Simply Rural

Every once in awhile I question my inherent ruralness.  I am MaryJane’s RURAL farmgirl, right?  But, what really makes me, my experiences and my blog rural…?  I live in a yurt, but I also live in a neighborhood that feels like a suburban subdivision.  I enjoy driving trucks and tractors, but own neither.  I have to run to the big city to get exotic foods or to find a mall, but I can get nearly everything else in the nearby towns…so what is it, what makes this whole time in my life rural?

After much thought and re-reading USDA census reports and Webster’s definitions of rurality, I figured it out.  For me, as I’m sure it is and equally is not for others, the rural life rests in its simplicity.

The historic Palmer Train Depot.  No trains come through here anymore, but the depot holds a weekly farmers market as well as seasonal and special events.

The historic Palmer Train Depot. No trains come through here anymore, but the depot holds a weekly farmers market as well as seasonal and special events.

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  1. Diana Henretty says:

    Loved your blog today, it is simply adorable.
    I was raised in the heart of San Diego, then moved to the desert of Arizona,
    up to the mountains of Montana and now to the Missouri Ozarks.
    I fell in love with small town living and do not want to move away!
    In fact, the older I get, the less the malls and the big cities appeal (our closest is Joplin)and the home life settles deep in to my heart.
    We are blessed here to have lots of flea mrkts and farmer’s mrkts to shop in, and so
    it is our way of life!
    Hooray for the country life….hugs from Noel, Mo, Diana

  2. Joan says:

    I too live ‘ruralish’, closest grocery and Walmart is 3 miles but 14 miles to the nearest mall/shopping center. There are 3 farmer’s stores within 5 min. so I call it rural on the plains, in the middle of a very large and getting larger housing area built on an old ranch. Yeah rural is what one makes it. I don’t, however, have a sweet baby to enjoy in my ruralness, she sure is growing. God Bless.

  3. April says:

    Great post! 🙂

  4. Care Kester says:

    Yes, indeed. You hit the nail square on the head! I live in upper Maine in a tiny community called East Winn (I am now a WINNER!). Everything is done “by hand” at my place simply because I don’t have any machinery to make it easier (I just moved here from Western MT and paid for my house so savings is low) but no matter!!!! I mow, dig, drill, love my DeWalt drill/driver, and get things DONE! I dream of how my yard will look in 5 years (might as well be realistic!) and love life. And, also, SO glad that Bangor is just 40 minutes away and a week-end in NYC every now and then is possible!
    Thanks for the great blog!

  5. Deb Bosworth says:

    Howdy Alex,
    My little Ava is growing so fast. I loved this post and the tour of your town Palmer.
    Rural to me means simplicity too. I grew up in a city that was surrounded by rural life, ranches, dairy farms, so I think for me it’s always been a state of mind even though I never really lived a truly rural life with farm animals, horses etc…My neighborhood is called rural/suburban… Not because it’s farm-like but because we are on our own well and have to have propane trucked in. No natural gas or water lines here. Rural is a state of mind.. and if you’re lucky enough to add some essence of ” real rural ” life to a modern existence then you are blessed! Having backyard chickens, access to local farmers markets, and a big garden helps too! 🙂 Love your blog Alex! Your farmgirl blogging sister from the beach! Deb

  6. Diann says:

    I grew up on the edge of the Kansas prairies in a relatively large town. I have traveled the states and the world and now abide in an area that I have spectacular v iews of the Sierra Nevada Mountains (which includes Yosemite Natl. Park) and is wide open for miles. From living in Kansas and wondering the wide open ranges, I have graved the “awayness” of the country, the rural. Why just a few weeks ago when I received my mail-in vote, the county advised me that since there were less than 250 in my district, I had no other choice but to mail my vote in as there would be no polling place….that made me smile and sigh with relief that I would not have to stand in line or be crowded into some small space. I guess I am of an age that hanging out in this country place just satisfys my spirit. Yep, it is mighty peaceful here in the rural area. Convenience, in my opinion, is relative. Thanks for a lovely post. And bright blessings on you and yours!

  7. Denise Ross says:

    Rural is definitely is a state of mind for me. I live in a beachside town but love the simple life. As I get older I’m definitely happier at home creating and making. I’m most contented in myself providing for my family and looking after my home, even though I work full time. Love this post, thanks for the tour, looks a lovely place. Your daughter is cute and growing up quickly

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