Rolling Pins and Aprons!




Hello Farmgirl Friends.


My blog post today is a little late.  And its for a good reason!  My son is getting married on our hilltop this weekend and I’ve been in pre-wedding prep for a month or so and frankly I forgot to write my blog post!  HOWEVER, I had the project complete, photo’s taken and the post written in my head!  Smile!  Maybe next month I’ll write about our DIY wedding here on our farm!  (The picture above is our little farmhouse today in a nice little rainy drizzle… it just made me so happy.)




So, heres a little backstory on my project I’m sharing today.  A couple of years ago I saved to my phone, that amazing photo of MaryJane’s that is all over Pinterest with the rolling pin apron pegs.  (You’ve seen this picture too right?) And I’ve dreamed of making them for ages; I even had the vintage rolling pins.


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I have a wall where my kitchen joins the dining room that I felt really needed an update (circled in the picture above).  I knew that this was exactly where I wanted my apron pegs to go.  I put a plan in place and got my husband right on the job!  Smile!



But here’s a really funny thing!  Because I didn’t really have instructions on how to do the project (just that amazing photo) I let my husband figure out the cutting of the rolling pens.  But THEN!!!!  The June-July issue of MaryJanesFarm magazine came in the mail and what should be in that issue?  Yep…  you got it.  A step by step tutorial on making the rolling pen pegs!


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That magazine (cover above) is still on newsstands so be sure to get it because the tutorial is fantastic!!!  No need for me to re-write it here!




However, there is one thing my husband wanted me to mention.  The really old rolling pens are solid wood and can be cut through easily; the newer ones have a small metal rod that runs in the middle of the rolling pen.  You will need to unscrew the handles and remove that rod before cutting!  (You can tell if your rolling pen has the rod by trying to unscrew the handle… the very old ones do not unscrew.)  He then used a hacksaw to cut the rod to size so that I could screw the handle back on and place it on the rolling pen.


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I wanted to use what I had on hand for the “backsplash” for my rolling pen pegs so I did some digging in some of the old wood I have.  I used this lid of an old wooden ammo box that I had saved.  The wood was not quite the right look for the rolling pens, so I put a coat of white wash on it.  (Latex paint mixed with water.)




Once that dried, I used my mouse sander and sanded it to give the white wash a faded look.  I love how it turned out!




I measured out exactly where I wanted the pegs to go and my husband attached them.  It wasn’t hard and certainly I could’ve done it.   But it was really nice to hand that over to him!




We hung it on the wall and I was instantly in love with it!  I dug into my stash of vintage aprons and hung my three favorites.  The few weeks I’ve had it on the wall I’ve had compliments from everyone who has come over!




It fits perfectly in my kitchen decor and gives the vintage retro vibe that I was hoping for!




I love the rustic wood that I was able to repurpose and it just makes me happy all over!  MaryJane blew it out of the park again!


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And one last thing before I head to bed tonight… another reason to purchase the June-July issue!  (Or better yet, subscribe to the magazine!)  My daughter and I and our sweet little flower farm have a fun feature in the magazine along with numerous other amazing flower farmers!  We were so excited to be featured alongside them.


Logan and Kayla


Good night friends!  I’m off to toss and turn as I go over every detail in my head that we might’ve forgotten in our wedding prep!  Our company (as well as my son and his precious fiancé – picture above taken in Arizona in October) begin arriving in two days!!!


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long!






  1. Cyndie Gray says:

    Simply adorable rolling pin apron rack❣️❣️
    Congrats on the upcoming wedding that will give you another sweet daughter♥️ Can’t wait to see photos of the hilltop farm wedding!!

  2. Kim Rice says:

    Such a clever and functional way to display those aprons!! and good to know about those metal rods, i never thought about them going all the way through!!
    and a wedding too?! What a wonderful way to welcome new family members! Weddings are such a beautiful celebration of live and life. Can’t wait to see the beauty you create for those kids!!!

  3. Laurel Anne Pries says:

    How exciting!! A wedding in the family!! May you be blessed with Grandkids galore…..they are so precious!! Love your little farmhouse!! Congratulations!!!

  4. Beth Sheely says:

    This is perfect! I haven’t had time to enjoy my latest issue of Mary Janes Farm magazine, yet, but this morning as they pour our new driveway, ( Yes, we’re getting a cement driveway,even though we live on a gravel road Michigan.) I’m reading your blog and can’t wait to get started on my hunt for rolling pins. I make and sell aprons at vintage markets and this just may be a great way to display some of them in my booth! I’ll let you know. Congratulations on your son’s wedding.

  5. Gabrielle says:

    I loved this idea and I obtained so many great ideas from only looking at your kitchen. I live in a small apartment but I try and my place looks pretty good

  6. Ann says:

    Congratulations on your son’s wedding. Perfect spot – charming venue. Love your vintage rolling pin apron hangers.

  7. Bonnie Ellis says:

    Your husband’s skills are amazing. That apron holder is perfect for your adorable kitchen. Have fun with the wedding…we’ll all be awaiting photos@

  8. Sandi King says:

    Hey Dori, I saw that article in the magazine. Wonderful idea. I go to the thrift market and the rolling pins there are on the high side, but there is usually a lot of them. I may try making something similar for aprons, but it would have to be on the smaller side as I don’t have a wall with enough empty space for one this size. May even try a vertical one. Love your vintage aprons. Congratulations on having a wedding on the hill. Bet it will be really nice. Have fun.

  9. Marilyn says:

    What a lovely sight those rolling pin pegs are. Your aprons are beautiful. Congratulations on your son’s upcoming wedding. God Bless.

  10. Susie Heller says:

    Love your post. Nice looking son and his fiancée. Sigh…. young love!!!

  11. Maxine Jelinek says:

    How cute and fun! And I think I’m going to have to subscribe, as I can’t readily find it out here!

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Sashiko Stitching


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Hello Farmgirl Friends!

I’m excited to share my latest quilting project with you!  I’ve had a thought in the back of my mind for a long time to sew a whole quilt using Sashiko hand-stitching.  I have dabbled in the Japanese Sashiko stitching through the years and even wrote a blog post about it here.  But I’ve never attempted a full quilt.

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  1. Joanna Ziolkowski says:

    Your quilt really is lovely. I haven’t tried quilting, working with double gauze, or sashiko. I just came across an article you wrote on a sashiko bag. I think I will start with trying the bag first and work my way up to a quilt. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Marlene Capelle says:

    That turned out really great. I’m not much of a fan of Sashiko but that is a fabulous concept.

  3. Phyllis Parrish says:

    I love your quilt!! I recently discovered sashiko myself and I love it too. I tried my hand with it on a pair of levis.
    In your quilt, did you quilt the squares first then put them together or quilt it after it was pieced?
    I do enjoy your articles. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Maxine Jelinek says:

    This is just simply beautiful! I have scraps of this type of fabric from making baby clothes, and now I’m excited to see how I can use them up!

  5. Sharon says:

    Love this post as I do all that you write! I am a “fellow” Farmgirl member!

  6. Margaret h Mitchell says:

    Beautiful I’ve always wanted to hand stitch a quilt.

  7. Pamela says:

    Loved seeing the gauze fabric and the shashiko stitch in action. Where might I obtain the fabric?

  8. Rebecca says:

    Beautiful! You do such wonderful work. The last picture is perfect with those little fingers holding up the quilt. I have so many projects started and hope to finish some of them this summer. I planted lilies yesterday and woke to a dusting snow this morning.

  9. Karen Kudla says:

    Your quilt is beautiful! You’ve inspired me to get back to my Sashiko project, a small table topper. I too, love working with double gauze fabric. How did you keep it from shrinking too much?

  10. Linda Freeman says:

    How lovely! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Joanne says:

    Love Love Love the quilt!! The simplicity and the beauty! I am a square and rectangle quilter! No fancy stuff for me and I also prefer to use material -old clothing and t-shirts that have memories for me or the person being gifted the quilt! By using the bits of fabric you have brought life to the quilt!!
    Thank you for sharing it with us and now I have one more project idea to add to my brain— it is getting quite crowded in there!

  12. Vicki8257 says:

    Absolutely love it. Beautiful.

  13. Brenda Cervantes says:


  14. Colleen says:

    Absolutely beautiful and cuddly. From your description, I can just FEEL the softness. Thank you for sharing. I’m not quite ready to “put the sewing away” yet. Rainy days are coming here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Now, YOU get out and enjoy the garden.

  15. Sarah B says:

    Absolutely beautiful! You are so talented with your crafting and quilting and I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing your latest project. I am loving this quilt! The stitching makes it so unique and all your patches add such color, thanks for sharing!

  16. Binky Thorsson says:

    Love the p.s. Aren’t grandkids the best!!!
    I will send you a photo of our Grandsons with their Tree / Boat House, my Husband Barry built a year ago at the beginning of the Pandemic.

    Thanks Dori, Binky

  17. Cindi Johnson says:

    I love this! As it happens, just last Tuesday, while searching online for quilt shops in my area, I finally found one tiny shop listed. GPS in hand, I headed out to happily find that it is close by. I was shocked when I entered this tiny store to find it creatively laid out top to bottom with fabrics, patterns, threads and kits in all sorts of beautiful sashiko styles.The owner is well versed, having attended high school in Japan where she learned this beautiful art. So I’m already set, with supplies right in front of me, to follow your lead using Shannon fabrics! I love love love your quilt!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Oh my word Cindi!!!! I want to go to this shop!!! How amazing and exciting! Please keep me posted and how it goes – I’m so anxious to hear!

      ~ Dori ~

  18. Joei Gifford says:

    I love your quilt! I started quilting at 4 yrs old. Grandma sat me under the quilting frame that Grandpa had hung from the trees overhanging the stone patio. She passed the needle down to me and I passed it back up to her. If she took out my stitches she never let me know.
    I just finished a miniature potted plant tableau for my daughter. It’s 1/12 scale and now I’m making flowers for vases in my dollhouse. Soon I will be making the dolls…covid got me into crafting/sewing/creative projects every evening.
    Great article. Thanks for sharing, Joei

  19. Marilyn says:

    The quilt is lovely. Enjoy your gardening.

  20. Denise says:

    That is a beautiful quilt! What a wonderful way to relax and use those creative juices. Handstitching and making your own stitching pattern makes it one of a kind!
    Have a great day!

  21. Carol says:

    Dori … I love your fabric and the stitching is amazing! I have to look further into sashiko stitching! Right now I have a finished quilt, ready to put the binding on for my granddaughter who will turn 6 on May 9. I better get it finished soon! I am also using light green chalk paint to paint an old treadle sewing machine I got from my Mom. Then when it gets hot I will do some scrapbooking for my granddaughters! Always something on my project table! Happy Spring, Carol

  22. Kay Weseman says:

    What a great quilt AND…..inspiration! Sashiko was supposed to be my new project for 2020 but then a lot of “stuff” got in the way. It’s gonna have to roll over to 2021 now- also interested in “who” sells the double gauze fabric as well. (Will keep an eye out for it.) Your fabric on the backside goes really nice with the front fabrics. Seeing those little hands hold it up reminds me of the Amish saying “many hands make the work light”. Thanks for such an enjoyable read.

  23. Debra Gilbert says:

    I love your Sashiko stitched quilt. I’ve done a little bit with my stitching meditations. Now that I’ve seen your beautiful work, it has inspired me to try a full quilt. I love the texture of the double gauze. Thank you for sharing and inspiring me. Happy Earth Day!!!!

  24. Carol McGuire says:

    I would like to contact Dori from this article. I loved her quilt in a recent issue, however we look so much alike, we could be twins! I am also from TN.

  25. Laurie Lasala-Tuttle says:

    Just reading this today, and it’s lovely Dori! Perhaps I’ll try double gauze in a quilt, I’ve only used it for a very comfy blouse. I love that your grandgirls have a treehouse. Such fun!!

  26. judith yongue says:

    love to try . where do you get double gauze and tutorial on that Japanese type quilting

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It’s Spring Tea Party Time!!!

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Hello Farmgirl Friends!


The weather here in Tennessee is so beautiful with Spring having finally arrived!  All I could think of this winter was that when Spring arrived I wanted to celebrate with a tea party!

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  1. Carol says:

    Hi Dory … What a great tea party you had! I love the idea of having the grandgirls serve your guests. Your menu was great … everything looked so yummy. And the table was beautiful. You have the LILYBELL Noritake dinnerware! I found it on the Replacements, LTD website: It is beautiful!
    I’m so jealous of all the flowers … we are not quite that far along in central Pennsylvania. Happy Spring! Carol

  2. Elisabeth Perkins says:

    Lovely tea party!!! It makes me want to have one!! Those little BLT sandwiches were the cutest idea!
    Looks like everyone enjoyed the tea party, even the stink bug, haha!

  3. Laura says:

    What a great idea! I love everything about it! The photos alone make my heart happy.

  4. Treese Hellstrom says:

    I enjoyed the pictures. It is definitely looking like spring there. We are still getting hit here in Colorado by snow storms. All our flowers are still hiding from the snow and cold.
    Treese/Colorado Cowgirl.

  5. Cyndie Gray says:

    What a lovely “celebrate spring” gathering! Hosting a tea party is one my most favorite things to do. Your china is beautiful & the table looked gorgeous! I can just picture your grand girls’ joy in serving you & your guests~they are such sweet girls♥️
    BTW…I have continued posting handwritten notes to my four young adult grands per my sharing last month, once a month I send a handmade card to them with a handwritten note.

  6. donna herczeg says:

    Loved your post about your tea party! Everything looked lovely!
    I am going to a tea party today and we are going to look at our hostesses collection of tea cups and she will tell us their story of where they came from.
    I used to do alot of tea parties with my girlfriend Anne about 25 years ago. We even wore pretty hats and dressed up. We both collected vintage China, so it was fun to get a chance to use them. Whichever one of us hosted the party invited most of their friends and family, and then the other would help with baking and serving. They were quite memorable events and I think of them with nostalgia. It was a sweet time in our memories.

  7. Colleen Maki-Varney says:

    What a wonderful gathering of ladies! Reminds me of how my Grandma Annie would set the table with all of her beautiful teacups and china, some from Finland (our ancestry). She served up a “feast” quite similar to yours. The granddaughters must feel very special.

  8. Diane Loehr says:

    Love a good Tea Party. I miss the one that we have in the Fall due to Covid. There are about 10 tables and every table is a different theme. People get really creative. I host one of the tables and love having the ladies join me. Everything looks really good to eat. Wish I could have been invited, less the stink bug! 🙂 Have a great day – Diane

  9. Joy says:

    I really enjoyed reading your post, because my grandmother had a set of that same china. My mother inherited it, and now my brother has it – but seeing it on your table brought back fond memories. Your tea party looks lovely, in spite of the stinkbug (oh, those engineers!). Thank you for sharing it.

  10. Carmen Anderson says:

    Happy Spring to you…still awaiting for it to arrive in Eastern Idaho…lol…it might by October . Thank you for a lovely article

    There is a very good site you might want to check out to locate if possible pieces for your china pattern I’ve used it for my retired Noritake pattern as well as other items over the years.

    Here is the website:

    Also look on ack of your pixels it might give you the name of pattern

    • Carmen Anderson says:

      Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors my phone changes words etc constantly

      Look on back of china pieces for name of pattern

  11. Eileen Prose says:

    The table was beautiful and the menu scrumptious!

  12. Linda Marie Hilburger says:

    Beautiful Tea Party. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing.

  13. Marilyn says:

    Thank You for sharing this lovely tea party. Enjoy the Spring weather.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  14. Denise says:

    Everything looked delightful & yummy too! But that was hilarious about the stick bug!! I’m in Tennessee but I haven’t seen any stink bugs. Course now that I’ve said that I’ll probably see a lot! Enjoyed your post!!

  15. Kristine Pope says:

    I love doing Tea Parties! I am so inspired by this blog..I think I’m going to start planning a Tea Party myself; quite soon!

  16. Valerie Sijan says:

    You set a beautiful table, lady! The food looks fabulous as well!
    Thanks for sharing an inspirational tea party!

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It's Spring Tea Party Time!!!

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Hello Farmgirl Friends!


The weather here in Tennessee is so beautiful with Spring having finally arrived!  All I could think of this winter was that when Spring arrived I wanted to celebrate with a tea party!

Continue reading

  1. Carol says:

    Hi Dory … What a great tea party you had! I love the idea of having the grandgirls serve your guests. Your menu was great … everything looked so yummy. And the table was beautiful. You have the LILYBELL Noritake dinnerware! I found it on the Replacements, LTD website: It is beautiful!
    I’m so jealous of all the flowers … we are not quite that far along in central Pennsylvania. Happy Spring! Carol

  2. Elisabeth Perkins says:

    Lovely tea party!!! It makes me want to have one!! Those little BLT sandwiches were the cutest idea!
    Looks like everyone enjoyed the tea party, even the stink bug, haha!

  3. Laura says:

    What a great idea! I love everything about it! The photos alone make my heart happy.

  4. Treese Hellstrom says:

    I enjoyed the pictures. It is definitely looking like spring there. We are still getting hit here in Colorado by snow storms. All our flowers are still hiding from the snow and cold.
    Treese/Colorado Cowgirl.

  5. Cyndie Gray says:

    What a lovely “celebrate spring” gathering! Hosting a tea party is one my most favorite things to do. Your china is beautiful & the table looked gorgeous! I can just picture your grand girls’ joy in serving you & your guests~they are such sweet girls♥️
    BTW…I have continued posting handwritten notes to my four young adult grands per my sharing last month, once a month I send a handmade card to them with a handwritten note.

  6. donna herczeg says:

    Loved your post about your tea party! Everything looked lovely!
    I am going to a tea party today and we are going to look at our hostesses collection of tea cups and she will tell us their story of where they came from.
    I used to do alot of tea parties with my girlfriend Anne about 25 years ago. We even wore pretty hats and dressed up. We both collected vintage China, so it was fun to get a chance to use them. Whichever one of us hosted the party invited most of their friends and family, and then the other would help with baking and serving. They were quite memorable events and I think of them with nostalgia. It was a sweet time in our memories.

  7. Colleen Maki-Varney says:

    What a wonderful gathering of ladies! Reminds me of how my Grandma Annie would set the table with all of her beautiful teacups and china, some from Finland (our ancestry). She served up a “feast” quite similar to yours. The granddaughters must feel very special.

  8. Diane Loehr says:

    Love a good Tea Party. I miss the one that we have in the Fall due to Covid. There are about 10 tables and every table is a different theme. People get really creative. I host one of the tables and love having the ladies join me. Everything looks really good to eat. Wish I could have been invited, less the stink bug! 🙂 Have a great day – Diane

  9. Joy says:

    I really enjoyed reading your post, because my grandmother had a set of that same china. My mother inherited it, and now my brother has it – but seeing it on your table brought back fond memories. Your tea party looks lovely, in spite of the stinkbug (oh, those engineers!). Thank you for sharing it.

  10. Carmen Anderson says:

    Happy Spring to you…still awaiting for it to arrive in Eastern Idaho…lol…it might by October . Thank you for a lovely article

    There is a very good site you might want to check out to locate if possible pieces for your china pattern I’ve used it for my retired Noritake pattern as well as other items over the years.

    Here is the website:

    Also look on ack of your pixels it might give you the name of pattern

    • Carmen Anderson says:

      Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors my phone changes words etc constantly

      Look on back of china pieces for name of pattern

  11. Eileen Prose says:

    The table was beautiful and the menu scrumptious!

  12. Linda Marie Hilburger says:

    Beautiful Tea Party. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing.

  13. Marilyn says:

    Thank You for sharing this lovely tea party. Enjoy the Spring weather.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  14. Denise says:

    Everything looked delightful & yummy too! But that was hilarious about the stick bug!! I’m in Tennessee but I haven’t seen any stink bugs. Course now that I’ve said that I’ll probably see a lot! Enjoyed your post!!

  15. Kristine Pope says:

    I love doing Tea Parties! I am so inspired by this blog..I think I’m going to start planning a Tea Party myself; quite soon!

  16. Valerie Sijan says:

    You set a beautiful table, lady! The food looks fabulous as well!
    Thanks for sharing an inspirational tea party!

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Still Talking About Goals {And A Giveaway}!




Hello Farmgirl Friends!

I wrote a post here a couple months ago asking my readers to comment about their goals and hopes for themselves for this year.  I’ve read over every single one of those 97 comments numerous times.  They have actually been so helpful to me because a lot of them are exactly what I feel for myself too.


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  1. Sandra Johnson says:

    The first person I will write to using your beautiful notecards is an elderly aunt that I rarely get to visit in person! I have several friends that I have been corresponding with during the pandemic since handwritten notes are enjoyed far longer than phone calls or emails, and they will get notes, too!
    I enjoy reading your posts and seeing photos of your lovely crafts! Inspiring, though I don’t have your talent.

  2. Stacey Mitchell says:

    My first handwritten letter will be to my friend Bobby. He is a dear, loving friend.

  3. Cathy Holton says:

    I’ll send one to my best friend!

  4. Emily Pennington says:

    Hi Dori;

    Your cards look beautiful! And I love the binder and pouch you made.

    Since our family lost a sister this year, I would send my remaining sister the card. Since she rarely sews, I think it would be special to make something to send with it!

    Thank you for the opportunity of receiving a set of your cards.

    Take care.

  5. Lisa D Von Saunder says:

    I send cards for each and every holiday all year round to all my friends .But this year I was not able to go the stores to get the cards I needed. I have a list of about 30 people so I think I’m good at letting people know I care and think about them.

    People really seem to enjoy them and I try and pick out ones appropriate for each person. Some are the same cards to different people but you get the drift. I write something personal in each and the pets get their own cards if possible.
    ( try and find Easter cards with cats or dogs on them ! )

    Its a great way to stay in touch and sure beats Texting and emailing for personal reaching out.

  6. winnie Jackson says:

    love the cards! My goal this year is to remember people by writing more notes to them to bring JOY to their lives this year. This virus has put us all in a different way of remembering others close at heart. So I desided to do at least 3 each week. I purchase beautill stamps, just need to get pretty cards. Stay safe and I am grateful for all you post for all of us that follow you. Blessings, Winnie 🙂

  7. Carole Harmon says:

    Your idea is wonderful! My cousin Donna wrote me a long letter last year, which I treasure. It prompted me to mail Christmas cards in December, writing notes in each.

    The first handwritten letter would be to cousin Donna. Close seconds would be to my sister and daughter.

    Thanks for sharing your photos and ideas, Carole

  8. Pat G says:

    I was just telling my sis that I am going to write a ltter to our niece that lives in NJ & we have not seen in over 30 yrs.!

  9. Debbie Klann says:

    Doris, I ❤ this!!! You are so creative and your binders turned out so pretty!!
    This is a great idea. I still have little notes that I’ve saved through the years that mean so much to me…especially those from my grandma, who is no longer here. We never know how just a few encouraging words will make a person’s day.
    It reminds me of the idea that to make change in the world, WE need to start with ourselves.
    I’m not sure who I would write to first! Probably my friend, Jami.

  10. Karen Kudla says:

    I love, love love this idea! My first handwritten note will be to my grandchildren! Will you do a tutorial on your project? I’d love to make this for myself!

  11. Mary Pitman says:

    I would send a card to my dear life-long friend who lives in Montana. We do write to each other (snail mail) about once every so often, not consistent! That would be perfect, just a sweet “Thinking of You” would mean a lot!

  12. Joan Piercy says:

    The first person I will write to is my BFF, Linda J. She lives in Alabama & we try to keep in touch but sometimes it is weeks before we connect. Just want to say that your cards are beautiful! Do you sell them?

  13. Maxine Jelinek says:

    I love this! It’s simply beautiful! I love getting snail mail and hardly get any, I know because I don’t get myself to write it. I have a long time friend that sends hand written notes several times a year, and she is the first person I would respond to!

  14. Bonnie McKee says:

    My first note will be sent to my 18 year old granddaughter, Rachel ❤️

  15. Cheryl says:

    I have several friends at church that are needing prayers and I know they would enjoy a card letting them know I am praying and thinking of them daily

  16. Bonnie I. says:

    I love the binder also! My best friend has been having health problems and has just now been correctly diagnosed and on the mend. I had to send her a card to express my gratitude and love. There is nothing like a personal note. Phone calls are good but a hand written note is best in my opinion. I like your idea of a monthly binder and may implement it for my own friends and family. Thank you so much for the great ideas!

  17. Judy From Maine says:

    First card would go to my Mom. She is in assisted living, and I speak to her regularly, but I also send her a card once a week or so. I remember her sending me cards and letters when I was at Girl Scout camp and how much I loved getting them. ( I was very homesickJ I like to think that the cards I send her bring her as much joy.

  18. Pamela says:

    What a great idea! My Mom is #1 and my aunt is #2 on my list. I love your cards – they’re beautiful! And the binder is a great idea!

  19. Marge Turner says:

    I love that binder and immediately thought of the fabric scraps I have! I am a stamper so I love to make cards (with plenty of glitter) and send to special friends. I have a very special friend who lives in a nursing home in another city and because of covid we haven’t been able to visit-she is first in my list.

  20. Jacqueline Bilder says:

    Wow, you are so creative and talented. I will write to my sister in CA. We usually talk every week or so but hand written notes are so awesome to receive! Thanks for sharing all of your hard work!

  21. Irene says:

    I love the idea of making a binder. My letter would be to my friend Elaine. We’ve been friends since the late 60’s. We been writing ever since I moved away.

  22. Pam says:

    I would write to my daughter. I miss her so much. Nice project and lovely cards.

  23. Robin in New Jersey says:

    Hi! I love to make cards out of photos I have taken. I love snailmail. My first card would be to an elderly lady I have kept in touch with for years after she moved.

  24. LaVon Davis says:

    If I was one of the Lucky winners, I would use the card to send to my friend that was just diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I am a card sender, so I would use them all.Thank you

  25. Jackie Galluze says:

    I will write to my niece who is in a personal care home. She is only 40 years old & has many medical problems. She loves to receive cards from me. She will never be able to be on her own.

  26. Judith Stout says:

    What a great and thoughtful idea. I would write to my brother who I don’t get to see very often. Thank you and God Bless.


  27. Joanne says:

    I would send my first note to my good friend and college roommate.
    Her birthday is in the month of March and we have remained friends for almost 50!years!!

  28. Cynthia Lopez says:

    Wow, I have a few I would send too. But my friend Maureen would be first choice. We have been friends since Desert Storm and have not seen each other since then, but write to each other every year. We are planning to meet in Phoenix (half way for each of us) this year when this Pandemic has abated. What a reunion!
    Thank you!

  29. Bonnie Baker says:

    Hi Doris,
    I have to say that you are so creative on so many levels. I’ve always loved your choice of fabrics…so cheerful and colorful. The fabric note cards and binders are adorable. And the flower photo note cards are glorious… I’m so ready to see some sign of spring and summer! So I’m hoping to have them appear in my mailbox.

  30. Mary Rauch says:

    My first letter will be to a school pal from 56 years ago who recently found me on Facebook and said that she always wanted to be closer when we were in high school but was too shy to make it known…That made me so sad. Here’s my chance to recapture the treasure of a friendship that I have been missing all these years! Dori, your column has already “won a gift for me”, a renewal of friendship from long ago! See how wise you are?

  31. Wendy Moore says:

    My daughter is 18 and in college. She would be the first person that I would write to. I would love to send her notes throughout the year to remind her of how special she is and that she is a beautiful child of God!

  32. Susan Boysen says:

    Oh so many to reach out to from afar…last year I moved from my long time home in Washington state to a new home in Idaho with my son and his family. Left good friends and my daughter (and her family) behind. Then left Idaho for a visit with a special friend in Maryland where I have been ‘happily’ stuck due to covid concerns since October. So I have friends and family scattered from coast to coast who I miss so very much…but who to write to first? I think my ‘sister from another mother’ who retired this year. We need to plan a girl’s trip in honor of her retirement…what better way to begin to plan than with an ‘old fashioned handwritten’ letter?

  33. Sandy says:

    I would definitely write to my mother first. She will be moving from the hospital to a rehab center this week. She would love to get some Mail. In fact, just thinking about this has inspired me. I’ll do that as soon as she moves. Thank you

  34. I simply love your ideas about sending notes to loved ones!.
    Im going to send a note to my Great Granddaughter today.
    Your binder is awesome! Would love instructions on how to make my own.


  35. Cassandra Brungardt says:

    I would send the first one to my daughter. We do not get to see her very much.

  36. Rebecca says:

    I love this idea. Nothing brightens my day more than opening up the mailbox to a hand written note or letter. My first letter will go to my friend Jo. We met while we both worked for the U.S. Coast Guard and became like sisters. She’s battled breast cancer twice, but never let it get her down. We live in different states and don’t see one another as much as we like but we talk and text often. Thank you for your idea. I love it.

  37. Sanne says:

    My best friend and gardening buddy comes to mind. We always swap seeds and talk about our (gardening and otherwise) successes and failures. She loves flowers just as much as I do.

  38. Sanne says:

    And thank you so much for the inspiration of the binder! I bought a binder cover for my knitting pattern binder on ebay years ago, was never quite happy with it, and will now work in improving it.

  39. shawna says:

    I will send a card to my daughter who is in Portland while we are in San Diego. Because of covid we have not been able to visit her as much as we had planned. I send her a box of goodies from home every month including something homemade from the kitchen & something knit or crocheted & there is always a card with bits of news from home. We are so thankful for facetime & texts so we can keep in touch, but it is not the same as being able to hug her.

  40. Judith Smith-Coleman says:

    Hello Dori,
    Your project is just beautiful…and engineered perfectly. You thought of everything!! I have made it my ministry for a couple decades now to send snail mail notes, particularly to a friend from college who has become unable to leave her house without lots of planning. Also, I’ve been involved in a pen pal program at two nursing homes not far from my home. This has become especially important this year with COVID eliminating any contact visitations. I also try to send my nieces and nephews fun cards as they move frequently for school and jobs. It is purely selfish because I want to keep myself on their radar. 🙂 I have found two artists through Facebook who have small businesses selling their work on greeting cards. I have been purchasing cards from them when I get low. Your cards are just beautiful. I admire all the work you and your family do to make your flower business a success. The pictures are wonderful…and hopeful!! I enjoy your blog!! Be well! Judy

  41. Ann says:

    I’ve gathered together a group of friends who are all writing letters to the elderly for an organization that provides these letters to residents in area nursing homes and assisted living facilities. So far we have collected over 100 personal notes and thinking of you cards to send the Love for our Elders. I can’t think of a better way to brighten someone’s day than a personal note.

  42. Patty says:

    My Aunt French in Tahoe. She would so enjoy the flowers because she will still be looking at snow. She is in poor health and I really need to reach out to her more.
    I would love to have directions for your binder and accessories.

  43. Treese Hellstrom says:

    Beautiful work! I’ll write/send one to my best friend Marian!
    Colorado Cowgirl.

  44. kim says:

    I LOVE sending ( and receiving, of course)correspondence thru the mail. I live in NM, and currently my two best friends are living very far away…one in OR, the other in NC. Thankfully we are all good letter writers! I have made a practice of writing another age old friend twice a month as he is in assisted living after a stroke. I write him as he needs a little spark to brighten his day, we all do!
    THANK YOU for re-affirming the joy of writing! I love your quilting reports too!

    All the best, Kim

  45. sharon butera says:

    Several years ago my parents had to make the tough decision to move to an assisted living complex. Mom had lost her ability to keep track of birthdays and anniversaries so it fell to Dad to continue sending their love and good wishes through greeting cards. To make it easy for him I put together a binder with monthly pockets, a calendar and the names and milestones. I tucked a card appropriate to each into the pockets with envelopes already stamped so all Dad had to do was write a note and drop the cards into the post box in the home’s office. It was a big job to set up for him the first year, but then each Christmas I would replenish a year’s worth of cards as a gift to him and Mom.
    I love the idea of a quilted cover 3 ring binder! Yours looks beautiful. And I so enjoy reading about your flower business and your girls who work right along side you. Photo notecards from your farm would be a delight to receive and even more of a joy to send.
    And thanks for the reminder that we all would enjoy receiving a bit of love in the mail.

  46. Betty says:

    Wonderful Goal!
    My daughter-in-law. She is a two time cancer survivor and one of the most courageous women.

  47. Pamela L Czurak says:

    The first person I plan to write to is my almost 100 year old Uncle, last of his generation who has been stuck in his Condo for over a year because of Covid.

  48. Crystal M Pung says:

    The first person I plan on writing is my grandmother who is on hospice. This could be the last letter I get to write to her.

  49. Della says:

    The binder is such a nifty idea. My first note will be to my childhood friend.

  50. Beth O'Nyon says:

    Hi Dori

    Knowing who to send the first note too is tough. I have so many wonderful people in my life who love, show kindness and keep me sane :). As with everyone, this past year has been tough. We moved to a new home which is beautiful and restorative. It is not a working farm, but I am getting it back to being as close to a farm as I can. Then we had fires and had to be evacuated for a week. Then I had to deal with some serious health issues. Then the major storms just came through and took our power and heat for a week brr. Yet, when I look back at emails and texts from my friends and loved ones, I know how lucky I am. My first card will go to my cousin Pam. She has been like a mother, older system and best friend for many years. When I moved to CA from Ohio, she is one of the people I miss most. I think she would be delighted to receive a beautiful handwritten note in the mail. Thanks for sharing this idea. Best of everything–Beth

    • Mary Rauch says:

      Beth, you can assure Pam (in Ohio) that we will support her as she adjusts to missing you. Maybe she will come to the Farmgirl blog and talk with all of us? We love Ohio and plan to stay the rest of our lives if it be God’s will.

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Sewing Courage!




Hello Farmgirl Friends!

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  1. Bonnie I. says:

    I tried unsuccessfully to teach myself latch hook and I think that this is the year I need to take a lesson and really give it a go. I am knitting a throw for my chair right now and when it’s done I think I will find a teacher.

  2. Sharon says:

    Teaching myself to crochet this winter ( kind of reteaching as it went by the wayside for a bit when we sold our home/built our new house). Also want to relearn embroidery & learn Sashiko! (Your article in MJF magazine started that idea)!

  3. Gail Summerlin says:

    I look so forward to your blogs. I feel like I could sit down with you and a cup of tea and discuss quilting and grands and sewing and flowers. I love teaching my grands to sew. I have a cousins camp each year and the girls 6-13 stay all week with me. We sew, bake, do crafts, they all love it and count down the days till the next year.( the cousins live farther away but my grands live close). My grandson, Sawyer, wanted to make a Braves( baseball team) pillow. He was so proud of it, the big grin on his face was priceless. This last year he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer on my 60th birthday. He passed away into the arms of Jesus in Oct. I have that special memory of sewing with him. I don’t take for granted 1 min with my grandkids. I’ve learned the sad way, don’t put off and say we will do it later. Grab the moment.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Oh Gail. I read your comment and cried. I cannot even imagine the pain of losing a grand-child. My heart is with you. And I know you cherish the precious memories.

      Tighest of hugs to you.

      ~ Dori ~

    • D W Dennison says:

      Gail, The beauty and sadness of your post broke my heart. I have no grands, but I agree that we need to live every moment in awareness and gratitude. May your memories sustain and inspire you.

    • Sherry says:

      Gail, I too have an overwhelming feeling of sadness for you at this time. I have to remember that God is so good to help us get through times like these, and He knows just what we need and what we can take.
      Bless you!

  4. Ellen Zook Osborn says:

    I love that look of intense concentration! My oldest grand-girl is 9 and she very much wants to learn to sew — we have generations of amazing quilters in our family — I’m not one of them! . Maybe a potholder?

  5. Debbie Klann says:

    I started to learn how to watercolor awhile back and haven’t taken the time to continue practicing. I have lots of things that I want to try and paint and I am going to do it this year!

  6. Prudence Diem says:

    It’s a treat to read you. Your pictures are just as good as your writing, and hearing about your beautiful life encourages me to press for more, though I’ve transformed mine in these last six months and I’ve never been happier.

  7. Mary Homolka says:

    This is the first time that I have had a chance to look at the blog and I’m really impressed. I hope to be watching more you have some really good ideas and things to do myself. I have been doing some needle tatting and love it. Take care and be safe

  8. D W Dennison says:

    Dearest Dori, You are my inspiration! Since the death of our sweet Daddy on January 3, I have begun to plow through some of the accumulations in his house. Must admit, they are mine, not his. My brother wants to get rid of the piano that Momma received when she was 5 (in 1936) because nobody plays it. I told him that no one but me wants that huge piano, and that one day I shall play it. Thank you, Dori! Maybe I am not too old to relearn.

  9. Amy says:

    I receive an infusion every three weeks that requires my medicine to be carried around in this ghastly black bag for 7 hours a day, 4 days a week. I am tired of it’s ugliness. This blog has inspired me to have the courage to remake the bag using what fabric I have around the house. I do not have a pattern so that is what terrifies me. It will have to be durable so i think i will use some old jeans for the base but I want it to also be pretty. Your granddaughter inspired me to quilt part of it and I am not going to try to “match” the fabric but use pieces I love that will bring a smile on the long infusion days…

  10. Randee Foster says:

    I’ve been learning to use watercolor to make greeting cards…and I have much to learn! Also I want to get back into knitting more than just washcloths!

  11. BEVERLY says:

    Dori, hopefully you will share this pattern with us; looks like fun!

  12. Suzanne Griner says:

    I would love to see pictures of your sewing room.

  13. Lauri Neumann-Grable says:

    One of my goals for 2021 is to make greeting cards to mail to members of my church. I am not able to attend due to COVID restrictions and miss the weekly gathering. Therefore I came up with the idea to send a monthly greeting to say that I am thinking of them and miss them. I call my greeting cards “Scrap Happy” as I cut pictures from magazines, catalogs, junk mail, etc. Then I use the various scraps from scrapbooking paper and become one with the glue stick. I have February cards ready to go. My other goal is to refrain from unnecessary shopping – pushing the frugal mentality. I may not sew but I do play with color in my paper crafting. It is so easy to become isolated when we have to maintain a quarantine framework but the gift of creativity can help avoid feeling so alone. Blessings to all. Lauri

  14. Sheri Clark says:

    I loved reading your article about your granddaughter, I only which someone had done that for me. This year is going to filled with a lot of new adventures for me. Not to dwell on a bad subject, that is getting better. My husband has been in ICU for a month today with Covid 19. He is progressing, but I will have my best day when they get him off of the Ventilator and move him to a Acute Long term rehab hospital. I have a quilt that I started a while ago, so my thing to finish this year is that quilt for him. I just have the binding.
    I am going to pull it out right now and get started. Thanks for giving me that push.

  15. Marilyn says:

    As usual your latest blog is interesting and inspiring. I am determined to learn to sew this year. I want to get back to my knitting and dance lessons on my videos. I also want to use Marie Osmond’s body gym to do some exercises. Rosetta is a beautiful young lady and talented,too. Gail, sorry for your loss. Hope you can take comfort in your memories of Sawyer. God Bless.

  16. Maureen says:

    Watercolors. Have all the supplies, lots of books, a beautiful place to live with lots of inspiration. I need to take the plunge and just do it!!!!!

  17. Marti Wynne says:

    I love this post so much!!! I am finally going to finish 2 quilts for my sons birthdays in June. They are tshirt 10 inch squares of their baseball jerseys and some misc tees in there. I’m going to transfer their ball pics to a few squares ( I hope ❤️). It seems overwhelming to me but I’m going to do it !!! I love how you asked what courageous thing are you going to do this year. I try to stretch myself. And I have really done it this past year. At 62 in the middle of a pandemic I opened a hair salon ( just me ) and I haven’t been in a salon for awhile. Although much hair at home family and friends. So I’m off on my new adventure and so thankful

  18. Sandi King says:

    Dori, it is nice to read your post again. I think your grand girl is courageous and wonderful. I love the colorful quilt she is making for herself. As for me and what I would like to have courage to do, I have no idea. I am trying to make sure I send out birthday and anniversary and caring cards this year to all my family and friends. With almost everyone on FB, no one writes to each other anymore – or emails either, I find. I like to write letters and I do and send them in the cards I send out. I have always liked receiving letters and cards through the mail and I know many older people enjoy receiving them. I have a grand niece that has joined me in writing back and forth. I also have another niece that did write to me after receiving a letter in her Christmas card from me. I wish more people would begin to write again to family and friends who live far away from them. I always feel a letter you can hold onto and read is so much more friendly and personable than digital letters. Take care and God Bless everyone.

  19. Patty says:

    I’ m working up the courage to finish quilting that batik quilt. You see, I’ve started quilting it twice now. I’ve had so much issues with tension that I’ve ripped the quilting out twice now. I keep researching and learning and trying new tips and tricks. It’s now time to start quilting again and I really need some courage.

    • Patty says:

      I did it!! I completed the longarm quilting of the batik quilt!! 3rd times a charm!! I didn’t have any issues at all this time!! Woo Hoo!!

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A Gift Cake {And A Giveaway!}




Hello Farmgirl friends!  I hope you have had the loveliest of holidays.

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  1. Carol says:

    Dori … I love that little cake. I need to get one! As you said, it’s THE perfect gift for a friend or for my two granddaughters! My hopes for the coming year are to reconnect with so many who I have been distanced from by the pandemic … in person! I’m also working on organizing my photographs! It’s something I love doing and it is ongoing! Happy New Year! Carol in Pennsylvania

  2. Amy ODonnell says:

    I have a similar little cast-iron pot and I can’t wait to try this recipe out! Just renewed my subscription last month, so I’ll be looking forward to the cake recipe.

    For 2021, I need to:

    End the procrastination bug that has plagued me for over a year

    Find better and better paying clients, and get off the job boards (I’m a writer)

    Get back onto my fitness track ASAP, or else.

    Get the house into better shape–organized and efficient

    Finish all the sewing, including a quilt that’s been sitting half-finished for five years

    Never again look at the calendar and wonder, “what happened to my year?”

  3. Bonnie McKee says:

    Happy New Year!
    My hopes for 2021 are to always show grace and kindness to everyone I encounter.
    To sew more quilts (mainly finishing several UFOs!) and bake more goodies to share with family and friends. ❤️

  4. Lori Fresina says:

    My goal for 2021 is to make more lap quilts for charity than in 2020. Charity quilts are new for me and I’ve felt such an accomplishment from making them. Peace and joy to you Dori in 2021!!!

  5. Lisa Strange says:

    I hope to finish my little vintage camper I named Mary Jane after my favorite author. Filled with aprons and all vintage things. I hope our business is prosperous and I hope to make a lot of new friends and have good times. Cooking and visiting with family is my favorite and I hope to have many more weekend taco
    Nights for my family. Merry Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful new year. Xoxo

  6. Stacey Mitchell says:

    I hope for health, love, and happiness, and peace.

  7. Carol Slater says:

    Oh that cake looks amazing, but I don’t care for maple syrup. I have a dish similar to that though. My goals for next year are to keep my family safe from CO-VID and to work my Pink Zebra business enough to help my youngest daughter make much needed improvements to her home.

  8. MS Barb says:

    My two big goals for 2021 are to pay off debt (my car & the one & only credit card bill) & to lose weight. I am making a conscious effort NOW to eat healthy, and avoid sugar… & I have a tight, but workable budget for 2021!

  9. Cyndie Gray says:

    Dear Dori: first thank you for the sweet post! And that little cake looks so amazing! I have been thinking about the upcoming new year also…and one thing I want to do is to make a more determined effort to keep in touch with my young adult grandkids ♥️ I have gotten in the rut of “they are too busy to mess with gramma”.
    My goal is to send them a snail mail note once a month (of our 13 grands, 5 are over the age of 18). Another goal for 2021 is to learn to embroider‼️ I thought I would do that during this year’s pandemic but I got back into crocheting! Which has been delightful to me but I want to learn something new in the coming year! Sorry for rambling on…I just love your posts & I am going to keep my eye out for the Feb/Mar issue!!

    • Kristalyn Peterson says:

      I love your idea to send snail mail monthly. I was so close to my grandparents even though we lived 13 hours apart. We exchanged letters every week from the time I left home until I was about 27 when we both had dial up to send email. You just inspired me to send a monthly card or letter to my children (all adults) and to my mother-in-law. Thanks!

  10. Tammy Granlees says:

    I’m looking forward to the new year, a new beginning old things passed. I’m going to make a effort to be more kind , more thoughtful to others. I really like the chocolate cake gift idea. I usually have great ideas, but then I talk my self out of gift giving thinking it’s not a good idea. Not doing that anymore. Thank you for always inspiring me to be better. Sincerely Tammy

  11. This year was a hard year on so many levels, for so many people. I hope that 2021 knocks the socks off of 2020 (in a good way). I pray for health, joy, peace and sustainability for everyone. And, that cake looks awesome. Can’t wait to see the recipe… I don’t currently subscribe but would like to. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Rebecca says:

    That cake looks delicious and is the perfect size for two old retirees! LOL. I will definitely have to try this recipe when I get it. My goals for the new year are to stress less and to live more in the present.

  13. Virginia Scott says:

    Hi Doris, I hope to be a better friend. I hope to use many of the ideas found in your blog to share with friends. I am blessed and don’t ever want to take that for granted.
    Thanks for your blog.

  14. Marla says:

    I just started up my subscription in November. Looking forward to reading it and would love to win!!

  15. Michelle Mitchell says:

    Looking forward to taking more time for myself this next year. Making healthy changes that will make it easier for me to continue providing for family and friends well into the future.

  16. Judy Nance says:

    Thank you for your post. The cake looks delicious, and making it gluten free is a great idea. Who could resist chocolate anything???? I am hopeful that 2021 will bring freedom to all of those living in fear of this virus. I live very isolated, but within a small mountain community in Colorado. We all have agreed to cancel social events within the community, but we do stay in touch, and make sure everyone is okay, dropping off gifts and visiting on our front porches. I pray that 2021 will bring more gratitude for the freedom we experience in this country, and the realization that the strongest of US, can help the weakest of US. The smallest gesture of kindness makes a difference, and that our power to be happy is, has always, been within us.

  17. I plan on praying more, and reminding myself, at the beginning of each new day, to FEAR NOT ! Each day is sufficient unto itself ! And to Thank God for waking up each morning that I do !

  18. Marlene Capelle says:

    In 2021 I hope to get out of this house and say hi to strangers and friends without a mask. I hope to go to some real club meetings and talk to people in person. I hope for peace, but that’s nothing new, contentment, strength and health. I hope to spend the entire summer at the cabin and breath fresh air and hear birds sing and watch all the wildlife scamper about and maybe this year the moose will make it to our side of the lake.

  19. Dena Jardin says:

    2020 was a year filled with stress, fear and disappointment for so many. My goal for 2021 is to focus on the positive aspects of every day life; to find a bit of joy each day and continue to encourage others as we get through this pandemic together. Our mouths are covered with masks, our smiles do not show; we must smile with our eyes and speak kindness and understanding with our words.

  20. Elisabeth says:

    I love this! This is such a cute idea! I’m going to have to check this edition out!!

    In 2021 would Iike to finish some UFOs I am working on, grow my business, pay off my car, grow closer to the Lord… the list goes on and on!

  21. Kim says:

    This cake looks so yummy! While I have many goals for the coming year, my focus will be to become a better, and competent, weaver. The entire process is so delightfully encompassing. Running my fingers through different fibers whether animal or plant based thrills me. And the mechanics of the process are fascinating. Because completed pieces tend to pile up, I’m working on ideas to share the completed weavings with others. Thank you for your encouraging posts.

  22. Amy Stong says:

    My goal for 2021 is to become a better person.

  23. Donna Stone says:

    My hopes a goals for 2021 are to help guide my mom who had a tia in 2020 and my husband whom has had early on set Parkinson’s for 20 years . He is goin to have dibs (brain surgery) sometime this year as meds no longer help his Parkinson’s. So I will stand tall and strong this year to help them in 2021. Love to all this coming year. I am blessed.Want to try this cake out too.

  24. Melida Freego says:

    This sister has been struggling with the covid virus and going through my back issues of Mary Jane’s Farm for comfort and inspiration. Comfort and joy!

  25. Sheryl says:

    A special joy in life is spending time with our grandkids. For the coming year hoping to do more of that. If this year has taught us anything it is how much we need those who add joy to our lives and wellness and how to be happy on our own as well.

  26. Beth ONyon says:

    Hi Dori

    My goals this year are to re-engage. I have been through some rough health issues over the past few months and it will continue into 2021. Through this time I have grown apart from my farm girls due to treatments, doctor appointments etc. I miss them so. I live somewhat remote and so it gets lonely from time to time. My farm girl sisters are my salvation. Reconnecting with them will give me the support I need but will also give me the opportunity to support someone else. Thanks for your great blogs

  27. Alvena Meyer says:

    I wish for peace and good health for All. My goals are to eat healthy and find a creative, productive hobby for myself. I love Cyndies goal of keeping in touch with the older grandkids. I am going to copy that goal. Thanks Cyndie.

  28. Kristalyn Peterson says:

    This post was so welcome today. Thanks for sharing. I can’t wait to try the cake. I love the idea of a personal size cake (but not a cupcake). This idea made me think about how wonderful it would be to give personal cakes as a gift for “just because.” I am a gift giver by nature, but the cake is not just a gift, it is an act of service, as well.
    My goals-
    Increase my gratitude through Journaling weekly, take a budget boot camp course and implement new tools into my budget, put in a new garden area, practice meditation and prayer daily, continue to meal prep so that dinner is easy when I come home from work, take a walk daily. P. S. Weight loss is a goal, but I struggle with this one, so it isn’t part of my big list.

  29. Brenda Wheeler says:

    The past year has been a strange one, but it has brought my family and friends closer. Helping each other with words of encouragement, grocery shopping, little gifts to lift someone’s spirit, just a simple call to let others know someone cares. I liked to continue throughout 2021 even when the pandemic is finally over. There is nothing so precious as family and friends. God has been very good to me through this difficult year. I’ve have wonderful friends and Farm Girl Sisters here at Mary Jane’s Farm. This last fall I purchased a spinning wheel and hope to fill up winter hours with it. Also, a Farm Girl Sister offered me a walking wheel. Hope it works out for me to get it. That would be so awesome!

    I love chocolate cake. This one is perfect in size for my husband and me. Thank you for sharing your lovely gift with us Dori. Farm Girl Hugs!!

  30. Joanne says:

    Love the small cast iron pot!! The color brings some light to the gray of winter!!
    I spent this down time finishing a bit of overdue projects and I have more planned to complete in 2021!
    I am hoping to spend vast amounts of time with my precious grand kiddos—some of which I have not seen in person in a year!!
    Thank you to the person who figured out ZOOM-it has saved my sanity at more than one occasion!
    I miss long catch-ups with friends at the coffee shop-long dinners with former coworkers and cuddles with kiddos!
    I hope our new normal will occur sooner rather than later and we have learned to savor every moment of it

  31. Cassandra Brungardt says:

    I am ‘retiring’ from one job and will start a new chapter in my life, so my hope is to do that with grace and joy.

  32. Leisa Joan says:

    I hope to be less critical of others, a constant struggle since I’ve been a teenager…

  33. What does that mean , exactly. My post is awaiting moderation ?

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Kathy! All is means is that I have to moderate it to make sure its not spam! Thank you for commenting! Hope you have a lovely day.

      ~ Dori ~

  34. Candace S Hall says:

    I want to get bake to my baking and hope to make a cookbook by the end of the year.

  35. Ashley says:

    What a wonderful cake 🙂 My personal goals for 2021 are about continuing the journey of self sustainment.
    •I started beekeeping last year after taking the apprentice level Beekeeping course through the University of Montana School of Extended and Lifelong Learning and have now completed the journeyman level course. 2021 beekeeping goal is to harvest honey!
    •I have been an advocate for pollinators for several years now. Particularly for Monarch butterflies. 2021 pollinator protection goal is to grow all my own milkweed and plant one more Monarch Weigh-station.
    •2021 literacy goal is to read one book a month, continue reading each MaryJane Farm Girl Magazine cover your cover, and to complete the KJV Bible, Genesis-Revelation!
    •I was gifted 4 ducklings last September and now have 2 beautiful male and 2 female Rouen ducks. 2021 goal is to complete their pond and collect duck eggs!
    •2021 health goals involve going for a walk each day regardless of weather conditions! Also to maintain hygienic standards, keep a budget and be creative in gifting, my goal is to make my own soaps (goat milk!) and laundry detergent.

    Spring is going to be busy getting all these goals underway, I hope MaryJane will give us some beekeeping and soap making tips!

  36. Brisja says:

    My goal this year is to sort and organize the things in my home, and to only keep the things I look forward to using or doing. For the past several years I have been busy educating my son and teaching clubs and classes. He graduated this year, so I will actually have time to focus on non-school related creative pursuits! I love MaryJane’s magazines and have made several of the crafts and recipes I’ve found in them. I love the idea of finally having time to do that again.

  37. Becky Krout says:

    Just to be a little more financially stable and not stress about it

  38. Lori says:

    Such a cute little cake! I can’t wait to make one!
    For this next year my family and I are believing for better health and a new place to live. Lots to do to get packing!
    Be blessed in 2021!

  39. Shari Dunlap says:

    Goal: finish my BSN and return to farming and gardening!
    The cake looking good and I wanted to lick the plate, but restrained. LOL

  40. Christine says:

    I love the cake idea.
    Next year I want to get my photos organized, continue working on genealogy, organizing and downsizing our stuff, send notes to my grandkids and great grands, get back to crocheting and read through my Bible.

  41. Shannon says:

    My biggest goal this coming year is to get back to creating. I need to learn to relax and just dive into my projects, lose myself more. I want to figure out not being such an over the top perfectionist and learn to go with the flow more. I want to find my joy in art and in life again.

    On a less philosophical note, I want to paint the remainder of the interiors of my house and continue in decluttering. I also want to plan a vegetable garden and actually get everything in the ground.

  42. Tiffany says:

    Hi Dori,

    Oh, I can just taste that cake! What a brilliant idea for a gift. My goal for next year is to “live closer to the Earth” by starting a vegetable garden, canning and crafting more than buying ready made goods. I hope to continue focusing on the important things in life such as my faith and family and not sweating the small stuff. I wish you and your family a very happy and healthy New Year!

  43. Gail Larson says:

    Thak you! Thank you! I welcome and embrace the the inspiration you so kindly shared!❤
    My goal for 2021…remain hopeful and positive and share it with as many people as I can.
    I just retired from working in an office my whole life…I’m 74 years young. I’m ready to have some fun and include as many people as I can. Watch out 2021 and pandemic be gone…I’m ready! Let’s get creative and happy!

  44. Marion says:

    Those little cakes are adorable! I can’t wait to try one.
    My goal for the coming year is to learn, hopefully by teaching myself, how to knit Continental style. I have heard that it makes color work so much easier. I love color work- that’s why I started knitting in the first place. But I haven’t been able to master it by using my regular style of knitting.

  45. Elaine says:

    This new year I pray to regain my desire to sew, cook, and pass along things I no longer need or use.
    My husband passed 2 months ago and I look forward to be a stronger woman for myself & others.
    Would love a subscription to Maryjane’s Farm to help point me in the right direction.
    Thank you.

  46. Colleen Maki-Varney says:

    My goals are to keep in closer touch with my family members, especially my “elders”, who are not on the computer. Hand-written letters, like we all used to write, and phone calls, when able to. Having hearing-impaired family (including myself) makes phone calls harder to enjoy, but I need to make the effort. Happy New Year!

  47. Mary Rauch says:

    Plans for 2021! I am 81 and plan to make it to 82 in 2021! Good start, right? Next is to “Be Kind Until It Hurts”. I’m hearing too much fear and anger and it troubles me. I plan to spread kindness to the best of my ability and availability.
    You probably have no idea what a treat it is to read your articles (which must take so much time and attention to detail). As busy as you are, I especially appreciate your gifts to us when you share your life.
    Please include me in your drawing. Thanks in advance.
    One of your Ohio friends.

  48. Gail says:

    I love your farm spirit.
    You always lift me up when I read your blog.
    Thank you for smiling even when I’m sure you wanted to cry.
    Blessings in the New Year.
    Love the small cake.
    Matthew 6:33

  49. winnie Jackson says:

    Happy New and safe Year! I have celiac and would love the cake recipe. I do not have sucha small pot. We ladies are all grateful for the gieways. Oh are you a blessing during these trying time. Blessings, Winnie Jackson 🙂

  50. Victoria L. Manfrin says:

    Goals for 2021 are to be more active in my personal life. Would like a part time job so that I can surprise help more people. Continue on my new life journey and remain healthy. Love the little cakes, such a great idea ♥️ Happy 2021

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Motivation {Don’t Postpone It}



Motivation isn’t always pretty… usually its sweat pouring off my red face!


With so many things having been postponed in 2020 I made a vow to myself way back in April “do not postpone motivation… keep moving no matter what”.   And I am so thankful that through the months of worry and stress and concern… I kept physically motivated and finally I came to the place that I could say “I love running”!  And it was the pandemic that did that for me… running was something that I’ve been struggling through for three years.  It became such an outlet over the last 8 months and now I look so forward to my runs.

Continue reading

  1. Bonnie says:

    Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!

  2. Candace Segar says:

    Thanks Dori. You are such an inspiration. Congratulations on your great run and time! That is gratifying to hear how your due diligence and hard work and enjoyment have all paid off! I am ready to put on my running shoes and do more than walk in them thanks to you! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Candy Segar

    • Carole Harmon says:

      You’re enthusiasm is contagious, Dori!
      I no longer run due to bad knees, but I still like to take at least a 20-30-minute walk daily on our 3 acres of lawn. I use my walking sticks to help stabilize me on the uneven spots. I hope to find a walking partner out here in rural eastern Idaho.
      Keep sharing; I enjoy your blog.

      • Dori Troutman says:

        Hi Carole,

        That is SO awesome that you keep walking. Don’t ever stop. Also smart that you use walking sticks! You are amazing.

        ~ Dori ~

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Candace,

      Thank you for writing to me… get those running shoes on! You’ll be amazing. Email me if you ever need a push to get out and run! And then you can push me too.


      ~ Dori ~

  3. Howdy, Dori!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! I always love your posts and your dedication to running is inspiring. I’m so happy you found a healthy outlet during Covid times.
    One that you can stick with too! We’re on a whole foods path at our house which is feeling pretty good!
    Keep being wonderful you!
    Deb ( Beach Farmgirl forever )

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Deb!

      Oh I miss reading your Beach Farmgirl blog posts. I’m so glad I get to follow along with your amazing flower business though. You inspire me so much.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

      BIG hugs,

      ~ Dori ~

  4. Christine Martello says:

    Thanks Dori, Really enjoyed your blog.
    We have used our down time to restore our barn. Beams have been replaced with help from Amish. The red siding is finally complete. There is a 1900 sq. ft. “room” that will be an optional venue for our B&B business once we hopefully resume next year. It has been a lot of work but helped to keep us moving each day! Chris

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Christine,

      Oh my goodness what an amazing project!!! How exciting. I’d love to see pictures of your B&B business. Do you have a website?

      ~ Dori ~

  5. Adrienne Kristine says:

    I run 4 miles a day (and do 5-mile Friday) up and down the hallway of my apartment building. There are many virtual races to run and I just finished the 150-Mile Kaiser Permanente Around the Bay Challenge in San Francisco. I’m not fast but I’m consistent at 72. I’ll keep going as long as I can. Kudos to you for running in such a beautiful place!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Adrienne,

      Oh how I LOVE this. And WOW!!!! Kudos to YOU for being so diligent that you do this in your apartment building. This is so amazing. I want to be like you!!! And yes… we need to do exactly what you said; keeping going as long as we can.

      Thank you for your motivation today!

      ~ Dori ~

  6. Victoria Hall says:

    You live in heaven

  7. DAIZY says:

    Whoo hoo!!! Run, Mz Dori. Yep…I run on the ranch also but my paths have gotten overgrown due to lack of foot traffic. I MUST do better. I have taken a snap shot of your trails map and will have to implement that for my place. GOALS! I want to host a ranch run this year…maybe in the fall. One of my mottos is RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!. Hugs, Daizy in Alabama Farmgirl #1093

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Daizy!

      Goals are the BEST and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your idea of hosting a ranch run. We want to do a 10K farm run for friends in the area that run/walk. It’s so fun!

      And oh my goodness I love your motto!!! I think I’ll steal that!

      ~ Dori ~

  8. Patty Vannoy says:

    As I am beginning to get back into my workouts after cancer treatments and recovery, YOU are giving me motivation. I have been walking 3.5 miles every other day for now preparing to get to running. I wish I had a place like your farm to run but I will conquer these farm road hills once again as I did before pre-cancer.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Patty,

      It is SO hard to get back to having good strength and energy after cancer treatments. I had breast cancer and went through 16 rounds of chemo and I honestly will never forget that horrible feeling of fatigue. I’m really proud of you for walking and now preparing to run! I’m so excited for you!! And YAY for being able to put those cancer treatment days behind you.

      ~ Dori ~

  9. Marilyn says:

    Wishing you and yours a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    • Dori Troutman says:


      Thank you!!! I hope you had a very happy Thanksgiving. Ours was wonderful. Beautiful weather, wonderful family, and amazing pies! 🙂

      ~ Dori ~

  10. Sandi says:

    Hi Dori

    Wow! Amazing how much energy you have and I know it is great for you. Moving is so important for everyone. I know. I don’t move enough and I am stiff and in pain a lot because of it, so what I did because I don’t walk in my area, much less run, I ordered a slim cycle and I have it now. I had to put it together myself – feel good about doing it – and i have been on it twice, yesterday the day I got it and put it together and this morning when I woke up, I tried it again. I am in such poor shape I take it slow and don’t over time on it as that can hurt more than help when just starting out. But I feel if I can do this every day and get my time up and my speed up then I will be able to do so much more later on and feel great too. Thanks for your inspiring blog.

  11. Carol Sue Yensco says:

    This is great. I use our small 3 acres around thr goats to get my walks in on our busy rural road.

  12. Maureen says:

    Hey Dori,

    I can sort of relate, my back or knees can’t take running, but I walk every day. It is so soul refreshing and brain soothing. I have a little day planner and give myself a sticker every day I walk. If I go twice, I also earn a star. A small, but very motivating thing. If I can’t walk, I note the reason. This summer’s wildfires made the air quality dangerous on some days, but rarely did I miss. Keep up the good work…..outside is awesome and meant to be enjoyed.

  13. Kim says:

    Thank you! I LOVED this post and it’s message. I’ve never been a runner but I AM struggling with daily motivation to become a better weaver. All my stuff is laid out and I simply look at it every day as I walk by the looms. Clearly, lol, I need motivation. Thanks for this boost on my journey.

  14. JUDY says:


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Motivation {Don't Postpone It}



Motivation isn’t always pretty… usually its sweat pouring off my red face!


With so many things having been postponed in 2020 I made a vow to myself way back in April “do not postpone motivation… keep moving no matter what”.   And I am so thankful that through the months of worry and stress and concern… I kept physically motivated and finally I came to the place that I could say “I love running”!  And it was the pandemic that did that for me… running was something that I’ve been struggling through for three years.  It became such an outlet over the last 8 months and now I look so forward to my runs.

Continue reading

  1. Bonnie says:

    Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!

  2. Candace Segar says:

    Thanks Dori. You are such an inspiration. Congratulations on your great run and time! That is gratifying to hear how your due diligence and hard work and enjoyment have all paid off! I am ready to put on my running shoes and do more than walk in them thanks to you! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Candy Segar

    • Carole Harmon says:

      You’re enthusiasm is contagious, Dori!
      I no longer run due to bad knees, but I still like to take at least a 20-30-minute walk daily on our 3 acres of lawn. I use my walking sticks to help stabilize me on the uneven spots. I hope to find a walking partner out here in rural eastern Idaho.
      Keep sharing; I enjoy your blog.

      • Dori Troutman says:

        Hi Carole,

        That is SO awesome that you keep walking. Don’t ever stop. Also smart that you use walking sticks! You are amazing.

        ~ Dori ~

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Candace,

      Thank you for writing to me… get those running shoes on! You’ll be amazing. Email me if you ever need a push to get out and run! And then you can push me too.


      ~ Dori ~

  3. Howdy, Dori!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! I always love your posts and your dedication to running is inspiring. I’m so happy you found a healthy outlet during Covid times.
    One that you can stick with too! We’re on a whole foods path at our house which is feeling pretty good!
    Keep being wonderful you!
    Deb ( Beach Farmgirl forever )

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Deb!

      Oh I miss reading your Beach Farmgirl blog posts. I’m so glad I get to follow along with your amazing flower business though. You inspire me so much.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

      BIG hugs,

      ~ Dori ~

  4. Christine Martello says:

    Thanks Dori, Really enjoyed your blog.
    We have used our down time to restore our barn. Beams have been replaced with help from Amish. The red siding is finally complete. There is a 1900 sq. ft. “room” that will be an optional venue for our B&B business once we hopefully resume next year. It has been a lot of work but helped to keep us moving each day! Chris

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Christine,

      Oh my goodness what an amazing project!!! How exciting. I’d love to see pictures of your B&B business. Do you have a website?

      ~ Dori ~

  5. Adrienne Kristine says:

    I run 4 miles a day (and do 5-mile Friday) up and down the hallway of my apartment building. There are many virtual races to run and I just finished the 150-Mile Kaiser Permanente Around the Bay Challenge in San Francisco. I’m not fast but I’m consistent at 72. I’ll keep going as long as I can. Kudos to you for running in such a beautiful place!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Adrienne,

      Oh how I LOVE this. And WOW!!!! Kudos to YOU for being so diligent that you do this in your apartment building. This is so amazing. I want to be like you!!! And yes… we need to do exactly what you said; keeping going as long as we can.

      Thank you for your motivation today!

      ~ Dori ~

  6. Victoria Hall says:

    You live in heaven

  7. DAIZY says:

    Whoo hoo!!! Run, Mz Dori. Yep…I run on the ranch also but my paths have gotten overgrown due to lack of foot traffic. I MUST do better. I have taken a snap shot of your trails map and will have to implement that for my place. GOALS! I want to host a ranch run this year…maybe in the fall. One of my mottos is RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!. Hugs, Daizy in Alabama Farmgirl #1093

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Daizy!

      Goals are the BEST and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your idea of hosting a ranch run. We want to do a 10K farm run for friends in the area that run/walk. It’s so fun!

      And oh my goodness I love your motto!!! I think I’ll steal that!

      ~ Dori ~

  8. Patty Vannoy says:

    As I am beginning to get back into my workouts after cancer treatments and recovery, YOU are giving me motivation. I have been walking 3.5 miles every other day for now preparing to get to running. I wish I had a place like your farm to run but I will conquer these farm road hills once again as I did before pre-cancer.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Patty,

      It is SO hard to get back to having good strength and energy after cancer treatments. I had breast cancer and went through 16 rounds of chemo and I honestly will never forget that horrible feeling of fatigue. I’m really proud of you for walking and now preparing to run! I’m so excited for you!! And YAY for being able to put those cancer treatment days behind you.

      ~ Dori ~

  9. Marilyn says:

    Wishing you and yours a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    • Dori Troutman says:


      Thank you!!! I hope you had a very happy Thanksgiving. Ours was wonderful. Beautiful weather, wonderful family, and amazing pies! 🙂

      ~ Dori ~

  10. Sandi says:

    Hi Dori

    Wow! Amazing how much energy you have and I know it is great for you. Moving is so important for everyone. I know. I don’t move enough and I am stiff and in pain a lot because of it, so what I did because I don’t walk in my area, much less run, I ordered a slim cycle and I have it now. I had to put it together myself – feel good about doing it – and i have been on it twice, yesterday the day I got it and put it together and this morning when I woke up, I tried it again. I am in such poor shape I take it slow and don’t over time on it as that can hurt more than help when just starting out. But I feel if I can do this every day and get my time up and my speed up then I will be able to do so much more later on and feel great too. Thanks for your inspiring blog.

  11. Carol Sue Yensco says:

    This is great. I use our small 3 acres around thr goats to get my walks in on our busy rural road.

  12. Maureen says:

    Hey Dori,

    I can sort of relate, my back or knees can’t take running, but I walk every day. It is so soul refreshing and brain soothing. I have a little day planner and give myself a sticker every day I walk. If I go twice, I also earn a star. A small, but very motivating thing. If I can’t walk, I note the reason. This summer’s wildfires made the air quality dangerous on some days, but rarely did I miss. Keep up the good work…..outside is awesome and meant to be enjoyed.

  13. Kim says:

    Thank you! I LOVED this post and it’s message. I’ve never been a runner but I AM struggling with daily motivation to become a better weaver. All my stuff is laid out and I simply look at it every day as I walk by the looms. Clearly, lol, I need motivation. Thanks for this boost on my journey.

  14. JUDY says:


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When Flower Season Ends




I think I’ve written here numerous times about how Summer is my favorite season and when it comes to an end I always struggle with a little bit of sadness.  I love sunshine, green grass, flowers and summer rain more than just about anything!  But mostly I really love the fresh cut flower business that my daughter and I have and even though I am exhausted from the last four months of hard work, it is hard to tell our garden goodbye for the season.

. Continue reading

  1. Maxine Jelinek says:

    I love reading about your flower business and seeing your gorgeous pictures!

  2. Kim Rice says:

    Such a beautiful send off to a awesome season!! And YES, those heirloom Zinnias are stunning!
    Thank you for sharing a behind the scenes glimpse I to your corner of the world!!

  3. Ramona Puckett says:

    Your pictures are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing ❤️

  4. Bonnie says:

    BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so very much!

  5. Lori J Drake says:

    The flower stand is awesome! Such a great idea to use an old truck bed. A friend and I stopped by a You Pick cut flower place on a weekend trip this year. It was their last weekend and the owner let us pick a huge bucket full. It was so much fun! Since then, all I can think about is flowers and how they made us so happy. At this time, I am researching ideas and plans and I am “really” contemplating the cut flower business. I have a ton of questions. Would you, have time to answer a few of them? Thanks in advance.


  6. Carol says:

    Oh Dori … your flower stand and the flowers are so lovely! Of course, it’s hard to close down at the end of the season. What I miss most about the winter months is the lack of color, flowers included. All will be well! Soon it will be time to quilt and enjoy the cold days of winter and the cozy indoors!

  7. Roma says:

    Always your beautiful flowers bring a smile to my face!

  8. Laura says:

    This looks heavenly! I am definitely a summer person too.
    My flowers this year were outstanding. Several of my sidewalks
    were blocked off by over-achieving cosmos and zinnias.
    So happy you shared your photos with us. They will be a
    great pick-me-up during the dark days of winter!

  9. Judy says:

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful story! Your flower gardens are amazing. The design of the boxes you carry the bouquets in…very clever. Sure wish I lived nearby. I’d be a loyal customer!

  10. Donna says:

    I agree, zinnias are the best..Flowers always put a smile on everyones face..

  11. Nanette Boots says:

    Good morning, Dori. This post was such a fun read. I love flowers too, but I only cut roses and leave the rest to enjoy as I walk thru my small gardens. Your “little” set up is an inspiration to me. I’m thinking of setting up a small veg. garden stand for garden overflow. We live on a busy road, and have pull off parking, so I thought people could help themselves on the honor system with proceeds going to the local Salvation Army. I volunteer at the S. A. thrift store here in Watertown, SD. Any thoughts or pointers you could give me would be appreciated! Thank you for the lovely photos on this cold snowy morning! Nanette

    PS: I grew Zinnias this summer and the flowers last really long on the plants. How do you keep your plants from getting leaf mildew?

  12. Christy says:

    What a great life! Just gorgeous, thanks for sharing. Happy fall!

  13. Lisa says:

    Those sunflowers!
    I’ve always wanted a flower garden for cutting but no longer have my 36 acre home.
    Any suggestions for doing it on less than an acre?

  14. Beth Guinn says:

    So beautiful! I share your love for zinnias. Your garden and arrangements are an inspiration and a dream of mine to have on a small scale someday. Keep posting your lovely pictures. Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. Jeanne Ballestero says:

    Love your blog. Just started following you. My mom raised perinnials and sold them for years to other garden centers so having flowers to cut and bring in the house has been in my life for as long as I can remember. We grow zinnias every year as I love them as well. Love the different colors and shapes of the blooms. I just grow the variety and never know what I’m getting but they make me happy. I also love sunflowers but don’t seem to get the small ones. HA I end up with HUGE blooms so not for a vase. Thank you for sharing your story. Maybe when I travel through your state I’ll have to stop by.

  16. Brenda says:

    Thank you. Such a bright and happy read to start my day!

  17. Sandy says:

    Beautiful! You inspire me to look for heirloom zinnias next year for my garden. Thanks for posting beautiful flower pictures, it snowed over 7 inches here (Minnesota) yesterday.

  18. Donna Kozak says:

    Love your zinnias…I don’t have much luck with these up here in British Columbia – it must be very calming working in the flower gardens surrounded by the beautiful farmlands, especially in the early mornings !

  19. Judy says:

    Beautiful photos, I totally love your flower stand.

  20. Beth says:

    Just beautiful — all of you! A true labour of love!

  21. April says:

    These are such beautiful creations! I feel better just looking at the pictures. 🙂

  22. Teddy Irene Drinnin says:

    What a wonderful way to spend summers.

  23. Marilyn says:

    Beautiful flowers. I especially love the Fourth Of July Bouquets. Thank You for sharing these lovely photos. Your granddaughters are getting so big.

  24. Michele says:

    I so enjoy a “visit ” to your flower garden and stand. God bless.

  25. Joann Carlson says:

    Love the photos. Belle is adorable! I have a Maggie. She is a sweetheart and loves me the most. So fun!

  26. Dayna Gilman says:

    Love the flowers. Just gives me so many ideas of planting more next season. I’ve come to believe I am better at flowers than vegies. I use a 1950 front bumper of an old bus and set flower pots behind. turned out quite nice this year. For three yeas now I have petunia’s that grow on their own around the front of our trailer house.

  27. Elaine says:

    How beautiful your flower gardens are. They are all worth your labor.

    Dori, I have a quilting question for you.
    I am saving almost all of my husbands shirts. He died 2 weeks ago an I am struggling with the loss. I have never made a quilt but I was thinking of using the fabrics from some of his shirt to make one.
    Do you have any recommendations for a beginner? I have a sewing machine. I would love to honor my husband by making a small quilt – maybe lap size.
    Thank you for your help.
    God bless,

  28. Well, this is my first time reading this. I love her name, because it is close to mine, I love the heirloom zinnias, I would like to know how to grow those, because I cannot get them to grow very well myself, and I love your sheltie. Mine have all passed, and I need another one in my life. Thanks for sharing

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