What the Heck is a Slow Flower?


Dandelion House Cut Flowers

Dear Sisters,

Happy Summer! And, while we’re spreading joy around, Happy American Flowers Week, too! Yes! Flowers have their own week now. I couldn’t be happier about that. I hope your farms and gardens are off to a good start this season and you’re digging into this lush and colorful time of year. As you know, Summer is my favorite time of year to be ” in the flowers” or, “at the beach”. Today, we’re talking flowers, slow flowers to be exact. Just what the heck is a ‘slow flower’ anyway? Continue reading

  1. Hi Debbie, thank you for writing such a fantastic piece about your personal relationship with local and seasonal flowers — and for inspiring your readers to join the life of local flowers! American Flowers Week is a young endeavor (we’re only in Year 2) but I’m so encouraged by the way this little campaign is raising awareness among consumers and along all channels of the floral industry. We are so fortunate to have flowers that we grow ourselves in our lives! Thank YOU! Debra

  2. Krista says:

    I love the smell of fresh flowers! They always smell so pretty and elegant. My dad bought me a rose bush for Mother’s Day and the roses smell absolutely divine. I have always been a fan of using my own flowers simply because of convenience and price but now knowing some more background I will be happy to continue using my own flowers and other locally grown flowers. Thank you for sharing the coloring contest picture. It will be fun to print that out and color.

  3. Dori Troutman says:

    Deb, I just loved this blog post! I am so mesmerized by the whole slow flower movement. And our flower cart on your blog post?!!! Oh how we love that crazy thing! Now if our “slow” flowers would just get to blooming we could be in business again. It sure has been a tough spring on the flowers.

    Big hugs to you, dear friend.

    – Dori –

  4. Vivian Monroe says:

    Deb your flowers and arrangements are always beautiful and Farm Girl Fresh. Love it, and love we have a FLowers week. Love the print to color cant wait to print it out and color in to put in my Garden area. Thanks for sharing and as always be blessed, and Happy 4th. 🙂 Neta

  5. Donna Kozak says:

    Hi, Deb – Love your beautiful bouquets…I’m going out to my garden right now and picking a wonderfully smelling bunch of flowers – the weather up here in western Canada has been perfect for most of our backyard gardens…and there is nothing lovelier than a bouquet right from our garden !

  6. Joan says:

    Hi Deb, Love your beautiful bouquets! Next year I am going to do my best to get some cutting flowers in my flower gardens – they are all wild flowers – mostly Holly Hocks and Queen Anne’s lace so some beautiful colors will be nice to have. You always have some of the finest. I noticed a stem with little pumpkins, are they real? Again thanks for sharing your lovlies.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Joan,
      Great to hear from you! I adore Holly Hocks and Queen Anne’s Lace. The little pumpkins you see are indeed, real. They are called ” Pumpkin on a Stick” or Ornamental Eggplant. I grew them the first year I started my flower farm and fell in love with them. Thanks so much for the note… I hope your summer is going swimmingly! xo Deb

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