A Suburban Spring

The ol’ quote says, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”.  I’m feeling that way about spring, and it’s refreshing arrival! After a long winter of cold temps that started here six months ago, I can’t wait to smell warm, dark, earth, and dig in the garden under the sun.  It’s a time in New England when the earth “wakes up”.  (Although with chilly, below-normal temps for April, I’m thinkin’ Mother Nature’s overslept)!  Not to worry…there’s plenty of signs of spring, so if it hasn’t arrived for you yet, it can’t be too far away!

Hooray for Spring!  Join me in celebrating the Earth!

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  1. Diane says:

    Hi Nicole –
    I too can’t wait for Spring and the warmer temps to arrive and stay for a while. I don’t have a green thumb, but I do have to get my yard in order. I loved your idea about the suet cage and extra yarn. I always toss mine and now I now exactly what to do with them. GREAT IDEA! Thanks for sharing that. Also, can you please tell me what those green plants are. They look like they would be great ground cover by my shrubs. Enjoy today! Temps are warming up a bit!

    Hi Diane!  I hear ya!  We’ve got way more clean up than usual due to the Superstorm Sandy and the snow that arrived last Halloween.  Our yard did not have its proper fall cleanup.

    The plant you are asking about is a great perennial, a succulent form of Sedum, "Autumn Joy", or "Stonecrop".  It looks just as pictured now, growing tall flowers that bloom in late August to November, when everything else is fading.  It’s low maintenance, and easy to divide. 

    Today was a very beautiful day, with temperatures up to 68 degrees!  Happy Spring and thank you for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Joan says:

    Hi Nicole,
    I too am waiting with great hope for Spring to come and stay a month or so, then have a nice Summer. We are in another blizzard 2nd one this week and supposed to come again over the weekend into next week. This time last year we were HOT n DRY so guess this is better than all the fires. I am very hopeful that when this is over that GREEN will pop up everywhere and I can do some planting of Autumn Joy and Stonecrop – did some reading about them this Winter and they seem to be what some of my areas need – your pictures are beautiful. God Bless

    Thanks, Joan!  Oh my – a blizzard! I just put my snow shovel away.  Last year this time, we were in a heatwave, but I do recall having snow in April at times, too.  Stay warm and I hope that warmer temps find their way to you soon!  Hugs, Nicole

  3. Heidi says:

    So glad your finally getting a little sunshine on your face. Let’s hear it for green leafy vegetables!

    Love the sun! Big hugs to you, farmgirl sister! Nicole

  4. Carol says:

    Spring is coming, but not sure when. I am still waiting for the fence to go back up around our recently expanded garden, then I will plant my snowpeas. Such a fun and easy crop.
    My older children now 30 and 31 attended the same elementary school as your daughter and their baby trees are now towering. Not knowing just how big they would grow they were planted way too close, but at least far from the house. Trees like children grow up.

    Hi Carol!  How neat to hear that your trees are still going strong and your children are in their thirties!  I will keep that in mind for sure, when we go to transplant ours.  The ones we have are still in pots.  Thanks for reading and commenting!  Farmgirl hugs, Nicole

  5. Meredith says:

    Hi Nicole! Even in Virginia it seems Spring is taking its sweet time! I wanted to tell you how much I love your idea of putting the yarn in the suet cage! Not only is it great for the birds but it is pretty too. Here on our farm we commonly see nests made out of tail hairs from the cows and horses, and from baling twine. This year my husband has purchased hot pink baling twine (I haven’t gotten to the bottom of that yet!) and I look forward to seeing pink nests next year!

    Hi Meredith!  I never thought about birds taking hair from the tails of cows and horses!  Love it.  I’ve been doing this a couple of years now, and it’s funny to see glimpses of yarn in nests, and what yarn the birds like best. One year we had a nest just under our deck, so we could peek between the slats and get a "bird’s eye view"!

    Happy Spring…hope it arrives soon! -Nicole

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