Dear Sisters, I know it’s only been two weeks since our last visit, but it feels like months. Is it just me or do we ALL try to pack an entire lifetime into one summer? I guess that’s what we are supposed to do with these long, sunny days and an overabundance of energy! I’ve been minding my own business having fun in the garden, squeezing in some family beach time and somehow along the way I, um, well I got into a little farmgirl trouble. Come on in for the full confession….
Reversible Apron
Oh, what the heck. I’ll start with the confession! Some of you may recognize this darling apron image from the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop that I host every week at Dandelion House ( my personal blog )…Isn’t it adorable? I thought so too when I was looking around for a logo image sixty-five weeks ago! I thought an apron would be the perfect symbol for Farmgirl Friday and when I found the image above ( with no link to it ) I figured it must be okay to use it, so I did! Now, let me tell you this little button has made the rounds over the last year. Lot’s of supportive bloggy friends have this button in their sidebar! I love my bloggy friends! Last week out of nowhere I recieved an email from the rightful owner of this sweet little number telling me that she was the owner of the image and would I be so kind as to include her link which she also provided. My mind started to race. Goodness Gracious!!! Link? What link? There was a link? Whew doggies is it hot in here? Are you warm? I feel warm!!! Can you see me turning twenty shades of red? I felt so embarrassed! I emailed her right back explaining how when I did a google search for aprons that the image I found appeared with no link and I assured her that from now on I would happily include her link. After visiting her site and seeing more of her handiwork I just had to introduce you to yet another “farmgirl at heart” Lori Abraham of Vintage Apron Patterns!
Farm Girl
It’s the least I could do after ” lifting “ her image and besides her aprons are farmgirlalicious! I invited Lori to share her story with you here on the shorelines so sit back in your beach chair and listen to how Lori began her farmgirl enterprise making aprons and patterns.
About 3 years ago I had tired of a cleaning company that I started as a teenager. Despite the fact that it was a viable business, I was bored and wanted something more. So when my sister Michele and I took an adult education class at our local high school for websites, I was inspired. The wheels started turning as my classmates all middle aged to seniors shared their passions and dreams. Sitting there listening to everything from computer techie dreams to aspirations about raising goats, I thought, can I? Before the short 7 week class was even underway I knew that I would begin making aprons. Long a lover of functional art I couldn’t imagine a better, more functional object than the lowly apron.
The five layer apron

My customers are from as far away as Australia, my website visitors from China and Africa. It still tickles me each and every time a pattern is ordered. I enjoy sharing and I communicate with every single customer myself.
Valentines Day
So don’t let your dreams die. Many have traveled the path of dreams with shaking knees and trembling hands, but if you could just see how well-worn the path you wouldn’t be afraid.
Needles up ladies!
Lori Abraham
Lori’s farmgirl spirit is infectious! It’s never too late to follow your dreams and inspirations…I say follow because that’s what you HAVE TO DO to bring them to fruition! If you don’t follow them they will whither and die like a flower that once had the potential to bloom into something awe inspiring and never did.
My beloved RED Bee Balm ” Jacob Cline”
Speaking of bloomers! I’ve been working hard at keeping the cutting garden healthy and happy in hopes of more blooms than I know what to do with! And guess what? I think I’ve done it! Short of a sudden hail storm or 90 mile an hour winds ( shoot, I hope the weather gods didn’t hear that ) we’ll be up to our garden gate in cut flowers! Over the last several weeks my little sprouts have been fed, sprayed, staked, watered and weeded!
The Cosmos and Zinnias have started to bloom, but I’ve still got more buds than blossoms! They’re almost here!
I feel like a new mom again! I’ve been nesting ( gathering vases, floral sleeves, researching natural floral preservatives online ) and I purchased some Mason Jars ( small and large ) in preperation for selling some ready made bouquets! The pain of a very laborious spring is already beginning to fade. What a joy starting this cutting garden has been from planning, to planting, and now the birth of many blooms is just days away.
Thank you for sharing in the fun, sweat and sore muscles along the way. It wouldn’t have been near as much fun without my sisters!
I’ve had a few visitors in Butterfly Garden this week too!
Painted Lady Butterflies ~ Can you find them?
Let’s try not to disturb them while we do some flower pick’n!
The flower farmgirl
Echinacea ‘Sundown’ ( Coneflower )
Here’s hoping you’re filling your flower bucket with all sorts of blooming memories this summer!
Until our next shoreline visit ~
God Bless America and you!!!
Beach Blessings!
P.S. come on by Dandelion House for the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop ,get a peak at this years Fourth of July parade and the new Beach Fire Truck! And be sure to pay Lori Abraham a visit too!
Ahhhhhhh, the aprons are a precious sight to wake up to this morning, thanks for sharing!!
I love to make my own and collect vintage ones to hang in my kitchen.
My latest is a gardening apron, with two huge pockets to put my produce inside while picking, much easier than having to tote a bag thru the garden rows! You just slip all your little gems into the huge pockets and you have your hands free!
Happy Summer!! Diana
Hi Diana! So glad you enjoyed.. your gardening apron sound darling and handy too! Thanks for the visit today! xo Deb
I love aprons. Thanks for the website.
And, of course, the flowers are beautiful.
Nancy, Thanks for your note and for reading!
xo Deb
Wow, thanks for the great inspiration today and always! I love that you found a great friend through some trouble! Kudos to all your hard work getting ready to blossom. Can’t wait to hear about it on your next post! Also…lots of folks at Farmers Markets use recycled food jars for their flowers, just a thought!
Much love, Teri
Hi Cuz! I’ve been saving jars for just that reason…GREAT MINDS!!!
Love and hugs to all! xo Deb
I love the inspiring words you wrote today. I am 60 and still trying to find that one thing to fly with. I have many dreams, your words today saying it’s never to late was just what I needed today.
I Also loved the aprons. My Grandmother always wore an apron.
I appreciate all the encouraging letters you write.
Bless You
Dear Peggy,
Thanks my dear for your kind words today.. It does my heart good to hear you are still following your dreams! BELIEVE! Do something you love everyday!
xo Deb
Hi D-Boz! Love the aprons!!…and the story. Adore the photo of you in the garden … reminded me of photos of Tasha Tudor. OH, and I just bought a Sundown coneflower yesterday. Your yard and garden look divine. Our landscape hereabouts is desert-like. Only my gardens are green. So sad, wildfires everywhere. Enjoy your greenGreen world; I sure have in your photos. Blessings from the west, Shery
Howdy Shery my sister in the wild west! I’ve been watching the news and praying about those fires… So sad indeed…I remember the wild fires well… we had one blaze across a corner of our land in the high desert just before the fire was contained. Nothing at all compared to what folks are enduring this time…I bet your rusty buckets and barrels are brimming with blooms… LOL! I need to pop by the ranch blog for a visit! Thanks for coming by… farmgirl hugs from the east!
Hello Deb, love love love the aprons. I just created one myself with a dishtowel sewn to the front of it, so you can wipe your hands. I will be sending you some pics to your email of my surprise that has to do with glamping. Love your flowers. Best of luck and may God Bless your business. LOVE YA Neta
Hi Neta!!! Your apron sounds perfect… Yes, something to wipe your hands on! Ooooh.. can’t wait for the glamping pic’s!!!! Thanks for the good wishes my friend! xo Deb
Shery speaking of Tasha Tudor….oh yes, you in amongst the flowers so reminded me of Tasha. My personal favorite apron is a long blue check in the "Tasha style." When I put it on I’m transported back in time. There’s something so homey about aprons!!! Thank you for sharing Lori’s site.
Hi Victoria, well if you must know.. I was barefoot gardening.. just like our dear Tasha used to do…LOL! Glad you liked Lori’s site and thanks for reading! xo Deb
Deb, I sure enjoyed this post and so glad she is allowing you to use apron because it is you in our minds. Thank you Lori and enjoyed your story. You do make beautiful aprons.
Bless you my friend! hugs!!!!!! xo Deb
My cosmos are just starting to bloom here in Michigan! I saw mine and wondered how yours was doing! I loved the apron’s by Victora. I have always liked the ones that slip over your head and cover your whole shirt and hanged down. I bought a homemade one last year at a Car and Craft show that is held every 1st weekend in June here. I always love your blogs! Stay cool, been hot and humid here!
Hi Kimberly! Thanks for the visit and you keep cool too… we’ve got the air on today! Whew! Enjoy your cosmos! xo Deb
Hey Girls,
Love Love your websites, I think farmgirl is just darling!! And if any of you get the chance do visit the vintage site, she has all sorts of ideas to share as well as some great coupon too!! God Bless all of you!
Thank you! and Thanks for reading! Blessings to you! Deb xo
Hi Debbie,
I so enjoyed your post and the lovely flower pics! As I was enjoying them, they reminded
me of one of my favorite scripture verses-Philippians 4:8- …"and whatsoever things are
lovely…" and of course, your post is of a .."good report…" I, too, am an apron girl, and
I love the ones posted! And, yes, I did visit Lori’s blog; very nice. I find ALL your post
so inspiring. Thank you for being a blessing!
Hi Marilyn! Your kind words are a BLESSING to me! It’s always nice to hear these pages bring light to others… THANK YOU! Farmgirl hugs!!! xo Deb