Summer 2015 has been perfect here in New England. Mother Nature granted us some great weather – perfect for a vacation! Recently, my dear friend Susan (you might recognize her as my “Chicken Guru”), invited us for a Farmgirl road trip, just us girls and the kiddos (our hubbies stayed home to work and pet/chicken sit). Since I’ve never been North past Boston, Massachusetts, I was especially excited to see another part of New England!
I’ve always gushed at how beautiful and picturesque Connecticut is – but Maine is absolutely breathtaking – truly stunning! Audrey and I marveled at the “Moose Crossing” signs seen frequently along the roadsides; however the only moose we caught a glimpse of on this trip was at the roadside rest stop!
Susan’s family vacation house is actually on Frye Island, Maine – a seasonal lake community.
The only way to access the island is by taking a ferry or boat across Sebago Lake! Once on shore, there’s the cutest little General Store, restaurant, and ice cream stand (which we visited frequently during the week).

On the ferry!

This is where the ferry docks during the day. It’s about a ten minute ride.
While there’s a beach for swimmers, we didn’t spend much time there since Susan has a pontoon boat. I’m so impressed with her boating skills. She was a great, safe captain! We spent much of the trip on the water. We’d get up, have breakfast, pack a cooler of lunch and water and take the boat out, not coming in until almost time for dinner. Maine is known for its lobsters, and lobster is priced reasonably there. I don’t eat seafood…I just don’t care for it. However, Susan got me to try lobster, and I admit, it was tasty!
The water of Sebago lake is crystal-clear blue. It was easy to see all the way to the bottom! We’d drive on the lake, swim, relax, and also do a bit of tubing – something I hadn’t tried since I was nineteen! The first time out on the tube, I couldn’t stop giggling – it was so much fun! We’d return at the end of the day, physically exhausted, but having had a blast!

This is my favorite picture from our trip – my daughter and I tubing!
I couldn’t get over the wild blueberries growing everywhere! I know gardeners that try their best to get blueberries to grow, but there the bushes grow as tall as trees. The berries were sweet and juicy!

The end of the marina by the water’s edge were blueberry bushes like I’ve never seen!

The Master Gardener in me couldn’t resist snapping photos of leaf galls!

Look at the ruffled edges of the leaves – so cool!
The only wildlife on the island are the ones who cross the lake when it’s frozen in the winter, like a few deer. Around the outside of the house, we found the tiniest little toads.
I loved seeing all the ducks onshore and in the water.

There’s nothin’ cuter than baby ducks!

A Maine Pirate!
One day the water was a little choppy, so we spent the day “on the mainland”, visiting the quaint, picturesque town of Naples, Maine.
There, we walked along the boardwalk, admiring the scenery and all of the wonderful shops, including a sweet shop and a surf shop. I was surprised at how the prices were so reasonable compared to tourist areas I’ve visited in other states.

Ugh! The mothers made the kids pose here. Notice the happy faces…
In one quaint and quirky little shop, I found the ultimate Farmgirl fashion: PINK, BLINGED COWGIRL BOOTS! Susan and her daughter saw them first, telling me they were “so me”. The shopkeeper said many people had tried to squash their feet in those boots. Well, I have strangely small feet, and the boots fit me like a glove! I felt like Farmgirl Cinderella! (Best of all, I got them for a song…she gave me 50% off!)! When not wearing them, they make adorable decor in my pink-themed sitting room!
At the lake house, there’s no cable TV or WI-FI, so we’d chat, read, knit, or play board games and cards. We all stayed up to midnight one night playing Uno. It was good, old-fashioned relaxing fun. Occasionally, we’d watch a DVD, but only after we all were too spent to do much else. Those are the best kinds of days!
On the lake, there’s a sandbar next to shore, where the water is only around five feet deep. We anchored the boat and spent our last day of the trip there. It was wonderful. We relaxed, swam, listened to music on the boat, and enjoyed every minute with our friends. Susan always makes me laugh. Girlfriends like that are the best!

How awesome is this? Anchored at the sandbar, we had to try it. We waded over for yummy, hot food!
Audrey and I drove back home to Connecticut the next day, our first long road trip together, just the two of us. We really enjoyed the scenic drive and the time together. Of all the places I’ve been, Maine’s definitely one of the most beautiful.
As for our trip, it was memorable. Fun times with friends in a breathtaking setting? A blessing! A week with four kids (three of them teenagers), enjoying being a kid, unplugged with no electronics? Priceless!
Until Next Time…Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Hi Nicole,
What a fun trip you had with the girls and kiddos…We’ve been as far north as Eastern Canada and we did take a long weekend in Bar Harbor once also. I’m glad you got out for some time on the water and those pink cowgirl boots are YOU!
Hi Deb! Thanks so much! I bet Canada is pretty, too! Isn’t being near the water amazing? So relaxing and beautiful. If I were you, I’d never want to leave that beach house of yours! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Hi Nicole,
I loved reading about your vacation. How special it must’ve been. I have always wanted to go to Maine. And, I do love seafood so I would be in heaven! 🙂 Your pictures are gorgeous and I agree – my favorite was you and Audrey tubing! The food boat looked kinda cool – what food did they offer? Great memories.. the kids will always remember it!
– Dori –
Hi Dori! Isn’t that food boat the COOLEST? I was surprised by what they offered…it was a full kitchen. Along with ice cold drinks, they had big, huge yummy hamburgers, cheese sandwiches, nachos, and cool specials, too. We used the tube to float the food back to the boat.
I loved the tubing, but boy, were my arms sore for days afterward! Tubing at nineteen is a lot different than at forty-three, ha ha! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
It sounds like everyone–even the teenagers–had a great time. I hope you have a chance to visit again soon.
Hi Adrienne! It was lovely! Everyone should honestly totally unplug every once in a while! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Maine is a beautiful state. A lot like Minnesota. I loved it there. And you are right, the blueberries are awesome. Great pictures. I am glad you had a good time.
Thanks, Bonnie! (Minnesota is one of the states I have on my “must visit” list. I know so many great people there)! Farmgirl Hugs, Niocle
Nicole, these are beautiful pictures! Makes me want to go there too! Love your boots and I am sending a skirt that will look perfect with them. I am so glad you and Audrey had some time to spend together on a trip like this. She is an age to really enjoy doing mother and daughter things. Do those tiny toads get any bigger?
Hi Momma! Thanks! Can’t wait to get the goody box. As for the tiny toads, ya know, I don’t really know if they get bigger. We assumed they were babies; I will see what I can find out. I remember finding similar ones at the farm as a kid, but I thought they were babies too. Love you! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Sounds like you had a great time! Thanks for a great blog with photographs of your vacation. I too like vacations where there is no TV available or constant radio/music playing. Unfortunately, I need wifi to keep in touch with work obligations. Glad you were able to get away to enjoy the nice summer and take a tour of Maine. By the way, I love Lobster Tail and Lobster Bisque. It is my mother’s favorite meal for her birthday and special occasions.
Love the photograph of those tiny frogs!!!
Hi Rose! If we HAD to have wi-fi, we could go to the Mainland, or on the island there was also a recreation center with wi-fi, but I had tied up anything I needed for the week, so I didn’t need to really worry too much. Being a vet, you must of course stay connected, but you also should unplug every once and awhile, even if it’s for a little bit. Can you believe how tiny those frogs were? They were all over the place, just so cute! Miss you, my friend. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Nicole, how much fun did yall have? I love Maine, my husband and I RV all over the US and Maine is one of my favorites. Love the blueberries, and LOVE the lobster rolls. 🙂 Glad you had a good time, we all need to take a week and play. Be BLessed Neta.
Hi Neta! Oh it was so much fun! I LOVE road trips! My hubby and I are still dreamin’ of that RV someday! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole PS Drop me a line if you are ever this way!
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much, Jennifer! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Hi Nicole! I loved reading about your trip to Maine. What a gorgeous place. I visited as a teenager with my parents but didn’t appreciate it then like I should have- so I think I need to go back someday! Thank you for sharing it with everyone!
Hi Meredith – Thank you! I understand about not appreciating the beauty especially nature when one is a teenager…I remember feeling bored at my dad’s weekend place in the country as a teen – but I wouldn’t want to ever leave now! You should come back to visit Maine someday. It is so beautiful! Thanks for commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Thank you for sharing your trip to Maine. I used to travel a lot but never got to Maine and now I feel that I’ve enjoyed a beautiful part of it. Love the boots too!!! God bless
Thanks, Joan! I am so glad you enjoyed this post! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Nicole, what a great vacation……..loved the scenery and everything seemed so peaceful and a great way to get away from the city……you really have a great friend in Susan. ………… by the way, loved the pink boots. I still have my cowboy boots but haven’t worn them in a long time.
Mary Ammerman
Hi Mary! Oh it was so wonderful! We really enjoyed seeing a state we had not been to before, and having such fun with great friends. Thanks for the compliment on my boots – aren’t they a hoot? They are so comfortable, too. Thanks for commenting! Take care, and Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole