Milk Glass and Mums

2016-11-026 resize edit

Seatons Ruby Chrysanthemum paired with Fenton Milk Glass Hobnail Vase.

Dear sisters,

My oh my how I’ve missed you! I hope you’ve all had a wonderfully satisfying fall and a Happy Thanksgiving! I’m so sorry to keep you all waiting to see who won my one year subscription giveaway to the best darned magazine in the world, aka MaryJanesFarm Magazine. Continue reading

  1. Pat Gudowski says:

    Those are just beautiful. I just recently started planting mums again for some late summer & fall color. I prefer the tall varieties most, but like them all. I had repoted my plants in large pots & tucked them under the eves for winter with some dry leaves around them for protection & they all survived & bloomed for me this year. But I did put a few new ones in the ground & may leave them where they are with dry leaves arount to insulated them but they do need drainage…I live in the Pacific NW, Wa.

  2. Bobbie Calgaro says:

    I also love mums and they are one of the flowers I can grow without killing. We had several baskets of them for my dads funeral 2 years ago. I brought them home to NC from PA and I have been growing them ever since. Nice reminder of my dad and his favorite flower! After seeing these I will plant more!

  3. Marilyn says:

    Those flowers are gorgeous. The Milk Glass are so lovely. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Healthy,Happy New Year.

  4. Vivian Monroe says:

    Beautiful Deb, I love my Sheffield pink mums. they look like daisys, pink white with yellow center. Your mums are gorgeous. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a very Blessed new year. Neta.

  5. Joan says:

    Simply SPECTACULAR!!!! thanks for all the great info and pic’s. God bless.

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