Preserving and “putting by”…easier than you might think!

These last lingering days of September find us busily harvesting the best of summer’s bounty…gathering, sorting, sharing, and “putting by” or “putting up” as our grandmother’s called it. Trying our best to hold onto that flavor. You know what I mean, that flavor…a warm garden tomato or the sweetness of just-picked corn. There’s nothing like farm-to-table, or better yet, backyard-to-table!

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  1. Ginny Q says:

    This was a great time to read about your canning, freezing, drying, and putting in food. I have done so much of all, I haven’t done any of it. With me in a recent brain injury (2 years ago), I read what you do, and it remembers of the things I can do, and the woman who is showing how to do, it’s an inspiration to go forward. Thank you so much for your everyday life. Mary Murray, God bless you!

    • Mary Murray says:

      Hi Ginny, it’s great to meet you! Thanks for your kind words…I definitely didn’t learn all this overnight, it’s taken a few years and I had some terrific teachers along the way. If you’re thinking you’d like to “put by” a few things, start by keeping it easy: setting aside boxes of pasta and rice is a great way to begin, tossing a few extra items in the freezer, and stocking up when markets have sales are good ways to be ready for power outages or if bad weather keeps trucks from making grocery store deliveries. Keep it simple and make it work for you! Thanks again for your kind words, Ginny, let me know how you’re coming along! Mary

  2. TheCrankyCrow says:

    You sure can make hard work look beautiful. 😉 My mother was the queen of the harvest I swear…and after growing up and being enlisted to help, I swore it off LOL. (Well, with school and then career and family, I truly didn’t have a spare moment. I did start canning a bit later (in my world, that’s what we called it – “canning” or “harvesting”) but limited it to canning tomatoes and green beens, freezing things and drying herbs. I still am shy around pressure canners after a bit of a mishap with one when I was young… In any event, I loved seeing your stores – reminds me of home and life as I once knew it. ~Robin~

    • Mary Murray says:

      Hi Robin! Thanks for always stopping by and taking time to drop a note.

      One of the best things I’ve ever heard is, “Yes, you can do it all, just not all at the same time.” There are seasons to our lives, and we can’t put in a 60-hour work week and can tomatoes every day. We want to, I know, but it’s just not possible. And that’s okay…canning those tomatoes and green beans, freezing and drying herbs now surely brings back sweet memories of your mom. And I’m cautious with pressure cookers as well…I’m one of those that checks, double-checks, and then checks again! I’m glad you liked the post…just the tales of an old-fashioned soul who’s trying to remember the simple pleasures in this hectic world we live in. Thanks again, Robin!

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