Little Bitties

Early summer is the season of little bitties. After the buds on flowering fruit trees pass away, the baby fruit is just a tiny nubbin. Our garden plants begin as little bittie seeds. In the garden, transplanted baby greens look so small in the area they are to grow up in. Come to think of it, we’re all a little bittie idea … a seed … to begin with. Come to think of it, lots of things begin in a little bittie way.

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  1. Jeannine says:

    All the years I spent in Wyo, I never knew antelope had a mane! How special that she made it and now has 2 little-bitties of her own. Looking forward to more pictures of your sweet chickie babies. How I miss Wyoming some days, I love Lake Ontario but a piece of my heart will always be in Wyoming. Thank you, as always, for your post. ijs

  2. Diann says:

    I love spring too because of the ittie-bitties….sigh, I have chicks and piglets and puppies, Oh My. Add kittens and doves and birds galore, plus lizards (they’re new this year)and a baby eaglette…life is a marvel to be sure! Thanks as usual for your lovely posts.

  3. bonnie ellis says:

    Shery: Little bitties, what a wonderful stream of thought. I love to watch EVERYTHING grow. Family, flowers, the beginning of a quilt, love. It’s really just all the good stuff. Thanks for your blog.

  4. Brenda says:

    So many wonderful little bitties. What a great story about the antelope. Must have put a big smile on your face when you realized who she was. We have had so much rain and our water table is so high we just started planting our vegetable garden this week. Some of it went right into the muck along with some peat. It is really sad looking right now and I think I need to replace some of the tomatoes. Hoping our little bittie plants will grow. Have a great weekend!

  5. Brenda says:

    So many wonderful little bitties. What a great story about the antelope. Must have put a big smile on your face when you realized who she was. We have had so much rain and our water table is so high we just started planting our vegetable garden this week. Some of it went right into the muck along with some peat. It is really sad looking right now and I think I need to replace some of the tomatoes. Hoping our little bittie plants will grow. Have a great weekend!

  6. Debbie says:

    Oh, I loved all of your little bitties Shery! The antelope story especially touched my heart…She came home to her first mama to have her babies! Your maternal instinct shines through in this post my dear! Patience, love and nurturing… we all need that don’t we? Even when we aren’t so little bitty!

  7. Victoria Hall says:

    Thank you, Shery for the wonderful story. You are so blessed to be able to witness the precious things in nature.Also, once again you brought back tender memories. When I was a baby, my Daddy called me "Bitty" as I guess he thought I was a bitty, little thing. Well, I’m in my mid sixties now, so am not so bitty anymore. Thank you for blessing my heart.

  8. Joan says:

    Ahhh love the little bitties, thanks for putting a name to them. What a sweet story about the antelope – we have quite a few prong horns in my area all year long and every time I see them my heart jumps with joy. One of the special little bitties in our lives this week was a fawn rescued in the Black Forest fire in CO. – we live just about 3/4ths of a mile from it and my son lives in the forest – we were blessed that his home was not taken in the fire but with the rush of having to evacuate he didn’t get his chickens out – just the horses so we are going to now be looking for some chickens, may not be little bitties but will get what we can. Thanks so much for sharing your exciting life. God Bless

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