Looking closely…one way to Hush the Rush!

Oh March, you are certainly true to your nickname as the “Lion and Lamb” month! Just when I feel like winter’s sleet, hail, and bitter winds are here to stay, all of a sudden I find there is just the smallest hint of a warm breeze. Soon, I’m tempted to have the screen door open and to hang sheets on the clothesline. For me, March always seems to be a turning point…Spring is coming!  

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  1. MaryJane Butters says:

    Beautiful words this morning, beautiful post, every word, every photo. So moved by it, I read it a second time, closely. Thank you for a poetic start to my day.

  2. Eileen says:

    Hi Mary,
    What a lovely name…my Mother’s name is Mary! Thank you for your interesting blogs! This article really makes me want to get outside and find my own signs of Spring. I also love that you’re from Ohio! I was born and raised in Ohio and will never leave!
    I was wondering if you made the loaves of bread in your blog picture? They look delicious! If you did make them, would you be interested in sharing the recipes for them? I love to cook and bake, especially bread.
    Thank you and Happy Spring!

  3. Annette Hentz says:

    I found my reverie when I retired at age 66, and discoveted the passion of baking. But we are a 2-person household, and hubby is diabetic. I shouldn’t be baking … for US. I choose instead to bake for OTHERS. I collect recipes that catch my eye, and bake them to give them away … to neighbors, to friends who invite us for a visit, to attendees of small town meeting I attend, to the customers of my friend’s monthly vintage sale, to our volunteer fire fighters and first responders, to our City staff who work so hard to better our community, to anyone I feel needs a home-baked treat. And I do my baking first thing in the morning (while hubby is still sleeping) in the quiet of the house, in my own domain, and savor my first cup of morning coffee while my creation is in the oven. This is my favorite reverie.

  4. Debbie Fischer says:

    I truly enjoyed your March Blog Mary, just so refreshing. I do not own a farm but always wished I did. So at almost 70 years old I live vicariously through my Farmsisters and the stories they share of their farm life. But, I smiled through your entire blog as I could tell you truly love your life, as all my FarmSisters Farmers do.
    Thank you for being a bright spot in my day. I wait anxiously for Spring as you do.

  5. Barbara Alexander says:

    It’s been just hours since the last freeze, but as I ride around today I am seeing trees & shrubs in full bloom. It is uplifting to know that Spring is just a whisper away & with it will come the beauty & wholesomeness of the Spring & Summer seasons. I anxiously await the days when I can plant my bean & okra seeds & about six different varieties of tomato plants. I love the beautiful blossoms of the beans & okras & I love watching the bees, lady bugs, praying mantis, & hummingbirds that come to visit the maturing plants. Your magazine enhances all my feelings of anticipation.

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