Once upon a time there was a late twenty something Farmgirl living in Alaska. You see, in Alaska, time changes in a way that is foreign to much of the world. It seems to be the only thing people can talk about sometimes, especially farmers and those who spend a majority of their time out of doors (many Alaskans fit this bill). This changing time comes from the tilt of the Earth and how the sun plays across its surface throughout the seasons. Growing up in the Midwest, the winter nights were long and the summer days seemed endless, but she had never been to Alaska.
This Farmgirl writes about the length of days and nights often, and how quickly she and other Alaskans lose or gain daylight hours. It seemed that she was just an observer her first year in Alaska, but she became entrenched in these changes her second year…this tilt of the Earth directly influencing her Circadian rhythms.
Maybe seems unphased by Ava and Ronan (A couple of my Farm School Students)–perhaps he would like to take over one of my jobs?
What an adventure! You tell it so well, I could imagine myself in your shoes, er, your fancy clothes. In fact, I hope you take pause to realize what an amazing life you’re living. Dream come true, right? Can’t wait to see pics of your next residence. In the meantime, enjoy your house-sitting job.
Wow, you are soooo adventurous! Taking the bees in your car, in the dark, in the water. Amazing. Crazy, but amazing! I am glad that you were able to stay safe. I love reading your in depth blogs. Thanks for sharing!
Hi farm girl,
I always wanted to be a farm girl too. But I was born in Brooklyn,New York . Not much country,all city. Maybe on the outlines.I sometime go for rides down the country,it is like a slice of heaven.Peaceful,You only hear the sounds of running water,animals,birds,trees in the wind,thats life.Have a good day,God Bless. Lorraine.