The Seasons of Life

Happy New Year to my Farmgirl Friends!


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My sweet Momma… and our dog Belle.

I wonder what has been on your mind this month with the new year?  What are the things that you think about as a new year begins?  Goals and resolutions?  Things to be thankful for?  New ideas, new projects?  My thoughts all month have been on the seasons of life.

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  1. Jean says:

    You are such a loving family…respecting ,enjoying, and being together, each generation in its season of life! What a wonderfully, life affirming post you shared. Thank you!

  2. Patricia Baker says:

    Such a warm loving article. Thank you.

  3. Sharon says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, your heart, your mom!

  4. Carol says:

    Dori … How timely your post was! I have been thinking of your Mom and you as you faced the holidays without your Dad. It had to have been so difficult. I love the fact that your Mom is now with you, spending time with family and healing a little bit each day. God bless all of you. Carol

  5. Tammy L Thomson says:

    Lovely. Your article is full of memories, wisdom, and most of all- Love.
    Thank you for sharing this!

  6. Maxine Jeinek says:

    What a lovely post and tribute to your mama! Treasure the moments and hugs to you both

  7. E. Burke says:

    Hi Dori,
    I’ve been thinking and praying for you and your Mom. Dori, I feel your pain, as my parents have both been deceased for over 40 years now and my sister just passed away two weeks ago. I’d like to say it gets easier but I’d be lying. You just learn to deal with it, have faith, remember all the good times and be thankful for the time we had with them.

    I hope your Mom has a speedy recovery from her surgery. I’m praying for her! God bless you too, Dori! It’s not always easy but you are so kind and generous taking care of your Mom.

    Chin up and be thankful everyday!
    Love and Prayers

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