Some things in life are necessary, but not necessarily enjoyable. Laundry’s one, although I don’t mind it. It’s a more pleasant task since sprucing up the laundry room (without a major, expensive overhaul). Take a peek at my tips for making a laundry space more inviting, efficient, and “farmgirl chic”!
Because our laundry room is off the main living area, we want it attractive, but having an organized, aesthetically-pleasing laundry area, no matter where it’s located, makes chore day better.

Panoramic of my laundry room
My family’s only three, but judging from our laundry, you’d think we’re an army! My husband’s allergic to chemicals and starch used at commercial dry cleaners, so we wash and iron all his dress clothes for work. I’m the primary “laundry goddess” of the house. (We’ve suffered enough once-white-now-pink clothes from DD and DH doing washing, so I prefer doing it). My teen daughter helps with ironing, and puts folded laundry away.
Growing up, my parents’ washers and dryers were made to last! Nowadays, appliances don’t seem to survive a decade. My husband and I had our set repaired many times, and handy hubby also did repairs, but it was time for a new set since they became inefficient. After shopping around for the best deal, we splurged on my dream set- a front loading Merlot-colored washer and dryer with all the bells and whistles! I just adore the deep red, and decided to use it as my main accent color.
Since we inexpensively added storage cabinets and a counter ourselves years ago, I opted out of storage pedestals. I’m short, so without pedestals the washer and dryer are the perfect height for folding.
A wicker laundry basket (Goodwill, $5.00) looks better than plastic and is lighter for carrying. I re-purposed on-hand, matching place mats to protect the appliance tops.
In the 80’s, wooden garbage cans were trendy. My dad built me one, but after 25 years, the paint looked worn and dirty, the cow cutout on front dated. Sentimental since Daddy made it, I removed the cow, cleaned the can, and spray-painted it to match the appliances, painting the tired brass hardware a “hammered” look with paint I had on hand.
We have hampers upstairs, but a downstairs hamper’s handy for wet powder room towels and soiled kitchen linens. I bought a 1940’s “tole-ware” metal hamper at a tag sale for $10. Inside, I lined the bottom with a “puppy pad” to keep wet items from rusting the bottom. The top of the hamper’s decorated with a piece from my VSM collection: a 1950’s child’s size hand-crank. My mother was gifted one just like it when she was in elementary school, from a little boy with a crush on her. The toy iron was my daughter’s when she was little.
I’d wanted a wooden ironing board ever since I first saw MaryJane’s! I finally found one on a Facebook Tag Sale for $5.00! It’s solid and sturdy. When I went to pick it up, the original fabric was still there, looking new. “It’s about a hundred years old, I think. It was my mother’s and she never used it,” quipped the seller. I, on the other hand, use it all the time! It’s easy to set up and move, has a large work space and isn’t the least bit shaky. I chose red chambray to recover it.
There’s a table top ironing board for touch-ups or small items. I recovered it using a fun vintage-print fabric. I sewed a matching cord-keeper bag for when my iron’s not in use.
Various bottles and boxes with commercial labels look cluttered. I store homemade laundry detergent in a vintage biscuit jar. We also use a liquid store-bought earth-friendly detergent, depending on what’s washing. A galvanized beverage holder is easier to use than a clunky plastic detergent bottle. I found mine on clearance for $5.00 at Walmart because the lid was dented, which was easily fixed with a rubber mallet. Vintage flea-market-found demitasse cups measure out the perfect amount of detergent for my high-efficiency washer, while a saucer catches drips. I love to re-purpose old wooden soda crates. I cut a piece of plywood to fit the top for a flat surface, raising the liquid dispenser up for easy use.
The windowless room is tiny, so I have to make the most of space. There’s no sink, so I use a large, antique enamelware basin, a bargain flea-market find for hand-washing or soaking.
I splurged ($70) on my sturdy antique drying rack with its weathered iron and chippy red paint. If you can’t find a vintage one, Victorian Trading Co. sells a great reproduction.
I adore my pretty clothespin holder, handmade by farmgirl sister Julie Pruett. When the weather warms, I’ll use it on the clothesline, (ahhh….sun-fresh linens!) but it graces indoors beautifully!
Leave a comment below for a chance to win one of Julie’s creations – this adorable little spring-themed “ducky” embroidered clothespin bag, along with clothespins and a bar of soap for making your own detergent, is up for grabs, made especially for the Suburban Farmgirl blog giveaway! (I’ll announce the winner in the April blog)! Julie’s bags are well-made and great for all sorts of uses! To order, check out her many designs at Prairie Pin Pouch.
Decorative touches make a chore area “finished”. A small vintage lamp (tag sale), an 1800’s antique sad iron, (Goodwill) and a quick-drying colorful rag rug (Ikea) inexpensively tie everything together. I replaced tired mass-produced 90’s art with cute reproduction tin “laundry” ads found at a local “junk-tique” shop for $10 each (check eBay for similar items).
This summer, we’ll add fresh paint, and install a tile floor ourselves (wish us luck)! Any chore is made easier with a tidy, inviting work space. No matter where your laundry area is, cut clutter, add a little warmth and whimsy, and laundry won’t be a dreary task.
******Remember to leave a comment to be entered in the giveaway drawing!*********
Until Next Time…Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
That laundry room is so cute & well organized! I love it & it has inspired me to do some touch ups on my own. Thanks for sharing. Pat
Hi Pat, Thank you! It was fun to put it all together without a big overhaul. Thanks for commenting! Check back in April to see if you win the giveaway! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Thank you so much for your adorable laundry room ideas! We had a house fire on Christmas night and our laundry room is having a make-over. We are anxious to move back into our newly renovated bedroom, bathroom and laundry/utility room. You are so right that pleasant surroundings make dull work like laundry more enjoyable. I will try to remember to send you a photo when we get it all put back together.
Hi Laura, Oh my! I am so sorry to hear that you had a house fire, and on Christmas! How scary. I hope no one was injured. Definitely send me a photo of your revamped laundry room when it is all done – I’d love to see! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
The clothes pin bags take me back to my childhood, hanging clothes on the line in the backyard. The clothes pin bag was so handy to keep clothes pins close by. I still use clothes pins for clothes and craft projects. Thank you for offering such a sweet memory.
Hi Melinda, Aren’t clothespins useful? I too, use them for all sorts of things. I also hot glue them to the inside of cabinets to hang things. Inside the laundry room door cabinet are my cleaning gloves, hanging by a clothespin. Thanks for stopping by! Good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Hi Aprile! Thanks! Have fun! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
This is a cute laundry room! Thanks for the ideas!
Hi Sunnie, thanks for ‘stopping by’! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I always enjoy your blogs and have shared several with friends. I redid my laundry room not that long ago: theme, roosters. I painted the bottom a woodland green and the top a khaki then tied it together with a cute laundry-themed wallpaper border. It’s a fairly large room but I find a laundry room is never quite large enough, ha. Like you, I’m looking forward to hanging clothes on the line outside. Enjoy your new room and I love your washer/dryer combo!
Hi Cathy, Thank you so very much for the nice comment. I am so glad you enjoy my writing…makes me happy. I bet your laundry room is adorable…I love roosters. My kitchen is “done up” in roosters and cherries! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I love your laundry room. I also did mine over a few years ago. Painted it a cheery green, made a skirt for the utility tub, hung tin signs, and my grandmothers washboard along with a smaller one I painted for her in my decorative painting years. It’s good how easy it is to make a utilitarian room so pleasant to be in.
Hi Bobbie! Your laundry room sounds adorable! How lucky you are to have your grandmother’s washboard. I sometimes use the one on the wall in my laundry room, as well as use it with magnets for reminders. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I love laundry rooms. Mine needs some work. I have a really cute idea, just stymied because I need a certain kind of curtain rod that is not readily available. You have inspired me. Thank-you and GREAT JOB!
Hi Brenda! Thanks so much! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Thank you for all the ideas. My laundry room is much smaller (more like a closet, haha) but you definitely gave me some ideas and love the clothespin bag and something to protect the top of the machines. Always refreshing to get ideas to make an area more inviting.
Thanks, Karyn! I think my laundry room looks bigger in the pictures. It really isn’t that wide, and was kind of hard to photograph, lol! Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Super cute remodel. Thanks for the drying rack idea. I’ve been on the lookout and this matches what I need! My current dry rack is a long dowel attached wall to wall about 7 feet up in my laundry room. It was there when we bought our home three years ago. That’s quite a jump for this 5’2″ shorty! Ha!
Hi Jodie! Thanks for commenting! I hear ya, on being short! At 5’2, too, I always have to remind my 6’3 hubby not to hang things too high! Enjoy that laundry rack…it’s super cute! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Love your laundry redo. I use clothes pins for a lot of different things. We use wire baskets to support our tomatoes and peppers. To keep up with the different varieties, I write the name on the clothespin and clip it to the wire. Now I don’t have to say, now what kind did I plant here.
Alice, what a great tip! Thank you so much for sharing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I’d love to get your homemade laundry detergent recipe!
Sure, Jennifer, no problem. For every 1/3 bar of grated soap (I use Fels Naptha), I mix 1 cup each of washing soda, baking soda, and Borax. I use about 1/8th cup per load (about a half demittasse cup, or two tablespoons), and only add 1 tsp of Oxy to white loads. I have very hard well water, so you might use less detergent with yours. Some people use only a tablespoon. It’s great! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Cute laundry room!
Jena, Thanks! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Hi Nicole, I luv your laundry room re-do from the red of W&D to the wooden ironing board and Farmgirl deco. The laundry bag is so cute. Thanks for hosting a give-away.
Hi Sara! Nice to hear from you, Texas Farmgirl! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I have an ironing board just like yours. it was my husband’s great grandmothers, passed down to us. I love hanging clothes out on my clothesline and need a new pin holder and can always use more pins! I also make my own detergent so the soap will come in handy. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
Hi Deb, How wonderful to know the history of your ironing board! Love that. Your name is entered in the drawing, fingers crossed! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Great job on the laundry room! I would enjoy doing laundry in such a cute and organized space. I love your soap dispensers. They are such an attractive way to house laundry products.
Thanks, Diane! I think most commercial packaging these days is anything but charming, lol! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Homemade and thrift items are my favorite accents throughout my home. I made a wooden laundry sign to hang in a grouping with granitewear basins and washboards. Also have an old wooden ironing board where I hang my favorite apron. Would love to add the beautiful clothespin bag. Your laundry room looks great done with little money but much creativity. So farmgirl.
Hi Sharon, Thank you. Sounds like we like a lot of the same things! Thanks for dropping by the blog; good luck in the drawing! I’ll announce the winner in my April blog. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Love your cheery laundry room…and also got some good ideas. I spend a lot of time in mine and need it colorful and uplifting !! I painted one wall with a clothesline holding all kinds of different clothing and various animals around it with the title “Housework Makes You Homely” !
Hi Donna, Your wall sounds adorable! I have a friend who once used her daughter’s doll clothes on a painted on clothesline. It was so cute. Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
LOVE all your practical and fun ideas. The laundry dispenser is perfect!
Hi Becky, Thank you! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I just bought a house and am in the process of painting and fixing up. The laundry room is totally bare. Looking around for inspiration. The house is 100 years old so I am looking for things to fit the era. 1916 timber town. This is going to be a fun adventure. First step…. Paint!!!!!
Oh Kathy! How exciting! I would love living in and fixing up a house from that era! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Nicole, love the amazing detail you have added to your laundry room! Now that i think of it, you are definitely one for details – you always show so many details in your home, garden and adventures 🙂
As i read your blog, i realized that i have also made our laundry room more cozy – same red washer/dryer (don’t you love that color – who wouldn’t want to do laundry!!!???); new colorful rug and curtains; farmgirl art from the Good Will; and an awesome cloth ‘basket’ – so much better than plastic (i agree!!!). Ours also has our dog bed – up dated as well. I have inexpensive white cabinets on one wall where i keep all my canning supplies and less used kitchen equipment. To top it off, on the white shelves i have stored our precious nature collections that the boys and i have collected over the years. A real special place for me – only thing left is new paint and ceiling repair – hubby fell through the attic a while ago and its not totally fixed yet 🙂 ).
I’m going to look at it right now and practice thankfulness for such a lovely room! Thanks for reminding me to do so 🙂
Awww…Dena thank you. Your comment is so sweet. You really put a smile on my face. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
How timely! I’m tackling my laundry room today! Yours is adorable.
Thanks, Joni! Have fun! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Love your laundry room. Trying to get mine in order. Right now I also use it for the dogs to sleep in at night and my baby chicks. But it will get all prettified soon.
Hi Kay, My little guy goes in there when we can’t watch him. He is a stinker – he loves to snuggle down into my folded laundry! Baby chicks! I just got the order form in the mail yesterday for chicks from our local feed store. Hmmmm…..Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Nicole, you have thought of everything, and that laundry room is adorable! Love the washer/dryer color.
Hi Joey, Thank you! I am like a moth to a flame when it comes to red, especially that merlot color. I don’t mind doing laundry at all now. 😉 Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Lucky you to have a laundry room. Mine in the condo is a small place behind two doors, but still think I can spruce it up a bit.
Clothespin bags–my mom’s was of sturdy fabric with a circle opening for ease in grabbing a wooden pin or two, and tossing them back in at take down time.
Hi Joyce, My room isn’t huge, but any small space can be spruced up with a little cheer. 🙂 Have fun! I love that you shared your memory of your mom’s clothespin bag. So sweet. Good luck in the drawing! I can’t wait to see who’s name I draw. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I just adore your beautiful laundry area and have a friend with one of similar size. I cannot wait to share this post with her because you have some great ideas that maybe she could use. The clothespin bags are adorable! Thanks for the opportunity to be entered in the drawing.
Thank you, Kate! Good luck in the drawing. Remember to check next month’s post to see if you are the winner! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
My laundry room is located just as you walk into my back door. I hope to clean it up this weekend. I like the idea of the place mat on the top of the drier to fold clothes on. Right now it holds about everything that doesn’t have a place at the moment. I have a moveable drying rack that is in my front porch and needs to come back in this room. Lots of wonderful ideas on this blog. Thank you – I am inspired.
Hi Dororthy, The place mat also keeps the laundry basket and basin from “scooching” around when the set vibrates, and keeps the finish from being scratched, too. I also use placemats under my sewing machines to protect table tops when sewing. Love that you felt inspired, thank you! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I just moved and have my first dedicated “laundry room”. I absolutely love the decor in your blog and; I have so many of those items that I brought with me from Colorado. You have given me so ideas on how to use my baskets, washboards, etc. from “back in the day”. Thank you so much for the fantastic magazine as well as the informative blogs. Katherine
Thank you, Katherine, for such a nice comment! Enjoy fixing up your new laundry room! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Love the laundry room redo and the clothespin bag. I’d love to win that. Just moved out to the country and I’m enjoying hanging out clothes.
Hi Sandy, Good luck in the drawing! I hear ya, the smell of freshly lined clothes is so fresh. Nothing beats it. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Very nice laundry room! I really like the organization.
Thank you, Dee! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
So pretty! I hope your front loads last more than mine did (2 years and 3 weeks, just out of warranty!). We are going to be building our retirement home soon, i saved some pics and am going to try and incorporate some into my new laundry room!
Hi Julia, I hear ya. I had a front loader many moons ago. When it bit the dust, I had a more traditional, less frills set. After using a friend’s set at her vacation home similar to my new one, I knew I wanted one like this. We looked at all of the options, and it seems none last forever anymore. I will be diligent to take care of it. The appliance man told me to use washer cleaner once in a while to prolong it as well. Thanks for commenting, happy decorating! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Love the Coca-Coal tray decorative and useful touch with the red accents to hightlight that color in the rest of the laundry room. Would love to win your giveaway, too!
Hi Janet, Thanks! You are entered in the drawing…good luck! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I LOVE your washer and dryer. I always wanted that color red, but we settled for white. My next set will for sure be red! Your remodeling has turned out fabulous. Those are some very creative ways to redo a laundry room. In our current house, our washer and dryer are in a closet. So technically we don’t have a laundry room. If we ever get the chance to move I would love to decorate mine similar to yours!
Hi Krista, I had white FOREVER. As soon as those red ones came on the market, I wanted them. Took years to finally get them, but I just LOVE them, and they make the laundry so much cleaner than my old set. I was so ready for a change. Thanks for the sweet comment. Much love, Nicole
Very cute!! I use to have a really nice laundry room but now its just washer on one side and dryer on the other and above each one is a cabinet. I do have cute laundry signs but that is it. I sure miss my big room.
Hi Rowena, Mine isn’t that large. It looks bigger in the pics. You could put some cute touches INSIDE your cabinets that you see when you open the doors…Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Hi there,
You both did a fantastic job! In rebuilding our house after our fire in 2010 I also got the laundry room I always wanted, within the space constraints of course. I noticed your antique dryer rack on the wall. Last year I found one just like it at Animal Welfare’s Thrift Shop. I paid maybe $8 and spray painted it white. My husband said he didn’t want it there and I won out! It is so useful and folds out of the way when we don’t need it. Since I use the heated pool at the Senior Center 2 – 3 times a week, the laundered bathing suit dries there so nicely. I think he’s changed his mind by now. Yours, Ellen O.
Ellen, Sorry you had a house fire, hope no one was injured. Scary. $8.00!? For a vintage drying rack? Lucky find! Wow- that is a score! Show your hubby what I paid for MY rack and he will like yours even better! Giggle…Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
What a cute laundry room make-over! I love the touches of red throughout. My laundry room could use some fun updates, so I may have to borrow some of your ideas.
Thanks, Rebecca! Happy Sprucing Up! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Oh my – so many great ideas here! I never noticed your beautiful washer and dryer!
Hi Ali, It’s a recent purchase, but you also haven’t been by in ages!!! Miss you, girl! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Love, love, love what you have done with the laundry space. I absolutely adore the vintage touches, such as the posters – I have things like that in my laundry space as well. I don’t have as much room as you, but definitely could use getting more organized. Glad to see someone else does the yard sale, tag sale route. 🙂
Hi Mary, I love tag sales and the like. The hunt is fun in itself! Thank you for reading and commenting. 🙂 Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
You have cute treasures that are useful and decorative. That’s a fun laundry room.
Hi Nanette, Thanks so much! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Your laundry area is adorable! I am going to borrow some of your ideas. I love the irons cord bag! Just this weekend I was grumbling at my irons cord! I am also looking forward to outside laundry weather. Thanks for a chance to win a sweet pin bag.
Hi Bridge! Glad you enjoyed the blog. I also make bags like the one for the iron to keep my vintage sewing machine cords in. Good luck in the drawing. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Too cute! Love the old timer items she used since i am an old timer myself! thanks!
Glad you liked the post, Elaine! 🙂 Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Absolutely love this laundry room. I’d live to get my hands on an old set of the wall clothes bars.
Hi Michele, Thank you! I was so excited to get my drying rack…drove a ways to pick it up! I think the one in Victoria Trading is super cute, too. Happy Hunting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
So adorable, I have some cute antiques in my laundry room and I love them. My laundry room needs help to make it function to the fullest. Thank you
Hi Amy, hope I gave you some good ideas for your room. Enjoy and thanks for commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
What an adorable laundry room. I love all the retro and cheery colors. I remember helping my mom hang clothes on the line and that clothespin bag sure brings back memories. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas.
Hi Beth, I’m glad the blog brought back memories for you. Good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I love your laundry room! I am now on a mission to find a tole-ware hamper!!! I love all of the containers you use as well!! I try to use cute containers for everything from detergents to flour! I’ve even lucked out with some old for things like coffee, oatmeal, and premium crackers!
Thanks, Tiffany. I am the same way with cute containers, especially vintage ones. Love them! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Here is what I said as I read this article, “I love it…I want it…I need it…I have to have it!” Haha
Hi Stefanie, GIGGLE GIGGLE!!! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
What an adorable laundry room! Makes me want to go check mine out and see how I can make it look more pleasing while keeping it the work room that it is. Great post.
Thank you, Tammy! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
What a great job you did with the laundry room. Julie has such lovely creations. Thanks for the giveaway.
Marilyn, Thanks so much! I agree, Julie’s creations are wonderful. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
That laundry room is so neat and clean. I can not stand certain laundry product smells. I sneeze numerous times. Would love to win one of Julie’s creations. Thanks for the giveaway.
I’m the say way, Joan! Commercial products like smelly detergents and fabric softeners make me choke. Aren’t Julie’s bags adorable? So well made. Good luck in the drawing. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Thank you for the opportunity to win one of Julie’s creations. The laundry room looks so nice.
Thanks, Marion! Good luck in the drawing. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole