To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves. ~Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)
FARMGIRL ALERT! Stop whatever you’re doing and let’s get going! Today is opening day of the Plymouth Farmers Market! Get ready to meet a few of our local farmers, bakers, and talented crafts people. Bring your appetite (and some flash cash) you don’t want to miss a single delicious FARM FRESH treat!
Do you have a local farmers market in your area? Ours is in its ninth year. I look so forward to seeing my favorite venders and meeting new ones each year. I believe our local growers need as much community support as they can get and I’m happy to do my part. They work hard to bring healthy, tasty goods to our tummies tables! Farmers Market prices can seem pretty steep compaired to what we pay at the super market but where else can you get food this fresh and talk to people who are so passionate about what they do!
My friend Pat (pictured above) and I bought some Maple Cream from the proprietor of Nutting Farm out of Vermont.
I didn’t notice any big bold cut flowers or juicy red tomatoes (too early for locally grown) but there were plenty of herbs and veggie seedlings to be found. The booth above was hosted by the Plimouth Plantation. They were featuring 17th Century Herbs. I bought a 6 pack of Celery Parsley which I learned was something the pilgrims grew in their kitchen gardens. I’m told it’s a wonderful addition to soups, dips and salads.
This table was loaded with FRESH rosemary, dill, celantro, sweet basil, sage and more!
I just thought this flower tower with the fresh strawberries on top was cute.
I tried one of their brownies made with burbon vanilla… Now that added a little somethin’, somethin’ to my brownie eating experience!
Jenny of Jennys’ Bread is responsible for this pan full of Chocolate Buns!
I caught these adorable children in the act of playing Nine Mens Morris ( a pilgrim children’s game ) and writing with chalk on a small slab of slate. Imagine using one of these as your practice writing tablet!
All in all it was a great first take of the Farmers Market… Pat and I had fun catching up, filling our bags with LOCAL homemade yumminess and I know just what I’m going back for next week! You think it’s chocolate buns don’t you? You’re only half right!
I’m going to get myself a LIFE ROCKS necklace!
Aren’t they cool? These necklaces ( with earrings to match ) are made by two beach angels from New England who believe that we all need help with staying balanced. I’ll buy that!
I think they fit right in at the farmers market. They’re local rocks from our sandy beaches! Eating ORGANIC food, getting plenty of exercise, and nourishing your soul is only part of what makes up a fulfilling, healthy lifestyle. A positive outlook, FAITH, and a steady dose of MaryJanesFarm are the icing on the ” chocolate buns “ of a balanced life.
After all, LIFE ROCKS!
Here’s wishing you a JOYFUL JUNE full of delights and smooth sailing!
How wonderful! Thanks for taking me along:) You are so blessed to have such an amazing Farmer’s Market. When my husband and I were in Kauai, we loved going to their markets. We met Tim, the Coconut Man. He would wack open a coconut for you and insert a straw. He was adorable. You could just imagine him climbing the trees. Anyway, his motto was, "It’s Good to Know Your Farmer." I loved it! My in-laws sell their veggies and they use that slogan now. It is so very cool that you get to know your farmers AND your baker of Chocolate Buns!!!! lol……Thanks, Raynita
Howdy Ranyita! Kauai’s farmers market must have been amazing… Love the Coconut Man story! I think we need to find a recipe for Chocolate Buns! 🙂 Thanks for the visit! xo Deb
OH!!!! I forgot to say how I LOVE the rock necklaces!!! Balance is my favorite word….so important.
Farmers markets are such fun and I’m usually at one a week. We’re blessed in the San Francisco area with five on Sundays (the entire city is 49 square miles so you never have to travel further than 7 miles); two on Tuesdays, five on Wednesdays, two on Thursdays, one on Friday and four on Saturdays. My favorite markets have cooking demos with seasonal fruit and veggies including the recipes on cards so I can try them at home. Some have entertainment with local musicians, some raffle a big basket of local products every week, and everyone has fun. Stay local and support your local farmer.
Hi Adrienne, Oh I can imagine all the farm goodness you can get your hands on in San Francisco. We traveled there many times while living in Nevada, but I never went to a Farmers Market! There were a few venders cooking yesterday as well and a few of them DID include recipe cards! Stay Local! LOVE IT! Thanks so much for the visit! xo Deb
I stumbled upon your blog while working on Kendra D’Angora’s website. I happen to be the graphic designer for the Plymouth Farmer’s Market, and a member of the new-this-year PFM Advisory Board. I am SO EXCITED to see this! THANK YOU for coming to the opening day, and I am so glad you had a great time. We are so excited about our new home! (Oh, and I am also Jenny of Jenny’s Bread’s sister!) Thank you for spreading the good word! See you next week!
So nice to meet you Megan! I love the new location for the FM. I just liked Jennys’ facebook page and let her know how much we loved her " chocolate buns "! Thanks so much for visiting! Please feel free to SHARE this link with the Friends of Plymouth! Yesterday was great and I can’t wait for next week! xo Deb
Hi – Megan (my sister, yes there are 3 of us!) just forwarded this link to me (i do the marketing/advertising/social media stuff for the market) – what a great blog entry and terrific pictures! I posted a link on the Plymouth Farmer’s Market Facebook page – hope we can steer more readers to your blog. It’s great! Thanks again – so glad you found things you liked! If you haven’t yet, you should try Jenny’s cheese buns…!
– Kara
Hi Kara! Nice to meet you! Thank you! I’ll be back for the Cheese buns next week! We ( MJF) appreciate the share! Thanks for stopping by! xo Deb
Great post, we were so sad to miss opening day – we’ll be there every week from now on. It’s an amazing market, thanks for sharing; great pics!!
Hi Collette, Glad you enjoyed! You didn’t really miss it now did you? Thanks for the note! xo Deb
Hey Deb, great trip to the Farmers Mkt. Ours has been a little slow this year. Lost some of our people due to them moving away. I love getting my veggies and bread from FM, as I love the idea of supporting our local farmers. Prices do not seem high to me, because the benefits of eating healthy so outweighs that cost. Had a good time at your FM. (by the way, I have a surprise in the works, if everything turns out I will send you pics to your email next week.) hint…it has to do with glamping…. love ya be Blessed Neta
Hi Neta! Oohhh just what fun and creative thing are you up to now? I agree, the value of what you buy at a Farmers Market is priceless really. Especially when you consider not just the hard work, but the knowledge that goes into being a sustainable grower….I’ll be keeping an eye on my inbox! Hugs! Deb
What a nice market. Unfortunately our small town farmers market is not much. It usually just has what I already have in my garden available. Sometimes it is useful though if I come up short on something that I am canning. And I would buy one of those Life Rocks also, although I have boxes of similar rocks in our garage. We use them to make stepping stones with.
Hey Brenda, Yes, the farmers market can be a great fill-in for home grown veggies or if you want to try something new before deciding to grow it yourself. We love rocks are our house too… we used to keep a batch of them in our bathroom sink… when the water poured over them they looked just as if the waves had washed over them! Happy Weekend! xo Deb
I need to get there earlier next week. I wasn’t able to go until 5 and I was so hoping to get some of those strawberries. I did get some awesome honey ginger balsamic vinegar and some really great raspberry jalapeno jam.
Hey Paula! I tried that balsamic vinegar too…I want to explore her items more next time as well…and if it’s the same gal I’m thinking of her Olive Oil Orange Cake was sooooo good! Hey, if you see me there sometime, come say hi! Thanks for the note! xo Deb
Wow! Don’t think that I have ever eaten a scape before! I DO eat A LOT of garlic and one of my clients told me that I smelled ‘terrible’ one day and that was the end of most of our close hugs…Seems she HATES garlic (poor creature!)…
I am addicted to the balsamic vinegar that I buy at a local store. They also have vessels called ‘fusli’ (think I got the spelling right) that contain the most wonderful flavored olive oils. I will see if they have a link that I can send you, since they have a nice blog that gives some wonderful recipes. They also carry spices and I just read their recipe for making your own vanilla out of vanilla beans. Might give that a try for Christmas gifts…
I would love to try those chocolate buns! The life rocks are gorgeous…
Tomorrow is Saturday and time for another farmer’s market somewhere!! Have fun!
Hi there Jan! That’s too funny about your client who hates garlic! LOL! Well, she doesn’t know what she’s missing does she? 🙂 The scpapes are great in pesto. Who knew? Seems they are all the rage right now! Thanks for the visit, as always it’s great to hear from you! xo Deb
Our Farmers Market had opening day last Saturday and it was a pretty good day. I am a vendor there, selling my "Farm Fresh Aprons" and other things there as a crafts vendor. My hubby is there selling his woodturnings and handcrafted knives. This is our 6th year as vendors, but our market has been going for decades. My dad took his farm produce, home made cider, etc. years and years ago. My daughter (as a grade schooler and is now married and has her own family) would go with him on market days.
It’s the social event of the week and such a fun place to be to meet and greet . . enjoy the company of folks. Ours has wonderful produce, baked goods, a couple who have tasty breakfast burritos, another vendor with decadent cinnamon rolls, a local coffee roaster with brewed by the cup and packages to buy to take home. There are a variety of craft booths, meat producers, honey . . . community booths promoting a local community endeavor. And we have some of the best music!!!!
Tomorrow we go back again, for day two. I’m praying for good weather with no wind and another good day of sales.
Hi CeeJay! It’s an honor to have you stop by! You are one famous farmgirl! 🙂 Your Farmers Market sounds wonderful too! Best to you this season with your farmgoods! I bet you’ll do real well! 🙂 Thanks for the visit! xo Deb ( who loves breakfast burritos)
Deb, I love your Farmer’s Market! You are blessed to have such talented artisans who make great food, great music, and wonderful jewelry! I love to get out to our FM early to get to our locally grown seasonal fruits and veggies before the crowds get there; the produce goes for such a good price that it is gone in a flash. I can’t wait for our local Grainger County tomatoes; they are soooo yummy!
Hi Pam! Your’s sounds good too! Nothin’ like a juicy tomatoe sprinked with sea salt on a hot summer say! Or a tomato and mayo sandwich! Thanks for stopping by the Farmers Market today! xo Deb
Love my local farmers market. Same market, same location I started going to with my mom over 45 years ago. Some of the farmers are still the same, too.
Our market opens the first Saturday of May thru the end of the year, yes, December. During the growing season they are open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday each week. Plants, usually start our season; but then the asparagus becomes ready, strawberries and on thru the year. Late summer, early fall market is my favorite. Apple time, although this year our local orchards got hit by a hard freeze in April after a week of 80 degree temps in March that has resulted in 90% of crop loss, apples, cherries both tart and black sweet, peaches, pears, all of it. I wish I had dried more of last years crops.
In the winter the local Organic only market is open every other Sat and so I can still get fresh eggs, and greens even in the winter.
Bless the farmers who but good wholesome food on my table each day.
Amen Carla! Thanks for your note! xo Deb
Loved the pics and virtual tour! I enjoy our farmers mkt each Sat am.
Have my fav vendors, and try a thing or 2 new each week. Got the most yummy biscotti last week.
It’s a fun and relaxing morningi look forward to each week!
Hi Linda, Biscotti! Yum! I’m going to try peanutbutter granola this week!
Thanks for stopping by! xo Deb
What a fun post! Wish I was there to walk with you and catch up. Lucky Pat! Funny about the rocks….balance has become my mantra this summer, trying to find it with three small children, summer break and a husband working out of town part of the week.
You rock!
Much love, Cousin Teri in Napa
Awe, thanks Teri! Keep smiling!
much love to you all too!
xo Deb