Dear Sisters,
Happy November from the shorelines! Fall sure is a busy time of year isn’t it? Nesting season hits hard and before you know it you’re in a fall fury trying to get everything done inside and out before Old Man Winter arrives. Thank goodness there are so many wonderful distractions to help us slow down and enjoy the abundance of harvest season. Fall festivals, apple picking, pumpkin patches and corn mazes call us back to the farm and if you’re lucky enough to live in a hot-spot like New England, leaf-peeping is always a must! Get ready. We’re on fire this year!
October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came,—
The Ashes, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The sunshine spread a carpet,
And every thing was grand;
Miss Weather led the dancing;
Professor Wind, the band….
The sight was like a rainbow
New-fallen from the sky….
~George Cooper (1840–1927), “October’s Party,” c.1887
The change of color sure took its sweet time getting here, but when it finally arrived it was magical. Everywhere you look trees, shrubs, even underbrush on the shoulders of the road are ablaze with the rich, warm shades of Autumn.

My mom with a handful of leaves, ooh-ING and awe-ING about the view out yonder.
My sweet mom and I always go leaf-peeping together. We are both nutty about fall! We really need a bumper sticker that says ” We brake for fall leaves ” because we’ve been known to come to a screeching halt in the middle of traffic if we think there might be some good photo ops or leaf gathering to be had.

That color! Those leaves! That reflection! Stop already!



We love to bring leaves inside to enjoy and marvel at. Over the years my mom has incorporated many a fall leaf into artwork for her home. Pressed leaves in books became wall art and inspiration for future projects. Now that she lives with us I get to see her at work when she creates with leaves.

The best inspiration comes from nature.
These days she’s painting them just for fun! I love this leaf study of 4 she painted. They are all so different!
On one of our outings we caught up with my handsome Yankee and some of our family who were visiting from Reno, Nevada, out at the cottage.

My Aunt Karen and Uncle Ray.
We were so grateful to have some people from home to share this beautiful autumn in New England with. It sure helped us get over our annual bout of homesickness, which for some reason comes with a vengeance in the fall. Even though I feel perfectly at home and happily transplanted here my western roots still live and breath inside of me.

My handsome red-head!
We walked the narrow grass paths which were covered in leaves. All was quiet except for the crunching beneath our feet as we moved along. Click here for crunching leaves video.

My handsome Yankee without his ‘red wig’ and his beach farmgirl.
And that concludes the fall fury tour, sisters!
Have you gotten out and had your fill of fall too? I’d love to hear about it!
I hope you enjoyed the sights and sounds of our fiery fall in New England.
Until our next shoreline visit~
Beach Blessings and Much Love,
The Beach Farmgirl and sister # 1199
Absolutely breathtaking !!!! What a beautiful area! My wonderful husband and I happily married now. For 32 years!! Also from Reno!! Well although we lived in Sparks for the last 16 years ! We followed our COUNTRY DREAM ! And now live outside of Boise ! Idaho! On our 26 acre farm! Chickens,dogs! Cat! Goats and horses! Too! EIEiO ! We have been here two years now and go to Reno every couple of months for various reasons! Our grandson is at UNR! Miss it sometimes but we are WELL adjusted now and with only being 6hours away from Sparks, it’s ok! Pi don’t think we would ever move back! We have found such a different ! Country peaceful lifestyle here! You are also surrounded by such a different environment than Reno! toooo many people there now ! Anyway! beautiful photos! Soak up the gorgeous beauty that surrounds us noW!!! Your country sister,Cindy
Hi Cindy!
We lived in Sparks too off of Vista Lane for the last ten years before we moved east. Loved it but it’s a different world. The high dessert will always be a part of me… It’s where my ” wild spirit” and love of nature come from. But, New England and the ocean speak to a different part of my soul and I’m so grateful to know both worlds so intimately.
I agree, Reno has grown beyond belief, but it’s still a wonderful place to live, work and raise a family. So much recreation in the Sierra Mountains and Lake Tahoe to enjoy. But the disappearance of small family farms over the years have given way to huge development as you know. But, you an still see cows on McCarran Blvd when you drive by! Enjoy your new country life! Hugs!
I know exactly what you mean….I love the fall… The colors so vibrant and the smells of it strike you down if your driving. I wish thry had pull over sights ehere you coukd get out of your car judt fir a photograph…cant get amy photos when your driving! I love it when I see all four shades…
…red. Green. Crandberry and orange…that’s glorious! I wonder if we will see these same shades in heaven, because there’s no death there! It must be the artist in us that these colors make us so dizzy with euphoria and excitements. Or is it that I’m not getting enough vitamin. D as fall seems to bring on death as well as depression. For me. The colors of fall always excite my brain! Love it, and im going to collect some leaves!
Hi Susana,
Fall can bring on feelings of sadness for some people. My hubby suffers from SAD ( seasonal affect disorder) but he treats it with medication. I take a prescribed dose of Vitamin D every Saturday to keep my sunshine-y disposition from giving into gray moods too.
You can always have your levels checked at the Dr to see if you’re low. Enjoy the leaves Susana!
Oh my goodness, Deb. I cannot get over the gorgeous colors. This year I thought our colors in Tennessee were beautiful but they just don’t compare to the New England colors. I’ve got to see them someday.
Your pictures are just fantastic. I love the photo of your Mom – it is beautiful. And of you and your hubby!
Big hugs,
Well what are you waiting for? I know a great BnB by the sea in Plymouth! Grab Eldon( or Andrea) and come on up for a visit during peak leaf season sometime! We would love it!
I finally got happy about fall! 😉
Big hugs,
The beautiful trees is what New England and Minnesota have in common. The colors are outstanding. Your family is so nice, and what a cute hubby. The pictures are great. Thanks Deb.
Hi Bonnie! It has been a lovely fall here and I have to agree, my family IS nice! Ha! We are happy to share! Thanks for your note! xo Deb
These photos are breathtaking. The leaves in my neighborhood are not too colorful.
Hi Marilyn,
Well, I’m happy we could bring some fall color your way! Glad you enjoyed the tour. Thanks for your note.
I love the fall colors they remind me of jewels, God’s jewelry on the trees and sprinkled on our paths. Just beautiful. 🙂 Be BLessed and enjoy fall. Neta
Howdy Neta dear! YES! God’s pallet is amazing! Blessings to you and yours. Nice to hear from you!
Hi Deb, I too have enjoyed the show this year, here in NY. Just spectacular. Words can’t describe that rich colorful beauty. Congrats on taking some great pix of it!!!!
Hi Laura,
I’m glad you are getting all this fall color in your neck of the woods too!
These are such beautiful pictures! The changing of leaves seemed to be a bit behind here this year as well. Now that they have changed I just can’t seem to get enough! We recently took maternity pictures and the background was those beautiful colored leaves. I haven’t received the pictures back yet so I am not sure how they turned out.
Our old house had a large tree that would lose tons of leaves in the fall. I miss this so much. There is something so wonderful about spending time outside with the crisp weather raking up leaves and then letting your dogs crash through them! I feel that fall time brings many memories and bonding opportunities. Thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures of your fall fury.
Hi Krista,
Thank you. I’m so happy you enjoyed them. I felt the same way about not getting enough of the color this year! Maybe because I know what’s next! ( Bareness ) But that has it’s own beauty too! I agree, fall is a wonderful time for gathering and making new memories.
Thanks for your note!
xo Deb
Thanks again for a wonderful posting – love your pic’s!!! We don’t have a lot of different types of trees BUT what we do have have come out in all their glory, because we have not had snow yet. Every time we even look out the window, we shake our heads in wonder of what has happened in our own yard, never before have we had such beauty. God has shown us some of natures best. Love your Mom’s painted leaves, before reading the caption, I was totally captivated with their beauty, wondering what trees they came from, still they are beautiful. God Bless.
Hi Joan!
I’ll be sure to tell my mom how much you enjoyed her painted leaves. There are too many native deciduous trees in the New England Hard Forest to name here, but I believe her leaves are from the Sugar Maple trees that grow wild around the pond where we were leaf-peeping! Blessings to you too, Joan!
Spectacular. That sums it up this autumn. Flaming colors abound in Bucks County PA. thanks for those colorful photos from New England.