Goodbye, Summer…Hello Fall, Entertaining Fry So Small

As a mom, my year isn’t a calendar year, but one that ends when lazy days of summer bid farewell. A new year starts with the return of fall. Even when my daughter grows up, I bet I’ll still feel that way. I still love the smell of new pencils, a fresh box of crayons, and the scent of new leather shoes! Back-to-school means a fresh start, more hectic schedules, and saying goodbye to long summer days of fun. Having grown up in a climate that is hot most of the time, I really appreciate the four seasons we have in Connecticut, savoring every minute of our short but beautiful summers. My daughter doesn’t attend camp, but has plenty to write about when her teacher asks “What did you do all summer?” Come sit a spell with me while I reminisce about what we did and share some fun ideas for entertaining young’uns.

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  1. Charles LaGroue says:

    Keep it up- each one is better then the last .  So much of what you write brings memories of when you were little running wild at the ranch.


    Thank you, Daddy! Love you! -Nicole

  2. meredith says:

    Hi Nicole! Thank you SO much for this post- I grew up in Ridgefield, Ct. and have such fond memories of the beautiful summers there. Your photo of the walking trail really reminded me of how beautiful my hometown is. Thanks for the walk down memory lane! Meredith

    Hi Meredith!  Thank you so much for reading.  I was just in Ridgefield recently, another lovely town.  I was happy to see Main Street hasn’t changed too much in the past years.  -Nicole

  3. Hi Nicole,
    Loved your artwork with the sunscreens. Another idea to try is to buy a blank canvas bag or apron and pick colorful flowers or ferns and arrange them on the canvas and cover with a piece of wax paper and then hit with a hammer and it transfers to the canvas. I think then you have to soak in salt water to set the colors so that they will not wash out. (It has been a long time since I made one) Just thought it might be something you and your daughter would enjoy doing.
    love reading your blogs

    Be Blessed
    Ms Scarlette

    Oh that sounds fun!  What a neat idea!  Thank you so much for sharing!  -Nicole

  4. kelly says:

    Thank you for great ideas! I can use them
    next summer when the grand kids come by. We are big bird and butterfly watchers here and the books are a great gift idea for them also when the holidays come by.

    Kelly, thank you for reading.  The books have proven to be something my whole family enjoys and my daughter does not grow out of.  Enjoy! – Nicole

  5. Betsy says:

    Hi Nicole,

    You’re right–even though my kids are grown, to me the new year begins in late August/early September. I don’t think that will ever change! Fall is such a good time for a new fresh start. Thanks for sharing this fun nature craft. Such pretty results!


    Thank you, Betsy!  -Nicole

  6. Denise says:

    Another great post. Thank you Nicole. We are just starting over with grand children and you have opened new ideas for educating them to their surroundings.You are definitely an inspiration.

    Thank you so much Denise!  Congratulations on your grandchildren!  -Nicole

  7. Theresa says:

    Love the Blog. Summer is a wonderful time with your children. Mine are grown now, still I hold those days close to my heart. Too many parents forget to take that time with their children. My son, now 30, can not wait to show me a new plant he is growing. My daughter has grown into 110% tree hugger. I smile and know there is a lot of my teaching and my father’s in me there. I could not of spent my life doing any thing to make me happier.

    Theresa, what a sweet, wonderful comment to the blog.  Thank you.  I feel the same way…my daughter is my greatest gift and nothing I’ve done or could do could make me as happy as being her mom.  Thank you so much for reading and commenting.  – Nicole

  8. Kirsten says:

    Love the blog Nicole! In the past 2 years I have really found my inner farm girl, and have loved sharing my farm girl-ness with my daughter Hannah(age 14). We’ve made jams together and just this summer sewed matching sun dresses, which turned out to be more like night gowns…We had fun learning to sew and laughing at the baggy results. Time with our young-ons is so precious and we should never pass up the chance to give to them the gifts that we have been given.Thanks for the listen and keep up the great work!

    Kirsten, thank you for sharing!  I bet those sundresses are adorable – and something your daughter will never forget.  Keep making those wonderful memories with your girl!  -Nicole

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