Your Vision Starts Here



If I had a ” real cow” of my own I would hug her just like this and we would wear matching outfits. I need to add this photo to my vision board. 🙂

Dear sisters,

Welcome to the virtual vision board party reveal! Today’s the day I finally get to share a few of YOUR vision boards. Come on in for some farmgirl fortune-telling! Continue reading

  1. Margaret Hofknecht says:

    I missed this because I was so busy with this and that. It’s no longer the beginning of the year but it’s still early 2018. I’m not the best collage artist but I’ve been learning about bullet journals and I think I’ll use that format instead to plot a course for this year.

  2. Laura R. says:

    Thanks, Deb, for sharing our ‘party’ and for your kind and inspiring words! And thanks again for that project idea. Fun was had by all farmgirls :))))

  3. Niki says:

    I wanted to do a vision board this year but I wrote out all my goals and inspirations in my journal/planner. And I have a thing about cutting up magazines I like lol. In the last post I saw a Victoria magazine and I cringed that you cut it up because they cost so much. I treat mine like its breakable for about 2 years. Then I will be OK to cut out things I like and put those things in a binder for keeping. Maybe my binder can count as a vision board.

  4. Susan a says:

    For a minute,,,I thought it was a real cow.,,,cool.,.reminds me of my Dick and Jane days.,, clever.

  5. These ladies’ beautiful boards continued to inspire me, and so I completed my own board…ahhh, a girl can dream! Thanks again for getting all of us motivated…a great way to begin the new year.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      That’s great, Mary! I’m so happy you made one for yourself. Thank you for reading and sharing your good news.
      xo Deb

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