My partner and I have a few silly arguments that we visit now and again–perhaps when we’re out to eat and the conversation is dry. One is over the meaning of the word “milk.” He grew up on a dairy farm and insists that milk must come from a female mammal. Any “milk” that is not animal based is not milk, it should be called juice…or something. Soy juice? Rice juice? No thanks….Coconut juice? Sure! But I would expect something different from what I’d get. My argument is that juicing something is also different than the processes used to make dairy free alternative milks. We generally come to an impasse and move on. Recently, he said that he would accept an alternative spelling–M-Y-L-K for the alternatives. It works for me.

Home Made Almond Mylk: Easy and Delicious!
However, I digress…
I don’t have a story, no need to make big changes here. But now if I had that beautiful Ava that needed changes – well I applaud you. Thanks for talking about making almond milk n flour – might try it for fun. God Bless
Thanks for the support! Do try the almond milk, it’s good to know how to do it if nothing else!
Wow, that’s a tough one. You have my deepest sympathy. I believe in exclusively breastfeeding babies & would never, under any circumstances, stop breastfeeding early or use formula. But dairy & chocolate are my favourite foods – especially together! I don’t believe I could make that sacrifice, even temporarily. But a mother’s love inspires incredible things.
I know! Dairy and chocolate make up a large percentage of my diet..or at least they did. I am sticking with bf’ing for at least a year!
My daughter use to and still does use Raw milk? Would that be better? Maybe the processing is what is upsetting to her? Maybe cheeses that have been more aged? or less would be different. The chocolate maybe if you used dark…or a touch of the dark with the almond milk may not be enough to upset her but help your taste buds. I never did like the taste of carob. Now that you have been off these other items you could test these.
Raw milk is the way to go! I’m going to continue to stay off of all dairy for the next couple of weeks to make sure it is totally out of my system. Then I will attempt to reintroduce things slowly, to see if she has a reaction. Unfortunately, it’s any chocolate…Yesterday she was even a bit touchy after I had a teeny bit of dark chocolate! It’s terrible! I remember carob being unappetizing, too; however, when I tried it this time I didn’t go into it thinking it would taste like chocolate–it was way better!
ps…So glad to hear you are nursing …keep It up as long as possible. So good for you and your baby.
Keep your eyes open for dairy-free chocolate chips! Maybe they will satisfy your sweet tooth 🙂 There are several brands…Equal Exchange, Enjoy Life, and Kirkland are all dairy free! Equal Exchange doesn’t have soy lecithin either. 🙂 We’re dairy free so we keep these around!
Alex, our family has dealt with special diets for 15 years! Our boys have had to avoid dairy, yeast, gluten, eggs, red meat, and tomato sauce just to name a few. I agree that dairy is the hardest for me personally to do without – it makes soooo many dishes that much better! Thankfully, we live near many large health food stores, which has made it much easier (easier on our tummies, not so easy on our budget!). I figure its just what we’ve been called to do and have tried to give it the ol’ farmgirl spirit! It’s given me the opportunity to learn many new skills and get creative with our meals, something I really enjoy. We never know what journey we will embark on when we have children! Much love to you and your new family!
Alex, how cool! I might have to try this and come back for your step by step instructions!!