Pickin’ an a Grinnin’ at “Wicked” Tulips Flower Farm


Like mother like daughter.

Dear Sisters,

Happy belated Mother’s Day! What did you Farmgirl mamma’s do to celebrate?  I find the older I get the less I want to do what’s expected on holidays. I don’t need anymore stuff or stuff-y brunches. I’d rather have an experience together that we can both enjoy and look back on as a happy time. Since my mom moved in with us we try to make time one day a week to do something together. Most of the time it’s just lunch out combined with errands. Heck, we even make the most out of trips into Boston for her Dr’s appointments. It gives us time to catch up. Even though we live in the same house life goes at pretty fast clip and it’s easy to get swept away moving from one obligation to the next. This year for Mother’s Day I was determined to do something out of the ordinary. Like tulips? Come with mom and I on our Mother’s Day adventure to Wicked Tulips Flower Farm. Continue reading

  1. Laura Staley says:

    Thank you for sharing your “Tulip Travels” with your mom with the rest of us! I miss the few tulips that used to come up in our yard. My mom would have loved to visit the tulips as she always had many colors and varieties in her garden as I was growing up. Your photos were lovely! Thank you again for sharing…
    Laura Staley
    Prairie Village, Kansas

  2. Carol says:

    Beautiful pictures- Looks as though you and your mom had a good time. My daughter loves tulips. I might see if there is one near us.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      We really enjoyed it! I hope you find a tulip farm nearby. It’s quite and experience! Thanks so much for your note!

  3. Krista says:

    Very beautiful place! Our old house had tulips and I really miss them. I keep telling myself that one of these years I’ll get some put in! I looked at the link you shared and most of the tulip farms are near my state. If I ever travel to Washington or to Oregon again during tulip season I will have to check them out. Sounds like you and your mom had a blast and have now created a new tradition. Happy late Mother’s Day!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Krista!
      I had no idea there were so many tulip farms in the US and you are correct. Most of them are in the northwest. I was very surprised about the one I found in Texas.
      Thanks for your lovely note! xo Deb

  4. Junebug says:

    Look at the fun you and your Mom had. I love, love tulips! And I am so lucky for I live very close to Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm. My sister has been a vendor at the Tulip Festival for several years so I spend 7 weeks helping her and no 7 weeks in the tulip fields is still not enough! Sunrise is my favorite time, wait – Sunset is my favorite time in the fields. Oh goodness, all times are my favorite time in any flower garden.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Junebug! How fun that must be for you both! All times are my favorite in any flower garden, too! xo


  5. Debbie says:

    So so beautiful and what a wonderful experience to save and savor. Lovely! Thanks for sharing all those wonderful pictures. I want to go!!!

  6. Joan says:


  7. Marilyn says:

    Thank you for sharing. The tulips are gorgeous.

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New England Farmer~ Florists ( A Budding Community )


New England Farmer/Florist’s at the Farm and Floral Meet and Greet at Salted Root Farm

“May and June.  Soft syllables, gentle names for the two best months in the garden year: cool, misty mornings gently burned away with a warming spring sun, followed by breezy afternoons and chilly nights.  The discussion of philosophy is over; it’s time for work to begin.” 
–  Peter Loewer  

Dear sisters,

Thanks for joining me for another posting from the farm/coast of New England. The quote above describes our weather here to a tee. As I type it’s misting outside and I’m praying for an appearance from the sun later this afternoon.  No doubt you’re feeling the pressure to keep up with the month of May, too. She lulls us into summer slowly with her breezy afternoons and chilly nights, but don’t let her fool you. ” It’s time for work to begin” and we have plenty of it here at Dandelion House Flower Farm and at the cottage. Instead of wearing you out with our long to-do list ( I’m sure you have your own ) I’m keeping my promise of sharing the details from the First Annual New England Farm and Floral Meet and Greet which  took place on March 25th. Come on into the barn and meet the gang!  Continue reading

  1. Krista says:

    That sounds like a wonderful and fun event! There are some beautiful display of flowers and the cutest parting gifts. It’s so nice hearing about groups being able to get together for meet and greets. There are a few I would like to attend sometime. I’m happy to hear that you and your daughter had such a fun time! I can’t wait to hear how your future get together turns out and may your group continue to grow and expand in knowledge!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Krista! It was a fun event to plan and attend, for sure. Thanks so much, for the note as always! I hope all is well in your world this spring! xo Deb

  2. mari1017 says:

    How wonderful! Thanks for sharing such a special day. Love your blog!!! Mari

  3. Dori Troutman says:

    Oh Deb. I would’ve loved to have been there and seen you in action. I loved reading about this again and once again it brought tears to my eyes. What a special, special day. And Nicolette… yeah, that would definitely have been a tear jerker to me too. She’s beautiful and she looks just like you. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Loads of love,

    – Dori, Ranch Farmgirl and flower farmer sister! 🙂 –

  4. Denise Ross says:

    So wonderful to have such a community of people who are all passionate about the same thing. An absolute treasure. Sounds a blessed event.
    Love what your daughter said about you, I’m sure I would’ve had a teary moment then too.
    Whisking you many blessings

  5. Pingback: Pick’n an a Grin’n at “Wicked” Tulips Flower Farm | Farmgirl Bloggers

  6. Ellen Parlee says:

    What a wonderful event! One of my favorite things about farming is the camaraderie among farmers. We’re all in the same boat and it’s helpful to be supportive of each other and the buy/grow local movement.

  7. Pingback: The Flower Tribe | Farmgirl Bloggers

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Fearless Farmgirl ~ Are YOU one?


Happy Spring, sisters!

It’s time to wake up from your winter’s nap and get busy. Busy doing what, you ask? Farmgirl things, that’s what. If you’re like most adventurous, curious, and talented Farmgirls you’ve probably spent the winter dreaming up all sorts of new and exciting plans for spring. But, did you plan anything NEW and SCARY to do? Continue reading

  1. Cindy says:

    Love!love ! Your message! I will take it to heart! Thanks !

  2. Dori Troutman says:

    Awwww Deb…. I love this post!!! You always have such an awesome way of writing! 🙂 I try so hard not to be a chicken in life… but taking the plunge on things is super hard for me sometimes. Thanks for the awesome encouragement to be a Fearless Farmgirl!


    Dori, your Ranch Farmgirl friend! 🙂

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Dori! I think you are quite fearless! I love following all of your Ranch adventure and new experiences on your sweet farm.
      Here’s to a great growing season, inside and out!
      Deb, your Beach Farmgirl friend!

  3. Vicki says:

    This is great advice! I will be taking this to heart this season. Thanks.

  4. Joan says:

    Super great message!!! Love the ‘gardens’, I’m into doing them too. Your courage to step out is inspiring but think I will stay in my comfort zone this year. No nothing going on here, outside except a blizzard, so inside doing and planning for outside will happen for a few days. Again, love your messages! God bless.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Sending blessings to you too, Joan! Always great to hear from you. And, it’s okay to stay in your comfort zone being wonderful you too!
      xo Deb

  5. Krista says:

    I love that feeling you get when your scared to do something, but then feel a large amount of accomplishment once done! I actually have a few experiences similar to the ones on your list. One of my scary days was starting college, all 3 times. I was also scared the first time I did a set of nails on a human hand rather than a fake hand. Still to this day I find myself getting the jitters when I do nails (I don’t do them very frequently). As for this year I don’t have anything new, fun, and scary planned. Next year we plan to take a trip out of the country and I am nervous about flying, being in a new place, and leaving my boys at home. It will be fun but definitely new and scary.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Krista!
      Your mention of doing nails on a human hand hit home with me. I’m a retired hairstylist and I’ll never for get the first day jitters I had starting beauty college and working on my first live head of hair was equally terrifying! Best of luck in your travels and try not to hold up the plane the entire flight. I find if I have a good book or magazine it makes me drowsy and I can fall asleep. Listening to music on your headphones or watching a movie helps too. 🙂 Farmgirl hugs! Deb

  6. Sandi King says:

    Deb, thanks for a wonderful post. You have quite a list and I did a couple of yours too. As for me I always think I will get something new done every year but it always doesn’t get done. So this year we are working on our DW getting it ready to be livable, so that is new and scary since we have never done any remodeling before. This was a smoke-damaged home that we bought and we gutted the kitchen and living room that were the worst. SO it has taken us many months to do very little. We also had financial problems which stopped the work altogether. But anyway, plans are underway for more. I have collected many new ideas for things to do that I haven’t done before and some are a little scary if I worry about what they will look like when done. My first thing is I want to make a quilt and sew it on a Singer treadle sewing machine – never used one before but I bought one. Scary! Next I want to make two dolls to sit on a very small bench, a boy and a girl that will look like my best friends. SCARY!! I also want to try re-purposing a piece of furniture. Will it end up in the dump?? Who knows. Scary!! I have found new ideas for my DW for my closet and my bathroom and my laundry room that I want to incorporate. SCARY! by all means. Anyway, I see you have a chicken called Blonde. Is she a Golden Comet? I have Golden Comets and one I call Blondie. She is always the last one to enter the coop at night so have to wait on her. She always has to run back to get one more bite or drink. Reminds me of my children when they were little. On my list of scary things that I went through with – went back to school and earned an Associates Degree in Accounting at age 40. Also gave a speech on the CONS of Abortion for a class with a classmate giving the PROS of Abortion. Terrified! I also learned to drive a stick-shift and didn’t get my drivers license till I was 21; and I went on a blind date which wasn’t fun at all. So I hope the things I plan on doing this year will turn out to be at least passable. Keep on having fun.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Wow! Your plans for this coming year all sound like ground breaking new experiences for you. That’s wonderful and scary at the same time, isn’t it? I think when you relax and try to have fun with new things they go much better than you imagined they would. Keep it up!
      Farmgirl Hugs!

  7. Teresa says:

    I have really stepped out of my comfort zone lately! I retired from my job and decided I wanted to start designing quilts and selling my patterns. I have designed 10 quilts, learned how to write patterns, opened an etsy store, and in April one of my patterns is going to be published. Whew what a ride it’s been scary and exciting at the same time. Enjoyed reading your list it’s pretty inspiring!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Kudos to you, Teresa! I bet you’re having loads of fun creating!
      Sounds like a wonderful new ” joy ride ” you’re on!
      Continued blessings…

  8. Susan says:

    No i didnt do much new, but become singke again, and everything changes after the death of a loved one. I had to change everything almost alone. Thd fun thing was buying a new car and choose what i wanted, and got most of what i wanted. Now im focusing on getting my house in order, for one person, you downsize a lot. But the hardest thing is downsizing my garden. I know what i like but cutting everything down for one person. ..,im not sure, because i alway give my excess to my neighbors. I realized last year i planted too much, because it was hard harvesting it alone. I was too tired by the end of the day.if anyone has any ideas im opened to them.i think i may have to pay someone to help with rototilling the soil, because its getting where i just want to stick the seed in and let it grow that way, but you and i know the soil needs to be work
    So,gardening has its foils when you get older than the dirt you till… and my husband told me….you have to downsize sooner or later. But i don’t want to be like some of those who just stopped gardening altogether , because i love seeing things grow. Was thinking of maybe start beekeeping or raising chicken, but i have to check with the legality of it for my area. Otherthan that, i. Just keeping busy. I want to get back to sewing but my sewing machine has issues. But am planning my garden for this year. I saw a mini greenhouse and may even purchse it. But just in the thinking phases now for my garden. Its still too cold here. Temperature has been weird here in New York. One day super cold, then a few days of spring then rain, then back to winter cold. But i do know spring is near. I saw my first robin march 6th. And the lilac bush and roses are sprouting their buds..,so it gives me hope things will get green shortly. So time will tell what will become our garden, but I wish my sweetheart was here to see it.

  9. Deb Bosworth says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss, Susan. I do wish you comfort and healing as you move forward with out your sweet heart this season. Plant something in a pot in his memory that you can tend to often. Perhaps that will bring some peace to your days ahead.
    Sending hope!

  10. Jennifer says:

    I didn’t used to be scared of doing things. I just plunged right in and did them! Moved across the country from Georgia to Colorado while pregnant with my first child. Gave birth twice. Moved back across the country. Got divorced. Went to college a bunch of times. Worked a bunch of times. Gave birth once more. The first time I can remember being scared of anything was getting out of an abusive relationship 11 years ago. That’s when it all started. But, fear is a friend now. Fear is my brain trying to take care of me. I give it a hug and thank it for taking care of me and try again and again until I can do whatever it is I’m scared to do.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Jennifer, You are courageous and fearless to have gotten out of an abusive relationship.Kudos to you for sticking to your guns and doing what was right even though you were scared. I’m sure you have been ( and will continue to be ) rewarded ten times over for your bravery with new and happy experiences away from the pain and drama a life with an abuser is filled with. Good luck on your hike. That is fun and adventurous! Be well and safe! xo Deb

  11. Jennifer says:

    Tho’ it occurs to me that I didn’t answer your question! Yes! I am going to learn tent camping and my husband and I are going to tackle the Appalachian Trail, northbound!

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Fairy Gardens in February? Why Not?



Me and Gretchen ( the fairy garden maven)

Deep within the winter forest among the snowdrift wide
You can find a magic place where all the fairies hide….
~Author Unknown

Dear Sisters,

Howdy from the shorelines! Are you counting the days till spring too? February may be the shortest month of the year, but in New England it feels like the longest of them all. Anything can happen weather wise. It’s been a steady diet of blizzards, nor’ easter’s ( we’ve had three so far) sleet and snow, freezing wind and pouring rain with the odd spring-like temperatures which we’re having now. We get it all in February. I’m finally beginning to understand why the snowbirds migrate south this time of year. But since I’m not quite there yet I’ve got to keep my farmgirl spirit juiced up and think of things to do to pass the time in a creative and positive way so the crabbiness doesn’t get too out of hand. So when my manager at the garden shop where I work asked if I’d like to give a Fairy Garden talk for the local Plymouth Garden Club February meeting, I said, ” of course, but only if Gretchen does it with me”! Continue reading

  1. Krista says:

    Your fairy garden adventure looks like it was a blast! I have always wanted to make a fairy garden, but I just haven’t gotten around to it. My favorite fairy garden is the large round wrought iron platter one and I want to use that as my inspiration for making my own. Maybe this year will be the year! Did you make sure to keep one for yourself?

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Krista!
      We did have a great time putting it all together. It’s a fun thing to do while there’s still snow on the ground. I hope you have fun making your own.

  2. Joan Price says:

    Oh WOW this gives me a great idea for our garden club. These are all so inspiring. Thanks for sharing. God bless

  3. Ruth E Duckless says:

    I do Fairy Gardens. Love your selection of plants. Where do you get them?

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Ruth,
      Our nursery manager got some of them from a place called the Flower Hutch. Check out your local nursery in the houseplant section. I bet they’ll have some Fairy Garden plants to choose from.

      • Ruth E Duckless says:

        I haven’t had much luck around here finding the “Fairy” plants that I had found listed on different sites. It looks like your nursery actually has options that are specific to Fairy gardens and miniature container gardens. I think I’ll have to end up ordering online. Thank you for the information though.

        • Deb Bosworth says:

          Hi Ruth,
          I’m sorry to hear your local search didn’t pay off. Ordering online might be your best bet. You may have to meet some minimum order requirement that way, but you could always host a fairy garden party and share the costs of the plants too! Enjoy! Deb

        • Ruth E Duckless says:

          I am hoping to do a Fairy Garden workshop this Spring. That was the biggest reason I was hoping to find a good variety of plants to offer. I have several good resources for everything else – including our local recycling center 🙂

  4. Ruth E Duckless says:

    I do Fairy Gardens. Where do you get your great selection of plants?

  5. Marilyn says:

    What a fun project. The fairy gardens are lovely and inspiring.

  6. michelle reid says:

    I make fairy gardens with children…favorite is taking my grandchildren to the beach and make fairy houses out of what we find on the beach…we create villages…then add mermaid houses…I love the fairies~

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Fairy Gardens with children is the best. My daughter used to make them outside all the time when she was 7,8 and 9. Then she grew out of it as many young girls do. It’s fun watching how clever children can be using just natural things gathered from the backyard or the beach!

  7. Judy from Maine says:

    Perfect post for the long month of February in Maine. Such greenery and what fun, I’m sure the fairies were much appreciative and have set up housekeeping in their new digs,.

  8. Pamela deMarrais says:

    Hey Deb! What a fun project for February, when the need to get your hands in the dirt, but the dirt in the garden is frozen. Your post is so informative and inspiring. Thanks for the great online class!

  9. Marlene Capelle says:

    Last week I participated in a miniature show in Lakewood, CO and sold fairy garden gazing balls and bird feeder/fountains. If I knew how to post some pictures I would. In any case, it was a fun show. The fairies in my garden go south for the winter but it is about time for them to return. They are the Opalklan, so named because their wings are like fire opals sparkling in the moonlight. They were originally from Scotland and were stowaways in my ancestors luggage when they came over. Of all my relatives I was lucky enough they chose to come live in my garden.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      You are lucky, indeed! Maybe we need to start a fairy garden thread on the farmgirl chatroom, Marlene! You could share your pictures there!

  10. What wonderful inspiration! Today it is 32 degrees and snowing in the Midwest…yesterday it was 60 degrees! While I love the snow, we’ve all been bitten by the spring fever bug!

  11. Pingback: Fearless Farmgirl ~ Are you one? | Farmgirl Bloggers

  12. Sylvia Jacobus says:

    What fabulous photos of lovely creations and very happy ladies. Thanks for sharing your fun! Needed on this grey, still winter day.

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A Date With Paint!


Flowers in Milk Glass ~ Debbie Bosworth

Dear Sisters,

Are you the sort of farmgirl who likes to dabble and doodle? If so, I’ve got a fun ( and easy) way for you to get started on your Make It Pretty, Merit Badge. Follow me and bring your pencils and paint brushes! Continue reading

  1. Denise Ross says:

    Loved this post, Deb. Very inspiring. I do paint on an canvas and love it. The best part is if I don’t like it, I paint over it. I use water based acrylics and out my music on and let the bush do its thing. Oil pastels are fun to play with too and make a great combination with the acrylics – just out your paint down first snd the past use your pastels where you want over the top, when the paint has dried. Loved your artwork and hope you put it up around your house to enjoy everyday. Looking forward to seeing what else you create for your merit badge. To create is to release the joy from inside and share it
    . The best feeling ever!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Denise!
      Wow. I’ve always worked with acrylic paints and never thought of using Oil pastels over the top… I’m going to try that! Thank you!
      ” To create is to release the joy from inside and share it”. I like that.
      Happy February! Deb

  2. Krista says:

    Deb, your picture turned out beautiful! Your mom is a fantastic teacher. I really like how the app helps change a picture into a painting. I would need this sort of help when I first start painting and I would need a teacher as well. When I was in college I always wanted to take the beginner art class but could never get in. Now I may have to look around and see if there are any classes I could sign up for. I can’t wait to see the rest of your paintings! Congratulations on finishing your Make It Pretty Merit Badge!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Krista!
      Thank you so much. My mom sure helped me get going and I loved the time we had together too. I hope you find time to give painting a try too!

  3. Dori Troutman says:

    Hi Deb,

    BLOWN away doesn’t describe it!!! I’m so in awe. I have never, ever, ever been a painter. (I would’ve said an Artist but the way you describe being an Artist is so sweet, that maybe I’m an artist in other forms – just not painting!!!) Anyway…. you make me want to try. 🙂

    My grand girls are taking private art lessons this year and every week when I see what they’ve done I’m so amazed and I always say “I want to take art lessons with you”! And maybe I should!

    Thanks for this inspiring post!

    Hugs and Happy February!!!

    – Dori –

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hey Dori!
      You definitely should take art with your grand girls! I think they’d get a kick out of you learning right along with them. Especially because they’re used to seeing you in a ” teaching” role in the craft room! I think you’d love it! Hugs back at cha!Deb

  4. Sandy says:

    Wow! Wonderful. Mom is a good teacher.

  5. Joan says:

    Wow! Wonderful! Women! with art of the time. Hmmm now you did peak my interest, will see what I can do here some day. My projects right now are hip deep but I won’t forget seeing your lovelies.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Joan!
      Glad to hear painting is on your list…:) You’ll ” feel it” when it’s time… 😉 Thanks for the note! Deb

  6. Marilyn says:

    Lovely paintings.

  7. Vivian Monroe says:

    So cool I love this. You did great. how fun. 🙂

  8. Carol says:

    Your painting looks like it was done by a seasoned artist. Great work! Your simple instructions give artists of all stages some really good pointers. I have painted for a while but there was something so encouraging in your words that made me feel less stressed, and more into enjoying the process. Thank you.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Carol,
      Thank you so much! I think that’s the key, to relax and just enjoy the process as much as possible. It’s only paint and if you don’t like something you can paint over it or try something else.
      It’s okay to change your mind! I guess, I’ll never be one of those ” serious ” artists. 😉 Happy Painting! xo Deb

  9. Irene Dutken says:

    Thank You this the best instruction/description I have read I wanted to be an artist long ago but life always got in the way. The best beautiful painting luv Irene

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Winter Warmers


Winter Warmer # 1 First Snow

Dear Sisters,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Phew! We made it through another one. Do you ever feel like that after Christmas? I’ll admit the older I get the more I seem to look forward to the days and nights that follow the holiday season more that I do the actual holidays themselves. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy loving-up on my family at Christmas time with delicious food and fun gifts to surprise and delight them, but, at the same time, my winter self craves quiet and solitude. Today I’m sharing some of my favorite winter warmers to set the mood. Continue reading

  1. Carol says:

    very warming! Actually, for Christmas my husband and I were able to buy a nice electric fireplace that we mainly are using just for the light as we heat with wood. There is something special about a fireplace, isn’t there?

  2. Laura R. says:

    Hi Deb! I had to laugh when I read your post because this year my new favorite thing is my battery operated candles. I have them with a timer, so they come on 5ish and go off around 10pm. I just love them !! And since last year, I also have my faux fireplace that I also love, it makes the room warm and cozy. When I was younger, I would have judged these gems as ‘fake and phony’ but now, I just think they are great ! And safe too :)))
    Thanks for sharing!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      I agree… I used to think so too but now, I think the ” faux ” fire place is charming… And our 19 year old daughter agrees so I guess its’ not too old fogy after all. 🙂

  3. Victoria Thompson says:

    I have to add turning of regular lights and just having tree and mantle lights adds ambience to the season for me. Also hand-made quilts and knitted or crocheted throws to snuggle under while watching Christmas shows is another “layer” for winter nesting.

  4. bonnie ellis says:

    Minnesota can be really cold too. I love wild rice soup. Yum…just the sound of it warms me up. Of course putting on a quilt and sitting down to sew helps too. Happy winter!

  5. Maggie Morrison says:

    You are a very sweet woman and I always take comfort from your posts. Happy New Year to you and your Yankee.

  6. Marilyn says:

    I love to stay in bed and read my magazines and books. It is a good way to catch up on my reading. Preparing for the holidays can be time consuming and reading tends to get neglected. Tea and ht cocoa are the best remedies to stay warm and cozy. Wishing you and yours a blessed ,healthy and happy 2017.
    Marilyn and family

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Marilyn!
      Oh, I love to stay in bed and read too… especially after the holidays when I don’t want to do a thing but rest and pamper myself with chocolate and lots of sleep. Happy New Year! Deb

  7. Joan Marie Brown says:

    Happy New Year y’all,
    Hope everyone can stay warm and cozy as winter settles in, especially in New England. I’m actually heading for Cape May, NJ tomorrow – as it should be 54 degrees for a day. I dug up my raspberry plants from our PA garden in November, and they have been sitting in the garage for 2 months – they need to be in the ground soon! I’ll cover their new garden home with tar paper and shingles to keep the roots safe, I hope! Our summer home IS below the Mason Dixon line; so I’ll hope for the best next spring. Thanks for your cheery column/blog Deb.

  8. marge hofknecht says:

    Deb, Thank you for sharing your wintry faves. I think mine are walking out on our property here in TN after the first snow (if we get a real snowfall!!) and just taking it all in — the clean smell to the air, the sight of a fresh layer of untouched whiteness, watching Maggie, our dog, make doggie footprint lines all over that fresh layer, seeing her smiling and happy. Then I love to come inside, put on some water to enjoy a cup of instant hot chocolate (I get lazy sometimes!), find my book of Dickens’ Christmas stories (he wrote several), and enjoy the peacefulness of the season of Winter.

  9. Bobbie Calgaro says:

    We just got an unusual 7 inches of snow here in NC and I couldn’t agree with your winter warmers more. Being a Yankee girl, I miss my snow and this is a treat! But tonite’s food treat is tortellini and we must make some chocolate chip cookies. To have with cocoa later. Stay warm and enjoy!

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Milk Glass and Mums

2016-11-026 resize edit

Seatons Ruby Chrysanthemum paired with Fenton Milk Glass Hobnail Vase.

Dear sisters,

My oh my how I’ve missed you! I hope you’ve all had a wonderfully satisfying fall and a Happy Thanksgiving! I’m so sorry to keep you all waiting to see who won my one year subscription giveaway to the best darned magazine in the world, aka MaryJanesFarm Magazine. Continue reading

  1. Pat Gudowski says:

    Those are just beautiful. I just recently started planting mums again for some late summer & fall color. I prefer the tall varieties most, but like them all. I had repoted my plants in large pots & tucked them under the eves for winter with some dry leaves around them for protection & they all survived & bloomed for me this year. But I did put a few new ones in the ground & may leave them where they are with dry leaves arount to insulated them but they do need drainage…I live in the Pacific NW, Wa.

  2. Bobbie Calgaro says:

    I also love mums and they are one of the flowers I can grow without killing. We had several baskets of them for my dads funeral 2 years ago. I brought them home to NC from PA and I have been growing them ever since. Nice reminder of my dad and his favorite flower! After seeing these I will plant more!

  3. Marilyn says:

    Those flowers are gorgeous. The Milk Glass are so lovely. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Healthy,Happy New Year.

  4. Vivian Monroe says:

    Beautiful Deb, I love my Sheffield pink mums. they look like daisys, pink white with yellow center. Your mums are gorgeous. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a very Blessed new year. Neta.

  5. Joan says:

    Simply SPECTACULAR!!!! thanks for all the great info and pic’s. God bless.

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Autumn Magic ( and a GIVEAWAY )

2016-09-019 resize edit

It must be September. The goldenrod is in bloom!

Dear Sisters,

Happy Fall!  I just love this time of year, don’t you? After all, what’s not to love about no humidity, cool, crisp air, the turning of the leaves and for us beach farmgirls, that also means less crowds on the shorelines. Why it’s almost as refreshing as spring except that instead of chomping at the bit to get outside, the urge to turn inwards is beginning to take over. Are you feeling the magic of Autumn, too? Continue reading

  1. Stacey Mitchell says:

    The magic of the leaves turning.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Fall is my favorite time of year, so it’s difficult for me to pick just one thing. I love raking leaves, the fall smells, and the colors of fall; long walks in the cool air and the wonderful cozy feeling of coming home.

  3. Mary Rauch says:

    You ask what is most magical about Autumn…For me it is a toss up between the colors and the smell in the air that just send me into dreamland. I could perch on a boulder and relax and reflect all afternoon by myself and be perfectly entertained.
    Absolutely my favorite season here in Ohio.
    It would appreciate your gift of a subscription to Mary Janes Farm.

  4. Krista says:

    Your switch into autumn is simply perfect! Oh how I wish I could experience the switch to autumn from a beach perspective. Even the fog looks fascinating. I would also love to haze a few blue and white pumpkins for my decorations. Here we mainly have orange pumpkins and then “ugly” pumpkins. They have many bumps and twists and turns. The uglier the pumkin the more it’s desired! I would have to say the most magical thing about autumn for me would be how the weather brings the family together. We always have more family parties with yummy smells and delicious food! I wouldn’t change this time year and I’m excited to share it for the first time with my son.

  5. Claudette says:

    My husband and I’s favorite season is fall! Next is spring. We both love the blustery weather, having a fire, and just settling in with our 6 cats. Yep 6!
    Thank you for the giveaway!!!!

  6. Joanna T. says:

    The most magical thing about autumn is the whimsical colors of the trees! As a landscape photographer, it’s my favorite time of year to capture nature’s beauty, and she definitely puts on a show!

  7. Fall memories…….spending the day with a dear friend at a great country sale or herb festival…..bringing home lovely and lasting memories of a time long ago…missing my dear friend and kindred spirit….RIP Vickie ……

  8. Sharee says:

    The crisp air!

  9. Sandy Minnich says:

    Autumn is so beautiful, I look forward to the cooler temps and the changes in color. The countryside is so gorgeous.

  10. Teri says:

    I love the colors, smells and feeling in the air. The fall harvest of apples and pumpkins. Especially like apple cider and apple cider donuts. 🙂

  11. The warm autumn sun basking on the vibrant colored leaves,& the crunch of leaves beneath ur shoes as u walking enjoying it all.

  12. The warm autumn sun basking on the vibrant colored leaves, the crunch beneath your feet, soaking it all in.

  13. Kathy Beachy says:

    I love fall. All of fall is magical for me. Red, yellow & orange leaves, drifting all around. Like fairies dancing in the wind.
    I clean up all those house plants that have spent their long summer playing outside. I re-pot those that had a seasonal growth spurt.
    My chickens are all beginning to loose their pretty thick feathers (why do they loose their feathers just when they need them most?).
    I’ve bedded down my garden with a thick covering of compost and leave it to dream of next year’s new garden.
    But mostly I can’t wait for quilty nights, thick socks, and nice warm fires in the wood stove.

  14. Nancy Couden says:

    Let’s call it Harvest season–because that is what I see with the farmers busy in their fields and the last hurrah for our gardens and fruit trees.

  15. Cheryl OMara says:

    What I find the most magical about autumn to me is the falling leaves. I love to walk through a shower of leaves falling off the trees in our woods. This experience only lasts a day or two out of the year. It’s so calm and peaceful.

  16. Rose Ann wong says:

    The most magical thing about Fall is the scents – the woodsy smell of the piles of raked leaves, of a Bon fire on a crisp Fall night, of cinnamon laced treats wafting from a kitchen, and the aromas of comfort foods baked in the oven like roasts, pies, squash, and pot pies.

  17. Missy says:

    I love Autumn so much I named my daughter (now 35yrs old) Autumn! What I love most about this season is…..everything.

  18. Sheena Dorak says:

    Aside from the smells and the colors, the most magical part of autumn to me is that it is the time of year when my imagination really kicks into gear. The atmosphere seems to carry a lot of spirits in the fall.

  19. Marjorie Klein says:

    I love the crisp cool air and the gorgeous colors. It is my favorite time for hiking and the bonus is no mosquitos or deer flies.

  20. Judy McI says:

    Taking the time to take a day long road trip through the White Mountains in NH, just to soak in Mother Earth in her glory…of course packing a picnic of fresh locally grown apples with a block of cheddar, having a cup of apple cider and finishing off the feast with apple cider donuts adds the finishing touch to the fall adventure.

  21. First your pictures are fantastic which takes me to the most amazing thing about fall, the color that fills the air, it’s simply the best. Cooler temperatures for us down south is also wonderful – we’re finally in the 80’s – Yep that’s a cold front I can wear jeans again.. Have a great weekend Deb Enjoyed!!

  22. Sue says:

    Today my answer to your question about my favorite part of Fall is COOL weather. It finally came today and it makes me happy!

  23. Jinx Taylor says:

    Fall is my most beloved season and I cannot think of one thing about it that doesn’t bring me joy. If I had to chose the most special thing it would be driving on the Blue Ridge Parkway in N.C. when the leaves have changed color and having them falling over the road and floating in the air. It feels magicical and always makes me happy.

  24. The air is filled with magic. The Harvest moon rising in the Nevada sky.

  25. Doris says:

    Autumn is my favorite time of year. I love all the smells (pumpkin spice, apple,etc), the cool temps and beautiful colors. I love going to the pumpkin patch and apple orchard with the grands and great-grands. I feel fulfilled and ready to hibernate for the winter months, well for a short time anyways before I start enjoying all things winter 🙂

  26. Tracy says:

    I love the gorgeous colors of the mums in my Fall garden!

  27. Diana says:

    Autumn is nesting, gathering and coming back inside our homes after being outside all summer. I love the fall season

  28. Cathleen says:

    Iam such a coastal farmgirl……now to dream my own home, near the big waters, with lots of trees around my house……garden growing abundant. Love the tip on the Montauk Daisies!!!!

    Apple Cider Puckers!!!

  29. Cheryl Smith says:

    I love when the nights are getting colder, but the days are still warm enough for short sleeves. Cleaning the last of the garden, transplanting, removing the things that need to be stored for winter. Collecting apples for pies & sauce. Getting more accomplished with this warmer than normal fall.

  30. Sandi says:

    Hello Deb! Your seaside pics are wonderful and I agree, living at the beach in Autumn is magical (mostly due to the crowds gone!) I love the Montauk Daisies! I wonder if other parts of the country have them? This season is so special to me as I was born under the glory of fall and am drawn to all the colors of the season and the low lights of campfires, indoor fires and candles. It truly marks the beginning of the season of lights. My home is full of the smell of ‘Sweet Annie’ one of my very favorite seasonal plants. Do you grow it? Until the next visit….happy fall y’all!

  31. Sara says:

    Autumn Magic comes at a time when tree leaves explode into spicy colors of cinnamon, pumpkin, and squash in crisp air to breathe in. Time to cozy up to burning bonfires with hot cider drinks and s’mores.

  32. CJ Armstrong says:

    Oh, the magic of cooler temps, the smells of fall, the changing colors . . .it’s my favorite season.
    I need some of the white and blue pumpkins to go with my beach-y decorations! I have lots of shells, sand samples from different beaches I’ve been on and lots of framed photographs of beach scenes that I’ve taken. I live in southwest Colorado and no seaside retreats here!
    Thanks for sharing!

  33. Marion says:

    Fall is the best season with its beautiful ,vibrant colors. Thanks for the giveaway.

  34. Joan says:

    I love the Fall season. The air is crisp, and cool,good curling up with a good book weather. Thank you or this giveaway.

  35. Marilyn says:

    Fall is so refreshing with the comfortable days and cool nights. It seems nature just busts out with its beautiful colors. Thank you for this generous giveaway.

  36. Reba says:

    I love the view of the mountain from my front porch while sitting with a cup of coffee and wrapped up in a quilt. You can watch the leaves change into such vibrant colors that reflect in the sunlight!! It is amazing!!

  37. Jennifer says:

    I love going on long drives through the mountains and looking at the beautiful colorful leaves.

  38. Jessica says:

    Leaves turning and hand knit scarves with soft flannel.

  39. Sharon Elaine says:

    Apart from October being my birthday month – presents please – I love sweaters, shawls, throws, bonfires, canning apples, football, colored leaves, pumpkins, gourds and mums.

  40. Carol says:

    The best part about fall is the smells. We don’t get much of the weather and leaves and other indicators in Florida, but in my mind and in my home, I can bring in the smells of fall. The pine needles, leaves, spices, camp fires all create a sense of “aaahh.”

  41. Penny Ray says:


  42. Daizy says:

    Hay there,

    I suppose the most magical thing about fall is the amazing colors, and the subtle nip in the air. Its like a cool crisp quilt that our Creator has tossed on to the landscape. The aroma of each season is so different and autumn is unique and earthy and yet robust and light. I, too, feel the need to nest at the slightest hint of fall. Love your writing….keep ’em coming!

    Hugs and prayers,
    Daizy #1093
    Poor House Farm Girl

  43. Lisa Rollins says:

    The aromas of autumn are so pleasing and homey feeling. A fire in the woodstove, soups and stews simmering on the back of the stove, Apple crisp and pumpkin bread in the oven. The crisp breath of fresh air in the morning. The smell of decaying leaves in the evening. Autumn is all about the aromas for me.

  44. Gwen says:

    Everything looks so cozy! Thanks for helping us get in the Fall spirit!

  45. Cathy R says:

    I adore all things fall! Cool weather, geese flying south, the awesome colors and evening fires in the fire pit with marshmallow roasting of course! LOVE your pictures and post! Thanks for the giveaway! Fall blessings to you!!!

  46. My favorite day of autumn is always the day that our family including the dog goes apple picking to an orchard in Indiana. It is the one day of the year when I feel like a real farm girl as I climb trees, pick fruit and sit on a hay bale on a horse drawn wagon. I have a scrapbook of photos of apple picking over the years showing the kids getting older and the dog getting fatter. The promise of a bubbly home baked apple pie (mine) and sweet stove top simmered apple sauce (my husband’s) makes the ride home as ripe with excitement as the ripe apples we are toting home. We have gone apple picking on sunny seventy degree days when we wear tee shirts and in freezing forty degree days when we are in parkas. No matter what the weather I am farm girl happy that magical day in autumn.

  47. Judy says:

    Autumn is here. My birthday is over for another year. Warm, lower sun; a crunch underfoot; scent of burning leaves in my nose. Yup. It’s transition and a cup
    Of fresh pressed cider helps me make it

  48. Judy says:

    Autumn has a feel to it like warm apple cider or logs burning invitingly.
    Just a walk down the path tells you
    Autumn also has a feel to it- the crunch of leaves underfoot. Memories of Shay once was green and soft underfoot.
    Then there is the Autumn moon that
    brings scents to our centers- blackberries ripe for picking and burning leaf piled that invite us to folllow them with our sticks and marshmallows.
    Autumn is ours for the feeling.

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Dahlia Days Are Here!

2016-08-09 14.21.55 edit

First farm bouquets of the season with dahlias, zinnias, cleome, variegated scented geranium and foraged queen annes lace.

Dear Sisters,

They’re here! They’re here!  F.I.N.A.L.L.Y.  Dahlia days are here! Thank goodness, because I’ve got a wedding to do! I’ve been watering, feeding and sweating my fool head off to keep the flowers going in this heat and it’s been worth every drop! Come stroll through the dahlia patch and get a glimpse of my first wedding of the season.

Continue reading

  1. Mary Rauch says:

    I’m sure it must be a big job to take and edit all these great photos and write such interesting informative articles,….but….it sure is a great TREAT for me/us to be able to view and listen to what you have to say. I’ve already viewed this piece on the dahlias 2 times. Feel sure I will be back. Just fascinating…beautiful…great… I don’t know how you can keep the “faces” of your flowers unblemished? The bugs in my area (Ohio) just go crazy for the dahlias. Again, thank you, thank you, for the joy you share with us!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Mary!
      How nice to return to my blog and find your note. Thank you for your kind words. I’m so happy you enjoyed this piece on dahlias. As far as those bugs go, I spray them regularly with a product called Captain Jacks. It’s a great preventative. If I see one earwig or beetle that chews, I’m out there spraying away. I just can’t afford to let the bugs take over and ruin all my hard work! 🙂 I do have a few with blemishes so it’s not perfect, but what garden is, right? Happy Gardening! Deb

  2. Krista says:

    Your flowers are beautiful! I can only imagine how heartwarming it is to grow your flowers into such beauties and see them used, enjoyed, and loved in a wedding! There is nothing better than fresh flowers from the garden. I wish I lived closer and could have some of those flowers for my kitchen table! I love your post, it’s such an inspiration for small businesses!

  3. Very Pretty flower conditioning in the home brings back memories. If you would like to know what I did for a inexpensive cooler send me a message when you get a chance. The wedding flowers are beautiful – I think you’ve found your nitch.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Carole,
      Great to hear from you here! I knew you would appreciate this post. 🙂 Blessings to you and all of your creative endeavors!

  4. Brenda Towsley says:

    How wonderful! My blooms this time of year are many different colors of summer phlox. My oldest daughter just got married a couple of weeks ago at the Justice of Peace so her Australian could stay here in the states. New will be having a wedding in our yard next year end of August. Will Dalias grow in sandy soil? Because it sounds like a later bloomer that would help our boarder when so much of my blooms are starting to fade. Your bouquets were beautiful!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Dahlias need a soil rich in organic matter. If you can get a couple raised beds in I recommend growing them that way. You can order in a horticultural mix from a landscape supply company. Same soil mixture as if you were planting veggies. They’ll love it! How exciting… a backyard wedding… Love it!
      Happy September, Brenda! Deb

      • Brenda Towsley says:

        Yes it will be the second one we have held in our back yard. 3 daughters. This one may be a little higher maintainance that the last one. Wish you were closer I would sure love to use your blooms! Have a great fall. Will be coming your way in a weeks time, best friend and I driving from Michigan to Rhode Island to visit her daughter. Yeah girlfriend road trip!

  5. Laura R. says:

    Gorgeous flowers !! And such great wedding memories, that is something to be proud of! How rewarding :))))))))))))))

  6. Bonnie Elllis says:

    Well done farmgirl! The flowers are beautiful and you are really filling a need. The wedding pictures are awesome (almost makes me want to have another wedding. Ours was 54 years ago in March) I love hearing what you are up to and seeing the beautiful flowers you grow. Thanks.

  7. Marilyn says:

    Your dahlias are beautiful. Anna is a lovely bride. Thank you for sharing this post. Quite enjoyable.

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Selfish Summer Joys


Pink chair in the chicken garden.

Dear Sisters,

Boy howdy, has it been hot here on the shorelines. Not only has it been hot and humid, but we’re lacking in rainfall, too. About 8 inches below normal according to the weather reports. Meanwhile, the rest of the world seems to be going bonkers. I’m doing my best to wrap my farmgirl brain around all the senseless violence centered around racial tension in our country right now and what may be the most unbelievable political campaign I’ve witnessed so far in my 54 years on earth. If I’m being honest, I’d like to stick my head in the sand until it all goes away but farmgirls don’t quit when the goin’ gets tough. In fact, it’s the tough times that spur us on to help others and to BE better to others. So in true farmgirl fashion I’m doing what I do best to shed some light on some of the darkness that we’re all living through. Come on in for a glimpse of my Selfish Summer Joys! Continue reading

  1. Linda Bethune says:

    Thank you for writing this post. In all honesty, I don’t find much time to read blogs, but today, I stopped by, and I’m glad I did. Like you, I’m weary of the news, and it seems it can’t be avoided, no matter where you let your eyes roam, we are bombarded. I, for one, needed this respite. I’m sure others do, too. Thank you, and Happy Summer.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Howdy, Linda. Well, I’m glad you stopped by and enjoyed the respite…My work here is done. 🙂 Blessings to your and Happy Summer!

  2. Krista says:

    The news and social media are completely filled with negative and overwhelming things right now. It’s wonderful to walk away and be selfish and enjoy the many summer blessing rather than dwell on what’s going on around us. My summer joys so far have been: going swimming with my family, pushing my son in his swing in the late late afternoons, collecting vegetables from my garden, spending time with a really good friend having play dates, and going on vacations! Thank you for the tasty citrus water recipes and reminding me to continue my selfish summer joys.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Howdy Krista! Thanks so much for stopping by to share your selfish summer joys…Sounds perfect! Hugs, Deb

  3. Marilyn says:

    Thanks for the post. Hopefully the weather will get better and you are rigth, we need rain. Enjoy the remaining Summer.

  4. Nicole Christensen says:

    Hi Deb! Fun! Fun! Fun! Oh my goodness that vintage red and white car makes my heart skip a beat! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole (Suburban Farmgirl)

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hey Nicole! Well, that vintage wagon matches your bike!!! 😉 I can see it strapped to the back!

  5. Denise Ross says:

    So lovely to read your happy post, Deb. I’m in Australia, so we’re in winter here. But I’m enjoying life with unexpected family visits, coffee with friends and some glorious sunshine and reading.
    Have a blessed rest of your summer

  6. bonita says:

    Thanks for your stories. I’m at a low point in life and these gave me a little something else to think about. I love all things MaryJane !!!!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Howdy Bonita! Well, we aim to please! I’m sorry you’re going through a rough patch. Look up and step high along the way and before you know it you’ll be out in the clear again!
      Farmgirl Hugs!

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