Milkin’ It or…Mylkin’ It?

My partner and I have a few silly arguments that we visit now and again–perhaps when we’re out to eat and the conversation is dry.  One is over the meaning of the word “milk.” He grew up on a dairy farm and insists that milk must come from a female mammal.  Any “milk” that is not animal based is not milk, it should be called juice…or something.  Soy juice?  Rice juice? No thanks….Coconut juice?  Sure! But I would expect something different from what I’d get.  My argument is that juicing something is also different than the processes used to make dairy free alternative milks.  We generally come to an impasse and move on.  Recently, he said that he would accept an alternative spelling–M-Y-L-K for the alternatives.  It works for me.

Home Made Almond Mylk: Easy and Delicious!

Home Made Almond Mylk: Easy and Delicious!

However, I digress…

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  1. Joan says:

    I don’t have a story, no need to make big changes here. But now if I had that beautiful Ava that needed changes – well I applaud you. Thanks for talking about making almond milk n flour – might try it for fun. God Bless

  2. Rowena says:

    Wow, that’s a tough one. You have my deepest sympathy. I believe in exclusively breastfeeding babies & would never, under any circumstances, stop breastfeeding early or use formula. But dairy & chocolate are my favourite foods – especially together! I don’t believe I could make that sacrifice, even temporarily. But a mother’s love inspires incredible things.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      I know! Dairy and chocolate make up a large percentage of my diet..or at least they did. I am sticking with bf’ing for at least a year!

  3. Cheryl Damberger says:

    My daughter use to and still does use Raw milk? Would that be better? Maybe the processing is what is upsetting to her? Maybe cheeses that have been more aged? or less would be different. The chocolate maybe if you used dark…or a touch of the dark with the almond milk may not be enough to upset her but help your taste buds. I never did like the taste of carob. Now that you have been off these other items you could test these.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Raw milk is the way to go! I’m going to continue to stay off of all dairy for the next couple of weeks to make sure it is totally out of my system. Then I will attempt to reintroduce things slowly, to see if she has a reaction. Unfortunately, it’s any chocolate…Yesterday she was even a bit touchy after I had a teeny bit of dark chocolate! It’s terrible! I remember carob being unappetizing, too; however, when I tried it this time I didn’t go into it thinking it would taste like chocolate–it was way better!

  4. Cheryl Damberger says:

    ps…So glad to hear you are nursing …keep It up as long as possible. So good for you and your baby.

  5. Trishia Herbst says:

    Keep your eyes open for dairy-free chocolate chips! Maybe they will satisfy your sweet tooth 🙂 There are several brands…Equal Exchange, Enjoy Life, and Kirkland are all dairy free! Equal Exchange doesn’t have soy lecithin either. 🙂 We’re dairy free so we keep these around!

  6. Dena says:

    Alex, our family has dealt with special diets for 15 years! Our boys have had to avoid dairy, yeast, gluten, eggs, red meat, and tomato sauce just to name a few. I agree that dairy is the hardest for me personally to do without – it makes soooo many dishes that much better! Thankfully, we live near many large health food stores, which has made it much easier (easier on our tummies, not so easy on our budget!). I figure its just what we’ve been called to do and have tried to give it the ol’ farmgirl spirit! It’s given me the opportunity to learn many new skills and get creative with our meals, something I really enjoy. We never know what journey we will embark on when we have children! Much love to you and your new family!

  7. Jenna says:

    Alex, how cool! I might have to try this and come back for your step by step instructions!!

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Milkin' It or…Mylkin' It?

My partner and I have a few silly arguments that we visit now and again–perhaps when we’re out to eat and the conversation is dry.  One is over the meaning of the word “milk.” He grew up on a dairy farm and insists that milk must come from a female mammal.  Any “milk” that is not animal based is not milk, it should be called juice…or something.  Soy juice?  Rice juice? No thanks….Coconut juice?  Sure! But I would expect something different from what I’d get.  My argument is that juicing something is also different than the processes used to make dairy free alternative milks.  We generally come to an impasse and move on.  Recently, he said that he would accept an alternative spelling–M-Y-L-K for the alternatives.  It works for me.

Home Made Almond Mylk: Easy and Delicious!

Home Made Almond Mylk: Easy and Delicious!

However, I digress…

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  1. Joan says:

    I don’t have a story, no need to make big changes here. But now if I had that beautiful Ava that needed changes – well I applaud you. Thanks for talking about making almond milk n flour – might try it for fun. God Bless

  2. Rowena says:

    Wow, that’s a tough one. You have my deepest sympathy. I believe in exclusively breastfeeding babies & would never, under any circumstances, stop breastfeeding early or use formula. But dairy & chocolate are my favourite foods – especially together! I don’t believe I could make that sacrifice, even temporarily. But a mother’s love inspires incredible things.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      I know! Dairy and chocolate make up a large percentage of my diet..or at least they did. I am sticking with bf’ing for at least a year!

  3. Cheryl Damberger says:

    My daughter use to and still does use Raw milk? Would that be better? Maybe the processing is what is upsetting to her? Maybe cheeses that have been more aged? or less would be different. The chocolate maybe if you used dark…or a touch of the dark with the almond milk may not be enough to upset her but help your taste buds. I never did like the taste of carob. Now that you have been off these other items you could test these.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Raw milk is the way to go! I’m going to continue to stay off of all dairy for the next couple of weeks to make sure it is totally out of my system. Then I will attempt to reintroduce things slowly, to see if she has a reaction. Unfortunately, it’s any chocolate…Yesterday she was even a bit touchy after I had a teeny bit of dark chocolate! It’s terrible! I remember carob being unappetizing, too; however, when I tried it this time I didn’t go into it thinking it would taste like chocolate–it was way better!

  4. Cheryl Damberger says:

    ps…So glad to hear you are nursing …keep It up as long as possible. So good for you and your baby.

  5. Trishia Herbst says:

    Keep your eyes open for dairy-free chocolate chips! Maybe they will satisfy your sweet tooth 🙂 There are several brands…Equal Exchange, Enjoy Life, and Kirkland are all dairy free! Equal Exchange doesn’t have soy lecithin either. 🙂 We’re dairy free so we keep these around!

  6. Dena says:

    Alex, our family has dealt with special diets for 15 years! Our boys have had to avoid dairy, yeast, gluten, eggs, red meat, and tomato sauce just to name a few. I agree that dairy is the hardest for me personally to do without – it makes soooo many dishes that much better! Thankfully, we live near many large health food stores, which has made it much easier (easier on our tummies, not so easy on our budget!). I figure its just what we’ve been called to do and have tried to give it the ol’ farmgirl spirit! It’s given me the opportunity to learn many new skills and get creative with our meals, something I really enjoy. We never know what journey we will embark on when we have children! Much love to you and your new family!

  7. Jenna says:

    Alex, how cool! I might have to try this and come back for your step by step instructions!!

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Here’s to the Generous

“Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. ” ~Khalil Gibran

Some recent news out of Minnesota shocked me–no, it wasn’t the consistently terrible below zero weather or disastrous snowfalls (I’m actually very jealous of the snow!).  It was the news that school districts had been throwing out low income students’ hot lunches if they couldn’t pay the 40 cent reduced price lunch.  If the lunches were replaced, it was with a cheese sandwich (I’m sure the “cheese” was a far cry from the real thing), and a carton of milk.  I guess something is better than nothing…but students need much more nutrition than a highly processed sandwich and ultra pasteurized milk.  These are probably the same students who come to school without good breakfasts.  How are they expected to perform well in school if they don’t have proper nutrition?  How could this happen in my home state?

But there was other news that piggy backed with this that made me SO thankful for genuine generosity.  A tutor in Texas figured that his students were probably experiencing this same thing, and he took the solution into his own hands.  He donated about $500 to cover the outstanding balances on 60 students’ lunch accounts so they could once again receive hot lunches in their school.

So…Here’s to the Generous!

Baby Ava proclaims: "Here's to the Generous!"

Baby Ava proclaims: “Here’s to the Generous!”

Continue reading

  1. Donna Bailey says:

    What a beautiful baby girl you have. Just wanted to let you know that I think that’s a beautiful story too. Who would have thought so many people would be there for you. But…..that’s what friends do. Have a really out standing year……….daylilli

  2. Rowena says:

    “So, who says that we don’t know how to take care of growing families in this country? I don’t know, but I disagree with them.”
    Lots of people say it because it is true. You are lucky you had the help of generous friends & family. What people mean when they talk about the country as a whole not helping growing families is that we are the only civilized country in the world that does not have paid family leave. We are the only one without universal health care. We are one of the few w/o any sort of visiting nurse system for new moms or breastfeeding support. The story you cited at the beginning of your post about school lunches being taken away is a perfect example.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Yes, I know these things and recognize that there are many shortfalls in the way our government and social welfare systems treat families in the United States. And yes, we have experienced these shortfalls firshand–as seen in our problems with my partner getting leave from his job to be home with us. I should have worded that phrase differently; but I think it is also important to recognize the importance that individuals play in our lives instead of consistently complaining about the system. I get on my high horse about these topics outside of my blog on MJF. However I do, full heartedly, agree with you that the country as a whole has failed and continues to fail supporting mothers, fathers, new babies and many others in the healthcare system.

  3. Patty says:

    When we finally bought some land, we started as soon as possible building raised beds, an outhouse, a canning kitchen and a storage shed with a loft for overnights. The first season we had all our neighbors come over and offer everything from large machinery (a backhoe to dig out an ancient burn pile with God-know-what in it) to goat poop for our garden beds (which the cabbages loved). I’ve moved many times and never have I had such an outpouring of generosity as in our new little hamlet.

  4. Marion says:

    I love your blog and now with beautiful baby Ava, it can only get better. As individuals I think we need to speak out on behalf of those who need help in whatever form they may need it. There is so much that needs to be done,but I also believe we need to be positve and step in and help where we can.

  5. Gaill Pederson says:

    Hi Alex and Family. What a nice post. I came home from Alaska telling Grandpa Dennis of the wonderful friends and support you have there.

    Below is a link to what Governor Dayton said about school lunches in MN.

    Many hugs and kisses from way too far away. Grandma Gail

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks Grandma Gail! Sorry for the slow reply, I hadn’t checked these replies in a bit. We are so grateful for YOU! Love you, a

  6. Debbie says:

    Dear Alex and family,
    Reading your blog and ” new mom” experiences really took me back to when our ( now 18 and 16 ) kids were born and the generosity we felt from family far and wide. WE didn’t live in the boonies, we lived in suburbia but it was much appreciated and welcomed to two elated, yet tired parents. I agree with you. Us gals in the US… could sure learn a thing or two about how to treat ourselves better from other cultures. We rush through everything we do when we are young, only to realize with age and wisdom that we need slow down and enjoy the moment…Giving birth and easing into motherhood is a blessed time. One to cherish and soak in right along with those dirty diapers and spit up cloths! I think our oldest was two when I finally stopped using the term” NEW MOM” . I loved my new title and so enjoyed saying it with a big smile on my face… I know you will too! Many blessings to all of you… Enjoy your precious Ava. She is beautiful and a very lucky little girl.
    Love, from the Beach Farmgirl, Deb

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks Deb! Being a mom is GREAT! While I was pregnant I still had some nagging feelings of regret and grief about leaving my “old” life behind. However, I’ve found that being Ava’s mom is so much better than any adventures I might have to pass on in the coming years. Thank you for all of your heartfelt and welcoming comments, we really appreciate them!

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Here's to the Generous

“Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. ” ~Khalil Gibran

Some recent news out of Minnesota shocked me–no, it wasn’t the consistently terrible below zero weather or disastrous snowfalls (I’m actually very jealous of the snow!).  It was the news that school districts had been throwing out low income students’ hot lunches if they couldn’t pay the 40 cent reduced price lunch.  If the lunches were replaced, it was with a cheese sandwich (I’m sure the “cheese” was a far cry from the real thing), and a carton of milk.  I guess something is better than nothing…but students need much more nutrition than a highly processed sandwich and ultra pasteurized milk.  These are probably the same students who come to school without good breakfasts.  How are they expected to perform well in school if they don’t have proper nutrition?  How could this happen in my home state?

But there was other news that piggy backed with this that made me SO thankful for genuine generosity.  A tutor in Texas figured that his students were probably experiencing this same thing, and he took the solution into his own hands.  He donated about $500 to cover the outstanding balances on 60 students’ lunch accounts so they could once again receive hot lunches in their school.

So…Here’s to the Generous!

Baby Ava proclaims: "Here's to the Generous!"

Baby Ava proclaims: “Here’s to the Generous!”

Continue reading

  1. Donna Bailey says:

    What a beautiful baby girl you have. Just wanted to let you know that I think that’s a beautiful story too. Who would have thought so many people would be there for you. But…..that’s what friends do. Have a really out standing year……….daylilli

  2. Rowena says:

    “So, who says that we don’t know how to take care of growing families in this country? I don’t know, but I disagree with them.”
    Lots of people say it because it is true. You are lucky you had the help of generous friends & family. What people mean when they talk about the country as a whole not helping growing families is that we are the only civilized country in the world that does not have paid family leave. We are the only one without universal health care. We are one of the few w/o any sort of visiting nurse system for new moms or breastfeeding support. The story you cited at the beginning of your post about school lunches being taken away is a perfect example.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Yes, I know these things and recognize that there are many shortfalls in the way our government and social welfare systems treat families in the United States. And yes, we have experienced these shortfalls firshand–as seen in our problems with my partner getting leave from his job to be home with us. I should have worded that phrase differently; but I think it is also important to recognize the importance that individuals play in our lives instead of consistently complaining about the system. I get on my high horse about these topics outside of my blog on MJF. However I do, full heartedly, agree with you that the country as a whole has failed and continues to fail supporting mothers, fathers, new babies and many others in the healthcare system.

  3. Patty says:

    When we finally bought some land, we started as soon as possible building raised beds, an outhouse, a canning kitchen and a storage shed with a loft for overnights. The first season we had all our neighbors come over and offer everything from large machinery (a backhoe to dig out an ancient burn pile with God-know-what in it) to goat poop for our garden beds (which the cabbages loved). I’ve moved many times and never have I had such an outpouring of generosity as in our new little hamlet.

  4. Marion says:

    I love your blog and now with beautiful baby Ava, it can only get better. As individuals I think we need to speak out on behalf of those who need help in whatever form they may need it. There is so much that needs to be done,but I also believe we need to be positve and step in and help where we can.

  5. Gaill Pederson says:

    Hi Alex and Family. What a nice post. I came home from Alaska telling Grandpa Dennis of the wonderful friends and support you have there.

    Below is a link to what Governor Dayton said about school lunches in MN.

    Many hugs and kisses from way too far away. Grandma Gail

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks Grandma Gail! Sorry for the slow reply, I hadn’t checked these replies in a bit. We are so grateful for YOU! Love you, a

  6. Debbie says:

    Dear Alex and family,
    Reading your blog and ” new mom” experiences really took me back to when our ( now 18 and 16 ) kids were born and the generosity we felt from family far and wide. WE didn’t live in the boonies, we lived in suburbia but it was much appreciated and welcomed to two elated, yet tired parents. I agree with you. Us gals in the US… could sure learn a thing or two about how to treat ourselves better from other cultures. We rush through everything we do when we are young, only to realize with age and wisdom that we need slow down and enjoy the moment…Giving birth and easing into motherhood is a blessed time. One to cherish and soak in right along with those dirty diapers and spit up cloths! I think our oldest was two when I finally stopped using the term” NEW MOM” . I loved my new title and so enjoyed saying it with a big smile on my face… I know you will too! Many blessings to all of you… Enjoy your precious Ava. She is beautiful and a very lucky little girl.
    Love, from the Beach Farmgirl, Deb

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks Deb! Being a mom is GREAT! While I was pregnant I still had some nagging feelings of regret and grief about leaving my “old” life behind. However, I’ve found that being Ava’s mom is so much better than any adventures I might have to pass on in the coming years. Thank you for all of your heartfelt and welcoming comments, we really appreciate them!

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The Newest Farmgirl in Town

Hello Farmgirls near and far!  Sorry I missed you for my previous post, but I was busy meeting the newest love of my life: Ava Maureen Wilder.  She is the best thing!  She was born eleven days past her due date on January 28 at 1:03 p.m. weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces and measuring a whopping 19 inches long.  We are pretty sure she’s a genius already, scoring 9 out of 10 on her Apgar right out of the womb.  Labor was long and laborious, but one of the first thoughts that came to my mind when it was over that I could do it 5 or 6 more times (that thought has since calmed down a bit)! The little munchkin is happily cooing and staring at her Grandma Gail right now, so come and meet her while I have a chance to write before getting drawn into staring at her beautiful babiness!

ava and mama eyes

Proud mama cuddle time.

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  1. Margo;) Jakoubek says:

    You are completely correct Proud Momma! She is absolutely adorably ‘GAWD-gous”…as on of my grandgems said when she about 5 years old. CONGRATULATIONS…Nothing as remarkable as parenthood. When they hand you that child…life changes. Now your education begins! Enjoy!
    Mother of a “merger” of 15
    Grandmother of 29

  2. maureen says:

    Congratulations to you both. What a beautiful edition to your life. Enjoy the journey, it’s so worth it. Awesome name, but I’m a little biased! Blessings!

  3. Was anxious to hear a throughout report. I endured a similar journey with my first birth. But like you said, it’s the end result that matters. Lovely photos. Thanks to Evan for all his hard work and support. Great big love and hugs to ALL!!!! (Don’t you LOVE the way Ava smells? Intoxicating to say the least.) Another farmgirl to the rescue!!!

  4. Laura R. says:

    Many warm and loving wishes to the new expanded family ! What a great journey for all of us readers to follow. I can relate to your ‘disappointments’ as I also had to use pitocin for my first born, however my 2nd boy popped right out with time only to get on a gown, break my water, and bam! So, every birth is different, and there is only the best memories ever of bringing our beloved children into the world ! Many farmgirl blessings to you all ! Great pix ! xo

  5. Janice K. says:

    I am thrilled by your little bundle of health! She truly is the most beautiful and perfect baby…You are blessed beyond words!

  6. CJ Armstrong says:

    Congratulations to you and your family! What a beauty!!!!
    Thanks for sharing your story! (makes me want to go take a nap!)

  7. Adrienne says:

    Congratulations to you both for creating a beautiful baby girl. Now continue to live a long and happy life together.

  8. Diana Henretty says:

    YAY!!! From the Ozarks!!
    She is gorgeous, a little piece of heaven on earth!!
    Your pictures tell the beautiful story, welcome, she is like looking at a tiny rose bud,
    ready to bloom in my winter!
    With love and prayers for your new little family, Diana, Noel, Missouri

  9. Joan says:

    Congratulations to you and Evan!! she is absolutely – absolutely beautiful and looks to be well loved and the love is what counts. Sorry the labor was a bit much and I pray all is getting back to normal with your body. Oh the stages of having a baby, being a Mother & grandmother – the sweetness of life. God Bless.

  10. Debby Carrico says:

    Wow, you definitely a strong woman and Mother for demanding the care you wanted for yourself and your daughter. Congratulations! May you commitment be part of your daughter’s character. Many blessings and peace~Debby

  11. katherine says:

    Lovely…thanks for the heart felt post. Blessings for a wonderful motherhood adventure.

  12. Carmen says:

    Welcome to the world Ava!! Blessings to all of you.

  13. Nancy says:

    I have enjoyed your blog so much as I have always wanted to live in Alaska. I was so glad to see your blog pop up on my e-mail and to know that you and your precious daughter are doing so well. She is so beautiful and I know that you and Evan are loving every minute of being with her. Enjoy all the new experiences and joy that you will have with her. Many blessing to the three of you.

  14. Judy says:

    Congratulations! Your little one is beautiful!

  15. Deedee McDonald says:

    Congratulations!! I’ve given birth 6 times and it’s is the most beautiful thing ever!! I’m so happy for you!! You think you know what love is….. Then you have your children. There is nothing like it.❤️

  16. Pam deMarrais says:

    What can I say? She is perfect! I am so delighted for you and your little family. I remember that welling up of emotions when I had my children. There is nothing like it. She is blessed to have such wonderful parents. I know that you will enjoy every moment with her….even when she is awake in the wee hours of the morning. BTW, first babies can be a lot of work…they don’t call it labor for nothing! Your next may come so quickly you can be caught off guard [mine did].

  17. Kim Reeves says:

    Such a bundle of joy! Your family is beautiful. Blessings to you all!

  18. Debbie says:

    Congratulations on the arrival of the newest little farmgirl in town! She is precious! Nothing in life will ever compare to all the feelings new parents experience. It’s pure joy ( even with the midnight feedings and diaper changes) 🙂 You handled the birth beautifully Alex. Don’t let it get to you too much that things didn’t go according to planned…That’s lesson 1 in parenthood. It won’t be the first time that happens and it’s not always something you can control…Parenting is all about finding that sweet spot between letting go and hanging on all at the same time. You and Evan are in for the ride of a lifetime! Many blessings from your Beach Sister on the shorelines! Deb

  19. Cindy says:

    Congratulations – motherhood is the absolute – the proudest moment of my life, certainly……your daughter is beautiful and your family photos are ones of true happiness and joy…..thank you for this heart warming post…..brought back memories of the happiest days of my life…..wishing you many days of this continued joy….blessings to you all….

  20. Rowena says:

    Congratulations! Remember: It is the journey that matters as much as the end result. Your body did NOT fail you. The state of Alaska failed you. Your body was doing fine. I would have refused the transfer to a hospital & the Pitocin. That was the medical establishment trying to put your body on their schedule for reasons that have NOTHING – zip, nada, nothing at all – to do with your health & welfare or that of your baby.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks for your input. Just as you would have chosen to do differently than I did, the steps I took and decisions were made by my partner and myself. I was not forced into anything. I understand that many women feel that natural out of hospital birth is the only way to go, but I believe well-informed women can make any birth decisions they want. If you want an epidural and know what the ramifications are, go for it. If you want an elective C-section to save your lady bits, then go ahead. I do not feel like I was a pawn, I had done my research before hand and was having enough anxiety of my own to go ahead with a more invasive birth process. I feel great about the whole thing, in hindsight (outside of some of the hospital’s ineptness)

      • Rowena says:

        I am glad you feel better. I was responding to what you said about feeling like your body failed you & I wanted to emphasize that just because one’s body does not follow the timetable set by the medical establishment, it does not mean that it has failed. That timetable is not linked to any meaningful measurements of what your body “should” be doing during labour so you shouldn’t judge your body’s performance against it. Sounds like you are not doing that anymore. Congratulations again.

  21. Mary Fenske says:

    Dear Alex, Evan and Ava,
    Thank you for sharing the pictures and words. Little Ava is beautiful and I wish you nothing but joy and peace as you start this journey.

  22. Denise Ross says:

    Congratulations :). How exciting! Best wishes on your new adventure as a family. I love being a mum and the time flies. Enjoy

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Dear Baby

Hello Farmgirls! The baby hasn’t come yet. I am writing this on Tuesday as I have predicted that the baby will be arriving on Wednesday the 15th (or at least making an uncomfortable fuss). It is a full moon, and just two days from the due date. But who knows?

Nesting instincts took over for part of last week, leaving me with a freezer full of delicious home cooked food, clean baby clothes, clean car, contact list for baby’s arrival, and a packed bag for the birth center. Recently, I’ve shifted to feeling more contemplative. A result of this is a letter to our future little nugget. It seemed like a necessary thing for me to do, and I’d like to share it with you all!
Continue reading

  1. Becky Bartlett says:

    What a blessing to leave for your baby. You and Evan are so adventurous and now will have a new person to open the world with. Watching a child explore their world is truly a blessing. Love you guys!

  2. Mary Fenske says:

    What a soulful and lovely letter to your child. I wish you the best of luck as you embark on this new journey and look forward to hearing of your parenting experiences.

  3. Kay Ruh says:

    Wow, your letter brought tears to my eyes. We have always known that this baby is very lucky to be born to you and Evan, and are thrilled for you both and all of us!! You are the ones that should be having babies. We anxiously await news of Baby Wilder’s arrival.
    Love to you both,
    Kay and Bill

  4. MaryJane says:

    Baby Wilder, we await your arrival. Your mama has already prepared a keepsake for you-a letter you’ll cherish some day, some place. Welcome to planet earth, dear little one. You’ve chosen your parents well.

  5. jenna klink says:

    alex, this is beautiful! you are such a great writer. the fact that you "do this a million x infinity more times just for you." proves that you are going to be the. most. amazing. mother! pregnancy is not easy–at least not always! is the babe’s name wilder or is that a nickname? if you’re bored at all before the babe calls give me a call, if not…tap into that awesome woman power you have while birthing this beauty, stay present, do not worry about what time it is or how far along you are, and remember it will not last forever–the more you give in to the contractions and work with the babe, the quicker the babe will be here! love you SO much woman!

  6. Adrienne says:

    Amen, Alex.

  7. Debbie says:

    Dear Alex,
    This is beautiful. You are beautiful and yes, you are about to embark on THE greatest adventure of your lives… But you already know that! We are living parallel lives right now, sort of. As you await the arrival of Baby Wilder I am celebrating our first born turning 18. I too am writing a letter… Much love, many blessings.
    You have all you need to be a mama! A good heart, and an able body! Both will get a work out beyond what you can ever imagine but it’s the best all human workout I know of.
    Deb, ( beach farmgirl ) can’t wait to see the little fella!

  8. Janie says:

    I recall the feelings and thought of wonder I had as I waited for my first childs birth 34 years ago tomorrow. She has been my greatest gift and biggest blessing. My wish for you is one of love and joy as you embark on the incredible wonder of motherhood.
    Remember to write down details of babys birth soon afterward so you dont forget. In my experience, time fades some of those precious memories and my children have relished the telling of their journey. Blessings!

  9. Jenny Holm says:

    Alex, I’m so thrilled for you and Evan and the little boy you are about to bring into the world. This letter is beautiful and inspiring not just for your baby, but for everyone who reads it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us all on the eve of this incredible journey you are about to embark on. Bon voyage! My heart is with you!————————————————————————————————Thanks, Jenny! We actually don’t know if it’s going to be a boy or a girl! Wilder is the last name the babe will have. It’s a combo of our last names and we’ll change ours when we get married. The baby is still holding strong and hasn’t shown signs of imminent arrival, yet!

  10. Charlene says:

    Alex,I just want to tell how much I look forward to you blogs. and sharing your life adventures. You and Evan are going to be terrific parents. Can’t wait to meet baby Wilder…

  11. Joan says:

    God Bless y’all!!!

  12. Joy Pascarella says:

    That was beautiful! You’re taking the time to feel and think things through. You two will make wonderful parents. God bless you!

  13. Stephanie says:

    What a beautiful photo and blog! Will be looking for pictures after the big arrival. Thanks for letting us share this wonderful time along with you!

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New! Nuevo! Nouveau!

Here I am, sitting in our yurt on the first day of 2014–fire roaring in the wood stove, the dog happily squeak-squeak-squeaking one of her Christmas presents, Evan reading a trashy Steven King novel on the couch, and me wearing new slippers. We just got back from watching the newest Hobbit movie in 3D. It might be our last chance to go to a movie at the theater without making babysitting arrangements for a LONG time. All in all, I’d say this is a great first day of 2014, and I’m sure it’s the first of many more to come (and I’m sure it will be miles better than a few of them are apt to be!).

While 2013 proved to be a year of numerable life changes (attaining my graduate degree, building and moving to a new home, getting pregnant), obstacles successfully hurdled (writing a thesis, struggling to accept that a “dream” job I had taken wasn’t the right fit), and experiences learned from (more farming and teaching!); I have to admit that I’m glad it is over. It was stressful yet empowering, it was fast-paced yet fulfilling, and it was mutable yet grounding. The good came with the bad and vice versa…so yes, I’m totally okay with saying, “Sayonara 2013, hello 2014!! Out with the old and in with the new!”

Hello Beauty Full. The baby’s crib. Don’t worry, baby won’t be sleeping with any of this stuff.

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  1. Catherine says:

    Hi. I live in Palmer, Alaska, and was delighted to find you contributing to Mary Janes’s Farm journal. I actually was reared on a farm in Alabama. My family moved to Alaska from outside of Nashville six years ago. We love Palmer and to say that it is beautiful is just the start. God makes stunningly beautiful creations of all kinds here in Alaska.

  2. Nancy says:

    Oh, Alex, blessings upon you and your growing family! It sounds like you have a wonderful support system. Best wishes!


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Long Nights Moon

Long time no see Farmgirls! MJF and co. was kind enough to let me pass on my most recent blog entry because it was my birthday and I was SO TIRED of staring at my computer…but there is more to come on that later.

We just experienced December’s full moon–called the “cold moon” by some and the “long nights moon” by others. Either way, it was the longest night of the year and it appeared to be the smallest one of the year.  As an Alaskan, we can go months without seeing the moon, so this show of the moon for 14 or 15 hours is pretty great.

I tried to takea picture of the moon…but it was just a white dot in a black sky. So, here is Evan, all frosted up during an evening walk with Moki. It’s this dark around 5 p.m.!

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  1. Diann says:

    As a mother and also a grandmother, I am so excited about the new joy coming into y’all’s life. I don’t believe there is a more exciting, intriguing, sorta scarry time in a woman or man’s life. But the blessings are boundless, as is the work that goes into helping to direct this precious being along life’s path. Brightest blessings to all of you in this special time in your lives.

  2. Sandy says:

    Make sure you take plenty of time for resting and sleeping before your delivery! If I had to do kids over again, I would take more time for rest and sleep before delivery. Best wishes.

  3. Judy Arledge says:

    Always so inspired by all you are doing and thankful when you have time to share everything with us. Do you have colleagues here in Montana who would "coach" a mountain girl in this environment on sustainable gardening and the possibility of yurt life? We also have a home in town (Missoula), I have a Gallery, and my husband has not yet retired ~ but we do have mountain property we will soon be on exclusively when he retires. My basket business will be with me forever!
    Carry on, Little Mother! Judy in Montana

  4. Joan says:

    WOW you have been one really busy young lady, no wonder you think that it hasn’t been long enough to gestate but hopefully this last few weeks/days will be a time to slow down and enjoy the nesting. I pray for your delivery and can hardly wait for pictures. God Bless y’all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

  5. Melanie Reid says:

    Hi Alex
    Thanks for all that you share, congrats on your degree, and all the best with your new arrival! I wanted to share a book title with you. I’m guessing you may have already heard of it, but just in case: Full Moon Feast by Jessica Prentice chronicles a year of full moons, their lore and feasts that accompany them. It’s perfect for a food lover and outdoor enthusiast like you!
    Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

  6. cheri says:

    WOW- a baby to keep you busy in the long winter. It has been snowy here in central ohio for a couple of weeks and now that WINTER is finally here this weekend, it will be 50.
    Good for you on the interviews, my kids BOTH are at Ohio State University in the Ag College, great program and opportunities to help us keep movng forward. Let us know where and how you will be applying your masters.

  7. Kelly Ryan says:

    Congratulations on your first baby!!! My baby will be 10 years old on Dec. 22 and being his mother has been the best journey of my life.
    I really enjoyed your blog and look forward to reading it again! My son and will be be visiting Alaska for the first time in June!!:)
    Happy Holidays!!!!
    Kelly in CA

  8. Bonnie Ellis says:

    Congratulations on so many things. Your degree, your soon to be newborn, your yurt and your talent. Many blessings for the new year.

  9. Debbie says:

    Hi there Alex,
    Congratulations on everything! Home and baby together will be great. You’ll make your first memories at the same time. Our first was born January 16th… ( three weeks early ) His due Date was February 3rd. We drove to the hospital in the midst of snow flurries and watched it snow out the window until he finally arrived some eight hours later. After that all eyes were on him. Our baby turns 18 this January. UNBELIEVABLE! We wish you an easy delivery, and much love and warmth together in your new home and in the days ahead as " new " parents. I have to say, I loved that part of becoming a mom… I’m not sure when I finally stopped saying I was a " new " mom, but I’m pretty sure beamed from the inside out every time I spoke those words. There truly is nothing like the arrival of a brand new babe…Enjoy and be blessed!!!
    Deb ( your beach blogging sister )

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Winter Beginnings in the Yurt

Since my last post about cravings, several have been satiated! Evan and I went out for some delicious Korean food, I skyped with my nieces, got our very first electrical outlet in the yurt, and…it SNOWED! Hooray! Winter is here, and the yurt is treating us well so far. I’d like to think it’s because we are treating the yurt well…It’s a symbiotic, mutually beneficial type of thing. We are good to it, so it is good to us.

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  1. Joan says:

    It is 12 degrees with a wind chill of 0 today here at almost 2:00 p.m. about 2"s of snow over night. I think it looks like you have a bit more snow – so pretty. Happy to hear you are doing well and that the yurt is too. Love to hear all about your ‘adventuresome’ life – yes to me it is adventuresome. God Bless

  2. Tina Robinson says:

    Thank you for sharing your life style in the Yurt and in Alaska and you absolutely look beautiful pregnant. Can’t wait to see the baby when it is born. Are having the baby at home or in the hospital ? I am a mother of two children daughter 30 and my son 26 and my daughter has 4 children ,three boys and a girl. 8yr, 6yrs, 2yr girl , 8 month old she is a nurse and I am blessed to care for all of them when she works 🙂

  3. Joy Pascarella says:

    We just got blasted with snow and wind too this week so I know the feelings. Wind blowing and the whistling sounds around the chimney and places. We burn with would too. Someone always has to let the cat out around 4 and that is a good time to full the stove again. Sounds like it’s working out great there!

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crav-ing (noun): a powerful desire for something; an intense, urgent, or abnormal desire or longing;

Once in awhile, we all want something so badly it is hard to get off of our minds. Sometimes, these come out of nowhere; other times they are fueled by seeing or smelling something that we just can’t forget. Sometimes, it feels like we need these items or we won’t be able to go on. Obviously, these cravings are generally not a part of our hierarchy of needs and we would survive just fine. However, our sanity might take a hit.

One of the most common questions I get asked as a pregnant woman is “do you have any crazy cravings?” Generally, the answer to that is, “Not really…” I crave ice cream and chocolate sometimes, but I think I always crave ice cream and chocolate. Sometimes I crave green things like kale and Brussels sprouts, but I sometimes crave green things when I’m not pregnant. So, while I don’t have any “crazy” food cravings, I am way more apt to give into my food cravings than I was before. I’m generally just a lot more insatiably hungry!

However, I’ve also been taking note of some of life’s cravings that are not food centered.

One of my cravings stems from this beautiful–yet snowless–November in Alaska scene…

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  1. Joy Pascarella says:

    Everything looking real good! I live in a ceder home. Every once in a while I crave drywall. Something to paint or to change the color. All the rooms in the house are wood. I love it but I just feel like painting something sage green, or some fun color. But it passes, and I get busy and thank the Lord I have an easy house to live in. 🙂

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