Okay, dear Friends, you have to click below to read this post because I can’t spill my secret right here for just anybody to see. It’s just for you….
(I typed out “gosh” instead of just leaving it at “G” because my daughter recently informed me that the G was for God, not gosh or goodness. And you might know…I was raised in the southern Baptist church and we don’t say “Oh My God” about anything because we don’t want to burn in hell. Instead, when our dreams are finally about to come true, we say “Oh my goodness!” “Oh my Gosh!” “Oh my Gah!” or “Hot Diggity Dog!”)
And, of course, I’m kidding about the burning in hell thing.
I’m pretty sure.
Anyway. That’s off topic. The subject is not about hell. It is heaven. Farm Heaven!!
So, let’s say there’s a certain City Farmgirl who has been SERIOUSLY dreaming about becoming a Country Farmgirl. And let’s just say that the certain City Farmgirl is about to pee in her pants because the dream is looking like it MIGHT JUST become a REALITY and soon!
And let’s add this: The certain Farmgirl we are mentioning might be making her big announcement here soon, but hates to mention anything outright right now because, well. It would be like her showing her cards in a poker game because negotiations are ongoing and you just never know who will Google your name and find out. You see, on the outside she’s all calm, cool, collected and acting like “whatever…really we’ll walk.” When, on the inside she might be so excited she’s about to pee in her pants! And on the outside, she’s all, “well, it certainly needs a lot of work,” but she had to turn her head so they wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes.
OMG! Y’all!

One way or another, I’ll know by my next post. I’ll either have exciting news to share or I’ll be seriously in need of some comfort from you. I’ll either be on Cloud 9 in Farm Heaven or totally bummed out.
But for today.
Why don’t we simply say that if a certain City Farmgirl were to become a Country Farmgirl and if, by chance, her farm in the country had barns and silos just waiting for inhabitants with feathers or fur. (OMG! Two barns! Two silos!)
What would that someone need to know? (And remember, she knows NOTHING.)
What would that someone need to be thinking about? (Because all she thinks about is the Farm Fantasy.)
How does someone learn all the stuff she needs to know to live on a real live farm?
What is the first farm animal she should consider? Chickens? Cows? Pigs? Horses? Ducks? Llamas?
And how many do you need?
And how in the world do you learn to take care of “said animals”?

How about this? What is the first piece of farm equipment one should consider? A tractor?
And what color should it be? (I’ve always thought John Deere green, but I hear that aren’t made anymore like they used to be.)
And does one actually need an ATV?
You see where I’m going with this? I need your help!
What is it that you learned the hard way? What is one piece of advice you’d give someone who knows nothing about farming?
I have to tell you this. I told you in my last post that I started dreaming of a horse when a friend put up a picture of a Gypsy Horse on Facebook. I probably won’t ever have a Gypsy Horse because they are just too expensive, but I am married to a Wonderful and Handsome Wanna-Be Cowboy. He is even more “citified” than me, yet he dreams of saddling up and riding into the wild blue yonder. And he sings John Denver songs. So there is no doubt that a horse is in our future….if…..well…you know. So my daughter and I have a horseback riding lesson tomorrow. YeeHaw!
Oh lordy me, I’m about to die.
(By the way, this is an acceptable use of the lord’s name in the south. Don’t ask me why. Maybe it’s not really THE Actual Lord we are referring to. Maybe it’s just a lord, you know, like a big landowner?)
(And hey, maybe I should tell you about the “I’m about to die” part. My not-from-the-south Hubby still thinks that is a weird thing for us southerners to say. I guess you’d think being “about to die” would mean a bad thing, but it doesn’t. It’s really just means a DRAMATIC thing. Here, you see, I’m about to die with excitement and anticipation. Drama. Not bad.)
Send some Farm Vibrations my way. And some COURAGE too! And any and all Farm Advice! Because if this thing happens, it’s gonna happen quick!
“City Farmgirl had a farm. E-I, E-I, O. And on that farm she had a…….”
Omg! Omg! Omg! Seriously?! Ya think?! Can I do this?! Pass the chocolate, please. I’m having stress….
Until next time, Friends, savor the flavor of life!
Lots of love, The City Farmgirl, Rebekah
Oh Lawdy! I am so excited for you, I think I gotta run and pee….lol That Cowboy Wanna-Be is a sure keeper if he sings John Denver. That will get you through a lot of anxiety on the farm. Ha! Add in a little James Taylor and a City Farmgirl like yourself can take it on TODAY! TWO Barns and TWO Silos…EEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!
Well yeah, you can do this? You’ve already got three farm dogs right? Get yerself some cats, to go with them and that’d be a good start! Research the rest. I have a friend that has the most bee-you-tea-full cows I’ve ever seen in my life. EVAAH! I’ll find a picture of them for ya. Will you still be our City Farmgirl though? I hope so! I’d miss you, and Blue, and the rest of the gang.
Cindy Bee
PS – I found the post – check these cows out – they are gorgeous. She had a couple for sale but someone was coming out to look at them last week. They might be gone, but this type of cow does not even need a barn. Look at all that hair?!?!! LOVE IT!
Cindy Bee
All I can say is, YAY!!!!!!!!!! I will say a prayer for you future farmgirl!! I am sooooo excited for you!! First thing I would do, is build a predator proof chicken coop, cause it’s almost chick time!! That is actually the first thing I did. And then I would get a donkey, and plant a garden, and if I know you, I know you will!! Keep us posted!!
Good for you!The first thing I would purchase is mice poison,The second would be a very large dog,and the third would be heated water bowls!Good luck,and Happy Valentines Day! carol
EEEEK! Too excited for you lady! ‘I’m about to die’ is definitely not necessarily a bad thing in the South. I’d start with some fruit trees, a garden and some chickens and goats! And a milk cow! It’s so funny, my husband just told me today that we should be organic farmers (especially after watching a certain documentary about our current food system). Good luck with negotiations!
i am TWITTERPATED at your mos’ wunnerful news .. will send whispers on the wings of angels to Papa God. xoxoxo, frannie
I too will keep you in my prayers fro this to come true. I know that for us the fox is a big thing to worry about. have a Great Pyrenees and they will give you a bark wall. They are great for goats too.fence is a must! and a boot scraper lol for those trips to the barn to visit that horse you will be hanging with. One axe and boots work great for every farm girl. I wish you the best in that new dream! John Denver is greeat! keep him singin!
Woohoo! This was A LOT of excitement for 6:30 am. I don’t even need coffee now 🙂 I hope and pray that this dream continues to become a reality, it’s 100% clear that it’s the right move for you! As for any advice from the wife of a wanna-be farmer, START SMALL! My husband decided to start his flock with over 50 chickens and 30 quail. Way too many to get to relax, learn and enjoy. Instead it’s been a sink or swim, wife complains too much situation 🙂
Oh my Lordy!!!
You are about to live my dream! I moved back to Texas from Alaska,and have regretted it everyday since…except that I got to spend time with my parents before they died.
You go girl ,and live your dream,you will learn as you go,and it makes it so.much more fun…
Good luck and keep writing!
Keeping my fingers crossed……..saying a prayer and hoping your dreams come true. I believe that if it doesn’t work out there must be something better down the road.Thanks for the post it helps me deal with a current bout of "maybe it’s time to stop dreaming" that I’m currently having a hard time shaking.
OK, now this is BIG! Here’s what I would do if,….you know……Blast Johnny Cash,put sweet tea in a cold mason jar,take off your shoes,order some chickens,put on an apron and go sit in the grass near the barn and stare at the silos and DREAM! And if it doesn’t,well,…you know; blast Johnny Cash, put some iced tea in a cold Mason jar,take off your shoes,put on your apron and go sit in the grass in your backyard,have a good ugly cry and as the sun dries your tears,don’t forget to keep dreaming!
Oh Lawdy Ms Claudy (Rebeka’s sunny brook farm!!!?) – oh yes!! I do pray EVERYTHING comes to you as you (we all) are praying. The 1st thing one NEEDS for a farm is the desire/want to to make it ones own farm. Having been raised on a well rounded farm – chickens, pigs, cows, dogs, cats, garden and orchard – ah the memories – there was not one thing that could do without the other. I wish you the best as you begin your FARM – no hurry in doing everything – but I hope you experience it all – inside the home and outside too. You go City Farm Girl, will be anxiously waiting your next post. God Bless!!!
First I would get cats for small varmints.
Next chickens: Make an enclosed predator proof pen. By digging into the ground, putting in wire in a L shape backwards and filling in with dirt for the base. Keeps the skunks ,racoons, possums from digging. You need to keep them safe at night from owls too.
Third: whatever animals you get, you must go slowly. Get too know what you need to do to keep them wisely. The 4H Community leader will help direct you to the nearest knowledgeable person.
Good luck!
I love GOATS! My husband and I recently started our dairy goat herd. We have a Nubian doeling and buck,and one Saneen/Nubian doeling. We have plans to get 3 more, 2 of them are still in the womb! They are the sweetest animals, smarter and cuter than dogs, and you can milk them! I can’t wait to make cheese and yogurt. We also raise chickens (Rhode Island Reds) and Ducks (Pekins and Indian Runners)with plans to someday get a mini-dairy cow. Good luck on your adenture!
As a rank amateur who reads a lot, my advice is to start small! We had chickens in the city when I was a girl, and a took awhile to get used to caring for them properly. So one step at a time…I’m praying your dream comes true!
First, find an experienced farmhand and utilize their know how.
One thing is for sure: you have a head start with reading Mary Janes’ book(s) and magazines. Then I would see what other books she recommends. (Does she have a "recommended reading list?" That would be great!) Then I would find an old farmer and "pick his brain." There is nothing better than being able to ask questions BEFORE making a lot of mistakes. Best wishes and most of all—keep it simple and enjoy life!! Your daughter will help steer you in that direction! Mary Jane has a saying in one of her books, "While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about"
Ok, most everyone else has mentioned animals (go slow there!) so I will address the tractor part. John Deere might not be as good as they used to be (I disagree) but they are still WAY better than the other brands! A tractor is not mandatory but will make your farmlife easier in many ways- get one with a bucket for the front as well as a hay spear if you plan on large animals that will need large bales of hay moved here and there! Oh, I am excited for you- it IS all work but if you love it it doesnt matter! Prayers coming your way that your dreams come true!
Oh, and one other thing- make sure the breed of cows you might be interested in are suitable for your climate- Scottish Highlands, for example, would be miserable in Georgia- way too hot for all their hair!
Ok, most everyone else has mentioned animals (go slow there!) so I will address the tractor part. John Deere might not be as good as they used to be (I disagree) but they are still WAY better than the other brands! A tractor is not mandatory but will make your farmlife easier in many ways- get one with a bucket for the front as well as a hay spear if you plan on large animals that will need large bales of hay moved here and there! Oh, I am excited for you- it IS all work but if you love it it doesnt matter! Prayers coming your way that your dreams come true!
Oh, and one other thing- make sure the breed of cows you might be interested in are suitable for your climate- Scottish Highlands, for example, would be miserable in Georgia- way too hot for all their hair!
I’m also a wannabe, but I agree with going slowly. Cats for the mice, dogs for the bigger varmints (the dogs will need to be trained not to harass the livestock, though. They might need school).
about riding lessons, I don’t know if you’re having Western or English (sometimes called hunt seat), either is good.English is really good for discipline and posture, and paying attention to your horse, and communicating with him or her as the case may be. But working a farm I think you’ll need a western saddle and how to ride that way. There’s a lot of snotty talk on both sides, but I’ve done both and like both.
But one thing at a time. EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Can’t wait to hear.
FANTASTIC!!! Prayers are with you… What you need on a farm who knows for sure. Define need. I am on 200 acres and live in a log home that is really too big but I love it. The peace and quiet.. OK I do get lonely since I run things by myself. My husband works in NY and I am in MO. He calls everyday to make sure I am still alive. If my life was a reality show it would be nothing but laughter. You know you are there when your husband gives you Carhardt overalls for Christmas and then he throws you a another small package and says here is some lingerie and it is insulated socks AND YOU LOVE IT!!! After three years he bought me a tractor but I still love walking. He had it delivered and I had to figure out how to drive it (The 5 minute course from the delivery person was not enough.) It took me 2 hours to move three large bales of hay for the horses but it was fun and I did it. I have knocked heads with the cows. I am supporting the local vet in a way I wish I could become used to. Finding out in this small town you do not call the vet unless it is serious. What is serious? I hope and pray this works out for you there are so many adventures ahead. You will so enjoy it….
You go Girl. I’m really excited for you! Enjoy every second! My fingers and toes are crossed for you
Oh my gosh!!!!! I am so excitted for you! I hope that will be me some day. I will be happy just to be able to some day sell this big house for a small one where I can have a few chickens. That’s not to much to ask is it?? But in the mean time prayers will be said for your big dream!!!!
(shh – whisper… ok- think about chickens, and alpacas (easier than llamas) then think about what kind of veggies you want to raise. start out slow, grab one bit of the dream at a time, enjoy the process–there is no destination, the trip is the thing. Meet your neighbors, ask them their opinions. they know lots of stuff you would never think to learn. Wait a year before you make big changes, learn to love what your new home has already, let your dreams flourish. Read up a storm, network with other country types.shhh) Ok, I hope your news is great.
Hi! This is my first time reading and I am so excited for you in so many ways! Have faith that god will direct this path! I moved to Topeka KS from Kansas City about 6 years ago and have horse/cow pasture and love it!! My neighbors are a herd of cows that I so enjoy as I can’t bear the thought of raising a cow for slaughter, my Chicago suburbs upbringing coming thru! When we first moved out we wanted to do it all but am so glad we are taking our time as it is a commitment! I was just salivating at Orschens just this morning over a very cute chicken coop but want to be ready to be at home more than not! Getting used to the coyotes has still proved daunting but looking up to the big starry sky at night calms that down. Big dogs and lots of cats are impt and fun. I love to see them laying on the front lawn, never really got to do that in da burbs! I so wish you well and am glad your hubby is on board too. (love JDenver!) look forward to your posts!!
Get yourself a mule – and I’m not talking the animal! It is the best multipurpose vehicle you will ever have.
Then get some bees to keep your land well pollinated, growing, and beautiful.
Rebekah, How exciting for you. I pray the Lord bless you with your farm and all goes without a hitch. Start seeing yourself on your farm now and claiming it and it will be yours. I would first build a good coop with a top cover on the run so that predators can not get in, and yes for sure put the chicken wire on the outside so animals cant dig under. Make sure plenty of ventilation for chickens in coop. Spring time is the time to order chicks. While hubby is building coop and chicken run you could be working on a small kitchen garden to start with. I have one with 3 raised beds and 7 grow boxes which produces plenty for my husband and I and enough to share. I have it fenced in with a green house/shed inside. The fence is to keep deer and other critters from eating my veggies, and to keep cats from using my beds as litter boxes.
Picture these things on your farm and where they will be placed. See it, Believe it, and watch it grow……… Congratualations, oh and my dream is to one day have a donkey as well and maybe a goat, and this year I am starting a small fruit orchard with Asian pears, fuji apples, cherries and nectarines, blueberries, raspberries,and blackberries….
Oh,I"m so excited for you!!!! Wow, yes, you can totally do this..as my sixth grade teacher used to say "American ends with "I can" 🙂 🙂 I’ll be praying for wisdom all along the way 🙂 : Woohoo…exciting news 🙂 Happy VAlentine’s Day. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of CAlifornia, Heather 🙂
Woo Hoo!!!!!! I so hope this works out for you!
We do not have an ATV–my venerable 1989 Chevy S10 truck sort of serves that purpose. DO get a tractor and bush hog. Our ancient Yanmar (complete with instructional decals in Japanese) has been a valuable investment. Do, do, do have a bucket put on the front and go ahead and get your bush hog and, if you have a big yard, a finish mower.
Oh, and don’t forget ear protection!
We don’t have animals yet, but are working on fencing for cows and considering guineas.
Four years on the farm and loving it!
You’ll have a ball!
Rebekah Teal – Let me intoduce myself, I’m Frannie’s best childhood girlfriend from D. C. We grew up together. My farm is located in the mountains of NC over in Ashe County. I grow Christmas trees. Yes, that what I said –Christmas trees. First of all, I’d pack up those nice boots & get a pair of waterproof, flat soled, lots of traction & support for your feet so you can get up those steep mountains — feet don’t fail me now. Lots of lots of work (you never really get it all done — there’s always tomorrow), 4-wheel drive deisel tractor (might as well buy a car for the same price) that could pull an 18-wheeler out of mud (now mud’s a reality, just live w/it, if you slip & fall, just have a mud fight & enjoy the experience), front end loaders, mower attachments & planter for the tractor, backpacks, all sorts of digging implements, Carhartt pants to protect you from the briars. I’d definitely bring the felines on board to help keep the mice population under control. Harvesting hay for your farm animals (2-3 xs a year) will make a believer out of you. Farmgirls thrive on farmwork. Keep your dream alive. Waiting for your next entry.
Congratulations. I too am waiting to be on the farm. My husband and I actually bought the family farm with 2 of his siblings but it is not ready to live in yet. It is our hope to be out there soon and turn it into a bed and breakfast. But I worry about animals and if I can do the farm thing. I have romanticized this idea for so long but I do agree with starting slow and learning as you go. Good luck.
Oh dear one. Take the leap and become a country farm girl. It will be a good life, an adventure, and at a time in our mass culture, when everything is packaged, wrapped, and instantly gratifying, farm girl life will put you back in touch with your souls calling.
Don’t worry about doing everything perfectly, and knowing everything before you begin. Just begin. Start simple. Don’t try and raise 100 chickens, raise 20 first. Get two horses, have a good 4-H kid come over and help you get acquainted with the basics of raising and caring for horses. Farm life is about good old common sense. Horse sense, back to basics. Join a grange if you have one in your area. Don’t tackle everything at once. Build slowly into your new found lifestyle. Don’t plant 10 acres of corn. Start with a garden that is managable, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. I’ve noticed, and I am giving myself away here as to my age, but the younger generations are so afraid of not doing things perfectly, or making the perfect choice always. Life is about learning, and sometimes we have to build a house with too few closets to know that we want a house with more closet space. It’s about the adventure of it. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon, and farm life can be slower, easier, and more rewarding than you can begin to imagine. The love of getting in harmony with nature, flowing with it, respecting it’s cycles, is the farm life way. You will do great. Now, just dive in.
You need to read" The dirty Life on farming, food, & Love by Kristin Kimball. Farming is hard work. Good luck.
Oh WOW Rebekah, Congrats on the propsect of owning a farm.
You mentioned an ATV. I love to ride an ATV, but it all depends on the number of acres you own. An ATV would come in handy getting around on several acres especially if the land has hills, but if the land is somewhat flat, a ranger would work great (two or more folks could fit on this). Before moving to Tennessee, we managed 700 acres of thick Texas hill country acreage and needed ATV’s to get around to check our fencelines. If you are in the market for an ATV and want to buy a used one, hunters usually will sell right after hunting season. Stay away from Polaris. Hubby calls them "a Swiss watch" and they were on dealer recall for one thing or another.
Yes, your farm sounds interesting. Advice on farm animals = start small and add to it as times goes by. You will know when enough is enough. It’s how much you want to take care of.
Good luck!
I too am a newby farmgirl. This year I am trying to get my farmette to be more self sufficient. i work at a Library and came across a fabulous short read book that will pump you up and lead you in the right direction. Its called Made from scratch by Jenna Woginrich. She has a blog .. http://www.coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com Another great book she wrote is called "chick days"…Lots of pictures, easy to read for farmers/working moms. She is young SINGLE woman who manages her own farm..If you check her out and like her, let me know…because Im a totally PSYCHED up, PUMPED up farmgirl myself!
This will be such a rich experience for you! Grab it with both hands when the opportunity presents itself!!!
Oh my goodness gracious. I am sending you farm prayers for sure. You need to get you some seed catalogs and some poultry catalogs and start making your lists. John Deere is still absolutely the best. Woohoo Im so excited for ya.
My ONLY caution would be "just a little at a time" so you can enjoy the virgin experiences and not be overwhelmed or overloaded with time and exhaustion matters. Your child needs time to absorb all these things as you learn together. Don’t shut her out or let her feel she is "second in line" to all these new things. She might begin to feel neglected?? even though she is not.
Rebekah,Well truth be told: did not think I would connect with you as we are sooooo very far apart in our worlds, then I thought "just read one of her blogs"; and I absolutely fell in love with your excitement and way of expressing it! My husband and I started out 20 years ago (my heavens, so long yet so short a time ago). We live off grid and have raised everything. All the advice so far has been dead on. Chickens are the best thing to start with as they really are self sufficient and you can’t really hurt them if you make basic mistakes. And the best part? They are a comedy show every day. I can watch them for hours and never be bored. As far as peeing your pants? Good news! Your new home will let you drop any where and just go, trust me you will as the house will be too far and you won’t want to take the time. Welcome to the country!
This is the best news I’ve seen all day! I am doing a happy dance for you!