Dresden Plate To The Rescue!


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Hello friends!!!  Here I am again… bringing you a blog post with all the deep thoughts that ended up in a “winging it” kind of project!  Smile!

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  1. Terry Steinmetz says:

    So glad to see your fun work I sewed 2 tablerunners today for my kitchen table. I used some fabric I’d been saving for whatever came my way. One side is blueberries on the stems( navy blue and light colored polka dots backgrounds). The other side is a multicolored outdoor scene of different birds and birdhouses. I used the 10 minute tablerunner pattern given to me by a friend. I added decorative stitching on the borders. Voila!!! LOVE IT ! Wish I could post a picture of it. Oh well. Going to work on fabric boxes tonight to give as gifts to friends. Blessings!

  2. Amy says:

    Beautiful job on the table toppers! WAY more hand stitching than I want to do, though.

    Those cups are from Starbucks, aren’t they? I have one, from Houston, where I used to live. Maybe next trip I’ll get one that says Texas.

    I would love to find one or two of those old Coke boxes, and exactly for that kind of thing.

  3. Margaret Hofknecht says:

    What an eye-catching beauty this table topper is! That fabric is scrumptious! The only spiffing up I’ve done is knitting cotton dishcloths to match my dish towels. I so enjoyed choosing yarns to match the colors in the towels. Be blessed!

  4. Bonnie Iscrupe says:

    what a beautiful project, that will put a huge smile on your face each time you walk into the room. You have such a good eye!

  5. Kathy Gaughran says:

    I love the Dresden Plate and as always, beautiful done. your always an Inspiration. Wishing you and your family a healthy and happy Fall season.

  6. Tammy L Thomson says:

    Dear Dori, thank you for sharing your beautiful creation! I don’t think I have ever seen a cheerier “table runner/centerpiece”. I wonder if it’s possible to not smile when seeing it? I doubt it. :):) As for me, I am not a fabric artist but; I do collect vintage doilies and lace etc. which I have all over my home. Have a great rest of the Summer! Tammy

  7. Cynthia Felice says:

    I think your projects are just adorable! I so enjoyed seeing the steps I wonder if the waterproofing product you used would help keep fabric from fading outside on my deck tables Would love to make cute table cloths for them Thank you again for sharing your talents and awesome projects!

  8. Jaryl Romshe says:

    I love Dree#den Plate design. I love what you did.

  9. Kate says:

    Absolutely darling!!

  10. Marilyn says:

    Great job, it is lovely.

  11. Joyce Atlee says:

    I just love that Dresden plate table topper! It is so pretty and heartbreakingly nostalgic. Great job winging it!

  12. Patti Smith says:

    Absolutely beautiful!!

  13. Connie J. Bakker says:

    Love your work and you hand quilted!!!!!

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Lets Build A Bouquet!




Hello my Farmgirl Friends!!!

Most of you here know that my daughter and I are Flower Farmers (in a VERY small scale) and we sell our flowers by the honor system at on our darling little roadside stand.  This is our ninth summer of business! Through the years we’ve really streamlined our little business.  We know what grows best for us and we know what sells.  We rarely experiment with anything else now that we have it figured out!

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  1. Terry Zignego says:

    Great idea. I especially love the rustic trailer? you use to display your bouquets.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Terry,

      It’s pretty fun isn’t it? My son in law found the old truck bed and then he built the rest of it for us. It is the absolute best set-up!

      ~ Dori ~

  2. Joan Piercy says:

    Dori, Just wanted to tell you how beautiful your flowers are! Wish I was close enough to buy some. I live on the East Coast in Mechanicsville, VA. I lost my dad in January of this year. So sorry for your loss! Joan

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Joan,

      I’m so sorry about your Dad. It’s a loss that is hard to describe… no long having our precious Dads. My tears are different than they were a year ago when he passed… now they are just tears of wonderful memories that I cherish.

      Hugs to you, Joan.

      ~ Dori ~

  3. Tammy L Thomson says:

    Dear Dori,
    Thank you for sharing a beautiful (Really extra beautiful with all the gorgeous flower pics!!) post with an inspiring message. Your bouquets are the perfect Summer bouquet. I can’t believe you give them away for only 5! I would be buying one every few days if I lived nearby. God bless you and give you comfort and happy memories about your dear Dad.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Tammy,

      We absolutely love selling our flowers for $5. Most anyone can afford that and as a result we have a lot of elderly customers that get so happy to spend $20 and take gifts to four friends! We see it time and time again. That is what makes us the most happy. Our flowers getting shared!

      Thank you for the comment on my Dad. He’s with me always!

      ~ Dori ~

  4. mary pitman says:

    I ALWAYS LOVE your posts! I LOVE flowers too and grow mine mostly along our yard fence. How about tiger lilies? they are so tall and beautiful

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Mary,

      I love flowers growing along a fence… it’s just so beautiful! And YES to Tiger Lilies!!!

      ~ Dori ~

  5. Susana says:

    I love zinnias, sunflowers , cosmos smo gst a bunch of other flowers like snapdragons columbine and asters.spme last longer than others . Ive never sold anything I just give it away. I like putting a smile on a Face.

  6. Susana says:

    I love zinnias, sunflowers , cosmos amongst a bunch of other flowers like snapdragons columbine and asters.some last longer than others . Ive never sold anything I just give it away. I like putting a smile on a Face.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Susana,

      You hit the nail right on the head… giving flowers always puts a smile on our faces!!!

      ~ Dori ~

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No Sew Flag Bunting {Tutorial}


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Hello Friends!

Its almost July and I had on my mind to make a super easy new bunting to hang.  Most of you know me well enough to know that I absolutely adore buntings!  I decided to just use up some fabric scraps and make a “no sew” bunting that ANYONE can make!  Dig through your red/white/blue fabric scraps and let make one together!
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  1. Bonnie Iscrupe says:

    Loved the idea, great for children to help with.

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Happy May Day (turned Mothers Day) Gift!!

Happy May to all my Farmgirl Friends!

Do you remember the tradition of May Day?  Where on the first day of May you celebrate spring by secretly delivering a little basket of flowers to a friend; like literally knock on the door and then run?  Smile!!!  Do you keep up this sweet tradition?  Or are you like me and every year on May 2nd you remember that you were going to do that and forgot???  (I’m the worst for having great ideas AFTER the fact.).




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  1. Kathy Gaughran says:

    Happy May Day Dori
    You are always so wonderfully creative. Wishing you and your mother a wonderful Mother’s Day.

  2. Tammy L Thomson says:

    Hello Dori, Your May Day baskets are so sweet! Thank you for sharing your clever ideas.
    I remember a few May Days long, Long ago when I delivered surprises which we hung on the door handles of neighbors of my Grandma. She lived in a small Wisconsin town called Poy Sippi. I must have been only about 5 but; I remember feeling just wonderful doing that and I still do when I recollect ;). Blessings, Tammy

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Tammy,

      Oh I love this. Isn’t it the sweetest tradition? I think we should ALL be doing it!!!


      ~ Dori ~

  3. Melissa says:

    Thank you! I am so excited about this! We delivered homemade paper flowers to all of the elderly neighbor ladies when we were young , knocking and running!
    I love your ideas. Thank you again for sharing.
    Happy mother’s day!

  4. Terry Zignego says:

    I laughed at your comment in regards to coming up with great ideas at the last minute!
    Me too!

    Love these baskets. They are going on my April 2024 calendar.

  5. ANNIE SCOTT says:

    What cute ideas. I wish I was your neighbor. I live in a big city and neighbors are nothing like country girls. Happy Mother’s Day.

  6. Debbie Fischer says:

    Such a clever idea and so fun. The cute little baskets can surely put a smile on friends faces!
    Thank you for such wonderful ideas.
    Happy Mothers Day to you
    Farmgirl Hugs,

  7. Ruth Farmer says:

    Greetings from Colorado! What a great idea and it sounds like you had so much fun doing the deliveries. Happy Mother’s Day. Blessings, Ruth

  8. Marilyn says:

    Lovely and so creative. Wishing you and your mother and daughter a Blessed Mother’s Day. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  9. Lori says:

    You are such a lovely source of inspiration! Thank you for this and all the links! Happy Mother’s Day and God bless you!

  10. Donna Presley says:

    Happy Mother’s Day Dori!
    What a wonderful idea for a “from the heart” gift. Thanks for sharing and for the inspiration- and including your granddaughter was a terrific way to start and pass on this tradition. Have a terrific Mother’s Day!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Donna,

      Thank you! And yes, including my little grand girl was honestly what made it so special! We are looking forward to next year.


      ~ Dori ~

  11. Denise says:

    What a fun gift that was so sweet!! Love it!

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Just Keep Running!

Hello Farmgirl Friends!  For those of you that have been following me for years you know that every April I run the Oak Barrel Half Marathon in Lynchburg, TN.  I’ve written about it here numerous times… I have no idea why exactly except that when something goes around in my head a hundred times I have to write about it!  Smile!  So of course… here we go again!


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  1. Lori Fresina says:

    Great job!

  2. mary pitman says:

    Not my own accomplishment, but my husband’s!!! He just had both knees replaced on Feb 22, and has just yesterday been released by his Orthopedic Dr. Dr says he is doing superb, has graduated from therapy and doing just excellent. The pain has been bad for him. I have just been his encourager and help(mate)er to keep him going. Pain is still part of his recovery while his body gets used to all the metal! but he is doing great! thanks for keeping us posted on your runs and your life! I LOVE your posts!

  3. Janice E, Briese says:

    I really admire the way you went thru this with the adversity in your life. In the last year I lost my husband of 54 years each day is a challenge but at the end of the day I try to remember the good things and be grateful- we never know the road a head of us but the determination to complete it is what matters. Take care and I hope to read that you do make the 10 races- Janice

  4. Donna Kozak says:

    I fractured my hip last January and had 2 steel pins inserted and after a couple months of physiotherapy and lots of walking, I can now walk freely (with a little limp!)…and I’m 82, by the way ! Being active most of my life helps.

  5. Marilyn says:

    Congratulations to you and Jillian.Great job.

  6. Barbara J. Deming says:

    Dori, I am so proud of both of you–but especially you. I was a track runner in school–I dare not tell you how many years ago that was! It was a challenge, it was hard work, but I felt such satisfaction at the end of the race–win or lose. My bones couldn’t take that now, though I do still walk and hike as much as possible. Hang it there. You need to meet your medal goal!

    Great blog as always.

  7. Tammy L Thomson says:

    Way to go!! Congrats to you and to Jillian. To finish when it was that difficult and to “just keep running” says so much about your tenacity. You have inspired me! 🙂
    As for your request about a challenge that I have had, I did recently complete a big project at work which entailed updating our crash carts at the hospital. I was very daunted by it because of the work involved, but; I completed it and kept my good humor.
    I love your blogs also; keep them coming please.

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The Gift of Friendship


Hello Farmgirl friends!

I count myself incredibly fortunate that I have amazing girlfriends.  I’ve written many times on this blog about my different girlfriends.  Whether it is my two very best life long girlfriends, or my amazing girlfriends I’ve met in my fitness classes, or the great group of girls I met at a sewing retreat in Vermont.  I’ve written about them all.



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  1. Maxine Jeinek says:

    Dori, this is just absolutely the sweetest!! Your words on how much a gift of a quilt is are spot on too!

  2. Laurel Anne Pries says:

    Lovely post Dori!! You are blessed!

  3. mary pitman says:

    I LOVE your quilt gift! it is most precious! as precious as you are to so many of us who read your FarmGirl newsletter! we love you

  4. Bonita says:

    What a wonderful story and gift. You are truly blessed in a wonderful, sometimes rare friendship with these women.

  5. Cyndie says:

    Aw Dori: this is just as precious as can be. I am so happy you received such a special gift. Your sewing ladies are a wonderful bunch & I am so glad you have come to know them so well. Much love my friend♥️

  6. Sanne says:

    LOVE this story, thank you so much for sharing!! Blessings to all Sewing Sisters!!

  7. Donna Worthen says:

    You were right. Such a beautiful story that brought me to tears. Thank you for your gift of writing, and quilting

  8. Dorothy A Whiteside says:

    The love and the loving effort will bring more and more love to others. Thank you for such a beautiful story. Dorothy

  9. Beth Onyon says:

    Wow–I am typing single letters, as I am speechless. I guess that is what it feel like when you are “talking” with someone in a comment. That was a profound story. I am so touched, and I don’t have this connection with very many. I have a cousin I am very close to and I am going to spend a month at their house in Ohio in May. We are both crafters, and even though we will not be doing quilts, having that time to spend together nights and weekends to share and create will be very important to me (I live in CA right now). Thank you so much for sharing this. I always enjoy your blogs, as I can feel the how important the information is to you, and I hope you know how much your life has touched mine from a distance. Thank you—-Beth

  10. Pamela Czurak says:

    What a precious gift. You are very Blessed.

  11. Debbie Fischer says:

    Dori, such a heartwarming story of love and friendship, you have me crying. It is such a special gift as like you said only a quilter knows the work that goes into a quilt. Yes a true treasure that you will always treasure.
    I am so sorry you lost your Dad, wrap yourself in your comfort quilt to know peace, love and true friendship!
    Hugs to you,

  12. Deanna says:

    What a precious gift of love and friendship! The thing that struck me was how the quilt literally was saying “Dori” (in a loud voice”) 🙂 They did such a wonderful job of picking out the fabrics and it truly looked like something you would have made yourself. Isn’t it a miracle and a gift from God that you can meet someone just once and have an unbreakable bond? May your quilt bring you comfort and many smiles also.

  13. Henriette Area says:

    I am a quilter. I have several girlfriend groups, but the quilt group is truly special. I love this story and am happy that you have such giving and loving friends.

  14. Donna Rowe says:

    Oh my! I too am a quilter and love gifting quilts. In fact I’m in process of making 4 for a firehouse to keep the guys that have to overnight, warm! But to receive such a gift. Oh what a treasure you are to these ladies!

  15. Jennnifer says:

    What an incredible gift! Friends are truly treasures from heaven!

  16. Tammy L Thomson says:

    What a lovely story about Love and Friendship. Thank you for sharing this….

  17. Beth says:

    This is such a beautiful story — and a beautiful quilt! What a wonderful group of women you are ❤️

  18. Judith Smith-Coleman says:

    Oh my, I’m crying too. Such a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing and spreading the joy and pure kindness!! God Bless!❤

  19. Denise says:

    How wonderful!!❤️

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My Mom’s Cowboy Salad

Hello Friends!

Today, I’ve got a fun surprise for you!  Last month in my blog post I told you that my Momma from New Mexico is here with us for awhile.  (If you missed that post, you can read it here.)

Well, today I’m turning this blog over to her!  She’s written up a little recipe treat for you!

Meet my mom, Carol: 



Above picture taken in 2016 of my Momma in her kitchen 

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  1. Ginny Scott says:

    We stayed at a guest ranch in New Mexico. The hostess made stacked enchiladas, egg on top with green sauce. How delicious!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Ginny,

      That is so cool!!! Nothing in the world (in my opinion) like stacked enchiladas with an egg on top!

      ~ Dori ~

  2. CandyC says:

    Love this!

  3. MaryJane Butters says:

    Welcome to our cast of farmgirls Carol!!!! Carol’s Cowboy Salad is on my grandgirl menu for tomorrow night. We often conjure “peppers/onions/maters all-diced-up” on all manner of things (I like fresh red onions diced real tiny on just about anything), but now we have a new fun name for one of our favorite toppings: Cowboy Salad. Also thinking ’bout makin’ your suggested side: mess o’ beans w/skillet cornbread.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi MaryJane!

      Let us know how you like the Cowboy Salad! 🙂 Mom will be so excited to hear about it!

      Hugs to you, sweet friend!

      ~ Dori ~

  4. Sarah Warren says:

    This looks delicious, thank you.

  5. Robin Marshall says:

    what is her recipe for beans and cornbread please!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Robin!

      I tried so hard to get her to write her instructions / recipe for beans and cornbread and she wouldn’t!!!

      I’m thinking I may need to do it for her! 🙂

      ~ Dori ~

  6. Marie Gassert says:

    Thanks for sharing this recipe! I would never have thought of adding it to pinto beans and corn bread but the way prices are now it is truly appreciated.

  7. Marty M says:

    My Mom used to make similar tomato salad with tomato, fresh garlic, fresh onion, fresh chopped basil, oregano, salt, pepper and splash of balsamic vinegar. Yum

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Marty,

      Yes! I’ve put balsamic vinegar and olive oil in mine as well, but Mom corrected me on it!! HaHaHa!!!

      ~ Dori ~

  8. Marty M says:

    Fresh Tomato salad also has olive oil (forgot to add). Also served with fresh hot homemade Italian rolls and butter!!

  9. Judy Thomas says:

    It looks like we all have similar traditions, I just had cattle beans, cornmeal muffins and apples on the side. Frugal, tasty eats for inflationary times. Thanks for the post.

  10. donna Moore says:

    Dori sounds wonderful. Thank your mom sew much for sharing her treasured recipe. I bet y’all are having a blast together?
    Sending lots of love,

  11. Marilyn says:

    Welcome to your mom. Thank you for the recipe. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  12. Ruth Farmer says:

    Thank you for the recipe! I enjoy reading from your blog. Blessings!!

  13. Eve Hurt says:

    This sounds delicious! My family loves pinto beans and cornbread with onions or relish or chow-chow and we also love spicy foods so this sounds perfect! Can’t wait to try it!

  14. Kathy Marx says:

    How yummy! Thanks so much.

  15. Henriette Area says:

    Just caught up on several recent blogs from you. Such touching stories and wonderful memories. Love reading about your mother and her time with you.

  16. Donna Brewton says:

    I’m trying this! Never dreamed of this combo. Love your mom.

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My Mom's Cowboy Salad

Hello Friends!

Today, I’ve got a fun surprise for you!  Last month in my blog post I told you that my Momma from New Mexico is here with us for awhile.  (If you missed that post, you can read it here.)

Well, today I’m turning this blog over to her!  She’s written up a little recipe treat for you!

Meet my mom, Carol: 



Above picture taken in 2016 of my Momma in her kitchen 

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  1. Ginny Scott says:

    We stayed at a guest ranch in New Mexico. The hostess made stacked enchiladas, egg on top with green sauce. How delicious!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Ginny,

      That is so cool!!! Nothing in the world (in my opinion) like stacked enchiladas with an egg on top!

      ~ Dori ~

  2. CandyC says:

    Love this!

  3. MaryJane Butters says:

    Welcome to our cast of farmgirls Carol!!!! Carol’s Cowboy Salad is on my grandgirl menu for tomorrow night. We often conjure “peppers/onions/maters all-diced-up” on all manner of things (I like fresh red onions diced real tiny on just about anything), but now we have a new fun name for one of our favorite toppings: Cowboy Salad. Also thinking ’bout makin’ your suggested side: mess o’ beans w/skillet cornbread.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi MaryJane!

      Let us know how you like the Cowboy Salad! 🙂 Mom will be so excited to hear about it!

      Hugs to you, sweet friend!

      ~ Dori ~

  4. Sarah Warren says:

    This looks delicious, thank you.

  5. Robin Marshall says:

    what is her recipe for beans and cornbread please!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Robin!

      I tried so hard to get her to write her instructions / recipe for beans and cornbread and she wouldn’t!!!

      I’m thinking I may need to do it for her! 🙂

      ~ Dori ~

  6. Marie Gassert says:

    Thanks for sharing this recipe! I would never have thought of adding it to pinto beans and corn bread but the way prices are now it is truly appreciated.

  7. Marty M says:

    My Mom used to make similar tomato salad with tomato, fresh garlic, fresh onion, fresh chopped basil, oregano, salt, pepper and splash of balsamic vinegar. Yum

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Marty,

      Yes! I’ve put balsamic vinegar and olive oil in mine as well, but Mom corrected me on it!! HaHaHa!!!

      ~ Dori ~

  8. Marty M says:

    Fresh Tomato salad also has olive oil (forgot to add). Also served with fresh hot homemade Italian rolls and butter!!

  9. Judy Thomas says:

    It looks like we all have similar traditions, I just had cattle beans, cornmeal muffins and apples on the side. Frugal, tasty eats for inflationary times. Thanks for the post.

  10. donna Moore says:

    Dori sounds wonderful. Thank your mom sew much for sharing her treasured recipe. I bet y’all are having a blast together?
    Sending lots of love,

  11. Marilyn says:

    Welcome to your mom. Thank you for the recipe. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  12. Ruth Farmer says:

    Thank you for the recipe! I enjoy reading from your blog. Blessings!!

  13. Eve Hurt says:

    This sounds delicious! My family loves pinto beans and cornbread with onions or relish or chow-chow and we also love spicy foods so this sounds perfect! Can’t wait to try it!

  14. Kathy Marx says:

    How yummy! Thanks so much.

  15. Henriette Area says:

    Just caught up on several recent blogs from you. Such touching stories and wonderful memories. Love reading about your mother and her time with you.

  16. Donna Brewton says:

    I’m trying this! Never dreamed of this combo. Love your mom.

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The Seasons of Life

Happy New Year to my Farmgirl Friends!


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My sweet Momma… and our dog Belle.

I wonder what has been on your mind this month with the new year?  What are the things that you think about as a new year begins?  Goals and resolutions?  Things to be thankful for?  New ideas, new projects?  My thoughts all month have been on the seasons of life.

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  1. Jean says:

    You are such a loving family…respecting ,enjoying, and being together, each generation in its season of life! What a wonderfully, life affirming post you shared. Thank you!

  2. Patricia Baker says:

    Such a warm loving article. Thank you.

  3. Sharon says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, your heart, your mom!

  4. Carol says:

    Dori … How timely your post was! I have been thinking of your Mom and you as you faced the holidays without your Dad. It had to have been so difficult. I love the fact that your Mom is now with you, spending time with family and healing a little bit each day. God bless all of you. Carol

  5. Tammy L Thomson says:

    Lovely. Your article is full of memories, wisdom, and most of all- Love.
    Thank you for sharing this!

  6. Maxine Jeinek says:

    What a lovely post and tribute to your mama! Treasure the moments and hugs to you both

  7. E. Burke says:

    Hi Dori,
    I’ve been thinking and praying for you and your Mom. Dori, I feel your pain, as my parents have both been deceased for over 40 years now and my sister just passed away two weeks ago. I’d like to say it gets easier but I’d be lying. You just learn to deal with it, have faith, remember all the good times and be thankful for the time we had with them.

    I hope your Mom has a speedy recovery from her surgery. I’m praying for her! God bless you too, Dori! It’s not always easy but you are so kind and generous taking care of your Mom.

    Chin up and be thankful everyday!
    Love and Prayers

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Simple Christmas Crafting!

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Hello friends!  I hope you had a really lovely Thanksgiving!

I’ve been working on some fun Christmas crafts and this ornament ended up being such a fast and simple project I decided to share a little tutorial with all of you.  You can whip these up in no time!

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  1. Love this what a great idea.
    Thank you and have a wonderful Holiday.

  2. Joan Piercy says:

    Thank you, Dori! You always have something wonderful for us to try! I love Christmas Trees and will have to add some of these to my Christmas stuff. Merry Christmas!

  3. Cyndie Gray says:

    What a cute idea!! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Laurel Anne Pries says:

    I love them!! Such a cute idea!

  5. Isabelle says:

    What are wonder clips? Would clip clothes pins also work? Good clear tutorial, thanks for the instructions.

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