiful cow, Evelynn. Can’t wait to read more.
    A farm girl from Wisconsin.

  45. Jenny Wren says:

    Hey there, Libbie!
    I absolutely love Jersey cows- the sweetest of all with those big brown eyes. Welcome, welcome- I look forward to (re)living vicariously through your blog posts. I am stuck in suburban Portland, OR- but dream of one day moving back to farmland.
    Looking forward to learning more about you-

  46. Juanita says:

    Hi Libbie, Noce to meet you. I love hearing about your farm, and all about your family. I have a garden and I call that my farm and I am a farmgirl at heart. I like to sew and cook and can and freeze, all the stuff that farm girls do. I have dreamed of being a farmers wife and living on a farm. Any I love the farmgirl connection and all that we do. I am farm sister #1020 and am enjoying every minute of it. Keep up the good work. Love it, Juanita

  47. Welcome Libbie.
    I enjoyed reading your story.

    We live on a small farm in Massachusetts with 2 horses, angora rabbits, ducks, chickens, kittens and a bulldog.
    Looking forward to reading your posts !

    Happy day!

  48. carol Branum says:

    Hi,Welcome,I am a farmgirl too!Good luck in your ventures!Carol Branum,Lamar MO.

  49. Reba says:

    Hi Libbie! It is so nice to meet you, your boys, and hear about your farm life. Isn’t it amazing how sharing the farm stories "cultivate" the desires and dreams of others for living the farm life?? I know it helps to kindle the dreams as well as rekindles the memories in me. My mom was a true farmgirl in heart and I am so thankful that she placed those in me. So I am looking forward to hearing and sharing more of the farm. Welcome!!!!

  50. bonnie ellis says:

    It’s nice to meet you Mom, wife, clothes-washer, dish doer and cleaner-uper. I have two boys two and although they are grown I love to see younger families and their enthusiasm for life. Welcome aboard Libby from Bonnie, farmgirl #298

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For Every Thing There Is a Season

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
It was billed as a “step back in time,” and it didn’t disappoint. You could sense it even in the air around you. You could literally breathe it in, the subtlest hint that somehow time had been stopped and rolled back for the briefest of moments. I first wrote about this event in my post “Summoned by the Queen,” but even I could not have envisioned what a sweet weekend we were in for. Maybe I wasn’t even fully aware of what we had been invited to participate in.

Continue reading

  1. Shery says:

    Oh Rene`, My heart stopped at the end of your lovely article. I came to the blogger team late. Reading your MJF blog served as a shining example for me to follow. It has been a tutorial about good blogging style, the content is always filled with meaning and all things heartfelt. I will sorely miss your unique voice, your gifted sense of perspective and your magical way with words. You weave a fine tapestry girl! Wherever your next adventure takes you…Godspeed my friend. I know it will be joyful because you’ll take that with you.
    Shery Jespersen

  2. Debbie says:

    Dearest Rene’,
    Let me just start by saying another great post here! The event looks wonderful. I have been fortunate to be part of creating and enjoying days such as you describe here and there’s nothing quite like the feeling of comraderie and accomplishment tossed in with a lot of hard work to create a magical day such as this. It’s great you got to be a part of it… Just like it’s great you have been a part of the magic and spirit of Mary Janes Farm too! As you know, you hooked me with the first post I read of your’s titled First Love… All I had to see was the photo of the beautiful palomino horse and I got to reading in a hurry.. Like all of your posts it went straight to my heart.

    I’ll never forget the fun we had on the " connection over Oreo and Scooter " and how you shared my humble litte place in blog land with your readers here.

    Rene, as this door closes and the next one opens, I wish you many blessings and more opportunities to share your wonderful healing words.

    A devoted reader and friend in blog- land


  3. O'Dell says:

    Hello Rene’…..well, we will miss reading your stories…sorry to hear you are leaving the blogging…always enjoyed hearing from you! Sounds like this gathering was a real special one. I hope that we’ll still hear from you, from time to time, thru MaryJane’s magazine? I too, am going thru some major changes in my life…some good, some difficult. Life is like that, don’t you think? We must get used to life changing, sometimes when we least expect it. I want to wish you much luck in whatever you pursue next!
    All the best….nonnameme

  4. Tina says:

    Thank you and I wish you much happines and good fortune in your future endeavors.
    The best of everything to you and your family.

  5. sharon says:

    I’m sorry to see you leave "the post" as I find we often vibrate at the same frequency. Your thoughts have serendipitously been parallel to my own, as if we had been catching the same fragrance on the wind.
    Thank you for your Rene fibers now firmly woven into my self-tapestry. God’s blessings on your future.

  6. bobbie calgaro says:

    Dear Rene,
    Since becoming a subscriber to Mary Jane’s Farm this last year, I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog. I will miss it but have been privileged to be able to share in your thoughts.

  7. CJ Armstrong says:

    You truly have a gift for writing and for "bringing" us all along on your journeys. You will be very missed on Farmgirl Connection/Sisterhood and this blog will be missed.
    But, as you say, "for everything there is a season. . ." We all have seasons and we all have to know how to let go, move on or whatever it is we need to do. We need to do it with grace! You, my friend, are a lady of grace!!!
    CJ Armstrong . . from the Farmgirl Sisterhood

  8. Amy Kingery says:

    How fortunate you are to be so blessed with friends and family. I am a newcomer to this site. I recently moved from California to Virginia, to a rural community and I do not know many people yet. I suppose the way to do that will be to get involved in local matters. I have noticed that rural people are so much more "real" that what goes on in the big cities and the burbs, or maybe I am just finally finding myself in these parts…The beauty, the nature..all are astounding. …even the bugs that I am getting used to (ha). I have already put in 1 peach tree, a cherry, 2 apple, 2 plum and 2 crab apple trees, along with some ornamentals…Raspberry canes, blackberries and blueberries too…..maybe next year I’ll have some fruit….how exciting to coax food from this clay soil. If any of these readers get the chance, I say "go for it!" Country life is BLISS!

  9. PAULETTE says:

    Ahh, Rene, it has been a delight to get to know you just a bit through your posts! I have missed something along the way, as you said you are to not continue with your posts…
    What is next for you beautiful sister/farmgirl / friend?
    Best wishes, and thanks for sharing!
    p.s. and I still want to join in the with the fly women!

  10. julie jo says:

    oh bummer, I barely started reading your blogs, but I do certainly enjoy and look forward to them and don’t want them to end… but it is true there is a time for everything. So whatever it may be for you next, enjoy! I am not yet in the sisterhood, but I am at heart of course. anyhow, thanks for sharing, perhaps one day we’ll have a group of gals here on the pacific north coast of Cali and I’ll be posting someday. enjoy the summer and all the time that follows.

  11. Heather hansen says:

    What a beautiful journey you took me on through that lovely house and the even lovelier people who came to serve and bless others that day 🙂 🙂 I wish I could have been there. That looked like just the kind of fun event I would want to participate in and visit 🙂 🙂 🙂
    I’m a little sad this is your last blog post. However, you are moving on to bigger things…and you have to go where you are led 🙂 🙂 🙂 You’ve been a real delight. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading your blogs 🙂 🙂 Have a blessed time. Much love, hugs and good wishes from Oregon 🙂 🙂 🙂

  12. I wish I could have been there. I am new to Mary Jane’s Farm but am absolutely enthused by everything. I lost my husband last Dec. of 23 years and I am rebuilding my life and trying to find my next path. This "time for everything" is so inspirational to me as I contemplate my next journey in life. Thank you for giving me a piece of peace.

  13. Shiralyn Yates says:

    I cannot believe that I won’t be reading your blog anymore. I so look forward to hearing about your adventure and most always they touch my heart. This site, to me, just won’t be the same without you. I never have taken the time to tell you how much I do enjoy your writing. If you ever start another blog, please include me. I feel so sad that this is ending.
    Shiralyn Yates

  14. Jan Inman says:

    Your story was inspirationsal. I would like to challenge everyone to put on a servant’s heart every day and ask God to guide you in serving other’s. It saddens me to hear that you are leaving and I wish you many blessings in your future.

  15. I read this with so many mixed emotions. I wish I could have been there to enjoy ‘stepping back in time’ with all of you (Prosser Farm Girls)at this delightful event.

    I am so saddened to hear we will not be seeing your posts any longer, I will so miss them. I love your wit and humor, it just carries me through another day, each time I see (read) you!!! But knowing you, this will not stop you! I am glad for that! No dust gathers under your feet!

  16. Deborah Todd says:

    I must say that I will miss your posts. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us and enjoy the rest of your adventures.

  17. kay says:


  18. MaryBeth says:

    Well thank you Rene’. It has been fun knowing you through your articles and such. Good journey to you. MB

  19. Grace~katmom says:

    So true!

  20. Jo says:

    I have only this past year found your posts. They allow me to share your life vicariously. I can see, smell, feel, and touch all of the things you see, smell, feel, and touch in your life. Your writing style is so alive.
    I am so sorry that your time as "The Rural Farm Girl" has come to an end. The very best you you and yours as you move on to something new.
    God Bless You Always

  21. Jo says:

    I have only this past year found your posts. They allow me to share your life vicariously. I can see, smell, feel, and touch all of the things you see, smell, feel, and touch in your life. Your writing style is so alive.
    I am so sorry that your time as "The Rural Farm Girl" has come to an end. The very best you you and yours as you move on to something new.
    God Bless You Always

  22. Linda Atkins #583 says:

    Rene, on behalf of the Prosser Farmgirls, we hope that you know that we are truly blessed to know you and be the benefactors of all that you do and share with us and your "followers." You are loved and appreciated. It is fun to watch you grow and blossom into your designed creation, you are a reflection of His greatness. One word: (you are) brilliant!

  23. Cheri says:

    umm wait- i need to know more abt the weekend and HOW can u leave us?

    Thank you for your comment, Cheri. Rene accepted a full-time position as Community Relations Coordinator at Prosser Memorial Hospital. It was unexpected for us too, but we wish Rene the best in her new position.

    In an e-mail to us the week prior to THE big campout/trailer rendezvous weekend, Rene said "Would you want me to snap some photos of our “farmgirls on the loose” event here in Prosser next weekend, for display and brochures? I am also hoping to get some video footage." With her photos, we were planning on a spread in the next issue of our magazine, but Rene somehow missed getting high resolution photos. Darn cameras anyway! So, the photos you have here will be all you get for the time being. Wende Wagner’s "Farmgirl on the Loose" event is coming up and we’re hoping for some photos from her. Stay tuned! Here’s Wende’s blog all about her June event:
  24. It has been my pleasure although only a short time reading your blog. It makes me sad to hear you are leaving. I have enjoyed the chats and all the news from your place. Since I have become a farmgirl at Mary Janes Farm I have really felt I know these girls personally and have become part of the farm. I don’t live on a farm but I have an acre and it is my dream farm, I love trying to live green and doing the thing my savior wants me to be and living the way he expects me to,although I fall short many times and I pick up and try again. It is a blessing to have known you even for ashort while Rene, may god bless you so much and many good wishes to you in whatever you do from now on. Love Juanita Massey, Virginia

  25. Marcia says:

    Thank you Rene’ for presenting to me a door which I chose to open and walk through. I shall not close it because on occasion I glance back, recall, and smile. May you also enjoy the same as you walk over your new threshold; glancing back and seeing all of us that you have inspired!! 🙂

  26. Terrye Lenzini says:

    I will be very sad to see your postings end, I have loved reading each and every one and seeing the beautiful pictures that go along with the stories. Thank You!

  27. Bonnie says:

    What! It can’t be true – you have traveled to the end of your blogging road? I feel I was just getting to know you! And I have loved every tale and empathized with and/or rejoiced in many.
    In case you won’t change your mind, I wish you much peace and happiness in whatever is next.
    You will be missed!

  28. katie paxton says:

    I have loved reading your stories.
    I wish you all the best in the future.
    I am sorry you are leaving.

  29. Debbie says:

    Rene’, One of the highlights of checking my mail just left. I enjoyed and was inspired by all of your blogs. And just as much by the comments of your readers. I will miss them almost as much as I will miss reading your blog. But, you will still write won’t you? It is in your blood you know. LOL

  30. Hi Rene,
    I too was so blessed to be at the mansion…and get a second chance at standing on the widow’s walk! It was so lovely and elegant. Many thanks for the opportunity to share in just a snippet of the weekend. So sad this is your last post, as I too, have enjoyed them. But, so happy for your next step and the fact that I’ll still get to hear your fun stories (and your contagious laughter)in person occasionally at the farmgirls meetings. Blessings!

  31. Pam deMarrais says:

    Rene’, It has been a true delight reading your stories. I feel blessed that our paths crossed for a while on this page. I have come to know your tender heart, good values, and a sense of humor.
    God bless you as you continue your journey.

  32. Dear Rene – I’m going to miss you sweet girl. Your blog is the one I ever truly look forward to reading. I mean it. I guess it felt like you were a back door friend, stopping by for a glass of ice tea and a visit.
    Best of luck to you. ((((BIG HUG))))

  33. Mary Anne says:

    I have enjoyed your stories so much, thank you for sharing them with us! I hope what ever is in your present and future is sweet SWEET SWEET!
    I will miss you!
    Mary Anne

  34. Jennfer Barker says:

    Thank you for allowing us to live vicariously through your ranch girl life. Although I will miss your posts- I understand that sometimes in life you have to let some commitments go so that you CAN have a life! Best wishes to you!

  35. Carol Branum says:

    Hi,I am so sorry, I felt like I was just getting to know you too.I wonder why?I am upset about this.Are they cutting expenses,or have you found greener pastures,e-mail me and let me know I am worried about you believe it or not.

    Thank you for your comment, Carol. Rene accepted a full-time position as Community Relations Coordinator at Prosser Memorial Hospital. It was unexpected for us too, but we wish Rene the best in her new position.

  36. carolj says:

    Rene, yours is the first blog I’ve ever read. I will miss you. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with all of us.

  37. Reba says:

    Hey Rene, I will miss you so much! It is hard to believe that a year has gone by since I first sent a comment to your blog. Thank you for the kind words that you replied to me. They let me know that you were sincere and really "listening." You truly are my idea of "Farmgirl at Heart." I wish you many blessings as you make your journey down a different country road. Sincerely, Reba

  38. Brandy says:

    Ohhhh…no,no,no! It can’t be:( I truly felt as though we were "kindred spirits"! Yes, all the other farm girl blogs are great…but yours was my kind of farmgirl. My heart is soooo sad. I do wish you well…but can’t you find just a moment to still share your stories w/ us????Farmgirls can work at hospitals too….

  39. Valynne says:

    Well, that last paragraph hit me like a ton of bricks. Obviously, you/your blog will be missed very much. I hope we keep in touch, Rene! XOXOXOXO to you,

  40. Colleen says:


    thank you for the joy and making us all part of your life by sharing so much with us – your blog has always been the one that makes me stop and click to read it no matter what else is going on.

    I will miss your insights, kind words, love & caring that came through your words & stories.

    much success to you and I hope you will come back to check in from time to time to let us know how you are doing!

  41. Joan D. McGuigan says:

    Rene, How I’ll miss you! Your blogs were truly letters from a friend. Each one was savored. Each inspired me. Congratulations on your new position at the hospital. It sounds like the perfect niche for your skills and talents.
    Peace and All Joy, Joan

  42. You will certainly be missed here Rene’ but I will look forward to many other opportunities where our paths will cross! Bless you, my friend! Elaine

  43. Roz says:

    Renee, My heart is so saddened but each article I "treasure" and each one will remain in my heart! You have filled me with much JOY! I sincerely wish you much happiness in your new adventure. You will be sooooo missed. When I think of "MaryJane", I grin and with much comfort of knowing I will be reading "Rene’s" musings. I uplift you with a "Banner of LOVE" and you will remain in my thoughts and prayers! JOY JOY JOY JOY JOY!!!!! Mega Hugs for ya……….YOU are loved…..Always….~roz~

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Child's play

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
Plato says, “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” I believe that to be true. If anyone ever asked me to name something that I counted as one of the top blessings in my life, the answer would come easily. It would be that I have friends who are willing to play with me.

Continue reading

  1. Debbie says:

    I’m sorry, I just have to say this…


    Looks like a wonderful time chuck full of good old fashioned memory making fun!

    Very inspiring indeed!

  2. Maria says:

    Sounds like the perfect women’s weekend! I love "playing" with my friends too! We are never too old to have fun with friends.

  3. THANK YOU, Prosser Farmgirls for such a wonderful planned weekend!!! I will definately be back for number two!! This time with my vintage trailer all finished. Thanks, Rene for your hospitality (letting me sleep under your stars!).

  4. Heather Hansen says:

    You really made me feel like I was there. Every detail was well thought out…plus coffee 🙂 🙂 🙂 This just looks like so much pure joy and fun. I’m so glad that all the ladies had a great time. The pictures prove it. Thanks for posting the pictures about this event 🙂 🙂

  5. Janice Kaye says:

    I LOVE the vintage trailers! Now I just have to find a way to pull one…..I could almost feel your excitement and how much FUN that you had. I am just going to have to find a Farmgirl chapter in my area that I mesh well with!

  6. Barbara says:

    Love this, I have a 68 BeeLine that we are fixing up so I can hit the road again. Love things like this.

  7. April says:

    Oh! What fun! I truly wish I lived closer to get in on all that farmgirl fun! What a great weekend you had!

  8. Bonie says:

    Wow, what a great time! I smiled when I saw the pictures – we had a little "Scotty" camper in the 70s when the girls were little. We would load up when my dh would get home from school (he taught) and go for the weekend. How everyone loved it. Sadly we had to sell it later to buy a 2nd car. Sure wish I still had it – I might be tempted to join you, although a long trip from Ohio! Great blog as usual, Rene.

  9. Mary Rauch, aka MaryFrantic' says:

    I just relived your weekend as I sat here with a big old cup of hot coffee and went over similar memories of my own. The whole world needs more of this "family-style-fun" (even though it’s a mix of friends & family). I totally loved the wall decorations of sheets and aprons!…Go Rene!

  10. carol branum says:

    Rene,hi!I am with with Deb,Ya,got er done!I am jelous,wish I would of been there,I want an antique camper,does anyone know of where one is for sale cheap?For a girl on a beer budget?I want to drive out there this summer in one if I could,maybe by next year,a good one is hard to find.Blessed be,Carol Branum

  11. Gary says:

    What a Great Idea Rene’…!
    Thank You for taking the time to include all the photos…
    Looks like Y’all had a real good time, and made some Memories…
    By all means, Y’all should make it an Annual Camparee… t-shirts… souvenier coffee mugs, and… oops… there I go again… nah… Just have FUN…!
    GodSpeed Y’all…!
    inn Tampa

  12. What fun! A joy-filled time! All us us *need* time to play, no matter what our ages!happy day!~marcia

  13. Yep, it goes w/o saying, Rene & her band of ‘rene-gades’ did an awesome job hosting us & showing off their wonderful lil town of Prosser…
    Thank you sooooo very much…I loved it and had a wonderful time and count me in again for next year!
    YeeHaw & Wagons HO!

  14. Valynne says:

    Oh, my goodness. I just love it. I try not to be a jealous girl but how I wish I were there! So many of my favorite things, and packed into one weekend! What great friends you have PS I truly cannot WAIT to see what you end up doing with your vintage trailer…sigh…

    Hahah.. I wish you were here too…

  15. Linda Atkins #583 says:

    The Prosser Farmgirls really showed that farmgirls can accomplish great things when they work together, as demonstrated by the recent Prosser Farmgirls’ Camp-In. New alliances were made when the Prosser Farmgirls "cross pollinated" with Sisters on the Fly. It’s our hope that "Farmgirls on the Loose" are just as successful as these two groups of wonderful women doing amazing things for the betterment of women and the communities where they reside, explore and influence in the name of making life better for all those whom they come into contact and network with. Congratulations to the doers! They can really get’er done!!!

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The Snake Dance

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
It seems that time has not been sitting around waiting for me to catch up with it this spring. Never has it been more evident that time is not respectful of people; it tends to just keep on pushing through, regardless of whether we are mindful of it.

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  1. Debbie says:

    You go girl! Sounds like spring has finally sprung! You have some fun things to look forward to! I think we’ve all felt like you do at times. Over commited and over done but in the end, happy! Life is for the living!

  2. brenda says:

    I seem to be buried this spring also. Started too many projects, agreed to some fun new classes and get together with new friends. Just receive 15 little chicks in the mail. You can see them on my blog, A lot of gardening to do also. I would love one the old campers it would be loads of fun. I’m in Michigan, what is your trip for? A little chilly here right now hoping for the warm up soon!

  3. And thank you so much for organizing this wonderful weekend. I am so looking forward to it.
    It’s a vicious cycle, we get a few extra early weeks of Spring and what do we do, fill them to the hilt!! Ha! We sure get a lot accomplished but like you said we are scheduling summer already! lol Keep on truckin!

  4. Whew! I am exshausted,,, and I am only reading your sweet comments! lol!
    OK Girlie,,,are you ready for us? Cuz Prosser….here we come!
    Wagons HO!
    Se ya tomorrow! Wahoo & Yipee ki ya!

  5. carol Branum says:

    Rene,Wow,wish I could come,and I thought I was busy!I would love to met you and all of your friends.good luck,blessed be,carol Branum

  6. Cindy says:

    Your life surely is blessed with the family and friends that you have around you.

    Spring?? Who said that it was spring? It is snowing here today. Someday it will get to our part of the woods.

  7. Paula says:

    Sounds like a wonderful week end with you and your friends. Would love to be there.
    I will wave as I pass by, I’m going to Walla Walla.
    Reading what you write brings back so many memories growing up in the Walla Walla area.
    Hope to meet you one of these days.

  8. Denise says:

    Wish I could be closer to all that activity.Things are busy at work.Fields are being ready for planting but the fun stuff doesn’t happen till the fall.Have a great time for me.

  9. Heather Hansen says:

    I was imagining all these fun things you were describing. I like the idea of forming a human snake down the middle of the street. What fun and what special memories you had as a young girl. Now you will help create new memories for so many people 🙂 🙂 That’s wonderful. I love the photos too 🙂

  10. Gary says:

    You have some Fun times planned Rene’…
    Good for You…!
    It’s always a good feeling to see Traditions, like your "Snake Dance" live on ‘eh…
    GodSpeed to Y’all…!
    in Tampa

  11. Debbie says:

    Rene’, I know the feeling! You do it with such grace and forebearance that we would never know how truly busy you are except for the fact that we get to reap the fruits of your labors! As for me it has been busy too, but, I wouldn’t have missed the fun of "doin up the barn" and all the suppers together planning for the world. Can’t hardly wait for the weekend. Yee Haw!

  12. Valynne says:

    Oh, Rene I want a vintage trailer, I really do. My Dad had an Airstream when I was very young & I have been enchanted ever since…am still trying to convince Paul on this one : ) Hope you are keeping up with it all; at least it’s good, fun stuff!
    PS I’m hoping for a before and after post on your vintage trailer…are you going to paint it on the outside like the ones in the MJF magazine?!?

  13. Rebecca says:

    Wow, you keep busy! It’s wonderful to read, as busy as one gets, the enjoyment and laughter along the way even when, "all in a days work". Enjoyed poppin in and reading your blog!!


  14. KimberlyD says:

    I will repeat what everyone has said..Wow, you are busy! When and where are you going to be at in Michigan? I live in the what we Michiganders call the "thumb" of Michigan and would love to meet up with you if you have time, which after reading this you don’t have much of it…LOL!

  15. Samy says:

    Love the Coop and want one!!!! Still in the city, but soon to hightail it. I had baerrd rock in my backyard in the suburb here and I board a horse a little ways away. That’s a start. WMAO to be able to afford it someday (soon!)

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To Read or Not to Read … That Is the Question

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
I was reminded this week of how much I really enjoy the public library. As I was preparing a little presentation for the Rathdrum, Idaho Library, I couldn’t help but to think back to all the times my kids and I spent in our community library when they were little.

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  1. Valynne says:

    Ha – I think I hit your blog before my e-mail notice came in – you are becoming a habit : )

    I love books and the library as well and am definitely not ready for the Kindle. This topic has come up with several friends recently and the pros of the book outweigh the pros of the Kindle (or whatever new gadget it is these days)for me.

    One friend did say it was nice taking his Kindle with on vacation as he did not have books to lug around, but in my case part of the fun of vacation is finding a new bookstore (preferably Indie) to support. I have a nice bookmark collection and like to highlight, etc. as well, Rene.

    As for the glasses issue, I suppose the hubster can’t help himself with the Grannie comments (men – how they do love to tease). I couldn’t wear contacts in CO (too dry there for my eyes) and now I wear glasses all of the time and look funny to myself when I don’t. My friend has a collection of vintage glasses – she finds them mostly on e-Bay, then has her OD insert prescription lenses. FUN!


    I love the idea of the vintage glasses…. I may have a new hobby… LOL of course I also love the idea that my blog has become a habit….thanks for that!  I am headed to your blog too… How are things?

  2. Michele Kirkman says:

    I have been defending my library addiction for years with friends and family. Even started a thread about it on MJF.I love to go to my local library and get lost in the stacks for an hour or two. And I love it when I get that little phone call that tells me I have materials on hold.
    My obsession with libraries started in grade schol. The library in our school was an octagonal shaped room with wooden window seats that looked out onto a courtyard. Sounds very idyllic and British, but was actually in a middle class area of Detroit.
    Miss Rosen, the librarian, was a beautiful single woman in her 20s who recognized my fascination with all things literary and encouraged me by recommending classics that I might enjoy and even allowing me to work in the library shelving books during recess. Yep, I was hooked.
    The library has been a comfort to me throughout my life.
    My mom had to check out the Hemingway books when I was 16 as they were "restricted" and one had to be 18 to read them.
    When I was a young married, my hubby was in the Navy and we moved around the country. The first place I found in each new comunity was the library and it afforded me hours of pleasure until I found new friends and acquaintances.
    Oh, yes, I was unfaithful at times and lured my the glitter of the Bookstore; even worked at one for a few years but I always returned to my first love.
    I now have a beautiful 10 year old granddaughter, Alyssa, who is physically disabled and doesn’t speak. Every weekend she signs "Library, Please" to her mom until they hop in the car and go. Not only does she love choosing her own books to be read time and time again but the library has just installed a touch screen computer for Alyssa and other children with physical disabilities.
    She proudly carries her library card and her books in a tote bag that I made for her on our wonderful forays to that magical place.


  3. Judi says:

    This letter could have been written by me. I had five sons and our trips to the library were like yours. Plus every birthday and Christmas the boys received new books of their own. I set up shelving units at the end of one hallway, added pillows and the light source was double french doors That became their "reading nook". My sister’s four boys loved it too.
    I now have to have cataract surgery next month, it seems like I have worn out my eyes!! I keep four or five books going at all times, have stacks of books every where!! I like the feel of them too. And their smell! I discovered the library early on but my Mom wouldn’t let me get books from there until I entered high school and then I became a regular customer. When I go on vacation I always visit the libraries, it is such fun to see how they organize their stacks! Thanks for this blog, I read it always.

  4. Shirley says:

    Books have been a big part of my life. As children (six of us) from a broken home we learned that we could get lost in books from the Five Little Peppers to the Hardy Boys Mysteries. We moved around alot when we were little from the big city in Florida to the little rural towns in Indiana. We finally ended up on our great grandfathers farm where we all remember the best of days. My sisters and I would climb out the window and sit on the flat roof outside our bedroom and read until it was time to come in for dinner. I still love reading a good mystery. Garden books are up there at the top too. I have a rose garden that I started and of course there is a big swing in it for reading. I’m still working a full time job out of the home so those moments are very special to me.
    My mother is in her late 70’s and walks to the library in her town once a week. She reads daily and loves to tell us what the characters are up to. Her love of books has filled every bookcase and desk top in her home and I’m afraid that has passed on to me.
    Too many books and not enough time.

    Our daughter loves to read too and hopefully she will teach her children the excitment of reading.

  5. Gary says:

    Ya’ got it right Rene’…
    Libraries are Great…!
    I have always Loved the Library, and it also remains one of the last public places where good manners are required.
    I volunteer at the College Library now that I am retired…
    not a lot, but whenever I feel like it, and they are always thrilled to have extra help.
    Sometimes I shelve books, and always learn something new in the process, and sometimes I work at the Reference Desk answering questions and helping people find things.
    I always learn new things, and actually leave feeling better than I did when I arrived.
    I worked for 20+ years as a Social Worker, after leaving the Army, and helped people in the worst moments of their life, leaving work feeling mentally exhausted.
    The Library is a positive helping experience, and I probably should have been a Librarian all along.
    and the glasses on a chain perched on the tip of your nose sounds quite distinguished… we need a photo.
    GodSpeed to Y’all "Professor" Rene…!
    in Tampa


    I always love hearing from you… I love the quote "last public place where manners are required"… How perfect!

  6. Sherri Marshall says:

    Good Morning Rene!

    My readers stay right on top of my head, just like they are in your picture here. And I will alway choose a real paper book over an electronic reader if I’m given the choice. Some things just don’t need improving on!

  7. Tracy says:

    Oh Rene!
    When it comes to the Kindle vs "The Real Thing", I will forever choose the one
    that you hold lovingly in your hands, taking in the scent of either a newly printed page or the slightly musty smell of the aging written word. I LOVE books! When in grade school, I couldn’t wait for the first day of school when the teacher would hand out the text book. I would sit praying that I would get the NEW one, with its crisp, CLEAN pages. Ahhh…HEAVEN!!
    And, I LOVE to read! I, too, am at the place in life where reading glasses have become a necessity just to peruse junk mail. I have a beautiful beaded spectacle holder that a dear friend made for me, but am a bit timid to wear it anywhere other then in the privacy of my own bedroom!! So, having a few pair each strategically placed in locations where I know I can grab them in pinch has helped tremendously.

    By the way, Rathdrum is beautiful!! My sister and her family live there. 🙂


  8. Thanks for the memories, I spent a lot of time at the library when I was a kid. I love to read and as you say, ‘back in the day’ it was cheap entertainment! One of my favorite memories is how the roman style library looked at night, it was a palace, a treasure trove of wonderful adventures, from Nancy Drew to Art History.

  9. Heather Hansen says:

    What a beautiful article. I really enjoyed reading it. I love to read too. I still remember my first grade teacher saying if you want to grow up and be smart/be a good student, you need to read a lot.
    She would read to us everyday. The book I remember her raeding to us was called "Snowbound with Betsy" I don’t remember the author’s name anymore. A cute story about how her family endures during a snowstorm at Christmas. Really cute.
    I see those new electronic readers everywhere..the Sony, the Kindle, the Nook. They seem like fun. A lot of my friends like them. However, I also like a good old-fashioned hold-in-you hand kind of book. I like feeling the pages between my fingers 🙂 On that note, I will pull out a new book and start reading it today 🙂

  10. Pam G says:

    So true! I too am an avid bibliophile. I like the feel of the cover, the smell of the book, turning pages…and knowing that so many other people have held the book too. I thought about getting one of those techie book reader things (technical term…haha). But I would really miss the feel and smell of real books. For me, that is a big part of the experience of reading. And what about libraries? I used to work in a library and we worried a little when they became "media centers" with the addition of videos and customer-use computers. But we eventually accepted it, and it was a real benefit in so many ways. But the idea of a library devoid of books and full of computers so people can download books…yuck! Who knows?!

  11. Janet says:

    Two months ago I retired from 9 years of working home daycare in my home. My children felt it time for me to be grandma! Although I took care of my 3 grandchildren I didn’t get to spend grandma time with them. Since then I have joined the public library and we enjoy it so much! We go once a week for books and movies and story time. Today Juniper and I are going to a "Fancy Nancy Tea"!!! That is a story line of books we get at the library. Juniper loves Fancy Nancy so we get to dress up today very fancy and go for tea at the library. We have tea parties at home but this will be special. I enjoy your blogs!! Thank you.

  12. Brickhorse says:

    I’m a librarian so I enjoy reading about people’s love of reading. I’m not a Kindle person — yet! I cannot justify coughing up the bucks to buy the gadget and download books when I can borrow them from my local public library. About the eyeglass chain: Go to your nearest powwow (powwow season is gearing up in ID) and purchase a beaded eyeglass "chain" from a vendor. Instead of looking like a granny, you’ll look like you have a work of art holding your glasses hanging around your neck!

    OK.. Now I am on the hunt for a beaded chain….:)

  13. Tara Aarness says:

    Ah, the wisdom of age and the beauty it leaves in our spirits can never go unnoticed.

    I, too, have felt the marks beauty has left me in the form of wrinkles around my eyes that will require bifocals on my next visit to my optometrist, the menopausal hot flashes that I’m certain are lending to the global warming crisis, and the few pairs of granny panties that are creeping into my life in more ways than one.

    Your blog reminds me that despite our young age, we’ve been blessed with the wisdom and confidence to fully live life, even if it is in Grannyville. So while we may prefer to shun Kindles in favor of old fashioned books, we’re modern day farm girls who share our wisdom and beauty in every medium possible.


    Perfectly said….

  14. TJ says:

    Amen, girl friend!! I’m totally on the same page (couldn’t resist) with you regarding real books instead of an unsatisfying technological substitute. Who needs more time spent staring at a little screen, when putting ones’ nose directly into a lovely book is so much more pleasant?! Gosh I’m still trying to get used to the fact that letters are now emails, and no where near as satisfying as something you can hold in your hand and use as, well, as a bookmark later!

  15. Bambi says:

    I totally agree with you! My daughter in law recently received a Kindle and was thrilled with it. I looked it over and thought it was nice but I love to look at books, smell them, look at the covers, and use them as decorations in my home. I REALLY love the smell of a Library!It’s hard to beat having a book or magazine in your hand!

  16. Denise says:

    I’m with you .Kindle is not for me,although I’m sure it serve a purpose for some.The best part of having a book in hand is to pass it on to someone to share with.How can you do that with a little metal box?Yeah Ive got my readers on right now.Welcome to Grannyville.

  17. Carol Branum says:

    Rene,I love the Library!I go almost every day believe it or not,especially in the winter.I can look at all of my favorite magizines,except for Mary Janes,for free,I rent hundreds of vintage movies,free,and I don,t have a printer,so I use the librarys,Some of my best friends work for the library,yesterday I went to a tea party there for the new librarian that is also my friend,I am takeing a computer class on genelogy soon,and they have every resource for that,and that is fun if you have never done that.I am also in the "Daughters of the Americian Revalution",and I do that to honor my momma"Hallie".It is intresting,and I don,t mind being friends with old women,it is not boreing to me.Some of my friends,my age make fun of me,but I am tellin ya,I would be truely insane if it was not for the library and being friends with old ladies,lol,girls,any pleasure that you can get free,take in its blessings,I don,t pay for cable tv.I do without.I can controll what I watch that way,and what my disabled son watches that way,rent a good cowboy movie free at your public library.I have friends that spend a couple hundred a month on cable and cell phone,internet services ect,thats crazy,I went for years useing the internet at the library,I only got it because I finanly had to for work.My friends are throwing a fit because I don,t have a cell phone,but,I hide from all of my friends,I don,t always want to be found.I will give in and get one soon,But,my point is,Enjoy free blessings.Blessed be,Have a great day girl!Carol Branum,Lamar

  18. Betsy Lou says:

    Hey don’t worry about the chain thing. You can get some really cool things that function that way but don’t look like that. As for the kindle, my 23 year old son and I are always arguing about this and we both read. He seems to think books will become like newspapers. Few people will buy them. I on the other hand believe books will become an art form. I love books and have way too many. Want some? What’s more fun than finding someone’s bookmark in a particular spot or notes left that clearify a passage.

  19. Diane says:

    Wow! I understand completely! Just in the last 6 months everything is changed…traded in contacts for glasses, then considering that ‘granny chain’. I also drag my feet with most technology and prefer shelves full of books to a slim, tiny gadget.

  20. Loreta says:

    The name Rathdrum ID brought back memories to the Time we lived on a Ranch near there and my children attended school there. I worked as Librarian for a short time, It was opened one day a week and I had to go in and start a fire in the wood stove to warm it up. it was in about 1973

  21. lynda kling says:

    nothing makes me happier than carrying home a huge pile of books I have gotten from the library; I look at new books in stores just to write down the title and author so I can order them at the library. My library is free; Kindle downloads are not cheap, and as you say, you can’t write comments or bookmark pages…the other place i get books is
    at my local thrift shop. Nothing like a stack of books I can select from when I am out of a library book to read, and then pass on to friends….give me real books anytime!

  22. Kim Jorgensen says:

    I, too, loved the local library and Jean Jenkin, the friendly librarian. When we first moved to town, it was a bookmobile that sat next to city hall. I have learned to embrace technology, and now have my very own Sony Reader. It is really great for travel. I also listen to books on CD or on my iPod on the way to work and, of course, have a small stack of "real" books next to the bed. To me, it doesn’t matter in which form the words are delivered, as long as there are words, paragraphs and chapters to be read (or heard) and enjoyed!


    I am sure that my love of the library started with Jean as well…. How blessed we were to have her.

  23. Debbie says:

    Hi Rene’!

    I love the Library too…. we really utilized our local libraries when our children were younger too… We would take advantage of craft hour,story time and as homeschoolers we often held or attended classes in a community room at the library…So far I can still read without my glasses. I started out just needing them for distance, but lord help me if I run into the grocery store without them like I did yesterday! Things are just plain blury no matter how close I get! As for the glasses on the nose routine, that’s my husband… He sits in his chair, glasses perched upon his nose looking very studious. For the life of me I don’t know why he chooses that time to have a lenghthy discussion with me. It’s so hard to take him seriously! 🙂

    I think the chain idea is a good one and they have some really funky ones now too…I say go get yourself one with colorful beeds and just have fun with it! While you’re at it, how about some zebra striped or bright colored frames!

    Before your know it it will be time for pink pants and pearls!

    Keep smiling!

    Deb~  LOL  pink pants and pearls…. I hear the "Someday I will wear purple" poem loudly in my head..LOL

  24. Joan D. McGuigan says:

    I agree, I love books and libraries…the look. the feel, the smell, and even the creaky floors, too! I always told my children, "Since you can read, you can do anything because somebody already wrote a book about it…bake a cake, built a rocket, explore the world!" Reading and books are priceless gifts. Thanks for reminding me.

  25. Peggy says:

    Nothing beats a "real" book…I’m with you no Kindle for me.

    …I was prescribed tri-focal contact lenses last year and they are the best! No rummaging for my lost readers.

  26. Alisha says:

    I agree that books need to be made of paper. They can be heavy and bulky I really don’t care. You just can’t replace the smell of a good book. The weight of it in your hands as you enter the world described in its pages is necessary for really experiencing it. I’m not going to read an electronic book. The idea is apalling. Keeping the words of a book in a little metal box removes much of the importance of disconnecting and focusing on another time, place, or subject. Let me have the real thing, torn pages and all.

  27. Vicki Lewis says:

    Love reading your articles Rene’ Your sister inlaw

    and I love being your sister-in-law!

  28. Miriam says:

    Hi Rene,
    I love this article and all the others you have written. You are so genuine, that I lapse into an "ahhh…yes" feeling every time I read them.

    As for my aging eyes, I have moved onto so-called "progressive lenses", which are a kind of bi-focals without the lines. They work well, and are a lot less hastle. I can’t see near- or far-away without my glasses. So I always put them on.

    Thank you. I would love to meet you someday when I retire and can afford the time to travel.
    Kind Regards,

    Thanks for the kind words Miriam.. My glasses are the progressive lense… but with needing bi-focals and having astigmtism.. contacts have been a little bit more tricky!

  29. Give me a book with pages any day. And I have stacks of them and so does my hubs. I will take a book on CD out at the library for road trips and when I am working on a project that I can listen to a book at the same time. Here is another thing about the down loadable books, they are causing more job loses. My daughter works for a publisher and they have taken up the new book craze. It actually is what they are putting all their effort into. They permanently laid off 30 people this week because they just do not have the work for them. And eventually everything will be done on line and all the people that pull the books to ship and make the books to ship will be out of work. And they will not need as many people to do the jobs needed to put out the new books. There that was my rant for the day. I also am an eyeglass wearer. First came the bifocals and now I need a trifocals. I am hoping to get some sort of reading glasses that I can use just for reading and doing craft projects because lately I have been looking over the tops of my glasses to be able to do some sewing. I love all the cute little reading glasses. I want a red pair. Not sure about the chain though, I’m not ready to get teased by my daughters quite yet.

  30. june says:

    With all of the library cuts being enacted, it’s great to hear about people who love books and appreciate libraries for the numerous free treasures they contain.

  31. Brenda says:

    I told my children several years ago, the library is my second favorite place in the world. The first being home. Remember the saying that went around a decade or so ago, "She who dies with the most fabric wins"; my new motto is "she who dies with the most library cards wins." I’m up to 6 now, which is more if you count interlibrary loan. I don’t know what I’d do without the library. Sometimes my husband and I would have a date night which would end up at the library, as he is an avid reader too. Thankfully, 4 of our 10 children have caught the bug and also love the library. Thanks for the reminder.

  32. Carol Branum says:

    Rene,hi,wow what a response!Did I mention,that when I was little a book mobile came out to our farm,I loved Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder,and Nancy Drew,I re read them all recently,and may re read some again,as an adult,they seem so much more intresting.Enjoy all of lifes free blessings,blessed be,Carol Branum,Lamar Mo.

  33. Valynne says:

    Hi Again Rene,

    Just wanted to say that things are great here on the Bay (can’t figure out how to respond directly below your response above : ) and to thank you for visiting my blog as well! I have Mary Janes Farm as a link – do you want me to add your link? I think we have similar demographics. Just getting into all of this blog stuff and loving in. Would love to interview you one of these days…just getting my feet wet with that as well, but I think it would be lots of fun!

    V By the Sea : )

    Hi Valynne,

    Always here for ya.. you can always email me at , too.

  34. Raynita says:

    Oh my! The smell, the feel, the way a good book just does something to me when I pick it up. So agree with you, Rene’. No Kindle for me:) I love to decorate with books…now, how could I do that with a Kindle? lol I am just now having to use the reader glasses and I am not thrilled with it but bought up several cheap pairs and have them all over the house. When my family comes over for Bible study, it just makes it easier for them to grab a pair and then we look at each other thinking, "How did we all get this old already?" lol Thanks for your words.

  35. Sandra says:

    Reading is magic! I remember when my three boys learned to read…I was overwhelmed with joy for them! I told them each that now the whole world was open to them. I have always been a voracious reader. My children and I spent countless hours at the library from their infancy through preschool reading programs then on to summer reading programs. Now that they are teens, they still have books and libraries as integral parts of their lives. Our libraries are treasures! I have to say that although I realize and appreciate the wonders of the modern world such as Kindle…nothing will ever replace the printed word and the rustle of book pages through my fingers!

  36. Karin says:

    I always find something to connect with in your blog, but this none really hit home. I have always loved books, loved to read them, hold them, smell them. Every room in my house has books. Love the library, too. When my kids were small they did the library reading contests every summer. We’d check out huge stacks of books and they’d start reading on the way home. They won the contests in their age groups every year. The bookmobile would also come to our farm and how they loved that. Both still love to read and are passing that love to our precious grandbabies. I have friends who love the Kindle, and my husband and son both enjoy audio books. But, I’ll stick with my beloved real books. Nothing beats curling up with a good book on a rainy day. I can also relate on the glasses front. Suddenly one morning I couldn’t see anything up close (at least that’s how it seemed). Contacts don’t work for me, so the glasses go everywhere I go.

  37. Nancie says:

    I also have been a fan of the library… all 4 of my Children were raised loving the trips to pick out books. We didn’t have much money when our children were little, so, we had to make do. That instilled in my children the world of books. The wonders of the world, they learned that they could learn anything, and do anything that’s in a book.
    They are all avid readers. (I also home-schooled them). Now my 10 grandchildren take the trip with me. It is our
    favorite thing to do…

  38. O'Dell says:

    Hi Rene,
    I love to read also…always have a book going…but I have a different take on libraries…seems that I never can get the books I’m looking for..they are always its disappointing to say the least. My mother was a librarian before she married my father…and she’s always been a "cranky" unhappy lady..but I do purchase lots of books, and I send them to a friend in PA who is diabled and does not get out. I love reading your blog too….love to hear from that Gary, he seems like quite an interesting guy…if I wasn’t already spoken for….I might have you send him my email! Hah! hah!…well, a girl can dream. My favorite books are mysteries..I agree that its great to see all the new books out…I don’t need the new electronics either!
    Keep up the fun blogs!

  39. Nancy says:

    Hi Rene,
    This is my first time to read your blog. I love it and it’s just what I needed to start Monday on the right foot.
    When I was young we were too far from a library but the bookmobile came every Friday afternoon. It parked at a church several blocks from my house and I was always waiting to get my next Nancy Drew mystery. I loved Nancy Drew and always imagined that I was named after her (instead of my sister’s teacher!). Nancy Drew had the MaryJane spirit- a woman ahead of her times. Thanks for the memories.

  40. Margie Smith says:

    Hi Rene,
    I now am employed by a small county library. I love it. I grew up without a public library, just a school one. I read all the books there, some twice or three times. When we finaly go a public library, I was busy with work and raising children, so didn’t get to enjoy it. After we moved form Maryland to West Virginia, I started to visit the library. Again began to read all the authors I liked, and have found new ones. We have a library cat now, Cordelia. She is beautiful and all the patrons love her. Keep up the good blog

  41. carolj says:

    The most beautiful woman is the one who embraces her age. (Eleanor Roosevelt paraphrased?) Wear those reading glasses and be thankful every time you put them on that you can read.

    As for the library, we are also blessed with a great public library system. Surely checking out books that are already published is better for the environment than buying a gadget that needs batteries which will one day have to be replaced. But you really hit it on the head when you described the sensory pleasures of reading a book–there is nothing like the feel of paper, the smell of ink, the sound of a page turning. Besides, you cannot get sand (beach reading) or suds (bubble bath reading)in your Kindle and expect Apple to honor the warranty.

    Read on!

  42. Love our library…love it! am always rather taken aback by the fact that i can just go in there and basically see the world…right there! I read that you check out other farm girl blogs…please visit me at I’ll be waiting on the porch for you!

    Hi Sharon,

    Thank you! I am heading to your place now.

  43. June says:

    Hi Rene,
    I love reading your blogs! It’s like we’re kindred spirits – :). I love the library, love to hold books and turn the pages and disappear into the stories. I don’t think I will ever adapt to the electronic versions. And I just got my first pair of bifocals too. My age is getting older but my mind doesn’t want to catch up! And I agree with you – embrace the change – but it doesn’t mean that you have to give up the past.
    Thanks for sharing!

  44. bobbie calgaro says:

    I love books too. I love the look of them, the feel of them, the smell of a new one. I love to be able to look back and forth just by turning pages especially in craft books and cookbooks. I also could not give them up for a Kindle. I stand with you there.
    Try wearing your readers on your head like a head band. It’s worked well for me and most people don’t notice them until you drop them to use them. My doctor said that bifocal contacts are improving all the time because the contact lens manufacturers don’t want to lose the baby boomers as customers. Hopefully they’ll get it right for all of us yet.

  45. I enjoyed reading this post as a small town librarian and middle-aged new eyeglasses-wearer. My daughters have warned me that if I get the neck chain I would just look tooooooo old and stereotypically library-ish.

  46. Margy says:

    Enjoyed your comments on the library. I am a library assistant which means I help the librarians and have worked in a small town library for 15 years. We are part of a huge County system. If the powers that be have their way, in 10 years there will be NO books in the library. I saw the library get computers, then public computers and now e-books and we are even on facebook, twitter and on and on. My generation still loves the books but the young people are only there for the computers and it is sad. They have no time for books. My husband bought me a Kindle and although it was a sweet gift, I don’t use it very much. There is something about books with color photos, and pretty covers.

  47. Carrie Meerwarth says:

    Hey Rene–

    I’m a little late on this posting, but it caught my eye because I, too, am a book lover. When I was growing up, my dad worked away all week, so one of the things my mom did (partly to keep from going crazy, and partly because she is a book fanatic as well) she took us to the library on all the nights that they were open. We would find a book, then a quiet nook, and happily read until the library closed.

    I have pretty much raised my kids the same way. We are at the library ALL the time! We go to the book sales, we order through the SALS system, I am on the board of trustees, and we’ve even been seen changing light bulbs and shampooing carpets. I love my little, local library!!!

    And as far as those kindles go….they ain’t natural!!! I like the feel and smell of books. I like the pictures and covers and different sizes. I like aged paper and crisp new pages. I just love books!

    I, too, have readers (old-age induced) and wear a chain that Nicole made for me. I love how handy the chain is, but am all too aware of the granny look so I never wear it out in public. Way too vain!!

    Love you–have fun at your campout this weekend!


  48. Bonnie says:

    Rene, I love reading your blogs. I too have loved the library all my life and am so pleased to have passed that on to daughters and grandchildren. And a book in the hand is worth 200 on Kindle!
    I also love reading your reader’s comments. I have picked up on some of their loves, sorrows, life experiences etc. What a deal! I especially love "listening" to Gary in Tampa also.
    He needs his own blog.

    I agree…Gary does need his own blog….. 🙂

  49. Selena Burk says:

    I agree with you on the thought of not getting hooked on electronic books compared to just reading a good book. I had my first son at 15 and we lived in a little apartment 3 blocks from the library. Books were very important to us. I would load my son up into his wagon and off we would go to the library to check out 10 or 20 books to read before nap-time and bed-time. Years later and 4 children more ,I tried to instill the importance of going to the library and reading. They have all adapted that into their homes and children and each have expressed times well spent with me reading to them their favorite books.

  50. Aileen says:

    I, too, could have written your blog! As a homeschooling grandma a few years back we made many, many trips to the library, and had scores of books on shelves–all read over and over. I love reading, don’t want a Kindle or its cousin, and enjoy packing books and magazines around. Can’t imagine not having several going at once!

    Love reading your blog–I’m a newby and have been catching up on past posts. I have friends in Spokane and love the Palouse area and shopping at country stores!

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Welcome Spring

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
Spring has sprung in our valley. It has been here for a couple of weeks, yet I have been feeling much like I did as a young mom, when my boys would wake and hit the floor running while I was left rubbing my eyes and clumsily reaching for a cup of coffee, not quite ready to greet the tasks at hand.

Continue reading

  1. Reba says:

    Hello Rene, I so remember the feelings that you are writing about. I was standing in front of my window, crying, after we left our daughter at college in another state, saying, "what am I supposed to do now?" And I heard a small soft Voice say, "you can choose to enjoy life with her no matter where she is or what she is doing, or grieve yourself to death." I chose the first part. Since having made that choice she has traveled to some awesome places while in college and beginning her own new life. And because of her my hubby and I have enjoyed some great travels and our view of the world has been opened up. I guess that day I realized life was not ending just turning a corner. Now as she is settling in the USA I am looking forward to this new time in her life and ours as I do each new Spring, smelling the daffodils or just living life simply.

  2. carol McElroy says:

    Oh what good timing, my youngest will leave home next year, and of all the kids he is the one most ready to go…….I will miss the friends he brings, and I do not know what I will do with my self. You are right Rene, we spend their whole life getting them ready to go. And then they do. I had a long talk with myself about that very subject while I was in the garden yesterday. I know you are proud of the man he is becoming. ENJOY Spring, Carol

  3. Gary says:

    What a excellent Bloggie Rene’…
    Straight from the Heart… that’s your best writing style, as through your words we join you in your Spring meandering and melancholy.
    When I was a very young child, I remember laying by the fireplace on the living room floor and telling my Mom and Pop that we should just all "stay here because we’re happy", and she tried to explain why we couldn’t do that.
    I too find that, as I grow older, there is a odd "Peace" to Winter, which is shattered by the arrival of Spring.
    Looking back, I recall how it seemed like time had no end, and looking forward, I wonder how it all went by so fast.
    I think "living well" is the business of making good Memories, for while the time goes by and is gone forever, the Memories are ours to keep.
    GodSpeed to Y’all…!
    in Tampa

  4. Carol says:

    Oh Rene! I can totally relate as the last of my four is a senior this year and I’m feeling the same heartaches. It is ironic that we prepare them to go, but when they do it’s like a slap in the face! I had 3 girls first that have all successfully made it – whew!…. But there is something different about the boy – pretty much young Man – flying the coop. My girls still feel close even tho totally busy with where their own lives have led them but the Boy, aaaaah – hard to let go of for some odd reason! It will really be quiet around here as we are the house he and his friends all land at most of the time and gather in our ‘pit’ in the basement as well. One thing’s for sure – the grocery bill will be cut in half and the house won’t have that ‘just baked cookie smell’ going on and that will be sad…. I’ve yet to have my "Springy" day in the garden – HOPEfully next week !

  5. Sunny says:

    Lovely, Rene’. The sharing of your feelings in your blog is always heartfelt and inspiring. Thank you.

  6. Amy says:

    What a wonderful posting. I loved what you said about your hesitation not slowing down the hands of time. I try to stop and take in the moments of my girls, 7 & 9, as they grow, but as hard as I try to slow it down, time is moving so quickly.

  7. What a really sweet post. It is so hard to see them go, and yet, they are often back before you know it….for the laundry, as you said or for some homemade chocolate chip cookies, or to just tell you about the latest fun they had. It’s all good!

  8. Oh Rene’ sometimes I feel like I am on a different planet…when I go into town I see gardens and flowering trees and then I return home & nothing! Today I awoke to a layer of frost on the ground…the past days we have had drizzle & hail…I sooooo want some sunshine,,,can I borrow some of yours? I’ll trade ya some wind..oh wait you have your own wind!lol!!!
    Hugz & I am off and running, got a million & one things to do and just one cup of Java to ‘geter done!’…
    Have a Wonderful, Wunderbar & Fantabulous day today & everyday.

  9. Tonya says:

    Thank you for sharing this. As our oldest child (of 6) is sixteen now, my thoughts occasional think of what it will be like when he goes off to make a life of his own.

    I know what you mean about walking around the homestead and observing new life – such a gift.
    Warm wishes.

  10. kay says:

    It’s hard letting go of those kidlets.

    I’m so excited, I have a pumpkin seed popping through
    the soil in the greenhouse.

    Welcome spring, and by the way happy Easter!!

  11. Skye says:

    I loved your article..I’ve been waiting for spring and yet, yesterday saw a bit of snow falling in the morning..However, this morning I awoke to sun and 28 degrees..My strawberries are showing signs of life but alas, my raspberries are taking their time…I’m hoping to get outside and soon but like you, I do feel a bit of hesitant..Yet, I think once I head outside finally, I’ll feel all that springs gifts us…Thank you for your lovely blog words…They really touched my heart…Good luck in your preparation of the huge family event. Watching my 3 children one by one leave the nest made me a bit sad but then I have my beautiful grandchildren who warm my heart all the time..Many blessings and happy spring!!! best wishes, Skye

  12. Janice K. says:

    Yesterday, I hopped on my riding lawnmower and began the process of the ‘first mow’. This always makes me think how lucky that I am to live in a space of birdsong, sunshine, and garden space. I was riding along and feeling the happiness of that springtime day and then I thought of mom. My mom passed in December. This will be the first Easter that we won’t share, the first year of not planting together, caring for our charges, reaping our harvest. There I was, riding along and crying my tears, thinking that I was the only person feeling loss. Of course I know better! Thank you for the idea of planting something in memory of my mother and father. I truly believe that they are just over my shoulder, just out of sight..
    Hugs to you all,

  13. Nancy J says:

    As I was reading your blog, my mind traveled back when my own five children, 4 boys & 1 girl, were small. When each one went off to kindergarten, I cried. It never got easier for me. When each one moved out, either for school, the armed services or got married, I cried. Still, didn’get any easier. But out of all the times of separations, there are three that are the most painfull. My oldest son married to at the time seamed like a sweet girl. She has turned him against our whole family. I pray for restoration, even though it has been over 10 years. He has five children, we have never seen. Our middle son & his wife moved across the country and I was so afraid we would never see them again, either. After a year, they moved back to the area. But the most painfull was having our son, second oldest, go off to the war in Iraq. We are proud of him…but the pain of watching your child go to such a horrid place…the pain was undescibable. I thank God every day he made it home safely & now has two beautiful little girls…Life is hard but God is faithful.

  14. Bonnie Ellis says:

    Oh Rene: I feel your heart grieve as your children become men, ready to test the world. I did that and still do that as my two boys live in other states and no one is at home.I remember them dressed so spiffy for Easter and looking for eggs hidden in the yard. I remember their weddings when you give them over for wives to care for them. In a mother’s heart is a special place for those dear little ones we cared for, care for and just a little sadness creeps in until we realize they were only entrusted to our care. As we let go, the love deepens. Bonnie

  15. Nancy says:

    I have three children that have flown the nest and your post brought back the memories of the times that I was facing an empty nest. I cried…But the nest has quickly filled back up with my elderly Mother who came to live with me and then a son and 2 grandsons that came back after a difficult divorce because he/they needed help and time to heal. Life has a way of filling our hearts and homes with other things and that’s the way it’s suppose to be. Still I long for the times that all of my chicks were under my wing. Most of all, I hope they have fond memories of that time and want to their children to know the love and warmth of being home.

  16. carol branum says:

    hi Rene,I love spring,and am just starting to enjoy it also,it was 86 degrees outside today,but windy.I picked flowers for a boquet,it is bueatiful.My gathering of "Annies Project"farmgirls turned out great.One of my elderly neighbors made me a lamb cake to serve,it turned out great.She had her cast iron pan she said for 61 years.You can purchase them from Lemans.We also are shareing seeds,and haveing a ball gathering.I am happy,Have a nice Easter weekend,blessed be,Carol Branum,Lamar

  17. (sniff!) I have tears in my eyes as I read this! I only have two little birdies in my nest- and the oldest one is only a Sophmore- but I am already getting wistful thinking about him flying away. I know it will come too soon!

    I love the idea of a seed/plant swap! Do you have any tips for organizing one of my own?

    Many of our Prosser Farmgirls started saving seeds in the fall, and were happy to exchange them. But it would also work for gals who have purchased seeds or who might have plant starts to swap..

  18. Debbie says:

    Oh Rene’,
    What a wonderful post… spring does have it’s way of working it’s magic on us if we can let it… it’s a new season for you too with your son striking out on his own…
    We are in the teen years at our house… so the begnnings of them pushing and pulling have begun… so far so good, but I know our time will come when they must go and be on their own and it won’t be easy…It makes me so much more grateful for the time we have with now…
    Hang in there my friend, let Spring warm you inside and out!

  19. Kate Ferry says:

    I feel the same thing with my 19-month old moving quickly out of babyhood and into toddlerhood. It goes by so fast – pretty soon she will be a rambunctious teenager that is leaving the house.

    I really love the idea of a seed/plant swap. It’s a wonderful way to share favorite plants and stories on what grew well and what didn’t. Plus, I always have tons of seeds left over and could use a place to share them. I might have to get started on one of those around here on the west side of the mountains!

    Take care – and enjoy spring!


  20. Hi Rene`, I love the idea of a seed & plant swap. I’m gonna borrow the idea for our little chapter in Wyoming. My girlfriend already got it started when she dug up 4 cedar babies yesterday. Thank you for the idea!
    Shery Jespersen

  21. Valynne says:

    Well, as I have mentioned before Paul and I have no children of our own but I still got a lump in my throat reading this post and all of the heartfelt comments it inspired.

    My baby sister has been accepted to Cal Poly and will be a college freshman this time next year. We are twenty years apart and have lived thousands of miles away from each other since she was a toddler…but still I am wistful.

    Your post puts things into another perspective – Mom hasn’t said much (we don’t talk enough, really) about how all of this makes her feel – bet it is tough for her right now. I think it is time I gave her a call. I will be sure to mention your blog : )

  22. Peggy S. says:

    It is so wonderful to feel Spring in the Air and to see our favorite blooming trees and spring flowers in full glory. I truly enjoyed reading your post and some of your followers comments. I am a new Farm Sister but I am enjoying everyones Blogs and the Forums etc.

    As one of my City Bosses once said to me, upon seeing me wear a lot of denim to work…"You can take the girl out of the Country, but you can’t take the Country out of the girl!" Truer words were never spoken. Blessings to Each of You, Peggy

  23. Juile says:

    Rene~ Thanks for your musings. I also have seen my children leave the nest. I remember as I, the youngest of 5, left home , my mother was mourning that fact that she was no longer in direct communication with the "younger world". She stated that it kept her young. I guess that is one of the reasons that I enjoy working in our local high school. Even though my youngest of 3 has left home, I still get to stay in touch with the "younger world". I would encourage anyone that is feeling lost because of an empty nest, to adopt a local student that might be feeling lost due circumstances beyond their control and need an anchor to make it through. You’d be amazed at the difference you can make in their lives.

  24. Julie Watson says:

    A few months ago, the ladies of my church showed up for a surprise "kitchen shower". We were in the midst of remodeling our kitchen. What a blessing when they all came and brought food and gifts and we all sat and had a great time. I was reminded of that when I was reading the most recent MaryJane’s Farm magazine when someone was talking about having a garden party. Surprising someone when everyone shows up with bedding plants to make an "instant flower garden" for a friend. How fun!

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Random Acts of Kindness & Dreaming BIG

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, April 2009 – May 2010]
Have you ever had those moments when you just get so emotionally exhausted trying to figure out the next step? You know, times when you find yourself praying—begging really—that a plane would fly past pulling a banner with the answer clearly written on it? Boy, I have. I find myself standing at the crossroads of change and I feel frozen as I debate the “right” path. I would imagine that no matter what one does for a living, we all take pause to evaluate life from time to time. Yet now that I’m finally doing what I always dreamed of doing, it is easy to be convinced that dreaming of more is somehow selfish.

Continue reading

  1. Catherine says:

    What a wonderful answer to your prayers. I love that it came via a fellow farmgirl!
    Praying your big dreams come true!
    Thanks for the encouragement to continue following my own dreams, as well.
    Catherine 🙂

  2. Beautiful post and wonderful bracelet! love it!

  3. katmom~Grace says:

    Oh No! you are going to give in & become a Guinea Pig Rancher? lol!
    hahah, you know I am just kidding…
    Love ya & support ya in heart & prayer girlfriend.
    "Tag…U.R. it"
    : > )

    April & June are fast approaching…is Back-40 ready?

    Gracie, What would I do without you? Back -forty is a little behind schedule, but she will be ready to roll.. (Back 40 is my vinatge trailer) I will be posting more about her.  Gracie sent me the cutest pillow for her…

  4. krla says:

    How true! Too many time we blow past new opportunites & don’t even take the time to think of all the wonderful new things that could be waiting for us. In this world of new technologie, electronics, & whiz bang toys we often miss the quiet moments we are meant to savor. Turn off that phone & take a walk-watch the robins who are back for spring! Yes, get off the computer for just a bit & look out your window because the grass is starting to turn green & you don’t want to miss it! Go out to the garden because you just might find something to surprise you-I know I did. I have spinach that over wintered in Iowa-what a rare treat that was! Fresh spinach in March!Yummmmmm!
    Slow down & look around you-the world is waiting to be discovered!

  5. Gary says:

    Good Bloggie Rene’…!
    What a timely Gift that is…
    You are right about those "crossroads"… we usually "get" an answer to our deliberations, and often it is from a unexpected source.
    Looking back over the years, I can see that some of the events, which I considered disasters at the time, were actually just God clearing the way for something new and better.
    Whatever our Hopes and Dreams are, if Love and Faith have a place in them, then we will be Happy when we get them.
    GodSpeed to Y’all…!
    in Tampa

    Very well said, Gary. Thanks!

  6. Robin says:

    I, too, am at a crossroads waiting for the universe to nudge me forward. Thanks for the inspiration. Best wishes. Robin

    Crossroads…. they are our friends. I am sure of it.. Best wishes Robin!!!!

  7. April says:

    As a young mother of 2, I was climbing the ladder of so-called success and thought I was on the right road until recently. I have never "fit" into the corporate life and have also felt …wrong. Then our sweet Lord sent a word – I have not given you a longing for the ability to do things you are not able to do. Your longing is your path I have enabled you to do for me….just thought I would share. Thanks for the encouragement
    April – South Carolina
    Keeping it Simple Sisters – KISS


    Love the KISS.. too cute! 

  8. Susan says:

    What a lovely answer to prayer!! I love it!

  9. Valynne says:

    Wow. Love this post, Rene. It seems like more of us are replacing "more is better" with "less is more" these days…how freeing!

    Paul and I have simplified (in a BIG way) this past year – neither of us miss the huge house or the extra car or any of the other "stuff". Everything is clearer, now.

    "I was able to recognize the growth that had taken place inside of me, and I was much more aware of the small choices that we make (or don’t make) that get us either where we want (or don’t want) to be"

    Cheers to honoring your decision place. And I love how your prayer was answered! Here’s to climbing your own ladder and dreaming big while you are at it!



    It is always such a joy when I hear from you. I am glad that you an Paul are doing well.  I feel so honored to have met you (in person) at Farm Fair.. Keep me updated girl, you are one of my favorites… such a sweet spirit.

  10. Yes I know. We are living our dream as well. Although we still have so much work ahead of us. But that is life – a work in progress.
    You will know what is right I believe, if you pray and listen.
    Warm wishes and joy, Tonya

  11. carol branum says:

    Hi Rene,Just what I needed today..I have been takeing a class for the last 6 weeks at the University of Missouri Extention office called Annies Project,or how to marry a farmer ,we all joked,Its been a lot of fun,and I met 25 new ladies,most, from different counties other than mine,I have learned a lot about estate planning,farm business planning,fence laws,insurance,It covered everything I need to know to start farming.I highly recomend the class to everyone of your readers.The ladies and I plan to keep meeting and have started a new farm girl club.I signed up to be a chapter leader,but need some more information from you.I haven,t had time to look up all the infor…But…It made me start worrying myself sick about needing more money,But,just when I think things are hopeless,I get this shot of encouragement,thanks,I have to keep thinking positive.I need this bracelet!I love your blog,and thanks to Mary Jane for changeing my entire life,Can you believe just a year ago I was ashamed of being just a farmgirl?Now,I see myself in a entire new light.Blessed be,Carol Branum,Lamar Mo.,


    I am so jealous, I am so intreged with "Annie’s Project" and have read up on it… You have to keep me updated on all that you are learning.

  12. Timi says:

    THANK YOU! I needed this post today. I have been sitting here wondering what to do, should I do it, should I wait, should I react or just let it go?
    Thank you! I’m going to dream big and go with it!


  13. Heather Hansen says:

    Oh I loved this article. I have some dreams too and not sure what to do about them yet. Yes, it’s important to DREAM BIG 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 and no it’s not selfish at all. I think God puts those dreams in your heart for a reason. Sometimes we don’t know what that is yet. Sometimes we may never know. But I know that I’ve been encouraged by the dreams of others..and that gives me hope too 🙂 🙂
    Another thing I firmly believe is to keep committing all of those dreams to prayer… and just because we don’t get the answer right away, doesn’t mean just means "not yet"..
    Oh thank you so much for writing this 🙂 🙂 Yeah…I’m going to dream big for myself 🙂 🙂 🙂

  14. Judy says:

    Always thought things would make one happy. Oh this would look so nice there or there or the kids would love this and now have a house full of stuff and it doesn’t matter. One needs crossroads to change things about ourselves and situations that we don’t like. Dream Big that’s the only way to know what you need for you.

    I so agree…. crossroads always produce the oppertunity for change.

  15. Tammie says:

    Thank you Rene for sharing your inspirational story!
    I have been touched not only by your words but by the thoughts and stories shared by each of these sisters that have responded to your story as well!
    In 2004 the slogan was "Less is more in 2004". I don’t know how six years have passes since then so quickly but I am finally down sizing and getting rid of all the clutter.
    I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though and it truelly looks sweet.
    My new favorite slogan now is in the words of Mary Jo… KISS (Keeping It Simple Sisters) Love It!!!!

    Tonya I went to your blog as well and found it more than touching and inspirational. What a wonderful way to raise your family and by the way your little guy (the two year old) looks like he loves learning!
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts everyone.
    Tammie in Oklahoma

  16. Shery Jespersen says:

    Dear Rene`,

    What a masterful job of creating a movie in my mind…and with a great ending too…so important in a good movie. It is so amazing how the Lord works within ALL circumstances…and in the hearts of others who minister to us when we most need it. The answer to your question is right there on your wrist if/when life might try to make you question the size of your dreams. Wow, what an uplifting message for you…and then for us. Yessiree Bob, why dream your way to the middle.

  17. Judy Hall says:

    Someone told me once Rene’ that "Life is a Gift, the Purpose is Joy". I think this goes right along with "Dream Big" – follow your dreams, do what you love to do, and think positive thoughts always. The sky is the limit! Thanks for this inspiring story Rene’. Change is the one constant I have learned to live with. Isn’t change wonderful, and so are people like the reader that was thoughtful enough to send you that bracelet! Joy, love, & Happiness are the words that are speaking to me right now after reading this article! 🙂

  18. carol McElroy says:

    Don’t you just love how just the right little something shows up just when you need it most.

  19. Blair says:

    As usual you have hit close to home with me on this subject. I am at a crossroads of sorts…trying to figure out how to be happy and still make enough money to have the things I need and want. I love Aprils Keeping It Simple Sisters motto.
    Farmgirls rule!! 🙂


    It can be a tricky balance for sure….. But I think one worth finding… Living life with eyes wide open was the first step for me, as it seems I lived much of it on auto pilot. Once I became clear on what I wanted… the rest were/are doable.. even those jobs that just pay the bills… because I was now able to put them in their proper place…. I too love the KISS, too cute needs to go on a tee shirt!

  20. Reba says:

    Hey Rene, Isn’t it amazing how so many are thinking along the same line? I get encouragement from reading yours and others comments. I remember writing at the first of this year about "revelation" instead of making "resolutions." That has stayed with me, and now I am at a crossroads. It is exciting, scary, breath-taking, tiring, and all the emotions you can think of wrapped up in oneself at times. But I am ready to move forward. It is a whole new life, waiting to be lived and to "dream big" for the next part. There is no guilt over missed resolutions, only room for more revelation. Thanks for the thought-provoking type of writing that you do. I always look forward to it.


    There certainly is sisterhood in the shared experiences…. I am always so grateful for the comments people leave as it reminds me that none of us are living life "alone". It often helps me to connect with the fact that if  I am experiencing it, I can be fairly certain that someone else is too or has experienced it….I have come to like crossroads as I know that they lead to personal growth no matter what path is chosen.

  21. Marisa Hayes says:


    Reading your words, always brings me peace and comfort. I, too, came to a crossroad a couple of years ago. When I lost my mom in 2001 I just couldn’t sew or do crafts again. It was a part of "our" lives together since I was about ten. I sold "all" my sewing thing at a yard sale, and didn’t sew for about five years, but then, my youngest daughter wanted that "unique" prom dress, that was simple and "her", and then my oldester daughter blessed the family with a granddaughter (Lily – our Lilybug – can you guess why I go by MyLilyBug), and she wanted those "unique" dresses that no one else has . . . hence, sewing at full throttle again …. I quit my job, and now have my own little clothing business making little girl clothes. It was a very hard decision going from two nice incomes to one, but sewing again, and being available to help with my granddaughter has brought me more happiness than any amount of money can bring.
    Simplify and be happy. Marisa


    What a beautiful tribute to your mom as well; being able to pass "her" onto the next generations. Way to go

  22. Debbie says:

    Do tell….! Are you really considering Guinea Pig farming? I just knew you would eventually fall in love with them…!
    O.k. all funnies aside… 🙂
    I love this post because it’s really about serendipity and keeping the faith… You are not alone my farmgirl friend…I think we have all been at a crossroads at one point or another and need that extra " praying or meditation" time to get a clearer idea of which fork in the road to take…10 years ago I left a very rewarding 18 year career and a business to be a stay at home mom, which turned into homeschooling. All these years as at home mom have allowed me to grow so much as a person, and to tend to the things that my heart longs to do…I have grown and stretched and many " bracelets" have come to me along the way to guide me and keep my on my path.

    I belive it’s the gifts of insight (or braclets ) we recieve along the way that make these times more bearable and rekindle our faith in spirit! We are once again reminded that we are not lost… we are just unsure because we have lost faith. I think we talk ourselves into feeling less hopeful when we allow our doubts to take over…

    Times like these remind me of a phrase a dear friend and I used to say," The MIND is a terrible thing to listen too"! Best to listen to your heart!"
    Many blessings!
    Deb ( who has no doubt you are just where you need to be )

    Beautifully stated Deb.. I knew we were friends friends for a reason…LOL.. and NO, there are still  no little furry friends in my future..LOL

  23. Margie says:

    This is the first time I have logged onto this blog, after receiving my first Mary Jane Magazine. Your story has inspired me. Here is my story… I am 48 years old and have always wanted to be a "farm girl". We have bought a house in the country with 4-5 acres (I know that is not really enough land to be a "farm", but to us, it is a lot.) and the ability to have some farm animals and a garden. My 11 year old son needs me at home, and I have a need to keep a good home. I keep thinking God has been trying to tell me this is what I am meant to do. Yet, I am sooo afraid to quit my job. How can I quit a good job with the economy the way it is, and so many people out of work? My husband is supportive of this change, but what if, when we can no longer afford to have or do the fun things we are used to doing, everyone complains? What if my husband gets sick and can no longer work? I will really regret giving up this job. However, if I suddenly were to get terminally ill, I would feel I had not fulfilled my true calling. My son is growing up so fast and will be a teen soon. Do I remain practical and deny my dream and him my time, or do I close my eyes and jump? Any feedback will be appreciated.

    WOW… been there, I do get it. It is so scarry…Please keep me updated on where your story goes from here…

  24. Deb says:

    What an inspiration ! I find myself sitting at the crossroads myself as of tuesday i will have to make a descion that will greatly alter my life .DREAM BIG ! Just what I needed to hear thanks for being my airplane in the sky ! Blessings Deb

  25. Nancy says:

    So many times the answers are there for us, if we look for them. You were lucky that this message hit you right in the face, so to speak, and it was able to guide you to your next decision. We often forget to stop and take the time to enjoy what’s around us and just "let go" and find the right answers.

  26. Heather says:

    I am always amazed at how God works in our lives. He drops little signs here and there, like Hansel and Gretel leaving breadcrumbs behind so that they can find their way back home. Our pastor this past sunday gave a sermon on dreaming. He said that God intended for us to dream, and dream big. Not only does He want us to dream, he is pleased when we do, and when we follow through. I say anyone that has a dream should take a leap of faith! We only live once; might as well do it right and enjoy every minute wholeheartedly!

  27. Janet says:

    I too am at a crossroad in my life. I have been in an upper management position for the past 11 years, while the money and benefits were great, the stress was killing me. Everyone thought I was crazy when I decided to resign this past september.I have been teaching part time but the salary is much less and no benefits. My husband supports my decision and I really enjoy the teaching. I have been told how much better I look without the stress (never knew I looked stressed). We have 4 acres of land in South Carolina, which is part of a farm my mother grew up on.I feel so blessed to be here, to be able to enjoy the smell of fresh plowed land, hear the whipperwills (? spelling), and enjoy the fresh smell of sheets hung out to dry,etc. Recently I feel God is telling me to do something here to supplement our income but also to still have the ability to be home. We have a very small garden and I love canning and freezing everything I can get my hands on. I am looking for some ideas for a small farm business if anyone might have something to offer. I love Mary Janes magazine and read every inch of it. Thanks for listening and God Bless

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