Spring Break!

It’s spring break season for students of all ages—from little preschoolers to non-trad college students.  For many, this means trips to warm southern climes:  Mexico, Florida, Arizona, Hawaii, bikinis, tropical cocktails, suntans and sandy scalps.  For others, it might be a good time to pick up extra shifts at work and make some spending money.  Then, there are the folks who don’t have a designated spring break, because they work 9-5 jobs.  We are a little bit of all of these.  Evan works a “real” job, but his “weekend” is Tuesday and Wednesday.  He’s also a student who happens to be on spring break.  I have been nannying for a family who is also on spring break this week, so I have the week off.  It turns out, Evan and I had our first two days off together since mid-January.  We decided to celebrate with a spring break trip!

Spring Break, Alaska Style.  Ava doesn't look impressed!

Spring Break, Alaska Style. Ava doesn’t look impressed!

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  1. susana says:

    Love the Alaska backwoods trip with you. Even though it was just a visual, I enjoyed the narratives and ohtos. …since I always wanted to go to Alaska but never found the time, even though I have traveled to many wonderful places.
    I Love how Ava is so curious and brave to put her in the water with sea creatures. Must have been a joy to see her test the waters of many adventures. She’s so sweet.
    I love the fungus glasses on the tree….and you feel the wonders of nature first hand. How weird but wonderful…..even G*d has a sense of humor in His creations! Thanks for sharing your spring break!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you, Susana! It was a nice little trip for our family. Ava is a a brave and tough little Farmgirl!

  2. Denise Ross says:

    Sounds a fabulous spring break. We are heading into autumn weather here, and I’m looking forward to some cooler temperatures. We’ve had a long hot summer this year. I’m looking forward to getting outside more from now on.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      I love that we have a dedicated reader from “down under” (do you even say that in Australia?!). It proves that Farmgirl is a condition of the heart, not location! Happy Fall to you and yours.

  3. Joan says:

    Thanks for the Spring break outing – I had a good time. Ava is growing so quickly – too cute she is. God bless.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks! She is growing up too quickly in my opinion, time for another wee little babe? Blessings to you, as well!

  4. Alex, what a perfect Spring Break trip! I loved Seward. My sister in law (who lives in Anchorage) and I spent a weekend in Seward a number of years ago. My favorite part of our time in the area was taking the Danny J Ferry to Halibut Cove. Oh my goodness, it is beautiful there. We hiked around the island and had lunch at The Saltry (I think that was the name of it), we went to a gallery and bought some beautiful pottery. What a fabulous time! And we stayed at a B&B in Seward and just enjoyed it all. My sister in law was very kind to play tourist with me!!! 🙂 Loved your post and love that darling little Ava, walking around in her super cute little boots! What did she think of the baby? Hugs, Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      So cool that you’ve been there, Dori (but you might be thinking of Homer? that’s nearer to Halibut Cove, I think))! I’m loooking forward to getting out on a boat this coming summer when my dad visits. The male half of our friendly couple down there is a captain on a tour boat! He has a classic, calm, Mainer sea captain voice–it will be a treat! Plus, we can’t wait to see that little baby again. At first Ava was indifferent toward the little guy, but once he started crying she wanted to comfort him a bit. So cute to see her interact with other kids and babies!

      • Dori Troutman says:

        Ha Ha!! Yep, you are right! It WAS Homer!! I had to refresh my memory on that trip. One thing I was reminded of by my husband was that he and his brother left from Seward on a big fishing trip and that is where we left them off at before my sister-in-law and I headed out on our weekend trip. And we had the best Halibut Chowder at a little restaurant in Seward. Someday we’ll go back! It’s such a beautiful state! I always look forward to your posts, Alex. – Dori –

        P.S. I’ll be anxious to hear about your boat trip with your Sea Captain friend. That is so awesome! 🙂

        • Alexandra Wilson says:

          Mmmmm, Halibut Chowder, my mouth is watering! I look forward to your posts, too, Dori. They help me realize that my dream can be reality some day all while providing great tips that apply to any Farmgirl. I also cannot wait for the boat trip with my friend. His voice is so soothing, it reminds me of an old-timey radio host.

  5. robin fritz says:

    i love your blog, some day i hope to see alaska. have a happy spring!

  6. Jennifer says:

    I would love to visit Alaska sometime; your words paint it so beautifully. My son was talking about going to college there, but it’s just so far from home! Still, an adventure would be lovely. We’re on our Spring Break now and so far, I have signed my oldest homeschooling son up to attend GED classes this summer.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you, Jennifer! It is a long way from home the other states. It is the hardest part about living up here. You should definitely consider a trip up here sometime. I suggest March or late summer!

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The White Stuff, Revisited

{Disclaimer: I just realized that the teaser for this post kind of makes it sound like I’m struggling with an illicit drug addiction, this was not my intention…Don’t worry, I am definitely not partying like a rockstar}

Two years ago I wrote a post titled “The White Stuff” which was about both an abundance of snow and my love for raw milk.  As I pondered what to write about this week, I kept thinking the white stuff, the white stuff;  and I could not come up with a better title.  Some others I sifted through: “Reawakening,” “Guilt,” “Transformation,” and “Forty Days and Forty Nights.”  None of these seemed to fit what I was going for though, so I stuck with “The White Stuff” it’s just “revisited.”

It’s also totally different from that post.  Unlike the glorious, snowy winters of 2012 and 2013, this year has been dismal!  Apparently the east coast and parts of the midwest have been hogging all of the snow.  I know that many of you in those areas would gladly part with some of it.  Too bad Mother Nature had different plans.

Ummm...that white stuff is really far away!  Snowless view of Spring Creek Farm

Ummm…that white stuff is really far away! Snowless view of Spring Creek Farm

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  1. Kim says:

    Alex, God is not tsk-tsk-tsk-ing you. He is totally in love with you…more so than you are with your daughter, if you can imagine that! It’s an absolutely wonderful thing! I was raised Catholic and am a proud-to-be practicing Catholic. For Lent, I am giving up time…time to reflect on His word, time to reflect on myself, time to reflect on my relationship with Him, time to pray more. In the past, I have replaced a sacrifice of the typical food stuff with something that pushes who I am into a more positive place….for example, giving up complaining. I find those sacrifices more rewarding. When I fail, I don’t give up and God doesn’t give up on me either. Would you give up on your daughter if/when she fails? You are God’s daughter. He loves you no matter what…and there’s nothing you can do about it. 🙂 Many blessings to you and your family!

  2. Deb Bosworth says:

    Howdy, Alex! You are certainly correct in the northeast getting tons of snow… it’s snowing right now, in fact. Mother nature is a funny thing. As for this farmgirl, I’m praying for warmer temps and rains…. I’ve got flowers to grow, after all and I can’t even see the tops of my raised beds at the moment for all the snow they are buried under. The only self-denial I’m practicing right now is not ordering more seeds than I have room to plant them in. It’s NOT easy… I’m ADDICTED to flowers! Enjoy the sunshine and warmth you are having.. It’s good for your bones and your spirits! Wish you could send us some!
    Hugs, Beach Farmgirl, Deb

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Hey Deb! It sounds pretty wild out there. I bet it’s getting tedious, and I understand your worry about your flowers. Your flower beds are always so gorgeous! I bet you will be in the soil before you know it. I am the same with seed orders. I usually end up donating a bunch to the school I used to teach at for the kiddos to experiment with or grow in their own little containers. We are enjoying the warmth and sunshine and so wish we could send some your way. Here’s to a warm front!

  3. Marlene says:

    As a recovering Catholic I recommend that next Lent you give up guilt and add doing something productive as a Lenten sacrifice. By Easter you’ll be 40 days a happier more guiltless person. It’s really quite freeing.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Yes! I was hesitant to use the phrase “recovering Catholic.” I usually do try doing something productive over Lent, but this year I felt like my sugar consumption was getting out of control…so I went with that. Thanks for chiming in!

  4. susana says:

    Well, you can have my snow….Frèeeeeeee! Got about five feet in my front yard and that’s not drift of sugar! Lol cone ad get it!
    When I was a kid, I used go father snow so my mum could make us snow cones. But I wouldn’t do that now! I had to get my grandsons to come and clean off my deck and shovel snow off my roof….that was a scary adventure….with rope around him so he wouldn’t slid off the roof. Did that because we kept hearing popping and creaking sounds in the attic, most likely the heat hitting the snow and ice. Were ….on bended kbee …Praying my gutters dont get pulled off. Last year we had the covering get pulled off, of our back Door ….torn off by the
    I hate winter, but busy myself with crocheting, sewing, reading, filling my notebook with art and recipes…love collecting them.
    Trying to avoid going out in the cold, going out only when our roads are dry. I hate venturing down snowy or ice covered
    roads and I ate having to shovel that while stuff….. I wonder if that white stuff was sugar would t be/easier to go out in it? Be a sticky mess. Can you imagine snow being sugar?
    But what I think if this cold…..I think the earth is doing that 100th year tilt where north becomes the west and south becomes the east. Something like that where the poles do a flip flop….its probably why weather gets freaky every so many years. And we see it as tusumis and bad weather. I did notice the/sun coming up this past week more northerly than it was. I always watch the seasons change out my kitchen window. Life fir ever changing. Yet staying the same. Winter has a way of making you ponder more….I even write more in the winter time. But I can never appreciate the season until it passes. Then I miss those lazy, curl up under the blanket days…remembering those cold Winters of Iowa with a wood furnace ….sleeping face and the blankets in the dead of winter! Then I’m grateful that thins get better! Now just waiting for spring and
    Anting season…..in the meantime, I just made some pumpkin coconut muffins using my pump,in up before it rots….. made me 2 dozen muffins today. Boy did they taste yummy! Its what I do in the winter time. Bake! Don’t think I coud give up my sweet
    tooth! Recipe ….if you care to try it……. 2 cups of puree pumpkin to be packaged cake mix, no oil, and three large eggs, and a half a cup to one cup of dred shredded coconut. Mix all together. Bake 350 degrees in cup cake time for ten more minutes than package says,( turn off oven, but let cupcakes sit in oven…. if cakes look wet. Let oven cool. Enjoy! The MST healthy cupcakes I make!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      FIVE feet?!?! Holy shovels! That’s incredible and probably a bit dangerous. Thank goodness you have your grandkids to help you out with the shoveling. I very much wish you could send some this way. Snow being sugar…ewww! Maybe it would help save the bees? There is a type of snow called “sugar snow” or depth hoar. It’s the layer of crystallized snow/vapor that develops between the lowest layer of snow and the ground. It commonly helps trigger big avalanches!

      Pumpkin muffins are some of my favorite sweets! I think they are partially what helped propel me into my sugar addiction. I also love coconut…mix those two together? YUM. Thanks for the recipe!

  5. Dori Troutman says:

    Hi Alex, I was hearing about the lack of snow from our family in Anchorage. What a bummer. I keep thinking about the Iditarod and wondering how that is going to go without good snow? The trails can be wickedly dangerous without good snow right? As for sugar (or lack there-of) I also know when my intake is getting out of hand as I get a migraine… then I’m careful again for a few months and then slowly, ever so gradually get too much of it again. 🙁 I have two little grand-girls that have been raised with VERY little sugar and I just recognize how beneficial it is. Easy to get addicted to the stuff for sure! And yes, you are right EVERYTHING tastes so sweet. I love that! 🙂 Hugs – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      You are right, Dori, the trails are very dangerous without snow. They were bad last year as well and I think it led to more teams dropping out than usual. I imagine it’s hard on the dogs to drag a sled over tundra rather than glide over snow! We are really happy with our sugarlessness (good made up word), but I imagine the same thing will happen as time goes on. Then we’ll just have to cut back all over again. Your two grandgirls sound so very special! I love hearing about them. Best to you and yours!

  6. Barb says:

    Ah, another recovering Catholic! But, finally, in my 60th year, I have no Lenten guilt. I try to make lifelong changes in myself and attitudes–nix the deprivations, add joy, graciousness, kindness, etc. Oh yeah, and, about 30 years ago I cut out most of the sugar. It was a LONG haul for 10 years or so, through a lot of REALLY bad recipes, trying to keep both my health and appetite happy. I now eat some sweets, but all the candy (except for very good organic dark chocolate) and processed foods are gone. I’ve learned to cut back sugar in recipes, substitute local honey when I can, and pack lots of other good nutrients into the goodies…sweet potato brownies—wonderful! They pass the chocoholics test! I bake custards, apple crisp, etc., but my portions are 1/4 of what I used to eat…and it all works for me. Once in a while I’ll fall off the wagon and eat four fresh, still warm choc chip cookies, but don’t hold it against myself…my stomach takes care of that for me! My family has a history of sugar addiction and all the accompanying ailments…I didn’t want to be one of them. By eating no prepared foods, lots of veggies, fruit, good meat and dairy, and doing my own cooking I can eat goodies without the trauma to my system. Good luck!

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Tickle, Tickle

Hello All, Sorry it has taken a few days to get this posted.  We had some technical difficulties with permissions and the like…Sometimes living in a yurt has its snafus.  We hope you are all well!

As I write this, I’m wrapping up one of those days that felt like it would never end…and not in a good way! It’s a shame when these days come along, but they do. It’s not that anything especially bad happened—it was just little thing, after little thing, after little thing. I mostly felt incompetent. Just a few minutes ago, however, I couldn’t help but break into uncontrollable laughter.

Okay...how could you not tickle this adorable baby?

Okay…how could you not tickle this adorable baby?

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  1. Dori Troutman says:

    Alex, I just love posts with darling Ava! And tickle is the best word. I love that tickle is one of Ava’s first words. How fun is that? I get tickled over a lot of things… as a matter of fact, I usually get tickled over things that aren’t necessarily that funny! 🙂 But it sure makes the bumps in the road a little easier when we can laugh, huh? Thanks for this post… glad you are okay. I got a little worried when we got our email alert for your post… and it wasn’t there! 🙂 Stay warm. – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks for your concern, Dori! It is a good habit to get tickled over those little inconsequential mishaps. More of us need to follow your lead! We’ve been staying pretty warm up here in Alaska–it’s been in the forties the last few days. Warmer than the Carolinas, crazy!

  2. Denise Ross says:

    I get stressed over the little stuff too, and I wish I didn’t. But I’m working on that. Tickles make me laugh too, but I hate the losing control of feeling too. Ava is a cutie. I love you sharing her with us. Hope your days are better now with tickles. 🙂

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Denise! The days are definitely better and the tickles are getting much more fun. They are a good reminder to shrug off the small stuff–I want to set a good example for Ava by being a less stressed person. I just need to remind myself quite often. Hope you are well!

  3. Karen Pennebaker says:

    February has been the “month of mishaps” here… one after another…and thank goodness this month is about gone. I’d gladly send you the snow and ice we have had as well as the bitter cold temperatures! West Virginia isn’t supposed to be undergoing an ice age but it sure acts like it! and if someone tickled me, I would NOT laugh. That is one thing that I have always HATED and I never did it to my babies!

  4. bonnie b says:

    This was a post worth waiting for! A great word choice and with your darling daughter, one that is especially appropriate! It is good to consider what “tickles” us and relish them all.
    So sorry you in AK are without your usual snow. In Ohio, we have not had any real record breakers in snowfall, just cold temps and some ice. But… it is the coldest February on record for many parts of the state. I’m waithing to see green grass and I wouldn’t even mind having to mow it. LOL
    Take care, Bonnie

  5. susana says:

    Somehow I missed the blogs before valentines day….but you tickled my heart….ava is so cute, she tackled my memory of the days when my kids were that small. Love his she is so curious and searches out fir those little things that can be irritating if were not feeling up to par. Its the winter dreads due yo the lack of Don, but you got your sun! Ava! Enjoy her because she will grow up and move away, enjoy her irritating tackling curiosity charm, fir she us a charmer.

    You know those dreadful feelings could be due to insufficient sun ….you sound like you need vitamin D….you need MORE in the winter months. I Been there and notice this…..did you know anyone living in the northern hemisphere deal with this….get 2000mg of vitamin D a day and those yucky feelings of the blues will go away! Then you will be truly ticks pink and not in the blues, then things went be so irritating. If that’s not enough try L_tyrosine, that makes you feel better too. Be cause MST people get down in he drums n the feeling department. Oversees emotions can do that to you….kids can overwhelm you by all the caring you do fir others. It will take approximate be to two months before you feel less irritated. Then you can really enjoy just looking at Ava! Me smiling, days get better….spring will be here soon…

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Happy Birthday, Little One

It is Little Miss Ava’s first birthday!  What an exciting milestone, and what a year we’ve had.  She is, by miles and miles, the best decision we ever made. Throughout the last several days, I’ve found myself thinking about what I was doing exactly one year ago.  I did not know of the immense love and connection that we, as common ol’ people, were capable of feeling.  I did not know how primal the instincts I would experience would actually be.  I didn’t even know that we were going to have a daughter!


Ava's Grandma Gail made this gorgeous birthday banner.  Each year she will get another butterfly to add to it!

Ava’s Grandma Gail made this gorgeous birthday banner. Each year she will get another butterfly to add to it!

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  1. Happy Birthday Ava, We share January as our Birth Month, Mine was the 24 and I like January. I happen to be born many years before you are your Mother and father were even thought of. LOL Just wanted to wish you “Happy Birthday” and many more Butterflies. Keep that sweet smile. you are Precious. Hugs Juanita farm sister #1020

  2. Dori Troutman says:

    Dear Alex, Oh I just loved this post. It made me cry. It’s been a long time since my babies turned one, but I have two grand-girls that make me feel that feeling all over again and I LOVE IT. I also love your idea of not bringing actual presents, but bringing something that will last a life-time. And the banner her Gramma Gail made her – what a fabulous idea and keepsake. Hugs to you. Oh, and kisses to Ava on her gorgeous pink chubby cheeks. She is so precious. – Dori, the Ranch FarmGirl –

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Awww, thanks Dori!! Hopefully Ava will like the keepsake idea, too. She has more than enough toys for only being one! Hugs to you and yours as well.

  3. Mary Pitman says:

    I love your stories. You do such an awesome job. I admire someone who can put such feelings down on paper (or ??). I love babies, so have greatly enjoyed your keeping us all posted on your daughter’s growth. Awesome!!!!
    much love and hugs

  4. Maria Reyes says:

    Oh how I envy you! I have always had to work. My kids and us(husband and I), had to rely on grandmother to watch them. My husband did his share, but I missed a lot. Thru your posts I imagined myself with my children when I couldn’t because of work, I’m not sorry but I wished I could have spent more time with them. They know I love them and they know how hard I have worked to make ends meet and be a good provider. I guess at the end that is all that matters. Children now grown and they turned out to be wonderful and loving I guess I did good! I missed a lot but it was worth it.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      There are advantages and disadvantages to all mothering situations. A working mother definitely shows her children that she loves them so much that she must sacrifice some of the time she wants with them to make their lives the best they can be. I actually did have to work on her birthday for a few hours, but I’m very happy that I don’t work full time and that I can usually bring Ava with me!

  5. susana says:

    Happy birthday to the little one…I think its so beautiful to bring such joy into other peoples lives. Hope you make it more secure for her and cement it with your continued love. Love is beautiful when its more secure. She is do beautiful. Its how God meant it to be….wholesome and enjoyed to its fullness. Glad to see the fruit in of love.
    Love the/first horse. Cute photo. Eva is so beautiful.

  6. susana says:

    Sorry about miss pelling her name….Ava. the tablet has a way of misspelling if….I don’t click on each word ( its a pain in the Butt)!

  7. Kay Shoemaker says:

    I love your Farmgirl stories, but this is the best. Your Ava is a lucky girl. Love and hugs to all of you, and Happy Birthday to your little one. May your year ahead be full of more firsts and more sleep!

  8. CJ Armstrong says:

    What a cutie! Happy Birthday, Ava!

  9. Diann says:

    lWell dern it! This made the little ole lady tear up! Alas, my oldest daughter, born 1/21, turned 40 (OMG!!!) this month. And yet your article brought back all the sweet memories and a few tears of those first years. And ya know, it doesn’t change as the years quickly fly by…you will still feel that incredible pride and joy in your child regardless of the age. Thank you for a lovely walk down memory lane and Happy Birthday all you January babies! Blessings in all of your endeavors!

  10. Lynn L says:

    You asked what tickles our tickler? As I am now in my 60s and just connected with my childhood friend, it’s my memories of our times together that gets me laughing… I was sharing with her my memories of her father one time… Back in the “old days” of the late 1950s before schools became “closed campuses” and everyone ate lunch at school, we used to walk home for lunch, and then walk back to school…. Yes, I know… Anyway, one day my friend Judy and I were walking home from school when her father went cruising by, driving the white station wagon they had in those days, and we went, oh, boy, he’ll give us a ride, so we started running. He slowed down to let us catch up to him, then leaned out the window and yelled, “Are you tired of walking?” We yelled, “YES,” as we were running to catch up to him. He then yelled, “trying running….” which we already were running, trying to catch up to him, as he sort of slowly started cruising off without us…. And there we were still running… going, “what?!!!” That story still cracks me up! I’ve told that story dozens of times in my life…

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Yeah, the posts got a little bit messed up because of my internet situation up here in the far north. So, the tickle post was put up just today. Sorry for the mix up. But thanks for sharing your funny, nostalgic story with us. Different times, for sure! I love it. Thank you so much for sharing, Lynn!

  11. Debbie says:

    Hi Alex! My apologies for being late to Ava’s party! As I read your post my mind traveled back in time to both of our babies ( now 19 and 17 ) first birthday parties, and year of FIRSTS..Which, btw keeps happening as long as you are parents! We are now in the FIRST LOVE stage ( our oldest) FIRST car and FIRST job stage( our daughter) and I can tell you that each first since the first breath to the ones we are experiencing along with our children is still a rush of delight, anticipation, ( I won’t lie) and as they get older toss in some worry and a lot of praying for guidance. I love the banner she got from grandma! So clever and what a keepsake that ( and those following ) will be. My hubby used to draw a big picture of whoever the favorite character or animal was for each of our kids on their Birthdays. For our son, we played pin the hat on Cowboy Rudy from Toy Story, pin the light saber on Luke Sky-walker and Pin the laser gun on Green Power ranger. Pin the dinosaur bone on T-Rex… well, you get the picture! Anyway, dear Alex and Evan… as parents you’ll have something to celebrate and be grateful for every day from here on out… That’s just life after kids! Many more blessings to all of you and give sweet Ava a kiss for me! Thanks for sharing your life as ” new ” parents with us farmgirls! xo Deb ( beach farmgirl )

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Deb! Parenthood is a fantastic journey. I am so thankful to be able to share in and learn from experiences of this whole Farmgirl sisterhood. As always, thank you for your support. I love hearing stories of your kiddos, and I look forward to many more firsts with all of our kids.

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The Crud

“A family is a unit composed not only of children but of men, women, an occasional animal, and the common cold.” ~Ogden Nash

It all started on New Year’s Eve.  I saw her, I hugged her, I knew immediately that Ava was going to get what she had (and by the law of being a mom to a sick baby, I would be soon to follow).  She is my adorable, amazing, miraculous little niece, CJ.  She had just gotten tubes put in her ears that morning, so I asked her how she was feeling.  I got a full on thumbs down!  Then, I heard it, the Crud.

Bed is the best place to be when feeling unwell.  Photo courtesy of George Eastman House by Nikolas Muray ca. 1935

Bed is the best place to be when feeling unwell. Photo courtesy of George Eastman House by Nikolas Muray ca. 1935

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  1. diana henretty says:

    If you get a fever this winter, soak some slices of unpeeled potatoes in a bowl of
    apple cider vinegar for about 15 min.
    Take them out, put them in your socks on the soles of your feet.
    Within a few minutes your fever will drop to normal.
    My husband tried this after otc meds wouldnt bring down my 103 fever, and I was talking out of my head.
    The next morning, I was surprised to stand up with vinegar soaked potatoes in my socks but well. That remedy brought down my fever in 15 minutes.
    It really works!
    Wishing you and that sweet baby health and happiness…..Diana, Noel Mo.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Diana! I will keep this remedy in my Crud files. Part of me (a very, very, minuscule part) wants a fever so I can try this…

  2. I would say this post could easily be THE crud manual for mommas and babies. Crud happens but how you deal with it and think about it is everything. I want to be cared for by you the next time the crud pays us a visit:)

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, MaryJane! I think my written word comes off a bit less pathetic than my reality, but you are right–how we think about it makes a huge difference. I hope you escape the crud this winter!

  3. Shari Doty says:

    I also prefer natural remedies, and self healing. Some things I’ve had luck with are as follows:
    If the ears get involved, I soak two small cotton balls with onion juice, and place one in each ear. Incredibly it takes away the pain, and draws out infection.
    For sinuses, crush a clove of garlic, and breathe deeply through your nose. I have also added crushed garlic to olive oil, and smeared it on my chest during a particularly horrible cold!
    Also never underestimate the power of hot lemonade with honey and a shot of Jack Daniel’s! It makes you sleep and it makes you sweat out toxins. Plus for just a bit, the whiskey makes you feel less like you’re dying! But no more than twice a day, otherwise you’re just masking the symptoms, and might as well go ahead and use the cold medicine. (shudder)

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      My ears ARE involved. I will try the onion juice today. And I do love a nice hot toddy. I think there might be one (or two) in my future… Thanks for the tips!

  4. Nancy Edwards says:

    We are just getting through the CRUD as well. Always hard to weigh in about taking OTC drugs which make it possible to go to work but really mask what is going on. I have found as a I get older that I am veering away from antibiotics and more towards more natural alternatives. I was a child of the 1950’s and 60’s and part of the group that had antibiotics over-prescribed and now I am allergic to penicillin because it was the “go to” drug for everything for so long. That said, I have always maintained getting a broken arm would be easier than the CRUD which hits you on so many fronts. But now, at my age, the idea of staying home and napping endlessly is such an attractive scenario that I am formulating stories in my head to try out on my boss whenever the CRUD comes knocking. “It could be a cold but it has the same symptoms as Koala Flu so I best stay home to be sure.”

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Haha, I love it. Koala Flu is very serious. I remember, as a kid, thinking it would be better for my nose to fall off than to have a cold!

  5. Tamara says:

    What I have sounds nothing like what you have. I just have a common cold and on day 5, it’s following the typical pattern of going away on days 5 and 6 before I wave bye-bye for good. I have a barrage of herbal treatments that I do, which may do nothing, but it makes me feel like I am doing something. The absolutely most awesome thing I take is medicinal mushrooms. I’ve tried several brands and the hands-down winner is MycoFormulas Immune Defense. I’ve warded off many colds by taking this at the very first suspicions that I might be getting sick. Honey is a huge relief straight from the jar for sore throats and coughs. Of course, I take a bunch of other things….echinacea, goldenseal, elderberry, andrographis, and astragalus….and tons of Vitamin C. This time I added zinc at the urging of my boyfriend. Soups full of garlic, lemon, ginger, and shiitake mushrooms always make me feel better. And a hot steamy shower clears up the sinuses. When things get sticky at the end, the netti pot is a godsend. TerraFirm Botanicals “Root It Away” cough syrup works great for coughs….I get it from Mountain Rose Herbs. And I do admit that I take phenylephrine. It is non-drowsy and takes care of sniffles or stuffiness…and in the nose spray form, it works miracles. I do believe that getting sick now and then is really good for our immune systems, but there is a limit to how raw my nose can get before I reach for a little help from the medicine cabinet…and it really makes life tolerable. Stay warm, keep away from other people, and don’t push yourself at the end or you will relapse. And just think of how strong your immune system will be after this ordeal!!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Awesome, Tamara! Thanks for your cold care guide. It follows my thoughts exactly- “there’s only so raw my nose can get.” I didn’t know phenylephrine came in a nasal spray…I may have to look into it. And medicinal mushrooms?! cool. Thanks for your advice and tips!

  6. Dana May says:

    I love your stories, and your sweet little Ava. Such a good momma you are!! Keep writting you are excellent at it!!

  7. Emma says:

    We are faithful neti-ers at my house. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t ALWAYS take a peek to see what’s come out. Hope you feel better soon!

  8. Hi Alex, I have managed to escape The Crud this season… unfortunately in the back of my head I keep knowing that it is going to come! When it does, I’m going to try some of the remedies in your blog post – and the comments! 🙂 I have to admit that before I read your post I scrolled down real quick to see a picture of Ava…. awwww she wasn’t there! That little girl has to be the cutest little button. Hope you and the darling wee-one feel better soon. Hugs, – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Dori. Yeah, there are some great recommendations in the comments, I’m eager to try some of them. I was kind of lazy with pictures these past two weeks…I’ll try to find a good Ava one to tack on the end for you! We seem to be on mend today. I hope you don’t get the crud!

  9. Heidi says:

    I love to make a steeping pot of wellness tea….fresh chopped ginger, garlic, lemon an cayenne and just a touch of honey….it works wonders!!

  10. susana says:

    My heart gives it. You and the baby…,the Crud is awful…and no amount fvmeducation can touch herbs fir onboard to their remedies… myself… I have learned get gargling with chloraseptic sore throat spdayy is the first step…killing germs, then making a cup of herbal De-tox tea, is second, thirdly…take a double died of echinachea by capsule….and make chicken soup with egg and lemon and adding cayenne pepper to it….it works…. and crawl in bed with a meeting ad and sweet it out….and pray I don’t vomit….But I find after a good heaving and a bowel movement, I’m on the mend, as I find those things mentioned above is the only way to get over the CRUD! Its never failed me yet! Hope your feeling better….when I follow those steps…usually two days im feeling bad. But I think because I use a CPAC breathing machine, I been sick less. The warm steam and/saline/solution help a lot by getting rid if the crud. I also find working up a sweat by shoveling snow held keep me/healthy…..the child air his the crud just roll it if me…even when I had pneumonia the cold air moist air made it/easier to breath….I have slept in a cold room since…and I have had pneumonia many tines.,…to he that’s the cruelest crud there is….I used to ct my sickness shorter with comfrey tea…. that head the be much better, But since they took that off the market….have to rely on all those other things…. get well…the chicken soul is a lot better than penicillin any day ( I too can’t take it….allergic to it)! Get well. Susana

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Comfrey tea? Hmmm, is there something wrong with taking it? I’ll just Google it, but it is easy to grow comfrey. I’ve made oils and salves with it before, never heard of using it for tea. Thanks for all of your suggestions! Down with the Crud!

  11. Anna Azzopardi says:

    I use Homeopathics – any of the Hyland’s brands that pertain to what you have. I also use Young Living Essential Oils – Thieves Oil (Throat-in water or drop on tongue&Rub on Chest-use neat) , Lavender(chapped lips, inflammation, nausea, laryngitis, sleep aid-use neat or diluted), Frankincense (asthma,coughs-use diluted in an organic vegetable or coconut oil), Lemon Oil in water with local honey (whiskey too if you like it). You can check out on google. These oils are my 4 favorites when sick.

  12. Karen Pennebaker says:

    I make elderberry syrup every year and it does help ward off germs. My youngest son (age 42) got a rip roaring case of the flu and all of us were exposed. His son, my 9 year old grandson, started the sneezing/coughing/ whatever… and I knew we were all likely to catch it. I started feeling scratchy, took some elderberry syrup before I went to bed. By then, I was coughing non stop. Someone told me “put Vicks Salve on the soles of your feet, white socks, and go to bed”… so, that is what I did and that’s what I had my grandson do, as well. Other than a runny nose, which for me is an all winter long thing and always has been, I was fine the next day! Ny grandson was still coughing a little for a couple of days but didn’t feel sick. My husband is still coughing…he wasn’t really sick, but he obviously had it, too. He took the elderberry syrup but refused to try the Vicks Salve. I don’t know how or why it worked, but it did!!

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Oh yeah, Vicks on the feet! I remember that being popular when I was a kid. I recently saw some articles about how that isn’t recommended anymore? I didn’t read them so don’t really know what the deal is…But I like to use tiger balm like this, too! I’ll have to make some elderberry syrup next year. I don’t think elderberry grow in Alaska though…A good thing to research.

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More Than Just Poses

I’ve just finished hailing in the New Year with my extended family, and something was missing (well, one big something was missing–the love o’ my life, Evan, because we are in Minnesota and he is back in Alaska.  Aside from that, though…).  I did not hear even one mention of New Year’s resolutions.  Perhaps it was because we were celebrating Christmas, or maybe…just maybe…we all realize that New Year’s resolutions are generally hog wash!

One way to "get organized"

A common New Year’s Resolution: Get Organized

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  1. diana henretty says:

    Happy Hugs From The Ozarks For This New Year!
    Loved your thoughts and your pictures of your life with your family.
    Your dog looks just like mine, his name is Noel. We found him a few days before Christmas 9 yrs ago, hit by a car in town as we walked down Main St. We took him home with expectations to have to have him put down after the weekend, but instead he improved so much so fast, that you would never know he was ever hurt!
    What a joyful Christmas present he was for us then, and today!
    Took Yoga many yrs ago in high school, never knowing how today it would help my rheumatoid arthritis fight today, 43 yrs. later!! Thanks for reminding me to stick with it!! Diana, Noel, Mo.

  2. susana says:

    Cute photos and cute resolutions….and Im Glad I’m not the only one who wears hats….all the time…indoors too. Lol
    Happy New Year !

  3. Sandy bessingpas says:

    Just looked back on my journal and my “word” for 2014 was organize. I did good in January, then must have forgotten about my word because no more organizing was done all year. No need to pick a new word this year..I’ll continue on with organize and hope to do better. Love your blogs..i live in west central Minnesota

  4. Joan says:

    Happy New Year and thanks for the message. God Bless.

  5. Dear Alex, I loved your New Years post. And I really loved all the sweet pictures. Here’s looking forward to longer days, huh?! 🙂 – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

  6. bonnie ellis says:

    What an absolute cutie you have there. Definitely a future farmgirl. Happy New Year and God bless. Love Bonnie

  7. Deb Bosworth says:

    Dear Alex, So I HAVE been doing Yoga and I didn’t even know it! Max and I are down on the floor together at least once a day! Ha! I’m with you…more cuddles, more kisses, more laughter, more fun, less worry…more daily JOYS! My word for last year was soar. I did some soaring, some gliding, some flying and some flapping. There may have been a few rough landings in there too… Oh, well… we are only human after all! Warmest wishes for a Happy New Year! Deb ( the Beach Farmgirl )

  8. Marion says:

    Loved your comments on what yoga is all about. Yoga is our everyday activities practiced with mindfulness and caring. Being kind to ourselves and others makes life worth living. Love your posts.

  9. Nancy Edwards says:

    I loved this review of resolutions! And how true they are – so many made, so many fall by the wayside. But these are easy to follow or to use to germinate new resolutions (such as, “I will draw more”, “I will read at least one best seller that is not a seed catalog”) Thank you for such a lovely bit of a read. Wishing you a wonderful new year full of blessings, art, fun and just a little bit of whimsy! P.S. I am a knitter! And we love to knit for wee heads like your daughter has!

    Love, N

  10. Maria Reyes says:

    I believe everthing you say is perfect. Love your post and I absolutely love the last picture of you and Eva, you guys are so cute together. Big hug Maria

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A Very Wilder Christmas

Hey Farmgirls,

I have a confession.

I’ve been a bad Farmgirl.

It is Dec. 14 (when I began writing this post) and I JUST put up our Christmas tree and Christmas decorations (of which we have three…two stockings and a felted mounted Rudolph head; stocking three is in the making).

Popcorn garland and God's eye ornament on the tree.

Popcorn garland and God’s eye ornament on the tree.

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  1. I really enjoyed your blog today. Made me smile and even laugh (not AT you, WITH you!) I have to say yours is one of the only blogs that I try to read religiously when it comes in my email box. You brightened my day today. Thanks!

  2. kimmie says:

    I think your project looks great – and what little girl wouldn’t be inspired to help around the house if she gets to wear something this cute made for her with love! Way to go! so much better than “plastic crud” ; )

  3. Joan says:

    Way to go, Alex!!! with all the sewing. Merry Christmas to y’all. God Bless.

  4. Bonnie Lindgren says:

    Love the apron. Great color. Congratulations on making your gifts. The stories you share are very refreshing.

  5. Liz Bowling says:

    What wonderful precious memories you are making with your family. That is the heart of the farmgal. After 49 years I still make a snafu every year in someway. As the Amish say “it keeps me humble and thankful”. Merry Christmas and God Bless you three.

  6. susana says:

    Love the tree and who cares if its wonkey….its Christmas… love the baby quilt with the OWL on u, Neat . Lovely!! Susana

  7. Gina M. Danaher says:

    This was a perfectly charming and uplifting post. I meant to start my day with some Advent reading from the Scriptures, but checked my e-mail first and found this gem. We’ve been putting Christmas trees up for 36 years and this year one of ours fell over as we tried to adjust it. The water was already in the stand and it spilled all over our floor. It was quite a job trying to scoot this giant balsam (I misjudged the size also) around so as to dry the wood floor underneath. It did dawn on me that maybe we are getting too old for these live trees, but now that they are up and looking beautiful, maybe not.
    God bless you and your family.

  8. Gail Pederson says:

    Oh, would Grandma Ruth be proud of Evan and your improving skills,too. Merry Christmas and we cant wait to celebrate with you and Ava. Gail

  9. bonnie b says:

    Alex, I love your honesty and humor and I laughed through your post. You did a wonderful job on the aprons and I’m so glad you did not burn down the yurt in the process. Always enjoy your writings (I can sew, but do not have the knack at writing that you do – see we all have our gifts!).
    Enjoy all the wrappings with your little family (pun intended) and safe travels.
    Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

  10. diana henretty says:

    Homemade Christmas’s are the very best!!
    Right now I’m sewing homemade kitty beds, with fabric I’ve had for years and
    baskets from the thrift stores!!
    Merry Christmas from the Christmas City, Noel, Mo…….Hugs, Diana

  11. Reba says:

    Actually to be able to take an object (such as a book or another apron) is very talented when it comes to sewing. You have a good eye!! And a beautiful baby!!! I imagine that grandparents are excited about little Ava coming to visit!!! Happy Holidays!

  12. Alex, can I just say that I think you are a very talented Farmgirl? I do a lot of sewing and mostly feel like I can sew anything…. BUT, I do not ever have the courage to sew without a pattern. So to take an existing apron and use for a pattern, scale it down to the size you want, cut your fabric and sew it and have it turn out so amazing? THAT is talent!!! Good job, you can be really proud of yourself! I hope your trip “outside” (as my Alaska family calls it when they leave the state) is fantastic! – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

    P.S. Little Ava has the sweetest little chubby cheeks!

  13. Deb Bosworth says:

    Alex, This post was a delight…I giggled ( along with you ) through most of it until I got the part where you caught the bag on fire… Then I got worried! LOL! You can blame that on the fuzzy brain you acquired after Ava was born. As a mother your intuition will bloom and grow but darned if you won’t lose your common sense from time to time! I think your Christmas is perfectly Wilder! You’ve got it right and you are TOO crafty! Your aprons are fantastic and ORIGINAL. Don’t be so hard on yourself girl! It’s great Evan is so helpful and knowledgeable. Blessings to you and your sweet little family…
    Love your posts!
    Deb ( Beach Farmgirl )

  14. Marge Hofknecht says:

    Enjoyed your blog! The aprons are lovely and I’m sure the recipients will agree! Celebrating Christmas with a baby in the home makes the holiday feel so fresh and new all over again. Seeing the wonderment in your child’s eyes as she beholds the singular charm of cheery Christmas tree lights, her mounting curiosity about the bright little changes all happening in and around her home, and enjoying with your little girl her first experience with age-old traditions, is God’s precious gift in itself to you. Merry Christmas!

  15. Laura R. says:

    Your apron looks great!! High five 🙂

  16. Pam DeMarrais says:

    Alex, I am so proud of you for taking up sewing! Home made gifts are the best. Love the apron and I am sure that the girls will too. Merry Christmas and safe travels to you!

  17. Denise Ross says:

    You did a great job. Seeing without a pattern sounds like something I’d do. I’ve sewn lots of things that way and they always turn out just fine lol. Well done. Love your tree, Ava sure looks a cutie, and the aprons. Sewing by headlamp is pretty cool 🙂
    Happy new year

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Denise! It is fun sewing without a pattern, I need to pick up some real patterns and see which I prefer. At least I know I can sew without if necessary. Happy New Year to you, as well!

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Hike it, Baby


“Not all those who wander are lost.” J.R.R Tolkien

This ubiquitous quote remains one of my favorites because I identify with it so much–indeed I wander to find myself.  I usually feel far from lost while on a trail or not (except this one time in Utah when the sun was getting low, and we could not find our camp site after a post-dinner walkabout).  With a decent map and a fair sense of direction (and the help of today’s technology) getting truly lost can be fairly difficult.  As far as hiking goes, I am quick to qualify many wanderings and walks as hikes.  If I’m wearing hiking boots, walk on trails away from a roadway or take more than 30 minutes, my walk becomes a hike.  It turns out I take lots of hikes!

We found snow in the mountains during this hike on Nov. 24 when there wasn't any in the lowlands.

We found snow while wandering through a mountain meadow a couple weeks back. Yay Snow!

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  1. Maria Reyes says:

    Reading your post was totally amazing. I have been sitting at this same job now for about 21+ years and how I envy your life style. I went to Alaska two years ago, but from a tourist point, no hiking and getting into the wild. Once you get past a certain age you are afraid to do anything mainly fear of the unknown. I commend you for all that you do for yourself your family and your surroundings. Wishing you the best always. Maria

  2. Joan says:

    Fun hike, unfortunately I don’t walk very well so all hiking will have to be done through you and your wonderful family.
    God bless.

  3. Debbie says:

    Hey Alex! You DO look happy out on the trail and so does Ava and your pooch! Reading your post reminded me of the hiking my hubby and I used to do in the Sierra Nevada’s. We hiked Mt. Rose ( a great day hike) with great friends one day with a reward of bbq ribs at the end of the day. Boy did we need it… Trail mix and water only go so far on an 8 hour hike! We also mountain biked, canoed and cross country skied too! It seems like forever ago.. These days our walks are mostly on the beach but you post has inspired me to get out and discover some of our forest walks/hikes. Yes! Even in winter! Max our corgi and my moms dog Barkley would love it! I miss wondering off the beaten path and getting to know a different piece of land well. Blessings to you and your sweet family! Love, Deb, the Beach Farmgirl!

  4. Denise Ross says:

    I run and swim and so exercise class on the bike every week. I used to hike when I was a child with my family, but that was a while back now. I would love to get back into hiking because of all the benefits you mention here, until then I’ll keep fit so when I can get back to hiking I’ll be fit enough to enjoy it

  5. Dori Troutman says:

    Alex, what a great post with beautiful pictures! And your precious little Ava is just such a doll baby. Where in Utah were you when you lost your campsite?! My husband and I lived in Southern Utah for 27 years. Raised our kids hiking all over the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument (our property actually bordered it). My son also rode his horse for miles and miles in the Monument land. He “rescued” a number of tourists that, unfortunately, relied on their GPS to get them where they were going and got lost, stuck, or ran out of fuel in that vast Monument land. You can probably relate to that in Alaska too huh? Loved your post. – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thanks, Dori! We spent about a month in Southern Utah about 4 years ago and LOVED it. There is something really special about the desert. I can’t wait to go back. We were camping on one of the Bear’s Ears near Blanding when we got lost. It’s so cool that you lived there with land bordering a NM! Your kids must have had awesome (and unusual) childhoods.

  6. Evelyn says:

    When my kids were small, I think I would have lost my mind if I hadn’t been able to get outside and walk, both alone with my babies and with other moms. It was good for all of us. Don’t be afraid of the weather…ours was always rainy…just bundle up and go for it!

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Arbor Vitae, Arbor Letum

{Alternate Title for Photos: My (Adult) Life in Trees}

Have you ever been asked the question, “If you had to choose between living near the ocean or the mountains, which would you pick?”  I have been asked this question numerous times, and I always have the same answer.  Both mountains and oceans are amazing.  They inspire a humbling type of awe that is hard to match.  However, I know (from growing up near neither) that I can live without them near me.  I do need forests.  I need trees.  I need the leaves, the needles, the understory and the animals that depend on forest ecology to survive.

Avalanche Lake, MT, ca. 2010

Avalanche Lake, MT, ca. 2010

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  1. Karin says:

    I love your post. I am still working on the splitting wood thing. I always shut my eyes.. You give me hope.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      You can do it Karin! I like to think about it like swinging a bat–there are many similarities. Keep your eye on the log!

  2. Kristy says:

    The area around the Great Lakes has been troubled by the Emerald Ash Borer for many years, resulting in the destruction of many trees. Last year an Ash only a block away had to be cut down and burned. There is an Ash in my yard which I have been checking anxiously every few days all summer. I love that tree and pray for it. I feel sort of like a Lorax at that. The trouble is that the infected trees cannot be used as firewood and some municipalities require that the tree be ground into sawdust. What a waste.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      That Emerald Ash Borer has been wreaking havoc forever! I remember the dreaded days when city workers would come and mark ash trees with the dreaded orange tape–Cut this tree down, it’s infected. I hope your tree has enough love and defenses to fend off any trouble.

  3. Deborah says:

    Good morning Alex,

    What a beautiful post. There are so many things I would like to comment on that you wrote, that I don’t know where to begin. First about the daily routines that you are going through raising a family and the daily chores that come with it. I have two boys and I had them while I was working at a very stressful job with one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the country. I do CSI in a forensic laboratory and have done so for over 26 years now. (Hopefully retiring to Montana very soon) And I remember going out to numerous crimes scenes in the worst neighborhoods and processing them. After I was done and had packaged up all the evidence, coming back to the laboratory, going over all the photographs, making sure I had gotten everything I needed, writing up the field notes, etc.. I could not wait to get back home and do all the “daily” chores that keeping a home requires. I could have had the most worst day with my two boys at home that I would never trade for the best day at work. Being at home grounded me against all the craziness I saw in the world. And nothing at home would ever be as stressful as one day at work. I loved doing all those chores at home. And yes I would love to chop wood any day. It is a stress relief. It is good work, healthy and rewarding in the simplest and deepest of terms. I guess I saw both worlds, those of the work force and the life of a parent at home. I have to say, I would chose the life of a parent at home. This is the most rewarding. Your analogy of the life of a tree is so much like the life of us… (Note: I have also felt the same way when reading, “The Giving Tree” to my boys to).

    There are no words that I can say here regarding your article that come close to how your article made me feel this morning. Just amazing!!!


    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Thank you, Deborah! Your words are encouraging–you are right, most days I am SO VERY thankful that I am able to be home with my cute little baby. It is grounding and rewarding, as you mention. Your job sounds very intense! As a high school student I had a few lingering thoughts of becoming a forensic dentist (who knows, maybe that will still happen some day!)…So your career intrigues me. I hope you get to retire to Montana, soon!

  4. Emma says:

    I love seeing Alex-in-trees over the years! How lucky for little Ava that she has a mama who will teach her all these things that aren’t “girly.” What a great post!

  5. Linda Wigington says:

    One of my favorite photos which was on a postcard, is an old-time lady in a long, dark dress, out in front of an old farmhouse. She has an axe held high, which is taller than she is, and is splitting wood! The caption is, “Frailty, thy name is woman” supposedly by William Shakespeare. I,too, love trees, and when the forest behind my house was being clear-cut for pasture, I rode my horse there for the last time on the needle-covered roadbed under the tall, beautiful pines, and apologized… After it was over, I felt as if I were on the moon, and seldom went back there. Not much later, I moved away. But that is an experience I will never forget. “Progress” is often painful. I loved your “tree” pictures and enjoy your stories of your life in Alaska. Thank you.

  6. Barb says:

    I love splitting wood…it is such a satisfying skill. My favorite tool is and 8 lb maul, as a lot of the wood we get is gnarled. I give thanks to trees as I do to all the natural things that sustain us…that I won’t take their use for granted, that I will work hard for beyond-sustainable, that their life has value beyond what they can do for us. Every life is precious even though we use some of them to survive.

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For Everything There is a Season

{Warning  Warning  Warning: The following post may contain offensive amounts of cliched phrases.  If idioms drive you crazier than watching political ads, then you might as well make like a tree and leave right now!}

Fall is the best season for reading a good book.  In particular, it is the best season for reading fiction.  As we head into the dead of winter, the opportunity to cuddle up with a good book and some tea on an overstuffed chair shouldn’t be passed over.  In our neck of the woods, the growing season has been over for several weeks; and I had the opportunity to concentrate on some house projects and read a whole book.  This may not sound like a lot, but I feel very accomplished!

Halloween fun.  Ava was an aerobics instructor,  I made a feeble attempt to be a 60s housewife.

Halloween fun. Ava was an aerobics instructor, I made a feeble attempt to be a 60s housewife.


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  1. Alex, I LOVED THIS POST!!!! 🙂 It made me smile through the whole thing. It also made me want to go get that book – like right now. I’m headed to New Mexico for a month with my folks, think maybe this book just might be the ticket while I’m there. Well, I better run. I’m “busier than a one armed paper hanger”! 🙂 – Dori, Ranch Farmgirl –

    P.S. That darling baby of yours? I could just squeeze her.

  2. I related to your post like a duck to water! Hope you stay warm this winter and keep writing your blog. It’s enjoyable to read and keeps me motivated as a writer myself.

  3. bonnie b says:

    Goodness! I don’t think I have been privy to that many cliches in one article ever. Laughed most of the way through it and want to commend you on a great job.

    Ava is certainly growing and she was always cute, but, hey, she may be getting cuter!
    lol Moms are always biased. I always enjoy seeing her pictures.

  4. Karin says:

    Thank you. Ava is indeed becoming cuter. “Cuterr than abug’s ear” You are so nice to share her with me thru photos. I have the book on my reader but have not settled in to start it yet. Love your review and hopefully I will get thru it this winter. In Missouri, I am preparing for winter. This is the time when one day, it is warm and the next freezing. Hey In Missouri it is that way any time of the year… With the addition of a new foal and 3 other new horses, I am getting heaters in extra water tanks and double checking my hay count.. “better late than never” or “in the nick of time” depending on which side of the fence you are on. Shelters are ready. The foal, Pickles, is checkin the fences daily to make sure I did not leave anything loose. Pickles is concerned about my health and makes sure that I get my daily hike in the woods while we play hide and seek after making sure she tramples the fence flat. Take care and snuggle in this winter…..

  5. Therese says:

    Precious baby!!! Little sweetheart!! Love the aerobics instructor outfit!

  6. Deb Bosworth says:

    Alex, thank you for this article on the defense of using ( or over-using ) cliches. Loved it! I’m afraid I’m guilty of using idioms in my writing most of the time! It’s also the way I talk and I had no idea I did this until I was interviews by a writer for an article this past summer. She swore I had her talking in idioms by the end of our afternoon together! Ava IS growing like a weed and oh so adorable…We won’t have to worry about your little family this winter. You’ll be snug as a bug in your yurt! xo Deb

  7. Deb Bosworth says:

    Snug as a bug in a rug, that is!!!
    xo Deb

  8. Maureen Griffin says:

    This post is all fun and games – it really floats my boat. When you got this bee in your bonnet you opened a can of worms and I have to put in my two cents worth.

    Help! I can’t stop!

    Love to my babes in the woods of AK. Have a nice day!

    Grandma Mickie

    **Have a

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