Posies in a Pinch

2017-09-15 15.52.28 resize edit - Copy (2)

Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful. ~Jim Carrey

Dear Sisters,

Happy Fall! Oh how I love this time of year. The summer haze brought on by excessive heat and humidity has drifted out to sea leaving the air clearer, the skies bluer and my brain a little sharper. Something about this time of year stirs my creative soul like no other. My mind races with new ideas and plans and I feel like I have to hurry and scurry to get everything done before we fall back into hibernation. I always have grand plans and I never get it all done but one thing I can always make time for is creating posies in a pinch! Come on in to see the many ways you can make a basic Ball jar bloom!

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  1. Ramona Puckett says:

    This is exactly what I want to do! Plan to do! Thank you so much for sharing and your photography is stunning!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Ramona!
      Thank you so much. I’m glad you enjoyed this post! Best of luck in your flower endeavors, always.
      Deb xo

  2. Marlene Capelle says:

    You are glowing in the beauty with which you surround yourself.

  3. Krista says:

    You make such beautiful flower arrangements and I love that they are all in Ball jars. I think Ball jars are great for so many crafts and projects. I recently made a centerpiece for my island using painted Ball jars. You just can’t go wrong with them. My plans for today is to finish harvesting the food from my garden and get it ready for our long winter. Winter will definitely be here before I know it. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures of your flower arrangements and giving me one last taste of summer!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Krista!
      Thank you! I’m happy you enjoyed this last taste of summer. I want to thank you for unintentionally ( or maybe it was intentional) reminding me in your comment that the word ball as it pertains to ‘Ball’ jars should be spelled with a capital B. Sometimes I get so excited about what I’m writing about that I get caught up in the moment and I miss details even after I’ve run though a piece a few times. Just ask Carol. She’ll tell you!:) I’ve gone through and corrected each ‘ Ball ‘entry!
      Happy Fall, Krista!

      • Krista says:

        Totally unintentional!! I didn’t even notice that you had them lower case. I was to wrapped up in your story to notice. I’m honestly surprised I wrote it correct lol! Glad I could help! Happy Fall.

  4. Peggy Smith says:

    Thank You for making my morning brighter as I just read your newsletter. Your flower’s brought such happiness to my soul and also reading about how great it is all working for you.
    I do have a question, when are you going to publish your book ? I would love to buy one, as a reminder that dreams can come true.
    Enjoy this wonderful Fall season.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Peggy, you are a love for remembering about my book. Spring, 2018!!! After going the traditional rt of seeking out several publishers I felt would be compatible with my topic and hitting a wall, I’ve decided to self publish. I’m a third of the way done with a publish goal for end of March, 2018. I”ll keep you posted!
      Wishing you the best of the season! Dreams do come true! Just not always how or when we think they will sometimes!
      xo Deb

  5. Cheryl Ross says:

    Love your creations! What good ideas.

  6. Marilyn says:

    Thank you for the information and suggestions.

  7. Vivian Monroe says:

    Just beautiful all the flowers, love love love the apple blossom snaps. 🙂

  8. Susan a says:

    Im curious..,how do you get people to buy flowers? I grow them all the time but city people don’t seem to buy them.

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