On Purpose

Dear sisters,

 It’s great to be back here amongst friends. I hope this note finds you in good spirits and ready for the last full month of winter.  I’m counting the days till spring but in the meantime I’ve been up to my eyeballs in “STUFF “ with the influx of items coming in daily from EBay for Burlap and Bling. If that isn’t enough to clutter things up while I sort and price items I decided to tackle a few boxes, closets and dresser drawers while I’m at it! What brought on this early spring cleaning frenzy? Come on in and I’ll tell you what I’ve discovered. PLUS, we’ll take a trip to the Antique Mall for a sneak peak at my booth and more!

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  1. Joan says:

    Oh thanks, I’ve been needing an Antiquing outing and this has got the juices flowing for my Farmgirls Antiquing/Thrift/Junk shopping outing coming up soon. Your booth is superb. I’ve been ‘needing’ some different looks in my house, so been going through boxes – yupper found a few – ahhh the joy. Again – thanks and will be looking forward to your next visit. God Bless.

    Your outing sounds like the perfect thing to do with you farmgirl gal pals…That’s great you found some fun " new " things to decorate with at home! Love that!

     Thanks for reading! xo Deb

  2. Hedy king says:

    Your post make me wish for a road trip out east for spring. The new booth is great, good luck with it.

    Come on girl! Thanks for the good wishes! xo Deb

  3. Lisa says:

    Are you going to tell us how to find your booth? I would love to add it to my list of places to visit for my next trip to the Cape!

    Oh sure Lisa! I guess that would be a good idea! I’ll edit my post for all to see! Thanks!


  4. Doris Hall says:

    Hey Deb, I always enjoy your postings so much. My husband & I opened our "dream antique" store in 2005 but due to some health problems all our treasures sit in our back yard shop. We had so much fun collecting for over 30years before we opened. Good luck with your shop. I look forward to seeing more of your goodies.

    Hi Doris,

    Well, thanks! I’m sorry to hear you had to close up shop.. The fun IS in the hunting isn’t it? Thanks for reading as always… xo Deb

  5. Raynita says:

    I want to be there right now! I want to breathe in those antique aromas and touch those pretty linens in your booth. Looks amazing! I want that white Diner pitcher also. You are making me want to find a booth somewhere and start filling it up. I miss the hunt and arranging the pretties and sweet junk. So proud of you!……..Raynita. (Smiling in Oklahoma)

    Hi Raynita! Glad I could get your juices going… I stopped playing with these sorts of things when the kids came along 17 years ago, but now that they are older my interest has come back… Having fun!  Go find a booth so you can play too!

    🙂 xo Deb

  6. Merrilyn says:

    Did you say TWO floors of antiques!? How can you stand it with all that eye candy. So many things bring back warm memories of years gone by. My girls are always telling me I have too much stuff. So, I riffle through and donate and have garage sales. But, then the urge is upon me to be out hunting and sifting through things for that one more amazing item. I have so much fun and satisfaction doing it. Can’t wait to visit your shop and see the town of Plymouth.
    Your shop is looking great.

    YES!  TWO floors!!! Looking forward to your visit Merrilyn!

    xo Deb

  7. Hello Deb, Love Love Love the shop. You keep me going wanting to do a booth myself. I have been thinking and dreaming and thinking and dreaming…..OK maybe it is time to quit thinking and dreaming and start doing. lol. I went with my friend the other day to visit some shops here in Salisbury and Lexington NC, and saw some really great stuff. I hadn’t really thought about a booth before just been thinking about a shop but now I am re-thinking that a booth might be the way for me to go. It seems more attainable for me.hmmmm!!!! I may have to just plan our camping trip with our new/vintage camper out your way. I do love MA, and we have been to Plymouth a few times, did not realize that was where you are. Send directions to the shop and maybe I will see you in Sept. Keep us posted. Be Blessed. Neta

    Hi Neta! I think a booth is a great way to start… it’s low risk, not as expensive and you don’t have to be on sight all day! I hope you take the plunge! It’s fun! September is my favorite month here in MA… If you come this way there is beautiful camp ground called Bourne Scenic Park along the Cape Cod Canal you should check out!  It’s a short drive to down town Plymouth from there!
    Hope to see you and best with your new booth!  🙂

    xo Deb

  8. Julia says:

    I like to think I am a simplify kind of gal, but the corners and shelves of collectibles would state other wise! I have moved a lot in my life and have to get rid of so much stuff, that it amazes me how much I end up accumulating once settled again. O well…. 🙂

  9. Shery says:

    What funnnnn. My farmgirl pals were scheduled to go on an antique hunting safari this past weekend, an overnighter in an adjoining suite! BUT, snow packed icey roads put a halt to the plan. Poo! Your blog offered up a fun ‘fix’ for cabin fever that we were cheated out of. Thanks for the tour! Best wishes for your success. If I had a booth in an antique mall, I fear that I would spend more than I make :o)

    Oh, POO is right! Darned weather…I’m already having seperation anxiety with some of the items I’ve gathered for my booth as well has having my eye on other goodies! YIKES! Thanks for the visit and the good wishes… xo Deb

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