It’s Monday morning and I will spend the day at my computer. I have work of every variety to take care of today: blog, legal, business, school, farm. I’m feeling a little drained right now, having a hard time getting started. Do I even have anything to write about today that any one would want to read??? My creativity has been on the low side lately. But I’ve got a cup of coffee, a bowl of yogurt and granola, and a cat in my lap, so I guess I’m ready to roll.
Here’s the cat that’s visiting my lap at the moment, Jude. Funny cat likes to stretch out his front legs. I’m always finding him in this odd position. I’ve never had a cat that likes to stretch out like that.

My husband walks by and says, “What in the world are you putting on there?”
“What? What do you mean? It’s a photo of Jude.”
He puts on his glasses, looks again, and starts laughing. “It looked like someone’s legs in white shoes and white underwear.” He’s still laughing. I’m like, what are you talking about?
And then he shows me.

Ha Ha Ha! It does, doesn’t it!
Anyway, I think since I recovered from not being able to get out and about, all I want to do is get out. My mind is not focused on writing or this computer. At the moment, I’m not only thinking about how my cat’s markings look like tidy-white-y’s and white socks, but now I’m thinking about going to see the horses in the barn, plowing the garden, building a pavilion, taking a hike by the mountain stream, visiting with neighbors, feeding the chickens…Oh, the chickens!
I was supposed to run to the local feed and seed store this morning after I dropped my daughter off at school to pick up some chicken feed! I forgot! I love to go to that farm store when I’m not in a hurry. And. Just. Visit. Um. Hmmm. You want to go now? Okay!
What high fashion should I rock today? Yeah, sure, I think you’re right. My warm flannel-lined camouflage work pants and pink plaid flannel shirt. And my barn work shoes. Perfect!

My feed and seed store is jam-packed with everything you could possibly need or want for farm living. It is situated way out in the country, with a yard full of pipes and drains and metal storage buildings full of water heaters and wood stove inserts and everything else.
We’ve arrived!
Here’s one of the metal storage buildings I mentioned. Look at all those wooden barrels!

This is outside where you park, before you walk in. Do you need a lime green manure rake? Or an orange one? I sure do!

Here we are right inside the front door.

Snow sleds and shovels! We haven’t had much need of these this winter.
There are probably five aisles with this type of stuff, hardware, plumbing, electric, whatever else.

And what about these awesome metal funnels? This is a store where everything’s not made of plastic. I love that!

Ah….Be still my heart, the garden section!

Overalls, pots, rubber boots!

And this! When’s the last time you saw a mess kit for sale? I love this store!

And check out these bottles and pottery.

Yee! They’ve gotten in some seeds already!

I don’t know…what do you think? Should I???? Grow Snake Gourds?

My favorite chicken water-er ever is there on the left. I have two. Got them from here!

Check out this shelf. It has it all. I direct your attention to the right upper shelf, a certain popcorn popper. That will be relevant shortly.

And I always see stuff like this that I have no idea what it is.

The people here are unbelievable. Friendly, helpful, knowledgeable, nice. There’s always a crowd and lots of chit-chat. This morning, folks are talking about one of their favorite subjects, the weather. This winter has been incredibly mild. We had a couple of snows, but none were deep. And the temperature always warmed back up the next day and melted the snow. I still have a barn full of hay because the pastures have stayed green. That is very unusual for this area. Usually, by now, we’re all asking around to see who has extra hay left in case we run out.
The consensus here is that winter is still coming. “We’ve had our biggest snows in March,” an older gentleman says. “Remember ’93?” And they talk about a big snow they had in late March that year. It sounds like a doozy; one I’d love to experience myself! I tell them about the year we had “Snow Jam” in Atlanta when we all got stuck in our cars and what ensued was a big party. Big. Party. Big, gigantic party. I think it was ’82?
Another conversation started up when a man I don’t know walked in and started talking about hunting on Sunday. This is a big deal to the hunters. Local officials were considering banning Sunday hunting. When I grew up in the South, you couldn’t do anything on Sunday. Well, except go to church. Most of those laws have been changed. But recently, the issue of a ban on hunting on Sunday arose in our community. It was not well received. There is a great deal of hunting around here. During deer season, we hear gun shots frequently. Being an animal lover, it used to bother me. Not so much anymore. I’ve come to understand that people enjoy deer meat, that deer meat is incredibly natural and organic, not filled with steroids and antibiotics of farmed meat. And, the animals live a wild, wonderful life until the end, unlike our farmed animals who spend time in feedlots and are stressed before they die. Hunters around here also hunt for hungry people, sharing their meat. I have also come to understand that our lands would be overrun with deer if it were not for hunters; there would be more car accidents involving them. So, four years when we moved here I might have said, “Oh, poor precious beautiful deer. I hate to hear the shots: constant reminders that another lovely animal has been killed. Yes, ban hunting on Sunday.” Now, I just smile and listen.
One man talks about a huge deer he shot and processed. He found an old bullet in him—it wasn’t his bullet, it was someone else’s. He pulled the old bullet out of his pocket and showed us. (The story sounded familiar, I think I’ve heard it somewhere before.) Anyway, it’s a big discussion, about how this deer was shot at some point and lived with a bullet inside him. There was a lot of talk about this bullet and this deer. Hypotheses galore made for pure entertainment.
No one is in a hurry here.
I mention my problems with mice in my chicken house. The woman who owns the store shows me just what I need. A mouse poison holder that the chickens can’t get inside. Yes, that is just what I need. I hate the idea of poisoning mice, but I have become overrun. And I don’t think it is healthy for my chickens. I buy the poison I need and the poison holder.

And then she had another idea, “Put some water in a 5 gallon bucket and put it in there at night. You’ll have a bucket full of drowned mice in the morning.” Really? Okay, I’m trying that!
What about the snakes living in the walls? A man offered, “Get rid of the mice and you’ll get rid of the snakes.”
I’m down for that. I can’t even imagine a chicken house without mice and snakes. The stuff that dreams are made of!
Speaking of chickens.
In sad news, one of my chickens has died. Polly, the Polish. She had so many feathers on her head that she couldn’t see. She’ll fly down from her roost right into me. It’s never easy. My husband was out of town when I found her. She died during the night. I located a pretty pink shoe box and wrapped her up in a kitchen towel that had Pooh Bear on it. I dug the hole as deep as I could and provided her with a private burial ceremony. It was just me and her. Her friends were close-by though. My chicken cemetery is under the old apple tree beside the chicken run. So the rooster and other hens saw and heard the whole thing.
And now, my lullaby song changed. I don’t count to 14 anymore when I put up the chickens, just 13. We came in late from a concert Saturday night and I went in to sing to them. I had forgotten. I looked all over for number 14 until I remembered. I’ll have to get used to the new number.
Polly the Polish Hen
April 2013 – February 2017

Now I’ll share my drive back home with you. I drive by some fantastic old buildings. I am told this one was a cheese factory.

And this one was built during the Civil War era.

The road I drive down has several areas that you just feel like you are driving through a junk yard.

I like old, junky cars as much as the next guy, but I don’t like them right on the side of the road. These folks keep theirs on both sides of the road, not sure why.
Here’s a nice old barn and old building. One reason I like this drive is because it takes you back in time.

A sweet, simple, clapboard church.

I see how long this post is and laugh. I sure had a lot to say for someone who had nothing to say at the beginning!
Do you have a favorite local feed and seed, country, or farm store? Tell us about it!
Until next time, Friends, savor the flavor of life!
Lots of love, The City Farmgirl in the Country, Rebekah
PS I should show you where I decided to write once I got home from the farm store. My word for 2017 is “outside.” I didn’t pick it; it picked me. Sooooooo. I popped some popcorn—(remember that box I pointed out to you on the shelf? That popper is terrific. I used to eat those little bags of microwave popcorn, but they have a lot of gunk in the ingredients. This pops kernels pure and plain. My favorite snack these days.)—, put on the kettle for tea, and built a campfire in the yard.

My senses are alive out here. I hear birdsong in the black walnut trees, I hear frogs chirping like ducks in the pond, I hear crows cawing and yapping close-by,

I hear the mournful wail of a cow, a mother or a baby? I hear a woodpecker in the distance, and the gentle roar of a tractor somewhere in this farming valley. I also hear the heater running on this side of my old farmhouse.
I smell the aroma of wood smoke and I do indeed smell the bite of cold winter air in the breeze. (yay! fingers crossed.)
I see beauty all around me. I see my old wash house that I turned into my office.
I see my dog, Strudel, wagging her tail and being her usual chipper self.

I see the green shoots of day lilies just emerging from the earth.

I see the steeple of the local church. It’s Monday morning and their parking lot has plenty of cars. I wonder why there are gathering this morning? I see black cows on a green hilly pasture in the distance.

I see Christmas trees to be harvested in future years and Christmas tree stumps from this past Christmas.
I see Mr. Mustache inside my window. 
He is SO not a feral cat any more!
I’m trying to recall all five of my senses, hear, see, smell. Oh, taste! How could I foget taste??? I taste the citrusy flavor of my cup of Matcha green tea and the earthy flavor of plain, air-popped popcorn. I hope to taste a piece of my Valentine’s Day chocolate in a little while. 🙂
And feel. Yes, feel. Touch. I’m not wearing gloves, so I can type on the computer, so my fingers feel very cold and so does my face, especially my nose. I hold my hands up to the campfire and feel the warmth. I guess I need to go inside and get a hat and maybe some gloves since I’m at the end of this blog post…
Love this post, Love you , have a wonderful, beautiful, joyous, safe and lovely time! Can wait to hear all about it ’cause I ain’t never done did nuthin like that, well almost.
I hope you’re having a ball! My sister, Laine, is in London right now and will be in Paris in a few days. Actually, they may already be there. Maybe you’ll unknowingly cross paths! Just listen for another southern accent, ha. Their trip was not without a bit of trepidation from the rest of us, but her attitude is about the same as yours concerning unrest. It’s everywhere. Have fun!
I hope you are having an amazing time and you are experiencing many adventures. I am super excited to see all your new pictures and hear about your time in Paris. Oh how I wish I was going. We are currently planning our trip to England and I will be excited to say that I have traveled too! When I was in high school I took French. I loved the class. Still to this day I can say some words and phrases and read French, but I can’t write it. It’s almost like my mind goes blank when I attempt to write it.
Thank you for the recipe. It looks delicious. I will have to try it sometime.
Have fun on your trip and what a great place to travel too!
Bon Voyage! Your trip sounds like so much fun. Don’t let the new reports stop you from enjoying it. But you have that covered already. I’ve never traveled either, but plan to change that in October with a trip to Spain, Ireland and a few other places that we haven’t quite decided yet. I love the passport covers and your luggage. Have fun, enjoy and make lots of new memories.
Paris, how exciting! I ain’t never travelled to Paris, but I want to. Can’t wait to see all your pics and post on your trip …. So special too that you’re going with your daughter. I’m hoping to visit my son in London in February 2019, timing is better to go then. He moved there in March to work as a paramedic. Loves what he’s doing, but they’ve had 4 terror incidents there in that time and it does make me worry, but we ain’t giving in to fear either, so he stays and works and checks in with us regularly he’s safe. When these things happen, I pray a lot and we still make plans to do what we want to do. All going to plan, it’ll be a trip to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, my daughters 21st, catch up and spend time with my son and have a fabulous holiday to boot!
I’m hoping to add in a trip to the Netherlands to visit family and see where my parents grew up, and to visit France too. My mothers side lived there somewhere, back in the 1600s, and I’d love to find out where so I can visit there too. I’ll be a praying for you both and hope you both have the best time there.
Sa la vie…? Au revoir
You two will have so much fun and make so many memories! Love it!
I hope you enjoy your trip to France. Be safe, and absorb all there is to experience. Aaand…..when you get back, y’all must watch ‘Sabrina’!!!!! Both versions, the classic with Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart and the more modern one with Harrison Ford! They are my favorite movies of all time, even my husband, (of 41 years), watches with me. We always laugh so much when we do, they never fail to entertain no matter how many times we have seen them!!!!
Take care and enjoy your trip!
I am so very happy for you both!! I was blessed with much traveling when I was in my 30’s – 50’s. (I’m 72 now), so it has been many years but the memories are wonderful to have. I pray you are enjoying to the fullest and can hardly wait to hear and see all about it. God bless
Love this post!! Hope your trip is amazing!!
Where did you get the cup and towels…”Home is where your cat is”? so perfect!
I am looking forward to the photos of your adventure! Have a great time with your daughter. I will be keeping you both in my prayers for a safe and memorable holiday.
Ahhh Paree! I hope you have a great time there. In all of France actually. And safe too. I have never traveled overseas……. just throughout the USA. Been to and through a lot of states, lived in Arizona, California, Indiana, New York, Kentucky, Oregon, in all my 72 years – my parents traveled back and forth from east to west and back again while I was growing up, with a side trip to Oregon for a year; Indiana and Kentucky after I married. So enjoy yourselves and return safely to us. Lots of pictures and dialog next time too. My DNA report says I am 100% European, go figure! with 59% Great Britain. HAH!
How exciting! Have a wonderful time! I was in Paris in 2000. Go see Mona Lisa! You won’t regret it. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip when you return.
Have a safe and happy trip. Enjoy your stay in France. VIVA LA FRANCE!
Another lovely post! Thank you for the intro to Breakfast in Paris tea – I wonder if it’s been available where I live all along and I just never noticed it? In any case, I just ordered some from the Stash website (comes with a sweet Paris-themed mug and dessert wafers), along with a few other goodies. Can’t wait to try all of it.
Have a safe and fab trip. Hope you’ll write lots about what you and your daughter discover there.
P.S. Where did you find the luggage stickers? Very cute.
Not sure how I missed this! I hope you and your daughter had a fantastic time. Looking forward to your report back to us how it all went. Love your luggage. I do not know how to pack light either. Went to Hawaii, my only flight I have ever taken more than an hour or two long, and my bag was filled to the gill. Paris, how wonderful!