Shall We Molt?

I have never witnessed anything like it before.

The molting of my chickens.

But now that I’ve seen it, I think we should all molt. What a wonderful thing a yearly MOLT is. Drop our “old” ideas, prejudices, hurt feelings, grudges, chips on our shoulders, negative emotions. Molting is a painful, stressful process, sure. And yes, we must take extra special care of ourselves during it. But when we come out on the other side? Woo! Growth. Freshness. Power. Newness.

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  1. Kay (old cowgirl) Montoy says:

    MOLTING is good. I would love to and am working on it.
    Hugs and happy molting.

  2. Patricia M. says:

    Thanks for this information, and all the nice pictures. Some of my chickens are starting to molt also. I knew what it was when I saw it, but I didn’t know that it was stressful for them. I’m new to all this also. My husband grew up with lots of farm animals, but I grew up a “city girl” in California, so this is all new to me. I feel like we are in a Green Acres scene most of the time! But I love it!

  3. Those are some healthy-looking chickadees. Congrats on being such a great chicken mom. And the MASH house? Hilarious. Snakes shed their skins also. Or do you avoid any knowledge about snakes:) I’m sure if I molted, I’d hide under plywood, too. BTW, hubby says he religiously reads and enjoys your blog posts. You have a guy fan out here in Idaho. Gives us something to talk about over morning coffee.

  4. Rebekah, I always feel so sorry for hens when they are molting… I used to think they “hid out” in the hen house because they felt so vulnerable without their feathers. I agree with you – I think we should all molt. I’ve never thought of it the way you wrote it though and I loved it. I do try to shed some of those things that tend to burden me down… and when I’m in the process I usually hide out in my kitchen. That happy place, you know! 🙂 Thanks again… I loved this post! – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

  5. Chickenbee says:

    Molting and Gratitude. Two very good things 🙂

  6. Marcie says:

    Love to read all the chicken news. Our chickens are molting right now too, with their bare necks they look a lot like turkey vultures. I bought some Nutrena Feather Fix pellets for the chickens the other day. Supposed to have extra protein to help them grow their feathers back and with cold weather on the way, they better hurry.

    Yes Rebekah, I like your idea about molting too. Wow, a mental and emotional release of old clutter from within. Thank you for great ideas.

  7. Joan says:

    Lovely chickens you have there, they are so lucky you care so much. MOLTING – yes that is what I am going to try to do. Because I have no feathers to release, I am going do a MOLTING journal, what a great idea you had, thanks much. God bless.

  8. Cindy says:

    I love the idea of molting away all of the negative stuff in our lives. We should make it into a ritual just like the chickens do. Hide out for a few days. Alone with our thoughts and just molt. I’m molting I’m molting! ( say like the wicked witch of the west!)

    Cindy Bee

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