Brand Spank’n New!

Dear Sisters,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you all had a warm and happy Christmas with your loved ones. We had a festive holiday season with our nearest and dearest here on the shorelines. Today, I’m writing to you from my cozy basement office with the fireplace going and a delicious cup of hot English Breakfast tea. YUM! We are in the middle of a STORM WATCH on the eastern seaboard. Keep your fingers crossed we don’t lose power while I finish this post! Tell me, how are you feeling about the new year? Optimistic? Hopeful? Worried? Fearful? Anxious? Excited? Over joyed? I think we’ve all had years that we were happy to leave in the dust. Illness, death of a loved one, ( human or 4 legged ) losing ones job, relationship challenges, moving…These kinds of life changing events can drag even the cheeriest of farmgirls under leaving her gasping for air, and rightly so.

If any of you had one of ” those “ years I pray 2014 goes easier on you. In fact, I’ve got 10 ways for ringing in a Brand Spank’n NEW YEAR with a focus on the positive no matter what the weather! Come what may! Let’s welcome in 2014 together!

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  1. Joan says:

    Wheweeee you are on busy GIRL!!! so good to hear that you aren’t letting anything get away from you. My family say that I make them tired just looking at my bucket list – and I keep adding, oh well keeps me out of trouble. Love the saying that Sylvia shared – hope to remember that – oh I will print it out and hang it in my craft room so I can read it every day. Thanks Deb Happy New Year!!! God bless

    Happy New Year Joan! Glad to hear you keep your family on their toes too! LOL Great idea to hang Sylvia’s saying in your craft room! Think I’ll do that too! Blessings Joan! xo Deb

  2. Brenda says:

    Happy New Year to you also! I still have not worked on my farmgirl badges. I have and do so many of those things to earn them I am not sure why I do not get around to writing up what I need to write up. One of the problems is I have already done so many of the starter things that I have a hard time going back to the basics to get started what I have already accomplished. How do you think I should start out with because of that? Love all you ideas.


    Hi Brenda! Like you I also had already completed some of the first steps to some of my badges. I still submit them and just click the date that is closest to when I completed them. When you write your description in your application you can always include when you started and completed each step too! I’ve done this and so far I’ve still been awarded my merit badges! Good luck Brenda… I’m way behind in submitting some of my badges too.. I think I have AADD ( Artist Attention Deficit Disorder )! Oh, well… the little rabbit trails life takes us on are just too fun to pass up sometimes! Love and farmgirl hugs! xo Deb

  3. Pam deMarrais says:

    Hey Deb! Your blog is so energizing! I love your enthusiasm and excitement for future endeavors. I have lots of projects waiting in the wings. It is time for me to make a little list to get me focused on where to start. I am right brained, so I have the creativity; just not as organized about I could be.
    Enjoy your virtual course. Have a great New Year!

    Hi Pam! So nice to hear from you! Wishing you a wonderfully creative New Year as well! Hope to see you next time you come " home" to the shorelines again!!! xo Deb

  4. Debbie says:

    SO excited you are taking the workshop Thursday. As long as the ice doesn’t keep me on the road trying to get home on Wednesday, I will be there too! I think my word for the year may be "Be". Be me, be grateful, just be, etc. I am always doing and sometimes I miss the being part! 🙂 I will keep you posted as the month goes on as to my inspirational word that I land on. Looking forward to sharing farmgirl fun with you in 2014!

    Hi Debbie!

    Oh fun! Be careful traveling home… I like your word! Here’s to a great 2014!  Looking forward to more farmgirl fun with you too!



  5. Adrienne says:

    I’ll share a few of my favorite quotes for the new year:
    "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda

    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in that gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt

    "Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the tradewinds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

    2014 was plotted by Thanksgiving Friday 2013 and as new items emerge, they are added to the activities for Mind, Body and Spirit each day.

    Have a wonderful 2014!

    Happy New year Adrienne! Great quotes indeed! I especially like the second one… 🙂 All good things n 2014. I look forward to hearing more from you here in the coming year! xo Deb

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