Tiny Steps Lead to Grand Things

I’ve always found that the first step is the hardest to take.

And so, I issued a challenge on FaceBook. And now I’m challenging you too.

Move yourself up on your priority list. Do something just for you.

Walk everyday for 31 days….for YOURSELF.

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  1. Wendy Curling says:

    I have accepted the challenge and so very glad that I did! The winter was long and cold and I spent many, many wonderful, yet motionless, days sitting in my comfy rocker with my grandson (first one!). Needless to say I got a little, well, soft. The exercise is truly a plus but the best benefit by far had been the encouragement we share. I can honestly say I look forward to that more than the walk itself.
    Join us won’t you?
    I bet you will be blessed too!!

  2. Jane Gurley says:

    I have walked all five days so far! I am noticing God’s glory more in the flowers, ducks, the water of a pond, and in my little beagle’s happy steps beside me. I am sitting in the customer lounge of a camping store getting some work done to my camper….think I’ll go walk around outside…….

  3. Sandy says:

    I’ll walk with you. Just had surgery and walking is only exercise doc will let me do. This will help me greatly. I love to exercise. Will try to gradually increase the length each day and try to follow doctors orders

  4. Rebecca says:

    This sounds exactly like what I need….I’ve been feeling rushed, as if I’m doing everything at a dead run. Walking sounds like the perfect, slow-down solution. I’m in.

  5. Joan says:

    Thank YOU!!! I am on board!! Off the top of my head I couldn’t think of anything pretty to see but as I read further into you message – GOD – yes He will show me the way to love and joy in walking. God Bless.

  6. Jan Sturgill says:

    What a great idea, Rebekah! Just yesterday I went to my weekly session with my young trainer friend. I had pondered the idea of cancelling my visit and continue with some projects at the house. I went to my work out and left with the EUPHORIA that stayed with me all day and left me with a peaceful night’s sleep…Fact is, I ALWAYS feel better mentally and physically after my sessions. I also do an intermediate yoga class at the senior center, once a week. I found that if I have a designated time to do my sessions I can plan to always be there! When I am overwhelmed at home with my list of projects, I put on my walking shoes and hit the pavement. Always helps!
    I sent you a PM on Facebook, too…

  7. Mary Rauch says:

    Walking! Early March I had a heart attack followed by quadruple bypass surgery, followed by emergency bowel surgery while I was in recovery. The theme of my doctors and rehab therapists has been, “Walking is your friend!” I have become a true believer in this short period of time! Everything is better since I have been WALKING a great deal (and breathing- actually breathing).
    I hope your reminder here will aid the healing of many people who didn’t realize this was something fabulous they were missing in their lives.

  8. Sherri Staples says:

    After losing 15 pounds and keeping it off, I went on numerous out of town business trips and in about 60 days gained back 10 pounds. I need to get up and get moving, so as of today, I am on board! And since I am thinking about getting my Masters of Theological Studies, this will be a good time for me to reflect and talk to God.

  9. rene foust says:

    Rebekah I am so thankful that you began the challenge because I too have had a difficult time this past winter with my knee and my hips. My story is no where near as horrible as yours; mine was caused by my kitten…only me. I was in so much pain I couldn’t walk or bend my knee. As it turned out I messed up my ham sting and have bone on bone in my left knee, and this has caused me much mental stress. I love to be active but the fear of that pain returning caused me to become dormant challenging myself to a daily walk has been a great for me both physically and mentally.

    I am so very sorry that you had that horrible snake experience, every time I read that story my heart starts racing and I can feel hysteria set in. I would probably need therapy if it happened to me.

    Thanks again for the challenge


  10. Debbie says:

    I’m in! For ME!!! Love it! So sorry you took a tumble both physically and mentally… It happens to the best of us…and it’s NOT FUN. But, glad you are walking back to your old self… just for you… Thanks for the invite to come along! I’ll see ya out on the trail!

  11. Marion says:

    I love the challenge – I have been walking 4 miles with my wonderful dog several times a week. I am now amping that up to everyday. I walk first thing in the morning, the earlier the better and I prayerfully say thank you frequently during that time. Thank you for the beauty around me – spring awakening, birds singing, my happy dog, the fact that I can move freely. Thank you for motivating us and helping us to see the beauty around us.

  12. Corri says:

    Walking is pretty much my favorite form of excercise. Now that the weather has straightened up I am back to walking daily. Some walks are short and some walks are long but it doesn’t matter. As long as I am able to spend a bit of time outside each day with Mother Nature, I am a happy girl!:)

  13. Denise Ross says:

    I’m working on doing some exercise everyday. I’m much happier when I exercise, have more energy and think more clearly. At the moment I run and do strength training, but do love walking and hiking too when I can. What a wonderful encourager you are. 🙂

  14. Kriss says:

    oh my gosh…I just saw this! And have been back into that very idea…walking for myself, again. But I need to take my camera and get pictures like you do every day! Very nice. Thanks for the inspirations!

  15. Pingback: It’s Baaaaack: The YOU Challenge! | Farmgirl Bloggers

  16. Pingback: Join Us for our Farmgirl YOU Challenge! | Farmgirl Bloggers

  17. Pingback: Time for YOU! (A Challenge) | Farmgirl Bloggers

  18. Pingback: April’s Showers Bring….May’s YOU Challenge! | Farmgirl Bloggers

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