
I knit, sew, and craft; I recycle, grow organic herbs and veggies, and flower garden. I do canning, bake bread and make just about everything from scratch. I crave the outdoors.  But there was something missing…something that would make me feel like a real farmgirl… having chickens!  Backyard chickens have been my dream forever, having even blogged about “chicken envy”! Now I’m crossing “chickens” off my bucket (pardon the pun) list.  As a new “chicken mom” of four adorable chicks, I’m elated. Feed stores in Connecticut don’t sell chicks this time of year. How these chicks came to be is an interesting tale….

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  1. Jan says:

    What a great story to start my day! When I was a child I was gifted  several lovely banty (bantam?) chickens. I used to raise chicks and sell them to my neighbors. These chickens were kind of a novelty, so I always sold out! Nothing sweeter than a little clucking hen. My favorite was Flicka! My best brooding hen was Topknot. She had a little bouffant tuft on her head. She would peck the heck out of you if you got near her nest! Such great memories…

    Your Mama Hen story warms my heart!
    Good luck with your clan!

    Hi Jan!  Glad you enjoyed the blog and that I brought back some happy memories for you. I’ll keep everyone posted on my progress. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! -Nicole

  2. Adrienne says:

    And this year, you’ll have yet another reason to be truly thankful for your blessings. I look forward to reading about your growing chicks and their adventures. Happy Thanksgivukkah!

    Hi Adrienne! Yes! That’s right…I am already so thankful for my "girls".   Lots of blessings to you and your family, and big farmgirl hugs! -Nicole

  3. cr lagroue says:

    Well I’m glad you fulfilled your life long dream of chickens… Too bad none of us knew this before now. We would have saved a lot of money during Christmas.. I guess now we will have to resort to gift cards to the local feed store. Enjoy your chickens.

    Ha Ha, big brother!  -Nicole

  4. Laurie Dimino says:

    Hooray Nicole!
    I love all of your posts, but this one is one of the best because I know how happy you are about your chicks, and it is a wonderful to see you so happy!!!!
    Isn’t it just amazing how something so simple can make us SO HAPPY! My husband teases me constantly about my "girls" and how well I treat them. They truly bring me such joy, and have such personalities, something one can only understand once they own their own chickens. Of course the fresh eggs are a wonderful perk of ownership too!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family…wishing you all the Blessings you deserve!
    Hugs to you my friend,

    Hi Farmsister!  Isn’t it the truth how you just can’t explain the joy from these hens until you have some?  There’s just something so peaceful and "back to one’s roots" about having chickens.  I will be certainly overjoyed when I get eggs! And here we go, another something we have in common! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, dear friend. Farmgirl hugs, Nicole

  5. Joan says:

    OH YEA!!!! for you and your family – chickens one of my favorite farm creatures – All Creatures Great and Small. Super names! No, as a child I did not get to name the chickens, we would get 1,000 at a time and they were strictly raised for meat – sad but that is how it went. Although I did get to play with them and some times some would get so they would follow me around the pen – it was great fun. Will be waiting to see the pic’s as they grow. Thanks for sharing. Happy Thanksgiving. God Bless.

    Hi Joan.  Yes, my father was a bit horrified that we named them.  His parents raised chickens and they were strictly for eggs and meat.  In my defense, we did have chicken casserole the same night we got the chicks, ha ha!  Like you, I have happy memories of playing with chickens as a child.  I remember being very small but playing with my aunt’s chickens when we would visit her little farm.  I will keep y’all posted on my progress.  Asking Santa for a nice chicken coop!  Happy Thanksgiving, Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Julie says:

    Check out upcycling your feed bags via pinterest and etsy
    Have Fun!

    Great idea, Julie!  Thanks! Farmgirl hugs, Nicole

  7. Holly says:

    Congratulations.I know you will enjoy having them.I can remember being a little girl and going to visit the hen house with my Grandfather.One time I went alone and got in trouble.Years later my Dad told me that they had seen a snake by the house earlier that day.

    True, chickens are prey to lots of critters.  Snakes, foxes, and hawks all love chickens!  Hopefully we won’t have too many issues with predators.  Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl hugs, Nicole

  8. Beverly Battaglia says:

    I am glad these chicks made you happy too, Nicole. When I was ten years old my grandmother, Maude, your great grandmother, gave me a red banty hen for the summer on her farm. It laid very tiny eggs and I just loved to hold my little red hen. I cried when I had to leave her to go home on the train. I also love your story of the Mother Hen and her chicks. Pictures are great.
    Love you, Mother

    Thanks, Mom.  Love you!

  9. Debbie says:

    Congratulations Nicole! We are so happy for you! They are the sweetest little things when they are baby chicks and I love the little peeps they make. A Thanksgiving blessing for sure!
    Look forward to future posts about your backyard flock!
    Hugs from the Beach!
    sister Deb

    Hi Deb!  Thanks!  They are growing fast and are just the sweetest, for sure!  Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Farmgirl hugs, Nicole

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