Pickin' an a Grinnin' at "Wicked" Tulips Flower Farm


Like mother like daughter.

Dear Sisters,

Happy belated Mother’s Day! What did you Farmgirl mamma’s do to celebrate?  I find the older I get the less I want to do what’s expected on holidays. I don’t need anymore stuff or stuff-y brunches. I’d rather have an experience together that we can both enjoy and look back on as a happy time. Since my mom moved in with us we try to make time one day a week to do something together. Most of the time it’s just lunch out combined with errands. Heck, we even make the most out of trips into Boston for her Dr’s appointments. It gives us time to catch up. Even though we live in the same house life goes at pretty fast clip and it’s easy to get swept away moving from one obligation to the next. This year for Mother’s Day I was determined to do something out of the ordinary. Like tulips? Come with mom and I on our Mother’s Day adventure to Wicked Tulips Flower Farm. Continue reading

  1. Laura Staley says:

    Thank you for sharing your “Tulip Travels” with your mom with the rest of us! I miss the few tulips that used to come up in our yard. My mom would have loved to visit the tulips as she always had many colors and varieties in her garden as I was growing up. Your photos were lovely! Thank you again for sharing…
    Laura Staley
    Prairie Village, Kansas

  2. Carol says:

    Beautiful pictures- Looks as though you and your mom had a good time. My daughter loves tulips. I might see if there is one near us.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      We really enjoyed it! I hope you find a tulip farm nearby. It’s quite and experience! Thanks so much for your note!

  3. Krista says:

    Very beautiful place! Our old house had tulips and I really miss them. I keep telling myself that one of these years I’ll get some put in! I looked at the link you shared and most of the tulip farms are near my state. If I ever travel to Washington or to Oregon again during tulip season I will have to check them out. Sounds like you and your mom had a blast and have now created a new tradition. Happy late Mother’s Day!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Krista!
      I had no idea there were so many tulip farms in the US and you are correct. Most of them are in the northwest. I was very surprised about the one I found in Texas.
      Thanks for your lovely note! xo Deb

  4. Junebug says:

    Look at the fun you and your Mom had. I love, love tulips! And I am so lucky for I live very close to Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm. My sister has been a vendor at the Tulip Festival for several years so I spend 7 weeks helping her and no 7 weeks in the tulip fields is still not enough! Sunrise is my favorite time, wait – Sunset is my favorite time in the fields. Oh goodness, all times are my favorite time in any flower garden.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Junebug! How fun that must be for you both! All times are my favorite in any flower garden, too! xo


  5. Debbie says:

    So so beautiful and what a wonderful experience to save and savor. Lovely! Thanks for sharing all those wonderful pictures. I want to go!!!

  6. Joan says:


  7. Marilyn says:

    Thank you for sharing. The tulips are gorgeous.

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