And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free, and I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me and I’ll proudly stand next to him to defend her still today, ‘cuz there ain’t no doubt I love this land, god bless the USA. – Lee Greenwood
One thing there’s no shortage of in America’s Hometown is our beloved Old Glory. She flies proudly, waving her stars and stripes against the sky, rain or shine in the front yards of local residents, adorning town buildings, and on the gravestones of Veteran’s who sacrificed their lives for our continued freedom.
Many New Englander’s raise the American Flag daily, not just on patriotic holidays. After living here for ten years it has recently occurred to me that the American Flag has become part of my “daily landscape” much like the wide open space and sage covered hills used to be back in Nevada. Maybe it’s my age, (I’ll be a half a century this year, YIKES ) but I just feel more patriotic, humbled and proud to be an American born citizen. I’m grateful for the good life and blessings I have had because of it. I can’t get through an entire rendition of The Star Spangled Banner without getting misty eyed. Can you? How does your town celebrate Memorial Day? Historic downtown Plymouth always has a Memorial Day Parade. Our son has marched in it a time or two with his Scout troop, but for our family it’s tradition to spend Memorial Weekend at our cottage and that’s where we’re headed!
Betty’s Hydrangea’s are the of envy us all! They love the salt air and sandy soil.
We’ll be kicking off the line up of summer events and fundraisers starting with the annual Fishing Tournament on May 31st, followed by the opening of the beach pot luck in June. We do a mean fish fry, beach run and our own (30 plus years running ) 4th of July Parade right on the beach! We even have a resident Uncle Sam, but I’m keeping him under my patriotic top hat until the 4th!
( photo from last year’s stormy Memorial Day )
We may not have hot running water in the cottage but we’ve got a flag pole and an American Flag! It’s our way ( and everyone else’s) of letting folks know, we’re home for the weekend!
Late Spring is a beautiful time of year in our beach community and I’ve been waiting patiently to share some of our beach blossoms with you! Right now, the wild beach roses are in bloom.
I wish you could smell them! Their scent is intoxicating! They’ll be putting on quite a show until about mid June.
The Native Beach Plum and
Wild Cherry are flowering too!
The Lilacs were stunning this year.
I am in awe of this great landscape we are surrounded by near the sea. I hope you were awed too!
If you’re looking to pump up the patriotism around your house this book is a must for your book shelf! The American Patriot’s Almanac Daily Readings on America by William J, Bennet and John T.E. Cribb is filled to the brim with interesting facts on past Presidents, Flag etiquette and The National Flower too! Did you know George Washington bred them and named a variety after his mother? The White House has a famous garden full of them and it’s America’s favorite flower. Have you guessed it yet?
The Rose!
I wish you a fun “FARMGIRL” Memorial Day weekend with those you hold dear as we all remember the self- sacrificing and courageous men and women who have served our great nation so we can live FREE.
God Bless America!
Tell us! How will you celebrate and who will you be remembering this Memorial Day?
Until our next shoreline visit~
Beach Blessings to all!
Love, Deb
I like the sea side roses, I’ve planted many here in GA. God Bless our soldiers who have gone before us and those who fight for our freedom everyday. Thank you
My flag hangs year round.
I’ll celebrate my Birthday…with family and friends.
Love this post. Wish more people felt this way. Enjoy celebrating Memorial Day week end.
Just finished pruning the roses in Napa, CA and came in to find your wonderful post! So glad you are enjoying some beautiful flowers and the wonderful scents that go with them! I’ll be thinking of you all this weekend enjoying life by the sea. We are heading to Nevada to spend time with family and friends.
GOD Bless the United States of America!!!!!
Thank you for the beautiful views of the beach area and the reminder that having the privilege of living in the USA should NEVER be forgotten that it is a PRIVILEGE and HONOR and that we must HONOR those who have and still do save our privileges.
Happy Memorial Day
God Bless
Debbie: Your beach is wonderful! I love New England. I have been there and seen the flags. Wonderful blog….Let us remember the brave so we could be free. God bless, Bonnie
Great post! A flag flies daily at my house. My hubby served 9 years in the army, and Memorial Day was always big for him. He always did something special at church, always recognized the men and women who had served in our church, and always a BBQ. Hope you have a grand weekend!
Those are lovely, lovely flowers and even lovlier sentiments. I’m so glad I’m not the only misty-eyed one out here!
Hi fellow Patriot! We will be spending the weekend here at home on our farm. The weekend has even more meaning to us as it is our daughters’ birthday as well! We would love to be at the beach but that will have to wait just a couple more weeks when we head to NC. Have a blessed Memorial Day and enjoy your family! We are thankful beyond words for those who protect our country……..
Hi Beach Farm Girl,
I love your pics and yes, I too get misty eyed when I hear the Star Spangled Banner. I do wish more people would stand at attention with their right hand over their heart when we are playing our National Anthem at events, don’t you?
Cindy Bee
Wonderful article…I always love your seaside pictures. It makes me miss the ocean!
Oh, sitting here drinking my Green Mountain Blueberry Coffee and reading your blog….I’m there. We live 1 hour from the ocean….after the mountains, the ocean is my favorite place to be. While reading this, I was smelling those roses, feeling the sand on my feet, and those beautiful waves, and yes I’m so proud to be an American. My father, almost 94, served and was wounded in WWII,raised us to be patriotic…that flag is flying high and proud!!
Oh the wild roses!! We’re musch further behind you especially this year which has been a cold, wet spring. But, the fruit crop this year ought to be very good because he didn’t hae a late freeze.
Love the photos Deb. Your beach cottage is such a place of contentment…obviously.
For Memorial Day, I plant flowers in two large pots at the town Memorial wall. I started that 4 years ago when the Memorial was built. Another farmgirl friend made a large, beautiful wreath that is mounted on a stand for the center of the memorial wall. My dad is a veteran and he puts up flags all over town for patriotic holidays.
Thank you for such a nice blog entry — it has all the right elements for the holiday of rememberance. Shery
God bless the USA!
Hi Deb,
Just been reading some of your past posts,not having been to MaryJanes’ for awhile….on your antiquing…I love to collect old postcards. I seem to gravitate to the ones of old churches, gardens, and farmlands. My collection is growing. There are many other antiques I love also, but have limited space so the postcards are perfect. I do hope to do some collage art with them sometime.
Our Memorial day is a quiet one, as we are getting our camper ready to go north in Maine in another week. I have no military people in my family, but pray for those who do. I do have, however, many family members already passed on, so I think of them. I have just spent days taking care of my small grandchildren…lots of fun, but exhausting.
I hope you are having wonderful celebrations with your family this weekend…and note your birthday, being 50..well, to my eyes you don’t look a day over 40…its only a number!
till next time….nonnameme (grandma in Italian & French!)
Hi Deb,
I cannot access your Dandilion Blog…no matter where I look for it..the page changes over to moving to Maui…and blog not found for yours..what’s up? I’m glad I remembered your a Beach Farm Girl, and looked you up that way…I blogged about not being able to locate you too, hoping somebody else may contact you until I found a way…thought you may want to know…