Dear sisters,
Accomplished. Relieved. Satisfied. Useful. Happy. Tickled. Motivated. Inspired. Fulfilled. Refreshed. Relieved. Just a few words ( OK, more than a few) to describe how I felt AFTER our debut at the Farmers Market Last Week. Why was I so darned nervous anyway? Firsts are always a little nerve wracking aren’t they? I’m usually fine with diving in and trying new things so I’m not sure why I had such a severe case of the butterflies the week before our first day at the Farmers Market. So many questions ran through my head the prior week and the nightmares about running out of flowers to cut haunted me right up until my daughter and I put the last tag on bouquet # 22 in the wee hours or the morning on market day. Thank goodness for my daughter. She brought her sweet, talented calming self out to the cutting table and as soon as I saw how much fun she was having making bouquets too I knew it was going to be a great day! She spotted butterflies in the garden and told me they were bringing us good luck!
She has a simple, yet elegant way of putting flowers together, where I tend to stuff a little of this and that into the jar until it makes me smile. Once we got into a rhythm I finally started to relax and enjoy the process of just being outside together in the quiet, early morning hours preparing for what we hoped would be a fun day with friendly people surrounded by great food, music and plenty of mid-summer sunshine.
We started with 2 cases of 32 Oz Mason Jars for creating our Grab n Go bouquets and plenty of fresh-cut flowers.

Zinnias and dahlias.
It’s always best to cut your flowers before they are awash in sunlight or later in the evening after the sun goes down. They stand a better chance of avoiding shock which results in wilted flowers which may or may not recover.
There are so many colors and petal choices with dahlias. This year I was drawn to soothing rich, deep purples, soft, pale feminine pinks and peaches and warm sunny orange, reds and yellows.

The cutting table in the early morning shade.
We’re getting great feedback about our logo, and our crazy vintage sink display. It’s definitely stirring up some nostalgic memories for our customers. People bring up their grandmothers kitchens and gardens all day long.
Everyone has been very welcoming and genuinely happy to have us there with our backyard blooms!

My girl holding down the flower stand.
So far sales have been positive. We’ve done two markets in a row and each time we sold half of our inventory.
It’s not all about the earnings though. Us girls ( that’s my sweet mom, Joy next to Nicolette ) are having fun meeting the other vendors and seeing old friends there too. It’s ALL good!
Our favorite sale happened yesterday when a young girl all of 13 or 14 approached our booth. I thought for sure she had been sent over by her mother or father to purchase flowers. ( most folks stop by on the way out so they can carry the jars right to the car ). Turns out she had some birthday money she was itchin’ to spend on herself. We had 15 jars of mixed blooms and one beautiful bunch of about 10 deep purple gladiolus to choose from. She studied the flowers and settled on the gorgeous glads. I’ve learned a lot about being a vendor at the Farmers Market but the best lesson so far I learned from that very wise young lady. The earlier you start buying yourself flowers, the happier you’ll be! What are YOU waiting for? Go out and grab a bunch of local blooms! You’ll just feel better, I promise!
Here’s to the joys of summer!
Until our next shoreline visit~ Keep Blooming!
Beach Blessings and Much Love
Deb, the beach farmgirl
# 1199
Thank you for this post! Parts of Oregon are having a rough time with heat and forest fires right now and this post is like a breath of fresh air. Thank you!!!
Barb, I’ve been reading about the wild fires out west ( I remember them well.I’m a native Nevadan ). This is always a tough time of year for fires and all that smoke in the air with the high temps can leave you feeling parched for sure. Thanks so much for reading and for your note! I hope things settle down out your way soon.
There is so much to learn in this business of flower farming isn’t there? And I love the lesson you shared about the little girls. That is just so special. I think somedays I’ve learned so much in the flower garden. Patience, being the biggest lesson these days! 🙂
Love your flowers and your style.
Hugs from your flower farmer friend!
– Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –
You got that right, sister! I’m so enjoying this new journey and I can’t wait to see where it takes me. One of the best parts so far is the time my daughter and I are having together and having you to “talk flowers ” with!
Love YOUR flowers and style too!
Keep blooming!
So happy for you, Deb! The thought of that young girl picking out flowers for herself made me tear up. Can’t explain it but I’m pretty sure you get it. Thanks for sharing that.
Hi Raynita!
I DO get it… I was also so touched by her quiet but obviously very wise spirit. A friend of mine asked if I got a picture of her with the flowers but I was so caught up in the moment I didn’t even think about it. It’s a memory I will never forget. Hope your summer’s going great at the Lee Lodge! Hugs,
We are having a great summer. I think when we are too caught up in a moment to remember to take a picture, then we are truly living in the moment. Good for you. That’s why we are blessed with memories. The true kind.
Amen sister!!! 🙂 xo
I love your sink display. I sell honey products at a local market and I am always trying to cute up my booth. I have a lovely table my father made for me for old barn wood for the honey I sell, but this year I started selling soap, scrubs, etc and am still trying to find the perfect display for that. I also love your logo!
Thank you so much, Colette. Now you’ve got me brainstorming on YOUR display! Ha! I’m sure you come up with something only a clever farmgirl could think of!
Good luck with your Farm Season!
I’m so proud of you! The flowers and the arrangements are gorgeous, no to mention the three sellers. Congrats farmgirl’s!
Awe, Thank you Bonnie! You’re sweeet! xo Deb
Congratulations !! Everything looks stunning, and such great teamwork you have. I would definitely buy a bunch or two if I was there 😉
Thanks so much, Laura! We are having fun amongst the flowers an other venders… It’s a fun way to spend a summer day, for sure!
Thanks for reading,
Oh, Deb, it was so much fun at your market booth this morning. Saturday is my day for picking up flowers. I’ll have the one on the front row, in the picture of your sweet Mom and Nicolette, yupper that one right there with the purple Dahlia, oh shoot anyone of them is so special. Love everything about your display, of course the sink takes my heart. I don’t have many to pick this year, the hail storms were prolific so it is off to market I go.
Thanks for sharing your fun, lovely, spectacular flowers. God bless.
Hi Joan!
How I wish I could look up and see you coming my way to say hello and enjoy the blooms on market day! Blessings to you and yours my dear…
Stay cool!
So happy for you Deb. Your flowers look stunning. I love the combinations. Great soul lifter 🙂
Thank you so much, Denise… They sure do lift the spirits don’t they.
Yay! How fun! That was always my favorite part of the farmers mkt, was visiting and getting to know the other local vendors. I do miss it. I am so glad you are doing well with your flowers. I knew you would. They are just beautiful. God BLess you friend. Neta
Hi Deb!
Love the bouquets! How fun! Your daughter and mom are such pretty ladies! Oh, and your tags are beautiful!
Farmgirl Hugs,
Suburban Farmgirl
Deb, I always love your flowers. They make me smile and remember all the flowers my mom grew each summer in New York. Your dream just get coming to fruition more and more. You need to write a book about flowers and antiques. I would definitely look forward to reading it. Hope to visit your little shop again someday.
Lots of Hugs
Hi Merrilyn!
So great to hear from you here. You know, I’ve been thinking the same thing about a book… Great minds, right? You are sweet for mentioning it.
Glad you enjoyed the flowers… Say hi to Michelle for me too! xo Deb
Loved this. I used to live on Fox Island, WA and started a business called Little Fox Farm Herbs and Flowers. Before I had much of chance for success, we moved to Montana and bought a house with a postage stamp of shade for a yard. This year I planted a herb garden in a big pot filled with foam peanuts and enough soil that I can move in the sun. Perfect. In the meantime, I spent many years becoming a psychotherapist. Right about now, I miss those days amongst the herbs and flowers. Good luck on your business!
Hi Linda,
Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed and I’m happy to hear you are finding your ” roots ” again in your ” pot-filled” herb garden. GOOD for you! Thanks so much for reading.
Happy Growing!
Deb that sink is so appealing, I think I told you in your last blogpost. I’m glad you had a good time and your daughter looks just like you! Such fun! I’ll get up there someday! Sandi from across the Bay!
Hi Sandi,
Thanks so much. Hope to meet you someday soon! xo Deb