How do I know it is May?
In my meadow, the yellow dots of yesterday have transformed into fluffy cotton balls sitting on top of straws. Tomorrow they will be in various stages of disarray, like my hair.

In my pond, the chaotic anthem of peeping fills the spring night with noise. The silent nights of winter are over. Holy nights are year-round.
On the street corner in town, the strawberry man has set up rows and rows of farm baskets, strawberries toppling over the sides. He tells me he drove to the South Carolina flat lands last night, to a farm, just to share these large, sweet, fresh lovelies with us mountain folk. (okay, so yes, he was also selling those No-Bake Chocolate Cookies I love so much. Got a bag. And okay, yes, fresh cheddar cheese curds too. How could I resist?)

On a neighboring farm, the baby cows born in late fall have left their mothers, forced to a new life of independence on a different farm. I hear the mothers’ wailing for days, until they accept the stark reality of life as a mother cow. Or maybe they forget why they were lamenting. I wonder what the memory power of a cow is.
Just a few weeks ago we got hit with more snow. My garlic, having just popped up from its winter slumber to see the light, was unimpressed. My chickens agreed with the garlic: they had a meeting and boycotted the out-of-doors this snowy day.)

And then. The sunniness of this past weekend gave us all confidence that winter had moved out. I dragged my potted fig plant outside, the one I’ve been babying all winter in my garage. I made a fatal decision to leave it out last night. We were hit with a freeze and heavy, thick frost. RIP fig dreams.

And I write this blog post OUTSIDE, for the very first time in months and months. HELLO, MAY!

May makes me…
happy. hopeful. revitalized. alive.
It has always been so, but I find it to be even MORE so where I live now. I think it is because of the real winters here. Winter is harsh and snowy and cold and blustery. Back in Atlanta, the seasons are all blend-y. Winter there is not much different from spring and fall. (well, except for summer, which is not blend-y at all. Georgia summers are “hotter than Satan’s house cat.”)
But May. Oh May. You usher in loveliness.
AND YOU ALSO usher in the special time of the YOU Challenge. It is our 5th year! whaaaaaaat? Yep!
So let’s grab our shoes and put a song in you heart. Let’s go strolling together every day in merry, merry month of May. You, My Friend, are the You in YOU Challenge. Not your family, not your co-workers, not your church family, not anybody else. Just you. This month is dedicated to you, at least for a few minutes each day.
I know at first just the thought of taking time for yourself gives you a twitch in your eye. I mean, how can everyone get by if you take 30 minutes a day for you; hey, they’ll live. They’ll do fine. And that twitch will be gone by the end of the month. Your head will be clearer. You’ll breathe in more oxygen with each breath you take. You’ll feel better, physically and emotionally. And it’s so easy. Just go outside and put one foot in front of the other. The combination of fresh air, movement, and togetherness is magical. Doing something for yourself, declaring that you are worth it, is a transformational thing.
The original challenge was this: each and every day in May, lace up your walking shoes and head outside, no matter what. No. Matter. What.
Then, it evolved for some folks into doing something other than walking for themselves, swimming, biking, journaling, drawing, etc.
One year we added drinking lemon water in the morning before our coffee. That was refreshing and hydrating, so that’s a permanent part of it now.
And share. If you share your journey, you’ll bless us all.
And we all want to see where you walk! Take photos! And we want to hear how your walk was! And how you are feeling! Or if you are choosing to do something besides walking for you, we want to hear about that too.
So. You in????
May Day, May 1st, is the day we begin, but you can join in any time. When you read this post, make an agreement with yourself to do something for YOU. We have a Facebook group (Here’s the link. It’s private, you have to request to join.) where we post pics and chat up a storm. We encourage each other and enjoy our time together. So much fun. And so inspiring and encouraging. JOIN US!
I’ve particularly excited this year. I have been looking forward to it! In joyful anticipation, I got home this evening and mowed the overgrown path on my farm that I like to walk. It takes me through the rows of Christmas trees and out into the horse pasture. Whew, my winter months were full of heavy lifting; it has taken a toll on my soul. Of course, I say that every year: oh I’ve never needed this more; oh, this came just in time; oh, this and that.
But it is true every single year. I need this month of May challenge with my sisters. Shall we, Dear Ones? Let’s!
Want more info on the YOU Challenge? Check out these posts.
Here’s the original post from 2014.
Here’s the post from 2015. (boy, I miss those trail shoes. Got my money out of those babies.)
Here’s the post from 2016.
Here’s the post from 2017.
So, come along!
Until next time, Friends, savor the flavor of life!
Lots of love, Rebekah, City Farmgirl in the Country
“Life’s a trippy thing.”
I heard this song for the very first time today. It’s weird and perky and fantastic. Frank and Nancy Sinatra. Here’s a link. It’s sure to make you smile.

I love a good baked potato with cheese, salt, pepper, sour cream and lots of butter. I also love scattered, smothered, covered and diced!
Love your posts and especially this one about the potato!
There’s no such thing as a favorite potato dish. They are all equally fabulous. The potato is the greatest gift the world has ever given to mankind When I was a kid I would always offer to do the dishes when we had potatoes so I could eat all the leftovers. Wait, I still do.
I would say my favorite is either mashed potatoes or scalloped potatoes. I miss Waffle House so much! We don’t have them in California.
My VERY FAVORITE way to fix potatoes is to slice them thinly and then slice a big onion and fry them together in a mixture of olive oil and butter. Used to use bacon grease, but rarely have bacon any more. Don’t do this as much as I used to do, but still just love them.
Then, of course, there are scalloped potatoes and baked potatoes, and potato soup (which I make once a month in the winter time.
I just love potatoes.
I use to eat a lot of white potatoes but because of the carbs in them I eat very little of them. I also had some potatoes that were growing……and thought I need to use them. So I decided we hadn’t had potato salad for a long time and I make a good macaroni salad dressing so thought it would work on the potato salad. It was so good and yummy. My hubby said he liked it because it wasn’t dry. I even ate some of it and cheated!
But some of my favorite ways is baked, home fries and now potato salad.
Potatoes are my friends. Do you ever get hungry and don’t know what you want? When that feeling comes to me, I bake or microwave a potato and spoon out some of it and mix with “whatever I have handy that tempts my tastebuds”, add some salt and ground calico pepper and a big pinch of Nutritional Yeast (because I should NOT have dairy). Then I repack the potato and reheat it and get busy with a spoon and a smile!
I really enjoyed your comments on my beloved potatoes!….
Have you ever thought about canning them so they would be ready for hashbrowns or hash or whatever you want to cook quick.
I love potatoes but my favorite way to eat them Is baked. Not microwaved but baked. Yum. It makes me hungry just thinking about it.
Hi, Rebekah – I also blame a lot of things on social media ! My favourite potatoes are oven fries..done in the oven with with lots of olive oil and salt & pepper..Yum.. I feel so healthy after eating them !!
Ah, Rebekah, so many wonderful things to create with potatoes! You hit on so many, but not one of my favorites – potato soup! Nothing is better (to me) on a cold rainy day then a big bowl of potato soup. Dress it up with shredded cheese, green onion and bacon. YUM!!
People have asked me how I’D do my baked potato. I scrub the tater well and put it in the microwave for 5-6 minutes (depending on size) longer for bigger taters. I preheat my oven to 400 degrees. When the taters come out of the microwave I put each one in foil and drizzle with olive oil and s&p. I wrap them tight and in the oven they go. They are creamy inside with a crispy skin. Then LOTS of butter. I always eat the skin because it is nice and crispy.My friend just puts her naked potato in her oven just on the rack. All I know is most people love potatoes. Thanks Rebekah for delving into the potato.
I’m a country girl from Texas and potatoes have always been a favorite part of our meals. We could eat them every meal is some form or other. I have two favorite forms, although it’s difficult to decide!! Haha!! I love crunchy hash browns fried in a cast iron skillet, crunchy on both sides and soft in the middle. Then for a very quick dinner, I enjoy a kind of potato hash, I call it. One or two large potatoes, scrubbed with the skins on, sliced thin in round pieces, cut from one end and keep slicing until finished; then one or two carrots, peeled and cut in round thin slices, one large onion, cut in thin circles. Have melted grease in medium size cast iron skillet, I use bacon grease or corn oil, two to three tablespoons. When grease is ready to sizzle, not fry hot, pour in all veggies, add salt and pepper to taste, stir a little to coat all veggies, put a cover on and steam and gently brown until tender and some pieces are crunchy. Delicious!!! For a variation, chop German sausage is small circles and add half way through cooking. Delicious!! This “one pan supper” is a hefty amount and will feed a group of people. Add s salad on the side (and ketchup for those who like it) and dinner is done in about 20 minutes.
Thank You for giving us the chance to share our favorite potatoes!! I also love them in every other possible way!! Lol!!
Ohhhhhh, I DO love your writings in Mary Janes Farm Magazine!! I never miss them!! ♥️
I love potatoes any way they are prepared, but my favorite way would be home fries like my mother used to make. I enjoy your blog.
My husband discovered Jacket Potatoes on a business trip to England and I love them. Basically a stuffed baked potato with butter, baked beans and shredded cheese. I was very skeptical about the beans but I love them.
Potatoes for posters! Carving shapes into the end of half a tater and giving to the little kids to dip and print with! They think I’m magical and fun! It’s not me it’s the taters! Lol!
So glad the comment thing is fixed. Thought maybe you didn’t want any on your post LOL. Anyway, I love baked potatoes loaded with real butter, sour cream, green onions/chives, shredded cheese and then sometimes cheese sauce all by itself. Fattening for sure, but oh, so comforting. The potato is ‘the comfort food’ for when you need to be comforted. I love to make potato salad in the summer for our cookouts. I also love to eat the potato wedges my sister-in-law, Laura makes. Oh so yummy. French Fries and Hamburgers another favorite. Mashed potatoes once in a while, roast potatoes with pork, carrots, onions, and celery is a favorite crock pot meal. So many things you can do with potatoes, I make home made hash browns, fried potatoes and onions, potato soup with bacon is a favorite winter meal. And when I get a bag of potatoes and don’t use them before the eyes appear and the sprouts start, I will use them to plant in the ground by cutting pieces with eyes and plopping them down in the hole I make in a mound of soil. So versatile is the potato and easy to grow, and home grown potatoes really do taste best. Small ones are great for dicing and frying without removing the skin. Well, here’s to the Potato. Thanks for posting this one, so entertaining.
Mashed Potatoes! Nothing fancy, just plenty of butter, 1 tsp. salt, pepper, Red Robin’s Season Salt, and milk. Yum!! Also love them cut into chunks, placed in a hot cast iron skillet with olive oil and butter, season with some salt, pepper, and garlic herb seasoning, and placed on the grill. Delicious.
I love potatoes and enjoyed years of fresh ones when we lived in southern Idaho. We could follow the machine diggers and fill lots of bags of them. Some were so big, one would make mashed potatoes for the 7 of us. I love them baked with all the fixings, potato soup, hash browns, and cut in chunks with olive oil drizzled on top and sprinkled with garlic salt, onion powder and dried herbs and baked in the oven. And of course, mashed with sour cream, cream, and lots of butter. Potatoes are food from the Gods!
A lovely baked potato stuffed with cottage cheese and salsa.
Potatoes au gratin
5 lb. bag of potatoes pealed and sliced thinly. Diced onion. Sauce mix starting with a rue, adding milk, three cheeses (yellow american, cheddar, and velvetta). Simmer constantly stirring for what seems like an eternity until sauce almost bubbles over. Layer potatoes, onion and cheese sauce several times. Bake @ 375 until tender.
Hi, ART – Even though I haven’t made this casserole for years, my working mother made it a lot for us as a quick, easy, one-dish meal. Layer slices of white potatoes in 13 X 9 dish with sliced onion and some kind of sausage – kielbasa, pork breakfast sausage or Italian. Then pour canned tomatoes over all and bake until done. While it was cooking we kids were expected to finish our homework and busy ourselves until Dad came home. Fond memories of winter suppers which were hardy and satisfying.
Always enjoy your blogs, sweet one. Keep up the good work. Take care of yourself.
Love, Ruthie
I love potatoes loaded or not. A little truffle oil and salt and pepper is great too but my all time favorite is Colcannon basically mashed potatoes with LOTS of butter and cream and greens mixed in. It is Irish and amazing. I love kale and some green onions mixed in but you can use cabbage. Bacon can be added too. It is a warm comfort food and I like to think the kale makes it healthy…mmmm.
We are retired potato farmers from Idaho so love potatoes! When riding the potato digger I would have to pull off potatoes that were too big! I kept them by my feet to take to the house at the end of the day. There would be potatoes that were so big just one would feed our family of 6! We especially like to grate them to fry in hot oil and butter until crispy. Our grandkids love them this way. I miss the farm, especially the smell of the dirt, but feel blessed to still live in the country where we can grow a large garden and fruit trees.
Just wanted to comment on Kathy’s text. I have never lived on a farm, but must have in a previous life. I love to garden. Right now, we live in a city and are renting, so, gardening is impossible. However, I’ve bought many pots of different sizes and am now planting a container garden. I have had a garden of some sort no matter where we have lived. If I can’t get my hands in the “dirt” occasionally, I don’t know what I would do. I can empathize with Kathy about missing the smell of the dirt. It’s comforting to know that I can have my garden no matter how big or small and no matter if it’s in the ground or containers. HAPPY GARDENING!
Oh potatoes, how my family loves you! We can fry you, bake you, cook you, roast you, sear you, smother you, mash you, and make soup out of you, and you are always the star of the meal! As a Texas country gal, potatoes were a staple in our home. We feasted on potatoes and Mom’s homemade gravy more times than I can count. My parents grow potatoes for the family to share, there truly is nothing better than a homegrown potato! To harvest a potato crop behind an antique FarmAll tractor pulling a harrow with Daddy walking and guiding the harrow is like a walk back in time.. I love harvesting the family potato crops! Daddy always let me drive the tractor, he walks behind the harrow and the beautiful red potatoes appear like magic once the soil is turned. It’s about that time here in South Texas to harvest the potato crop, and oh the smell of the dirt and the thrill of the harvest of those ruby gems!
Potatoes truly are a food from the Gods! I love potatoes cooked in any way fashion or form; however my favorite is French fries from red potatoes roasted in the oven w/ olive oil and sea salt❤️
I love your blog. When I read what you write I feel calm and relaxed 🙂 (Truth be told, I don’t get upset very often so that isn’t a difficult place to be… but I love it.)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and pictures… and thank you for always sharing the positive rather than negative side of life.
Potatoes… when I have a craving for food, it is always potatoes. I recently tried the purple potatoes and they are yummy! Boil till tender, add a little pink salt (which is course) and olive oil or butter and a touch of pepper… Yummy!