I am not a sitter. I’m not even a slow walker. As a matter of fact, I tend to take everything in life in huge, bounding steps. As this year is drawing to a close and I look back it seems like I just rushed through everything. I’m not one to make New Years Resolutions, but this year I have a huge goal.
I want to learn to move a little slower. It’s not that I necessarily want to change the things I do, I just want to do them slower and savor every moment of the process.
In a world that is moving faster and faster, I feel the need to slow down. I think that in not savoring the experiences, we are actually starving ourselves of a lot of joy and happiness.
I want to curl up on the old iron bed on my porch, not just in the warm weather when conditions are perfect but in cold weather with a quilt, a book and a cup of hot tea.
When I work on those embroidery projects that I love so much, I want to do every stitch with love. Not just with the end result in mind.
I plan to actually read the books on my nightstand. I’m a great speed reader, but I want to learn how to slow down and savor the reading. I want to re-read some of those great old classics that I skimmed through many years ago!
I want to write letters. I love making cards and taking the time to make them special. But I also want to experience the sheer joy of writing the letter and I want it to be a letter from the heart.
I want to go to lunch with friends. And I want to sit at the table and laugh my head off and talk until my throat hurts.
Camping with my two best girlfriends in the picture below!
I’m going to porch sit a whole lot more. It is so good for the soul.
Picture below is my son and daughter in law on our porch.
I am going to soak up the summer days of sunshine. When my husband says, “Let’s go boating today”, I want to jump in and go. I’m going to grab those grand-girls and head to the lake! And then I want to just sit and soak in the sheer joy of the day.
I lead a wonderful life and I live in a gorgeous place. But I want to be fully “there” for it.
In this world of fast food, fast cars, fast conversations, fast holidays… my New Year’s wish for all of us is that we can breathe deep, slow down, and restore the balance in our crazy, hectic lives.

Anything worth doing, is worth doing slowly. – Mae West, Actress
I’ll leave you smiling with a video of my little-est grand-girl and our farm dog, Belle! Oh, to learn from a farm dog and a little girl how to live our days with sheer joy!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gEg7qBU5-U]
The very, very happiest of New Years to you, my farmgirl friends!
Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.
Oh my gosh. I want the same thing. I do everything at such a fast pace. Just not sure how to get it all done if I slow down.. I’ve been working on making time to enjoy more. People still better watch out at the grocery store. Don’t think I’ll slow down there unless there’s someone fun to talk to
Sandy, your comment about the grocery store made me laugh because my original post had a sentence that went something like, “I can’t even walk slow in the grocery store” and I took that out because I had the same thought as you…. I don’t think I’ll slow down there! 🙂 Ha Ha! Happy New Year! – Dori –
Wonderful idea!! I think I’ll try it. And a very happy new year to you and your family.
Hello Ann, how are you? I know you are enjoying that darling grand baby. Happy New Year to you also. – Dori –
I think you hit the nail on the head for me! i seem to go through my days with goals in mind. I have to get this done by this time, etc. So often I think I am slowing down and savoring the moments, but when I look back on the days, they seem to have passed too quickly. I usually don’t try to make New Year resolutions either, but trying to slow down and enjoy seems to be one that I should make. My years are many (just having a birthday) and not as much time left to savor perhaps. Better “get ‘er done” now. Thanks. Your post made me stop and think. Happy, healthy, slower, New Year to you.
Bonnie, I am the same – going though my days with a list of things I have to accomplish that day. And yes the years just pass too quickly. Happy New Year – Dori –
How delightful she is. You are right on about the moment. That is all we have and if it is the last thing someone remembers us by may it be one of joy.
Dear Liz, she is such a delight isn’t she? One of things I was thinking when I wrote the post, but didn’t mention, is that I don’t want to hear myself say to my grand-children, “Hurry up” ever again. I hate that. They are so fresh and so delightful and I want to enjoy that more. Happy New Year to you! – Dori –
Dear Dori,
I HEAR YOU!!! I have been feeling the same way, and am aiming for the same
goal. Why do we rush through just because everyone around us is rushing
through? I am going to choose a different path, and enjoy my journey.
I look forward to hearing about your enjoyable times in the “slower” mode. 🙂
Happy New Year and blessings,
Marilyn, I think you summed up the problem so well… we rush because everyone around us is rushing. Sad, isn’t it? And yes, I think I’m going to have some accounting to do now that I’ve voiced my goals! 🙂 Happy New Year! – Dori –
Thank you so much for the beautiful post! I’m the only person in my office today and so I am “allowed” to move and do as slowly as I like — for a change. I love the quiet and the peace of this place when no one is here; I also love the people with whom I am privileged to work every day– whether they are here or not! And I love meeting their needs as I am able. Sometimes that means I get to move very fast and other times, I get to move a bit slower. In all those circumstances, I pray that I will look at the time spent to meet whatever need as valuable and precious — whether spent quickly or slowly. That is, after all, the point: to value and cherish each moment– no matter what. Your post brought me back to that long-ago realized conviction. Thank you. Blessings to you and all those you hold dear in this precious New Year!
Dear Ann, I really loved your comment. I love the feeling of being in the moment and being what we should be as the situation calls for. Very helpful words – thank you for sharing! Happy New Year! – Dori –
Hi Dori,
Now you younger people now why people look at us “older” people and say ” I don’t ever want to slow down like them. Well, maybe we were made to slow down so we could enjoy the trip. Even out to the mail box or even grocery shopping. You never know who is in the same store. Maybe someone that you have not seen in awhile. Someone you could reconnect with if you just slowed down like us. Yes, I am one of those “older” people. I now enjoy going to the store and take a while to look around and visit with those very people I did not take the time to speak to until I “just slowed down”.
Yes, Dori, enjoy your trip as you slow down and look around. You just might see someone or something that takes your breath away.
May all your days to come be filled with peace, joy, and love.
Dear Kay, I love your comment about enjoying going to the store and just to take a while to look around and visit. This is something that I cannot seem to do. I hate going to the store! So it is a huge hurry for me. And now I recognize I need to look at it a little differently. Thanks for that! Happy New Year! Thanks for reading and commenting. – Dori –
Hi Dori,
feel free to email me if you want and I will respond.
Kay Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to me.
Praying your new year and new resolutions will be blessed and come to pass. Thanks for sharing.
Karen, I have a lot to answer to now, huh?! 🙂 Happy New Year! – Dori –
I’m with you . . . health challenges over the past 1 1/2 years have kind of forced me to take a different approach to life and to look at taking it slower, not being so focused on “gotta do” stuff. I’m hoping for 2015 to be richer and fuller . . . and healthier because of it.
Happy New Year!
Dear CJ, health challenges do force us to take a different look at life and our priorities. I hope your 2015 is a healthier year for you also. – Dori –
Dear Friend, Loved this post.. and loved the memory of our girlfriend retreat in your camper! smile.. good times!
Have a wonderful New Year… enjoying every minute.
(Once my sis gave me a book titled.. “The Art of Doing Nothing” You may need it, to help you keep this resolution) ha ha
Love and Hugs! Luanne
Dear Lu, I can’t wait for our girlfriend trip in 2015!!! Love you tons, dear friend of mine. – Dori –
Cute kid and cute dog….nice hen you can enjoy the slow moments in an adventurous hectic life!
I know, aren’t they darling?! 🙂 – Dori –
Belated Merry Christmas and a Happy Farm girl New Year 2015…..can’t believe it….this was the fastest year for me to fly by!
Susana – oh my goodness, it was a very fast year. Sad isn’t it? Happy New Year to you! – Dori –
What a wonderful view from your porch, I really think I could look at that all day. Hope you have a wonderful 2015.
Janet, it is a wonderful view. We always have a nice breeze so sitting there in the summertime is amazing because it isn’t hot and we don’t have bugs… but it is quite cold sitting there in the winter! 🙂 Happy New Year! – Dori –
Dear Dori: oh do I ever hear you my friend! How much have we missed by rushing through life in such a big hurry? Here’s to 2015 being the year to savor it all…joys & sorrows, laughter & tears, mountains & valleys. Life is just too precious! Happy New Year!!
Dear Cyndie, It does make you stop and think sometimes doesn’t it… WHAT is the big hurry??? Hugs to you dear friend. – Dori –
“Slow down, you move too fast.
You got to make the morning last.
Just kicking down the cobble stones.
Looking for fun and feelin’ groovy.
Hello lamppost,
What cha knowing?
I’ve come to watch your flowers growing.
Ain’t cha got no rhymes for me?
Doot-in’ doo-doo,
Feelin’ groovy.
Got no deeds to do,
No promises to keep.
I’m dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.
Let the morning time drop all its petals on me.
Life, I love you,
All is groovy.” Simon & Garfunkel
Awesome post!!!
Dear Janna! I LOVE THIS!!! You’re one of the friends I want to sit and laugh with! (Or talk flowers with!!) Hugs to you! – Dori –
I would love to porch sit and laugh with you! And talk flowers… and chickens, and vegetables and grand-girls… and whatever else.
Hugs back,
Janna, it’s freezing on the porch in the winter (we have a constant breeze that is awesome in the spring/summer/fall and freezing in the winter). So, lets set a date for May!!! And yes, chickens, vegetables, and grand-girls too! – Dori –
Me too! Not sure how to work on slowing down with a 2 yr old on the loose! I think it boils down to letting less get put on my To Do list.
I have a beautiful embroidery book to show you when I come to teach you to crochet!
Angela – I’ve been doing some “you tube” crochet lessons!! Hopefully when you come I’ll be a little more easily taught!!! 🙂 February??? What’s your schedule? Hugs, dear friend! – Dori – P.S. Can’t wait to see the embroidery book.
Hi Dori, love the pictures, love your thoughts, and love you! I did slow down a little this last year (age related I am sure) and have taken time to enjoy what I love more: my girls, my grandkids, my animals, my friends, and my garden. It still goes way too fast, but it is worth it! Happy, happy New Year! Nancy
Dear Nancy, you have ALWAYS been a good example to me of enjoying life to it’s fullest and not letting “things” bog you down. And you’ve always worked hard to cultivate the most important relationships. I love you for that… and for lots more! Happy day, dear friend. – Dori –
Thank you for this!! I feel the same way, that I’m just going through the motions without enjoying the moment. This is a great time to make a change.
Dear Laura – I’ve really been tested with the slowing down thing the last couple of days. Due to a huge water leak in the main and then some water pressure issues since, we are having a problem getting enough water pressure to get the water to our booster pump to get it the rest of the way up the hill. So I’ve not had water for 2 whole days. I’m trying to say, “Hey this is a great opportunity to just sit and embroider or crochet”… can’t clean house for company, can’t wash dishes, can’t do laundry…. so I sit. And I’m struggling. There’s always SO. MUCH. TO. DO. Isn’t that pitiful??? This is gonna be hard for me to do some letting go! 🙂 Happy New Year! – Dori –
Dear Dori,
Some one up above heard you and is giving you the chance to slow down. What is more important your house or the company you are going to have? Your company is not coming to see your house they are coming to see YOU. So do what you can, sweep, vacuum, dust, put out your already clean things, go to the store and get the pretty “paper” or plastic plates, plastic ware. Relax, you do not want your company to see an over rot beautiful women. Do you. I know I have to be reminded of that myself. About cleaning for company that is. Do what you can, leave the rest when you clean after they leave. You might be surprised at their reactions, after all they might have a few of their own stories to tell.
Always and Happy New Year to you and your whole families.
Dear Kay, so very true! 🙂 And I tell myself the same thing. I think it’s sinking in! (Did you get my email?) Have a wonderful week. – Dori –
Dori, I live in TN also Middle TN which part of the state are you all in? that view from your front porch swing is beautiful!
Karen, we are near Fayetteville. Where are you located? Would love to meet you someday! 🙂 – Dori –
It all comes down to spending our time or filling our time. I also have the same New Year’s goal. We get so wound up that when we do have a scrap of time, it’s impossible to enjoy. It’s like ok go make art, write or what have you. Unfortunately, it is so difficult to switch gears that time flees away. I am trying to incorporate more fun in my life so at least I have some pleasurable memories.
Thank you Betty. You are so right: spending our time, or filling our time. I love that thought. So far I’ve been able to do some things that I’ve really been wanting to do for some time – and soaking it in! Thanks for writing. – Dori –
Hi Dori,
I’m loving your New Years resolution. On walking fast, that’s me to a tee. My family is constantly telling me to slow down when they walk with me, I do but my slow is their. I’m pretty y goal focused and can’t relax if I haven’t felt I’ve put in a decent days work – blame my parents for that one. Anyway I just have longer days and less sleeping hours, I’m excited about life and want to be awake as much as possible to cram as much living in as possible. How’s that for a line. It came to me when I was wiping up the dishes the other day. I do have quiet ime in the mornings and evenings and spend some time with my kids and husband everyday too, so I’m thinking it’s kinda working. It’s my way of slowing down enough to savour as much of life as possible but also get done what I need to do.
Happy new year to you and yours. I’m looking forward to seeing how you go with it. If you’re like me it’ll be a challenge and a half lol
Dear Denise. WOW! I think we are kindred spirits! You described me to a tee! 🙂 The fact that I can only sleep 4-5 hours a night used to make me crazy and then about 10 years ago I realized that I might as well make the most of it. So I do! And the funny thing is that it never slows me down during the day. I think some of us are wired differently huh? And YES, it is a huge challenge to me to slow down. I actually find my heart sort of racing when I so! Ha Ha! My husband and I are training for a marathon and I find that I can speed walk as fast as I can run… I think I’ve been in training my whole life! 🙂 I’ll keep you posted on the slowing down thing! – Dori – P.S. So happy to have a “met” a kindred spirit all the way over in Australia!
Whoops I forgot to mention how cute the video was.
I know it Denise! Whenever I need a good smile, I watch it again! Ha! 🙂 – Dori –