Always Learning!


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Last month I got recruited mid-school year to teach a sewing class to a small group of girls in the local homeschool cooperative.  It was kind of an “emergency” situation because the regular sewing instructor had a family emergency and couldn’t teach the second semester.   I told them I would gladly do it but only if I could teach a quilting class!

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  1. Janice says:

    Bravo! One of my favorite quotes is from Alexandra Stoddard: “Perfection halts the creative process.”

  2. Lynn Marie says:

    “Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?” Boy did this line strike a chord within me—thanks for that and for a wonderful post.

  3. Jennifer says:

    Thank you- you’ve started in me a fire to have the belief which I have in myself to carry out what I feel I’m supposed to be doing too. I love the message of woman supporting woman. You go girl! ❤️

    • Dori Troutman says:


      The best thing we women can do is support each other! So thankful for those in my life that have been so supportive of me.

      I’m happy I was able to start a fire in you! Feed it!

      ~ Dori ~

  4. Sandi King says:

    Dori, I would like to do this class with you. I joined the list on your blog page. I am hoping with this class I will avoid a lot of mistakes I could make when I try doing a full size quilt later on. I watched my mother and her sisters and friends make a quilt when I was a small child and it was the old fashioned everything done by hand way. My hands are not as good as they once were and I am not sure I will be able to even do this class but I am willing to try. I want to make a quilt just to be able to say I did it. I think it will be fun and learning the ins and outs will be wonderful.

  5. This is so awesome and inspirational. Thank you for sharing your heart and the creativity planted inside of you with all of us. Fear is a domineering creep that we must demand to leave immediately!!
    We have all been given great and amazing gifts and talents that must be brought forth to enrich each other’s lives. MUST BE BROUGHT FORTH! For one another. Take courage.

  6. bonnie ellis says:

    You’re a natural…I knew you could do that despite any book. You love your grandkids and work well with them or any kids…plus you can sew! Great job!

  7. Susie Heller says:

    I’ld love to receive and be a Farm Girl blog receiver. Thank you.

  8. hi dori,

    Elizabeth Gilbert was very much inspired by an earlier book , the ” Artist’s Way ” by Julia Cameron.
    There was a recent New York Times article about her.

    try and get a copy of this wonderful book too.

    it is a “workbook” to delve into your own creativity – much referred to by many artists and writers

    good luck with your quilting project too.


  9. Cindy says:

    I don’t want to be critical because I admire your wanting to teach the younger generation quilting, but sewing on a diagonal can be so tricky. If you cut the squares a little larger and sew 1/4 inch either side of center and then cut the square in half you won’t have that distortion. One quilter to another!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Cindy,

      Thank you! I actually had that concern but crazily there hasn’t been a problem with this with my little beginner students in the homeschool class. They’ve sewn all their little triangles into blocks and had no distortion because of the bias. So fingers crossed… no one else will either! But yes, you are right! Sewing on the diagonal can be tricky! Thank you for the tip!

      ~ Dori ~

  10. Barbara J. Deming says:

    Dori, this was such a great post! What amazing things you undertake. I love the idea of the quilting class. I love quilts. Have some from deceased women in my family. My daughter quilts. I even wrote a short story collection “The Quilt Maker” with all titles quilt patterns. But I don’t quilt! LOL

    And you are looking so trim and fit! Go, Girl!


  11. Marilyn says:

    Congratulations on teaching quilting. The on line course sounds interesting and challenging. Continued success.

  12. Lisa says:

    I love this quote! I do have the courage and am now going into the next faze of my business-out of my house and making a rental house in the back of our house into the gluten free bakery I own. Everytime I read this quote something really stirs me and wants to come to the surface. A twist perhaps to what I’m doing.
    Thank you for sharing your journey. Very exciting! Blessings!

  13. Carole Walsh Scott says:

    I would love to be part of your blog please

  14. Linda Kohn says:

    What great ideas you have! These ladies will have a nice knowledge of sewing and quilting.

  15. Jobi says:

    Beautiful words of wisdom from everyone, yes I love that woman encourage each other no matter the journey.
    Thank You All

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Happy New Year friends!  Isn’t there something about a new year that is so refreshing?  I’m not really one to make resolutions but I definitely make goals and this year is no different.


The last week or so I’ve been looking back at the previous year and trying to find the areas where I made PROGRESS in the goals I had set for myself.  Obviously there are some where I feel like nothing changed but there is one area where I’ve made great PROGRESS and this post is about that.

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  1. Carol says:

    What amazing progress you are making! I am going to work on changing my diet a bit this year and working to a little less weight.

  2. Marti Wynne says:

    Thank you for the inspirational post!!!!
    I copied the ingredients and look forward to making some for myself and gifts for others. My husband just retired. Yay! So today I was praying for ways to save $$. And I wanted to make almost ALL my gifts this year. So this was on “ on time” post!!! Happy running! I’m trying to get back to my walking …. again..,,
    But may try a bit of running also.

  3. Elizabeth says:

    I loved your inspiring story and the bath salt recipe! You go girl!!

  4. Bonnie B says:

    So proud of you Dori! You have a lot of determination and you are an inspiration! It’s so easy to give up. I changed my way of eating-no sugar, starches, white flour and have dropped 20 pounds since August. It’s not a diet, but a life style. Now if I could just firm up! I do some stretching exercises and use weights but with scoliosis, even walking any great distance is difficult. I have a treadmill and have been trying to increase my time walking on that. Being able to hold on is helpful. So my goal is to be able to strengthen my legs and increase my time on the treadmill!
    Thank you for your blog – it’s one of my favorites. We seem to share a lot of the same love of crafts – sewing, quilting, stamping.

  5. Bonnie Ellis says:

    I am so proud of you…you represent us all. You are awesome!

  6. Sandi King says:

    Dori, a great big huge CONGRATULATIONS on your run. WOW! And on healing so well and fast after your surgery on the knee. I agree with the doctor, being in good shape always helps to heal faster and better. It is great reading about how well you did and how your family joined you in running the half marathon. That makes it so much better with support from the family. The pictures are great and you look amazing. I am so happy for you. Can’t wait for your next adventure and post.

  7. Marilyn says:

    Congratulations on your progress. Continued success.

  8. Rebecca says:

    A half marathon is in my plans for 2019. I’ve never done more than a 5K but I’m confident that this is going to be my year.

  9. Randee says:

    How inspiring you are! And I am proud of you pushing yourself to get into condition. I’ve worked out in some form or fashion ever since I was 28 (I’m 68 now, lol). I work out at the gym on nautilus weight resistance machines…….but, after reading your article I think I should step it up with more aerobics. Thanks for helping me get motivated!

  10. Katie Pence says:

    I feel silly asking this, but can you explain how you make tags like those on your bath salts ? Co grays on your personal besting !

  11. Sue says:

    You are inspiring! I quit making traditional New year resolutions because I could never keep them. This was very depressing and I would fall right back in the same hole. For the past two years I told myself just do better, whether it was eat better, move more so I felt better, do things differently so the end result was better,whatever just do better. It really has worked for me. Baby steps were as important as leaps and bounds and were acknowledged as such.
    Things are better!

  12. You are always and all ways my inspiration, Dori.

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The Last Minute Crafter!




I wonder sometimes why I’m such a great last minute crafter.  Are you like this?  In the ninth hour and you suddenly think of something grand you’d like to make?
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  1. Connie Hester says:

    Just adorable. My 16 Grands will LOVE these!! 🙂

  2. Marlene Capelle says:


  3. Pat says:

    You have a Merry Christmas. This picture sure don’t look like farm life LOL.

  4. Carol says:

    How cute! Considering that we own horses and I love zebras, these are perfect for our little farmgirl’s gifts. I don’t know that I will get made this year, but will certainly remember for next year.

  5. Marilyn says:

    They are adorable. Your granddaughters will love and cherish them. Wishing you and your family a Blessed Christmas and a Happy,Healthy and Peaceful 2019.
    Marilyn and Family

  6. Sandi King says:

    Merry Christmas Dori and family. Great picture, btw. Love crafts. And have a really great 2019.

  7. Great idea! So cute. These will fit right in on the ranch here in Wyo!
    Merry Christmas

  8. maureen bruner says:

    Just want you to know, I consider you my sister from another mother, kindred spirits are we! Merriest of Holidays tomyou and yours.

  9. Once again, you nailed it! Thanks, Dori.

  10. Vivian Monroe says:

    Merry Blessed Christmas to you and yours. 🙂

  11. Becky says:

    Your reindeer are so cute! Love the variations.
    Happy crafting in 2019!

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Is Yes The Right Answer?




I’ve been known to bite off more than I can chew and say yes to things when really I should’ve said no.  Do you ever do that?  So the last few years I’ve really tried to weigh my yes’s carefully!

. Continue reading

  1. Ramona Puckett says:

    Oh my goodness! That’s so cool! And her fabrics are beautiful! Bless your heart on your knee surgery, I am so happy you have great help! You are indeed blessed!

  2. Mary Pitman says:

    THANK YOU! can’t wait to see the notecards and put them to use. You are such an inspiration to us fellow “farmgirls”.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hey Mary… did you get my email??? Would you email me your mailing address please so I can get your cards in the mail for you?!

      Thank you!!!

      ~ Dori ~

  3. Margaret Hofknecht says:

    Saying “Yes” to myself! I teach origami besides just folding paper for fun and gift-giving. We have a beautiful local library now and it’s a large enough venue for several folks to come and present a craft or music lessons or for needlework groups and so on to meet regularly. I’m friends with the adult activities librarian who had been bugging me to schedule some classes. After a few years I finally made up my mind to schedule monthly paper folding sessions and I’m so glad I did. Besides introducing others to origami, I get the fulfilling enjoyment of teaching even though it means putting in the time for preparation and thinking through the whole teaching process. Love the quilts and the bag – they all look so yummy!

    • Dori Troutman says:


      I have NEVER learned the art of paper folding and I’m so envious the people that do it. I wish I could take one of your classes. What an awesome thing you are doing!!!

      ~ Dori ~

  4. Cheryl says:

    I love Jeri’s fabric’s! I have bought them in precuts!
    My ‘Yes’ moment was this summer when my grown son , who took off from work for a year because of cancer treatments, came up to our mountain cabin to spend several weeks with us and ask if I wanted to go on a all day hike. I thought I could at 72 years old so said yes!! We ended up doing three different all day hikes and what sweet memories with my oldest child. (Husband had back surgery and could not make the hikes).
    I made the son a large quilt in between his visits to surprise him.
    I love your bag, I also love making bags, most of my purse’s are made by me.
    Love your sewing projects!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Dear Cheryl,

      That brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful memory. So thankful you had those times with your son. I hope he is doing well now?


      ~ Dori ~

  5. Kim D. says:

    Dori, you have an amazing talent and beautiful eye for color and pattern! How exciting for it to be featured at such prestigious events!

    One thing I’ve said yes to this year is being healthy. It was a hard yes because it takes so much work and dedication as you know. It’s been wonderful to FEEL and SEE the benefits from that YES. The unexpected part of that yes are the special friends I’ve made along the way, and I treasure them so much.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Oh Kim,

      I agree to the saying YES to being fit and healthy; the best yes ever. And I am so very, very, VERY thankful that you are one of the friends I’ve met along the way that encouraged me so hugely. Loads of love sweet friend.

      ~ Dori ~

  6. Cyndie Gray says:

    My friend: first I am so in love with these fabrics!!! ALMOST it makes me want to do some sewing, quilting or fabric crafting!!
    Something I have said “Yes!” to recently is to a six week “62Success” FB group, geared to being motivated to think more positive about oneself & to make healthier choices. I have gotten so down & negative about myself since being diagnosed with a degenerative back condition that I really needed some incentive to boost myself back into a positive mind frame. Hoping it works for me!! I don’t have a problem with being upbeat & an encouragement to others but turning the same inward is sure a struggle for me.

  7. Dori,
    You are a farmgirl of many talents! I love following your sewing projects and I especially enjoyed your article in MaryJanesFarm in the most recent issue, Stitching with Dori!

    I am a fan of saying YES to things that will teach me new things and allow me to contribute to the happiness and success of others. These are my guideposts for if I say Yes or No.
    Every wedding I create flowers for feels like more than I can handle, but I love the challenge and I love being a part of each couples memories. I must admit, many of the “Yes’s I answer to are of my own creating but that’s fun and challenging, too!
    Thank you for your inspiration!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. sane says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work with us! I have said yes to my own little home this year and although it is a bit scary am excited to have a place to grow my own food and decorate to my heart’s content.

  9. Dianna Hauf says:

    Omy! I have been SO INSPIRED by reading your blog and seeing the gorgeous mini quilt and bag!! Holy smokes what a fantastic gift you have! The materials are so beautiful as well! Loved reading this! Hope you heal quickly!!

  10. Judith Smith-Coleman says:

    Hi Dori,
    Your designs and your quilting are so beautiful!! I love the close up shots of the details….love is in the details, you know!! A friend asked me to take a 2 day cold process soap making class recently. I hesitated because it was taking a whole weekend and I would have rather done just one day. Well, the instructor was delightful, super organized, and informative…and fun!! It was a small class of 4 women and we had a great time!! Glad I said yes!! Home made soap for Christmas!! Happy healing!
    Thanks for sharing, Dori

  11. Katie Pence says:

    I said yes to a greenhouse this year. I really didn’t know how I was going to get the area ready, the holes dug, posts poured, constructed etc. This is no ordinary greenhouse, but a used 24×70’ giant greenhouse.
    I managed to get it done and now I’m so excited to start planting !

  12. I am a fabric fiend. I don’t sew, but I can’t resist a good fabric to put on the shelf and admire as art. Jara’s fabrics are beautiful, especially the Woodland Rose, and what you have done with them makes my heart and eyes sing! It is good to hear that you are recovering well; soon you will be running down the hill. That travel bag is wonderful, as well as the quilt. I don’t travel any more, but I do like a good bag. Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing with us.

  13. I am so glad I said YES to being Granny Nanny to our daughters two girls in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. It means I can also spend time with our son’s 2 gurls who live just down the street. Ages: Almost 7, 6, 4, 3 years old. Sweet times!

  14. Vivian Monroe says:

    You are so talented. I love seeing all of your projects. You inspire me. 🙂 I said yes this year to coming to stay and help take care of my 4yr old grandson while my daughter in love went through some treatments, what has turned into now being here 6mos, while my sweet husband is at home in NC. However we are glad we said yes to sending me, as she is doing great and my grandson makes his Nonnie’s day everyday..I write this now in my camper where I am living while staying here, with him beside me, watching his movie…he loves camping with Nonnie. Ha. 🙂

  15. Judy allen says:

    The mini quilt is beyond gorgeous. The fabrics are terrific but your design absolutely makes it pop. Thanks for sharing. Praying for quick recovery for your knee.

  16. Alexandra Wilson says:

    You are so talented, Dori! What beautiful visions you have brought to reality. Thanks for sharing. And how sweet is Jillian? How lucky for the both of you to have the experience. I’ve had a yearning to go take care of my grandpa lately, too. I hope your recovery continues to be optimistic and that you get more time to be creative while you are on the mend. Sending love from AK!

  17. Rhoda Tuckey says:

    May God heal you quickly. Bless you and your family. I enjoy your posts immensely!

  18. Sandi King says:

    Dori I love the bag you made. It is absolutely beautiful. All the fabrics are, but your design of the overly large bag is magnificent. I am finally in my home after waiting 3 years for it to be done; which it isn’t completely, but I moved in anyway. I wanted to have my birthday and Thanksgiving dinner combination here and I accomplished it even though it was very tiring for a 74 year old. There were 11 of us, friends, family and neighbors who helped me celebrate. I would do it again just for the pleasure of having the people join me in my joy of life.

  19. Marilyn says:

    What lovely quilts you made. The dress is beautiful as is the bag. The fabrics are lovely. You are so talented. Hope your knee is better. Jillian is a beautiful young lady. Wishing you and yours a Blessed Christmas and a happy,Healthy and Peaceful 2019.
    Marilyn and Family

  20. Gail Summerlin says:

    I love the mini quilt you made. Do you have the pattern available to sell. I always enjoy reading your blog. I feel like I’m sitting down with a good friend when I read it.

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October {What Does It Mean To You?}




October is my birthday month and so I’ve always kind of loved the thought of October!  Even though it means that my precious summer is over, I still go into October loving the whole sound of the name!  I love October here in the South where the Azaleas really come alive in my flower beds!


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  1. Marlene Capelle says:

    For me October is the beginning of the holiday season. I start making lists of people I want to make gifts for and start asking subtle questions to get an idea of what they want. Well, that I’m capable of giving. I make lists of baked goods I want to make, Ingredients I have to get, and who I want to give platters of goodies too.

    My mother was a 40 year breast cancer survivor. She was diagnosed when it was a death sentence and no one talked about it. She had one friend to confide in and it was a hard time for her. So congratulations to you and a long healthy life.

  2. Lori Fresina says:

    Thank you for your honesty. The hand pies look delicious. The flowers are beautiful as are the notecards. Oct. is also my birthday month and we are traveling again early Nov. to TN. to see the Fall there. Enjoy your day as I am.

  3. Cyndie Gray says:

    Oh my sweet friend these little hand pies look so yummy!! I am definitely going to have to try some apple ones as our tree produced abundantly & I have apples in my freezer!!
    What I like best about October…the cooler temps, the gorgeous colors of nature & the recipes!!!! Oh my the recipes: soups galore, bread baking & hot mulled cider…these are just a few of my October favorites!!
    Thanks for another wonderful blogpost Dori!!

  4. Linda says:

    Fall leaves and the cooling days are some of my favorite things, that and decorating for Halloween

  5. Kim Rice says:

    Oh man you make this look so easy and good!!! I have fresh peaches I froze this summer, but no blackberries. Hmmm a trip to the farmers market is in order! Yummm Yummm Dori!

  6. Maxine says:

    October is a bit of a melancholy month for me but I love what October represents. Autumn, my favorite season although way too short where we live. The colors, feel in the air, October skies. Your pictures of your flowers this month are just beautiful! And I know it’s hard to believe but I really have NOT made hand pies before! I am most definitely making them now, a perfect way to use up some of the bazillion apples we picked!

  7. Mary Pitman says:

    I love October, because my son and my middle grand-daughter were both born in this month, my granddaughter on the 3rd and my son on the 4th. Also love the cooler weather that comes with such crisp air

  8. JB Dias says:

    My favorite thing about October is it’s my birthday month. But even better is my first grandson is due this month, two days before my birthday! It doesn’t get better than that! God is so good.

  9. Emily says:

    Oh my, those hand pies remind me of the ones my Grandmother made! I’ll have to try your recipe with the blackberries I have in the freezer.

    Thank you for sharing both your recipe and your journey. I admire your strength to endure your illness and stay positive through it.

    By the way, I love October because it’s cooler here in Texas!

  10. Jean says:

    October is a month where God says, Here’s a little bit more beauty before I let creation rest. Colors, cooler air, anticipation of season change–all special gifts from a God who knew what we would love, even before we did!

  11. Kary says:

    Why do I love October? Sweater weather! Apples! Shorter days, but longer nights! An Invigorating chill in the air mixed with the scent of wood burning in a fireplace! More knitting time and longer dog walks … And to make it extra special … The its the birth month of my husband!

  12. Candace Segar says:

    I love October because it’s my husband’s birthday month and also because of Halloween. It’s wonderful to celebrate my husband’s birthday, and I always think of his mom, Alice, who brought him into this world. She was my wonderful mother-in-law. Halloween makes me think of all the crazy, scary costumes my mom, Jane use to make for me as a kid growing up in the 50’s and 60’s. I carry on the tradition, but I’m a little less scary. October makes me appreciate all the love that has surrounded me in my life.

  13. Sandy says:

    I love October! I love the colors of October, the blue sky, the orange and red foliage, the bright green pines against the blue-blue sky! Humidity is low, the ragweed dies (yaay!), I feel better! Temperature is more moderate, not too cold, not too hot. My twin daughters were born on October 14. My husband and I met in October and married the following October. And I love Halloween, everything about it. What is not to like in October?!

  14. Janet Markley says:

    Hi Dori,
    Your blogposts are the ones I always take time to read. Thank you for sharing your story.
    I’m in love with fall as well, although we just had our first big snow here in the Colo. mountains. Hand pies…yum!

  15. Monica says:

    October is my favorite month. Number one – my husband and I just celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary on the 5th. Number 2 – we’re almost always close to being done with harvest (except for this year – rain, rain, rain….did I mention rain? ..LOL) and my nerves can finally unwind. The beauty of the sky against our green grass with our marigolds almost takes my breath away. My hens love when I start to clean my garden boxes as they get to pick at all the old produce that somehow got missed. I start to put my garden to bed for the winter and take a break myself.

    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful pie recipe. We have a Cortland Apple tree and I think I’ll use some of my apples to make these and some wild black raspberries that I picked this year.

    May you be blessed with many more years of being cancer free. Blessings to you.

  16. Jennifer says:

    Let me count the ways I love October… many of the best men in my life celebrate their birthdays, like you, in October. My beloved Papa did; we lost him about a year as go, my Father in law Ted, our very good friend Sarge, my sweet nephew, Rowan, and my precious bonus boy, Caleb! In Idaho the trees turn lovely gold and red and orange and the pumpkins are on! I also adore that fly season is over because of the cold snaps and our mountaintops are covered in snow. Sweater time is always delightful and darkly steeped black tea with plenty of heavy whipping cream tastes extra good in this weather. Finally, I get in the groove of the school year and begin to anticipate the Advent of our LORD. September is tough because I love, love, love summer and boating and the relaxed pace. October gets me ready for the joyous cold season!

  17. Irene Shelton says:

    I love october with the cool crisp air and leaves changing. It’s so beautiful. But I cherish everyday. I also keep a journal about my experiences through life’s journey. The Pastor at the cancer center got me interested in doing one. It’s a positive journal. I have myeloma and even with that I am doing everything I did before. Enjoy everyday.

  18. Catherine says:

    Autumnal smells, warm sweaters, crisp air, and a lot more baking!

  19. My “little” sister is a breast cancer survivor. I walked beside her on her journey and sit beside her when walking wasn’t an option. How we laughed the day I suggested she use a lint roller on her head to remove the annoying little bits of hair that would fall in her eyes while she was undergoing chemo! It really did the job. We still chuckle about that.
    My favorite season has always been the autumn. The colors are my soul’s palette. Sweater weather is so much better than sweaty, buggy, humid days. And wood smoke on the air brings up memories of girl scouts, and camping with my family, and firepits under the stars. The summer bounty is safely tucked away, the gardens are nearly sleeping and I can turn to indoor pursuits without feeling as if I’m neglecting my farm chores.
    I’ve never made a pie. Crazy, I know, but I just might have the courage to try it with your lovely instructions. Thanks for your postings and sharing. We’re all better for it.

  20. Marie Fluck says:

    October is such a beautiful refreshing month after the hot humid summer! It’s also my oldest daughter’s birthday! We get to set a pretty fall decor table and enjoy delicious autumn treats with her birthday cake. Fall is my favorite season. All the turning leaves and lovely drives to the Poconos to smell the forest scents.
    Enjoy where ever you are. Life is short.

  21. Denise says:

    October seems to be the start of all kinds of crafts fairs with Christmas type things in them. so it means that I get together with my friends to have fun hunting through them. I put out A LOT of zinnias seeds this year and they did wonderfully and I have enjoyed them so much. So I have a question for you, to save seeds for next year should I cut off the dried heads or what do you find to be the best way to save the seeds? thank you!

  22. shawna matos says:

    Here in southern California October usually means Santa Ana winds & fire season. This year though we are having beautiful fall weather with a few raindrops thrown in. I have been baking & soup making & wearing cozy clothes. We are so grateful to be enjoying fall weather this year & soaking up as much of it as we can.

  23. Laurel Pries says:

    I so enjoy your blog and look forward to it each month. Here in Washington state, we are having a little Indian summer, but most of our flowers are done for the year. I hope I win you beautiful note cards…a girl can’t have too many flowery things!! Thanks for the hand pie recipe, I’m gonna try that crust and those little pies for my Great grand kids!! See ya next month! Laurel.

  24. Heidi Gonderman says:

    As a breast cancer survivor myself, I’d love to hear your story sometime! Thank you for sharing – you are an encouragement to so many . And those pies – amazing!!

  25. Sue Malone says:

    I am not originally from the South and I have to say that October and all of fall have turned into my favorite time of the year because of the glorious colors. I absolutely love it.

  26. Gloria Smith says:

    I love to put out my fall decorations in October. I have quilts, quilted tablerunners and quilted wallhangings that I have made over the years. I also like to decorate with fall flowers and pumpkins. I leave these items out until Thanksgiving day – then it is time for Christmas. I also love the changing leaves, the smell of a wood fire and being able to start wearing my favorite sweaters. I love your blog – you have a beautiful life!!

  27. winnie Jackson says:

    With my sister having stage 4 breast cancer this month (October) is breast month for me and my family as we support this type of cancer. One day I pray they will find a cure for all of us woman. I loved your mini fruit pies. I too make these and they are loved by so many. Fall is a wonderful time of year. I also love the leaves changing color here in New England. We are so bless with the different seasons. Happy Fall to you and your family and to all those who read your blogg. Sincerely, Winnie Jackson

  28. Bernie kemp says:

    Thanks for sharing the writing on your “journey”. The hand pies look delicious! To me October means the end of a very hot , humid summer (which I don’t love) I look forward to the nice cooler days-However in MN this year we have apparently skipped fall and gotten some much cooler/colder weather than usual and already snow in the northern part of the state-this is only the early part of October-hopefully we get some of those nice fall days yet we all wait for!

  29. MS Barb says:

    I LOVE the fall colors (I live in a 4 season state!) & like not needing the air conditioning or the furnace on…I enjoy apple cider (hot or cold!) and the smell of a bonfire!

  30. Judith S says:

    Thank you Dori for the recipe. Like others, I remember my Grandmother and Mother making hand pies. You have inspired me to grow cutting flowers for which I am grateful. The cards are just so pretty. Thank you again.

  31. Marilyn says:

    October to me is enjoying the crisp,clear air and blue skies, the beautiful display of the leaves as they turn gorgeous colors. October also means several types of food and the tasty pumpkin spice flavor. I also lope to buy pumpkins and lovely Chrisanthemums. Halloween is another plus in October. Seeing all the decorations around the neighborhood. I also enjoy curling up with a good book[preferably a Christmas read] under a blanket.Thank you for the giveaway.

  32. Michele D Yates says:

    What do I love about October? The (finally) cooler nights, windows open, purchasing pumpkins to scatter around the house and yard, sitting on the screened porch, a trip to my beloved mountains for some fabulous fall foliage. Ahhh, smiles!
    Those hand pies look delicious…..I might try them!

  33. Carol says:

    First of all, Dori, Happy Birthday! Secondly, congratulations on being a cancer survivor. I believe being positive is so important. I am battling lymphoma at the moment and always try to be upbeat. I love your little Hand Pies! What could be better to make for the grandkids? My favorite thing about October is the cooler weather! Happy Fall Y’all!

  34. Judy from Maine says:

    October in Maine is the best month of the year. I live very close to the border we share with NH, so early October I get to see the splendor of fall leaves in all their colorful glory in the White Mountains of NH. Than in the latter part of the month, I take a trip to the Maine coast to view the brilliant colors bordering the rocky shoreline. Oh and did I mention the incredibly blue skies and big puffy white clouds of October? It is indeed a wonderful month, a gift we get each year, before our winter sets in.

  35. Jodie says:

    October is a favorite month for me. I love the colors of the tree, the hues in the sky, the last remaining flowers doing their things. I love the feeling of winding down after a busy summer. And the air…it just smells different. Refreshing. Full of life.

    Thanks for the handpie recipe. They look/sound delicious. I’m gonna make me some.

    What a beautiful reflection on your breast cancer journey! Thank you for sharing that last page. Enjoy the rest of your October. And happy birthday!

  36. Ruth says:

    October! Even the sound of the name! Anyone remember the song ‘October Gave a Party’? Crisp air, blue, blue skies, taking a walk and crunching through leaves or piling them up to lie in (I no longer jump in them), and the fabulous smell of those leaves just shouts “Fall”, glorious colors, cinnamon smells throughout the house, setting out fall-colored decor, spicy cider, the sound and sight of combines in the fields and their lights on as they work into the night, the golden fields all harvested, pheasants gleaning in the harvested fields. I could go on and on! What is there NOT to love about October?! I grew up in Illinois but we live in Peru where our seasons are dry and wet so my Pinterest board ‘Gorgeous’ has lots of pins of fall foliage with fall lanes that beckon you to come for a walk.

  37. Kathy D Blue says:

    Oh my, those hand pies look wonderful – – thanks for the tips and recipe. Loving October happens for me every single year – – love the cool off from steamy summer – – being able to work outside and plant fall bulbs and move some plants without roasting in humidity. The sound of geese, the colors at evening, crisp need for a wrap, happy energetic pups – – its all good. I am 11 years out from my BC diagnosis, doing well. I have never felt the “pink ribbon” crush that goes on in October, for me, it is small quiet room to reflect on what I went thru – – and the tremendous humble thanks to God I feel for His presence – – my mantra thru diagnosis and treatment was “Be Still and know I am God”. In all things and in every season He is my strength.

  38. esther deakins says:

    it is hard to pick just one thing about October. Picking apples and taking them home to make applesauce! Racking leaves and jumping in them with my grandson! Camp fires! Football! I could go on and on. It is the best time of year.

  39. Sandi King says:

    Hi Dori, so glad to see your post. I love the Fall weather, cooler, less humid, great for night time bonfires, Halloween decorating, and both my sons birthdays this month. I think there is an Apple Festival this month also. I have to try your hand pies as apple pie is one of my favorites, and yours look so good. I love that you leave them out and snack on them all day long – sounds like something I would do. I think bouquets of flowers are so pretty and yours I have seen in previous posts are amazing. Your friends and neighbors are so lucky to be able to purchase them. Your personal story is personal and I am sure we all support your decision and are so glad to have you here every month to keep us entertained with your wonderful blogs. It is an inspiration to all of us to try doing something we have never done before. Please keep blogging and giving us a look into what is possible. I look forward to reading them every month. Thank you for being you and being here.

  40. Karen says:

    October…being in the Deep South, I cannot speak of cool, crisp days, but I can speak of the occasional dip in temps from the 90’s to the high 70’s which usually means a cooler morning temp. That always gets me in the Fall frame of mind!
    October is also our church convention month. Having started thinking about conventions in June (up in the northeast), I’m so ready for our convention when it gets here in early October.
    Those hand pies look scrumptious and I just happen to have peaches and blackberries in the freezer!
    Your notecards look darling. I almost made it to Tennessee this summer to see your flower stand. It’s going to happen one of these years!

  41. Lynne Ward Wallace says:

    I love so many things about October besides it being my birthday and wedding anniversary month. Lots of our family have birthdays and other events in October. I love the cooler evenings and then days, I love the cooking and baking that starts to happen, I love the kids back in school and starting new school years but mostly, I love the family time we spend together to celebrate each other.

  42. Rebecca says:

    Thank you so much for the recipe. It looks delicious!

  43. Vivian Monroe says:

    I love October because that is when the state fair starts in La., and also the weather finally starts cooling…I always freeze my butter too when making crusts, or biscuits, or scones…I grate mine with a big cheese grater, so it comes together more easy. thought I would share…I forgot where I got that idea I believe from a scone recipe.. 🙂 Happy October. Neta.

  44. Gail Summerlin says:

    October is my favorite month because I’m so ready for summer to be over, watch the leave change, take many trips to the Blue Ridge Parkway, enjoy the cool temps and curl up by the fire . I believe my favorite foods and drinks are in the fall.

  45. Susan says:

    My favorite thing about our October is spending time in the Tennessee mountains visiting our family and enjoying the beauty of the Smokey Mountains.

  46. Cathy R says:

    Happy Birthday Dori! Have enjoyed your Facebook posts about your flowers, etc. this summer. Wish I were in the neighborhood to enjoy the real thing! That stand always makes my heart smile. Love October in north-central Idaho. Cool temps, beautiful fall colors and gorgeous sunsets. Thank you for sharing your life with us and an opportunity to win a sweet giveaway! FALL BLESSINGS!

  47. Marci Dodd says:

    I love the sunrises and sunsets in October. They have been especially gorgeous lately. The smell of wood smoke and the changing leaves.

  48. Denise Ross says:

    It’s springtime for us here in Australia, so I love being able to sit outside for dinner, with beautiful days and cooling breezes and enjoying the longer days that October brings. In October we also begin watching all the Christmas movies, since the season swings by so fast and it is one of my favourite times of year. I’m so happy You’re a cancer survivor, that’s Brilliant to hear.
    In October we have my grandmother in laws birthday and she is 40 years older than me to the year, so I never forget her age. She is such a special lady, and as I’ve never known my own grandparents, they all passed before I was born except my mothers mum and she passed away when I was three, so I didn’t get to know her.
    Thank you for all your delightful and heartwarming posts, they are always a delight to read. Your cards sound like beautiful gems well worth sharing. By the way, have you done anymore runs lately, I loved reading those posts too and seeing your growth in this area,
    Gods blessings to you and yours

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It's All Part Of The Club




Did I tell you that I joined the garden club in our little town?  (My grand-girls think they are members too since they get to go with me each month!)  Someday I’ll share some of our duties but today I’d like to tell you about the very first meeting of the year back in January when a notebook went around the room for the members to fill in what month they would like to host the meeting and meal in their home.  It’s not a requirement and the really great thing is that we have access to a nice room in the Museum where we can have our meetings and potluck, but there is something about going to someone’s home that is really special.

. Continue reading

  1. Laura says:

    What a wonderful event you had! Thank you for sharing your photos and menu.

  2. Candace Segar says:

    Hi Dori,

    That was just a beautiful story with great pictures of your event. I have to say those pies looked quite alluring. It looked like so much fun! Thank you for sharing this with us. Candy

  3. Jennifer Chappell says:

    What a lovely time! It’s all so beautiful.

  4. Donna Kozak says:

    It certainly looked like a perfect day to dine outside and enjoy your great view and check out your Farm Fresh Garden with all the beautiful flowers and butterflies – your lunch looked delicious !

  5. Marilyn says:

    Thank You for this interesting post. It looks like every one has a good time. Your granddaughters are beautiful young ladies.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  6. Judy from Maine says:

    Wow, that looks like fun. I’m not so much of a gardener, but I am a quilter…did I spy quilts that you made used as table coverings? Beautiful and a perfect use, I love seeing quilts used. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Judy allen says:

    Such a heart warming story. Nothing like a great porch with good friends.

  8. Patricia Hamilton Mitchell says:

    Dori, you made some pot holders and a dish cloth for me earlier 4 sets. Would you be willing to make 3 more sets for me. Please let me know. I am using for Christmas presents.

  9. Gigi says:

    What a wonderful gathering! Good food, good friends, good weather and beautiful garden bounty, what a perfect combination!
    You are truly blessed to have all this and grandgirlies so close to share your life with. Looked like so much fun and all were enjoying themselves.
    I noticed the swallowtails on your tithonia. Have you ever tried raising swallowtails with your grandgirlies? If you have dill or fennel growing nearby it is a piece of cake and soooo satisfying watching the process and knowing you saved them from being eaten by hungry predators.

  10. I’d love to join a garden club, your garden club, to be specific. That lunch sure looks delicious!

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It’s All Part Of The Club




Did I tell you that I joined the garden club in our little town?  (My grand-girls think they are members too since they get to go with me each month!)  Someday I’ll share some of our duties but today I’d like to tell you about the very first meeting of the year back in January when a notebook went around the room for the members to fill in what month they would like to host the meeting and meal in their home.  It’s not a requirement and the really great thing is that we have access to a nice room in the Museum where we can have our meetings and potluck, but there is something about going to someone’s home that is really special.

. Continue reading

  1. Laura says:

    What a wonderful event you had! Thank you for sharing your photos and menu.

  2. Candace Segar says:

    Hi Dori,

    That was just a beautiful story with great pictures of your event. I have to say those pies looked quite alluring. It looked like so much fun! Thank you for sharing this with us. Candy

  3. Jennifer Chappell says:

    What a lovely time! It’s all so beautiful.

  4. Donna Kozak says:

    It certainly looked like a perfect day to dine outside and enjoy your great view and check out your Farm Fresh Garden with all the beautiful flowers and butterflies – your lunch looked delicious !

  5. Marilyn says:

    Thank You for this interesting post. It looks like every one has a good time. Your granddaughters are beautiful young ladies.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  6. Judy from Maine says:

    Wow, that looks like fun. I’m not so much of a gardener, but I am a quilter…did I spy quilts that you made used as table coverings? Beautiful and a perfect use, I love seeing quilts used. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Judy allen says:

    Such a heart warming story. Nothing like a great porch with good friends.

  8. Patricia Hamilton Mitchell says:

    Dori, you made some pot holders and a dish cloth for me earlier 4 sets. Would you be willing to make 3 more sets for me. Please let me know. I am using for Christmas presents.

  9. Gigi says:

    What a wonderful gathering! Good food, good friends, good weather and beautiful garden bounty, what a perfect combination!
    You are truly blessed to have all this and grandgirlies so close to share your life with. Looked like so much fun and all were enjoying themselves.
    I noticed the swallowtails on your tithonia. Have you ever tried raising swallowtails with your grandgirlies? If you have dill or fennel growing nearby it is a piece of cake and soooo satisfying watching the process and knowing you saved them from being eaten by hungry predators.

  10. I’d love to join a garden club, your garden club, to be specific. That lunch sure looks delicious!

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An Ultra Adventure!




My son, who is now 33 years old, has always had a craving for the wild and crazy adventures.  When he was a young boy, he talked us into doing some of the wildest things.  And if he enjoyed something, then you could be sure it was going to be taken to the next level of extreme.  Always.  He has toned things down a lot in his adult life and we’ve not been asked to do anything wild and crazy with him for a whole lot of years.
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  1. Mary Rauch says:

    You don’t know how thankful I am you shared all this with us! You answered so many things I have always wondered about. Your description of your feelings filled in the blank spots in my imagination. This has to be an experience of a lifetime for all of you! Bless your family and this magical bonding experience. And thank you again for letting us look inside this wonderful adventure!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Awww… thank you Mary. I’m glad you could enter into it. It’s a crazy thing to do (running that far) and now I wish my son would write about it from his point of view! Especially the WHY! 🙂

      ~ Dori ~

  2. Ramona Puckett says:

    How cool! I’m so happy you all got to be there for your son! And what great pictures!

  3. Marlene Capelle says:

    Whew, I’m exhausted

  4. Kim Rice says:

    Wow!!! And that’s a Big Wow!! Running that at altitude is HUGE. Coming from someone who lives at almost a mile high, to run at that altitude with out long term altitude training is unreal! We always chuckle when sports teams come to compete against UNM and simply run out of “wind” half way through a basketball game!. My brother competed in 100+ mile bicycle rides across Colorado while living in San Francisco. He would come stay with me in Albuquerque for 3-4 days and ride up and down the Sandia Mountains just to get his lungs ready!! Logan is a Champion! And you and Eldon are Champions as well! . What a story!

  5. Mary Rauch says:

    I read and enjoy all your posts. I should write you more often and tell how much I enjoy them. It takes a lot of work to do one of your posts. I want to be sure you know how much I appreciate your efforts.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Dear Mary,

      Your comment meant so much to me. You really can’t imagine. You are so right… some of these posts seem like they take forever! So I love to know that you read and enjoy them.

      Tight hugs,

      – Dori –

  6. Marilyn says:

    Congratulations to Your son. You and your husband are such good and loving parents to share this experience with your son. God Bless.

  7. Susie Wantulok says:

    I so enjoyed your story. I have always been intrigued by ultras like your son runs. I always thought I’d run them once my last child left for college. (He leaves next week!) I admire Logan and you and your husband for supporting him. I know folks who run ultras but never really knew how the crew operated! Thanks for sharing!!!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Thank you Susie! When I wrote this I really wondered if anyone would find it interesting at all! So thank you!!! 🙂

      – Dori –

  8. Jill says:

    What a great read! And memory forever. I have a son the same again so I sent him your story for a good read. Mother/ Son forever!♥️

  9. Sandi King says:

    Wow! Dori this post was amazing. I loved every word and picture and could almost feel the excitement and anxiety you must have felt for your son. Congratulations to your son and you and your husband for being such great parents to go along for this wonderful event.

  10. Wow! 100 miles!!! Yikes! I am speechless! What an adventure, Dori, and how beautiful the scenery! Just breathtaking. Hats off to your son for completing the adventure! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole (Suburban Farmgirl)

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But We Get To Work In Flowers!



Happy Summer to all my Farmgirl Sisters!

I think it is safe to say that my daughter and I are thick into flower season!  Every day when we meet in the flower garden to work in our flowers we talk about how lucky we are and how much we love it.  And we also talk about the work involved and the balancing act that we juggle every day when we place the flowers on our cart and then walk away from it.  The demand for our flowers is great, we sell out fast, and we get a lot of messages from people wondering if we could make one more bouquet!  It takes a lot of will power to just sweetly tell people there will more bouquets the next day at 9:00! (We do bend the rules sometimes though!)

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  1. Connie Hester says:

    Gorgeous! 🙂

  2. Diann says:

    That is so awesome! Flowers are my happy place. Thank you for sharing

  3. Cyndie Gray says:

    Once again, my friend, I am so wishing I could pop in for a fresh flower bouquet! They are gorgeous! Thanks so much for taking us along today 🙂

  4. Patty says:

    Hi Dori,
    I love your posts!!
    Do you have to buy the jars all the time or do some customers return them to be reused? Thank you for sharing your garden with us!!

  5. Carol says:

    Dori … I love this post. It’s so awesome that 3 generations of women are working together … and with flowers! The photographs are amazing and your customers are lucky to have you! Continued good luck with your flower business! Carol

  6. Jana says:

    Sounds like a wonderful way to spend sunny summer days! If I lived close by I too would be one of your faithful customers.

  7. Donna Kozak says:

    Oh, you are lucky – working with your family surrounded with beautiful flowers – hard work but so rewarding !!

  8. Patti Munn says:

    I have been following you and your daughters blogs for a while. I live outside of Richmond VA.

    I am very interested in Flower Farming. I have been reading the flower farming books. I was so excited to see your new post on the flowers progress this year. They look so beautiful. My plan is to have a flower garden on a smaller scale for next year.

    How many flowers do you put in a $5 jar to sell? Any tips, you care to share, would make me extremely happy if you have time.

    Thanks so much for sharing your garden. I LOVE IT!!!!!!


  9. Myra says:

    Love your beautiful flowers in Mason Jars!

  10. Marlene Capelle says:

    You really are lucky. I’ve followed you from the beginning and all your hard work is really paying off. Good on you.

  11. Sandi says:

    Oh, Dori, I love this post and all those beautiful flowers. There isn’t anyone I know of in my area that does this. So glad that you do and you post the pictures also. I love to see flowers growing in a field more than flowers in a bouquet, but I know bouquets are nice too. Just hate to watch them wither and die. You have such a wonderful variety of colors and flowers and I know your customers really appreciate what you all do.

  12. Bonnie B says:

    Thanks, Dori, for the behind the scenes tour. Your flowers are so lovely and contain some favorites – sunflowers and zinnias. The colors in your bouquets are amazing! It has to be rewarding despite the had work.I want to thank you for your dishcloth pattern. I bet I have made dozens of them. It’s such an easy thing to pick up in the evening and relaxing too. Many of my friends and my daughters and grands have received them and love them.

  13. Marilyn says:

    Those flowers are gorgeous. The colors are so vibrant. Your granddaughters are beautiful and such good helpers. God Bless you and yours.

  14. Michele D Yates says:

    So beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Laurie Zaporzan says:

    A lovely family business that brings so much happiness to many, I wish we had an operation like yours near us!! Thank you for sharing!

  16. Judy from Maine says:

    What a lovely post, I wish I was closer so that I could become one of your customers…I can see why you have so many.

  17. Jamie says:

    I love this article! Made my day. I, too, grow flowers and herbs and sell. I make herbal soaps out of them. I even grow cotton for an addition to my bouquets. I love your setup. It just made me feel good to read about the girls helping. Wow! Amazing place!!!

  18. Rene Comer says:

    You’re flower garden is absolutely beautiful!

  19. Joan says:

    Tennessee is so fortunate to have y’all to make it even more beautiful and friendly. Your flowers/arrangements are spectacular. God bless.

  20. Ann says:

    Just love these flowers and wish I had a bouquet! What a lovely generational activity to enjoy with your family.

  21. Beverley Doolittle says:

    Beautiful flowers.

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Every Kind Of Book!




I love books.  Every kind of book.  I can read just about anything.  Sometimes the pile of books next to my bed are so varied that you would laugh to look at them.  I don’t like to read a book from my electronic devices… I like to hold a book in my hand and turn the pages.  I also love sharing my favorite books.

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  1. Rebecca M. says:

    I love the Little Free Library! And yours is so cute. The town I live in put out several of these at various places and they seem to generate a lot of traffic. I love reading and like you, I usually have a varied group of books by my chair. And I’m also known to have more than one book started at any time. When I finish a book or two, I make it a point to drop them off at one of the little libraries. I can only imagine what my life would have been like if I had had one of these close to where I lived growing up. I was an early reader but didn’t have easy access to new books, so I loved the school library and Bookmobiles.

  2. Lori Fresina says:

    there’s one in my town and didn’t even know it. going to go tomorrow!

  3. Kim Rice says:

    What a wonderful idea! And i had no idea there was one almost right in my backyard! I will stop by and donate a few books tomorrow . I am always impressed but never surprised by your commitment to community and humanity. You are just a “giver” by nature Dori. Each blog post i read on Farmgirlbloggers always brings me back to center. In one way or another. Keep it up!!!

  4. Bonnie McKee says:

    Hi Dori
    I love your Little Free Library!
    I just finished reading “Grandma Gatewood’s Walk” and have started “The Great Alone”.
    The story about Grandma Gatewood is a true story about a 67 year old woman who hiked the Appalachian Trail, in 1955. This is truly an inspiring story!
    Happy reading everyone!

  5. I just finished re-reading REDEEMING LOVE by Francine Rivers. It fills my heart every time I read it ❤️

  6. Mary Frances Rauch says:

    Five stars to your husband, and you, for doing this! I admire folks like you and am recommitted to do similar, but different projects near my home. Yesterday was Flag Day and your post made me think of how important efforts like this are.

  7. Deborah Apodaca says:

    Oh what a pleasant surprise to see your little library. I Want one so bad .
    I love it tell your husband he did a wonderful job. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Marilyn says:

    What a great idea. I was not aware of the Little free Library. I just finished the trio of Marie Osmond’s books. No w I started “Listening Valley” by D.E. Stevenson. It is very enjoyable. I will have to see if there is any near my neighborhood.Thank You for this information.

  9. carrie says:

    Love this! I was surprised with an LFL for Christmas, and we had a grand opening in May. I love visiting other LFL’s, and am so happy to be a steward of a box in our small Iowa town. Happy reading and book swapping!

  10. Kate Donahue says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your story. I also love the free little libraries we see around the Central Oregon area and hope to put one at the front of our farm too! I also appreciate knowing a bit more about the organization… very cool! As far as reading? I’ve got Mindy Kaling’s “Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)… it’s funny and honest. Just happened to pick it up. Cheers Dori! Kate Donahue
    Midnight Sky Farm of Tumalo, Bend, OR

  11. Bonnie B says:

    I had known about the Little Free Library and am sure you will continue to enjoy having made one. It was such a great idea from whomever started it! I am re-reading Susan Branch’s Fairytale Girl, Martha’s Vinyard, Isle of Dreams, and A Fine Romance. Loved them the first time around and I notice lots of things I missed this time. True stories of her life and travels, hand written and filled with pictures and her own illustrations. I think you would enjoy them.

  12. Joan says:

    I’ve heard about ‘ sharing libraries ‘ but didn’t know there is an organization for them. I will now look them up although I live in a coveted area. Yes your husband did a bang on job with yours!! I haven’t read anything for a few months, well except for MJF. Thanks for your great blog. God bless.

  13. Randee says:

    What a cute idea! Your husband did a great job and I can see I’ve read some of the books you have in your little library. Wish I could do the same but there’s only 3 families on our Lane … so there would be hardly any traffic. I am reading “The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry” by Rachel Joyce. I’ve never read a book like it. The reviews on amazon were very good. If you like different kinds of books look this one up and see if it interests you–it did me!

  14. Sheryl says:

    Such a cute idea! I live out in the country and don’t think my Texas friends would know what the little box would be if I had one, but I love it! ❤️ Glad you have folks that can enjoy!

  15. Lisa Button says:

    What a sweet idea! I LOVE this and may have to steal your idea. 🙂

  16. Deb Bosworth says:

    Hi Dori!
    This is such a great addition to your farm and what a wonderful organization. Thank you for sharing! We have a library box at the entrance of our beach road that leads to our beach community which we all enjoy, however, it’s not part of a larger organization like The Little Free Library. Love that the grand girls are so involved!
    Happy Summer!!!

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